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Functions and objections of documentaries

• Inform the audience of the real truth

• Produced in natural setting to help add realism for example home, garden, work place

• Archived footage for evidence to back up point for example newspaper articles and family footage

• Voice over to help narrate so audience know what its about

• Answers all questions audience may have by the end

• Music to reflect mood for example lively song if the person is happy

• Title sequence so the audience know what its about

• Rhetorical questions make the audience think about what's going on

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Narrative theories

Propp theory

Propp theory states that Propp theory states that characters in programmes characters in programmes and even films, fit a certain and even films, fit a certain role. These include the hero, role. These include the hero, villain, the helper and more. villain, the helper and more. For a documentary this does For a documentary this does fit into place but can be fit into place but can be thought about when creating a thought about when creating a documentary. For example documentary. For example the villain in a film, role is to the villain in a film, role is to disrupt the lives of the people disrupt the lives of the people and then they hero needs to and then they hero needs to come in to solve the problem. come in to solve the problem.

Todorov theory

Todorov theory states the notion Todorov theory states the notion about a story having a beginning about a story having a beginning middle and an end. In a middle and an end. In a documentary they usually have documentary they usually have some sort of order that lead the some sort of order that lead the audience into reaching the goal audience into reaching the goal into the end. Tondorov’s concept into the end. Tondorov’s concept of narrative theory is through of narrative theory is through three steps. The Equilibrium, three steps. The Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and New Disequilibrium and New Equilibrium. In the Equilibrium is Equilibrium. In the Equilibrium is when the characters are living in when the characters are living in a healthy setting, without any a healthy setting, without any problems. Then in the problems. Then in the Disequilibrium the characters are Disequilibrium the characters are disturbed by the outsiders/event disturbed by the outsiders/event that try and ruin the characters that try and ruin the characters lives. And then lastly in the New lives. And then lastly in the New Equilibrium they resolve the Equilibrium they resolve the problems and the healthy setting problems and the healthy setting


The Quest Narrative theory

The quest narrative theory states most stories or any time line of events is taken through the eyes of a quest. (having a aim they want to achieve before the end). In novel terms this is the most classic way, an example of which being ‘The lord of the rings’. In a documentary the voice over needs to come to a conclusion. For example (quote)

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• Mise-en-scene – Home, garden, pub, school, work place, church, car etc.

• Characters – Family, work mates, general public.

• Camera work – Close up, tracking shots, establishing shots, dolly crane.

• Editing – Simple editing

• Music – Natural diejectic sounds and some music non diejectic sounds.

Forms and conventions of real life genre

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Following forms and conventions Why?

•We had short interviews via voice box.

•We had experts view on the topic.

•We had extreme close ups and long shots.

•Used non diagetic sound in the form of the ting tings etc.

•Time laps. When the sun sets over time but sped up.

•Title sequence

•Get the publics point of view heard.

•To get an experts view on the issue.

•To show detail, to convey that the documentary is real life, eg; a local park.

• To get some pace into the documentary, also to make it interesting.

•To show that the documentary was done over a period of time.

•So they know what the programme is, and what genre it is. Eg; real life genre.

Breaking forms and conventions Why?

•Shots on tripods.

•No presenter.

•Screenshots of the internet.

•Videos from youtube.

•These made the shots aesthetically pleasing

•The questionnaire said they did not want to.

•To back up our facebook points in a way that will be familiar to the audience.

•To acknowledge technological age is affecting people lives, and can be used as footage.

Forms and conventions of real life genre

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Internet- We represented the internet by showing shots of facebook. This all led to give a stereotypical representation. The audience would have recognise the features of the internet that we showed.

People- People such as the mum is represented as stereotypical. For example she is ironing during the interview connoting she is a typical mum doing housework. The main character on the other hand is represented as just sitting on facebook everyday and not listening to music, going out or doing any school work signifying he is abnormal in some way.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


Some information about the documentary can be seen in the ancillary products. An example of this is the scheduling date and time, they are in the same format (24 hour clock), this will cut down the amount of confusion within the audience.


An image seen in both the product and the ancillary that we controlled is the facebook logo. This secondary image connotes to the audience through action coding that the documentary is about facebook. Also the TLN logo is in these 2 texts signifies that it is produced by the same company.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


For our one of our ancillary text (advert) we used a dark colour on the outside and a lighter colour on the inside to make the interior stand out. This was important as through action coding the audience need to be told what the documentary is about, and the background is only about what time it is on etc. This is similar with our documentary as the title sequence also has a black background.


The title name complies with all 3 products. An advantage of this is that the audience will recognise our products wherever they are advertised and will be willing to watch it. The colour of the title name is yellow on both the Advert an the documentary, this consistency is good as it lets the audience to further unite the 2 products.

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Campaign continuity and coherence

Documentary (main product)

This is the core product of our project, It works with both of our ancillary texts due to the flexibility of it. For example there are shots within the films where it is clearly a documentary based around facebook, so this conforms to the needs of the poster and TV listing, which need images that connote the characters addiction with facebook.

TV listing magazine (ancillary text)

This was an external companies piece of work, however we did supply them with images and texts on our documentary via our media pack.

Newspaper advert (ancillary text)

This text was produced by our own production company to boost our advertising campaign in the literate form.

The consistency of this and the main documentary is weak as we did not control the factors involved. Apart from things supplied in the media pack.

This product was produced by TLN so we controlled the factors in this. Consistency between these 2 include things like the title name and characters. This connection is good as the newspaper audience will know when to watch the documentary

This relationship is good as an reader of the newspaper may browse the TV guide, reinforcing our advertising campaign.

The media pack is something that we produce to give to external companies. Things included in this media pack are the synopsis, images and clips (audio, visual).

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How will we do our audience feedback?

Focus group (recorded)

This is when a group of about 6 people talk freely about our product. They will be recorded so we can go over what they say afterwards, to make sure we don’t miss anything, this is good as we are not relying on our memory and can see their facial expressions. This type of method is good as participants can expand on points both positive and negatively.

However a limitation of this method, is that the participants bounce of each other (go with the crowd). Also being recorded could cause distress/pressured and not give truthful answers to the questions.

The video is along with our documentary on the disk provided to you


We shall ask our target audience which covers a wide range from 16+, and people who know about facebook. We will use this questionnaire to get quantitative and qualitative data, for example we used open and closed questions. This method is also easy to compare and analyse as they can be replicated effortlessly thus the sample can be larger making this method more reliable.

A limitation of doing only this method however is that this reaches only our target audience and that is not representative. Also social desirability could be a problem with this as they know us (don’t want to say its bad in front of us).

Focus group picture

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New technology feedback

We will upload our documentary onto facebook to get feedback. A limitation of this site is that we only have a selection of about 150 friends that can view it (and everyone will not view/comment the video). Also it is not fair as only friends can see thus will give positive feedback.


We will upload our documentary onto youtube with many tags for many to see it. This site has the great advantage of letting everyone on the site access our video (over 120 million). So this will let everyone from different backgrounds/cultures to comment. Although a limitation of this site may be that the comments may be from people spamming or advertising.


We used twitter to make people aware of our documentary on youtube.

How will we do our audience feedback?

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Results quantitative - TV listing

Is it easy to read and identify TV programmes?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7




Would you buy this TV listing?









yes no



It is clear to see from this question that they like our TV listing as they would go out of their way to purchase the TV listing.

This graph shows that the font, colour and size we chose was appropriate as the audience can read and identify TV programmes easily.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Results qualitative – TV listing

Good Bad

‘It is easy to read’

‘Colour and pictures are clear’

‘I like the structure’

‘Gives me an insight to what each

programme is about’

‘The picture of the litter looks professional’

‘Could do with more pictures’

‘Don't like PICK OF THE DAY font’

‘Could include a star rating for all


‘Title font could be seen as too big’

‘Date could be on both pages’

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Observation log of Documentary

• The Audience Laughed in the right places

• Quiet at psychologist section

• Appeals to people especially young people

• Like the night camera

• They would watch it if it was on TV and part two

• But they found it funny interesting, engaging

• They learnt new information from the scene with Dr Gardner because he knew what he was talking about

• The characters mums point of view was interesting for some of the audience

• Liked PowerPoint

• They liked the music that was used

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?


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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Feedback Conclusion

•Everyone found the comedic points in the film the best.

•The viewers identified conventions of documentaries in our documentary and mentioned this, such as the channel four ident and the night shot.

•Most of the criticism of our video came in the form of technical faults. Such as audio quality poor and lighting not realistic. However viewers realised that or production cost was extremely lower then channel four’s so sympathised.

•Some viewers said they was disappointed with the lack of a part 2 and three, which reflects how well part one was. They was left wanting more.

•Some prop issues were also picked up, such as teacher equipment in the psychologists office.

•Overall our group is pleased with the over 100 views and people generous comments.

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This is where the unedited clips are stored.

This area is where we can edit our video. We used this for; the effect of the eye shaking, the titles throughout our film, the transitions we used.

This is where we can view the film.

This is the audio timeline, we used this line for the narration.

This is the second audio timeline, we used this for the soundtrack

This is the Video timeline.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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We used Photoshop briefly to make our advert and TV lsiting. This was important as these 2 products are key to our project.

This is a review for the Photoshop version we used.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We used a variety of tools in this programme such as paint bucket to construct our products. We had multiple colours from this tool.

We also used the shape tool for lines and boxes on our TV listing, we was able to edit these once it was complete.

The text tool was also important as for our TV listing it was majority text.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


•We used this Blog for easy communication between teacher and our group, to converge our media products onto one platform and allows us to get feedback from the general public.

•We posed a blog roughly once a fortnight, give or take a few days. This allows someone to see our products develop in a chronological order.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

From imovie formatTo a youtube account.

We found a video from youtube that helped us how to convert the files into the right formats. But basically we exported it into a AVI file.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?


We used this digital camcorder to capture our footage for our documentary. It also had the feature night cam which we used for one shot in particular. It had a touch screen playback device which allowed us to easily see what we had recorded.

We used DV cassettes to record our footage on. This was an easy option as they are a cheaper option to DVD’s and you can record over them as many times you want. They were also small enough to be transported around in our groups bag.

Tripods were important to our film as they kept the camera steady for a clearer shot. Wer simply attached the bottom of the camera to the tripod via a screw and the camera stayed still. We also used pans for when a character moved, and tilts for vertical movement.

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Channel 4 ident

•We used this ident as it was available on youtube.

•We used this ident as it connoted and anchored clearly that it was a channel 4 documentary

•We used this ident as it could comply with Mr house’s voice over.