evaluation 4

Who would be the audience for your media

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Post on 20-Jan-2017




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Who would be the audience for your media product?

Page 2: Evaluation 4

On my blog, I have previously said that my audience would be young adults and teenagers, from the ages of 16-20. It will be aimed at men and women, and the audience groups I have aimed for are the mainstream and aspirant social groups.I think that this audience would buy my magazine for several reasons. The mainstream audience would buy my magazine as it included mostly pop and chart music, and as they enjoy listening to the latest music and biggest hits, they would want to read about the stars behind their favourite songs. As well as this, the fashion in the magazine is very mainstream and up to date, so they will also enjoy this part of the magazine as they would be the type to wear similar clothing. If i were to publish my magazine i would aim it at the mainstream social group, the 'townies' as they are as mainstream as you can get and will love my magazine as it includes everything people need to know about the most popular and up to date music, so the townies would read it so that they fit in with the latest trends.

I also aimed my magazine at the aspirant social group, as the magazine is not all about mainstream music and chart music. The aspirant group love to be the first ones to join the latest trend, and I think my magazine would be good for this social group as it talks a lot about the upcoming stars that are not quite international yet but soon will be. Paige for example is an upcoming global star, however she hasn't quite gained that status yet. So the aspirant group will now be listening to her music as she soon will be. This is why I put Paige on the cover, and named my article ‘The dawn of Paige’ as this would attract this social group as they want to be the first to listen to the next big thing before anyone else. I would aim my magazine at the 'trendies' aspirant social group, as they are the most out there and change their style before anyone else. As my magazine contains some upcoming stars I think they will like it a lot as they will want to know all about the latest trends and music that's out there. As well as this, the trendies are now turning to social media to spread their latest fashion and music loves, so this could help with promoting the magazine also.

I found these two social groups on UK Tribes a website ran by channel 4, it really helped me choose who I would aim my magazine at, which then helped me decide what my magazine would look like and what would be in it

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Trendies are driven by beautiful things and beautiful people, Trendies love fashion and are always looking for the next big trend!

They’re the biggest outwardly ‘brand-me’ Tribe – they’re universally aspirational in fashion and music, both offline and online. The rise of Mainstream Brand Me behaviours and fast fashion means the Trendies are still going strong and are one of the biggest Tribes on the map in 2015. Their influence is if anything growing, as more and more Trendies lean towards vlogging and sharing their super-soft-focus, Instagrammable lives online – inspiring younger teens to live a perfect life.


Always there at the bottom of the influence pyramid, the Townies are an entry-level Tribe, open to all that want to play…

Townies are as Mainstream as you can get – high street fashion, pop chart music, Saturday night TV and a night on the town. As the rest of the Tribal map is becoming more fashion-forward and fast-moving, the Townies are still in the local Wetherspoons or on the bus to college – they are likely to be friends with Blingers and other Tribes, but prefer to go with the flow and don’t want to stand out.