eval 1

Camera use

Upload: olly222

Post on 13-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Eval 1

Camera use

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Two shotThis two shot shows the connection between the actors, and sets the tone for the sad song. This also challenges the convention of men not showing there emotions, as this shot shows that they do.

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This cutaway shot focuses on the Jordan

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Long shotThis long shot creates the feeling that the actor in the video has lost his dog, the reason for this is because the shot before hand was a shot of him running with his dog, this then cross dissolves into him running alone. We did this in hope to create a sad feeling.

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Medium close up

This medium close up is of the actor singing the song, we did this medium close up so that we could try and show the passion the actor has for the song. This was important as we wanted the song to be emotional.

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Medium shotThe reason we use this medium shot was so that we could capture the emotion that the actor is experiencing due to the loss of his dog. This the next shot the shows the reader what he is looking at.

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Over the shoulder shotThis over the shoulder shot shows adds an emotional tone to the video. Before this shot there was a shot of him wiping tears away from his eyes whilst looking at the picture, the this shot shows the audience what he is looking.

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Close upThis close up shot shows the dog digging. When people see dogs in films they enjoy