evaluation for as media studies

By Daisy Bain

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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By Daisy Bain

Question 1

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My project would be seen by audience as a music magazine die to the main image representing an artist and the bold text which draws you into reading which then clearly identifies it as a music magazine. Like other magazines I used the conventional layout of the main image slightly overlapping part of the masthead on the front cover. I have also included an editors note inside the magazine at the bottom of the contents page, along with an image of the cover. For the main cover I used an almost black background which subverts conventional music magazines being of white background I feel as if the darker background diverts the readers attention to the masthead and main image. The genre of music my magazine represents is clearly shown on the cover by a list of a few bands of the same genre and also, the contents page has pictures of gigs and also more bands are listed who are also of the same type of genre, my model on the front of the cover also represents how males who listen to that genre would want to dress. My photographs of the model are showing him looking into the camera which like other magazines connects him to the reader which draws in their attention and intrigues them into reading/buying the magazine. For editing my photos I used Adobe Photoshop CS6, and changed the levels, contrast, brightness etc of the photo and used the background tool which made my photo mesh well with the magazine and other photos. The layout of my double page spread is a conventional way how other magazines may present theirs, due to half of the spread being of an image linked with the cover page main image and then the other half including a bold title and subheading, then columns and quote.

Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Demographically my music magazine would represent the youthful audience of 15-22 year olds who listen to this genre of music due to including information and news of new indie artists and gigs. The model of the cover is an adolescent and they represent the magazine to be focused on the same age and possibly younger, however, all of the bands in my other images used are of a variety of ages therefore that would widen the audience age to above 17.

Link to watch a short cutaway clip of peer feedback https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG8IDeKHmHg

Question 3

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think my magazine ties into the publishing house of Bauer Media who also own Q magazine, Mojo and Kerrang, however, these magazines seem to all target older aged music lovers, and my music magazine is for the younger generation, therefore I believe IPC Media, who own NME would seem to be fitted better to my magazine. As for distribution I think my magazine would be sold in supermarkets as it’s only printed monthly and a supermarket would open it up to many more potential readers, it would also be sold in music stores due to it being a music magazine and people who are interested in this type of magazine may been intrigued. It would also be sold online as there would be subscription options.

Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Due to my music magazine being for teenagers and young adults it would attract 15-22 year olds. The people who would read the magazine would be music loving people and who also want to read about new bands and their success. The magazine would interest readers into seeing gigs and listening to new bands of the genre of music they listen to already. As for socio-ecomonic groups, the magazine offers a wide variety of different artists which would therefore interest groups E-B possibly, however the magazine being for younger adults it wouldn’t matter too music of socio-economic groups. An ideal reader would be a 17 year old female or male who goes to gigs in support of small bands and have a passion in listening to all different artists, they also give feedback to the magazine and are subscribed to monthly issues.

Question 5

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Link for youtube

Link for my question response on youtube.


Question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

To create my music magazine I used Adobe Photoshop CS6, therefore I learnt how to use tools such as:

• background tools

• Image adjustments

• Healing brushtool

As for my magazine images I used my iPhone 4 camera as I found it takes good pictures when focused.

I also looked at a variety of fonts on dafont.com and was able to see how they looked with my magazine and which would stand out to the audience the most, I used peer feedback to test which font would be best used for the cover. A peer said “I found that Daisy’s masthead on the cover of her music magazine stood out against the dark background and as the title of CRNK is short, I felt that the font style suited the other colours and tied in the rest of the magazine well”

Question 7

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

By creating the college I feel as if I learnt the general knowledge of using Photoshop to edit photos however, my Music Magazine was made on photoshop entirely therefore I learnt how to se the other features, such as ‘Magic eraser tool’ and the ‘Healing brush tool’ From the college to music magazine I used much more images and bold texts, and the music magazine is of one specific genre whereas the college was just to the audience of college students and possibly tutors. From conventions I learnt how the eye contact of my model does attract reader and grabs their attention.