evaluation 6 (technology knowledge learnt from process of constructing film opening.)

Evaluation 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? George Picton-Clark

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Evaluation 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?George Picton-Clark

Video Camera

The video camera was the main component used for the production of our film opening, without it we wouldn’t of been able to complete anything. We used it to record all of our film opening in HD which stands out as a professional quality when filming something on this scale. The video camera was also used for the preliminary task which we had to carry out initially. I learnt how to use the camera properly and how to use more of the features that are built in to it, also exploring new and better camera angles which I have never used before.


Throughout filming, the tripod was used to stabilise our footage that we recorded with the video camera. Using a tripod makes the finished product seem more professional. It was crucial for some of our shots such as the panning shot and the tracking shot as they followed a character and without it, the footage would have been shaky and unsteady. I have learnt that the tripod is a vital part of filming footage for a more professional finish.


The iMac was used to upload footage that had been recorded so that we could then edit it, the iMac is a high quality and professional piece of equipment which allowed me to edit footage in a quick but professional manner. Whilst using the iMac I found it easy to use, but at the same time it had a lot of things available on it to help with the production of the film opening.


iMovie was used to edit the opening of the film as well as the preliminary task that we completed. It is a professional software with a lot of different helpful features such as sound effects, video effects and other transitions. I have gained a lot of experience and skills whilst using iMovie as I have a broader understanding of the many different features and effects that are included.

Photoshop I used photoshop on the iMac to create the production logo for our film institution. The image is completely copyright free as it was created by myself. Photoshop was the most effective and easiest program to use to create the logo. Whilst creating the logo I have learnt a lot about how to use different features of the program and how to make my way around it, also I am confident to use it in the future.

Memory Card

The memory card was used to store all of the footage that we had recorded on the video camera. After everything was filmed we could take the memory card and insert it into the iMac, importing them into iMovie and then selecting the clips that we needed for the film opening.


Slideshare was an important aspect of the project, as it allowed us to upload our powerpoints and slideshows on to our blog. This would not be possible without the slideshare site as it did not support the format. Slideshare is easy to use and very effective for any future use.