ethical issues in education julianne hallstrom eled 318 fall 2009

ETHICAL ISSUES IN EDUCATION Julianne Hallstrom ELED 318 Fall 2009

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Julianne Hallstrom

ELED 318 Fall 2009

Safety and Security

Social Networking

Social networking is an interaction between a group of people who share a common interest.

Problems in Education: Failure to graduate or find a job because of material or pictures. Should I be friends with my students on networking sites?

Social Networking

Some people do not realize the consequences to placing pictures or sensitive information on the internet.

“Stacy Snyder, an English education teacher candidate at Millersville University, was denied her teaching certificate and given an English degree rather than an education degree after campus administrators discovered photos on her MySpace profile portraying her as a "drunken pirate.“ (Foulger,TS, Ewbank,2009,p.1)

Social Networking

Should I be friends with my students online?

I don’t think you should because you have to consider…

In order to get respect you have to set barriers. What kind of example are you setting for your students

online? Are you being a good role model?

There is no simple answer, the answer for you is in your ethics and beliefs.

Social Networking

This issue can be solved by….

Modeling appropriate internet behavior Integrate networking into the class

effectively and safely Make the students aware of the


Cyber Bullying

Using technology to torment, tease, and harass someone.

This is becoming a growing problems as technologies emerge.

“Cyber victims most often chose to either tell their friends or no one at all about the cyber bullying, so adults may not be aware of cyber bullying.” (Slonje, R., & Smith, P K2008p.147)

This is a PDF file that has warning signs for cyber bullying.

If you notice any of your friends with this behavior notify an adult.

Cyber Bullying

This issue can be solved by …

Modeling appropriate behavior for the internet

Address the issue in way the students understand

Find a way to open their eyes to the issue Ex) create a skit of cyber bullying and have a

discussion with the students about what happened.


The rules and understandings for net working. ALL CAPS is yelling and similes ( ) are used.

Some rules for kids are Some tips about netiquette for kids: 1. Avoid hurting someone's feelings with e-mail. 2. Respect other people's online rights. 4. If someone insults you, be calm.5. Avoid "crashing" discussion groups or forums. 6. Respect the privacy of other people. 7. Be responsible online. 8. Help other people learn more about the Net. (Boston Public Library, 2000)

If people decide not to follow these written and unwritten rules cyber bullying can begin which can lead to other mental health issues.


This issue can be solved by…

Model appropriate internet behavior Set expectations high for the students in

terms of the internet. Find a real life situation in which the

students can relate.

Digital Divide

Digital Divide

The digital division between the people that have access to the internet and the knowledge and skills to use the technology and those that do not have these skills.

The divide can be due to gender or teacher bias, socioeconomic and race, or resource equity

Digital Divide

This is a YouTube video telling about a country in India bridging the digital divide.

This is being done through projects with computers and cameras.

Gender and Teacher Bias

There have been a number of studies performed that have found teacher bias and gender bias in education.

Typically males and females are treated differently.

The biases range from text books to behavior.

Gender and Teacher Bias

Patricia Campbell and Jo Sanders (1997) surveyed science and math education professors and found that more than 90% considered gender equity an important social issue, yet they devoted less than 2 hours of instructional time per semester to the topic.” (Zittleman, K., & Sadker, D.,2002, p.168)

“Although females have made impressive strides in college attendance and in closing the math and science gap in recent years, persistent barriers remain.” (Sneller, J E ,2001,p.196)

“The 16 methods texts analyzed devoted 1.3% of their pages to gender issues. The discipline devoting the least space to the issue was reading texts.” (Zittleman, K., & Sadker, D.,2002, p.168)

Gender and Teacher Bias

“The traditional role of women in the society has kept many of them from pursuing education. This gender bias in the academic world has left a big impact on the psychological, social, emotional and intellectual conditions of the female race.” (Zittleman, K., & Sadker, D.,2002, p.168)

Teachers try not to treat boys differently from girls in the classroom but studies have shown that teachers unintentionally and unknowingly give more attention to boys than girls. (Sadker, M., & Sadker, D. ,1993, p.44)

Gender and Teacher Bias

On the previous two slides are a few quotes from a number of academic journals.

They performed studies and the quotes were their findings.

Gender and teacher bias are problems in education

By constantly evaluating one self hopefully the bias can diminish over time.

Gender and Teacher Bias

This issue can be solved by….

Having equal expectations for both genders Constantly self evaluating whether or not

you are being bias Being aware of your environment

Socioeconomic and Race

Socioeconomics is you class based on your economic and social status.

Race is the categorizing of humans based on heritable characteristics.

These are both important factors in one’s quality of education

Socioeconomic and Race

“The focus on class and education would emphasize the centrality of social class, racialized and gendered and explain growing economic inequities and the reproduction of social inequality.” (Owens, E., Song, H., & Kidd, T T,2007,p.72)

“An overall positive relationship regarding the use of technology interventions within the mathematics classroom with levels of student achievement, showing a clear signs of continued disparities within mathematics classroom.”

(Owens, E., Song, H., & Kidd, T T,2007,p.72)

Socioeconomic and Race

“Studies reveal that socioeconomic integration is more effective than pure racial balancing at improving the academic performance of poor children of all races, which also will produce a sizeable amount of racial integration. It is seen that poor children do better in middle-class schools, supported by helpful peers, parents and teachers.” (Taylor, S J,2006,p.12-2)

The quotes on the previous slide and above show the relationship between socioeconomic and education as well as race and education.

Socioeconomic and Race

This issue can be solved by…

Treating everyone equally regardless of their heritage

If the students come from a poor household, offer food or other basic needs to they can learn at school

Hold your expectations for the students high, because if you don’t the students wont strive for their best.

Resource Equity

The idea that all students have equal access to resources in order to learn to the best of their ability.

Problems in education… There is not enough funding to supply

schools with the necessary tools equally

Resource Equity

This issue can be solved by…

Better budgeting Collecting grants and donations Being active in the community

Socioeconomics, Race, Resource Equity

This is a audio clip by Ms. Medlock about technology in her seventh grade class. sure the volume is raised.

Socioeconomics, Race, Resource Equity

I found this clip to be interesting because it links socioeconomics, race and resource equity together.

I feel like this clip shows the other side of these topics we can not control.

Also, I think the technology distribution is similar in other places too.

Legal Use of Digital Media

Copyright and Fair Use

The problem in education concerning copy right and fair use is…

When is it okay to use copyrighted material?

How long can I use it? Is it considered plagiarism?

Copyright and Fair Use

Criteria for fair use “the purpose and character of the use,

including whether such use of a commercial nature of is for non profit educational purposes

The nature of the copyright work The amount and substantiality of the portions

used in relation to the copy righted work as a whole

The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work” (Bitter,Legacy,2005 p. 243)

Copyright and Fair Use

This issue can be solved by….

Following the criteria for fair use If you know it is wrong don’t do it Avoid plagiarism!


We can over come the ethical issues in education if the education community would unite and come to a consensus on these topics.

There are so many different opinion on each of the topics

By uniting we could eliminate these problems so the students receive the best education possible.


Foulger, T S, Ewbank, A. D., Kay, A., Popp, S. O., & Carter, H. L. (Fall 2009). Moral Spaces in MySpace: preservice teachers' perspectives about ethical issues in social networking.  Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42, 1. p.1(28). Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Slonje, R., & Smith, P K (April 2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying?.  Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 2. p.147(8). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Slonje, R., & Smith, P K (April 2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying?.  Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 2. p.147(8). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Sources The Boston Public Library, BPL. (2000, June). Netiquette for kids. Retrieved from Foulger, T S, Ewbank, A. D., Kay, A., Popp, S. O., & Carter, H. L. (Fall 2009). Moral Spaces in MySpace:

preservice teachers' perspectives about ethical issues in social networking.  Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42, 1. p.1(28). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Zittleman, K., & Sadker, D. (March-April 2002). Gender bias in teacher education texts: new (and old) lessons.  Journal of Teacher Education, 53, 2. p.168(13). Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Sneller, J E (Winter 2001). The New '3Rs': gender and the science and engineering classroom.  Academic Exchange Quarterly, 5, 4. p.196(7). Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:  

Rupp, R. (July-August 1994 n64). Do girls really lose their academic edge as teens?.  Utne Reader, n64. p.20(2). Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale: Sadker, M., & Sadker, D. (March 1993). Fair and square: creating a nonsexist classroom.  Instructor (1990), 102, n7. p.44(5). Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Slonje, R., & Smith, P K (April 2008). Cyberbullying: Another main type of bullying?.  Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 49, 2. p.147(8). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Bennett, M M (July-August 2008). Understanding the students we teach: poverty in the classroom.  The Clearing House, 81, 6. p.251(6). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:


Owens, E., Song, H., & Kidd, T T (Oct-Dec 2007). Re-examining the socioeconomic factors affecting technology use in mathematics classroom practices.  International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 2, 4. p.72(16). Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Taylor, S J (Dec 9, 2006). A different way to integrate schools.  National Journal, 38, 49. p.12-2. Retrieved December 18, 2009, from Academic OneFile via Gale:

Bitter, Gary, & Legacy, Jane. (2005). Using Technology in the classroom. New York, New York: Allyn & Bacon.