evaluation 1

Evaluation Question 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? THE REVENGE

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Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“Fast pacing and frequent action”

“Primary mood: Fearful and anger”

“Characters who couldn’t be trusted”

“Conflict between two main characters ‘emotional and physical’”

“McGuffi n, story lead on by a object, that doesn’t end up mattering”

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“Fast paced and frequent action”

This is used when Ben accidently kills Stephanie. When it is jumping from different scenes to show him hiding the body and trying to not to get court out wiles in the process of doing so. The fast paced and frequent action occurs when he is trying to dig a hole for the body, building tension.

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“Fast paced and frequent Action”

Each time the shot returns to either 1) The hole that Ben is

digging 2) The body laying on the

floor3) The surrounding to see

if anyone has noticed what is going on

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

‘Gone Girl’

“Fast paced and frequent action” Gone girl:

The film gone girl follows a husband and wife who are going through a hard time. The wife makes out that she has been kidnapped by her husband whereas, she is just trying to get revenge on him. The last scene of the film I slinked in with the beginning of the film as you end up finding out that it was all the wife and not the husband that has been doing it. Throughout the film it is mainly dark colours used to show sadness and danger, and only light colours when they are show flashback of how it used to be for them.

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“Primary mood – Fearful and angry”

There is fear and angry used throughout the whole of the clip, especially when Ben turns up at Stephanie work place to have a talk. “I am not doing this here” shows the angry and that she is not happy with what he has done. This put the viewers on edge and makes then wonder what he has done wrong.

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“Primary mood – Fearful and angry”

No country for old men

I noticed that in this film there is a lot of violence leading to fear or others and anger of the person committi ng the crime. Especially in the first scene, where the man is going around killing innocent people, this shows fear for the victim and anger for the man committi ng the crimes.

First scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grI1hIAKpmM

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“The conflict between the main character is emotional and physical”

We tried to focus our thriller mainly on a ‘emotional’ conflict. We wanted a ‘physical’ act of conflict according during the film (where Stephanie gets hit by an object), the purpose of this is to show anger but him not wanting to kill her just hurt her. Although this is a physical act we are trying to get a emotional conflict, due to Ben and Stephanie being best friends and things going wrong.

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“The conflict between the main character is emotional and physical”

The emotional effect was when ben checked his phone, when he got the message saying that there was more than one copy he had a sudden realisation of what he don’t to Stephanie. This had an effect on the audience as we knew that they have been best friends for a very long time and he killed her by anger and only realised what he done after he received the message. This makes the audience feel sympathetic for Ben making the audience feel the same emotions as the character.

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

In the thriller we couldn’t trust this unknown person, during the whole film the audience had no idea to who that person could be or why they are doing what they are doing. We wonder if it was because of the unknown character that everything happened.

“Characters who couldn’t be trusted”

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

We were influence to do this by the film Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. In the film we couldn’t trust the character Norman Bates as he seemed quite hesitant when he hid the dead body leading us to think that he may not be the good character that the film makes him out to be.

“Characters who couldn’t be trusted”

Norman Bates

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“McGuffi n, story lead on by a object, that doesn’t end up mattering”

The mcguffin in our film was the CD. At the beginning that was the main thing and the reason why Stephanie died but then it didn’t matter any as we were all thinking about Stephanie being dead and what ben would do know. The Mcguffin appeared on the screen many times and our film revolved around it however to us the Cd wasn’t as important and we didn’t care about what was on the CD, we wanted to know who the unknown person was instead.

Evaluation Question 1Conventions of the thriller genre used in The Revenge:

“McGuffi n, story lead on by a object, that doesn’t end up mattering”

We were inspired to create a McGuffin in our thriler by the film ‘North by North West’ Directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The McGuffin in this film was the microchip which everyone wanted however this wasn’t as important and we didn’t think about it till the ending of the film.‘North by North
