europeans explore the east main idea – advances in sailing technology enabled europeans to explore...

Europeans Explore the East Main Idea – Advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world.

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Page 1: Europeans Explore the East Main Idea – Advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world

Europeans Explore the

EastMain Idea – Advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world.

Page 2: Europeans Explore the East Main Idea – Advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world

Setting the Stage… By the early 1400’s, Europeans were

ready to venture beyond their borders. New spirit of adventure Curiosity

Page 3: Europeans Explore the East Main Idea – Advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world

A Map of the Known World

Page 4: Europeans Explore the East Main Idea – Advances in sailing technology enabled Europeans to explore other parts of the world

For “God, Glory, and Gold”1. Luxury Goods- want a faster and safer

trade route to Asia.

2. Renaissance curiosity about other lands and peoples.

3. Monarchs seeking new sources of revenue.

4. Technological advances.

5. Fame and fortune.

6. Want to stop the spread of Islam- Spread Christianity!

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The Crusades People in Europe were introduced to fine

luxury goods & spices from Asia during the Crusades (war between Christians & Muslims for Holy Land 1096-1270)

After the Crusades ended, Europeans demanded these goods & spices to “spice up” their dull/bland lives

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Trade… Muslims & Italians controlled the trade

of goods from East to West Muslims sold Asian goods to Italian

merchants, who controlled trade across the land routes of the Mediterranean region

Italians resold the items at increased prices to make $$$$

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And… High prices didn’t make Europeans

happy (since they are paying higher prices)

We have to find a sea route directly to Asia!!!!

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The Spread of Christianity

Hostility left between Christians & Muslims

European Christians believed they had a sacred duty not only to continue fighting Muslims but to convert non-Christians throughout the world

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Bartolomeau Dias Portuguese explorer Hoped to help “Christianize” goods “To serve God and His Majesty, to give

light to those who were in darkness and to grow rich as all men desire to do”

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Technology make Exploration Possible Main problem – European ships could

not sail against the wind Designed a new ship – the CARAVEL

Sturdier Triangle sails (adopted from the Arabs)

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Navigational Techniques Astrolabe

Perfected by the Muslims Brass circle with carefully adjusted rings

marked off in degrees Using the rings to sight the stars, a

captain can calculate latitude (how far north or south of the equator the ship was)

Compass Perfected by the Chinese

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Astrolabe – Arabia

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Compass / Sextant – China

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Portugal leads the Way… First European country to establish

trading outposts along the west coast of Africa

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Prince Henry

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The Portuguese explore Africa Strong government support Prince Henry (son of king & queen) 1415- helped conquer the Muslim city of

Ceuta in North Africa Wished to spread the Christian faith Founded a navigation school

Mapmakers, instrument makers, shipbuilders, scientists, sea captains = perfect trade skills

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Ceuta Portuguese invaders found exotic stores

filled with Pepper Cinnamon Cloves Large supplies of gold Silver Jewels

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Trading Posts Portuguese established trading posts

along west Africa’s shoreline Gold Ivory Need a sea route to Asia

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Portuguese reach Asia Believed they had to sail around the

southern tip of Africa 1488 – Bartholomeu Dias ventured down

to the tip of Africa Huge storm forced them to the south

east side of Africa Considered sailing to India but…. Low on

food and supplies, turned home.

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Vasco de Gama 1498 – reached Calicut, southwestern

coast of India Amazed by spices, rare silks, gems Filled ships up Cargo was worth 60 times the cost of

the voyage 27,000 mile trip – direct sea route to


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Spain – Christopher Columbus Became Jealous of Portuguese 1492 – Christopher Columbus convinced

Spain to finance a trip to sail west across the Atlantic to get to Asia

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October 1492 Reached the Caribbean, thought it was

the West Indies

Voyage increased tensions between Spain & Portugal Portugal thought he had reached Asia and

claimed it “Spain territory”

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Pope Alexander VI 1493 – stepped in to keep peace

between Spain & Portugal He suggested an imaginary dividing

line, drawn north to south through the Atlantic Ocean

Lines of west – Line of Demarcation. SPAIN Includes most of the Americas All lands east – PORTUGAL

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Treaty of Tordesillas 1494 Spain & Portugal signed in which

they agreed to honor the line created by Pope Alexander VI

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Portugal’s Trading Empire Bustling trading empire throughout the

Indian Ocean Took control of the spice trade from Muslims Built a fort at Hormuz in 1514, connecting

the Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea – stopped Muslims traders from reading India

1510 – Captured Goa , Port City on India's west coast

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Malacca Islands so rich in spices Spice Islands – Malay Peninsula

Lead Portugal to break the Muslim-Italian domination on trade from the East

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Ferdinand Magellan 1521 - Spanish expedition arrived in

Philippines Spain claimed the islands and started

settling them in 1565 By early 1600’s the rest of Europe

begun to move into Asia to set up trade empires

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Around 1600 the English & Dutch start to challenge Portugal’s dominance

The Dutch Republic (Netherlands) Spain had ruled the area 1581 the people if the region declared

their independence

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Netherlands Became a leading sea power Owned the largest fleet of ships in the

world – 20,000 vessels Dutch & English battled for control of


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East India Company Formed to establish and direct trade

throughout Asia

Companies had the power to mint money, make treaties, and raise their own armies

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Dutch East India Company Richer & more powerful than England’s

company Dutch drove out the English and

established their dominance in Asia

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Amsterdam Netherlands capital Became a leading commercial center

By 1700 Dutch ruled much of Indonesia Several trading posts in several Asian

countries Controlled Cape of Good Hope, southern

tip of Africa – resupply stop

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British & French Traders English East Trading Company focused

on establishing outposts in India Successful business in trading Indian

Cloth France failed

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