evaluation 5 questionn

Evaluation 5: How did you attract/address your target audience?

Upload: kirstymitchelll

Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation 5 questionn

Evaluation 5: How did you attract/address your target audience?

Page 2: Evaluation 5 questionn

Front CoverBy having a large font for the masthead it helps my magazine to stand out too the audience and attracts them. The font that I chose is simple to not put the target audience of. By having a bold modern font it attract my target audience. Moreover the picture that I have put on my front cover will also attract my target audience , as she is a natural pretty girl and is not to over or under dressed. This means that this image is not provocative. Women from the age 16+ do not want to look at other women wearing hardly any clothing; they are more interested in fashion and make-up. All of my cover lines are all different kinds of fonts but are all a similar colour. I did not want to have a clash of colours so used a colour scheme for my front cover. A I think this would not look professional to my target audience.

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Contents PageOn my Contents page I have stuck to a modern design and colour scheme. I decided that I did not want to stick to the same colour scheme throughout. I chose to use blue and black for my contents page. These colours both still fit in with the theme winter. I did not want to use blues, purples and grey’s all the way throughout my magazine because my target audience may become bored. As they are an older target audience and are at a mature age they would like to see a variety of topics. I have included different headlines of the different sections that are in my magazine so that they can skip to a section that my target audience would like to read. I think this is very professional and will stop my audience from getting bored as they can read stories from the topic they enjoy most.

Page 4: Evaluation 5 questionn

Double Page Spread On my double Page spread I have used one side of my page or images and the other for my text. I have chosen to do this because I did not want it to look text heavy and for the reader to loose interest. However because my target audience is at an older mature age this means that i do need to include a lot of text as they will not be interested in images. I have not used a lot of colour on my double page spread, I have used similar colours to what I have used on my front cover which is blue, purple and black. Having the page covered in colours can become slightly overwhelming so I did not want to do this. I have used 1 main images which is a dull body image and then used a photo strip of 4 different pictures of my model. The reason I chose to do this is because I seen a similar double page spread to this when doing my research and thought that it made the page more interesting and fun looking.