
Music Magazine Evaluation

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Music MagazineEvaluation

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How does my magazine use forms and conventions of a real product?

My magazine is similar to the WE HEART POP because they both have the banner at the bottom. It promotes something within the magazine and I think that it was a good idea to use this within my magazine because this way it makes it look realistic and it makes it look really effective.

LISTEN is similar to the real life magazine and I have illuminated the forms and conventions of it in my magazine by the cover lines position. Most of my cover lines are on the edges of the page. I think that the cover lines make it look similar to the real one because cover line font which I have used is similar to the existing on. The simple bold font makes it look pop like Katy Perry’s magazine.

My magazine is similar to the WE HEART POP magazine because my model and Katy Perry are both wearing patterned clothing. I made my model wear something patterned because this way it looks more pop. In my audience research I found that most pop magazines have the models wearing something as such. This way the rest of front cover can be more simple and it balances out.

Another convention which I have illuminated within my magazine is that they both have the simple background. I did this because since the model was wearing something printed, I didn't’t want to have something that was too eye catching and clashing. The simple background like the rest of the front cover balances out everything.

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How does my magazine develop forms and conventions of a real product? LISTEN has been developed from the real magazine. I have changed where it says “KATY PERRY” to the more effective “BELLA ROSE”. I think that this has been developed because it looks less in your face and in my opinion I think that it looks more pop than the real magazine.

I have developed the conventions of the real life magazine by taking the cover lines and making it my own colour scheme. Instead of having it further apart, I have it clustered. This way it keeps the subject topics more unified.

I have developed my banner by not putting it completely at this bottom. I have taken inspiration from modern contemporary fashion magazines by having the image flow further at the bottom. Audiences will now be able to see the full image regardless and it gives the image more depth.

Rather than having a sticker labeling brand new, which is used to persuade people to buy it as a new issue with new content etc, but my magazine uses “special edition” instead of a sticker which is more effective as I have enlarged it across the title so the eyes are instantly drawn towards it and leads the audience to the other primary content such as the main image, subheadings etc. using “special edition” as a title is more effective in persuading audiences because it gives this issue a unique value.

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How does my magazine challenge forms and conventions of a real product?

My magazine challenges forms and conventions of existing magazines because I don’t have the large “turn up the volume” image. I thought that this looked tacky and it made the magazine too full. It didn't’t emphasise the image and this way it wouldn't’t look good. If I had to put this on, then it would look really messy and not coherent as it currently does.

LISTEN challenges the forms and conventions of a normal magazines because usually the magazine will have the price tag below the barcode. I have put it above and it is more vibrant. As soon as it is picked up, the reader will know how much it costs whereas ones like my example below, it isn't easy to see and isn't as emphasised

The masthead on many pop magazines are on just on one corner of it but in my magazine it goes right across the magazine. I think that this is an effective way to put the masthead because then it is easy to read and it also gets the readers attention straight away. I think that having the masthead across the top was a good idea because then it doesn’t stick to the forms and conventions of the normal pop magazines and gives it flare.

In my magazine I have emphasise what is in the “I” whereas the other magazine doesn't’t necessarily do that. I think that having this was a good idea because then it makes the masthead look more interesting.

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Contents PageHow does my contents page use forms and conventions of a real product?

My contents page is similar to the WE HEART POP contents page because I have used a similar structure to the real life contents page with the way I have placed my columns and boxes in my own layout. I have used this similar layout because I think that it looks neat and it is easy on the eye, whereas on other pop contents pages they have a lot of images and text covering the page and it is sometimes hard to be able to read the certain sections.

LISTEN’s contents page is similar to WE HEART POP because I have used the idea of an opening paragraph for my reader to have an insight on what is going to be included in my magazine. Also in this section I have used the idea of where the real product has used ‘Mel (editor)’ as a signature kind of feel and created my own to give my magazine its own unique feel.

Another use of forms and conventions of the real product I have used is the idea of the page numbers and articles to be in two columns and be in a box. I like this idea and I decided to use it on my own magazine contents page because I think it looks effective.

LISTEN has used forms and conventions from the real life magazine because I have used similar shapes. For example I have got the plain colored shape in the background because I feel that with this added shape my magazine doesn’t look too overly done and it has added a nice simple but effective background for my contents page.

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How does my magazine develop forms and conventions of a real product?

My double page spread develops forms and conventions of real magazine because I think that my magazine looks much better than other pop magazines out there. The colour scheme of my magazine looks better because its conventional but it still has it’s differences such as the “changed my world” section.

I have placed this here because this way it is easy to look at and it catches the eye straight away. I think this develops other magazines because usually it isn’t place in an easy area like this. The layout is much more complicated than my magazine and the font is usually much more fancy and smaller.

My magazine develops the forms and conventions of a real magazine because I have developed my colour scheme. Instead of having the simple plain pink, I added a more complex pink and I made it more easier to identify the photo on the contents page.

My contents page develops the magazine because the contents page looks less full. This means that it doesn’t look complicated to read when looking at it. The magazine contents page is developed because instead of having a large complicated photo I used a simple photo of my model from my double page spread to keep coherence.

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My double page spread looks good because it looks alike the double page spread below. There are many parts of it which suit the conventions of a real magazine.

The double page spread looks good because the layout is simple yet effective. Having my model on one page and then her interview on the other side was a good idea as it made it clear that both are linked together. It is also coherent because the double page spread links with both the front cover and the contents page. Having my model also stand the way she is was a good idea because her posture was influenced by other magazines such as WE LOVE POP and POP WORLD. She looks sassy and this is portraying pop conventions because typical 16 year old girls have this sort of attitude.

The double page spread develops other magazines because I have added the wave. Instead of having it in the corner, I put it all around. This way it makes it easier to tell that both pages are linked to one another. In addition to this I have added purple to my double page spread. Adding this colour makes the double page spread look more interesting because it’s got the three colour scheme and it is coherent with the front page and the contents page.

The double page spread challenges the conventions of a normal magazine because it doesn’t have another photo as apart of the content. This made it look better as it looked as if all of it was about my main model, Bella. The double page spread challenges other pop magazines as most look more complicated and more full than my magazine.