
APPLICATION FORM GOVERNMENT PRIMARY & SECONDARY 571 VISA (SCHOOLS) Email application and supporting documents to: [email protected] 1. Personal Details Family name Given names Preferred name Date of birth (DD/MM/YY) Sex (Male/Female) Home Address (outside Australia) Telephone Fax Mobile Email Local Address in Australia (if applicable) Telephone Fax Mobile 2. Language What is your first language? What language is spoken at home? Are you studying English anywhere before commencing studies at a Government Primary or Secondary school? Yes No If Yes where? How long? Country of birth Nationality (as shown on your passport) Passport number Do you already hold an Australian Visa? Yes No Visa Expiry Date Visa Type 3. Citizenship Please tick the level of schooling at which you seek admission. Please note that in Western Australia children are placed in the Year group appropriate for their age. Children commence schooling at Year 1 when they are 6 years old. Primary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Secondary Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11* Year 12* Number of years student wishes to enrol for: Commencement Date for studies (It is vital you complete this so the placing can be arranged) *List schools in order of preference: As this program runs on spare capacity it is important you identify at least 3 schools. (1) (2) (3) (4) 4. Enrolment Overseas Contact Numbers (country code/area code/number) 5. Previous Education 6. Special Needs Please attach transcripts of your most recent schooling results Highest Education Year Country Name of School Year level studied Period of Study Have you studied at another school in Australia before coming to Education & Training International? Yes No If Yes, Year Name of School Year level studied Period of Study Have you been at this institution longer than 12 months? Yes No If no – you will need to provide a release letter Do you have Overseas Health Cover with this institution? Yes No Expiry Date Do you have a physical disability or learning difficulty that may require additional programs, equipment or support? Yes No (Please refer to Page 16 of this handbook for clarification) * No student will be enrolled into term 4 of year 11 or year 12 223 Vincent Street, West Perth 6005 Perth Western Australia Tel: 618 9227 5538 | Fax: 618 9227 5540 Email: [email protected] Please fax/post application to:

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6. Special Needs 2. Language 5. Previous Education 1. Personal Details Do you have a physical disability or learning difficulty that may require additional programs, equipment or support? Yes No (Please refer to Page 16 of this handbook for clarification) What is your first language? What language is spoken at home? Do you already hold an Australian Visa? Yes No Visa Expiry Date Visa Type 4. Enrolment 3. Citizenship Sex (Male/Female) Date of birth (DD/MM/YY) Family name Email


Page 1: ETI_App


571 VISA (SCHOOLS)Emai l app l i cat ion and suppor t ing documents to : admiss [email protected]

1. Persona l Deta i l s

Fami ly name

Given names Prefer red name

Date of b i r th (DD/MM/YY) Sex (Male/Female)

Home Address (outs ide Aust ra l ia)

Te lephone Fax Mobi le

Emai l

Loca l Address in Aust ra l ia ( i f app l i cab le)

Te lephone Fax Mobi le2. Language

What i s your f i r s t language? What language i s spoken at home?

Are you s tudy ing Eng l i sh anywhere before commenc ing s tud ies at a Government Pr imar y or Secondar y schoo l? Yes No

I f Yes where? How long?

Count r y of b i r th

Nat iona l i ty (as shown on your passpor t) Passpor t number

Do you a l ready ho ld an Aust ra l ian V isa? Yes No V isa Exp i r y Date V isa Type

3. C i t izensh ip

Please t i ck the leve l o f schoo l ing at which you seek admiss ion. P lease note that in Western Aust ra l ia ch i ld ren are p laced in the Year group appropr ia te fo r the i r age. Ch i ld ren commence school ing at Year 1 when they are 6 years o ld .

Primary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7

Secondary Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11* Year 12*

Number of years s tudent wishes to enro l fo r :

Commencement Date fo r s tud ies ( I t i s v i ta l you complete th is so the p lac ing can be ar ranged)

*Lis t schools in order of preference: As th is program runs on spare capaci ty i t i s important you ident i fy at least 3 schools .

(1) (2) (3) (4)

4. Enro lment

Overseas Contact Numbers(count r y code/area code/number)

5. Prev ious Educat ion

6. Spec ia lNeeds

Please at tach transcr ipts of your most recent school ing resul ts

Highest Educat ion Year Count r y

Name of School Year leve l s tud ied Per iod of Study

Have you s tud ied at another schoo l in Aust ra l ia before coming to Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l? Yes No

I f Yes, Year Name of School

Year leve l s tud ied Per iod of Study

Have you been at th i s ins t i tu t ion longer than 12 months? Yes No I f no – you wi l l need to prov ide a re lease le t te r

Do you have Overseas Heal th Cover wi th th is ins t i tu t ion? Yes No Exp i r y Date

Do you have a phys ica l d i sab i l i ty or learn ing d i f f i cu l ty that may requ i re add i t iona l p rograms, equ ipment or suppor t? Yes No

(P lease re fer to Page 16 of th is handbook for c la r i f i ca t ion)

* No s tudent wi l l be enro l led in to

te rm 4 of year 11 or year 12

223 Vincent Street, West Perth 6005Perth Western Australia

Tel: 618 9227 5538 | Fax: 618 9227 5540

Email: [email protected]

Please fax/post application to:

Page 2: ETI_App

9. Secondar y School Wel fa re Ar rangements

10. Agent Dec la rat ion and Deta i l s

11. Dec la rat ion

8. Pr imar y School Wel fa re Ar rangements

Students enro l l ing in to a Government Primary School must be accompanied to Per th wi th a parent fo r the durat ion of the i r s tud ies . Students enro l l ing in to a Government Secondary School can nominate a b lood re la t ive over the age of 21 to be the i r Guard ian ( th is can be parents , g randparents , aunt , unc le , b rother or s i s te r) , p lease be adv ised i f choos ing th is opt ion Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l wi l l not be i ssu ing a wel fa re le t te r fo r v i sa purposes, the fami ly are to contact Immigrat ion d i rec t . A l te rnat ive ly Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l can ar range a loca l carer and homestay fami ly on your beha l f , Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l wi l l then i ssue the wel fa re le t te r fo r the s tudent . P lease complete the be low School Wel fa re Ar rangements .

7. Care & Wel fare Ar rangements

Informat ion prov ided by the app l i cant may be made ava i lab le to State and Commonweal th agenc ies and parents and guard ians. I ce r t i fy that the in format ion on th is fo rm and suppor t ing documentat ion are complete and cor rec t . I acknowledge that the prov is ion of incor rec t in format ion or documentat ion or the wi thho ld ing of in format ion or documentat ion re la t ing to my app l i cat ion may resu l t in the cance l la t ion of my enro lment .

By s ign ing th is app l i cat ion form I agree to the fo l lowing:

• Ensure that my ch i ld remains in the care of the nominated loca l carer / guard ian as agreed by Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l

• Be responsib le for any return a i r fares, l iv ing expenses and any addi t ional costs assoc iated with my chi ld at tending a Government school .

• At tend school in accordance wi th the Aust ra l ian Government s tudent v i sa po l i cy.

• Ab ide by the po l i c ies of the Depar tment of Educat ion & Tra in ing Western Aust ra l ia and the schoo l a t which I wi l l be enro l led.

App l i cant ’s Name ( i f enter ing Secondar y schoo l ing)

Signature Date

Parent ’s Name (th is fo rm wi l l not be processed un less s igned by the parent)

Parents S ignature

Re lat ionsh ip to Student (mother / father)

Complet ion and lodgment of th i s fo rm does not necessar i ly guarantee you a p lace in Western Aust ra l ia Government School .

*I f these sect ions are not completed the app l i cat ion wi l l be re turned.

We have nominated a loca l carer/guard ian for our ch i ld Yes No (Complete be low deta i l s)

We requ i re Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l to nominate a loca l carer / guard ian for our ch i ld Yes No

(Students wi l l then be p laced in Homestay wi th the loca l carer / guard ian for the durat ion of the i r s tay – more in format ion wi l l fo l low on the fami ly deta i l s once the enro lment has been conf i rmed)

Complete i f parents have nominated a loca l carer / guard ian: (P lease note: ET I wi l l not be i ssu ing a wel fa re le t te r i f th i s opt ion i s p i cked. Contact Immigrat ion D i rec t)

Name of Loca l carer / guard ian

Relat ionsh ip to s tudent (must be a b lood re la t ive)

Address in Per th

Te lephone Number Emai l address

Do you requ i re a i rpor t p i ckup f rom Per th In ternat iona l A i rpor t? Yes No There i s an add i t iona l cost of $55.00 per person

I of conf i rm that I have counse l led and br ie f the app l i cant

about ET I po l i c ies and procedures and the te rms and cond i t ions re la ted to th is app l i cat ion in accordance wi th our agent agreement wi th

Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l .

Agent Name Agent Te lephone Number

Agent Fax Number Agent Emai l Address

Would you prefer of fe r le t te r Faxed Emai led

My Ch i ld wi l l be res id ing in Western Aust ra l ia fo r the durat ion of h is/her s tudent v i sa wi th:

Mothers Name Mothers S ignature

or Fathers Name Fathers S ignature

I unders tand that I cannot under any c i r cumstances leave my ch i ld in the care of any other persons. Fa i lu re to ab ide by the loca l carer

agreement , set by Educat ion & Tra in ing Internat iona l wi l l resu l t in your enro lment be ing cance l led. You wi l l be sent a wel fa re fo rm to be

completed wi th the of fe r le t te r i f your ch i ld i s success fu l in obta in ing a p lace.

Please note: