european fintech trends

1 European FinTech Trends June 2016

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European FinTech Trends

June 2016

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Discussed Themes



Challenger Banks


Marketplace Lending


How are banks responding?



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18% switched from their bank in the past 12 months2

40% would consider banking with Google

59% of financial products are not targeted at them

79% view there relationship as ‘transactional’


18-34 year olds think differently about personal finance1

“…digital natives are really pissed off with their digital banking experience” - Valentin Stalf, CEO

The Pulse of FinTech Q1 2016 Review, CBInsights, MoneyConf, Madrid, Panel Discussion “Distributed Money: The arbitrage game”, 2In a survey of 4000 customers in the US & Canada: Banking Shaped by the Customer, Accenture

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Which gave rise to…the new FinTech ecosystem

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Challenger Banks

What is a non-bank? Someone who engages in banking without a banking license.

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• It is cheaper, easier and faster than ever to engage in banking activities

• Existing low customer satisfaction creates an incentive to try new banks

• Bank partnerships extend the same deposit guarantees for customers

• Lower compliance standards for online only banks makes it easier to onboard customers (address and ID verification)


A perfect storm has catalysed the growth of challenger banks

Atom Bank






0 45 90 135 180

Digital challenger banks by total disclosed funding (€m)

MoneyConf, Madrid, Panel Discussion “How can banking become a level playing field”

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• Announced €40m Series B financing round at a rumoured €140m (post) valuation

• Acquired 200k customers since launch in January 2015. Suggests a €700 valuation per user

• Does not have a banking license, and is built on top of WiredCard bank1

• Marketplace where they integrate 3rd party products rather than offering services off of their balance sheet


Case Study: German startup challenger bank Number26

“We are not regulated, but our partner bank is”

- Valentin Stalf, CEO2

1Wiredcard bank is a specialist in online transfers, and is used by CurrencyFair/ LinkedFinance. 2MoneyConf, Madrid, Panel Discussion “What do you want from a bank?”

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Number26 primary differentiator is user experience

ID Verification via video chat No proof of address document required

Entire process takes about 8 minutes

Deposit cash at your local grocery store or through

electronics transfers

Free transfers to friends who also use Number26

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Number26 analyses your spending patterns to loan you money

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Number26 offers Transferwise integration directly in the app

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Easiest and fastest account to open

Completely free to open and use

Covers any withdrawal fees, from any ATM

Send money within the Number26 ecosystem for free

Send money internationally with Transferwise

Affordable credit/ overdraft easily accessible


Number26 is great!

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From the users perspective, product is similar to high street bank

Banks offer higher level of customer service at branches

Cost of customer acquisition for non-banks is high

Cost of compliance is high (or not conducted properly)

Many ‘perks’ are not sustainable (ATM fees, limited identity verification)

Banks have huge distribution


But will it last?

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A banking license continues to be an unfair advantage


“…You get a license to defy the laws of gravity…government guarantees, and ability to increase leverage…it is a license to print money.” CEO, Atom Bank

MoneyConf, Madrid, Panel Discussion “How can banking become a level playing field?

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• VCs like cryptocurrencies because it reminds them over the early days of the internet

• It is taken longer than expected to gain traction, and many players are still looking for a strong use case

• The role banks play in blockchain is not the point. The real question is, will any of these technologies take off at all


How did we get here?

“Like the Internet itself, the blockchain is architected for resilience and self healing…I have a deep and fundamental belief in open and decentralized systems.” - Fred Wilson, Union Square Ventures1

1If they're not lauging at you, you aren't working on the right thing

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More than just Bitcoin…

There are hundreds of cryptocurrencies built on the blockchain

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Fundamental flaws of Bitcoin: mining is to expensive, transaction capacity is slow

Increasing complexity of producing new coins makes it less scalable

Growing pains or fundamental flaws? Patient investors are sitting on the side lines


Blockchain: Status Quo

“Blockchain technology is immature, unproven and not scalable…disagreement about core protocol…it could take 5-10 years to sort out these issues.” - Toby Coppel, Parter & Co-Founder, Mosaic Ventures (investors in several cryptocurrency businesses)

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Marketplace Lending

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Marketplace lending has arrived in a big wayReal Estate LoansInstitutional


Hedge Funds BDCs Banks

Insurance Pensions

Family Office Governments

Sovereign Funds Endowments Foundations Private Equity

Small Business Loans

Consumer Loans

Factoring and Receivables

ServicesMedicalStudents & EduImpact Investing

Orhcard Platform, Lendscape

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Consumer is by far the largest use case in the USA for MPL

In Europe, Funding Circle leads the way in Small Business loans

Real estate and factoring are showing potential in recent years (MarketInvoice, FastPay)

Creating markets: many factoring deals are loans that would have never taken place before

Cost basis for issuing loans in the long run should be lower than banks

Stricter capital requirements for banks have led to reduced credit availability,

Scrutiny around high risk lending have made banks pull back

In 2015 UK and USA MPL loans were £2.2b1 and $36b2 respectively


Status Quo: Marketplace Lending

UK P2P Industry Lent £2.2 Billion in 2015 UK P2P Industry Lent £2.2 Billion in 2015 , Breaking New Ground the Americas Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report, KPMG

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Lending Club in the USA is dominating the consumer space

LendingClub Statistics

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• The total outstanding consumer debt is $3.4t1 in the USA vs €16b2 in Ireland, and £183b in the UK3

• The average consumer debt per capita is €3,500 in Ireland, $10,700 in the USA and £2,850 in the UK

• In the USA, student debt, auto loans, and credit card debt account for $1.2t, $1.0t, and $714b respectively4

• European marketplace lending will be B2B focused because the EU consumer lending market is too small


Consumer lending in Europe is small compared to the USA

1Consumer Creidt & Payment Statistics, Philadelphia Federal Reserve, 2Irish Central Bank, Household Credit Report 2H 2015. 3The Money Charity, UK Lending Statistcs 4New York Fed: Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit. Consumer debt is ex-mortgages

Lending Club Reported Loan Purpose

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How will banks respond to new lending businesses?

• Push for increased regulation to level the playing field

• Banks will still win some asset classes such as mortgages

• Reduce pricing to compete

• Acquire, build or use white label services to participate in growth

Banks are partnering with marketplace lending platforms

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Marketplace lending cost structure

25The future of finance, rise of the new shadow bank. Goldman Sachs Research

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Marketplace lending is expected to be a trillion dollar business


Projected Marketplace Lending Deals 2020






2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

China Origination VolumeUnited Kingdom Origination VolumeUnited States Origination Volume








ons o


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

YoY Growth in 2014: 167% YoY Growth in 2015: 200%+

Global Marketplace Lending: Disruptive Innovation in Financials, Morgan Stanley.Global Crowdfunding Market to Reach $34b in 2015, Mass Solution

• Morgan Stanely forecasts global originations will reach $300b

• This would suggest $1trln in loans outstanding in 2020

• Half of this growth has come from china, where there has been massive fraud

• Banks will acquire or build similar platforms

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Alternative lending by the numbers in the USA


. While it took Prosper 8 years to reach the first $1bn loans issued via its P2P lending platform, it took just six months to reach the second billion.

The future of finance, rise of the new shadow bank. Goldman Sachs Research

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Robo-Advsiors (i.e. Automated Wealth Managers)

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Assets under management are still relatively small


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And growth is slowing. Trouble ahead?


“Stand-alone firms will need $16b to $40b of net assets to break even. Moreover, [Morningstar] estimates…$1000 cost to add a new account, after factoring in attrition, and up to a decade to recoup marketing costs. It will be hard for robe-firms to self finance their growth.” - Joe Manseuto, CEO, Morningstar

The Pulse of FinTech Q1 2016 Review, CBInsights, Quote MoneyConf, Madrid, Panel Discussion “Distributed Money: The arbitrage game”, Does not compute, The Economist

“People are overestimating how juicy the business is. Products are extremely low margin. It will be harder than the airline industry. Competition is still increasing. People coming in with competitive pricing.” Tamaz Giorgadse, CEO, Raisin (cross boarder deposits)

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• Goldman Sachs Asset Management (GSAM) has 1trln in AUM. Betterment and WealthFront have a combined $6b. Early innings?

• Financial advisors have historically struggled to build tech, which would justify high take out premiums

• Outside the USA, adoption of robo-advisors has been slow. Customer acquisition cost in this segment is very high

• Barclays, RBS, Lloyds and Santander plan to launch their own services1


Wealth management innovation still generates a lot of interest

1UK banks set to launch robo-advisors, FT

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How are banks handling the situation?

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Case Study: Santander Bank

Agility Risk Taking


Customer Scale Products

Infrastructure Brand

Startups + Banks = Best of both worlds

Kabbage - Serving SMEs in the UK via 3m Santander SMB clients

ripple - Santander uses ripple for small sum currency transfer

Startups Banks

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Startups build on top of bank systems and are looking for partners


Incubuments co-operate with new players

Banks are partnering with marketplace lending platforms1

1Proprietary Research, The Pulse of FinTech Q1 2016 Review, CBInsights

WiredCard supports Number26, CurrencyFair and LinkedFinance

Bank Investments to VC-backed FinTech Companies Q1’2015- Q2’2016

Goldman Sachs





ING Group

Bank of China

China Development


Sumitomo Mitsui

0 2 5 7 9

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Takeaways from MoneyConf discussions


Challenger Banks

• Mostly opportunity, not enemy

• Is better UX a large enough advantage?

• Is the business model/ service sustainable?


• Bitcoin may not be the big winner

• Expect some adoption in 5-10 years

• No need to jump on the next hot thing


• Signs of trouble

• Valuable tech

• Large market potential

Marketplace Lending

• Capturing €35b+ loans annually

• Instances of fraud & non-compliance

• Small consumer opportunity in EU

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Thomas Olszewski


[email protected]

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• If the Brexit would occur, Ireland and Germany are seen as favourites for new business locations, due to their favourable regulatory framework, EU membership and existing tech communities.

• 34% of software developers working in the UK are from outside of the UK and 24% are from the European Union. Skilled labor have a lot of options and they will go where its easiest for them to work.


Germany & Ireland potential winners in Brexit vote

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Transferwise stated they would relocate HQ in case of Brexit

Massive devaluation similar to the Swiss Franc in 2005

Why is Transferwise halting transactions on day of Brexit?


Brexit causing spikes in volume transfered at remittance co’s