european programmes for young people

European Programmes for Young people YOUTH” : non-formal education “SOCRATES” : formal education “LEONARDO DA VINCI” : professional training

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“ YOUTH” : non-formal education “SOCRATES” : formal education “LEONARDO DA VINCI” : professional training. European Programmes for Young people. “YOUTH” Programme - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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European Programmes for Young people

“YOUTH” : non-formal education

“SOCRATES” : formal education

“LEONARDO DA VINCI” : professional training

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“YOUTH” Programme It offers young people opportunities

for mobility and active participation in the construction of the Europe of the third millennium. It aims to contribute to the achievement of a “Europe of knowledge” and create a European arena for cooperation in the development of youth policy, based on non-formal education.

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AIMS of the YOUTH Programme• Facilitating the integration of young people

into society at large and encouraging their spirit of initiative.

• Helping young people acquire knowledge, skills and competencies, and recognising the value of such experience.

• Allowing young people to give free expression to their sense of solidarity in Europe and the wider world, as well as supporting the fight against racism and xenophobia

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• Promoting a better understanding of the diversity of our common European culture and shared heritage as well as of our common basic values.

• Helping to eliminate all forms of discrimination and promoting equality at all levels of society.

• Introducing a European element into projects which will have a positive impact on youth work at local level.

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“YOUTH” 2000-2006Action 1 : “Youth for Europe”

exchangesAction 2 : European Voluntary

Service Action 3 : Group Initiatives

Action 4 : Joint ActionsAction 5 : Support Measures

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Participating Countries15 EU countriesAustria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United KingdomCountries in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA)Iceland, Liechtenstein, NorwayPre-accession countriesBulgaria, Romania, Turkey

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Partner countriesPRIORITY 1 REGIONSMediterranean partner countriesAlgeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, West Bank and Gaza StripEastern Europe and CaucasusArmenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, UkraineSouth East Europe Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Former Yugoslav, Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro

PRIORITY 2 REGIONSLatin AmericaArgentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, Venezuela

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What is a Youth Exchange?A youth exchange brings

together groups of young people, aged between 15 and 25, from

two or more countries, providing them with an opportunity to discuss and compare various

themes and to learn each other’s countries and cultures.

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What is not a Youth Exchange?

A holiday travelA language courseA school class

exchangeAn accademic study tripA workcampA sport activityA cultural activity

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Each youth exchange has a host group and one or more sending groups.

BILATERAL PROJECTSBetween 2 countries

TRILATERAL PROJECTSBetween 3 countries

MULTILATERAL PROJECTSBetween 4 or more countries

How can a youth exchange be ?

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Exchanges for Partner CountriesCooperation with young people and partners from

countries in other regions of the world (“Partner Countries”) can help promote universal peace, dialogue, tolerance and solidarity amongst young people. In order

to give a human and cultural dimension to its cooperation agreements, the European Union is

increasingly seeking to extend and deepen cooperation and solidarity among peoples.

In supporting youth activities with Partner Countries, the European Commission’s main aims are to build long-

lasting and solid partnerships, as well as promoting the exchange of youth work expertise and know-how

between non-governmental and governmental structures in the European Union and Partner Countries.

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Activities involving Partner Countries should give participants a better understanding of their respective situations and cultures and help them explore their identities. They are also intended to contribute to the development of the voluntary sector and civil society in the participating countries.

Exchanges for Partner Countries

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General rules for activities with partner countries

·        - Activities can take place in any of the countries which are involved in the respective project ;· - Each international cooperation project has to involve one or more EU Member States depending on the Action· - Projects should involve Partner Countries from the same region

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·   They must be multilateral, i.e. involve a minimum of four countries.·  - They must involve a minimum of two EU Member States. · - Priority will be given to inclusion projects involving young people of multicultural backgrounds from the same country.· -There should be a balance between the number of Programme countries and the number of Partner Countries in each project. The national groups should be balanced and consist of approximately equal numbers of participants.

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What can a local authorithy do ?

·        - inform youth associations/organisations/NGOs and young people about the opportunity to do exchanges within the YOUTH Programme; - support an organisation to apply ; - give logistic or financial support for the realization of an exchange

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How to organise a Youth Exchange

FIRST STEPFIRST STEPTo form a group of young people to discuss the project idea

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To identify one or more partners.National Agencies can offer assistance in partnerfinding

Trilateral and multilateral projects are given high priority, since the European added value in such exchanges is greater.The participation of small and/or local associations without any European experience is greater.Bilateral projects are intended primarly for those partner groups which have not organised youth exchanges before or which involve young people with less opportunities.

How to organise a Youth Exchange

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THIRD STEPTHIRD STEPTo fill in the application and to apply.

How to organise a Youth Exchange

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!! A FEW GENERAL CRITERIA !! (Third Step)• Participants : minimum 16 maximum 60 (group

leaders not included)• Leaders : each group should have one or more leaders • National groups have to be balanced in terms of

numbers of participants and gender• Duration of the exchange : 6 – 21 days, excluding

travels• The project should contribute to the young people’s

education process and increase their awareness of the European /international context in which they live

• Theme: xenophobia, environment, music, local heritage…The chosen theme should be translated into the concrete daily activities of the exchange

How to organise a Youth Exchange

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• It is essential to write in detail a clear and well defined programme of daily activities

• The daily programme and working methods should involve the participants as much as possible

• The use of intercultural working methods such as working in groups, field visits, simulation of role-playing games, round-table discussions, practical work, presentations, cultural and sport activities, … are encouraged

• The impact of a youth exchange should also bring the concept of “Europe” to the local communities involved and promote more positive awareness of other cultures

How to organise a Youth Exchange

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Advance planning visit

Once the project is approved, all partner groups meet in the host country for the advance planning visit. The visit normally lasts 2 days (travel excluded). A group leader (or a leader + a young participant) participate to the advance planning visit.

How to organise a Youth Exchange

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Departure of the partner groups

SEVENTH STEPSEVENTH STEPExchange projectExchange project

How to organise a Youth Exchange

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up to 100% of the real


70% of the real

costs24 €2.560 €

Activities costs for multilateral projects

up to 100% of the real


70% of the real

costs24 €1.280 €

Activities costs for trilateral projects

up to 100% of the real


70% of the real

costs0 €500 €

Preparation of activities and participants

up to 100% of the real


100% of the costs48 €0 €

Advanced planning visit

Exceptional costs

Travel costs

Flat ratesFixed costs


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• 1st February : 1 May – 30 September1st February : 1 May – 30 September• 1st June : 1 September – 31 1st June : 1 September – 31

JanuaryJanuary• 1st November : 1 February – 30 June1st November : 1 February – 30 June


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Ms. Sonja MITTERTrg Mladinskih delovnih brigad 12SI - 1000 LjubljanaTél.: +386-1-426.52.69Fax: +386-1-426.85.58E-mail: [email protected] Website: