ethnographic video games

Ethnographic Video Games LORINA NAVARRO [email protected] UGAT Conference 2014 // baguio city, philippines Using games for ethnographic representations GELVEZON-TEQUI, OFELIA. VISIONS OF A BODHISATTVA 1999. BULWAGAN NG DANGAL. HTTP://GELVEZON-TEQUI.VITENET.COM/GALLERY/2002-EXHIBIT.HTML

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Presentation delivered at the 2014 Ugnayang Pang-Agham Tao Conference in Baguio City, Philippines. For notes, questions or comments, email me at [email protected]


Page 1: Ethnographic Video Games

Ethnographic Video Games


navarro. lor ina@gmai l .com

UGAT Conference 2014 / / baguio ci ty, phi l ippines

U s i ng g a m e s fo r e thno g ra p h i c re p re s e nta t i o ns

G E L V E Z O N - T E Q U I , O F E L I A . V I S I O N S O F A B O D H I S A T T V A 1 9 9 9 . B U L W A G A N N G D A N G A L . H T T P : / / G E L V E Z O N - T E Q U I . V I T E N E T . C O M / G A L L E R Y / 2 0 0 2 - E X H I B I T . H T M L

Page 2: Ethnographic Video Games

My name is Lorina, and I am a gamer

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About the Gaming Industry

$75.2 billion dollars in expected global revenue (2014)

59% of Americans play videogames

48% of gamers are women

The average gamer is 31 years old

H T T P : / / W W W . T H E E S A . C O M / F A C T S / P D F S / E S A _ E F _ 2 0 1 4 . P D FH T T P : / / W W W . N E W Z O O . C O M / I N F O G R A P H I C S / G L O B A L - G A M E S - M A R K E T - R E P O R T - I N F O G R A P H I C S /

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Games cut across classes, genders and geographies.

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Serious Games

Urban Planning

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Social impact games

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Papers, Please

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Anthropology and Games

Cultural meanings of “play”

Ethnographies of gaming communities

“The virtual borrows from the real, but the real is also virtual“Tom Boelstorff

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A card from Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson’s board game “Democracies and Dictators”

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Video Games made by Anthropologists?

As far as I know: none

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What is a Game?

“A game is an activity defined by rules in which players try to reach some sort of goal.”

“A video game is a cultural object, bound by history and materiality, consisting of an electronic computational device and a game simulated in software.”

-Alexander Galloway, “Gaming: Essays on Algorithmic Culture”

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Other Characteristics of Video Games

They are action-based (Galloway, 2007)

They represent a subset of reality (Crawford, 1982)

They carry beliefs within their representation systems and mechanics (Flanagan, 2009)

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How will games provide a different type of ethnography?

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Immersive, affective & embodied

Actively engages player decisions

Represents player in many ways (“subjective shot”, avatars)

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Visual and sensory

Haptics, motion-sensing, virtual reality and more to come!

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Adds depth and validity to games

Anito, a Philippine-developed game set in 16th century Philippines

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(1) a system that involves players, actions and rules

(2) enriched by experience-near interpretations of culture and

(3) informed by anthropological theory

Ethnographic Video Game

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Poetic and Political

Not an “objective” account of culture

Must balance cultural authenticity with artistry

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Game must be designed in collaboration with informants

Must allow subjects to be co-creators

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Never Alone Based on Inupiaq folklore

Done in collaboration with the Inupiaq tribal council

Game contains videos and insights from Inupiaq community

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Represents the underrepresented

Include different voices

Challenge power structures

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Interpretive and Reflexive

Not just a simulation, but must have interpretation & theory

Need to disclose author’s biases somehow

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Final words

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Tools for making games

Examples: Games Factory, Game Maker, Scratch, Twine

Dys4ia, Anna Anthropy. Made with Games Factory

Games Factory Twine

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Multidisciplinary Approach

Work with game designers, programmers, artists, etc.

Learn from Game Design, e.g., creating game prototypes

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Problematizing representations

The spatial, temporal, the kinetic, the affective, the sensual, the material

Experiment with the “grammar” of games to get message across

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[email protected]