ethics for human survival

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  • 8/3/2019 Ethics for Human Survival


    Jamiline Marie C. Lebrilla


    Ethics for Human Survival

    Human beings are obsessed with the idea of right and

    wrong, good and evil. And throughout history, they have

    created standards by which to judge themselves and their

    actions. These standards can be ones own feelings, the

    norms of a society, its traditions, religion, or the laws

    of a state. For many, these can be taken as their own

    moral standard, a set of rules by which societies

    proscribe. However, two societies with different beliefs or

    moral standards cant both be right. This is why certain

    religions like the Muslims and the Christians have created

    an omnipotent, omniscient, and all-powerful being called

    Allah for the former, and God for the latter, to be

    arbiters of good and evil, right and wrong, with absolute


    However, I believe that in the era we live in, we are

    gradually moving away from this idea or belief in an

    absolute authority, and if you take it away, what you are

    left with, are societies with their subjective beliefs

    Samuel Huntington claimed that after the Cold War,

    wars would no longer be between state versus state, but

    culture versus culture. Conflicting traditions, norms, and

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    morals would result in cultural clashes. This is already

    happening now in our time. In Sudan alone, where they have

    Christians, Muslims, and those practicing Sudanese

    religions rubbing elbows with each other, tensions are

    incredibly high. Even the Cold War was not purely

    political, or a grab for power, it was also moral, as the

    morals of liberal states in NATO, where incredibly

    different from the morals of communist states within the

    Warsaw Pact. What can we assume from this, except that a

    world where there is not one objective moral standard is

    doomed to chaos? The current existence of moral standards

    is nothing but a plushy blanket. It has no real leg to

    stand on.

    Chaos, however, is the reason why morals are

    necessary. A moral standard institutes certain rules which

    everyone understands, and know they must live by. Such an

    understanding makes for a more peaceful society and

    increases the survival of the humanity. However, what is

    necessary in this day and age, are morals which set the

    standard for the whole planet. As long as such a standard

    is nonexistent, chaos, or warring, is the default scenario

    on Earth.

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    Concept of Man

    Man is inherently self-interested. His actions are

    guided by what he assumes will give him the highest self-

    satisfaction. Goals can range from small to large, with

    feelings ranging from a small sense of pleasure, to an ever

    flowing ecstasy of triumph. He may weigh possible actions

    from short-term, to long-term benefit; however, what it

    still boils down to is self-satisfaction.

    Man is also an irrational being. Though he has a

    brain, and the ability to think logically and reasonably,

    emotions inevitably get in the way of rational thinking and

    lead him to commit foolish mistakes. Therefore, man is

    predisposed to be stupid. Because, what else would you call

    it if a man already knows the right action to do, but is

    inclined to do the opposite?

    From this, we can see that man is a foolish being.

    This is why, of all sins, the greatest sin of a man is to

    allow his irrationality to take control of him. Man must

    always try to be rational. Sometimes, this means trying to

    appear irrational on the surface, in order to adhere to the

    irrationality of a society. Galileo Galilei was killed

    because he could not keep his rationality to himself.

    Religion is also the most organized industry of

    irrationality in the world.

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    It is hard, however, to always know what a rational or

    irrational action is. I submit then, that the only rational

    standard is racial survival. This is the prime function of

    any society. All societies are based on rules to protect

    pregnant women and young children. There is no other

    universal morality possible. Attempts to create a perfect

    society on any foundation other than women and children

    first is automatically genocidal. Against this standard,

    survival of the, rational decisions must be made.

    I believe in right and wrong, but not good and evil.

    History has shown that the separation between these two

    concepts is as muddied as a sinkhole. There is never just

    black and white, but only grey. However, I do know that

    from birth, I have been subconsciously influenced to

    subscribe to a certain worldview, with all its attendant

    biases and irrationalities. Therefore, there is one moral

    standard in one society, which supersedes another, though

    they all agree that survival is the end goal.

    In trying to dispense all other surplus beliefs, I

    submit that one must always make sure to act, without

    hurting anyone unnecessarily, in the achievement of

    survival. When I say unnecessary, one must look at

    necessary hurts. First, you think of it at the level of

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    individual risk to your person, if the other is not hurt

    necessarily. Next, you must think of it at the level of

    family, then of a larger group such as a tribe or a

    community, then of your state, then of the human race.

    Despite survival of the human race being the endpoint,

    realistically, this is how humans think of matters

    pertaining to them. Again, self-interest rules, despite the

    fact that individually, mans chances for survival

    dwindles. This is why collective security between states

    is necessary. Are the pains towards individuals or groups

    necessary? If a man enjoys hurting anyone unnecessarily,

    then it is action without purpose and is irrational.

    In actions against others, whether it be preventive or

    preemptive defense does not matter. A man is required to

    choose an action guaranteed to produce the highest

    percentage of success. If you see that defeat is

    inevitable, then you must run. It is better to be a live

    coward than a dead hero.

    With regard to Man in its entirety as the human race,

    they are morally required to act in ways which improve the

    human race, or heighten its chances for survival as a

    whole, must be done. Even human experimentation can be

    justified according to this concept. If improvement in

    human evolution heightens survival, then it must be done.

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    Ideal State

    The government is not required to do good, only that

    it must refrain from doing evil. Any policy can be seen as

    evil or good from any standpoint. A state must only ensure

    that it refrains from doing evil as much as possible.

    My ideal state would be one which encompasses the

    entire planet, and one wherein all people subscribe to only

    one set of rules, norms, traditions, or morals. This

    ensures that a conflict of understanding would not happen.

    In the current status-quo, an organization which has

    international membership would be the United Nations. In my

    ideal state, the UN would be the world government, with the

    Prime (topmost leader), voted on by council members. These

    council members are heads of the various sectors in which

    Earth has now been divided by. These council members, in

    turn, are chosen, not by the vote of the citizens, but

    through a system of tests who are composed of several

    hundred levels, each level becoming more difficult than the

    one before it. Each test is tailor fitted for the purpose

    of administration. This would ensure that sector leaders

    are actually experts in administration, and not mere

    winners due to overabundant amounts of charisma, as is

    possible in a voting system.

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    In turn, the underlings below these sector leaders are

    chosen, according to the tests they have passed. Positions

    within this world state are chosen purely by merit. And by

    the time they reach sector leader position, they would have

    had more than enough practical application. As long as they

    perform well, they cannot be replaced. This ensures that

    people in government positions will think of more long-term

    policies. And since they are no longer dependent upon the

    votes of the citizenry, they will not spend their time and

    money on projects that cater to these prospective voters.

    However, since the politicians are no longer dependent

    upon votation, they may not take the choices of the

    citizens into account. Which is why, through votation,

    citizens in a certain sector are allowed to depose a

    politician in that sector as long as the majority have

    voted against him.

    In order to ensure that citizens do not become to

    enamored with their sector, and start constructing an

    otherness mindset, which can result in sector to sector

    conflict, or war, citizens are required to migrate to

    another sector every six years. In this way, there will

    emerge a mindset of themselves as global citizenry,

    instead of citizens of just one state.

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  • 8/3/2019 Ethics for Human Survival


    irrationality in the world. They make people forget and

    become self-destructive. This is because these morals teach

    people to have a screwed-up set of priorities. If their

    self-interest is controlled by irrational morals, then the

    human race is doomed to be constantly in conflict.