europe day 2009

Two classes in our Junior Secondary school, 2 A -2 C, have taken part to this project organized by Regione Veneto and the European Commission to celebrate 9 May, European Day, when the proclamation of the winning classes will be held in Venice, at the Great School of St. Rocco. The Purpose of the Project is to "invite" the students to reflect actively on European issues , starting to "think European" in order to become conscious European citizens. The competition is open to all classes of the Junior Secondary school that can participate with a poem or a report or a picture or a computer and audiovisual work. The 1 st prize is a school trip to Brussels. Schoolsof theUnion MakingA New Europe

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Page 1: Europe Day 2009

Two classes in our Junior Secondary school, 2 A -2 C, have taken part to this project organized by

Regione Veneto and the European Commission to celebrate 9 May, European Day,

when the proclamation of the winning classes will be held in Venice, at the Great School of St. Rocco.

The Purpose of the Project is to "invite" the students to reflect actively on European issues , starting to "think European" in

order to become conscious European citizens.

The competition is open to all classes of the Junior Secondary school that can participate with a poem or a report or a picture

or a computer and audiovisual work.

The 1st prize is a school trip toBrussels.

Schoolsof theUnion MakingANew


Page 2: Europe Day 2009

This is the European map, with all the countries

Page 3: Europe Day 2009

Hello everybody!!!! We are the 12-year-old students from class 2C, Junior S econdary school, and this is “ The European Union Game”

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’ Giocodell UnioneEuropea

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We have drawn a map and painted the countries

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The countries of the E.U. are 27 altogether

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With the help of our teacher of Italian, we have prepared this game: we have chosen the most important symbols of the European countries, the flags and the European flag

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This is a particular of the game

Each number corresponds to a flag or symbol of a European city, or to the European flag

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These are the questions we have prepared on the E.U.

Do you know the answers? L et’s try!!!!

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These are the rules of the game

The B oard Game is similar to the Game of the Goose. S nakes and ladders

The board consists of a track with consecutively numbered spaces arranged in a spiral with a starting point.

Each player's piece is moved according to throws of one or two dice.

S cattered throughout the board are a number of spaces on which there is a European flag.

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This is the poem written by our class 2 AJunior Secondary School

The “poem for Europe” is a mixture of passages

taken from some of the most famous writers

in Europe: Archiloco, Saffo, K . Blixen, Emily Bronte,W. Shakespeare,

B. Brecht, J. W. G oethe, José H ierro, F . G arcia Lorca, J. Prévert, P . Verlaine.

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Da spazi lontaniDa tempi remotiE da ora e da quiGiungono paroleChe sanno di anticoChe sanno di adesso Che sanno di futuro

Alla speranza di PrévertI ragazzi che si amano Non ci sono per nessunoE ssi sono altrovemolto più lontano della notte, Molto più in alto del giorno,Nell’abbagliante splendore D el loro primo amore

Poem for S chuman CompetitionDa spazi lontaniDa tempi remotiE da ora e da quiGiungono paroleChe sanno di anticoChe sanno di adesso Che sanno di futuro

Les enfants qui s 'a iment ne sont là pour personneIls sont a illeurs bien plus loin que la nuitB ien plus haut que le jourDans l'éblouissante clarté de leur premier amour Jacques Prévert

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E ancora: Svegliarci sorridere e ridereE ringiovanireI l nostro amore è là…Bello come il giorno.

Rispondelavocedi LorcaAhi che fatica mi costaAmarti come ti amo!

’ :Nell ombratristepensaSaffoE ’ sparita la LunaLe P leiadi. Notte alta. L ’ora del tempo varcaIo dormo. Sola

:E rideamaroGoetheC hi le piccole cose disdegna, per cose più piccole poi si dà pena.

E ancora: Nous éveiller sourire et rireE t rajeunirNotre amour reste là…..Beau comme le jour

:Rispondelavocedi LorcaAhi che fatica mi costaAmarti come ti amo!

’ :Nell ombratristepensaSaffoThe moon has disappearedThe P leiades, too.. D eep night. T ime is comingI sleep, alone.

:E rideamaroGoetheThose who disdain the little things, They worry about more little things.

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’ Giungedalontanol esortazionedi:Archiloco

C uore, cuore mio, festucaIn un gorgo di sciagure, sorgi!C ontro chi ti avversaF a scudo del tuo petto..V incitore, non sfogareL ’esultanza in pubblico: V into, non crollare in casaD isperato a piangere

E si affacciail paradossodi:Shakespeare

I l tenere qualcosaC he serva a ricordartiE quivarrebbe ad ammettereC h’ io so dimenticarti

’ Giungedalontanol esortazionedi:Archiloco

C uore, cuore mio, festucaIn un gorgo di sciagure, sorgi!C ontro chi ti avversaF a scudo del tuo petto..V incitore, non sfogareL ’esultanza in pubblico: V into, non crollare in casaD isperato a piangere

E si affacciail paradossodi:Shakespeare

To keep an adjunct to remember theeWere to import forgetfulness in me. 122


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:Si intreccianoemozioni enasceunasolapoesia

Q ui sull’avversa notte dell’estateV ado errando.C he importa se le stelle E il bel chiaro di lunaSi estinguono nel grigio mattinoma non servono paroleso che il resto è solo notte. V espero, stella d’amore…il resto è silenzio.

Tante voci, una sola: Il canto dell’Europa.

Si intreccianoemozioni :enasceunasolapoesia

Q ui sull’avversa notte dell’estateV ado errando.C he importa se le stelle E il bel chiaro di lunaSi estinguono nel grigio mattinoma non servono paroleso che il resto è solo notte. V espero, stella d’amore…il resto è silenzio.

S o many voices, yet only one: The European song.