eu-give/beshared final event: participants’ profiles · offered: responsive web-platform...


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Page 1: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


Public version

25/11/2019 Brussels



Page 2: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


Projects accompagnied by EU-GIVE ....................................................................................................... 2

1. Bookswap .................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Changemakers ............................................................................................................................. 3

3. Pala .............................................................................................................................................. 5

4. Co-Rent ........................................................................................................................................ 6

5. Talent Players .............................................................................................................................. 7

6. BasePoint ..................................................................................................................................... 8

7. Editorial Divergência .................................................................................................................. 10

8. Iurall d.o.o. ................................................................................................................................. 11

9. Solido ......................................................................................................................................... 13

10. La Colaboradora .................................................................................................................... 15

11. Pensumo ................................................................................................................................ 16

12. Cookwork ............................................................................................................................... 17

13. Usitoo ..................................................................................................................................... 18

Projects accompagnied by BeShared .................................................................................................... 20

14. Foodity (Sustainable Food Movement Greece) ...................................................................... 20

15. Kleesto ................................................................................................................................... 21

The EU-GIVE and BeShared projects are co-financed by the European Union. The sole responsibility of this content lies with the author. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein

Page 3: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


Projects accompagnied by EU-GIVE

1. Bookswap Organisation details: Country : Estonia Site web: Social Networks: Date of creation: 06.04.2016

Activity field : Public services, Cultural services

Short Description of your activities: PROBLEM: Millions of books stand at homes uselessly. At the same time other people look for the same books.

SOLUTION: Bookswap shares a cost-effective service to distribute books you don't need and get the books you want instead.

Technologies Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better service, integration to public libraries

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? 4. quality education ; 12. Responsible production and consumption

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? Every country has its different cultural system. That’s why we need local helpers to spread our book swapping idea outside of Estonia. Local touch and local people are very needed and inspiring for us.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? We witnessed here great success of book swapping platform. We found that it is very emotional service which builds up strong community with common values – sharing, not-wasting, belonging to one group, reading. I hope we can offer the same good emotion for whole Europe.

Are you looking for partners for a project? We are looking for partners in public programmes which support green economy, sharing economy or sustainable community projects. We value partnership which helps to spread the word, helps with networking and/or supports with funding. We also looking for the strategic partners to invest. We expect partners who have know-how and network to help Bookswap enter to bigger markets.

Page 4: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


2. Changemakers Organisation details: Country : Estonia Site web: Social Networks:, Date of creation : 6.06.2016

Activity field: Other: Education

Short Description of your activities: Changemakers’ mission is to help youth reach their full potential through reflective activities. Thus enabling them to fulfil their own goals and aspirations in the future. Our vision is to enable every young person to be(come) entrepreneurial. Changemakers started in 2016 and the first two programs were facilitated in 2017: Changemakers Academy and Changemakers Summer Academy.

• Changemakers Academy is a learning-by-doing program, where 14-19-year-olds devise a marketing plan for one social enterprise in 2 months and implement it. In groups of six, participants work together with an inspiring mentor and to help an enterprise in need.

• Changemakers Summer Academy lasts for 4 days and the same target group devises its own social enterprise. Next year we started a new three day program called Changemakers Start-Up which focuses on developing teamwork and leadership skills.

The main emphasis has been on designing and enhancing Changemakers Academy program. The first year there were 48 youth and 6 mentors, but this season 102 participated and 17 gained a mentoring experience while helping ten social enterprises. In the second season, while having six social enterprises and 60 participants. Participants generated around 87 000 euros of value that could be measured to those six social enterprises. The program has been honored as The YouthWork Initiative of the Year by The Ministry of Education and Research and the Estonian Youth Work Centre, and as The Inspiration of the Year by the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations (both awards in January 2019). During our work with youth we have seen a growing need for youth to be able to develop their “soft skills” (for example communication, teamwork, leadership) on a regular basis and throughout the year. Right now they can, for example, do a student company for a year and then participate in several youth programs, but there is no consistent personal development program or organization. To solve this problem, we will carry out Changemakers Center which resembles a hobby school, but instead of handicrafts or football games we will focus on personal development. Once a week youth will have a 1.5 hour session with non-formal education methods. Inbetween trainings they will complete some home assignments to use their gained knowledge and skills. This enables them to quickly learn and advance themselves. One month includes 50 euros participation cost. October 2019 we will start with two separate programs in Changemakers Center: leadership and world changing initiatives. We aim to have 20 youth in one program, making the total of 40 participants. The programs will be for one year with breaks during school vacation time. The target group is 14-19 year olds youth living in Tallinn. We will specifically contact with student council, student company and city youth council members to include them in leadership program. Our goal for year 2021 is to have 120 youth and 6 running programs, one of them being a virtual one.

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Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? We are mainly focusing on the 4th goal, quality education. In addition, decent work and economic growth; industry, innovation and infrastructure.

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? We would like to know answers from the following questions: How did they start? What where the main challenges at the beginning and how did they overcome those? What kind of technological devices and methods have been proved to be the most useful? What kind on non-formal education tools have been helpful (specially using with different cultural background youngsters)?

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? We could share our starting story - how have we been growing from a small program to one of the biggest in Estonia. Furthermore, we have knowledge and have gained success from the following topics: how to recruit in such succesfully manner (we have usually around two or more candidate to one spot), how to recruit physically? (most our candidates come through direct contact, not through social media), how to measure success of a program scientifically? (we use four step program to measure the success on participants, their mentors and enterprises who are participating in the programs).

Are you looking for partners for a project? Which project? Changemakers Academy

What kind of partners are you looking for? We are looking for youth organisations that would like to enable youth achieve their dreams and in that way also give a positive contribution to the world.

What would be the role of the partner? The partner would be an organiser of Changemakers Academy in their own country, specifically being responsible for recruitment of participants, mentors and social enterprises.

Page 6: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


3. Pala Organisation details: Country: Estonia Date of creation : (starter)

Activity field : Other

Short Description of your activities: The concept of PALA is trying to reduce the waste of food by selling the leftover food for a lower (than the original) price. The idea is to create an application that will make it possible for the consumer to purchase. In the end of September we piloted the concept. 4 companies in Estonia took part of a pilot project to find out the shortages of the system. Before the pilot we prepared to it for months (carefully thought through every detail of the pilot).


Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? 1. No poverty ; 2. Zero Hunger 12. Responsible production and consumption

Page 7: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


4. Co-Rent

Organisation details: Country : Italy Site web: Date of creation : July 2017

Social Networks: Activity field : Cultural services

Short Description of your activities: Co-Rent is the first platform supporting a video/cinema production where users can rent out their resources (such as equipments, props, locations, music equipments) to a film maker (freelance or video production companies) in an easy and safe way. Users can make money from their equipments being sure of all the legal and insurance matters Clients can saving time finding easily and with a real time quotation all the equipments they need for their video production. The platform will be divided in 6 sections: Equipment (already on line), Location, Props, Troupe, Music, Casting (that will be launched in the next 2 years)

Technologies The platform is developed on Python integrated in Odoo, an open source ERP with a strong developer basis.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? 8 (decent work and economic growth) and 12 (responsible consumption and production)

Page 8: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


5. Talent Players

Organisation details: Country: Italy Site web: Social Networks:; Date of creation : 29/12/2016 Activity field : Online skills, Other: Sport Tech

Short Description of your activities: TalentPLAYERS is an innovative Italian startup that operates in the field of sports data tracking analysis since 2017. Our system, easily integrated into the shin guards, allows players to monitor performance in a new, effective and analytical way. TalentPLAYERS allows you to analyze the stress the players' legs are subjected to. The wearable device is complemented by an advanced web-based platform that allows professionals (athletic trainers, technicians, scouts) to read the collected data easily and immediately to better evaluate the performance of their players, and prepare them for the races in the best of ways. The platform is an easy to use tool for identifying new talents from the amateur world and football schools, in-fact all players who will have our wearable devices will have the possibility of being viewed by the PRO clubs on the platform, who can monitor and contact the most talented profiles starting from the evaluation of the data and videos of the matches. In a short time, several Italian and international professional companies have already tested and used our platform, and they have given us important feedback to improve the features developed. developed.

Technologies TalentPLAYERS is an ecosystem that combines web-based technologies and wearable devices for performance analysis. Web: A portal and an app are the tools that allow different types of users to share and use the data on the platform. Wearable: The developed algorithms allow more data to be obtained accurate thanks to the use of kinematic, dynamic and energetic models for measuring the distance and speed of the player, measuring directly, and not via GPS, the accelerations, jumps, falls, shots, impacts, load on the tibia and ankle. In addition to movement performance, there is the possibility of calculating VO2max, anaerobic threshold, and calculation of the metabolic load

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? We do not have a specific goal among those on the list, but we believe we can transversally recognize each other in the following goals: 8 Decent work and economic growth, 10 reduced inequalities, 17 Partnerships for the goal

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? We have analysed some similar platform, and this was useful to define business model and market target

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? Our know how in our specific industry and our knowledge for the growth of sport industry, to generate new deal.

Page 9: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


6. BasePoint Organisation details: Country : Portugal Site web: Social Networks: | Date of creation: 2018

Activity field: Business support

Short Description of your activities: We provide support services to our business partners from certifications, new products, safety assessments and notifications. We support the cosmetic, food supplements, medical device and biocide industries with their activities. “BootYourProduct”

Technologies In our everyday work we use advanced managing solutions from several companies like Microsoft. With our new business proposal, we are going to need assistance with the challenges that come from building a new cooperative platform. Our team has limited knowledge in coding or website creation.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? We pretend to create a sustainable marketplace and eliminate the “blockade” that regulatory obligations make to some import companies. We also pretend to open the market to new products, addressing the need for more options in this segment and the innovating products from outside of the EU.

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? We are looking for feedback on our idea and business plan. This market is very hard to create something new and it is hard to maintain something that can be copied by other companies. Advices on how we can protect by innovation or regulatory actions is crucial to protect our platform. Feedback and inspiration on how we can market and present the “product” to our costumer would also be critical.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? Our team as some very objective and goal focused professionals. We try to maintain a workspace were new ideas can be created and encouraged.

Are you looking for partners for a project? Which project? BootYourProduct In a nutshell is a collaborative platform for importers/exporters and distributors where new products can be bought collaborative to achieve lower prices and distribute burden of regulatory obligations and all their associated costs. We aim to achieve lower prices for our partners and less regulatory expenses, diminishing the rate of companies placing products without a conformity assessment. This way, even the

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final costumer wins as he has more choice of products and the safety of his everyday cosmetics is guaranteed.

What kind of partners are you looking for? We are looking for partners in the internet business. We are looking for partners with experience in online platform building.

What would be the role of the partner? Client or shareholder.

Page 11: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


7. Editorial Divergência Organisation details: Country: Portugal Site web: Social Networks: Date of creation: February 2013

Activity field: Cultural services

Short Description of your activities: Editorial Divergência is a small publishing house working with contemporary Portuguese writers, promoting books nationally and internationally. We have been nominated and won several literary prizes in the last few months.

Technologies We use the LAMP stack for web development. Additionally, we use Python and Flask for new projects, such out profit sharing platform to be used by our members. We want to start using artificial intelligence to assist us in management tasks. We will be willing to share the development with similar projects.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? • Gender Equality: All positions in the project are awarded in terms of merit, regardless of gender,

ethnicity or sexual orientation. The profit share system only takes in account the position.

• Responsible consumption and production: The books are produced in a size that minimizes the waste of paper. Some parts of our packaging are made upcycling. Some items we use are second hand.

• Decent Work: This project has helped some of their associates returning to the work market and have provided training to the ones needing them.

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? We would like to know other experiences, the challenges they have faced and what are the perspectives

for the future.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? We can offer insights of the dos and do-notd in a collaborative platform as ours. Since the change we

have grown much faster and achieved positive ROI.

Are you looking for partners for a project? Which project? Network of European Presses

What kind of partners are you looking for? European Small to Medium Presses dedicated to Contemporary Fiction

What would be the role of the partner? Translate, publish and promote European Contemporary Fiction form the other members.

Page 12: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


8. Iurall d.o.o.

Organisation details: Country : Slovenia Site web: Social Networks:,, Date of creation : 14. 3. 2018

Activity field : Other

Short Description of your activities: IURALL in an online platform, enabling customers to hire a lawyer by providing multiple quotes from specialised lawyers, from anywhere and anytime. Clients describe their legal needs via the contact form, email or telephone and receive up to 3 quotes from lawyers with relevant knowledge and experience within 24 hours. They can compare lawyers' prices and profiles and hire a most suitable one. The pay for the service via the platform that retain 20% share. IURALL provides support also for lawyers, offering them better quality service and customer experience. Clients save on legal services since the lawyers are bidding with their offers. The process is also beneficial for lawyers who do not waste their time on client acquisition process and can focus on the actual legal work. Legal services that clients receive are not only cheaper, but also of a better quality. We guarantee they get quotes only from lawyers with the relevant specialised knowledge and experience, unlike the current market where "all lawyers do everything". The offline industry of legal services is thereby completely shifted online. We gather verified lawyers with different specialised legal knowledge in one place; where customers can obtain legal assistance with just a few clicks and for a transparent price.

Technologies Today we use 3rd party technologies for communication and customer support/sales in order to provide an omnichannel experience for clients looking for legal help. Our first step goal is to build our own platform that would incorporate these solutions or build tailor made technologies in order to enhance: firstly, the ability of clients to find the right lawyer for them and secondly, the ability of lawyers to help clients in the most efficient way. During this process, we are collecting data and plan to make available big data driven AI solutions for clients to receive automatic first legal support. We would use machine learning and natural language processing in order to have AI answering basic/initial legal question/inquiries.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? The primary goal we are addressing is SDG goal no. 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions). Our aim is to promote access to justice by providing first legal aid and further professional legal representation for everyone at the transparent pricing. By empowering people with the law, we want to promote the rule of law and better functioning of a society. We would further like to promote effective and transparent legal services at all levels and for everyone. A technology-enabled, sharing economy approach to the delivery of legal services can in our vision improve the provision of legal services for both consumers and the legal profession.

Page 13: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


Information for other collaborative economy platforms What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? We are always interested to learn from others how they are making a change, how they are dealing with balancing between doing good and doing money and keep themselves motivated.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? We can inspire with our goal to empower people with law, with the aim to make good and not just money, to bring a change into society and our passion for the project we are building.

Page 14: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


9. Solido Country : Slovenia

Organisation details: Country : Slovenia Full name : Solido, nedenarno trgovanje d.o.o. Site web: Date of creation : 23.05.2014 Social Networks:

Activity field : Business Service

Short Description of your activities: Solido d.o.o. is a company established with a view to mainly dealing with non-monetary issues.

Information for investors (will NOT be publicly disclosed) Address: Sela pri Dobovi 3a, 8257 Dobova Turnover (scale): 40.000 EUR Number of employees: 0

Markets Customer segment(s): Local communities Geographic markets: Slovenia

What are your funding need and what type of investors are you looking for? For this project we are asking for 270.000 Euros. Money will go for programming a platform and dedicated apps which need to be prepared for translation into 24 European languages. We need to cover cost of writing of all materials such as manuals, legal advices and tax advices. We also need to organize workshops to test user behavior and, above all, check the need for additional malpractice insurance. A number of meetings will need to be held with local community representatives to review funding options by local communities to relieve members of paying membership fees at least during the initial period. Finally, a least two people will be working on the project full time and we need to cover expensis of their salaries. Others will be working only part time. There is a lot of marketing activities to be done to attract members. We would prefer investors that accept revenue share.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? Sustainable goals are addressed through the shared use of equipment and tools that are not used more than few times per year. By integrating services into the system, we stimulate the local economy and thereby reduce our carbon footprint.

Page 15: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? Promotion of local economy and sharing of equipment and tools is highly desirable. Given that we offer a solution using complementary currencies, it is desirable that other platforms that operate on similar models promote the use of complementary currencies.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? We believe that the use of complementary currencies based on the principle of mutual credit is best suited to stimulate the local economy and that is why we are promoting this form.

Are you looking for partners for a project? Yes, we are.

Which project? Sharing bank project.

What kind of partners are you looking for? We are convinced that the partners who have good connections would be the best contributors to the project.

What would be the role of the partner? The role of partners would be to encourage creation of local units.

Page 16: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


10. La Colaboradora

Organisation details: Country : Spain Site web: Social Networks: Date of creation : May 2013

Activity field : Business support

Short Description of your activities: La Colaboradora is a co-working space with a difference: this community of some 100 entrepreneurs, freelancers and creative professionals each dedicate four hours of their time every month in return for support with launching their projects. The principle is an exchange of services, ideas and knowledge through a ‘bank time’ approach. Since its launch in 2013, the community has shared over 8,000 hours of their time, and has had a significant social and economic impact: around 75% of projects have launched or consolidated, creating new local jobs. Eurocities award 2016

Technologies Used: online system for time bank registration

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? Different ideas to improve our community

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? The experience of 6 years working with shared economy

Are you looking for partners for a project? Which project? We look for new cities to open La Colaboradora What kind of partners are you looking for? City council or private organizations. Similar platforms to collaborate with. What would be the role of the partner? To open a subsidiary. To exchange experiences

Page 17: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


11. Pensumo

Organisation details: Country : Spain Site web: Social Networks: Date of creation : May of 2013

Activity field : Other

Short Description of your activities: Pensumo reward through technology (APP) the daily actions, consumption actions and its consequences (recycle, do sport, use transport…). All using the circular economy.

Technologies Used: OCR, CRM, QR, IA, IBM Servers. Offered: Measurable actions, (Pocket technology) APP, QR Devices, Online Platform of marketplace (For the user and the commerce). Requested: Blockchain (services)

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? We are looking for corporations that want to be green corporations and want to find green consumers.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? The culture of daily micro incentive throughout life.

Are you looking for partners for a project? Which project? Pensumo

What kind of partners are you looking for? “Green”. Consumer brands that encourage their consumers to be green.

What would be the role of the partner? Money by Impact

Page 18: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


12. Cookwork Organisation details: Country: Belgium Site web: Social Networks:

Activity field: Accommodation / tourism, business support

Short Description of your activities: Cookwork is a marketplace to rent professional kitchens and a network to grow food businesses

Technologies Used/ Offered / Requested: SAAS Marketplace

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? • SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 9 Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and

sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

• SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

• SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 12 Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? Inspiration from rental platforms and from people in the hospitality sector

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? Innovation in the HORECA and food sectors, experience with use of a SAAS (service as a software), or development management or communication

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13. Usitoo Organisation details: Country: Belgium Site web: Social Networks: @Usitoo ;

Date of creation : October 26, 2016

Activity field : Others

Short Description of your activities: USITOO has established an innovative rental business model with an online catalogue of objects to be booked and delivered nearby the user place, based on a Zero Waste approach. Our innovation converts in use endless categories of seldomly-used objects (sport equipment, cooking, gardening, DIY tools, car equipment, camping…) that sleep in our cabinets potentially to become waste. Objects are delivered through a network of sustainable/circular partner shops near the consumers or directly to their homes. Usitoo is the owner of the objects and users can sell back their seldomly-used objects in exchange of credits to rent all what they need in Usitoo catalogue. We have integrated an IT-platform with innovative logistics to offer a pioneering service that will democratize the product renting industry addressing the practicalities of delivery and ownership, while being an EU pioneer circular economy project. Our major offerings are:

• Ease of use from requiring a product online to delivery/pick-up;

• Cost-efficiency: up to 80% cheaper than conventional rental solutions, our price being at 1-7% of each item’s initial retail price.

Having successfully initiated our model in our local area (Brussels, Belgium – cf., we now aim at our ultimate goal in terms of development of new business models of circular economy : USITOO aims at becoming a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider to all EU cities willing to deploy a similar service by offering them: (i) a turnkey software (SW) solution, ready-to-run; (ii) a pool of most-rented objects to start running the business; (iii) our know-how regarding deployment (based on our success in Brussels).

Main revenues will come via a leasing fee of €1/citizen/year.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, 13 Climate Action

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? • Which are the emblematic enterprises of social economics in your city? How do they operate?

• Feasibility of similar object sharing model in your city

• Specificities of your city’s market for object sharing, possible barriers (is our model easily replicable ?)

• Is there a platform operating with a similar model in another industry (not objects) ?

Page 20: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform?

• An alternative to p2p sharing of objects and local rental shops to address limitations of that kind of renting models

• The integration of lean rental, delivery and maintenance in a one stop shop

• Valorization of all objects owned by local authorities that can also be rented or shared with local communities

• Creation of local green jobs for delivery, repair and maintenance

• Build strong relationships with manufacturers in order to give them feedbacks about the weaknesses of their products in order to improve their quality over time on one hand, and about the repairability of their objects in order to make them last even longer.

Are you looking for partners for a project? Which project? The replication of Usitoo in other European cities

What kind of partners are you looking for? • Local city council, regional council, or any public authority operating over a defined territory

willing to offer or run the service for their citizens

• Companies willing to run the service on a dedicated territory

• Manufacturing businesses willing to improve their objects quality through our unique partnership model

What would be the role of the partner? • Escalate our innovation in your city using our SaaS model in development – Be a beta tester of

our solution from October 2020 on, with Usitoo providing:

• A unique turnkey software solution, ready-to-run; and

• Consultation services for the local deployment of the solution as: (i) support to install the local solution (encoding/identification of delivering points, acquisition and encoding of objects catalogue in the local platform, warehouse management, logistics management); (ii) delivering the user experience (booking process with selection of delivery mode, points/payment process, email follow-ups, description, support pages); and (iii) logistics and overall management of the local solution (usage statistics and KPIs, objects location and status, interfaces for local delivery points and hook-up points for partners, dedicated support desk to assist the local teams)

Page 21: EU-GIVE/BeShared Final event: Participants’ profiles · Offered: Responsive web-platform (marketplace) fully integrated to several delivery providers Requested: Web-app for better


Projects accompagnied by BeShared

14. Foodity (Sustainable Food Movement Greece)

Organisation details: Country : Greece Site web: Date of creation: July 2017 Social Networks:

Activity field Accommodation/Tourism, Business Support, Other

Short Description of your activities: Education, Consultation, Events Management, Waste Management,

Technologies Foodity, a food waste app for high end hotels and restaurants

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing? No 2, 11, 12, 13 and 17 (but mostly No 12)

Information for other collaborative economy platforms What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? Productive networking in action and real support from the organizers in making collaborations exist in time.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? Sharing expertise, network and be open to work with others for common goals. We shouldn’t just talk about ideas and collaborations; we need to move from theory to practice.

Are you looking for partners for a project? Yes, we are looking for a UX/UI Designer to join our Board of Directors and provide support and expertise to run foodity. We are also looking for a Policy Maker to join our team as a partner for public and private environmental initiatives and projects.

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15. Kleesto Organisation details: Country : Greece Site web: Social Networks: Facebook: LinkedIn: F6S: Date of creation : 2016

Activity field : Accomodation/Tourism, Finance, Business support, Travel Technology

Short Description of your activities: kleesto is the tour booking engine changing the way activity providers operate the business. The market is reaching a point where accommodation and transportation booking is easily handled by consumers, which allows them to focus on activities and unique experiences during their travels. kleesto focuses on the “what-to-do” part of the customer's journey. We believe that experiences will become the main motive for booking your travel tickets. To serve that need we provide tour, outdoor activity and experience providers all the tools needed to connect with the market, distribute their services and scale their business faster. Kleesto is an Intelligent Booking Software for Independent Tour Operators. A B2B travel tech SaaS product that grants business intelligence and management solutions for SMB providers of tours, outdoor activities, and travel experiences. Starting from synchronizing bookings, availability, personnel, equipment, and distribution channels we automate operation workflows for the company to improve sales and results. At the same time with machine learning algorithms our customers will be able to make the right decision for their business based on our AI models for dynamic pricing, package creation, resource allocation, and distribution of their travel products. Through a series of tools kleesto can serve as an all-in-one back-office solution for tour operators worldwide.

Technologies In kleesto, we approached the market’s needs in a unique way and developed a platform built exactly for tour and experience management. Providing end-to-end web and mobile solutions for organizing and operating a company we level up the game with a twist focusing on optimization and operations enhancement. Kleesto digitalizes all business interaction an experience provider may have for managing their equipment, resources, and personnel and interconnecting them with all their activities and bookings. On top of that, we provide a wide range of options based on real-life offline use cases for starting and managing external booking sources and collaborations with travel agents, OTAs, marketplaces, hotels and 3rd party experience providers (additional outsources services). Preset workflows and automation allow connectivity and communications handling that helps tour operators focus on what they do best, which is to provide awesome and unique experiences to their customers. Taking away everyday struggles like bookings management of high traffic, communications with partners, email exchanges, availability

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updates, collaboration contracts, deal management, distribution syncing and resource management, kleesto gives in an easy-to-use platform where tour operators can overview all the transactions without having to worry about the business-as-usual repetitive operations that come with them. Having covered all these requirements for operations, personnel, resources and booking management our company brings in cutting-edge technologies that could help tour operators optimize their business grow and bring in features like dynamic pricing and yield management, dynamic package generation or automated handling of schedules, resources, and availability based on traffic, seasonality and company performance. Features that are widely available in the travel market and can be found for both accommodation and transportation providers can be brought into the experiences market with the use of machine learning algorithms.

Which Sustainable Development Goals are you addressing ? We have designed our business and the solution we provide in a way that promotes and elevates sustainability in numerous ways for our clients, their employees but also for their communities. Decent work & Economic growth In detail, we believe that the activity providers, the business owners, should not stay behind a desk trying to keep track of everything going on in their business by using spreadsheets or maybe sometimes pen and paper. We think that this is barbaric, that is why we designed the system we offer in a way that offers them all these essential tools, inter-connectivity and notifications they need, but also to abolish the bottleneck of the bureaucracy, in order to have their piece of mind and focus on the expansion of their business. Industry, Innovation, Infrastructure Through our system, we are trying to introduce innovation to the industry on the ways they organize and distribute their products and serve it in a more compact, straightforward and simple way. Sustainable Cities and Communities Our customer base consists of SMEs in the industry of Tours & Activities. These are businesses with strong economic ties with the local communities, thus the economic results of these type of businesses affect the community. This is another reason why we are trying to help these businesses strengthen their position and be more profitable. Partnerships for the goal Our goal is, as mentioned above, to help as many businesses (in the Tours & Activities industry) as possible to have easier operations routines, grow their business, be more profitable and their communities prosper as a result of that. To do so, we are continuously trying to promote partnerships between our clients, by matching them and letting them resell products and services through our system.

What kind of inspiration would you need from similar platform? It would be a nice opportunity for our company to meet new people from the entrepreneurial world, from industries similar to ours. We would like to meet people from the travel and travel tech industries.

What kind of inspiration could you offer for similar platform? As a startup standing strong from 2016, we believe that we can offer the knowledge we acquired these years. Knowledge acquired through all these mistakes we made, but also all the right things we did.

Are you looking for partners for a project?

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We are looking for smart investments in terms of capital, market expansion, business development, or synergies. That means that the partners we are looking for kleesto are investors, companies in the travel industry or individuals experienced in business development. We want to keep close our partners and work together in high speed to make kleesto greater.