etymology abs

Sport Name: Etymology Abs Objective: Learn words and earn 6 pack Abs No.of Players: More than 1 and less than 3 Game Rules: Step1: Each person will be given 2 key words. Step2: Each person should come up with as many words as possible using those keywords in less than 10 mins. Step3: Deduct the count of the words formed from (No of persons * 25) or 100, whichever is smaller. Step4: Each person has to perform 5 sets of Ab- crunches in 3 mins, with each set having x no of reps. (where x = result in step4 divided by 5) step5: Repeat this process until each person gives up. Step6: Last remaining person wins the game

Upload: nareshvemparala

Post on 23-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Etymology abs

Sport Name: Etymology AbsObjective: Learn words and earn 6 pack AbsNo.of Players: More than 1 and less than 3Game Rules: Step1: Each person will be given 2 key words. Step2: Each person should come up with as many words as possible using those keywords in less than 10 mins.Step3: Deduct the count of the words formed from (No of persons * 25) or 100, whichever is smaller.Step4: Each person has to perform 5 sets of Ab-crunches in 3 mins, with each set having x no of reps. (where x = result in step4 divided by 5)step5: Repeat this process until each person gives up.Step6: Last remaining person wins the game