
I found that this list was unclear on what happens when equipment is missing, my amended copy explains where the location of the equipment will be (That we’re sure of) if it goes missing. Evaluation

Upload: conradian97

Post on 21-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation

I found that this list was unclear on what happens when equipment is missing, my amended copy explains where the location of the equipment will be (That we’re sure of) if it goes missing. However, it showed what the equipment looked like which would be helpful to the user.


Page 2: Evaluation

I found minor problems with this such as the lights would only need ONE Accessory; the barn doors, it is easier for the user if I state this as it makes it more simple, to say “Accessories” implies there are multiple things needed for the light. I Also found that if a light could be seen as broken during a visual observation there needs to be some documentation for the light so the date can be found on when it was fixed and can be recorded.

Page 3: Evaluation

In my ‘How to Fix’ guide I found that lots of the information was not specific enough as to the location of certain equipment, my amended guide states clearly where the equipment would be. This guide also isn’t clear on how to do certain tasks such as placing barn doors on a Fresnel which is now explained in the amended copy to be helpful toward a novice.

Page 4: Evaluation
Page 5: Evaluation

I found that my ‘More Demanding Problems’ guide have a few errors which would’ve been very confusing for the user, such as stating a bulb will always be black if its broken was wrong. Another problem is that the original list assumes to quickly e.g. that any bulb will fit in a light is also very incorrect. Also, the list doesn’t take into account other factors in the problems with lighting such as a broken socket meaning the technician might spend hours trying to decipher a perfectly fully-functioning light which is a large waste of time for that technician. The list does not have an option to record information about a broken light if need be, all of these problems are remedied in the amended version.