evaluare summer school 2010


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Evaluarea proiectului Summer School 2010 realizat de AIESEC Pitesti


Page 1: Evaluare Summer School 2010


AIESEC ThE InTErnATIonAl plATform for young pEoplE To dISCovEr And dEvElop ThEIr lEAdErShIp


AIESEC PItEştI TEl: 0348 430 [email protected],www.AIESECpITESTI.ro



AlEx ȘErbAn

dTp & lAyouT

CoSmIn şErbAn


vAlEnTInA grIgorESCu

Summer School 2010InterAcţionează cu AIESEC Piteşti!

Summer School 2010InterAct with AIESEC Piteşti!


Ramnicu Valcea


Ramnicu Valcea

Page 2: Evaluare Summer School 2010



AIESEC is...

AIESEC, the largest student organization in the world, is the international platform which contributes in the development of youth’s potential.

Nowadays, AIESEC is represented in over 105 countries and territories, has approximately 22 000 members from over 1000 universities and is partner with more then 250 organizations, multinationals, NGO, public institutions.

AIESEC Pitesti

In this moment we have 37 active members from different faculties from the Pitesti University. EXCHANGE program offered young students the opportunity to go and work in an international intern-ship, and to contribute in the development of the local economical environment by introducing foreign students in the companies in Pitesti.

AIESEC Pitesti plans to make activities and proj-ects with impact in the academic environment and in Arges community. Within our projects we mention Arges In Green, Grow, Summer School and World Citizenship.


AIESEC este…

AIESEC, cea mai mare organizaţie studenţească-din lume, este platforma internaţională ce contribuie la dezvoltarea potenţialului tinerilor.

În prezent AIESEC a ajuns sa fie reprezentat în peste 105 de ţări și teritorii, să numere aproximativ 22 000 de membrii din peste 1000 de mari centre Universitare, să fie partener a peste 250 de organi-zaţii, multinaţionale, ONG-uri, instituţii publice.

AIESEC Piteşti

În acest moment avem 37 de membri activi din diferite facultăţi ale Universităţii din Piteşti. Prin des-făşurarea programului EXCHANGE a oferit oportu-nitatea tinerilor studenţi şi absolvenţi din Piteşti de a pleca în stagii internaţionale de lucru, şi a contribuit la dezvoltarea mediului economic local prin aduce-rea unor tineri străini în companii din Piteşti.

AIESEC Piteşti îşi propune sa realizeze activităţi şi proiecte cu impact în mediul universitar şi în comu-nitatea din Argeş. Printre proiectele avute in vedere de noi se numara Argeş în Verde, Grow, Summer School şi World Citizenship

AIESEC EStE o orgAnIzAţIE PEntru tInErI undE ACEştIA Pot Să-şI dESCoPErE şI Să-şI dEzvoltE AbIlItăţIlE PEntru A AvEA un ImpACT pozITIv în SoCIETATE.

PrEzEntă în PEStE 1100 dE CEntrE unIvErSItArE dIn PEStE 105 ţărI, orgAnIzAţIA noAStră ofEră SPrIjIn orgAnIzAţIIlor (ComPAnII, InStItuţII şI ong-urI) şI tInErIlor Să SE dEzvoltE PrIn IntErmEdIul ProgrAmuluI ExChAngE - SChImb IntErnAţIonAl dE tInErI.

AIESEC IS A youth orgAnI-zATIon whErE young pEoplE CAn dISCovEr And dEvElop ThEIr poTEnTIAl In ordEr To hAvE A poSITIvE ImpACT In SoCIETy.

PrESEnt In ovEr 1100 unIvErISty CEntrES In ovEr 105 CounTrIES, ThE orgAnIzATIon offErS ITS SupporT To oThEr orgAnIzAtIonS (ComPAnIES, InStItutIonS And ngoS) And To young pEoplE who wAnT To dEvElop ThEmSElvES Through ThE ExChAngE progrAm.

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Summer School

Summer School este un proiect cu traditie in orasul Pitesti. Acesta a fost organizat pe parcursul a 6 ani. Anul acesta, in colaborare cu AIESEC Sibiu proiectul a luat nastere in Rm. Valcea.

Dupa cum spune si numele este o scoala de vara adresata elevilor de liceu ; se bazeaza pe educatia non-formala si a fost structurata pe 4 module: My future way, Public Speaking, Cultural Sensitivity si Team Work.

Fiecare modul s-a desfasurat pe perioada unei saptamani si au avut fiecare cate patru traininguri sustinute de traineri din reteaua internationala AIE-SEC. In cadrul trainingurilor am avut participanti din 5 licee din Rm. Valcea. Numarul participantilor a ajuns la 80 iar majoritatea au optat pentru cel putin 2 module.

Deschiderea oficiala a avut loc la Biblioteca jude-teana din Rm Valcea pe data de 5 iulie iar trainingurile au inceput pe data de 6 iulie si s-au desfasurat intr-o locatie a Directiei Judetene pentru Tineret.. Partici-pantii au avut ocazia sa socializeze cu oameni diferiti, au legat noi prietenii care au deposit barierele culturale, au invatat distrandu-se,si-au dezvoltat anumite abilitati, au cules informatii si la sfarsit au primit diplomele de participare atestate de ISJ|.

Summer School

The “Summer School” project is a tradition in AIESEC Pitesti. It was held for 6 years. This year, in collaboration with AIESEC Sibiu, the project took place in Rm. Valcea.

As the name suggests, it is a school in summer for high school students, is based onnon-formal education and was divided into four modules: My

future way, Public Speaking, Cultural Sensitivity, and Team Work.

Each module took place during a week and each of them had four training held by

AIESEC international trainers. During the trainings we had participants from five high schools. The number of parti-cipants has reached 80 but most of then chose more than one module.

The official opening took place in Rm Valcea County Library on the 5th of July

2010 and the trainings started on the 6th of July 2010 at the County Department for Youth. The participants had the opportunity to socialize with different people, new friends that overcome the cultural barriers. Having fun learning, they develop skills and have gathered information that made their holiday productive. The participants received diplomas by the school inspec-torate.

TrEbuIE SA InCEp Cu ACEASTA propozITIE: A foST ExTrAordInAr! m-Am SImtIt bInE, Am CunoSCut multI oAmEnI noI SI ChIAr nu rEgrET CA Am pArTICIpAT. TrAInErII Au foST grozAvI. mI-A PlACut tImPul PEtrECut AlAturI dE voI SI rEgrET CA nu A foST mAI lung.

I hAvE To STArT wITh ThIS SEnTEnCE: IT wAS grEAT! I`vE hAd A grEAT TImE, mET A loT of nEw pEoplE. I rEAlly don`T rEgrET ThAT I ATTEndEd. you TrAInErS wErE grEAT. I SpEnT grEAT TImE wITh you, EvEn Though I wISh I Could SpEnd morE.

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Cele patru module

my fuTurE wAy a continut traininguri care i-au ajutat pe copii sa se cunoasca mai bine, sa se auto-evalueze astfel incat sa si poata alege cu success o cariera in viitor. Aici elevii au avut ocazia sa-si descopere punctele tari si punctele slabe.

publIC SpEAkIng a fost un modul menit sa ii ajute pe participanti sa lase deoparte teama vorbitului in public, au invatat despre conceperea si importanta unui discurs si impresia pe care acesta o lasa des-pre personalitatea fiecaruia. Sfarsitul trainingului a fost marcat de un discurs reprezentativ pe echipe.

CulTurAl SEnSITIvITy a fost modulul care a vrut sa sensibilizeze partea culturala a fiecarui participant. Acestia au descoperit diverse aspecte , valori si prin-cipii ale diverselor culturi, frumusetea lor , cultivarea si importanta respectarii acestora.

TEAm work a fost un modul bazat pe lucrul in echipa. Copii au facut parte din echipe si au lucrat pe diverse teme. Acestia au descoperit importanta si diferenta pe care o face lucrul in echipa si anume diver-sitatea, socializarea si impartasirea diverselor opinii

The four modules

my fuTurE wAy –the content of the training helped the children know themselves better, so theycan successfully choose a future career. Here students had the opportunity of finding their strengths and weaknesses.

publIC SpEAkIng module was designed to help participants to put aside the fear of public speaking, they learned about the design and the importance of speech and the impression it leaves on theirper-sonality. The end of the training was marked by a speech in representative teams.

CulTurAl SEnSITIvITy wanted to raise the cultural competence of each participant. They found various

issues, values and principles of various cultures and their beauty, and growing importance ofobser-ving them.

TEAm work was a module based on team in-teraction. Pupils were part of teams and worked on various topics. They discovered the importance and difference that makes teams work, namely diversity, socialization and sharing different views.

IdEEA dE A dESfASurA un dEbATE A foST foArTE bunA dEoArECE Am vErIfICAT dACA puTEm punE In prACTICA CEEA CE Am InvATAT. ToATA InformATIA nE-A AjutAt SI fIlmul A foSt foArtE bun dE ASEmEnEA

ThE wholE dEbATE ThIng IS A vEry good IdEA AS you CAn SEE If wE CAn If wE CAn puT In prACTICE whAT you hAvE TAughT. All ThE InformATIon wAS uSEful And ThE movIE wAS vEry good AS wEll.

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Justyna Latko, Polonia„Cel mai simplu mod de a ma descrie este: cu cat

inaintez in varsta, cu atat ma simt mai tanara. Intrea-ga mea viaţă adultă a fost caracterizată de nelinişte. Imi face plăcere sa calatoresc şi sa descopar culturi noi. Am fost în câteva ţări din străinătate (Grecia, Olan-da) unde am trăit pentru un timp mai lung, de la 3-6 luni în rândul localnicilor”, se descrie Justyna singura.

Despre venirea sa in Romania, ne-a impartasit ca.. “Sunt fericita ca am trăit în România mai mult de o luna. Aceasta mi-a permis sa cunosc cultura un pic mai bine decât aş fi facut-o probabil dacă as fi venit aici doar pentru o perioadă scurtă de timp. Am venit aici să mă regândesc şi să aleg o nouă direcţie. Eu voi fi cu siguranţă influenţată de această ţară,si pentru asta sunt foarte fericita.”

Katarzyna Woźniak, PoloniaIata ce-i ghideaza pasii: „Imi place sa calatoresc

si sa vizitez cat mai multe locuri posibil, sa vad cat de multe lucruri interesante, să intalneasc cât mai multe persoane diferite şi minunate pe cat e posibil, să învaţ cat multe lucruri posibil”

A studiat limba engleza in cadrul sectiunii de filo-logie la Colegiul Didactic din Gliwice şi după aceasta a început să lucreze cu copii foarte mici (4 ani) şi până la adulti(19 ani). „La scoala de limbi straine am lucrat cu vorbitori nativi şi m-am distrat alaturi de ei, am facut practică pedagogică si am luat parte la câteva confe-rinţe metodologice pentru cadre didactice, organizate de Oxford University Press”, ne mai spune ea.

Justyna Latko, PolandThe easiest way to describe myself is: „the older I

get, the younger I feel.” My whole adult life has been characterized by restlessness. I find pleasure in trave-ling and discovering new cultures. I’ve been in a few foreign countries (Greece, Holland) where I lived for a longer time, from 3-6 months among natives”, Justyna describes herself.

About her coming in Romania, se told us that..” I’m happy I was able to live in Romania for longer than one month. I allowed me to get to know its culture a bit better than I would probably know it if I came here just for a short period of time. I came here to rethink myself and to choose a new direction. I will be surely influenced by this country, which I’m very happy about.”

Katarzyna Woźniak, PolandThis is what guides her steps: „I love traveling and

visiting as many places as it is possible, see as many interesting things as it is possible, meet as many diffe-rent and wonderful people as it is possible, learn as many things as it is possible”

She studied English Philology at Teacher Training College in Gliwice and after this she started working with kids begining with youngsters (4 year-old-kids) and finishing at adults19 year-old-learners. “At Language school I worked with native speakers and had a lot of fun, I’ve done teaching practice and took part in few methodological conferences for teachers organised by Oxford University Press”, she told us.

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Global Village

Fiind o organizatie internationala, AIESEC orga-nizeaza astfel de evenimente pentru a aduce inter-culturalitatea si dialogul intre popoare mai aproape de sufletele celor care se implica in astfel de proiecte, fie ca participanti, organizatori, parteneri. Familiile si prie-tenii participantilor impreuna cu multi vizitatori carora le-am atras atentia, au fost alaturi de noi si astfel au avut ocazia sa admire 13 standuri care au reprezentat tari diferite din lume alaturi de programul artistic pe care elevii l-au organizat.

Copii au fost impartiti pe echipe. Fiecare echipa alaturi de un reprezentant AIESEC a trebuit sa lu-creze impreuna astfel incat sa reprezinte cate o tara. Modalitatea prin care acestia si-au reprezentat tarile a tinut de fiecare; de aceea ei au putut sa puna in practica ceea ce au invatat si sa faca din inchiderea proiectului un eveniment de neuitat. Avand in vedere ca echipele au fost in concurs, participantii si-au dat toata silinta pentru ca sa aiba la standurile lor obiec-te reprezentative, poze, filmulete, dansuri specifice, mancare traditionala si multe surprize

Nu numai participantii au avut standuri, ci si trai-nerii internationali aflati in Pitesti pentru alte proiecte insa acestia nu au intrat in concurs.

Participantii au primit diplome iar noi am avut ocazia sa multumim tuturor celor care ne-au fost aproape indiferent de mijloace.

Global Village

AIESEC is an international organization who orga-nizes such events to bring an intercultural dialogue among peoples souls closer to those involved in such projects, either as participants, organizers, partners. Participants’ families, friends and many visitors who have changed their initial trajectory among stores to be with us have had occasion to admire the 13 stan-ds representing different countries around the world together with the artistic program that the students organised.

Pupils were divided in teams. Each team had an AIESEC representative that helped them work together to represent each country. They have represented the established countries in a free way so they can use the information gathered during the project in order to make the closing an unforgetable event. Since the teams were in a contest, partici-pants gave their best to have the country stands with representative objects, pictures, videos, specific dances, traditional food and many surprises.

Not only the participants had country represen-tative stands, but also AIESEC Pitesti trainers from other projects

Participants received degrees and we had the opportunity to thank all those who have been close to us during the project.

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Global Village

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Global Village

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We plan that the next edition should have more participants and more international trainers. Never the less we also want to involve more institutions and companies from local and national level.

Thank you for your involvement in this project and especially to partners without whom this project would not have been possible. We hope that this support is the first step towards a beautiful collabo-ration and a long relationship.


Ne propunem ca la editia viitoare se avem mai multi participanti si mai multi traineri internationali din reteaua AIESEC. Deasemenea dorim sa implicam mai multe institutii si companii de la nivel local si national.

Multumim tuturor celor care de-alungul timpului s-au implicat in acest proiect si in mod deosebit partenerilor fara de care acest proiect nu ar fi fost posibil. Speram ca acest sprijin este primul pas catre o frumoasa colaborare si o relatie lunga.


AfTEr A SuCCESful fIrST EdITIon wE ArE AnxIouS for ThE onES ThAT ArE To ComE.

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