
Lesson objectives •Recall the key principals of the two health models in sociology. •Apply the sociological perspectives to the two health models. •Assess the two models in relation to their strengths and their weaknesses. Aim: Effectively evaluate and assess the bio-medical and socio-medical models of health.

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Page 1: Evaluation

Lesson objectives• Recall the key principals of the two health models in sociology. • Apply the sociological perspectives to the two health models.• Assess the two models in relation to their strengths and their


Aim: Effectively evaluate and assess the bio-medical and socio-medical models of health.

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Time for you to get your thinking caps on

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Socio-medical Model of Health Bio-medical model of Health

Illness is not only located within the person

Disease comes from outside the body

To improve health we must also look at the social and environmental causes of illness within society.

Main purpose of health service is curative – to get people back to work.


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Let’s begin by evaluating the two modelsWhat do I mean by:

Evaluate Assess Analyse

Giving reasons for what you think is goodand…

Giving reason for what you think is bad

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• Doesn’t take the environment/ social factors into account.

• Assumes that every illness has a specific cause, and it is experienced in the same way in all societies.

• Being healthy might mean different things to people.

The bio-medical model of health

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The bio-medical model of health• It is easy to treat people with medication so they can get back to

work quickly. • You can find out if an illness is genetic and treat it the right way.• According to this model there is always a cure, so every illness can

be treated.

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• Experts offer treatments that many patients do not understand.

• Can determine any genetic causes of illness and therefore prevent them in future generations. Examples?

The bio-medical model of health

Have a look at the points below. Why might they be good or bad?

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• Funding to deal with specific issues e.g. poverty.

• Who is responsibility is it to tackle health inequalities?

• Really useful when treating with holistic therapies.

The socio-medical model of health

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The socio-medical model of health• Takes into consideration the different social classes of people - so

treatment can be tailored to what suits them.

• Takes the environment into account.

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• Mental health issues are more recognised by this model.

• Difficulty prioritising what issues need to be addressed.

The socio-medical model of healthHave a look at the points below. Why might they be good or bad?

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Lets assume you are working in the healthcare profession, you might be a nurse or a midwife.

Over to you!

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Lucy is a working mum with a 6 month old baby. She has recently started to develop migraines.

Arthur has been living in the UK for a year now. He has always suffered from red blotchy eyes and a mucus cough.

Collin can work up to a 10 hour shift some days sweeping, on the weekends he works as a postman to make ends meet. Hi cough has been getting worse by day.

For each person write down:• How one of the models of health might look at this persons illness. – chose

either the bio-medical or socio-medical model of health. • What might then be the causes of their illness according to that model.• By looking at their illness this way, what might we miss? (bring in your

evaluation points).

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Apply the perspectives A part of the assignment you have to show that you can link the correct perspective/s to the model of health.

Whilst doing this you must also asses how much the needs of the individual in health and social care are met.

You must consider how each one take into account any social or environmental issues.

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Lucy is a working mum with a 6 month old baby. She has recently started to develop migraines.

Feminism and Socio-medical model

Marxist feminist – women are oppressed by the system and men, she must look after the home, children and her man.

Pressures of society might bring on illness – putting children, home and man before themselves might make them more ill.

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Feminism and Socio-medical modelThis is a good way of looking at Lucy’s health as work and family pressures are taken into consideration.

Support such as holistic therapies i.e. counselling might help to discover these problems whereas drugs (bio-medical) might have just covered them up.

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Socio – medical model Marxism

Arthur has been living in the UK for a year now. He has always suffered from red blotchy eyes and a mucus cough.

Marxism: There are fundamental inequalities and different economic and political interests in society. I.e. The divide between the bourgeoisie and the proletariats.

Socio-medical: For someone coming from a poor lower class background, who may be experiencing unemployment etc., there are greater inequalities.

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Socio – medical model Marxism

By using this approach we would recognise that Arthur comes from a lower class background.

Because of his age and not living in England for a long time, he may be facing greater inequities.

Arthurs problems may have genetic underpinnings which aren’t addressed by the socio-medical model. (bio-medical would have done this).

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Collin can work up to a 10 hour shift some days sweeping, on the weekends he works as a postman to make ends meet. His cough has been getting worse by day.

Bio – medical: Inness is regarded as being dysfunctional for society.

Bio – medical model Functionalism

Functionalism: Each part of society helps to keep it going.If people are ill they cannot make their normal contribution to the smooth running society.

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Main purpose of health service is curative – to get people back to work, so by providing him with quick and easy medication Collin can get back to his role in society.

This is beneficial for Collin as it means that he can quickly get back into work, however, the environment of his working conditions hasn’t bee taken into account – Socio-medical model would do this.

Bio – medical model Functionalism

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P2 – ExplainConcepts of healthIll healthThe sick roleThe clinical icebergModels of health


M1 – Asses bio-medical model of health

M1– Asses socio-medical model of health

Strengths when considering health and illness.

Strengths when considering health and illness.

Weaknesses when considering health and illness.

Weaknesses when considering health and illness.

Apply the perspective

Apply the perspective

M1 – Compare the two models of health as part of the assessment of each.

Consider how much each model takes into account environmental issues and social issues

How might all this affect the needs of an individual?How might it affect their health?