evaluation final

Media Promotion Package Donka Aleksandrova

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Media Promotion Package Donka Aleksandrova

Page 2: Evaluation Final

For my coursework this year I have worked in a group and individual. We created a promoting package for a new film that includes a teaser

trailer, together with a film magazine front cover, featuring the film and a poster for the film.

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For the first half of this promotion package I have worked in a group with three other members of my class. We came up with different questions for a questionnaire. I went and ask 30 different people to find out what are their likes and dislikes. This identifies the film genre that we focused on. Me and my group split up the work between us in order to make our research stronger and to find out what are the codes and conventions for a romantic comedy teaser trailer. After a coupe of months I found my self in a difficult position when I found that the other members of my group haven’t done the work that they should of done. I decided to go ahead and fill the gaps in the work that were missing. I started by researching what is a teaser trailer and what does the romantic comedy genre includes.

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I started analyzing existing products. Each member of my group were meant to analyze 2 existing trailers to make our reached stronger in order to find the codes and conventions of a Romantic Comedy teaser trailer. I analyzed two existing trailers one form 1990 and the other form 2009. This allowed me to compare and contrast the two. After I have done my research I listed down the codes and conventions for a romantic comedy teaser trailer. I have found that the scenes are not in order and the narrative is non linear in a teaser trailer, the clips are fast and quick.

1990 - 2009

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In the teaser trailers usually the audience can see well know location and can identify it. For our trailer we used our college for most of the scenes that we have filmed. That suggest that the characters are still students and the target audience can identify with them. Most of the teaser trailer that I have seen and analyzed have a background music witch is suitable for the trailer.

Our group found a soundtrack form a band and got their permission to use it in our trailer. Personally this is not the type of music that I like but the lyrics are very suitable for the trailer and fit very well. In a conventional trailer the male character are the dominant once and the female characters are subordinate. We decided to go against the conventions and to create unconventional characters – male=subordinate, female=dominant.

Princess are subordinate and usually they are rescued by their prince ( Hero).

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For my poster and front cover of a magazine featuring the movie I worked on my own. I analyzed different posters and front covers. I have found what the conventions are and I have followed them to make my products successful. I used similar layout for my magazine cover and my poster as an existing products. I used color connotation to suggest different ideas about the film. For the poster I used a plain white background witch is very common for romantic comedy posters the reason for that is that the poster focuses more of the relationship of the characters or the characters as a whole.

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Magazine Front CoverMagazine Front CoverCharacter PosterCharacter PosterFilm PosterFilm Poster

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Some romantic comedy poster have a background witch identify the location were the movie is set but this usually goes against the conventions. I have looked closely at the billing blocks in one poster and research what are the billing blocks and what they contain. I have crated my own billing blocks for the poster. I have found that most trailers, fiction, action, fantasy and comedy genre movies have a character poster. I went created a character poster for my promotion package witch is unconventional for a romantic comedy film. I used the same convention and similar layout for the character poster. I think this would make the promotion package for the movie more successful and would raise beggar interest for the movie.

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As I whole I think that is successful and if it was going to be promote for real it was going to have some success as a low budget movie. Some improvement can be made in order the package to look more professional and more existing products can be analyzed. As I have shown my promotion package to some students at my school I have received a positive feedback about my promotion package.

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Here are some of the feedbacks that I have received form my target audience. I created an online survey. The audience feedback gave me some positive criticism but over all of the people who answered my survey thought that the trailer and over all cross-promotion package looked very professional and they would like to know that is going to happen in the actual movie. I think over all my product is successful.

-  Yes i would go and watch the film at a cinema and probably buy it on DVD too.

- think music was bit load in places...couldnt here the talking - I thought both posters were very professional. - colour coordinated

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How the package works as a whole

The trailer, magazine cover and the posters have the same theme running thought them

I have received a positive feedback about the promotion package from my target audience

There was interest from the tarter audience◦ “I would go and watch the movie in the cinema”

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I have used a lot of different IT skills in my construction and research, planning and evaluation. I used my advance research and different search engines to make my research more successful I have used different websites to support my research. As well as the internet I used different books to find more information about conventions and trailers. For the construction of my promotion package I have used Mac iMovie to edit and publish the trailer. The program is easy to use once you get familiar with it. The quality of the trailer is good because of the software and the good video camera that we have used. We have used handheld camera (Panasonic).

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For the magazine cover and the poster I have used my still camera (Kodak 6mpix) to take the photos. I used Adobe CS2 Photoshop to edit and create the products. I like using Adobe because I’m familiar with the software and I create different effects. I have used the website http://www.docuter.com/ to store and share some of my documents. For my Audience feedback I have used an online survey website to create my server. I send a message to some of my friends on facebook and through email to answer my survey. This was good way to create a questionnaire because I had the chance to include the trailer, posters and the front cover of the magazine. Also I had different question some of them needed a simple answer other had to be answered in a text form. Also for the evaluation I used http://www.slideshare.net to create my presentation in a fun ad interesting way.

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