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ETS News July


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3 May. Bistritz.--Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1 st May,

arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at

6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a

wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of it from the

train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to

go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would

start as near the correct time as possible.

I find that the district he named is in the extreme east of the

country, just on the borders of three states, Transylvania,

Moldavia, and Bukovina, in the midst of the Carpathian

mountains; one of the wildest and least known portions of


I was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact

locality of the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this

country as yet to compare with our own Ordance Survey

Maps; but I found that Bistritz, the post town named by Count

Dracula, is a fairly well-known place. I shall enter here some

ofmy notes, as they may refresh my memory when I talk over

my travels with Mina.

The women looked pretty, except when you got near them,

but they were very clumsy about the waist. They had all full

white sleeves of some kind or other, and most of them had big

belts with a lot of strips of something fluttering from them

like the dresses in a ballet, but of course there were petticoats

4 3

3 All About Mind ControlKevin Brown on headsets that monitor brain activity and

other things about interactive control devices.

All About Mind Control3

UX Insight5Kevin Brown on headsets that monitor brain activity and

other things about interactive control devices.

Smarter Planet7Kevin Brown on headsets that monitor brain activity and

other things about interactive control devices.

Streams Processing8Kevin Brown on headsets that monitor brain activity and

other things about interactive control devices.

Emerging Technology Archive10Kevin Brown on headsets that monitor brain activity and

other things about interactive control devices.

Q&A12Kevin Brown on headsets that monitor brain activity and

other things about interactive control devices.

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S 117Customers through the lab.

22Papers published.


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UX NotesG O I N G A G A I N S T T H E R U L E S

"We're looking to fix the interface and

sort of make it a bit more flashy" is the

kind of introduction I often receive

when joining a new project. I'm not a

graphic designer, nor any kind of

qualified user interface expert. I'm not

even really a proper front end

developer, but over the years I've built

up a reputation for working on web

based user interfaces. The whole area

tends to be considered as something of a

black art, something that cannot be

learned. While taste may be innate and

there is little substitute for experience,

there are tricks that can be used to

create decent user interfaces. Be it in

terms of usability or aesthetic appeal,

using these patterns is how I’m able to

cheat at designing user interfaces. The

most interesting projects, however, are

the ones where the patterns do not fit,

where genuine innovation and ingenuity

has to be used to create the interface.

The sort of projects that Emerging

Technology Services work on.

Often it’s the patterns and experience

from other websites that help to inform

the design of new ones. Blogs, for

example, all tend to follow a similar

interface design: a vertically scrolling

list of date ordered posts; links to tags;

links to other blogs; search bar. It’s a

sensible design, almost a de-facto

standard, which users are familiar with.

It’s not surprising that many sites follow

a similar theme. The same is true in

other web application niches, be it

photo sharing, news publications, help

forums or social network sites. The

majority of websites I’ve worked on are

variations one of these existing classes,

but occasionally you get to work on

something completely different, where

there is no existing pattern to fall back

on, that was the case with

Meedan are a US non profit

organisation whose aim is to improve

tolerance and understanding between

the English and Arabic speaking parts of

the world. I was part of an ETS team

that spent two years working with them

to get their application up and running.

There were many technical and cultural

challenges on the project, but it was the

user interface that generated the biggest

technical challenges, the most heated

discussion and required the most effort

from IBM and Meedan.

The application needed to

do two things, act as a matchmaker,

bringing English and Arabic speaking

people together and then translating

between the two languages for them.

We knew that just randomly bringing

people together wouldn’t work, they

need to have some context and basis to

have a discussion in. We wanted to use

world events to be this spark, be it

internationally important news, or

things with a much more local and

personal significance to the people

using the site. From the user interface

side we needed a way to represent these

events and allow our users to find them.

Geography was such an important part

of the whole idea of Meedan that dots

on a map seemed like an obvious place

to start. In fact Meedan’s original logo

was made up ofmap dots.

If you were using the standard patterns

for an event site, or maybe a photo

sharing site, dots on a map would be

your starting point. They represent the

data and people understand what they

mean. So that’s what we did, the frontpa

ge had a large Google based map, with

dots representing the events. Clicking

through would take you to more detail

about that event where discussion could

take place. The problem was the pattern.

People came to the the website and it

looked like an event site. The sort of

place you might find where a band are

playing or where a conference is.

Meedan was using events, but it wasn’t

really what the site was about. In

usability terms, the Google map didn’t

offer the right affordances, it was not

something users saw as a place to start

a discussion. It wasn’t necessarily using

a map that was the problem, it was that

we were using the most commonly used

map on the Internet.

Meedan decided that they wanted to

look at using a 3D maps, largely as a

way of differentiating from the

thousands of other map based web sites.

The "spiny globe problem” as it was

affectionately known, became a

contentious issue. While it looked great

and would have attracted a lot of

attention, it's actually less usable than a

2D map. You can't see all of the world

at the same time on a globe, it's harder

to make visual comparisons and how

ever slick you make the controls, they

can be fiddly to manipulate. The

technical implications also meant that

users accessing the site with older

hardware or limited bandwidth

(something particularly important when

attracting people from some areas of

the Middle East) would have had a

reduced experience. Reluctantly we

dropped the 3D map and compromised

to a custom 2D map that would allow

us to control the look and feel.

Our early alpha testers highlightedanoth

er problem with our use of maps in the

interface. All the events they wanted to

discuss tended to have a geographic

location, but not one that could be

represented by a simple dot. How, for

example, do you mark “climate

change”, or “middle east conflict” with

a dot on a map? Where would you put

User interface design often follows standard design patterns,

but they're not always right for every project. Darren Shaw talks

about the difficulties with maps and translation on a

multilingual and mulitcultural project.

How do you mark “climate change”, or

“middle east conflict” with a dot on a

map? Where do you put it?

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it? We also had different aspects of

location that seemed important. Where

the event is, where physically the user

discussing it is and where they consider

themselves from. They are subtle, but

important differences and different users

took their location to mean different

things. Add to this we also had concerns

about revealing a user’s location.

We wanted the people that use Meedan

to feel as free as possible to have the

discussion they want to have. In some

countries, showing their location on a

map could be reckless. It’s not good

enough just to mark them with some

random error factor. A fuzzy dot with 20

miles of error may be good enough to

anonymise someone in London, but not

if that person is in the middle of

nowhere with the only Internet

connection for miles. An extreme case

perhaps, but something the project could

not risk.

Despite these problems, we wanted to

make use of user location because it

would allow us to do things like show

the views on an event from a certain

region, compared with those from

another. In developing the user

interface, there’s often a balance to be

had between functionality and

simplicity. Adding more features tends

to increase the complexity of the

interface. We went for the simplest

approach of allowing users to define

their own location (rather than any

automated system).

Users of the system should be allowed

to define their location however they

want, so we provided a free text entry

box where they could type their

location. It might be that they entered a

country, a city, a specific street address,

or none at all. We did not mandate the

format or the language they had to use.

This free form text location was

displayed on their profile page. Behind

the scenes we developed an algorithm to

read the free text location and try and

resolve it to a specific geographic

location. Anything that the machine

could not resolve was sent to a human

administrator to do. The interface

showed the user this resolved location,

indicating where on the map their

content would be shown from.

The cross culture nature of the site did

What's your role?I build web applications. Recently I've had more of a focus on front

end user interfaces and data visualisation, but over the ten years in

the job I've worked on the backend side too, developing the core

application logic and databases.

What are you working on now?I'm developing a dashboard for monitoring data coming in from

sensors. Its part of a research project to do with the management of

sensor networks, developing middleware that will allow people to

make the most efficient use of their sensors. It's aimed at the

miliatary initially, but the ideas and the technology is applicable to

all kinds of different fields.

I'm also playing with some ideas around a virtual mirror, using

augmented reality to let people try clothes on, without the hassle of

going to a changing room. It's been tried before, but never

completely successfully.

What's been the best thing you've done in ETS?I was part of the team that built from the ground up. I

was at the first meeting where Meedan was a single person

organisation with a CEO and nothing else. We spent two years

building up the technology, but also the business with them. I still

see discussions and ideas built on things we came up with in the

original meeting. Meedan was staffed by technologists from the

startups of San Francisco. The culture clash of them coming together

with IBM and it's ways of doing things was at times draining, but we

made it work and ultimately all gained from the experience. The

project really showed the best of IBM when it puts a good team

together and invests in an idea.

E X P E R T V I E W b y D a r r e n S h a w

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present some interesting political

problems relating to location, geography

being at the heart of many conflicts.

Disputed territories around Palestine

and Israel, for example, go under

different names depending on which

side of the argument you are on.

Allowing users to set the text that

represents their location solves this to

some extent, but we were still left with

the accepted names on maps. There is

also the problem of translation, some

smaller towns and villages have no

known English or Arabic versions of

their names. When these locations were

used, a request was sent to Meedan’s

team of human translators to provide


One of the things that we learned

through this project was that the clever

algorithms don’t need to be 100%

perfect in terms of geolocation. If they

can cope with 99% of cases, there’s

nothing wrong with having some human

input to fix and improve things. This

was an approach that we took both to

location and translation.

Maps and location were important to

Meedan, but the real difference with the

organisation and with the interface was

in language translation. There are many

multilingual websites, but the pattern

they generally follow is to allow the

user to set the display language, so the

site could be in English, or in Arabic,

for example. Meedan wanted to show

that both languages where at its core

and that translation was what the

website was really about. We wanted

this to shine through in the actual user

interface. We decided to show much of

the English and Arabic text alongside

each other, rather than showing one or

the other. It was a big decision to make,

effectively reducing the usable screen

space by half. Showing information that

a user does not need would normally be

considered a mistake in terms of

usability, but this is another example of

where the application we were building

didn’t fit in with the established user

interface patterns.

Showing both languages together really

showed off what the site was about and

feedback from users was positive. Even

those who couldn’t read Arabic thought

that it added to the atmosphere of the

site and that the characters were

attractive to look at. It helped set the

tone for the website and set it apart from

its competitors. After further

development we slightly toned down the

dual language displays. Some of the

pages became too cluttered, but we

always kept Arabic and English in the

header and the main conversation

screens remained dual language.

In the first version of the site we didn’t

indicate whether text was original, or

that it had been translated. Initially,

when the standard of Machine

Translation wasn’t that high, it wasn’t a

problem. Users could tell by reading the

text if it was as originally written or a

machine translation. As the translation

accuracy improved it wasn’t always so

obvious. Often a sentence would be

grammatically correct and would sound

right, but a subtle (or not so subtle)

meaning had been lost in translation.

Sometimes a sentence could be

translated and mean the opposite of

what had been written, which does not

do anything to improve Arabic-English

relations. The research team working on

the project even questioned whether the

source of many conflicts could be in

translation, even an expert human

translator finds some words and

concepts difficult to translate directly.

To negate the problem, we added

information about whether any text was

original or if it had been translated and

if so, by whom. This came in to it’s own

when we allowed human translators to

fix machine translations as it provided

attribution (and thereby credit) for their


Since launching the interface has

undergone several iterations. It has been

simplified and a lot of work has gone in

to allowing users to correct other user’s

translations, but many of the concepts

and ideas we came up with remain. It

was a difficult and at times frustrating

project, but one that was ultimately

successful. I find it hard to look at the

site and not see all the things I still

wished we had done differently, but the

site is flourishing and the experience

gained from building it and the new user

interface patterns we developed are


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The computer in front of you is made up

of technology that would not have been

feasible just ten years ago, yet the main

device you use to interact with it was

designed before the first powered flight

took place. The QWERTY keyboard

was invented in 1873, 65 years before

the ball point pen. It is still the most

efficient way we have to enter text. The

mouse was developed in the 1960s.

Even touchpads have been on laptops

since the 1990s. All of these devices

have been massively successful, but

they have relied on humans to adapt to

the way that they work.

Staff at IBM's Emerging Technology lab

in Hursley are working on how we

might use and interact with computers

in the future. Equipment that is capable

of monitoring, sensing and and

measuring people is not new, but

importantly, the hardware has reached a

level of development where it has

become economically viable to use in a

wider range of applications.

Increasingly, through the likes of the

iPhone, Wii and Kinect more natural

human oriented interfaces are working

their way in to the home. By default all

of these devices act independently, with

each manufacturer focussed on

designing and marketing their own

technology. The Emerging Technology

lab takes a different approach, looking

at how these devices can be integrated

and used in combination to produce an

effect greater than the sum of their


Kevin Brown first came across the

Emotiv headsets last year when he read

that researchers were exploring how

they might be used to control avatars in

virtual worlds. The Emotiv headset

looks like something from science

fiction. It's a small, fist sized device

with sensors spidering out and attaching

to different parts of the skull. The

headset detects the tiny electrical

signals emitted by the brain in order to

pick out changing facial expressions,

emotions and even feelings. It's

impressive, though not quite the mind

reading magic it initially sounds like.

The system can't read your mind, but it

can be trained to recognise the specific

electrical activity that occurs with

certain thoughts. Kevin has used this to

allow certain thoughts to be tied to

actions in the lab. He has a toy remote

control car that can be driven by

thought alone. Kevin explained that

what he is really interested in is the way

in which the device has been connected

in to the lab.

“We have a fast turnover

of new technology

coming in to the lab and

what we really try to

show is how they can be

used together. We don't

know what devices are

coming along 18 months

from now and we can't

afford to build large custom solutions to

integrate each new piece of technology.

So we use WebSphere middleware as in

integration layer and treat each new

piece of technology as just another

sensor. We might have to write a small

bit of code to bridge the new device in

to our sensor messaging layer, but that

will only take a few hours and then that

new technology is fully integrated with

the rest of the lab.”

It's this groundwork that allows Kevin

and the rest of the ETS team to come up

with innovative ways of combining the

different sensors in the lab. They don't

need to spend their effort on the low

level device to device communication,

so they can concentrate on developing

the higher level integration which is

really where the benefits lie. ETS walk

customers through this story to show

what the Smarter Planet marketing

means in real, practical terms. The

BBC were so taken by the technology

that Kevin, with his ETS colleague Nick

O'Leary, worked with them to produce

an episode of Bang Goes The Theory, in

which the same system was used to

control a full sized taxi.

The technology has wider applications

as Kevin discovered when his wife

Sarah, an Occupational Therapist, was

working with a stroke patient suffering

from Locked-In Syndrome. The

patient's brain was working perfectly,

but his body was completely paralysed.

He could only communicate with his

eyes, (up for yes, down for no) having

someone point at each letter in a chart

one by one to help him spell out a word.

Kevin saw an opportunity to use the

headset and the patient, being a bit of a

techie, was keen to try it out. Initial

training with the device went well and

he was able to make the device to

recognise two different thoughts,

enough to be tied to two different

control actions in software. This

allowed him to replicate the process of

spelling out words, but without the aid

of another person. It wasn't without

challenges, controlling by thought takes

a lot of concentration and mental effort

and, as you get tired, it becomes more

difficult to accurately control your

thoughts. The hope is that the more

people get used to using the brain for

controlling things, the more natural it

will become and the less mental effort

they will need to exert.

The Emotiv headsets and their kind are

certainly clever and make for attractive

demos. Thought is a more natural

interface than a mouse or keyboard, but

that alone does not mean that such

devices will really take off. They

struggle with some of the same

drawbacks as 3D glasses in that the

hardware is clumsy and awkward to

wear. It takes time to setup and each

person involved needs a device to

themselves. Use with the stroke patient

also showed that the mental effort and

concentration that is needed to use

these systems, particularly over a long

period of time, can be exhausting.

To some degree, the physical object that

is the Emotiv headset itself gets in the

way of the natural interaction. Thought

may be a natural way of controlling

actions, but not necessarily when it

flows via a cumbersome device. This is

where the gesture interfaces that

Kevin's team work on really come in to

their own. Touch gestures are widely

used in the current generation of smart

phones and tablets. They certainly

present a more natural human interface

and the Emerging Technology group are

looking in to how the next generation of

The QWERTY keyboard

was invented in 1873, 65

years before the ball point


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touch devices might be used.

One of the group's interests is in how

teams collaborate together and a

drawback of standard touch interfaces is

that they only work with one person at a

time. They may allow you to use

several fingers to form a gesture, but

they will not cope with different

people's hands at the same time.

Computationally, this is a difficult

problem. When there are multiple

hands touching a surface, how do you

work out which touches belong to

which hand of which person? Multi

touch displays solve this by using

multiple cameras and sophisticated

image processing algorithms. This

means that several people can interact

with the display (which is normally

configured as a table) at the same time,

something which doesn't happen with

traditional computer interfaces. Kevin

and the team are interested in how these

multi user interfaces might be used in

planning activities, specifically for the

military. With paper based maps a

group of soldiers can gather round,

discuss options, point and draw on the

map. A computer based map might

have many advantages, but only one

user can be in control of it at once, the

interface does not encourage team

collaboration. A multi touch surface

with a group of people gathered around

might do just that.

The Emerging Technology group have

begun using a

multi touch device

in their lab. The

cameras it uses to

detect gestures can

also be put to other

uses. They are

configured behind

a semi transparent

screen so that they

can 'see' what is on

the surface of the

display and just

above it. Normally

used for detecting hands and fingers,

these cameras can also be programmed

to detect objects that are placed on the

screen. This allows the development of

applications that use a mixture of hand

gestures and objects to trigger actions.

The real advantage of touch interfaces is

that they make the most ofwhat humans

have evolved to be good at, the touch

gestures are as natural as the ones we

use to manipulate objects in the real


The same is true for sensors that are

able to detect full body motion, such as

Microsoft's Kinect. The Kinect

hardware was developed as a control

mechanism for their Xbox console, but

published APIs allow developers to use

the devices with other systems. The

sensors are able to detect the positions

of the major joints in the human body,

allowing a live skeletal wireframe to be

calculated. This is used in games to

allow the motion of the players body to

control the on screen action, but can

also be used outside of games. It can

be programmed to control anything.

Trivial examples such as scrolling

through a web page by waving your

hands are common, but there are more

compelling uses of the system, which

take advantage of the detailed body

position it provides. ETS are keen to

try using the technology as a virtual

mirror. A shopper would be able to

walk up to a full height display which

“reflects” back their image. The Kinect

sensor would be used to map their body

position and the data used to show the

customer what they would look like in

an item of clothing. They would

rapidly be able to scroll though

different items and virtually try them

on, all without a trip to the changing

room. The same technology could even

be used from the shoppers home,

completely changing the online

experience of fashion retailers.

We are just at the early stages of these

natural gesture and body control

interfaces, but the hardware costs are

coming down rapidly and people like

Kevin spend their time thinking not just

how we replicate existing interfaces

with the new ones, but how they can be

used in a completely new way or even

lead to a whole new type of application.

A computer based map might

have many advantages, but

only one user can be in control

of it at once, the interface does

not encourage team


3 May. Bistritz.--Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1 st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning;

should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place,

from the glimpse which I got of it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I

feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late and would start as near the correct

time as possible.

3 May. Bistritz.--Left Munich at 8:35 P.M., on 1 st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning;

should have arrived at 6:46, but train was an hour late. Buda-Pesth seems a wonderful place, from the glimpse which I got of

it from the train and the little I could walk through the streets. I feared to go very far from the station, as we had arrived late

and would start as near the correct time as possible.

I was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact locality of the Castle Dracula, as there are no maps of this

country as yet to compare with our own Ordance Survey Maps; but I found that Bistritz, the post town named by Count

Dracula, is a fairly well-known place. I shall enter here some ofmy notes, as they may refresh my memory when I talk over

E X P E R T V I E W b y K e v i n B r o w n

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