ethnoarchaeology bibliographyndavid/homepage/ethnarkybib.pdfarchaeology 5: 309-22. ea/ aus/ hunt/...

ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY Nicholas David 04/10/22 Aberle, D.F. 1970. Comments on Longacre's "Reconstructing prehistoric Pueblo societies". In Reconstructing prehistoric Pueblo societies, W.A. Longacre (ed.), pp. 214-33. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico. ar/ nam/ styl/ Southwest/ Pueblo Abrams, E. 1984. Replicative experimentation at Copan, Honduras: implications for ancient economic specialization. Journal of New World Archaeology 6 (2): 39-48. ex/ mam/ prod/ Honduras/ specialization Abu Zahra, N. 2002. Isis and al-Sayyida Zaynab: links to Ancient Egypt. In Moving matters: ethnoarchaeology in the Near East (Proceedings of the International Seminar held at Cairo 7-10 December 1998), W. Wendrich and G. van der Kooij (eds.), pp. 215-24. Leiden/Cairo: Research School of Asian, African, and Amerindian Studies, Universiteit Leiden/Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut. ea/ naf/ ideo/ Egypt Ackerman, K.J., D.J. Killick, E.W. Herbert, and C. Kriger. 1999. A study of iron smelting at Lopanzo, Equateur province, Zaïre. Journal of Archaeological Science 26: 1135-43. ea/ saf/ metl/ iron/ smelting/ Zaire Ackerman, R.E. 1970. Archaeoethnology, ethnoarchaeology and the problems of past cultural patterning. In Ethnohistory of southwestern Alaska and the southern Yukon: method and content, M. Lantis (ed.), pp. 11- 47. Studies in Anthropology, 7. Louisville: University of Kentucky. ea/ nam/ theo Ackerman, R.E. and L. Ackerman. 1973. Ethnoarchaeological interpretations of territoriality and land use in southwestern Alaska. Ethnohistory 20 (4): 315-34. ea/ nam/ setl/ Alaska/ Arctic Adams, E.C. 1983. The architectural analogue to Hopi social organization and room use, and implications for prehistoric northern Southwestern culture. American Antiquity 48: 44-61. ar/ nam/ spac/ Hopi/ Southwest/ Walpi/ anal Adams, J.L. 1993. Toward understanding the technological development of manos and metates. The Kiva 58 (3): 331-44. ex/ nam/ lith/ ground stone ———. 1996. Manual for a technological approach to ground stone analysis.Tucson: Center for Desert Archaeology. ex/ nam/ lith/ ground stone Adams, R.M. 1965. Land behind Baghdad.Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ar/ swa/ Iraq ———. 1981. Heartland of cities.Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ar/ swa/ Iraq Adams, R.M., and H.J. Nissen. 1972. The Uruk countryside.Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ar/ swa/ Iraq Adams, W.Y. 1973. An ethnoarchaeological study of a rural American community: Silcott, Washington, 1900-1930. Ethnohistory 20 (4): 335-46. eh/ nam/ Silcott/ 'ethnoarchaeology' ———. 1975. Archaeology of the recent past: Silcott, Washington, 1900-1930. Northwest Anthropological Research Notes 9 (1): 156-65. ar/ nam/ Silcott ———. 1977. Silcott, Washington: ethnoarchaeology of a rural American community.Pullman: Laboratory of Anthropology, Washington State University. eh/ nam/ Silcott/ 'ethnoarchaeology' ———. 1980. Waverly Plantation: ethnoarchaeology of a tenant farming community.Washington, D.C.: National Technical Information Service. eh/ nam/ Waverly/ 'ethnoarchaeology' ———. 1982. Ethnography and archaeology of an American farming community: Silcott, Washington. In

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Page 1: ETHNOARCHAEOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHYndavid/Homepage/ethnarkybib.pdfArchaeology 5: 309-22. ea/ aus/ hunt/ aborigines/ cereals/ Bagundji/ Australia ———. 1996. Ethnography and prehistoric



Aberle, D.F. 1970. Comments on Longacre's "Reconstructing prehistoric Pueblo societies". In Reconstructingprehistoric Pueblo societies, W.A. Longacre (ed.), pp. 214-33. Albuquerque: University of New nam/ styl/ Southwest/ Pueblo

Abrams, E. 1984. Replicative experimentation at Copan, Honduras: implications for ancient economicspecialization. Journal of New World Archaeology 6 (2): 39-48. ex/ mam/ prod/ Honduras/ specialization

Abu Zahra, N. 2002. Isis and al-Sayyida Zaynab: links to Ancient Egypt. In Moving matters: ethnoarchaeology inthe Near East (Proceedings of the International Seminar held at Cairo 7-10 December 1998), W. Wendrichand G. van der Kooij (eds.), pp. 215-24. Leiden/Cairo: Research School of Asian, African, and AmerindianStudies, Universiteit Leiden/Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut. ea/ naf/ ideo/ Egypt

Ackerman, K.J., D.J. Killick, E.W. Herbert, and C. Kriger. 1999. A study of iron smelting at Lopanzo, Equateurprovince, Zaïre. Journal of Archaeological Science 26: 1135-43. ea/ saf/ metl/ iron/ smelting/ Zaire

Ackerman, R.E. 1970. Archaeoethnology, ethnoarchaeology and the problems of past cultural patterning. InEthnohistory of southwestern Alaska and the southern Yukon: method and content, M. Lantis (ed.), pp. 11-47. Studies in Anthropology, 7. Louisville: University of Kentucky. ea/ nam/ theo

Ackerman, R.E. and L. Ackerman. 1973. Ethnoarchaeological interpretations of territoriality and land use insouthwestern Alaska. Ethnohistory 20 (4): 315-34. ea/ nam/ setl/ Alaska/ Arctic

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