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Page 1: Evaluation in the European Commission€¦ · Evaluation in the European Commission PE 611.020 6 An analysis of the information gathered from the European Commission's 2016 and 2017


EPRS | European Parliamentary Research ServiceAuthor: Lorna Schrefler

Ex-Post Evaluation UnitPE 611.020 – November 2017

Evaluation in theEuropeanCommissionRolling Check-List andState of Play

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Page 3: Evaluation in the European Commission€¦ · Evaluation in the European Commission PE 611.020 6 An analysis of the information gathered from the European Commission's 2016 and 2017

EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service

Evaluation in the European Commission

Rolling Check-List and State of Play


This research paper aims to provide an overview of planned and ongoing evaluations ofEU legislation and spending programmes carried out by each European Commissiondirectorate-general (DG) 1. The general overview and state of play on the public availabilityof evaluations is completed by a rolling check-list comprising the on-going and plannedevaluations on the basis of information disclosed by the Commission in various sources(DGs' annual management plans, annual activity reports and strategic plans, the singleevaluation plans, and roadmaps published between July 2015 and October 2017), and theinformation made available by individual DGs. The annexes to this research paper containan overview and links to the DGs management plans for 2017 (Annex I) and provide a listof and direct links to the evaluations published in 2015 and until 20 October 2017 in varioussources (Annexes II and III). Finally, Annex IV covers the Commission evaluation staffworking documents published in EUR-Lex and in the Register of Commission Documents.

1 DGs are included in the review based on the list of DGs provided on the European Commission'swebsite. Departments that are considered internal or administrative services are excluded from thisreview.

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AUTHORLorna SCHREFLER, Ex-Post Evaluation UnitTo contact the Unit, please email: [email protected]

ABOUT THE PUBLISHERThis paper has been drawn up by the Ex-Post Evaluation Unit of the Directorate for ImpactAssessment and European Added Value, within the Directorate–General for ParliamentaryResearch Services of the Secretariat of the European Parliament.


This document is available on the internet at: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank

DISCLAIMERThis document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliamentas background material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document isthe sole responsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken torepresent an official position of the Parliament.Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source isacknowledged and the European Parliament is given prior notice and sent a copy.

Manuscript completed in November 2017. Brussels © European Union, 2017.

PE 611.020ISBN : 978-92-846-2251-1doi: 10.2861/011615QA-07-17-029-EN-N

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Executive summary..........................................................................................................5General Overview.............................................................................................................81. Introduction...................................................................................................................82. Purpose of this research paper..................................................................................103. Evaluation in the European Commission ...............................................................114. The Commission's planning of evaluations............................................................13

4.1 Identification of planned, on-going and recently concluded evaluations ...144.2 Ongoing evaluations: detailed overview of the single evaluation plan andrecent roadmaps .........................................................................................................16

Check-list of planned and ongoing evaluations.........................................................23DG AGRI .....................................................................................................................24DG CLIMA ..................................................................................................................28DG CNECT..................................................................................................................29DG COMM..................................................................................................................31DG COMP ...................................................................................................................33DG DEVCO .................................................................................................................34DG EAC .......................................................................................................................39DG ECFIN ...................................................................................................................42DG ECHO....................................................................................................................47DG EMPL ....................................................................................................................50DG ENER.....................................................................................................................53DG ENV.......................................................................................................................55DG ESTAT...................................................................................................................59DG FISMA...................................................................................................................60FPI.................................................................................................................................64DG GROW...................................................................................................................66DG HOME...................................................................................................................73JRC................................................................................................................................79DG JUST.......................................................................................................................80DG MARE....................................................................................................................84DG MOVE ...................................................................................................................88DG NEAR....................................................................................................................93DG REGIO...................................................................................................................98DG RTD .......................................................................................................................99DG SANTE ................................................................................................................102SG................................................................................................................................109Structural Reform Support Service........................................................................110DG TAXUD ...............................................................................................................111DG TRADE................................................................................................................114

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Annex I: DGs' Annual Management Plans - 2017....................................................116Annex II: Evaluations published in the database of completed evaluation files(2016) ..............................................................................................................................117Annex III: Evaluations and reports published in other sources ............................118Annex IV: Commission Evaluation Staff Working Documents (SWD) ................131

List of figures

Figure 1: Distribution of evaluation files per directorate-general (2017)................17Figure 2: Distribution of files per type of evaluation – number & share of total

(2017) .............................18Figure 3: Types of evaluation per directorate-general (2017)...................................19Figure 4: No of evaluations in all sources and details on REFIT entries (2017).....20

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Executive summary

Evaluation is an important element for the proper functioning of the policy cycle. It serves manypurposes, for instance assessing how a particular policy intervention has performed in comparisonwith expectations, and possibly shedding light on the causal chain that led to a certain policyoutcome. Evaluation is also a means of fostering transparency and accountability towards citizensand stakeholders. Last but not least, evaluation provides evidence for policy-makers in decidingwhether to continue, modify or terminate a policy intervention. It is in this context that the EuropeanParliament and its Members have, as co-legislators and directly elected representatives of thecitizens, a particular interest in knowing how evaluation in the European Commission is carried outand what are the concrete results and findings it produces.

A first complete definition of what constitutes an evaluation and how it should be carried out wasintroduced by the European Commission's Better Regulation Guidelines on 19 May 20152. Prior tothat time, while evaluations were already common practice in several directorates-general (DGs) ofthe European Commission, approaches varied between DGs, and the concepts of 'study' and'evaluation' appeared to overlap. The Guidelines have been applicable since 1 July 2015 and theCommission has progressively transitioned towards complete implementation of the newrequirements. Following the entry into force on 13 April 2016 of a revised Inter-InstitutionalAgreement on Better Law-making (IIA BLM), the Commission updated the Better RegulationGuidelines and the accompanying Toolbox in July 2017. Although the latest changes do not alter theconcept of evaluation nor the methodological approach already in place, they acknowledge, clarifyand provide guidance on certain evaluation practices that have emerged in recent years, such as theuse of 'back-to-back' evaluations and impact assessments3. Finally, it is worth noting that theRegulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB)4 has started issuing its opinions on Commission evaluations andfitness checks as of this year.

Until recently, the overall picture of Commission evaluations remained complex and difficult toreconstruct for external actors5. Progress towards the full implementation of the 2015 BetterRegulation Guidelines has now clarified the status of ongoing and planned Commission evaluationsconsiderably. Conversely, accessing completed evaluations, namely Commission evaluation staffworking documents and the underlying external studies, remains more challenging.

This research paper is aimed at providing the necessary information for a better understanding andfollow-up of Commission evaluation activities. It therefore compiles, for Members of the EuropeanParliament and parliamentary committees, as complete a picture as possible of the Commission'sactivities in the area of evaluation and of the information publicly available from various sources,from an external perspective.

2 For the definition of evaluation currently used by the European Commission, see below, page 9.3 Note that the 2017 revision of the guidelines concerns various other aspects of the Commission's approach to betterregulation, which however fall outside the scope of this research paper.4 The RSB is 'a body inside the Commission which scrutinises draft impact assessment reports and selectedevaluations/fitness checks and issues opinions with a view to improve their quality or providing guidance for the future',Better Regulation Guidelines, p. 90.5 For instance, as explained in previous editions of this research paper, there was no unique repository providing acomplete overview of ongoing and planned evaluations.

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An analysis of the information gathered from the European Commission's 2016 and 2017 ForwardPlanning of Evaluations and Studies (also known as the single evaluation plans), the annualmanagement plans, strategic plans and annual activity reports of individual directorates-general for2016 and 2017, the evaluation roadmaps published since July 2015, and various official sources forpublished evaluations6 shows that:

A total of 507 planned and ongoing evaluation files can be found in the 2016 and 2017 singleevaluation plans and in the evaluation roadmaps published between July 2015 and October2017.

These 507 evaluations were prompted either by a legal requirement to evaluate included inthe original act (40 %), by the Financial Regulation governing the establishment and theimplementation of the EU budget (15%), or by a legal basis in the multiannual financialframework (10 %). Evaluations originating from the Regulatory Fitness and PerformanceProgramme (REFIT) corresponded to around 5 % of the total of planned and ongoingevaluation files, while about 1% stemmed from the Commission work programme's 'evaluatefirst' principle. A relatively large proportion of all evaluations (29 %) was constituted byproject evaluations triggered by 'other reasons' than those listed above, from for instance theDG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) and by studies carried outby other DGs.

The 2017 annual management plans of each DG are all publicly available. In addition, the five-year strategic plans published by each DG since 2016 provide further information on ongoingand completed evaluations, particularly when they are regularly updated. Information oncompleted and cancelled evaluations is also included in DG's annual activity reports; howeverthe dedicated annex is not always publicly accessible. The Commission also published for thefirst time a centralised and annual Overview of Commission's Completed Evaluations andStudies in 2016, which complements the information traditionally provided in the yearly singleevaluation plans. This is a welcome addition to the existing sources covered in this researchpaper. However, as the document has no date, it is unclear whether and how often it will beupdated and if it will become the main reference source on completed Commissionevaluations.

As explained in the previous edition of this research paper, the Commission now makes adistinction between evaluations carried out by external contractors and the Commission staffworking documents on evaluation (SWD) foreseen by the 2015 Better Regulation Guidelines.According to the Guidelines, Commission SWD should present and summarise the finalresults of the evaluation process and may draw on work done exclusively by externalcontractors and/or by the Commission services.

Nearly 300 evaluations and related 92 Commission SWDs were published in various sourcesbetween January 2015 and mid-October 2017. This is a considerable increase in comparisonwith last year’s findings (just 200) and reflects the conclusion of complex evaluation exercises,often involving several DGs, such as the interim evaluation of Horizon 2020. The availablestaff working documents tend to summarise and complement the results of evaluations carriedout externally. It also seems to be common practice to include a link to the original studies inthe staff working document. However, as already noted in the 2016 edition of this researchpaper, some of those links do not function and/or access to the original source is not

6 All sources were last accessed on 20 October, 2017.

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straightforward. For transparency and objectivity purposes and for the overall efficiency ofnot duplicating already existing work, it would be more helpful for the co-legislators to havethe original studies as an annex to the Commission staff working documents and, wherepossible, the underlying data, so as to allow them to profit as well from the work already doneand to be in a position to base their own judgments on the overall findings of the evaluationprocess.

The Interinstitutional Database of EU Studies now appears to be fully operational. At the timeof writing, the type and quantity of information being uploaded still varied betweenCommission DGs: it is to be hoped that these differences will disappear once the use of thedatabase becomes more widespread across the Commission7. The database has the potentialto become the internal 'one-stop-shop' on planned, ongoing, and completed evaluation workin the EU institutions. It would thus benefit from more publicity within each institution.

Obtaining a complete overview of Commission's evaluations remains more cumbersome forthe wider public in some areas. As this research paper shows, there is a wide diversity ofinformation available, which is however not always easy to navigate for non-expert audiences.

The improvements in the quality and systematisation of publicly available information onongoing and planned evaluations already highlighted in 2016 have been further strengthened thisyear. Indeed, this information is now fully centralised and easily accessible.

The situation is different as far as completed evaluations are concerned, and the quantity andquality of publicly available information still varies between DGs. Moreover, locatingpublished evaluations in EURLex, the Register of Commission Documents and the EUBookshop is not always straightforward. It is to be hoped that a publicly available repositoryfor all evaluations staff working documents, underlying external studies (if present) and otherrelated information will also become available in the near future.8 In the absence of such arepository, a regularly updated overview of the Commission's completed evaluations andstudies would go a long way towards addressing this issue.

7 Note that the results of the ex post evaluation activities undertaken by the European Parliament, including anyaccompanying studies, are all publicly available on the European Parliament Think Tank webpage.8 As noted in previous editions of this research paper, the (discontinued) database on completed evaluations served thatfunction but has not yet been replaced by a comparable alternative. On this point, see also European Court of Auditors,Annual Report on the Implementation of the Budget, 2017/C 322/01 of 29 September 2017, p. 70.

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General Overview

1. Introduction

Evaluations serve many purposes at EU level and make an important contribution to the properfunctioning of the policy cycle. Evaluations help the European Commission, inter alia, to assess howa policy intervention has actually performed in comparison with expectations. They can clarify thecausal chain that led to a certain policy outcome. Evaluations are also a means to foster transparencyand accountability towards EU citizens and stakeholders and offer to the actors concerned anopportunity to give feedback on an intervention. Evaluations can provide the required evidence asper Article 318 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)9 and serve as aninput to the Commission's management plans and annual activity reports. Lastly, evaluationsprovide an 'independent and objective judgment'10 for policy-makers to decide for instance whetherto continue, modify or terminate the intervention under examination.

Evaluations are a particularly valuable aid to the EU legislator at the stage of policy review. In thiscontext, timely availability of evaluation results as well as comprehensive information on ongoingevaluation exercises and specifically on their scope, expected timetable, available data sources andstakeholders consulted are crucial.

The European Commission's Better Regulation Guidelines define evaluation as:

'An evidence-based judgment of the extent to which an existing intervention is: effective; efficient; relevant given the current needs; coherent both internally and with other EU interventions; and and has achieved EU added-value.'11

At EU level, evaluations are required when12:

indicated by the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union and itsRules of Application13 (namely for all programmes and activities entailing spending of above€5 million);

the legal basis of an intervention provides for an evaluation (e.g. via a review clause) 14;

9 Article 318 TFEU states that the Commission should establish an annual evaluation report of the EU's finances based onthe results achieved. These annual evaluation reports are available here. In the areas for instance of justice, freedom andsecurity, social policy and public health, research, technological development and space, the EU Treaties also provide forsector-specific evaluation requirements.10 Better Regulation Guidelines, SWD (2017) 350, p. 52.11 SWD (2017) 350, p. 52.12 For further details, see the SWD (2017) 350, p. 54.13 The latest version of the Financial Regulation is applicable as of 1 January 2016. On 14 September 2016, the EuropeanCommission adopted a proposal to review the existing text of the Financial Regulation.14 Note however, that evaluation requirements as well as their level of precision vary between individual legal acts. Forfurther details see also EPRS (2017), Review Clauses in EU Legislation: A Rolling Check-List (fifth edition).

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indicated by Council Regulation 2015/323 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the 11thEuropean Development Fund.

In addition, several Commission directorates-general (DGs) undertake a wide range of activities thatfall broadly within the category of evaluation.

As explained in the previous editions of this research paper, following the publication of theCommission's Better Regulation Package15 on 19 May 2015, the main novelty in the field ofevaluation did not concern the requirements that trigger such an exercise, but rather its expectedcontent, underlying concepts and principles. Indeed, while evaluations were already commonpractice in several DGs of the European Commission prior to the adoption of the Better RegulationPackage, approaches varied between the different directorates-general, and the concepts of 'study'and 'evaluation' appeared to overlap16.

The Better Regulation Guidelines have been officially applicable since 1 July 2015, and the transitiontowards full implementation of the new requirements throughout the Commission should be almostcomplete17. In July 2017, the Commission revised the Guidelines and the accompanying Toolbox toreflect, not least, the entry into force on 13 April 2016 of a revised Inter-Institutional Agreement onBetter Law-making (IIA BL) 18.

The 2016 IIA BL reinforces the importance of the ex-post evaluation of existing legislation andclarifies its position in the legislative cycle. There is also a clear commitment on the part of theCommission to

'inform the European Parliament and the Council of its multiannual planning of evaluationsof existing legislation and [...] to the extent possible, include in that planning their requestsfor in-depth evaluation of specific policy areas or legal acts'19.

As will be explained in greater detail below, the steps taken by the European Commission to complywith the above have greatly improved access to relevant information on planning, and on ongoingand, to a certain extent, published Commission evaluations for the EU legislator and the staff of theother EU institutions. Access to the relevant information for the wider public remains however morecomplex in some areas.

As regards the content and recommended approach to evaluations, the 2017 revision of the BetterRegulation Guidelines confirms the applicability of the principle of proportionate analysis andspecifies that the depth of analysis may vary depending on the nature of the intervention being

15 The 2015 package included a Commission Communication, Better Regulation Guidelines and an accompanying toolbox.16 On this point, see also the Commission communication on Strengthening the foundations of Smart Regulation –improving evaluation, COM (2013) 686.17 Evaluations tend to be long-term projects that span across years. Several evaluations included in previous editions ofthis rolling check-list were launched before the 2015 requirements became applicable. This was also the case of someexternal evaluations for which the terms of reference for external contractors were drawn up before the application of the2015 guidelines. Some of the evaluation roadmaps published by the Commission since the adoption of the 2015 BetterRegulation Guidelines indicate when an evaluation is being carried out according to pre-2015 requirements. The vastmajority of these evaluations have now been published.18 For further details on the general context surrounding the recent changes to the Better Regulation Guidelines, see alsothe Commission communication ''Completing the Better Regulation Agenda: Better solutions for better results'' of 24October 2017, COM (2017)651.19 IIA BL, point 21.

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evaluated20. Nonetheless, the definition, concepts and principles of evaluation are applicable to allcases. The revision also clarifies in which instances an evaluation might not be needed21. The 2017edition of the Guidelines also acknowledges some approaches that have been observed in recentyears, such as the practice of undertaking an evaluation in parallel with an impact assessment(''back-to-back'') for a given initiative22. From the perspective of the EU legislator, this approachtends to reduce the time available for assessing the actual impacts of an existing policy/piece oflegislation, with direct effects on the legislator's scrutiny function. The Guidelines and the Toolbox(Tool #52) clarify under which circumstances ''back-to-back'' evaluations can be chosen and providesspecific operational guidance. It is to be hoped that such practice will remain limited to duly justifiedcases.

Finally, it is worth recalling that, as of this year, the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) has startedissuing its first opinions on major Commission evaluations and fitness checks. While this researchpaper does not touch on the quality of Commission evaluations, future editions might report on thefindings of the RSB to ensure that the legislator has as complete a picture as possible of the currentstatus of evaluation in the European Commission.

2. Purpose of this research paper

Relevant information on Commission evaluations can be found in various documents (e.g. theCommission's Forward Planning of Evaluations and Studies, roadmaps, the websites of individualDGs and their management plans and activity reports).

Given the size of the EU acquis and the sheer amount of available data, drawing a complete pictureof all ongoing and completed Commission evaluations and other ex-post appraisal activitiesnecessitates regular and systematic monitoring of various sources. This not only requires time butremains potentially prone to inaccuracies.

Until recently, the overall picture of Commission evaluations was difficult to reconstruct for externalactors23. Progress towards the full implementation of the 2015 Better Regulation Guidelines has nowclarified the status of ongoing and planned evaluations considerably. Conversely, accessingcompleted evaluations, in particular the Commission evaluation staff working documents (SWD)and - when relevant - the underlying external studies, remains more challenging than it was in thepast. This issue has now been addressed partially within the EU institutions through theInterinstitutional Database of EU Studies24. However, there is currently no unique, andcomprehensive repository of completed evaluations for the wider public, as previously existingsources25 have been discontinued and have not yet been fully replaced by an equivalent alternative.

20 A dedicated tool on how to undertake a proportionate evaluation was introduced in the 2017 edition of the BetterRegulation Toolbox (tool #45).21 SWD (2017) 350, p. 51.22 For a concrete example, see for instance the Roadmap for the Evaluation of the Construction Products Regulation by DGGROW included in this rolling check-list.23 For instance, as explained in previous editions of this research paper, there was no unique repository providing acomplete overview of ongoing and planned evaluations.24 The database is not always well-known by or easily accessible to all those concerned, and could benefit from morepublicity within each institution.25 This is the case of the database of completed evaluations, which was used in the first edition of this research paper asthe main source for retrieving published evaluations. On this point, see also European Court of Auditors, Annual Reporton the Implementation of the Budget, 2017/C 322/01 of 29 September 2017, p. 70.

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This research paper is intended as a means to support Members of the European Parliament andparliamentary committees in better understanding the scope and nature of evaluation activities inthe European Commission. This should allow Members to closely follow the planning of evaluationsand possibly complement the Commission's evaluation efforts with own initiatives in time for thereview of a proposal.

This rolling check-list on the evaluation of legislation and spending programmes by the EuropeanCommission should be seen as a complement to the EPRS Rolling Check-List of Review Clauses inEU Legislation and the Rolling Check-List on the Special Reports of the European Court of Auditors.Taken together, these publications enable the evolution of a specific legal act to be followedthroughout the policy cycle, from its initial adoption until a potential review, and can also providevaluable information for a potential update of legislation and future priorities.

3. Evaluation in the European Commission

The European Commission relies on various instruments to follow-up on existing policies and toassess their efficiency, effectiveness, coherence, EU added value and relevance. Evaluations and,more recently, fitness checks26 are arguably the most comprehensive tool in this respect.

As this check-list will illustrate through concrete examples, in many policy areas, there needs to bea certain 'build-up' to an evaluation, including the development of meaningful monitoringindicators already at the ex-ante impact assessment stage, subsequent data collection by nationaland sub-national authorities during the implementation phase, as well as public stakeholderconsultations and other means of stakeholder involvement to gather feedback on an intervention.This in turn leads to different ex-post appraisal activities for the same intervention (e.g. interimevaluation vs. final evaluation), which may be at times difficult to trace for those unfamiliar with thefile. Following the implementation of the Better Regulation Package, roadmaps and planning nowfacilitate this task for external actors27.

A further layer of complexity is added by the mechanisms that trigger evaluations. A case in pointis provided by the review clauses that are contained in many EU legal acts and that stipulate thatthe legislation in question is to be reviewed after a certain number of years, often following anevaluation by the Commission services. As shown in the EPRS rolling check-list of review clauses inEU legislation, reporting, evaluation and review clauses included in the EU acquis vary in both theirformulation and requirements. This can pave the way for differing modalities for ex-post appraisalof EU policies and legislation. In this respect, the Commission classifies its evaluation activitiesaccording to the different reasons triggering an evaluation/study:28

26 The Better Regulation Guidelines explain that a fitness check is 'an evaluation of a group of interventions which havesome relationship with each other (normally a common set of objectives), justifying a joint analysis', SWD (2017) 350, p.52.27 See Tool #7 in the Better Regulation Toolbox.28 For consistency purposes, this research paper follows the same classification. However, when an evaluation is presentedas being triggered both by the legal act (L) and by REFIT in European Commission sources, it is classified as L in this check-list, as a legal requirement to evaluate is considered to be a stronger trigger. When an evaluation is triggered by REFIT andby other reasons (O), it is counted as REFIT. When an evaluation is triggered by the legal act (L) and by the FinancialRegulation (FR) and/or the legal basis of the multiannual financial framework instrument (LMFF) it is also classified as L,

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L Evaluation required by legal act;LMFF Evaluation required by the legal base of the multiannual financial framework

instrument;FR Evaluation of Financial Regulation;REFIT Evaluation included in the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme;REFIT/L Evaluation required both by a legal act and listed in REFIT29;CWP Evaluation following the Commission work programme's 'evaluate first' principle;O Evaluation triggered by other reasons.

It is also worth noting that in some cases, the reason for the evaluation provided by the EuropeanCommission in the single evaluation plans or in the roadmap refers directly to a request of theEuropean Parliament, often included in a Parliamentary resolution30.

More generally, reconstructing and (from the Commission's perspective) respecting the initialplanning of evaluations is subject to the following challenges:

By their very nature, evaluations suffer from data and time constraints. For instance if adirective is transposed with some delay in several Member States it will be difficult, if notmeaningless, to assess its intended outcomes at the time specified in the legal act. As aconsequence, a planned evaluation may be (rightly) postponed, but information andjustification for those delays is not uniformly and regularly available, and needs to beretrieved on a case-by-case basis.

In other instances, evaluations are carried out too early and may not lead to conclusive resultsand need to be redone or complemented at a later stage. The IIA BL of 2016 explicitly stressesthe importance of the appropriate timing for an evaluation31.

In order to achieve better targeted evaluation and scrutiny, attention could also be paid tofinding ways to improve the review and evaluation clauses included in EU legislation. Thisshould in particular address the issue of clearly defining the scope of the evaluation and theaccompanying data collection.

In most cases, Commission evaluations are preceded by external studies. These are normallyplanned so as to respect the evaluation timetable set out in the original Legal Act. Informationon planned studies features both in the Commission's Forward Planning of Evaluation and

to avoid instances of double-counting. However, all cases of evaluations with multiple triggers are clearly indicated in thecheck-list.29 Note that this trigger was not included in the classification of evaluations used by the Commission in 2015. The firstedition of this check-list (2015) had noted the potential for confusion between these two triggers (see also previousfootnote) particularly for evaluations labelled as REFIT that would had been undertaken in any event because of arequirement in the legal act. The classification used by the Commission since 2016 appears to reflect this point.30 This is the case for instance of the 'evaluation on blending mechanisms' launched by DG DEVCO in 2015 and recentlycompleted (see Annex III below).The evaluation, which also featured in the DG's strategic evaluation work programme2015-2019, follows from the European Parliament resolution of 25 November 2014 on the EU and the global developmentframework after 2015 (2014/2143 (INI)), paragraph 81. Another case in point is paragraph 5 of Parliament's resolution of28 October 2015 on cohesion policy and the review of the Europe 2020 strategy (2014/2246 (INI)). The latter 'calls on theCommission, in the context of the ex-post evaluations for the 2007-2013 programming period, to provide information onboth the output and result orientation and the concrete contribution made to the Europe 2020 objectives by cohesionpolicy'. In its reaction to the resolution, the Commission explained that 'the ongoing ex-post evaluation for the period 2007-2013 is examining key themes for the Europe 2020 strategy such as research, innovation and SME support, and energyefficiency support. It will also address the impact of and response to the economic crisis in the context of the 2007-2013programmes [...]'.31 IIA BL, point 23.

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Studies and in the annual management plans of each DG and is generally rather detailed forthe first two years following the publication of the management plan32.

However, the link between some planned studies and the subsequent evaluation is notalways clear for those less familiar with the file. For instance, when the completion of a studyis delayed, is an update on the timing of the evaluation issued regularly? If so, where33? Moredetails on the evolution of the file are often provided in connection with a publicconsultation, so that stakeholders are duly informed. But this is not automatic, as theconsultation might have already taken place. As one of the most informative sources ofinformation on a given file, evaluation and fitness check roadmaps could be used to signalsuch updates. The 2017 edition of the Better Regulation Toolbox specifies however that oncepublished, roadmaps do not need to be updated34. While this might be a proportionateapproach in most cases, for significant changes or delays, a dated and standardised box ormessage in the roadmap indicating the main modifications, without requiring a full revisionof the text, could offer a solution.

Some entries (such as the evaluation of the Connecting Europe Facility- CEF) appear undermore than one DG. In the absence of a roadmap providing further details (as is the case forthe CEF evaluation), it is unclear whether these are indeed separate evaluations or identicalentries. This could potentially lead to them being counted twice in the single evaluation plan.

4. The Commission's planning of evaluations

The European Commission plans evaluations on a multiannual basis and a 'planning ofevaluations' is usually included in the annual management plans of each DG and, since 2016, ina DG's five-year strategic plan. As of 2016, the DGs' annual activity reports also contain a sectionon 'evaluation and other studies finalised or cancelled’ in the previous year.

The Secretariat General of the European Commission compiles the evaluation plans of theindividual DGs into a single evaluation plan, which is published on a central website in order toensure transparency of the Commission's evaluations and to enhance stakeholder access. Inaddition, information on evaluations is also included in the list of planned Commissioninitiatives35. Moreover, each DG should designate a contact point to be responsible for addressingstakeholders' questions throughout the entire evaluation process. Finally, in 2016 the Commissionpublished for the first time a centralised annual Overview of Commission's completed Evaluationsand Studies.

32 On this point see also Tool # 44 in the Better Regulation Toolbox.33 At times, such information is available in a DG's annual activity report, but this inclusion may not be systematic acrossDGs and files.34 Specifically, the revised Tool #7 explains that 'Roadmaps are published with the date of publication indicated and theyshould be considered as documents reflecting the Commission's thinking at that point in time; they do not need to bereviewed and updated'.35 This list is updated at least twice a year to reflect the actual evolution of the Commission's work. Note however that thelatest version is dated September 2016 and is available here. As regards information on evaluations, this source is not ascomprehensive as the others mentioned above, as the information available varies between DGs and the overall numberof evaluations listed is lower than the one found in the single evaluation plan. Where relevant, information from the listof planned Commission initiatives is included in the check-list.

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4.1 Identification of planned, on-going and recently concluded evaluations36

To date, the five main sources of information on the planning of evaluations are thus- the DGs' annual management plans,37

- the DGs' annual activity reports,- the single evaluation plans,- the new Overview on completed Evaluations and Studies, and- the roadmaps published on the Better Regulation website since July 2015.

The annual management plans for 2017 and the annual activity reports for 2016 are publiclyavailable and all the DGs have published their plans on the dedicated Commission webpage.

The inclusion since 2016 of an annex on finalised and cancelled evaluations in the DGs' annualactivity reports has greatly improved the clarity on ongoing evaluations. This information appearsto be consistently provided across DGs, although - as noted in the previous edition of this check-list- the relevant annex on finalised and cancelled evaluations and studies is not publicly accessible inall cases. The new and centralised Overview of Commission's Completed Evaluations and Studiescould become a very valuable source of information on published evaluations. However, the currentversion of the document bears no date and no indication of whether or when it will be updated.

The Single Evaluation Plan (Forward Planning of Evaluations and Studies 2017 and beyond), acompilation of the evaluations planned by every DG, 38 has been issued on a central website. Thisdocument provides an overview of evaluations39 planned in the context of the management plansfor 2016 and 2017, but also includes interim evaluations of on-going interventions, final/ex-postevaluations and studies/data collections foreseen to contribute to evaluations.

It should be noted that evaluation/fitness check roadmaps, when they are available, constitute themost comprehensive source of information on a file and cover all the key aspects (title, reason forthe evaluation and starting date) covered in the single evaluation plan. However, their real addedvalue lies in the greater amount of detail provided on the reason/trigger for the evaluation and onits scope. The latter is particularly important for fitness checks, which normally cover several piecesof legislation. It is to be hoped that should a change of scope for a fitness check/evaluation occurafter the publication of the first version of a roadmap (for instance because of the possibility forstakeholders to provide feedback on published roadmaps introduced by the 2015 Better RegulationGuidelines), that an updated version of the roadmap will be made available. As mentioned above,such an update could take the form of a standardised message/text box that would highlight onlythe most significant changes, without requiring a complete review of the roadmap.

36 Concluded evaluations refer to evaluations published between 1 January 2016 and 20 October 2017. For olderevaluations, see previous editions of this research paper.37 As mentioned, as of 2016, information on planned and ongoing evaluations can also be found in each DG's strategic plan2016-2020.38 The single evaluation plan also features a section on studies (Section III); this research paper covers only the entriesincluded as evaluations (Section II of the single evaluation plan).39 Evaluations and studies listed in the 2016 edition concern the following DGs: DG AGRI, DG CLIMA, DG CNECT, DGCOMM, DG COMP, DG ECFIN, DG EAC, DG EMPL, DG ENER, DG ENV, DG ESTAT, DG FISMA, FPI, DG SANTE, DGECHO, DG GROW, DG DEVCO, JRC, DG JUST, DG MARE, DG HOME, DG MOVE, DG NEAR, DG REGIO, DG RTD,SG, DG TAXUD, and DG TRADE. DGs dealing with the internal and/or administrative policies of the Commission (i.e.Translation, Interpretation, Human Resources and Security, and the European Anti-Fraud Office) are also mentioned inthe single evaluation plan but were not taken into account for this research paper as they do not directly influencelegislative activities.

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As regards recently concluded evaluations, a database of completed evaluations is available on theCommission's website but was discontinued in 2016. This database was used as the main source tolocate and access individual evaluations in the first edition of this check-list, and constituted a veryuseful and complete source of information. The distinction - introduced by the 2015 BetterRegulation Guidelines - between evaluations carried out externally (which used to be the norm until2015) and the staff working documents on evaluation (evaluation SWDs) produced internally bythe relevant DG have now led to a different approach to the publication of evaluation results. Asexplained in the Better Regulation Guidelines, evaluation SWDs will either draw on the workconducted exclusively by external contractors and/or on the evaluation work of the responsibleCommission services40. This approach mirrors to a certain extent existing practice for Commissionimpact assessments, which are always issued as Commission documents and are drafted andpublished separately from possible supporting studies carried out by external contractors. Theobligation to prepare a SWD for all evaluations appears to reflect the Commission's commitment toclose the policy cycle and create an explicit link, also internally, between the ex-ante and ex-postassessment of policies and legislation.

As a result, the evaluations completed by external contractors are now made available in the EUBookshop, which has become the central repository for this type of document41. In addition, someDGs publish completed external evaluations on their website as this facilitates communication withstakeholders interested in specific policy areas. Meanwhile, the evaluation SWDs can be retrievedfrom EUR-Lex and the official Register of Commission Documents and often also from a DG'swebsite. As a result, and in comparison with 2015, locating all completed and publishedevaluations appears to have become more challenging, as information on each file must beretrieved on a case-by-case basis and through various sources. By way of example, an externalevaluation made available on the website of a DG is not always automatically republished (at leastnot immediately) in the EU Bookshop. The opposite is also true. As a result, it is rather complicatedto obtain a complete picture of finalised evaluations. As mentioned, this situation has now beenpartially addressed by the Interinstitutional Database of EU Studies which allows those workingin the EU institutions to follow which external studies are currently being conducted for theCommission or have been published. The database appears to be updated on a regular basis,however the type and quantity of information being uploaded still varies between Commission DGs.Some DGs publish all the relevant documentation linked to a specific evaluation (external study if

40 Page 64. The Commission services might for instance update the data provided by the contractor if new evidence hasbecome available or take into account legislative changes that were not relevant at the time of the external evaluation. Forfurther details, see also Tool 49 in the Better Regulation Toolbox, which clarifies not least that 'The staff working documentfor evaluation or fitness check (SWD) is the key deliverable of the evaluation process, presenting the lead DG's evidence-based judgements and answers to the evaluation questions. The lead DG should present its conclusions to the evaluationin a way that is useful to policymakers and that can be used as a basis for future policy development.... Where evaluationsare based exclusively on the work of external contractors (e.g. by supporting studies), the SWD should not undermine theobjectivity and independence of the evaluation process. Instead, the SWD draws on this work and allows the lead DG totake ownership of the findings and conclusions of the evaluation. However, if there are reasons why the lead DG thinksthere are different answers or draws different conclusions to those of the external contractor, this can be brought out in theSWD, together with the necessary supporting justification – either by showing why they interpret the evidence differently,or by bringing in additional information. Where evaluations have limited or no support from external contractors, theSWD should provide a transparent record of the work done by the Commission services together with any informationdrawn from supporting sources'.41 See also European Court of Auditors, Annual Report on the Implementation of the Budget, 2017/C 322/01 of 29September 2017, p. 70.

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present, the Commission SWD and other internal Commission input,42 etc.), which would be theideal situation, while others upload only an executive summary of the SWD or the external study.With a more coordinated approach across the Commission, however, this database has the potentialto resolve the problem of accessing all relevant information on a specific evaluation file for thoseworking in the EU institutions and supporting the EU legislator. This will facilitate the EUlegislator's role in monitoring the implementation of EU legislation and policies.

Conversely, access to the same information for the wider public remains more cumbersome. TheOverview of Commission's Completed Evaluations and Studies in 2016 explains that a Commissionevaluation SWD can be published either in the Register of Commission Documents and/or onEURLex in cases where it accompanies a report to the other institutions or a Commission proposal43.Whenever possible, the overview also contains links to the relevant studies and a reference to theSWD. As mentioned, the overview has no specific date and it is unclear if and how often it will beupdated. Hence, stakeholders with no access to the EU institutions' internal sources of informationand/or who do not know whether an evaluation should be sought out in the Register of CommissionDocuments or in EURLex and under which title, would still face difficulties in accessing thisinformation.

A publicly available single point of access to published evaluations, underlyingdocuments/studies and Commission SWDs would help to disseminate the results of EU betterregulation efforts beyond the circle of stakeholders directly concerned and foster transparency inthe policy-making process. A regularly updated and well-publicised version of this overview wouldgo a long way towards addressing this issue.

4.2 Ongoing evaluations: detailed overview of the single evaluation plan and recent roadmaps

Following recent changes in the Commission's internal validation requirements,44 the singleevaluation plans and the evaluation roadmaps published since July 201545 are considered in thisresearch paper as providing a more accurate picture of which evaluation files are receiving greaterattention within the Commission. It is thus worth taking a closer look at this information to gain abetter understanding on a certain number of elements.

Figure 1 shows the distribution of evaluation files per DG. The data are drawn from the Secretariat-General's 2016 and 2017 Single Evaluation Plans cross-checked with the information provided byeach DG (only the entries contained in the single evaluation plan are retained for our analysis) andfurther complemented by the evaluation roadmaps made available between 1 July 2015 and20 October 2017.

At the time of writing, 507 ongoing and planned evaluations have been identified46.

42 Internal Commission evaluations appear to be concentrated in certain DGs (DG COMP, JRC, DG MOVE), while in themajority of cases evaluations are mixed or external. For further details, see the individual entries of the rolling check-listbelow.43 Overview of Commission's Completed Evaluations and Studies in 2016, p. 5.44 Better Regulation Guidelines, p. 12.45 I.e. the official date of application of the 2015 Better Regulation Guidelines.46 The figure of ongoing and planned evaluations in the previous edition of this research paper was 649. The relativelyhigh difference between the two numbers reflects the fact that several major evaluation exercises (e.g. the interimevaluation of Horizon 2020 and the External Financial Instruments Evaluations), often requiring the input of other thematicsub-evaluations, were concluded in the past few months. In addition, some of the evaluations planned in previous years

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Figure 1: Distribution of evaluation files per directorate-general (2017)

Source: EPRS on European Commission (2016 and 2017) Forward Planning of Evaluations and Studies, and Better Regulation website.

These numbers hide differences, in particular as regards what triggered each evaluation. Asexplained above, the Commission itself distinguishes between different 'reasons' for an evaluation47.The same classification is used here. However, whenever an evaluation was classified both as 'L' andas 'REFIT' in the single evaluation plan, it is counted here as 'L', as a legal requirement to evaluate isconsidered to be a stronger trigger48.

Figure 2 below shows the distribution of evaluations per trigger in terms of absolute numbers andas a share of the total number of evaluation files. As the figure indicates, most evaluations fall eitherunder the 'L' category (40 % of the total) or under 'other' (29 % of the total), followed by evaluationslinked to the Financial Regulation (15% of the total). Evaluations triggered by the multiannualfinancial framework account for about 10% of the total, while REFIT items correspond to around5 % of ongoing and planned evaluation files. Finally, evaluations stemming from the Commissionwork programme's 'evaluate first' principle constitute the remaining 1 %.

have been reclassified as studies. As explained by the European Commission, the planning of evaluations tends to berather detailed for the first two-years and subject to changes when entries concern files due to start after that timeframe.Note that the evaluations included in the 2016 and 2017 single evaluation plans that were completed and published in themeantime are not included in these calculations. For further details on completed evaluations, see Annexes II and III. Forpublished evaluation SWDs, see Annex IV.47 As mentioned, 'L' refers to evaluations mandated by the corresponding legal act; 'LMFF' to evaluations with a legal basein a multiannual financial framework instrument; 'FR' to evaluations required by the Financial Regulation; 'REFIT' refersto evaluations linked to the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme; 'CWP' to those triggered by the Commissionwork programme's 'evaluate first' principle; 'REFIT/L' to evaluations required both by a legal act and listed in 'REFIT' and'O' covers evaluations performed for other reasons that do not fall into any of the above.48 Note that 'L' evaluations have to comply both with the evaluation requirements set out in the legal act and with thoseindicated in the Better Regulation Guidelines. In other words, an evaluation will have to cover the five criteria of efficiency,effectiveness, coherence, relevance and EU added value, as required by the guidelines, even if the legal basis asks only foran evaluation of the efficiency of the intervention. By the same token, should the legal act ask for the assessment ofadditional criteria besides the five listed above, these will also have to be covered. Evaluations will follow the principle ofproportionate analysis in covering each evaluation criterion.

44 43

33 33 32 30 29

2320 20 19 19 18 18 17

14 14 12 12 10 10 8 6 5 4 4 4 4







































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Figure 2: Distribution of files per type of evaluation – number and share of total (2017)

Source: EPRS on European Commission (2016, 2017)Forward Planning of Evaluations and Studies and Better Regulation website. L= legal basis; LMFF=multiannual financial framework; CWP=

Commission work programme - evaluate first; REFIT= Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme; FR= Financial Regulation; O= other.

Figure 3 shows how the different types of evaluation are distributed across the various DGs. In thiscontext, it is worth recalling existing differences in the scope of evaluations, as some DGs mostlyundertake project evaluations linked to expenditure programmes rather than policy evaluations.

Figure 3 shows that a majority of the evaluations currently ongoing at DG ENER (8 out of 10), at DGENV (16 out of 18) and at DG FISMA (26 out of 32) were triggered by a legal act. The prevalence ofthe 'L' trigger is also found in many other DGs, including DG AGRI, DG CNCT, and DG GROW. Italso appears that DGs with the highest number of ongoing evaluations (i.e. DG DEVCO with 44entries and DG NEAR with 43 entries) are dealing with several evaluation files falling under the'other' (O) category. An important portion of DG DEVCO’s evaluations were also required underthe Financial Regulation (FR)49.

As regards 'REFIT' evaluations, these are absent from many DGs (e.g. CLIMA, EAC, ECFIN, ENER,RTD), and appear to feature more prominently in others, for instance DG FISMA (6 files out of 32)and DG JUST (4 files out of 12). Note also that in comparison to the previous edition of the rollingcheck-list, various REFIT evaluations (e.g. in DG ENV and DG GROW) have been completed in themeantime, and therefore no longer appear in these calculations.

49 As mentioned earlier, the evaluations being carried out for instance by DG DEVCO are for the most part projectevaluations.














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Finally, Figure 4 shows (dark blue column on the left) the total number of entries/files that could beretrieved from all publicly available sources (the single evaluation plans, roadmaps, and the DGs'management plans for 2016 and 2017). The orange column represents the total number of entries inthe 2016 and 2017 single evaluation plans and as roadmaps that was used as a basis for the analysespresented in the other figures of this research paper. It is worth noting that in contrast with theprevious editions of this research paper, there is now only one file50 that was not included in thesingle evaluation plans. This seems to indicate that information on ongoing and plannedevaluations is now fully centralised. The light blue column represents the total number of newentries found in the 2017 Single Evaluation Plan. These entries were not present in the 2016 SingleEvaluation Plan. Finally, the 2016 Single Evaluation Plan had introduced a distinction between 'pure'REFIT items (last green column on the right in Figure 4)51 and evaluations triggered both by REFITand by a legal act (indicated as 'REFIT+' in Figure 4). 'REFIT+' items are found mostly in DG ENV(11 cases) and in DG GROW (6 cases)52. They are virtually absent in all other DGs.

50 Namely the evaluation of the entry-exit fleet scheme by DG MARE.51 This column includes also the only case of REFIT/Other evaluation present in this check-list (see DG AGRI).52 There are two cases in DG SANTE, two in DG EMPL, and one in DG FISMA.

Source: EPRS on European Commission (2016, 2017)Forward Planning of Evaluations and Studies and Better Regulation website










































Figure 3: Types of evaluation per directorate-general (2017)

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Total allsources


New inOctober



Figure 4: No of evaluations in all sources and details on REFIT entries (2017)

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Following an analysis of the information gathered from the different sources mentioned above(DGs' annual management plans and activity reports, the Single Evaluation Plans for 2016 and2017, the Overview of Commission's Completed Evaluations and Studies in 2016, the Register ofCommission Documents, the EU Bookshop, the roadmaps published between July 2015 andOctober 2017, and each DG's website), the following elements can be retained: A total of 507 planned and ongoing evaluation files have been identified in the Single

Evaluation Plans for 2016 and 2017 and in the roadmaps published until 20 October2017.The 2015 Better Regulation Guidelines and their implementation as of 1 July 2015,have clarified the expected content and underlying principles and concepts of aCommission evaluation. The revision to the Better Regulation Guidelines of July 2017 hasfine-tuned some operational elements (e.g. how to undertake a proportionate evaluation)and also acknowledged and provided guidance on some practices that have emerged inrecent years such as the so-called back-to-back evaluations and impact assessments.

The status of planned and ongoing evaluations is much clearer than in previous editionsof this rolling checklist and the relevant information is now fully centralised and easilyaccessible.

The more frequent reasons/triggers for carrying out an evaluation are a specificrequirement included in the legal act (L - 40% of the cases), followed by other reasons (O- 29% of the cases). Evaluations triggered by the Regulatory Fitness and PerformanceProgramme (REFIT) represent a 5% share of the total number of identified evaluations.

Available information on each trigger, as it is provided in the Single Evaluation Plans andby the various DGs, is generally clear and comprehensive, with some limited exceptions.When an evaluation is required by a legal act, the relevant article/review clause in theoriginal act is almost always identified.

The annual management plans for 2017 are all publicly available and a strategic plan forthe 2016-2020 period has been issued by each DG. Since 2016, DGs' activity reports havecontained a dedicated section on completed and cancelled evaluations, which makes itpossible to keep track of developments within a single DG that are not necessarily reflectedin other Commission sources.

The quality and quantity of the information provided, especially as regards completedevaluations, still varies across DGs. Some have dedicated webpages where all evaluations,staff working documents and other relevant material are regularly published, othersinstead require more extensive searches to locate a file. As regards the annual activityreports for 2016, the dedicated annex on completed and cancelled evaluations is notpublicly accessible for all DGs. However, the Commission has for the first time publisheda centralised Overview of Commission’s Completed Evaluations and Studies. This is awelcome development; even if it is unclear when the document was created and whetherand, if so, when it will be updated.

Roadmaps are in many respects the most informative source of information on plannedand ongoing evaluations and fitness checks. The 2017 revision to the Better RegulationGuidelines states that roadmaps should be dated and taken as a reflection of theCommission's thinking at the time of publication, without needing further updates. Whilethis is a proportionate approach in the majority of cases, it would be helpful to signal anysignificant delays or changes of scope to the evaluation/fitness check through a dedicatedwarning or textbox in the original roadmap.

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By consulting various sources such as the EU Bookshop and the websites of individualDGs, a total of 181 published evaluations could be identified for the years 2016 and 2017.There is however no guarantee that this number is fully accurate.

These are mostly evaluations carried out by external contractors, which was the norm inthe past. Following the entry into force of the 2015 Better Regulation Guidelines,Commission DGs are normally required to issue a staff working document for eachevaluation, in addition to external evaluations. At the time of writing, 92 staff workingdocuments on evaluations were available in EUR-Lex and/or in the Register ofCommission Documents.

Staff Working Documents and external evaluations appear to be treated separately whenit comes to publication. Hence, and as already noted in the previous edition of this rollingcheck-list, the retrieval of all relevant documents linked to a completed evaluation remainsrelatively complex for those not directly familiar with the file.

This situation is now being partially addressed within the EU Institutions by theInterinstitutional Database of EU Studies. The database appears to be updated on a regularbasis, even if the type and quantity of information is not homogeneous. With a morecoordinated approach, this database can become a 'one-stop-shop' for all information on aspecific evaluation file for those working in the EU institutions. This will facilitate the EUlegislator's role in monitoring the implementation of EU legislation and policies. It wouldalso be helpful for the legislators if any non-confidential data used in internal and externalCommission evaluations were included, so as to allow them to benefit from the workalready done and increase transparency and objectivity.

Access to this information for the wider public remains more complex. It is to be hopedthat in the medium term a single and publicly accessible repository for both evaluationSWDs and the supporting external evaluations will be put in place. In the absence of sucha repository, a regularly updated Overview of Commission's Completed Evaluations andStudies would go a long way towards solving this issue.

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Check-list of planned and ongoing evaluations

The following tables show the evaluation plans for each DG. Evaluations are sorted by start date as the planned end date is not always specified. Thetables summarise the information gathered from the European Commission's Forward Planning of Evaluation and Studies for 2016 and 2017 (otherwisereferred to as the single evaluation plans), the evaluation and fitness check roadmaps published on the Commission's Better Regulation website53, andthe evaluations announced in each DG's 2016 and 2017 management plans and in the DG’s strategic plans. The content of the tables varies according tothe kind, clarity and level of information available for each DG.

For ease of reading, the following colour coding was applied to the tables below54:

Evaluations listed in the 2017 and/or in the 2016 Single Evaluation Plans (green)55;

Evaluations listed only in the 2017 Single Evaluation Plan (pink);

Roadmaps of evaluations/fitness checks issued between 1 July 2015 and 20 October 2017 and referring to files not included in the 2016 and 2017Single Evaluation Plans (blue).

53 Last accessed on 20 October 2017.54 Note that the previous editions of this Rolling Check-list contained two additional colour codes: white (for evaluations announced in the 2014 single evaluation plan that were not yetavailable) and yellow (evaluations announced only in a DG’s management plan but not included in any other source). These two codes concerned a very limited number of cases thatwere already disappearing in 2016. It appears that the issue of ongoing or completed evaluations not being traceable/mentioned in the centralised repositories has now been resolved.55 When an evaluation is listed only in the 2016 Single Evaluation Plan, this is mentioned explicitly.

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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost


Evaluation of the contribution ofthe CAP to the general objective'sustainable management ofnatural resources and climateaction'

N/A Legal act - It examines the combined impact of the relevant PACpolicy instruments on environmental parameters.

Framework contractoperating between2015 and 2021


2015Evaluation of the contribution ofthe CAP to the general objective'balanced territorial development'

N/ALegal act - It uses a thematic and territorial approach to examinethe combined impacts of the relevant policy, measures andinstruments vis-à-vis this policy objective.

Framework contractoperating between2015 and 2021


2016 Greening N/A

Legal act. Regulation 1307/2013, chapter 3. The Roadmap of 19September 2016 refers to two joint evaluations: 'Evaluation ofthe payment for agricultural practices beneficial for the climateand the environment under the CAP ('greening' of directpayments)' and 'Commission evaluation report on theimplementation of the EFA obligation (March 2017)'. Thepurpose of this evaluation is to evaluate the impacts of thegreen direct payment scheme as implemented by MemberStates. The evaluation serves to have a full view on how this newpolicy instrument is performing against its objectives, to provideanswers on issues raised in the public domain and provide asolid evidence basis for considering possible policy changes. Itshould provide timely results for the performance report due in2018 in accordance with Article 110 of Regulation 1306/2013 onthe common monitoring and evaluation framework of the CAP.

The Roadmap ofSeptember 2016indicates November2017 as plannedcompletion date.The DG’s AnnualManagement Plan 2017indicates end of 2017/beginning of 2018 asexpected completiondate.


2016 Evaluation of the forestry measuresunder the rural development policy

Interim, evaluation,mixed.

FR - In accordance with Article 110 of Reg. (EU) No 1306/2013the performance of the CAP, and in this case the forestry-relatedrural development measures provided for in the Regulation shallbe measured and assessed.

The Roadmap ofNovember 2016indicates November2017 as plannedcompletion date.


2016 Technical assistance for RDevaluation 2014-2020 (Helpdesk) N/A Legal act Open call- Annual from

2015 N/A

2017 Synthesis of rural development ex-post evaluations 2007-2013

Evaluation -Retrospective andexternal

Legal act- Regulation 1698/2005 N/A


Evaluation of marketing standards(contained in the commonorganisation of the markets (CMO)Regulation, the 'breakfast

N/A O - Regulation 1308 and 'breakfast directives' N/A N/A

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directives' and CMO secondarylegislation)


Evaluation of the impact of theCommon Agricultural Policy (CAP)measures towards the objective'viable food production'

Evaluation, ex-post,mixed.

Legal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation 1308/2013influencing viable food production. Article 110(5) of Regulation(EU) No 1306/2013 on the common monitoring and evaluationframework of the CAP of the European Parliament and of theCouncil requires the Commission to present a report with thefirst results of the performance of the Common AgriculturalPolicy (hereinafter CAP) by 31 December 2018 and a secondreport, including an assessment of the performance of the CAP,to be presented by 31 December 2021. This evaluation study willcontribute to fulfil this requirement and other performancereporting requirements (such as the Annual Management andPerformance Report produced at corporate level as part of theannual budget discharge).

The Roadmap ofFebruary 2017 indicatesJune 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


2017 Evaluation of EU Quality Schemes N/A Legal act - Regulation 1151/2012; relevant elements ofRegulations 1308/2013

The DG’s 2016 AnnualReport indicates thatthe evaluation will becovered in 2018 and2020.


2017 Evaluation on the impact of theCAP on generational renewal N/A O - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation 1306/2013;

Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation 1308/2013. N/A N/A

2017Evaluation of the impact of the CAPon climate change and greenhousegas emissions

N/ALegal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013, Regulation 1308/2013influencing GHG emissions from agriculture


2017 Technical assistance for RDevaluation 2014–2020 (Helpdesk) N/A Legal act. Annual from 2015 N/A

2017 Synthesis and cross-thematicevaluations N/A Legal act - Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation 1306/2013;

Regulation 1307/2013, Regulation 1308/2013. N/A N/A


Evaluation on the impact on theinternal market of certain state aidmeasures in the agriculture andforestry sectors

N/A REFIT/Other - state aid measures in agriculture and forestry N/A N/A


Evaluation of the application ofArticle 29 of Regulation (EU)1308/2013 to the olive oil andtable olives sector

N/A FR - Regulation 1308/2013, Article 29

The DG’s 2016 AnnualReport indicates thatthe content of theevaluation will becovered in 2018.


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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

2017Impact of EU agriculturalpromotion policy - internal andthird countries markets

N/A FR - Regulation 1144/2014 N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of the impact of the CAPon new marketing strategies N/A

Legal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013, Regulation 1308/2013influencing marketing strategies.

The DG’s 2016 AnnualReport indicates thatthis file will be coveredin 2018


2018Evaluation of the impact of the CAPmeasures towards the objective'viable food production'

N/ALegal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013, Regulation 1308/2013contributing to viable food production


2018Evaluation of the impact of the CAPon habitats, landscapes andbiodiversity

N/ALegal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013, Regulation 1308/2013impacting on habitats, biodiversity, landscapes.


2018 Evaluation of the impact of the CAPon water N/A

Legal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013, Regulation 1308/2013influencing CAP impact on water (quality and quantity).


2018Evaluation of the impact of the CAPon local development and jobs inrural areas

N/ALegal act - Elements of Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation 1308/2013influencing the CAP contribution to local development.



Evaluation of the contribution ofthe European Network for RuralDevelopment (ENRD) for a betterimplementation of RD programmes

N/A O - Regulation 1305/2013, Art. 52. Listed only in the SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A

2019Evaluation of the impact of the CAPmeasures towards the objective'viable food production'

N/ALegal act - Relevant elements of Regulation 1305/2013;Regulation 1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation1308/2013.



Evaluation of the impact of the CAPtowards the objective 'sustainablemanagement of natural resourcesand climate action'.

N/ALegal act - Relevant elements of Regulation 1305/2013;Regulation 1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation1308/2013.


2019Evaluation of the impact of the CAPtowards the objective 'balancedterritorial development'

N/ALegal act - Relevant elements of Regulation 1305/2013;Regulation 1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation1308/2013.


2019 Synthesis and cross-thematicevaluations N/A Legal act - Regulation 1305/2013; Regulation 1306/2013;

Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation 1308/2013.Listed only in the SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A

2020Evaluation of the impact of the CAPmeasures towards the objective'viable food production'

N/ALegal act - Relevant elements of Regulation 1305/2013;Regulation 1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation1308/2013.


2020 Evaluation of the impact of the CAPtowards the objective 'sustainable N/A

Legal act - Relevant elements of Regulation 1305/2013;Regulation 1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation1308/2013.


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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

management of natural resourcesand climate action'.

2020Evaluation of the impact of the CAPtowards the objective 'balancedterritorial development'

N/ALegal act - Relevant elements of Regulation 1305/2013;Regulation 1306/2013; Regulation 1307/2013; Regulation1308/2013.


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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

2016 Evaluation of the EU AdaptationStrategy

Evaluation, interim,mixed

O. The purpose of the exercise is to provide a first evaluation ofthe EU Strategy on Adaptation to climate change. It will examineits actual implementation and performance. The EU strategy onadaptation to climate change (COM(2013)216 final) foreseesthat, in 2017, 'the European Commission will report to theEuropean Parliament and the Council on the state ofimplementation of the EU Adaptation Strategy, and propose itsreview, if needed'. It also foresees, under Action 1 'Encourage allMember States to adopt comprehensive adaptation strategies, toconsider proposing a legally binding instrument if preparednessactions by Member States is considered insufficient'.

The Roadmap ofSeptember 2016indicates Q4 2018 asthe planned completiondate.


2017Evaluation of Regulation (EC) N°1005/2009 on substances thatdeplete the ozone layer

N/A O - Regulation (EC) N° 1005/2009. N/A N/A


Evaluation of the Regulation (EU)N° 525/2013 on a mechanism formonitoring and reportinggreenhouse gas emissions

N/A O - Regulation (EU) N° 525/2013. N/A N/A

2021 Ex post evaluation of the LIFE 2014-2020 Regulation (EC) No 1293/2013 N/A LMFF - Climate action sub-programme of the LIFE programme

2014-2020 N/A N/A

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2015 Intermediate evaluation of theeHealth Action Plan 2012-2020. N/A Legal act.

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q32017 as the target datefor the adoption of theCommission StaffWorking Document


2015 Review of the Recommendation onfixed and mobile termination rates. N/A

Legal act. The evaluation will examine whether the Nationalregulators have implemented the Termination RatesRecommendation (TRR) in a consistent way. It will also assess theimpact the recommendation had on termination markets in theEU. The Commission Recommendation (2009/396/EC) of 9 May2009 on the regulatory treatment of fixed and mobile terminationrates in the EU includes a review clause specifying that it will bereviewed no later than four years after its date of application. Asthe Recommendation also states that termination ratescalculated according to the recommended approach should beimplemented by 31 December 2012, it follows that theRecommendation should be reviewed no later than 31 December2016.

The Roadmap indicatesQ3 2017 as the plannedcompletion date.


2016 Creative Europe mid-termevaluation - MEDIA part N/A Legal act. Evaluation of the MEDIA programme.

See also correspondingevaluation by DG EAC,with Q4 2017 asexpected completiondate.


2016 Connecting Europe Facility(CEF) - Interim evaluation

Evaluation -Retrospective/Perspective andexternal/internal

Legal act. Expenditure Programme. Mid-term review - Focus onCEF Telecom.

See also correspondingevaluations by DG ENERand DG MOVE.Expected completiondate Q4 2017.


2016 AAL Interim Evaluation N/A Legal Act. Interim Evaluation of AAL activities feeding into H2020evaluation. N/A N/A

2016 Evaluation of Europeana Evaluation.

Other. Council Conclusions on the role of Europeana for thedigital access, visibility and use of European cultural heritage,adopted by the EYCS Council on 31 May 2016.

The Roadmap ofDecember 2016indicates Q4 2017 asplanned completiondate.


2016 Interim evaluation of ECSEL JointUndertaking and Final Evaluation of

Evaluation -Retrospective/Pers Legal act - Expenditure Programme. N/A N/A

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ARTEMIS and ENIAC JointTechnology Initiatives (JTIs).

pective andexternal/internal

2017 Final formal Future Internet PPPimpact evaluation. N/A Legal act. Only in 2016 Single

Evaluation Plan. N/A

2017 Directive 96/9/EC on the legalprotection of databases N/A

REFIT. The evaluation will cover the Directive in its entirety with aspecial focus on the sui generis protection of databases. Theevaluation will cover the period after 2005 (the date of the lastevaluation report).


2017Legislative proposal for a revisionof the .eu Regulations (733/2002 -874/2004)

N/A REFIT. The evaluation will cover Regulations 733/2002 and874/2004 in their entirety. N/A N/A

2017 Review of the 2013 CybersecurityStrategy N/A Other. Assessment of the 2013 Cybersecurity Strategy. N/A N/A

2018 Mid-term Review of Once-OnlyPrinciple (OOP). N/A Other. N/A N/A

2020 Interim assessment of legislationtackling unjustified geo-blocking N/A Legal act. Only in 2016 Single

Evaluation Plan. N/A

2019 Horizon 2020 final evaluation N/A Legal Act. Input for overall exercise by RTD and ownorganisational learning. N/A N/A

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2015 Evaluation of Visitors Centre Evaluation - mixed Other- Communication activity - Interim evaluation of the VisitorsCentre of the Commission.

The Roadmap publishedin October 2015indicates June 2016 asplanned completiondate. The DG’sManagement Plan 2017indicates that theexternal supportingstudy has beenfinalised.

<150 000 €

2015 Mid-term evaluation of the EuropeDirect Information Centres (EDICs)


Other - The evaluation examines the performance of the thirdgeneration of EDICs and assesses the progress against the statedobjectives. The conclusions of the evaluation aim at paving theway for an enhanced future EDIC generation.

The Roadmap publishedin October 2015indicates Q2 2016 asplanned completiondate.


2016 Mid-term evaluation of the 'Europefor Citizens' programme 2014-2020

Evaluation -Perspective/Retrospective andexternal

LMFF. According to Article 15 of Regulation 390/2014.

See also correspondingevaluation by DGHOME, with December2017 as plannedcompletion date.

200 000 €


Evaluation of cooperation incommunication between theEuropean Parliament andEuropean Commission in theMember States

Interim evaluation

Other - The overall aim of the evaluation is to assess thecooperation of the European Parliament and the EuropeanCommission in the field of communication in the Member States,services and actions provided. This evaluation will produceconclusions and help identifying the success factors in view offinding more innovative forms of cooperation in communication,and to achieve efficiency gains, where possible. As per theFinancial Regulation (art 30) and Rules of Application (art 18) anevaluation is required of all programmes and activities whichentail significant overall spending (over EUR 5 million). Thebudget allocation to the European Public Spaces (EPS) is EUR1,244,000 per year and approximately EUR 10.75 million since thelaunch of the EPSs (European Public Spaces) in 2007.

The Roadmap of August2016 indicates Q2 2017as planned completiondate. The DG’sManagement Plan 2017indicates end of 2017 astarget completion date.


2017 Corporate Communication Action2016 N/A Other - Communication activities. N/A N/A

2017 Eurobarometer N/A Other - EU public opinion N/A N/A

2017 Corporate social media activity(yearly) N/A Other - Social media activities N/A N/A

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2017 Back to school campaign N/A Other - Support EU Officials returning to schools in Member State.Evaluate in function of the objectives and target audiences N/A N/A


Evaluation of communicationactions designed bycommunications agencies onsectoral policies and implementedby Representations

N/AOther - Effectiveness and efficiency of contractual arrangementsand the role the Representations play in these communicationactions

Carried over from 2015.Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016.


2018 Corporate Communication Action2017 N/A Other - Communication activities. N/A N/A

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2015 Macroeconomic impact ofcompetition policy N/A Other - Evaluating the macro-economic impact of competition

policy. N/A N/A

2016Evaluation of procedural andjurisdictional aspects of EU mergercontrol

Internal evaluation

Other - Further verification whether current framework issufficient or legislative initiative could be useful1. Unproblematic merger cases; 2. Turnover-based thresholds; 3.Case referral mechanisms; 4. Technical aspects.

The Roadmap of August2016 indicates Q3 2017as planned completiondate. Staff WorkingDocument expected in2017.


2018 State Aid: Ex-post evaluation ofState Aid Modernisation (SAM)

Evaluation -Retrospective andexternal/internal

Other- Preparation for possible Future Commission initiative(expiry 2020) N/A N/A

2018Antitrust/cartels: Privateenforcement: Evaluation of theDamages Directive

N/A Other - Commitment to assess effects by 2020 N/A N/A

2018 Antitrust: BER on MaritimeConsortia N/A Other - Verification whether current framework is still

appropriate. N/A N/A

2019State Aid: Continuation of ex-postevaluation of State AidModernisation

N/A Other - Preparation for possible future Commission initiative N/A N/A

2020Antitrust/cartels: Ex-postevaluation of horizontal/verticalBERs/guidelines

N/A Other - Preparation for possible future Commission initiative(expiry 2022) N/A N/A


Study supporting evaluation:economic impact of enforcementof competition policies on thefunctioning of a sector (sector tobe agreed)

N/A Other - Learning for future decisions N/A N/A

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Year Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost


Evaluation of EU developmentcooperation support to highereducation in partner countries(2007-2014)


The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluationshould be finalised in2017.

499 614 €

2015Evaluation of operational plan ofGlobal Forum for AgriculturalResearch

N/A Other Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. No additional costs

2015 Evaluation of EU cooperation withIvory Coast N/A FR. Geographic.

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluationshould be finalised in2017.

362 865 €

2015 Evaluation of EU cooperation withAfghanistan N/A LMFF

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluationshould be finalised in2017.

258 805 €

2015 Evaluation of EU cooperation withEastern & Southern Africa N/A FR. Geographic, Regional Level. N/A 400 000 €

2015 Evaluation of EU Policy Coherencefor Development

Evaluation; interim;mixed

Other. An evaluation of PCD responds to Council demands for anindependent assessment notably in May 2012 and December2013. It also addresses the demand expressed by the EuropeanParliament in March 2014. Both institutions have asked for'independent assessment of progress' and to look at thedevelopment impact of key policies. They have also called for'relevant baselines, indicators and targets […] for measuring theimpact of PCD in a way which demonstrates clear developmentresults' including 'through thematic PCD case or country studies'.

Note that the Roadmapof March 2016 statesthat the evaluation wasexpected to start in2016 and indicatesJanuary 2018 asplanned completiondate.

400 000 €

2016 Joint evaluation of budget supportto Peru 2009-2015 N/A Other. Geographic, budget support.

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluationshould be finalised in2017.

300 000 €

2016 Joint evaluation of budget supportto Cambodia Evaluation; interim

LMFF. Article 12 of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR)requires the Commission to 'regularly evaluate the results ofgeographical and cross-border policies and programmes and ofsectoral policies and the effectiveness of programming in order

The Roadmap (coveringa series of evaluations)of August 2016indicates Q2 2018 as

250 000 €

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to ascertain whether the objectives have been met and enable itto formulate recommendations with a view to improving futureoperations'.

planned completiondate. The DG’sStrategic Plan 2017-2021 indicates that theevaluation should befinalised in 2017.

2016 Evaluation of the EU sustainableenergy cooperation N/A

Other. Thematic. The legal base and main justification for carryingout this evaluation can be found in Article 12 of the CommonImplementing Regulation (CIR which asks the Commission to''evaluate the impact and effectiveness of its sector policies andactions and the effectiveness of programming, where appropriateby means of independent external evaluations''.

The Roadmap ofNovember 2016indicates Q1 2018 asplanned completiondate.

2016 Evaluation of the EU cooperationwith Central African Republic Evaluation; interim

LMFF. Article 12 of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR)requires the Commission to 'regularly evaluate the results ofgeographical and cross-border policies and programmes and ofsectoral policies and the effectiveness of programming in orderto ascertain whether the objectives have been met and enable itto formulate recommendations with a view to improving futureoperations'.

The Roadmap (coveringa series of evaluations)of August 2016indicates Q2 2018 asplanned completiondate.

250 000 €

2016 Evaluation of the EU regionalcooperation with West Africa Evaluation; interim

LMFF. Article 12 of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR)requires the Commission to 'regularly evaluate the results ofgeographical and cross-border policies and programmes and ofsectoral policies and the effectiveness of programming in orderto ascertain whether the objectives have been met and enable itto formulate recommendations with a view to improving futureoperations'.

The Roadmap (coveringa series of evaluations)of August 2016indicates Q2 2018 asplanned completiondate.

350 000 €

2016 Evaluation of the EU regionalcooperation with Central Africa N/A

LMFF. Article 12 of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR)requires the Commission to 'regularly evaluate the results ofgeographical and cross-border policies and programmes and ofsectoral policies and the effectiveness of programming in orderto ascertain whether the objectives have been met and enable itto formulate recommendations with a view to improving futureoperations'.

The Roadmap (coveringa series of evaluations)of August 2016indicates Q2 2018 asplanned completiondate.


2017 Evaluation of budget support inRwanda (BS) N/A Other. Geographic, budget support. N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of EU cooperation withNiger N/A LMFF

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluation willbe postponed.


2017 Evaluation of EU cooperation withNicaragua N/A FR. Geographic. N/A 250 000 €

2017 Evaluation of EU cooperation withSomalia N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

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2017 Evaluation of EU cooperation withMyanmar N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of budget support in ElSalvador N/A Other. Geographic, budget support N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of EU cooperation withLatin America N/A FR. Geographic, Regional Level N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of EU support toConflict prevention N/A

Other. Thematic. As considerable experience has been gained inseveral fragile and conflict-affected countries since the lastevaluation (2011) and the adoption of the New Deal, thisevaluation will assess to what extent the new way of engagingwith these countries has been effective, efficient and sustainableand created an impact for the people and their societies. Broaderaspects of the Development /Security nexus, resilience, conflictprevention and conflict sensitivity will also be covered, in itsprospective dimension the evaluation may also examine to whatextend the SDG 16 on peaceful and inclusive societies wouldrequire adjusting current approaches or strategies.


2017 Evaluation of EU support toResilience N/A Other. Major.

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluation hasbeen anticipated andwill cover both DEVCOand NEAR countries.


2018 Evaluation of EU cooperation withTajikistan N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2018 Evaluation of the EU cooperationwith Malawi N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2018 Evaluation of EU cooperation withMali N/A Other. Geographic, budget support. N/A N/A

2018Evaluation of EU support tovocational training andemployability


Other. Thematic. Following on in this important area from theevaluation of employment and social inclusion published in 2011,an evaluation of vocational training will be of great value inimproving the effectiveness of our support for better policies insupport of the private sector and employment creation, notablyfor young people.


2018 Evaluation of EU support to localauthorities N/A

Other. Thematic. Following the launch of the new initiative inrelation to local authorities in 2013, an evaluation would coverthe first five years of implementation and provide guidance forthe subsequent programming phase.

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluation willalso cover countriesunder the EuropeanNeighbourhoodInstrument..


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2018 Evaluation of State BuildingContracts N/A

Other. Thematic. This evaluation intends to look for the first timeat the application of this implementation modality in fragilecontexts, with a special attention to the 5 evaluation criteria, aswell as Coordination, Complementarity and Sustainability.


2019 Evaluation of EU support toagriculture - growth - employment N/A

Other. Thematic. This evaluation is needed as in more and moreACP countries the sector of rural development is now a focalsector conformingly with Agenda for Change. The objective of theevaluation will be to assess the support provided by the EU in thisarea.


2019 Evaluation of EU support tomigration N/A Other. Thematic

The DG’s Strategic Plan2017-2021 indicatesthat the evaluationmight be anticipatedand start in mid-2018. Itwill cover both DEVCOand NEAR countries.


2019 Evaluation of EU cooperation withAngola N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of the EU cooperationwith South Sudan N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of EU cooperation withZimbabwe N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2019 Joint evaluation of EU cooperationwith Mauritania N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of EU cooperation withKyrgyzstan N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of EU support to GreenEconomy N/A Other N/A N/A

2020 Evaluation of EU cooperation withPapua New Guinea N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2020 Evaluation of EU Cooperation withEthiopia N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2020 Evaluation of EU Cooperation withHaiti N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2020 Evaluation of EU Cooperation withMozambique N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2020Evaluation of EU support to EPAs(Economic PartnershipAgreements)


Other. Thematic. Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) aretrade and development agreements negotiated between the EUand African, Caribbean and Pacific regions engaged in a regionaleconomic integration process. The EPAs were put in place to helpACP countries integrate into the world economy and share in theopportunities offered by globalization. The objective of this


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evaluation is to assess the extent to which the implementation ofthe EU support for EPAs has created favourable conditions toboost trade in the targeted regions and stimulate growth and jobcreation.

2020 Evaluation of EU Trust Fund N/AOther. Thematic. Evaluation of this new delivery modality basedon 5 years of experience that will have been gained by 2020 inimplementing various EU Trust Funds in various contexts.


2021 Joint Evaluation of the BudgetSupport to Niger N/A FR. Geographic, budget support N/A N/A

2021 Evaluation of EU cooperation withNigeria N/A FR. Geographic. N/A N/A

2021 Evaluation of the ExternalInvestment Plan N/A

LMFF. Thematic. The European External Investment Plan is anexample of a 'smarter' use of Official Development Assistance toleverage funding from other sources, create quality and decentjobs, and generate inclusive sustainable growth for the benefit ofthe poorest. It will encourage investments that otherwise wouldnot happen – for example in conflict-affected areas or whereeconomic governance is lacking.


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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

2015 Erasmus + Programme (2014-2020) Evaluation; interimand final; mixed

LMFF. Article 21.2 of the Erasmus+ legal base requires theCommission to submit a mid-term evaluation report by 31December 2017. This mid-term evaluation should also take intoaccount the results of an evaluation of the long-term impact ofthe predecessor programmes. According to Article 21.3 of thesame Regulation, the report should be submitted to the EuropeanParliament, the Council, the European Economic and SocialCommittee and the Committee of the Regions.

The Roadmap ofJanuary 2016 indicatesQ4 2017 as plannedcompletion date.


2015 Creative Europe, Culture, Mediaand Media Mundus Programmes

Evaluation; interimand final; mixed

LMFF and CWP 2016 follow-up. Article 18.3 of the CreativeEurope legal base1 requires the Commission to submit a mid-term evaluation report by 31 December 2017. This mid-termevaluation should also take into account the results of anevaluation of the long-term impact of the predecessorprogrammes. According to Article 18.4 of the same Regulation,the report should be submitted to the European Parliament andthe Council by 31 December 2017. The mid-term evaluation willassess the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance andadded value of the current Creative Europe Programme as well asthe long-term results and impacts of the predecessorprogrammes

The Roadmap ofDecember 2015 Q42017 as plannedcompletion date.


2016Dissemination and exploitation ofEducation and Culture (EAC)Programmes

N/A Other. The purpose is to assess the results of the disseminationand exploitation system that is operational in EAC from July 2015.

The DG’s 2016Management Planindicates 2017 as targetdate for completion.


2016 Ex-post evaluation of the EuropeanCapitals of Culture 2016

Evaluation -Retrospective andexternal

Legal act. External and independent evaluation of the results ofthe 2015 European Capitals of Culture (Donostia-San Sebastiánand Wroclaw) in accordance with Decision No 1622/2006/EC, Art.12.

The Roadmap of June2016 indicates Q3 2017as planned completiondate.


2017 Community action for theEuropean Heritage Label

Evaluation -Retrospective/Perspective andexternal

Legal act. - Decision No 1194/2011/EU -According to the Legal Base an evaluation should be delivered in2018.


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2017 European Capitals of Culture (ECOC2017) + long-term impact of ECOCs

Evaluation -Retrospective andexternal

Legal act - Decision No 1622/2006/EC; Decision No1622/2006/EC; Each year the Commission shall ensure theexternal and independent evaluation of the results of theEuropean Capital of Culture event of the previous year. Thisevaluation will also focus on long-term impact of ECOCs overyears.


2017 Multilingualism policy N/ALegal act. Evaluation of Commissions various policies and actionsin the field of multilingualism with the view to inform and definethe future policy framework and actions.


2017 Agenda for Culture N/A

Legal act. Evaluation of the implementation and relevance of theWork Plan for Culture (2015-2018). The evaluation follows arequest from the Council, in its Conclusions on a Work Plan forCulture (2015-2018), which invite the Commission to ''adopt,before the end of the first half of 2018, and on the basis ofvoluntary contributions from Member States, a final report on theimplementation and relevance of the Work Plan.''

The Roadmap ofOctober 2017 indicatesQ4 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


2017 Sport policy N/A

Legal act. Evaluation of Commissions various policies and actionsin the field of sport with the view to inform and define the futurepolicy framework and actions. Council Recommendation onpromoting health-enhancing physical activity across sectors willbe included.


2017 European Week of Sport N/A Other - Evaluation of the European Week of Sport 2015-2017. N/A N/A

2017Youth Partnership Agreementsbetween the EC and the Council ofEurope

N/AFR. The objective is to assess the cooperation activities within theFramework Partnership Agreement between the EuropeanCommission and the Council of Europe for 2014-2016.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A

2017Operating grant agreementsbetween EC and European YouthForum

N/A FR. The objective is to assess the operating grant agreementsbetween the European Commission and European Youth Forum. N/A N/A

2018 European Capitals of Culture (ECOC2018) N/A

Legal act. Decision No 1622/2006/EC; Each year the Commissionshall ensure the external and independent evaluation of theresults of the European Capital of Culture event of the previousyear.


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2018 European Institute of InnovationTechnology (EIT) N/A

Legal act. 4th evaluation, covering period 2016-2018 Regulation(EC) No 294/2008 as amended by the Regulation (EU) No1292/2013 establishing the European Institute of Innovation andTechnology (EIT Regulation).


2018 European cooperation in educationand training (ET 2020) N/A

Legal act. Evaluation of Strategic policy framework in the field ofeducation and training (Council Conclusions 2009/C 119/02) witha view to inform the European education and training policybeyond 2020.


2019 European Capitals of Culture (ECOC2019) N/A

Legal act. Decision No 1622/2006/EC; Each year the Commissionshall ensure the external and independent evaluation of theresults of the European Capital of Culture event of the previousyear.


2020 European Capitals of Culture (ECOC2020) N/A

Legal act. Decision No 1622/2006/EC; Each year the Commissionshall ensure the external and independent evaluation of theresults of the European Capital of Culture event of the previousyear.


2020 European Commission's Libraryand e-Resources Centre N/A

FR. The evaluation to ensure a continuous availability of validinformation on the internal Commission activity, and as well torespond to formal requirements of the Financial Regulation.


2020 European Commission'sTraineeship Scheme N/A

FR. The evaluation to ensure a continuous availability of validinformation on the scheme, and as well to respond to formalrequirements of the Financial Regulation.


2021 European Capitals of Culture (ECOC2021) N/A

Legal act. Decision No 1622/2006/EC; Each year the Commissionshall ensure the external and independent evaluation of theresults of the European Capital of Culture event of the previousyear.


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2016 ECFIN Forecasting Service InternalEvaluation

Evaluation -Retrospective/Perspective andexternal

Other - The internal evaluation will examine a range of elementswithin DG ECFIN's forecasting activities. The evaluation will alsoassess how forecasting activities may need to evolve in thecontext of lessons from the economic downturn and sovereigndebt crisis. The evaluation will consider Commission’s forecastingactivities in the broader context of other activities of theCommission, and of macro-economic forecasts provided by thirdparties outside the Commission (e.g. OECD, IMF, ECB, andMember States finance ministries).


2016Evaluation of the Jordan Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA)Programme

Evaluation, ex-post,mixed.

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the Jordan macro-financial assistance programme (MFA) in line with therequirements of Decision 1351/2013/EU. MFA was providedunder the programme to promote policy measures to improvepublic financial management and tax reform while strengtheningthe social safety net; measures to improve the regulatoryframework and climate for investment; and reforms to reduceunemployment and encourage participation in the labour market,notably among women. Financial disbursements under theprogramme were completed in 2015.

The Roadmap of August2016 indicates Q3 2017as planned completiondate.


2016 Evaluation of the Ukraine I & IIMFA Programme

Evaluation, ex-post,mixed.

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the Ukraine I & IImacro-financial assistance programmes (MFA) in line with therequirements of Decision 388/2010 EU and Decision215/2014/EU. MFA was originally provided to Ukraine to helpsupport economic reforms in the country and address persistentexternal financing difficulties. In light of political developments inearly 2014 and the acute balance-of-payments crisis experiencedby Ukraine, the Commission proposed a second MFA operation.This proposal was accompanied by a detailed evaluation of theeconomic issues in Ukraine and the related MFA objectives.Financial disbursements under both programmes have now beencompleted - taking place in 2014 & 2015.

The Roadmap of August2016 indicates Q3 2017as planned completiondate.



Medium Term Evaluation ofPericles 2020 Programme:Exchange, assistance and trainingprogramme for the protection ofthe euro against counterfeiting

Evaluation; interim

Legal act. Evaluation on achievement of objectives, costeffectiveness and value added. In view of possible renewal,modification or suspension of the measures. Medium TermEvaluation by 31 December 2017 (Art 13 (4) Regulation (EU No331/2014.

The Roadmap ofOctober 2016 indicatesDecember 2017 asplanned completiondate.


2017 Cyprus economic adjustmentprogramme ex-post evaluation N/A

FR. The purpose of the ex-post evaluation is to assess the Cypruseconomic adjustment programme (2013 - 2016) and draw lessonsfor future decision-making. The results of the evaluation can also


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be used to help identify areas of improvement for similar on-going or future possible interventions. The evaluation will consistof an ex-post assessment of the economic objectives, content andresults of the programme. The analysis will be primarily economicand based on data analysis and stakeholder interviews. Similarevaluations have already been completed on the IE, ES & PTprogrammes.

2017 Evaluation of the Kyrgyz RepublicMFA Programme N/A

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the Kyrgyz macro-financial assistance programme (MFA) in line with therequirements of Decision 1025/2013/EU. MFA will support theeconomic reform agenda of the government as agreed with theinternational donor community. It is aimed at reducing the short-term financial vulnerability still faced by the economy, whilesupporting reform measures aimed at achieving a moresustainable balance of payments and budgetary situation overthe short-term. The assistance will also promote policy measuresto strengthen public finance management, tax reforms tounderpin fiscal sustainability as well as measures to strengthenthe banking system. Financial disbursements under theprogramme have now been completed - taking place in 2015 &2016.


2017 Evaluation of the application of theamended Decision N°466/2014/EU N/A

Legal act. The Commission is required to present an evaluationreport on the application of the amended DecisionN°466/2014/EU of 16/04/2014 concerning the EU guarantee tothe EIB against losses under financing operations supportingprojects outside the EU over 2014-2020.



Evaluation of the Six Pack -Effective enforcement ofbudgetary surveillance in the euroare


Legal act. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness ofRegulation 1173/2011. It will also consider the possibility toenable the Council and the Commission to act in order to addresssituations which risk jeopardising the proper functioning of themonetary union. In addition the evaluation will assess progress inensuring closer coordination of economic policies and sustainedconvergence of economic performance of the Member States inaccordance with the TFEU. The results of the evaluation will bepresented to the European Parliament and to the Council by 14December 2019. The Regulation covers the effectiveenforcement of budgetary surveillance in the euro area within theSix-Pack. A previous Communication in November 2014undertook an economic governance review of the Two-Pack andSix-Pack regulations


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Evaluation of the Six Pack -Enforcement measures to correctexcessive macroeconomicimbalances in the euro area.


Legal act. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness ofRegulation 1174/2011. It will also assess progress in ensuringcloser coordination of economic policies and sustainedconvergence of economic performances of the Member States inaccordance with the TFEU. The results of the evaluation will bepresented to the European Parliament and to the Council by 14December 2019. The Regulation covers the enforcementmeasures to correct excessive macroeconomic imbalances in theeuro area within the Six-Pack. A previous Communication inNovember 2014 undertook an economic governance review ofthe Two-Pack and Six-Pack regulations. Undertaking anevaluation of Regulation 1174/2011 is conditional on theoutcome of an ECA audit of the MIP, scheduled for completion inH1 2017.



Evaluation of the Two Pack - (ECRegulation 472/2013)Strengthening economic &budgetary surveillance of MemberStates in the euro areaexperiencing or threatened withserious difficulties re financialstability


Legal act. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness ofRegulation 472/2013. It will also assess progress in ensuringcloser coordination of economic policies and sustainedconvergence of economic performance of the Member States inaccordance with the TFEU and the contribution of the Regulationto the achievement of the Union's strategy for growth and jobs.The results of the evaluation will be presented by the Commissionto the European Parliament and to the Council by 1 January 2019.The Regulation covers the surveillance elements of the Two-Packof Member States in the euro area experiencing or threatenedwith serious difficulties with respect to their financial stability. Aprevious Communication in November 2014 undertook aneconomic governance review of the Two-Pack and Six-Packregulations.



Two-Pack – (EC Regulation473/2013) Monitoring & assessingdraft budgetary plans and ensuringcorrection of excessive deficit ofMember States in the euro area


Legal act. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness ofRegulation 473/2013. It will also assess progress in ensuringcloser coordination of economic policies and sustainedconvergence of economic performance of the Member States inaccordance with the TFEU and the contribution of the Regulationto the achievement of the Union's strategy for growth and jobs.The results of the evaluation will be presented by the Commissionto the European Parliament and to the Council by 1 January 2019.Within the Two-Pack, the Regulation covers the commonprovisions for monitoring and assessing draft budgetary plans andensuring the correction of excessive deficits of the MemberStates in the euro area. A previous Communication in November


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2014 undertook an economic governance review of the Two-Packand Six-Pack regulations.

2018 Evaluation of the Ukraine III MFAProgramme N/A

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the Ukraine III macro-financial assistance programme (MFA) in line with therequirements of Decision (EU) 2015/601. In response to a deepeconomic recession and a severe confidence crisis due to theprotracted armed conflict in the eastern part of the country, theCommission issued a proposal for a new MFA programme forUkraine in 2015. The MFA aims at alleviating the country's largeexternal financing needs and to support the ambitious reformprogramme of the authorities. The programme largely builds onthe reform agenda pursued by the Ukrainian authorities andcovers a broad range of areas, including public financemanagement, governance and transparency, the energy sector,social safety nets, business environment and the financial sector.The first financial disbursement took place in 2015. A furtherdisbursement has still to take place.


2018 Evaluation of the Georgia MFAProgramme N/A

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the Georgia macro-financial assistance programme (MFA) in line with therequirements of Decision 778/2013/EU. MFA was provided tosupport agreed policy measures covering: public financemanagement, strengthening the social safety net, reinforcingbanking regulation and trade and competition policy measures tosupport the implementation of the Deep and ComprehensiveFree Trade Area with the EU. Financial disbursementscommenced in 2015 and completed in 2016.


2018 Evaluation of the Tunisia I & II MFAProgramme N/A

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the Tunisia macro-financial assistance programme (MFA) in line with therequirements of Decision 534/2014/EU. MFA to Tunisia is part ofa wider effort by the EU and other international donors to helpTunisia overcome the severe economic difficulties it has facedsince its economic and political transition process began followingthe 2011 revolution. The MFA programme is intended to supportreform measures aimed at achieving a more sustainable balanceof payments and budgetary situation, improving the investmentclimate, and fostering economic integration and regulatoryconvergence with the EU. Financial disbursements commenced in2015 and are scheduled to complete in 2016. Planning for asecond MFA operation is currently underway.


2019 Evaluation of the economicadjustment programme for Greece N/A FR. The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the Greece

economic adjustment programme (2010 - ongoing) and draw N/A N/A

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lessons for future decision-making. The evaluation will consist ofan ex post assessment of the economic objectives, content andresults of the programme. The analysis will be primarily economicand based on data analysis and stakeholder interviews. Similarevaluations have already been completed on the IE, ES & PTprogrammes and CY is planned.

2019 Evaluation of Pericles 2020Programme N/A

Legal act. The ex-post evaluation will assess the performance ofthe Pericles 2020 programme, in line with the requirements ofRegulation 331/2014. The programme is an exchange, assistanceand training programme aiming at promoting actions for theprotection and safeguarding of the euro against counterfeiting.The general objective of the programme is to prevent and combatcounterfeiting and related fraud. The results of the evaluation willbe presented by the Commission to the European Parliament andto the Council by 31 December 2021.


2019 Evaluation of the ECFINCommunication Strategy N/A

FR. The evaluation of the Communication Strategy will assess theCommission’s communication activities and provide guidanceand recommendations towards refining and further developingthe next communication strategy.


2019 Macro Financial Assistance meta-evaluation N/A

Other - The meta-evaluation will provide a synthesis of the resultsof the evaluation studies of MFA operations carried out up to2016. Furthermore, it will consider the reliability and relevance ofthe methodology, process, outputs, and outcomes of theseevaluations.


2019 Evaluation of the Quarterly Reporton the Euro Area N/A

FR. The evaluation will assess the effectiveness, efficiency andutility of the Quarterly Report on the Euro Area (QREA)publication.


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2016 Evaluation of health and medicalassistance N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the sector ofhealth and medical assistance, 2014-2016.


2016 Comprehensive evaluation ofHumanitarian Aid 2011-2016

Interim, mixedevaluation

Legal act and FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU addedvalue, efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's humanitarian aidactions 2012-2016. Although the Humanitarian Aid Regulation(Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/96 of 20 June 1996) does notcontain any requirements for evaluation, Article 18 requiresregular assessment of humanitarian aid operations financed bythe EU.

The Roadmap ofFebruary 2017 indicatesDecember 2017 as theplanned date ofpublication of the finalreport.


2016 EU Aid Volunteers interimevaluation

Evaluation, interim,mixed

LMFF. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions under the EU AidVolunteers initiative, 2014-2016; Art. 27 of the Regulation on theEuropean Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps. Article 27(4)(b) ofthe Regulation requires the Commission to submit an interimevaluation report to the European Parliament and the Council by31 December 2017.

The Roadmap of May2017 indicates Q4 2017as planned completiondate.



Evaluation of DG ECHO’sinterventions in the region ofsouthern Africa and south-westIndian Ocean (2011 – 2015)

Ex-post, mixedevaluation

FR. Art. 20 of Regulation 1257/96 (the Humanitarian AidRegulation) require a regular assessment of humanitarian aidoperations financed by the Union. Art. 30 (point 4) of the FinancialRegulation requires evaluations of all programmes and activitieswhich entail significant spending to be undertaken in order tosupport decision making. A previous evaluation of DG ECHO'sdisaster preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) actionsin the Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region was finalised in2011 and covered the period of 2008-2011.

The Roadmap of May2016 indicates Q1 2017as planned completiondate.


2017 Evaluation of ECHO's actions inIndia & Nepal N/A FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,

efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in India & Nepal. N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of ECHO actions in Iraq N/A FR. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A


Evaluation of transport andlogistics in the EuropeanCommission's civil protection andhumanitarian aid operations, 2013-2017

Interim evaluation;mixed.

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the sector ofTransport & Logistics.

The Roadmap ofSeptember 2017indicates Q4 2018 asplanned completiondate.


2017Evaluation of the European Union’shumanitarian interventions in theAfrican Great Lakes, 2013-2017

N/AFR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the Great Lakes.Art. 30 (point 4) of the Financial Regulation requires evaluations

The Roadmap ofSeptember 2017indicates Q4 2018 as


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of all programmes and activities which entail significant spendingto be undertaken in order to support decision making.

planned completiondate.

2018 Evaluation of ECHO action in theHorn of Africa N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the Horn ofAfrica.


2018 Evaluation of ECHO assistance inthe sector of Food & nutrition N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the sector ofFood & Nutrition.


2018 Evaluation of Emergency responsewithin the Union

Interim Evaluation,Mixed

LMFF. Council Regulation (EU) 2016/369 of 15 March 2016.Article 8(2) of the Regulation requires the Commission to submitan evaluation of the operation of the Regulation to the Council by17 March 2019, together with suggestions for the future of theRegulation and, where appropriate, proposals to terminate it.

The Roadmap indicatesQ1 2019 as plannedcompletion date.


2018 Evaluation of Enhanced ResponseCapacity funding N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value, andefficiency of the Enhanced Response Capacity Funding initiative(Guidelines + implementation).


2018 Evaluation of ECHO actions inMediterranean and Middle East II N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in theMediterranean and Middle East II. Includes the action on'Provision of milk to children in Syria'.


2018 Partnership evaluation (to bespecified later on; possibly WFP) N/A FR. Only in Single

Evaluation Plan 2016 N/A

2019 Evaluation of ECHO's actions inCentral Asia & South Caucasus N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in Central Asia &South Caucasus.


2019 Evaluation of ECHO actions in WestAfrica N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's interventions in WestAfrica.


2019 Evaluation of ECHO actions inSouth Asia N/A FR. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of ECHO actions in thesector of Protection N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the sector ofProtection.


2019 Evaluation of ECHO actions inMediterranean and Middle East I N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's interventions in theMediterranean and Middle East I.



Evaluation of ECHO actions inresilience building and down-stream coordination in protractedcrises

N/A FR. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A

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2019Overall evaluation ofcommunication strategy of ECHOhumanitarian aid operations

N/A Other - Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value, andefficiency of ECHO's Communication activities. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of ECHO's actions onAdvocacy & Coordination N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions on Advocacy &Coordination.


2020 Evaluation of ECHO's actions inLatin America and the Caribbean N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's interventions in LatinAmerica and the Caribbean.


2020 Evaluation of ECHO actions inSouth East Asia & Pacific N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in South-East Asiaand the Pacific.



Evaluation of ECHO's actions inDisaster Risk Reduction, and of theEnvironmental impacts of ECHO'sHumanitarian actions

N/A FR. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A

2020Evaluation of ECHO's actions onGender in the Humanitariancontext

N/AFR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions on actions onGender in the Humanitarian context.


2020 Final evaluation of the CivilProtection Mechanism N/A

LMFF. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions under the CivilProtection Mechanism, 2014-2016; Art. 34 of the Decision on aUnion Civil Protection Mechanism.


2020 Final evaluation of the EU AidVolunteers N/A

LMFF. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions under the EU AidVolunteers initiative, 2017-2020; Art. 27 of the Regulation on theEuropean Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps.


2021 Evaluation of ECHO action inCentral Africa N/A

Other - Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's interventions in CentralAfrica.


2021 Evaluation of ECHO's Humanitarianactions in Urban settings N/A FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,

efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in Urban settings. N/A N/A

2021 Evaluation of ECHO assistance inWater and Sanitation N/A

FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions in the sector ofWater and Sanitation.


2021 Evaluation of ECHO action in SouthAsia N/A Other - Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU added value,

efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's interventions in South Asia. N/A N/A

2021 Comprehensive evaluation ofHumanitarian Aid N/A

Legal act and FR. Relevance, coherence, effectiveness, EU addedvalue, efficiency and sustainability of ECHO's actions (Art 18&20of the Humanitarian Aid Regulation).


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Evaluation on the implementationof Directive 2009/38/EC on theestablishment of aEuropean Works Council or aprocedure in Community-scaleundertakings andCommunity-scale groups ofundertakings for the purposes ofinforming and consultingemployees.

Evaluation - Interim Legal act. Article 15 of the Directive, the evaluation shouldsupport the work of the Commission in the preparation of thereport due in 2016 to the European Parliament, the Council andthe European Economic and Social Committee on theimplementation of this Directive, making appropriate proposalswhere necessary.

The Roadmap ofJanuary 2016 indicatedJuly 2016 as plannedcompletion date. It alsospecified that theevaluation waslaunched before theadoption of the 2015Better RegulationGuidelines. The DG’sManagement Plan 2017indicates that theevaluation will becompleted in 2017.


2015 Evaluation of the Your First EURESjob mobility scheme N/A

FR. To provide a broader evidence-based analysis of possibilitiesfor the future of YfEj (continuation, extension of the scheme,modification, etc.).

The Roadmap ofOctober 2015 indicatesQ3 2016 as plannedcompletion date. It alsospecifies that theevaluation waslaunched before theadoption of the 2015Better RegulationGuidelines. The DG’sManagement Plan 2017indicates Q2 2017 asplanned adoption date.


2015Mid-term evaluation of theEuropean Globalisation AdjustmentFund 2014-2020

Interim, mixed,evaluation

Legal act/Financial regulation/Legal base of Multiannual FinancialFramework. - Art. 20 of the EGF Regulation 1309/2013 andrequiring an evaluation report by 2017. The evaluation will assessthe effectiveness, sustainability, efficiency, coherence, relevanceand EU added value of the results achieved of the EGF. Whereverpossible and useful, the economic, social and environmentalimpact of EGF interventions shall be examined. It will also helpfostering new ideas for further development of the EGF.

The Roadmap fromSeptember 2015indicates December2016 as plannedcompletion date.However, the list ofplanned Commissioninitiatives indicatesJune 2017 as date offoreseen adoption.


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2016 Employment and Social Innovation(EaSI) mid-term evaluation Interim evaluation

LMFF - Legal requirement Art. 13 of Reg. 1296/2013. The EaSImid-term evaluation will measure on a qualitative and qualitativebasis the progress made in meeting the programme objectives. Itfocuses on the programme's activity period running from January2014 until December 2016. The scope of this evaluation coversthe activities undertaken under the three axes of the EaSIprogramme (PROGRESS, EURES, Microfinance and SocialEntrepreneurship) as well as its transversal issues. If theevaluation reveals major shortcomings and if appropriate, aproposal for amendments reflecting the results of the evaluationwill be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council incompliance with Art. 13 (2) of the EaSI Regulation.

The Roadmap ofNovember 2015indicates June 2017 asplanned completiondate.



Update of the Evaluation ofDirective 1997/81/EC on Part-TimeWork and Directive 1999/70/EC onFixed-Term Employment

N/A REFIT. To evaluate ex-post the relevance, effectiveness andefficiency, as well as sustainability of the impact of the directives.

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates thatthe evaluation will becompleted in 2017.


2016Mid-term evaluation of the Fundfor European Aid to the MostDeprived (FEAD)


Legal act/Financial regulation/Legal base of Multiannual FinancialFramework. The Article 17 (1) of the Regulation (EU) No 223/2014of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Fund forEuropean Aid to the Most Deprived ('FEAD regulation') states thatthe Commission shall present a mid-term evaluation of the Fundto the European Parliament and to the Council by 31 December2018.

The Roadmap fromMay 2016 indicatesDecember 2018 asplanned completiondate.


2016Evaluation of four Agencies(EUROFOUND, CEDEFOP, ETF, EU-OSHA)


FR. The evaluation will produce sound evidence for the debate onthe role of the Agencies in the next Multiannual FinancialFramework (MFF) and will provide robust basis for decidingwhether further revisions of agencies' founding regulationswould be needed (in addition to the revisions of the tripartiteagencies founding regulations currently in preparation), in orderto better exploit potential synergies and avoid overlappingregarding their objectives, activities and governance.

Common Roadmap forall agencies under DGEMPL. It indicatesDecember 2017 asplanned completiondate.



Evaluation of CouncilRecommendation on theintegration of Long TermUnemployment( LTU) into thelabour market

N/ALegal act/REFIT. Evaluation required according to Article 14 ofCouncil Regulation (2016/C 67/01), results reported to theCouncil by 15/02/2019.


2017Commission report on the publicemployment services (PES)Network EP Decision 573/2014/EU

N/AOther. Article 10 Review: By 18 June 2017, the Commission shallsubmit a report on the application of this Decision to the EP, theCouncil, the EESC and the CoR.


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2018 Preparation of 2019 evaluation ofPES Decision N/A

FR. To prepare reflections on a continuation of the PES networkpost-2020 (possible Commission proposal for a new Decision toextend the Network).



Evaluation of the Directive2014/67/EU on the enforcement ofDirective 96/71/EC concerning theposting of workers in theframework of the provision ofservices

N/A Other. Revision clause Art. 24 by 18 June 2019. N/A N/A


Evaluation of Directive 2013/35/EUon the minimum health and safetyrequirements regarding theexposure of workers to the risksarising from physical agents

N/ALegal act/REFIT The report on the practical implementation of thisDirective shall be established in accordance with Article 17a ofDirective 89/391/EEC.


2019 Ex post evaluation of EURES N/A Legal act/ LMFF/FR. Legal requirement to evaluate and to informEP, EU Council, Article 35 of Regulation 2016/589. N/A N/A

2021Evaluation of the conceptualstrengths and weaknesses of EaSIin the period 2014 to 2020

N/A Legal act/ LMFF/FR. EaSI Regulation 1296/2013/EU art. 13.3. N/A N/A

2021 Final evaluation of ProgressMICROFINANCE facility N/A Legal act/ LMFF. Legal requirement to evaluate and to inform EP,

EU Council. N/A N/A

2021 Ex post evaluation of Employmentand Social Innovation (EaSI) N/A Legal act/ LMFF/FR. N/A N/A

2022 Ex post evaluation of ESF 2014-2020 N/A Legal act/Financial regulation/Legal base of Multiannual Financial

Framework - Legal requirement Art. 57 of Reg. 1303/2013. N/A N/A

2022Ex post evaluation of the Fund forEuropean Aid to the Most Deprived(FEAD)

N/A Legal act/Financial regulation/Legal base of Multiannual FinancialFramework - Legal requirement Art. 18 of Reg. 223/2014. N/A N/A

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2015Ex-post Evaluation of the nucleardecommissioning assistanceprogramme 2010-2013

N/A Legal act. Several studies ongoing N/A

2016Mid-term evaluation of the nucleardecommissioning assistanceprogramme 2014-2015


Legal act/ LMFF. Council Regulations 2013/1368 and 2013/1369.By 31 December 2017, a mid-term evaluation report shall beestablished by the Commission, in close cooperation with theMember States, on the achievement of the objectives of all themeasures related to the decommissioning programmes atBohunice (SK), Ignalina (LT) and Kozloduy (BG), at the level ofresults and impacts, the efficiency of the use of resources and itsUnion added value, with a view to adopting a decision amendingor suspending those measures. The evaluation shall also addressthe scope for modification of the specific objectives and detailedimplementation procedures. The mid-term evaluation shall takeaccount of progress against performance indicators. The scope ofthe study will contribute to the appreciation of the achievementof the objectives of all the measures related to thedecommissioning programmes in SK, LT and BG at the level ofresults and impacts.

The Roadmap ofJanuary 2016 indicatesQ3 2017 as plannedcompletion date. TheDG’s Management Plan2017 indicates Q4 2017as target completiondate.


2016Evaluation of Regulation 302/2005on the application of EuratomSafeguards


CWP. This initiative is connected to the initiative on a CommissionCommunication on the principles and modalities of theimplementation of the European Commission's nuclearsafeguards tasks under article 77 of Euratom treaty.



Evaluation of the EU tyres labellingscheme (as set by Regulation (EC)No 1222/2009 of the EP and of theCouncil of 25 November 2009 onthe labelling of tyres with respect tofuel efficiency and other essentialparameters)

N/A Legal act. Article 14 of the tyre labelling Regulation(1222/2009/EC).

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q12017 as plannedcompletion date.However a publicconsultation on theevaluation and apossible review of theRegulation is ongoinguntil 8 January 2018.


2016Evaluation of the implementationof Projects of Common Interest(Evaluation of TEN-E)


Legal act. Art. 17 (Reporting and evaluation) of the Regulation(EU) No 347/2013 of the EP and of the Council of 17 April 2013 onguidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure andrepealing Decision No 1364/2006/EC and amending Regulations(EC) No 713/2009, (EC) No 714/2009 and (EC) No 715/2009

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q32017 as expectedcompletion date.


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Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and theCouncil on the implementation of Projects of Common Interest(PCIs) in the context of the Regulation (EU) No 347/2013.

2016Mid-term evaluation on theConnecting Europe Facility (CEF)programme


Legal act/ LMFF. Article 27.1 of the CEF Regulation (1316/2013)Commission report to the European Parliament and the Councilon the Mid-term evaluation on the Connecting Europe Facilityprogramme. Sectorial evaluation of the Connecting EuropeFacility: Energy programme

Led by DG MOVE. DGENER’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q32017 as target date forcompletion.



''Fusion for Energy'' mid-termreview by the Commission on theimplementation of the CouncilDecision establishing the JointUndertaking ''Fusion for Energy''


Legal act/ LMFF. According to the Article 5b of the CouncilDecision, the Commission shall submit to the EuropeanParliament and to the Council, by 31 December 2017 at the latest,a progress report on the implementation of this Decision, on thebasis of information provided by the Joint Undertaking. The mid-term review will allow assessing the use by F4E of the Euratomcontribution to the ITER Project and to the Broader ApproachAgreement.


2017 Evaluation to support the gasmarket reform N/A CWP. Evaluation of the applicable legislation for gas wholesale

and retail. N/A N/A


Evaluation report on theeffectiveness of the EU Energy Starprogramme and assessment ofalternative policy options


Legal act. The US-EPA Energy Star programme will end on 20February 2018. Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 106/2008 on aCommunity energy-efficiency labelling programme for officeequipment, as amended by Regulation (EU) 174/2013 (Art 1 –10.)requires the Commission to evaluate the effectiveness of theEnergy Star programme in improving the energy efficiency ofoffice equipment and assess alternative policy options such asthose provided by Union legislation, in particular Directives2009/125/EC on Ecodesign and 2010/30/EU on Energy Labelling.The results of such an evaluation and assessment shall bereported to the European Parliament and to the Council at leasttwo years before the expiry of the Agreement. Possibleduplication of initiatives and/or inefficiencies in the legislativeprocess, in particular with respect to the review of requirementsfor product with fast evolution need to be investigated.

The Roadmap of April2016 indicates October2016 as plannedcompletion date. TheDG’s Management Plan2017 indicates Q2 2017as planned completiondate.



Report on the 3 years ofimplementation of the Innovationand Networks Executive Agency(INEA): 2014 - 2016 (jointly with theMobility and Transport Directorate-General and other Directorates-General)


Legal act/ LMFF. Article 25 of Council Regulation (EC) No 58/2003of 19 December 2002 laying down the statute for executiveagencies to be entrusted with certain tasks in the management ofCommunity programmes, OJ L 11/2003 of 16/01/2003.

Note that the sameevaluation is also listedunder DG MOVE in theSingle Evaluation Plan2017.


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2015 REACH review report - Regulation1907/2006

Evaluation; ex-post;mixed

Legal act/REFIT - REFIT evaluation in view of the obligationstemming from Article 117(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006for the Commission to report by 1 June 2017 on theimplementation of REACH.

The Roadmap of May2016 indicates Q2 2017as planned completiondate. Furtherinformation is availablehere.


2015 REFIT evaluation of the ZoosDirective, Directive 1999/22/EC

Interim evaluation;mixed

REFIT. The evaluation will assess the efficiency and theeffectiveness of the directive.

The Roadmap ofOctober 2015 indicatesthat the Directive wasnever assessed and thatevaluation work shouldbe completed inDecember 2017.



Evaluation of Directive 2006/66/ECof 6 September 2006, on batteriesand accumulators and wastebatteries and accumulators andrepealing Directive 91/157/EEC

Evaluation; ex-post

Legal act. Article 23 of the Batteries Directive tasks theCommission to review the implementation of the Directive and itsimpact on the environment and the functioning of the internalmarket, after receiving the second series of the implementationreports from Member States. It also establishes that, if necessary,proposals for the revision of the relevant provisions of thisDirective shall be made.

The Roadmap of August2016 indicates Q4 2017as planned completion.



Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No401/2009 of the EP and the Councilof 23 April 2009 on the EuropeanEnvironment Agency (EEA) and theEuropean Environment Informationand Observation Network


Legal act. The Agency and EIONET are evaluated at 5-yearintervals. The results of the evaluation will be used to assess howfar the core missions of the EEA and EIONET match currentdemands.

The Roadmap of July2016 indicates Q4 2017as planned completiondate.


2016 Fitness check of all chemicalslegislation except REACH N/A

REFIT - The fitness check will cover legislation governing hazardassessment, legislation setting labelling and packaging measuresas well as subsequent risk management measures taken indownstream sectors.

The Roadmap of May2015 indicates Q4 2017as planned completiondate. The 2016 List ofplanned Commissioninitiatives indicatesApril 2018 as plannedadoption date.


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2016Evaluation of the EnvironmentalTechnology Verification (ETV) PilotProgramme


Legal act. The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Pilotprogram was launched on an experimental basis under theframework of the Eco-innovation Action Plan (Eco-AP) in 2011;the EC has committed to evaluate it after two to three years ofactual operation.

The Roadmap ofFebruary 2017 indicatesQ4 2017 as plannedcompletion date.


2016Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 onshipments of waste (WasteShipment Regulation - WSR)


Legal act/REFIT. The amendment to the WSR effected throughRegulation (EU) No 660/2014 calls upon the Commission to carryout a review of the WSR by 31 December 2020. In this review, theCommission shall take into account, inter alia, the reports drawnup in accordance with Article 51 and consider, in particular, theeffectiveness of Article 50(2a) in combating illegal shipments,taking into account environmental, social and economic aspects.

The Roadmap ofJanuary 2017 indicatesQ3 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


2017Fitness check of the WaterFramework Directive and theFloods Directive56


Legal act/REFIT - Evaluation according to Article 16. The foreseenfitness check evaluates the WFD as foreseen in Articles 19(2) ofthis Directive and will cover also two Directives directly linked tothe WFD: the Groundwater Directive (2006/118/EC) and theEnvironmental Quality Standards Directive (2008/105/EC), theso-called ''daughter-directives'' of the WFD. It will also include theFloods Directive (FD, 2007/60/EC), which has been the catalyst forintroducing a risk management approach in the dealings ofMember States with significant floods across the EU.

The Roadmap ofOctober 2017 indicatesQ3 2019 as plannedcompletion date.



Evaluation of Decision1386/2013/EU of the 7thEnvironment Action Programme(7th EAP)

N/ALegal act. EAP decision article 4(2) asking the Commission tosubmit a report based on the evaluation to be made in due coursebefore the end of the 7th EAP in 2020.


2017Evaluation of Directive 2001/42/ECon Strategic EnvironmentalAssessment (SEA)

N/ALegal act/REFIT. The implementation report (due on the basis ofArticle 12(3) of the SEA Directive) will be followed by anevaluation

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates2019 as planned datefor completion.


56 Note that in the Single Evaluation Plan 2017, the evaluations of the Water Framework Directive and of the Floods Directive were listed separately. As the Roadmap of October 2017 isthe most recent document available on both files, and indicates that they will be subject to a fitness check, this Rolling-Checklist contains only one entry.

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2017Fitness check of the EU Ambient AirQuality Directives (2008/50/EC and2004/107/EC)

N/A Legal act/REFIT. Evaluation in follow up to Article 32 of thedirective. N/A N/A

2017Evaluation of Council Directive91/271/EEC on Urban Waste WaterTreatment Directive.

N/ALegal act/REFIT. Evaluation in follow up to the 8thImplementation Report on the Urban Waste Water TreatmentDirective from 2016.

The Roadmap indicatesQ1 2019 as plannedcompletion date.


2018Review of Directive 2010/63/EU onthe protection of animals used forscientific purposes

N/ALegal act/REFIT. Directive 2010/63/EU, Article 58. Animplementation report on the Directive is required by November2019. This will be combined with an evaluation.


2018 Evaluation of the Water FrameworkDirective 2000/60/EC N/A Legal act/REFIT. Evaluation in follow up to the 2012 Blue Print

evaluation exercise. N/A N/A


Evaluation of Directive 2013/39amending Directives 2000/60 and2008/105 as regards prioritysubstances in the field of waterpolicy


Legal act/REFIT. Art.14. The Commission shall review the adoptedlist of priority substances at the latest four years after the date ofentry into force of this Directive and at least every six yearsthereafter, and come forward with proposals as appropriate. Art.8 Review of Annex X to Directive 2000/60 (i.e. at the latest fouryears after the date of entry into force of Directive 2000/60


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(22/12/2003) and at least every four years thereafter, and comeforward with proposals as appropriate).

2019Directive 2006/7/EC concerning themanagement of bathing waterquality

N/A Legal act/REFIT. Evaluation according to Article 14(3) N/A N/A


Directive 2008/56/EC establishing aframework for community action inthe field of marine environmentalpolicy

N/A Legal act/REFIT. Evaluation according to Article 20 & 23 N/A N/A


Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No511/2014 on compliance measuresfor users from the Nagoya Protocolon ABS

N/ALegal act. The report is a legal requirement under Article 20 of theRegulation and should review the functioning and effectivenessof the Regulation.


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2017Second mid-term evaluation of theEuropean Statistical Programme2013- 2017

N/A LMFF - European Statistical Programme 2013-2017 N/A N/A

2018Review of the functioning of theRegulation (EU) No 1337/2011(Permanent crops)

N/A Legal act. Permanent crops. N/A N/A

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Review of the European VentureCapital (EuVECA) and EuropeanSocial Entrepreneurship Fund(EuSEF) regulations


REFIT. Legislative review of the European Venture Capital Funds(EuVECA) regulation (No 345/2013) and European SocialEntrepreneurship Funds (EuSEF) regulation (No 346/2013) with aview to improve the take-up of these funds as part of the CapitalMarkets Union without reducing the level of investors protection.These specialist venture capital investment funds have beenavailable since 2013 but only a small number of funds set up asEuVECA and EuSEF have so far been launched.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2016 Review of Financial ConglomeratesDirective

Evaluation; ex-post;mixed

REFIT. The Financial Conglomerates Directive (2011/89/ECamending 2002/87/EC) aims at the supplementary supervision ofregulated entities that form part of a financial conglomerate, i.e.groups with licenses in both the banking and the insurance sector,by focusing on potential risks of double gearing (multiple use ofcapital) and on 'group risks' (the risks of contagion, managementcomplexity, risk concentration, and conflicts of interest). Theevaluation will assess whether the Directive can be considered 'fitfor purpose'.

The Roadmap ofJanuary 2016 indicatesQ4 2016/Q1 2017 asplanned completiondate.


2016 Review of Motor InsuranceDirective N/A

REFIT. Evaluation of Directive 2009/103/EC intended to help EUresidents involved in a road accident in another EU country.Under the Directive, subscribers to compulsory motor insurancepolicies in all EU countries are covered for motoring throughoutthe EU.

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q42017 as target date forcompletion.



Review of Directive 2013/50/EU onthe harmonisation of transparencyrequirements in relation toinformation about issuers whosesecurities are admitted to tradingon a regulated market


Legal act. Report on the operation of this Directive to the EP andthe Council, including on its impact on small and medium-sizedissuers and on the application of sanctions, in particular whetherthey are effective, proportionate and dissuasive, and shall reviewthe functioning and assess the effectiveness of the retainedmethod for the purposes of calculating the number of votingrights relating to the financial instruments referred to in the firstsubparagraph of Article 13(1a) of Directive 2004/109/EC. Thereport shall be submitted together with a legislative proposal, ifappropriate.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 Legislative review of Short SellingRegulation N/A

Legal act. Review of (a) the appropriateness of the notificationand disclosure thresholds under Articles 5, 6, 7 and 8; (b) theimpact of the individual disclosure requirements under Article 6,in particular with regard to the efficiency and volatility of financialmarkets; (c) the appropriateness of direct, centralised reportingto ESMA; (d) the operation of the restrictions and requirementsin Chapters II and III; (e) the appropriateness of the restrictions


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on the uncovered sovereign credit default swaps and theappropriateness of any other restrictions or conditions on shortselling or credit default swaps.

2017 Review of Accounting Directive(2013/34/EU) N/A

Legal act. Review and report to EP/EC on the implementation andeffectiveness of Chapter 10 on Country-By-Country Reporting byextractive and logging industries, including examining the case foran extension of the Country-By-Country reporting.


2017 Regulation on Markets in FinancialInstruments (MiFIR) N/A Legal act. Review as of Art. 52 para 1. Report on the effectiveness

of the transparency obligations, especially waivers.Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 Regulation on Markets in FinancialInstruments (MiFIR) N/A Legal act. Review as of Art. 52 para 2. Report on the format and

content of transaction reporting.Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017Markets in Financial InstrumentsDirective (MiFID) - Review as perArt. 90 para 2a

N/A Legal act. Report on the feasibility of consolidated tape forquotes.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 MiFID - Review as per Art.90 para 1 N/A

Legal act. A report on: (a) the functioning of organised tradingfacilities, (b) the functioning of the regime for SME growthmarkets,(c) the impact of requirements regarding algorithmictrading including high-frequency algorithmic trading; (d) theexperience with the mechanism for banning certain products orpractices, (e) the application of the administrative and criminalsanctions , (f) the impact of the application of position limits andposition management, (g) the development in prices for pre andpost trade transparency data from regulated markets, MTFs, OTFsand APA, (h) the impact of the requirement to disclose any fees,commissions and non-monetary benefits in connection with theprovision of an investment service or ancillary service to theclient.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016.


2017 MiFIR- Review as per Art. 52 para 1 N/A Legal act. Report on the impact in practice of the transparencyobligations.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 MiFIR - Review as per Art. 52 para 4 N/A Legal act. Report on the functioning of Article 26 (transactionreporting).

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 MiFIR - Review as per Art. 52 para 5 N/A

Legal act. Report on appropriate solutions to reduce informationasymmetries between market participants as well as tools forregulators to better monitor quotation activities on tradingvenues. Such report shall at least assess the feasibility ofdeveloping a European best bid and offer system for consolidatedquotes to fulfil these objectives.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 MiFIR - Review as per Art. 52 para 7N/A Legal act. Report on the development in prices for pre and post

trade transparency data from regulated markets, MTFs, OTFs,CTPs and APAs.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

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2017 MiFIR - Review as per Art. 52 para 9 N/A Legal act. Report on the application of Articles 35 and 36 and ofArticles 7 and 8 of Regulation (EU) No 648/2012.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 MiFIR - Review as of Art. 52 para 10N/A Legal act. Report on the impact of Article 35 and 36 of this

Regulation on newly established CCPs as referred to in Article35(5) and trading venues connected to those CCPs by close links.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 MiFIR - Review of Art. 52 para 11

N/A Legal act. Report on whether the threshold specified in Article36(5) remains appropriate and whether the opt-out mechanismin respect of exchange traded derivatives should remainavailable.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A


Review Regulation (EC) N°924/2009on cross-border payments in orderto extend its scope to all non-Eurocurrencies in EU

N/A REFIT. The Green Paper on Retail Financial Services pointed atexcessive fees paid by citizens from MS that do not apply thisRegulation when making cross-border transfers. A limitation ontransaction fees would remove differences in domestic and cross-border transaction costs.


2017Review of Regulation (EU) No596/2014 - Market AbuseRegulation (MAR)

N/A Legal act. Report to EP/Council on the application of MAR.Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017Review of Regulation 537/2014 onstatutory audit of public-interestentities (PIEs)


Legal act. Review and report on the operation and effectivenessof the system of cooperation between competent authoritieswithin the framework of the Committee of European AuditingOversight Bodies (CEAOB), together with a legislative proposal, ifappropriate.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016.


2017 Review of financing programISAB/EFRAG/PIOB N/A

Legal act. Report on the achievement of the Programme’sobjective (including the overall pertinence and coherence of theProgramme, the effectiveness of its execution and the overall andindividual effectiveness of the beneficiaries’ work programme).

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 Fitness check on financial reporting N/AREFIT. As a follow-up to the call for evidence it is appropriate toinitiate a process of review of financial reporting obligations forfinancial intermediaries.

The Roadmap indicatesQ4 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


2017Alternative Investment FundManagers Directive (AIFMD):Application of Directive

N/A Legal act - AIFMD Art 69 Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 Revision of the prudentialtreatment of investment firms N/A Legal act/REFIT. Comprehensive review of the prudential regime

for investment firms stemming from CRR articles.

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q42017 as target date forcompletion.


2017 Revision of the national options inthe Audit Regulation N/A

REFIT. As a follow-up to the call for evidence it is appropriate toinitiate a process of review of the national discretions thatmember states enjoy in the Audit Regulation.

The DG’s ManagementPlan 2017 indicates Q42017 as target date forcompletion.


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2018 MiFID - Review as per Art.90 para 2 N/A Legal act. Report on the functioning of the consolidated tape:non-equity markets.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2018Review of Directive (EU) 2105 onpayment services in the internalmarket (PSD2)


Legal act. COM shall present to the EP, the Council, the EuropeanEconomic and Social Committee, ECB and EBA a report on theapplication and impact of this Directive with mentioning of anumber of particular points to be addressed.

Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2018 Directive 2014/95/EU on disclosureof non-financial information N/A

Legal act. Report to EP and Council on the implementation ofDirective 2014/95/EU, including, among other aspects, its scope,particularly as regards large non-listed undertakings, itseffectiveness and the level of guidance and methods provided.The report shall be accompanied, if appropriate, by legislativeproposals.


2018Packaged Retail InvestmentProducts (PRIPS): Application ofRegulation

N/A Legal act - PRIPS Art 25 Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2018 Directive 2014/92/EU on paymentaccounts ('PAD') - Part I N/A Legal act. Evaluation Report to be prepared by the Commission

based on data provided by Member States. N/A N/A

2018 Directive 2014/92/EU on paymentaccounts ('PAD') - Part II N/A

Legal act. Full Report on the application of the Directive to beprepared by the Commission and presented to EP and Council by18/09/2019 according to Article 28.


2019 MiFIR - Review as per Art. 52 para 9 N/A Legal act. Report on application of Art. 37. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016. N/A

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Final evaluation of the IfS/IcSPsupport under Article 3 to SecuritySector Reform in beneficiarycountries (2007-2016)

N/AFR. IfS Regulation (EC) No 1717/2006 IcSP Regulation (EU) No230/2014 Sector evaluation N/A N/A


Evaluation finale de la Mesured'Aide Exceptionnelle''ICSP/2015/38-297 – Appui auprocessus de transition au BurkinaFaso'


FR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014Project evaluation' N/A N/A


Final Evaluation - ''Acuerdo sobrelimpieza y descontaminación delterritorio de la presencia de MAP,AEI y MUSE o REG en general'',Comunicado Conjunto No. 52 en elmarco de la Mesa deConversaciones de La Habana


Other. IcSP. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A


Final evaluation - Support toHumanitarian Mine Action andCommunity Safety in Libya, infavour of Libya

N/A Other. IcSP. Progress reportavailable here on theDG’s website


2016 Final evaluation - HumanitarianMine Action Assistance in Ukraine

N/A Other. IcSP. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A


Evaluation finale du programmed'Appui à l'instauration d'un climatde confiance entre l'Etat et sesadministrés dans la région del'Extrême Nord du Cameroun


Other. IcSP. Only in SingleEvaluation Plan 2016 N/A


Evaluation on ''Syria - Enhancingperspectives for peace throughdialogue, accountability andstrengthening of communityresilience against extremism inSyria and countries in the regionaffected by the crisis'' - Decision37892


FR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation on ''Strengtheningcounter terrorism capacities in the

N/AFR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

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Middle East, North Africa and inIraq'' - Decision 38471

2017Evaluation on 'Strengtheningresilience to violent extremism inJordan' - Decision 38522

N/AFR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A


Evaluation on 'Turkey - Enhancingaccess to services, strengtheningresilience of host communities, andfacilitating integration of refugees' -Decision 37891


FR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A


Evaluation on Haiti and theDominican Republic - 'Support toaddress the mixed migration crisison the Island of Hispaniola' -Decision 39786


FR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

2017Final evaluation of the IcSP supportunder Article 3 and 4 to CT/PVE inbeneficiary countries

N/AFR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A


Final evaluation of the IcSP supportunder Article 3 toMigration/Refugees in beneficiarycountries


FR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

2017Final evaluation of the Ifs/IcSPsupport under Article 3 to DDR inbeneficiary countries

N/AFR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

2017Final evaluation of the Ifs/IcSPsupport under Article 3 to MineAction in beneficiary countries

N/AFR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

2017Final evaluation of the Ifs/IcSPsupport under Article 3 to ElectoralAssistance in beneficiary countries

N/AFR. IcSP Regulation (EU) No 230/2014 Project evaluation. N/A N/A

2018 Clean Energy Cooperation withIndia (CECI) - Mid-term review

N/A Partnership Instrument - AAP 2014 – CECI Project evaluationDec 2017 N/A N/A

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2014 Evaluation of the DesignSystem in EU Legal act/REFIT.

CommissionRegulation 876/2007amending Regulation2245/2002

Regulatory measureParts of the evaluationare available here onthe DG’s website.


2015 Evaluation of the REACHRegulation Legal act/REFIT Regulation 1907/2006 Regulatory measure

Series of studiespublished here on theDG’s website - ongoing.Note also theevaluation activitiesongoing in DG ENV.


2015 Evaluation of Marketsurveillance

Legal act. Reg. (EC) 765/2008Single Market Strategy[CPOM(2015)550]

Regulation (EC)765/2008 Legal act.

National reportsavailable here on theDG’s website. Unclear ifan additionalevaluation/ StaffWorking Document willbe published.



Fitness Check supportingstudy on the most relevantchemicals legislation notcovered by REACH as well asrelated aspects of legislationapplied to downstreamindustries

REFIT Industrial policy Fitness check

The Roadmap of May2015 indicates Q4 2017as planned completiondate.


2015 Evaluation of the liftsdirective

Legal act/REFIT. Directive95/16/EC has been aligned tothe New LegislativeFramework (NLF) withDirective 2014/33/EU thatwill be applicable from 20April 2016. The alignment tothe NLF addressed thehorizontal elements of NewApproach but did not includea revision of the sectorspecific aspects of Directive95/16/EC. Article 46 of thelatter requires the

Directive 1995/16/EC Regulatory measures

The Roadmap ofSeptember 2015indicates Q3 2017 asplanned completiondate.


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Commission to submit areport to the Council and theEuropean Parliamentregarding theimplementation andfunctioning of the Directivebefore 19 April 2018.

2016 Evaluation of ECHALegal act/REFIT. Evaluation insupport of implementation,future REACH review

REACH Regulation1907/2006. Regulatory measures N/A N/A

2016 Interim evaluation of theCopernicus programme LMFF Copernicus Expenditure programme

The Roadmap ofDecember 2016indicates Q3 2017 asplanned completiondate. Various studiesare available here onthe Copernicus website.



Evaluation of Regulation386/2012 (OHIM - EuropeanObservatory onInfringements of IntellectualProperty)

Legal act/REFIT. Article 8 ofRegulation No 386/2012requires the Commission toadopt an evaluation report by6 June 2017, and specifiesthat this report shall 'assessthe operation of thisRegulation, in particular asregards its impact on theenforcement of intellectualproperty rights in the internalmarket'.

Regulation 386/2012 Regulatory measures

The Roadmap of April2016 indicates May2017 as plannedcompletion date.


2016Evaluation of theenforcement of intellectualproperty rights (IPRED)

REFIT. IPRED was adoptedmore than 10 years ago andthere is wide consensus onthe need for an evaluation,assessing its suitability inview of developments in thedigital environment and theincreasingly cross-bordernature of IPR infringements.This evaluation will providethe basis for theCommission's initiative to

Directive 2004/48 Regulatory measure

The Roadmap of May2016 indicates Q3 2016as planned completiondate.


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modernise the enforcementof IPR, as announced in theDigital Single Market Strategyand the Single MarketStrategy.


Fifth report on theapplication of Directive85/374/EEC on the liabilityfor defective products andEvaluation of the Directive

Legal act. Since its adoptionin 1985, the Directive has notbeen subject to any formalevaluation. The EuropeanCommission has regularlyreported to the Council andParliament on the status ofits application according toArticle 21 of the Directive.The next (fifth) report willcover the period 2011-2015and is due by 2017. Thereporting obligation does notforesee an evaluation per sebut the Commission took thisopportunity to carry out afully-fledged assessment ofthe performance of theDirective.

Directive 85/374/EC Regulatory measures

The Roadmap ofSeptember 2016indicates July 2017 asplanned completiondate.


2016 Evaluation of DetergentsRegulation

Legal act. The DetergentsRegulation has notundergone an evaluationsince its entry into force inOctober 2005. An ex postevaluation is thereforeconsidered essential in thecontext of the Commission'sbetter regulation policy andcomplements the on-goingfitness check on chemicalslegislation (other thanREACH).

Regulation 648/2004. Regulatory measures

The Roadmap ofOctober 2016 indicatesQ4 2017 as plannedcompletion date.


2016Evaluation of the applicationof the principle of mutualrecognition

Legal act/REFIT. Requirementin legal base. Single MarketStrategy [CPOM(2015)550].

Regulation 764/2008 Regulatory measuresThe 2016 List ofplanned Commissioninitiatives indicates Q2


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2017 as plannedadoption date.


Evaluation of Regulation (EC)No 2679/98 on thefunctioning of the internalmarket in relation to the freemovement of goods(Strawberry Regulation)

Legal act.

Regulation (EC) No2679/98 on freemovement of goods

Regulatory measures

The Roadmap of March2017 indicates Q3 2017as planned completiondate.


2016 Interim evaluation of COSME

LMFF. Article 15.3 ofRegulation No 1287/2013establishing a Programme forthe Competitiveness ofEnterprises and small andmedium-sized enterprises(COSME) (2014 - 2020) andrepealing Decision No1639/2006/EC.

COSME Expenditure programme

The Roadmap ofJanuary 2017 indicatesOctober 2017 asplanned completiondate.



Interim evaluation of GNSSprogrammes EGNOS andGalileo and evaluation ofGNSS Agency

LMFF. The interim evaluationof Regulation (EU) No1285/2013 on theimplementation andexploitation of the Europeansatellite navigation systems(‘GNSS Regulation') isrequired under its Article 34,stipulating that by 30 June2017 the Commission has topresent an evaluation reportto the European Parliamentand Council on theimplementation of theRegulation. The periodicalevaluation of the EuropeanGNSS Agency is mandatoryaccording to Article 26 of theRegulation (EU) No 912/2010.

Regulation (EU) No1285/2013;Regulation 512/2014amending Regulation912/2010

Expenditure programme

The Roadmap of May2017 indicates Q2 2017as planned completiondate.


2017Evaluation of theConstruction ProductsRegulation

Legal act.

Regulation 305/2011laying downharmonisedconditions for the

Regulatory measures

Note that the InceptionImpact Assessment fora possible revision ofthe Regulation statesthat 'a back-to-back


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marketing ofconstruction products

evaluation and impactassessment is beingprepared to support thepreparation of thisinitiative and to informthe Commission'sdecision'. The Roadmapindicates Q4 2018 asplanned completiondate. A supportingstudy on the economicimpacts of theRegulation is availablehere on the DG’swebsite.

2017Evaluation of WATIFY &Modernisation of Industryawareness raising campaigns

LMFF COSME Expenditure programmeThe Roadmap indicatesQ4 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


2017 4th Evaluation of EASME LMFF COSME Expenditure programme N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of the external IPRHelp desks LMFF COSME Expenditure programme N/A N/A


Evaluation of the EUSupplementary ProtectionCertificate system and thepatent research exemption

Legal act.

Regulation (EC)469/2009(codification ofRegulation(EEC)1768/92),Regulation (EC)1610/1996

Regulatory measures

Note that the InceptionImpact Assessment fora possible revision ofthe system states thatthe 'Commission willconduct a back-to-backevaluation and impactassessment of allrelevant provisions andoptions for modernisingthe SPC Regulationsand the provisions ofthe Directives dealingwith the Bolarexemption (theCommission has notconducted so far anyevaluation of thislegislation)'. Q4 2017 is


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indicated as plannedcompletion date.

2017Evaluation of projects forpublic procurement ofinnovative goods and services

FR. CIP Expenditure programme N/A N/A

2017 Evaluation of the SMEdefinition Other. Recommendation

2003/361/EC Industrial policy

The Inception ImpactAssessment of June2017 (no link available)indicates that 'TheCommission has optedfor a 'back to back'evaluation and impactassessment in supportof this initiative and toinform its decision'. Theexpected completiondate is Q1 2019.



Evaluation of Directive2000/14/EC on noiseemission by outdoorequipment

Legal act.Directive 2000/14/ECon noise emission byoutdoor equipment

Regulatory measures

A supporting study isongoing and should becompleted in 2018.Additional informationavailable here.


2017 Evaluation of the Low VoltageDirective (2006/95/EC)

Legal act. Evaluationprovision in legal base Directive 2006/95/EC Regulatory measures N/A N/A


Report on theimplementation andfunctioning of the DrugPrecursors Regulation;Regulation (273/2004)

Legal act. Regulation 273/2004on drug precursors Regulatory measures

Evaluation undertakenjointly with DG TAXUD.The Roadmap indicatesQ4 2019 as plannedcompletion date.


2018Evaluation of the ElectroMagnetic Compatibilitydirective (2014/30/EU)

Legal act.

Directive (2014)30 onthe harmonisation ofthe laws of theMember Statesrelating toelectromagneticcompatibility

Regulatory measures N/A N/A

2019Review of Regulations EU2015/1095 and 2015/1094 onecodesign and energy

Legal act.

Regulation 1095/2015on ecodesign andenergy labellingrequirements for

Regulatory measures N/A N/A

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labelling requirements forprofessional refrigeration



Review of Regulations EU1253/2014 and 1254/2014 onecodesign and energylabelling requirements forventilation units

Legal act.

Regulation 1253/2014(Article 8) onecodesign and energylabellingrequirements forventilation units

Regulatory measures N/A N/A


Review of technical progressimpacting the exemptions ofthe Explosives TraceabilityDirective

Legal act.

Directive 2008/43/ECsetting up a systemfor the identificationand traceability ofexplosives for civiluses

Regulatory measures N/A N/A

2019Review of the Co-RegulatoryFramework governing cross-border parcel deliveries

Legal act. Reg. (EC) 2016/2017Parcel Roadmap 2013 Regulatory measures N/A N/A

2020 Evaluation of the ConcessionDirective Legal act. Directive 2014/23 Regulatory measures N/A N/A

2021 Final evaluation of COSME LMFF COSME Expenditure programme N/A N/A

2021 Ex-post evaluation of H2020Space research actions Legal act. H2020 Expenditure programme N/A N/A

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2015 Ex-post evaluation of the EuropeanRefugee Fund for 2011-2013

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

LMFF - The legal basis for the evaluation ofthe European Refugee Fund actions for2011-2013 is Articles 49 and 50 of DecisionNo 2007/573/EC2 according to which theCommission shall submit by 31 December2015 to the European Parliament, to theCouncil, to the European Economic andSocial Committee and to the Committee ofthe Regions ex-post evaluation report.Article 31(5) and (6) of the Regulation (EU)No 516/20143 confirm this obligation.

The Roadmap of October 2015 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned date forcompletion. The Roadmap also explainsthat 'the deadline of 31 December 2015cannot be met as the Commission's ex-postevaluation report has to take account ofthe national (ex-post) evaluation reports tobe submitted by the Member States. Thedeadline for those, provided in the legalbasis is 30 June 2015. Considering that theeligibility period of the 2013 annualprogrammes for the European RefugeeFund ends on the same day (30 June 2015),it is not feasible to finalize national ex-postevaluation at the same moment of time asthe implementation ends. The nationalevaluation reports will, therefore, beprovided to the Commission by 30November 2015. Consequently, also theex-post evaluation report of theCommission is prepared with a ... thetargeted date for the ... is 31 December2016.' Additional information availablehere.

2015Ex-post evaluation of the EuropeanFund for the Integration of third-country nationals for 2011-2013

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

LMFF - European Fund for the Integrationof third-country nationals (Decision2007/435/EC).

The Roadmap from October 2015indicates December 2016 as plannedcompletion date. Additional informationavailable here.


2015 Ex-post evaluation of the EuropeanReturn Fund for 2011-2013

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

LMFF - The legal basis for the evaluation ofthe Return Fund actions for 2011-2013 isArticles 49 and 50 of Decision No2007/575/EC2 according to which theCommission shall submit by 31 December2015 to the European Parliament, to theCouncil, to the European Economic andSocial Committee and to the Committee ofthe Regions ex-post evaluation report.Article 31(5) and (6) of the Regulation (EU)No 516/20143 confirm this obligation.

The Roadmap of September 2015 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned completiondate. It also clarifies that 'the deadline of31 December 2015 cannot be met as theCommission's ex-post evaluation reporthas to take account of the national (ex-post) evaluation reports to be submittedby the Member States. The deadline forthose, provided in the legal basis is 30 June2015. Considering that the eligibility periodof the 2013 annual programmes for the


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European Refugee Fund ends on the sameday (30 June 2015), it is not feasible tofinalize national ex-post evaluation at thesame moment of time as theimplementation ends. The nationalevaluation reports will, therefore, beprovided to the Commission by 30November 2015. Consequently, also theex-post evaluation report of theCommission is prepared with a ... thetargeted date for the ... is 31 December2016.' Additional information availablehere.

2015 Final evaluation of the ExternalBorders Fund (2011-2013)

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

LMFF - Ex-post evaluation in accordancewith Article 21(6) of Regulation 515/2014(and Article 52(3)(c) of Decision574/2007/EC).

The Roadmap of October 2015 indicatesDecember 2016 as expected date ofcompletion for the evaluation. Additionalinformation available here.

150 000 €

2016 Fitness check of legal migration Fitness check;intermediate; mixed

REFIT Communication. The Fitness Checkon legal migration was first announced inthe 2013 REFIT Communication and in the2014 REFIT Scoreboard. It was specifiedthat it should cover the EU Blue Card(2009/50/EC), Long-Term Residents(2003/109/EC) and Single Permit(2011/98/EU) Directives. The scope ofevaluation is extended to all existing legalmigration Directives, i.e. also the Directiveson Family Reunification (2003/86/EC),Seasonal Workers (2014/36/EU), Intra-Corporate Transferees ('ICTs')(2014/66/EU) and Students andResearchers (Directives 2004/114/EC and2005/71/EC, and Directive(EU)2016/801,recasting these twoDirectives).The Fitness Check will alsocontribute to fulfilling the legal obligationsof the above-mentioned Directives toreview their functioning (see notablyArticle 19 of Directive 2003/86/EC, Article24 of Directive 2003/109/EC, Article 21 ofDirective 2009/50/EC, Article 15(1) of

The Roadmap of September 2016indicates January 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


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Directive 2011/98/EU, Article 27 ofDirective 2014/36/EU and Article 25 ofDirective 2014/66/EU).


Evaluation of ILOs NetworkRegulation (EC) No 377/2004establishing network ofimmigration liaison officers

Mixed evaluationLegal act. Need for an evaluation identifiedin the EU Action Plan against MigrantSmuggling.

The Roadmap of April 2016 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned completiondate. The DG’s Management Plan 2017indicates Q2 2017 as planned completiondate.



Schengen evaluations - Reports onthe first section of the annualevaluation programme for 2015(COM decision C(2014) 7881) aswell as on the second section of theannual evaluation programme(C(2014) 8377)


Legal act - According to Article 6 ofRegulation 1053/2013 concerning theevaluation and implementation to verifythe application of the Schengen acquis.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016.

Financed as partof overallSchengenevaluations


Ex-post evaluation of the'Prevention, Preparedness andConsequence Management ofTerrorism and other Security-Related Risks Programme' (CIPS)

Evaluation; ex-post;mixed

LMFF - Ex-post evaluation in accordancewith Article 14(3)(d) of Decision 2007/124.This ex-post evaluation is required by the(now repealed) legal base of the CIPSprogramme. Moreover, the FinancialRegulation on the EU's budget requiresevaluation of programmes with resourcesabove EUR 5 million.

The Roadmap of June 2016 indicates June2017 as planned completion date. TheDG’s Management Plan 2017 indicates Q32017 as the planned date of adoption of aCommunication on the ex-post evaluation.

150 000 €

2016Ex-post evaluation of the'Prevention and Fight against CrimeProgramme' (ISEC)

Evaluation; ex-post;mixed

LMFF - Ex-post evaluation in accordancewith Article 14(4) of Regulation 513/2014(and Article 15(3)(d) of Decision2007/125). This ex-post evaluation isrequired by the (now repealed) legal baseof the ISEC programme as repealed by thelegal act of its successor programmeestablished as part of the Internal SecurityFund. Moreover, the Financial Regulationon the EU's budget requires evaluation ofprogrammes with resources above EUR 5million.

The Roadmap of June 2016 indicatesJune2016 as planned completion date. TheDG’s Management Plan 2017 indicates Q32017 as the planned date of adoption of aCommunication on the ex-post evaluation.



Evaluation of the impact of existingnational laws, establishing as acriminal offence the use of serviceswhich are the objects ofexploitation of trafficking in human

N/A Legal act - Study as per Article 23(2) ofDirective 2011/36 Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. N/A

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beings, on the prevention oftrafficking in human beings

2016 Mid-term evaluation of the 'Europefor Citizens' programme 2014-2020 Mid-term evaluation

LMFF - According to Article 15 ofRegulation 390/2014, the EuropeanCommission will submit to the EuropeanParliament, the Council, the EuropeanEconomic and Social Committee and theCommittee of the Regions a mid-termevaluation report by 31 December 2017.

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicatesDecember 2017 as planned completiondate.


2017 Evaluation of EUROSUR N/ALegal act. According to Regulation1052/2013 establishing the EuropeanBorder Surveillance System.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesMay 2017 as target completion date. N/A

2017 Evaluation of Regulation 258/2012on export of civilian weapons N/A Legal act. According Art.21 of Reg.258/12. The Roadmap of March 2017 indicates Q4

2017 as planned completion date. N/A

2017 Interim Evaluation of Asylum,Migration and Integration Fund N/A

LMFF - Interim evaluation onimplementation of Fund, according toArticle 57(2) (a) of Regulation 514/2014.

The Roadmap of April 2017 indicates Q22018 as planned completion date. 200 000 €

2017 Interim Evaluation of InternalSecurity Fund N/A

LMFF - Interim evaluation onimplementation of Fund, according toArticle 57(2)(a) of Regulation 514/2014

The Roadmap of April 2017 indicates Q22018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017 Ex-post evaluation of the SchengenFacility for Croatia N/A FR. N/A N/A

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2017 Evaluation of Eurodac N/A

Legal act. Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No603/2013 on the establishment of'Eurodac' for the comparison offingerprints for the effective application ofRegulation (EU) No 604/2013 establishingthe criteria and mechanisms fordetermining the Member Stateresponsible for examining an applicationfor international protection lodged in oneof the Member States by a third-countrynational or a stateless person and onrequests for the comparison with Eurodacdata by Member States' law enforcementauthorities and Europol for lawenforcement purposes, and amendingRegulation (EU) No 1077/2011 establishinga European Agency for the operationalmanagement of large-scale IT systems inthe area of freedom, security and justice


2018 Evaluation of Directive 2011/36(trafficking in human beings) N/A

Legal act - Based on the informationprovided by Member States as per Article20 of Directive 2011/36


2018Evaluation of the EuropeanMonitoring Centre for Drugs andDrug Addiction (EMCDDA)


Legal act - Art. 23 of the Regulation1920/2006 foresees that the Commissionshould initiate an external evaluation ofthe Centre every six years.


2019 Evaluation of the MobilityPartnership Facility N/A

LMFFFinal evaluation of the MobilityPartnership Instrument to assesseffectiveness and impact and providerecommendations for the fine tuning ofphase II of the Facility.


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2019 Evaluation of the Visa InformationSystem N/A Legal act. According to Regulation

767/2008 and Council Decision 2008/633. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of the SchengenInformation System II N/A Legal act. According to Regulation

1987/2006 and Council Decision 2007/533 N/A N/A

2020 Evaluation of EU-LISA (Large scaleInformation Systems Agency) N/A Legal act. According to Regulation

1077/2011. N/A N/A

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2016Continuous review of the progressof the JRC decommissioning andwaste management programme

Evaluation, Internal

Other. To evaluate the JRCdecommissioning and waste managementprogramme. Historical liabilities resultingfrom nuclear activities carried out by theJoint Research Centre pursuant to theEURATOM Treaty.

Ongoing activity 300 000 €

2016 Industry Experts Panel N/A Other. JRC Direct Actions. N/A N/A

2017 JRC work programme ex-anteassessment, pilot exercise Internal Other. JRC direct actions under Horizon


2017 Interim evaluation H2020 JRCdirect actions (non-nuclear)

Evaluation,retrospective, external

Legal act. JRC direct actions (non- nuclear)under H2020 - Legal obligation to provideindependent feedback to the budgetaryand legislative authorities, otherstakeholders and the general public on theJRC activities in Framework Programme(FP) 7.

N/A 80 000 €

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Evaluation of Council Directive79/7/EEC on the progressiveimplementation of the principle ofequal treatment for men andwomen in matters of socialsecurity

Evaluation -Retrospective/Perspective and internal withexternal support

REFIT. The objective of the evaluation isthe implementation of the Directive with aview to its effectiveness, efficiency,coherence, relevance, sustainability andEU added-value with a specific focus onidentifying possibilities for itsmodernisation in order to ensure theproper functioning of the gender equalityprinciple enshrined in the TFEU in generaland its coherent application in the areacovered by this Directive. The evaluation ofthe Directive 79/7/EEC on the progressiveimplementation of the principle of equaltreatment for men and women in mattersof social security (the Directive) is includedin the Commission work programme for2015 (COM(2014) 910, Annex III, - REFITactions, Nr. 60).

The Roadmap published in September2015 indicates June 2016 as plannedcompletion date. The 2016 List of plannedcommission initiatives indicates Q4 2016as planned adoption date.



Study of national procedural lawsand practices in terms of theirimpact on the free circulation ofjudgments and on the equivalenceand effectiveness of the proceduralprotection of consumers under EUconsumer law


Other. Evaluation study of two distinctaspects of national procedural law: (i)whether and to what extent the existingdivergences in national procedural ruleshinder the realisation of the objective of afree circulation of judgments, in particularby affecting mutual trust between thejustice systems of the Member States; (ii) ifand to what extent national procedurallaws and practices ensure the proceduralprotection of EU consumer rights andwhether these rules and practices complywith the requirements stemming from therulings of the Court of Justice of the EUconcerning the principles of effectivenessand equivalence and the obligation for anex officio assessment of compliance withEU consumer law.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. N/A

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Evaluation of Decision 96/409/CFSPon the establishment of a uniformformat emergency travel documentfor unrepresented EU citizens


REFIT. Evaluation of Decision 96/409/CFSPand its practical application and, with aview to carrying out an impact assessmentfor a possible future initiative aimed atfacilitating the exercise of consularprotection for unrepresented EU citizensby enhancing security features of theEuropean emergency travel document.


2016 Evaluation of Directive 2006/54with a special focus on pensions N/A

Legal act. Evaluation of Directive2006/54/EC in view of a potential revisionin order to prohibit actuarial factors inoccupational pensions (in line with Xjudgment of the Court of Justice (C-318/13)), strengthen the application ofequal pay provisions (taking into account aReport on the implementation of theRecommendation on pay transparency)and provisions on equality bodies. Studyassessing costs and benefits of possiblemeasures on equal pay, occupationalpensions and equality bodies revising theDirective.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2016 Evaluation of the Taking ofEvidence Regulation N/A

Legal act. Judicial co-operation on taking ofevidence in civil and commercial matters inthe EU. Regulation 1206/2001.



Ex-post evaluation of theProgramme of Community action inthe field of consumer policy (2007-2013), under the Decision No1926/2006/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council; Mid-term evaluation of the ConsumerProgramme 2014-2020, under theRegulation (EU) No 254/2014 of theEuropean Parliament and of theCouncil


LMFF. The Decision No 1926/2006/ECestablishing a programme of Communityaction in the field of consumer policy(2007-2013) states that the Commissionshall ensure that the Programme isevaluated following its end. The RegulationNo 254/2014 on a multiannual consumerprogramme for the years 2014-2020provides that the Commission shall by 30September 2017 review the achievementof the objectives of all the measures (at thelevel of results and impacts).

The Roadmap of April 2017 (no linkavailable) indicates Q4 2017 as plannedcompletion date.



Evaluation of the state of collectiveredress in the European Union inthe context of the implementationof the Recommendation of the


Legal act. Recommendation of theCommission 11 of June 2013 on commonprinciples for injunctive and compensatorycollective redress mechanisms in the


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Commission on common principlesfor injunctive and compensatorycollective redress mechanisms inthe Member States concerningviolations of rights granted underUnion Law

Member States concerning violations ofrights granted under Union Law(2013/396/EU).

2017 Interim evaluation of the JusticeProgramme 2014-2020

Evaluation, interim,mixed.

LMFF. The interim evaluation report shallassess the achievement of theProgramme's objectives, the efficiency ofthe use of resources and the Programme'sEuropean added value with a view todetermining whether funding in areascovered by the Programme shall berenewed, modified or suspended after2020. The scope for simplification of theProgramme, its internal and externalcoherence, and the continued relevance ofall objectives and actions shall be part ofthe evaluation. (Art. 14, Regulation1382/2013).

The Roadmap of March 2017 indicates Q22018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Interim evaluation of the Rights,Equality and CitizenshipProgramme 2014-2020

Evaluation, interim,mixed.

LMFF. The interim evaluation report shallassess the achievement of theProgramme's objectives, the efficiency ofthe use of resources and the Programme'sEuropean added value with a view todetermining whether funding in areascovered by the Programme shall berenewed, modified or suspended after2020. The scope for simplification of theProgramme, its internal and externalcoherence, and the continued relevance ofall objectives and actions shall be part ofthe evaluation. (Art. 13, Regulation1381/2013).

The Roadmap of March 2017 indicates Q22018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Evaluation of the EU Framework forNational Roma IntegrationStrategies

Evaluation, interim,mixed.

Other. The evaluation will provide anassessment of the EU Framework forNational Roma Integration Strategies,including the use of policy, legal andfunding instruments at European level, aswell as the implementation of NationalRoma Integration Strategies, the use of

The Roadmap of April 2017 indicates Q22018 as planned completion date. N/A

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antidiscrimination legislation to preventdiscrimination against Roma and the use ofEuropean Structural and Investment fundsfor Roma inclusion in the Member; States.It will assess to what extent the goal ofclosing the Roma-non Roma gap ineffective equal access to education,employment, healthcare and housing hasbeen addressed. The aim of theassessment is to assess the need andprovide insights for the development of afuture new policy proposal beyond 2020.


Evaluation of legislation on aEuropean Enforcement Order foruncontested claims coveringRegulation (EC) No 805/2004 of 21April 2004 creating a EuropeanEnforcement Order foruncontested claims


REFIT. To assess the operation of theRegulation in the context of entry intoapplication of the Regulation 1215/2012(Brussels I recast).

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2018Evaluation (impact assessmentstudy) on the revision of the serviceof document Regulation 1393/2007


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2016Interim evaluation of the EMFFmeasures financed under directmanagement


LMFF. According to Articles 15 and 124 tothe Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 on theEMFF 'an interim evaluation report on theresults obtained and the qualitative andquantitative aspects of theimplementation of the operations financedunder this Regulation' needs to be carriedout. The evaluation is intended to focus onthe results obtained and the qualitativeand quantitative aspects of theimplementation of the operations financedunder this financial instrument.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicates2017 as planned completion date. N/A


Mid-term evaluation of the OpenMethod of Coordination (OMC) forthe sustainable development of EUaquaculture


Other. The reformed CFP set up a voluntaryprocess for cooperation to promote thesustainable development of EUaquaculture. The OMC is based on EUGuidelines and on Multiannual nationalplans. Guidelines were adopted in 2013;Member States adopted their multiannualplans in 2015. In the Guidelines it isrecommended that Member States make amid-term assessment of theimplementation of their multiannualnational plan by the end of 2017 on thebasis of which the Commission mayconsider the opportunity to revise thestrategic guidelines. The study wouldevaluate both national and EU efforts topromote development of the sector.

The Roadmap of June 2017 indicates Q42018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Evaluation of European MarineObservation and Data Network(EMODNet)

Other. The second phase of EMODNet andthe first set of sea basin checkpoints, whichfinish in 2016 will be evaluated.


2017 Interim evaluation of the AtlanticAction Plan N/A

Other. The evaluation will determine towhat extent actions supported by EUfunding have been stimulated by theAtlantic action plan and how they willcontribute to jobs and growth.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. Apublic stakeholder consultation closed inSeptember 2017.


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Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withCape Verde and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of theimpact of a new FPA


Legal act/FR. - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.



Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withIvory Coast and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of theimpact of a new FPA


Legal act/FR - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesQ 1 2017 as planned completion date. N/A


Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withSão Tomé and Principe and the ex-ante evaluation and analysis of theimpact of a new FPA


Legal act/FR - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesQ 1 2017 as planned completion date. N/A


Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withMorocco and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of theimpact of a new FPA


Legal act/FR - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesQ2 2017 as planned completion date. N/A


Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withMadagascar and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of theimpact of a new FPA


Legal act/FR - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicates2017 as planned completion date. N/A

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2017 Evaluation of the entry-exit fleetscheme


Legal act. Article 23 (3) of the CFPRegulation stipulates that 'No later than 30December 2018, the Commission shallevaluate the entry-exit scheme in the lightof the evolving relationship between fleetcapacity and prospected fishingopportunities, and propose, whereappropriate, an amendment to thatscheme'.

The Roadmap of October 2017 indicatesQ4 2018 as planned completion date.

2018Evaluation of the framework of theSustainable Fisheries PartnershipAgreements (SFPAs)


Other. Evaluation of the overall policyframework of bilateral SustainableFisheries Partnership Agreements withthird countries. The evaluation will becarried out in parallel to the evaluation ofthe CFP and focus on the latter's externaldimension with regard to SFPAs. It willdraw on and complement individual andregional evaluations as well as the recentex-post evaluation of the 2nd FinancialInstrument (providing funding for SFPAs)and the Court of Auditors 2015 SpecialReport on SFPAs.



Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withthe Seychelles and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of theimpact of a new FPA


Legal act/FR - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.



Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA withSenegal and the ex-ante evaluationand analysis of the impact of a newFPA


Legal act/FR - (Article 31 (10) of the CFPRegulation 1380/2013). Expenditureinstrument: possible future FPA. The mainpurpose of the evaluation of the currentProtocol is to provide information to andguide DG MARE during the negotiations inview of renewal of the Protocol.


2018Evaluation of implementation ofCommon Information SharingEnvironment (CISE)

N/AOther. Review process to assess theimplementation of Maritime CISE and theneed for further action.


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2019Evaluation of Action Plan forreducing incidental catches ofseabirds in fishing gears


Legal act. According to Art. 3.5 ofCOM(2012)665 final the 'Commissionwould carry out a full review andevaluation of the EU-PoA after the fourthreport (eight years) of implementationand update the EU-PoA accordingly. Thisreview would be timed to coincide withthe obligation under the MSFD to reachGES for marine ecosystems by 2020'.


2019 Evaluation of the Commission'socean energy policy N/A

Other. The evaluation aims to determineto what extent the EU's policy actions onocean energy have helped industry andpublic authorities to create a morefacilitating context for the developmentand deployment of ocean energydevices/projects.


2020 Evaluation of the CFP (incl.discards) N/A Other. Evaluation of the Common

Fisheries Policy. N/A N/A

2020Ex-post evaluation of the EMFFmeasures financed under directmanagement


LMFF. The evaluation aims to examine thedegree of utilisation of resources, theeffectiveness and efficiency of the OP andits impact in relation to the objectives ofthe EMFF Regulation (EU) No 508/2014.



Evaluation of the consequences ofthe application of the Directive2014/89/EU of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 23July 2014 establishing a frameworkfor maritime spatial planning

N/A Other. N/A N/A

2023Ex-post evaluation of the EMFFmeasures financed under sharedmanagement


LMFF. According to Article 117 to theRegulation (EU) No 508/2014 on the EMFF'In accordance with Article 57 ofRegulation (EU) No 1303/2013, an ex postevaluation report shall be prepared by theCommission in close cooperation withMember States'.


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Evaluation of the Directive2007/59/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council onthe certification of train driversoperating locomotives and trainson the railway system in theCommunity

Internal; ex-post;evaluation

Legal act. Directive 2007/59/EC enteredinto force on 4 December 2007. Article 33of the Directive provides for a report by theEuropean Railway Agency (ERA) to theCommission before the end of October2013, which evaluates the development ofthe certification scheme and also identifiesproblem areas. Moreover, based on thisreport, the Commission shall takeappropriate measures and shall propose, ifnecessary, changes to the Directive. Thereport, which is a first assessment of theimplementation of the Directive, showsthe benefits of the system but it alsoreveals its difficulties, inconsistencies andweaknesses, for example a number ofprovisions in the Directive are not clear,outdated, or are regarded asinsufficient/incomplete; this leads toproblems in the implementation and/or todifferent application of the rules inMember States...During the evaluationthese issues will be investigated in furtherdetail.

The Roadmap of March 2016 indicates Q32016 as planned completion date. N/A

2015Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No1073/2009. Passenger transport bycoach.

Evaluation; ex-post,internal

Legal act - Reg. (EC) 1073/2009 Passengertransport by coach, article 28

The Roadmap of October 2015 indicatesMay 2016 as planned completion date. N/A

2015Evaluation of the Single EuropeanSky (SES) performance andcharging schemes

Ex post evaluation;mixed

Legal act. Article 25 of Regulation (EU) No390/2013 and Article 21 of Regulation (EU)No 391/2013 require a review by theCommission of the impact, effectivenessand scope of the SES performance andcharging schemes by the end of eachreference period.

The Roadmap of June 2015 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned completiondate.



Evaluation of Regulation (EU)913/2010 concerning a Europeanrail network forcompetitive freight

Internal; interim,evaluation

Legal act: The Regulation requires theCommission to submit a report examiningthe application of theRegulation to the EP and Council byNovember 2015 (Art. 23). The Commission

The Roadmap of January 2016 indicates Q42015 as planned completion date. Thepublic stakeholder consultation closed inAugust 2016.


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has decided to extend this exercise and toperform a full evaluation of theRegulation....It will be the basis todetermine whether further action isneeded.


Ex post evaluation of Regulation(EC) No 2111/2005 on theestablishment of a Community listof air carriers subject to anoperating ban within theCommunity

Evaluation; ex-post;mixed

Other. In 2009 the Commission assessedthe application of the Air Safety Regulationin accordance with Article 14; it publisheda report and concluded that at the time noamendment of the Regulation wasnecessary. In view of the fact that the AirSafety List Regulation implementingmeasures have been in operation since2006, it is considered that now is the timeto perform a complete evaluation asannounced in the Aviation Strategy forEurope of 7 December 2015 to ensure thedelivery of EU objectives in the bestpossible way. Of further note is that in2014 the 'Third Country OperatorRegulation' entered into force, completingthe strategic package of instrumentsdesigned to regulate the safety of thirdcountry air carriers.

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicates Q12017 as planned completion date. N/A

2016 Evaluation of Airport chargesDirective 2009/12/EC N/A

Other. The Aviation Strategy adopted on 7December 2015 acknowledges thataviation is a strong driver of economicgrowth, jobs, trade and mobility for theEuropean Union, which must be a globalmodel for sustainable aviation. The ActionPlan attached to the Strategy foresees anevaluation of the Airport Charges Directiveto be carried out in 2016/2017, in order toassess whether there is a need to revise it.The evaluation will also allow looking indetail into the matters brought forward byall stakeholders (industry and nationalsupervisory bodies) since the Directiveentered into force on 15 March 2009 andwill potentially confirm some of the issuesraised.

The Roadmap of September 2016 indicatesQ3 2017 as planned completion date. N/A

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Evaluation of Regulation (EC)996/2010 on the investigation andprevention of accidents andincidents in civil aviation


Other. The Commission in its 2015Communication 'An Aviation Strategy forEurope' highlighted the need to pursuehigh worldwide safety standards andinsists to ensure that the rules on accidentinvestigation deliver the EU objectives inthe best possible way. It thereforerecommends carrying out an Evaluation ofthe Regulation on Safety Investigations in2016-2017.

The Roadmap of June 2016 indicatesFebruary 2017 as planned completiondate. However, the stakeholderconsultation period closed on 4/10/2017.


2016Evaluation of RegulationN°1008/2008 on common rules forthe operation of air services


Other. To evaluate RegulationN°1008/2008 on common rules for theoperation of air services as announced inthe 2015 Aviation Strategy indicative plan.

The Roadmap of November 2016 indicatesQ2 2018 as planned completion date. N/A

2016 Maritime Legislation Fitness Check Fitness check; internal

REFIT. Directive 2002/59/EC, Directive2010/65/EU, Directive 2009/16/EC,Directive 2009/21 and Directive2009/18/EC. The Maritime LegislationFitness Check was included in theCommission Work Programme for 2016 asa REFIT initiative. The Commission has alsoan obligation to report about theimplementation of several of thelegislative acts (Port State Control andAccident Investigation directives) and hasrecently reported on the others (Flag State,transfer of ships between registers ofMember States; Ship Classification andSurvey Organisations, Vessel TrafficMonitoring and Reporting Formalitiesdirectives).

The Roadmap of October 2016 indicatesJune 2017 as planned completion date. N/A

2016 Ex-post evaluation of Directive2009/16/EC on port State control N/A

REFIT. The EU regime on Port State Controlis based on the pre-existing internationalarrangements of the Paris Memorandumof Understanding (PMoU) on PSC. Underthe PMoU, Maritime Authorities agree toimplement a harmonized system of PortState Control.Within the PMoU context an evaluation isongoing to determine how theimplementation of PSC can be improved. In

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned completiondate. The 2016 List of planned Commissioninitiatives indicates Q1 2017 as foreseenadoption date.


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consequence, it is deemed necessary toevaluate the EU PSC regime.


Ex-post evaluation of Directive2009/21/EC on compliance withflag State requirements andDirective 2009/18/EC on theinvestigation of accidents in themaritime transport sector

Ex-post evaluation;mixed.

Legal act. The International rules (UNCLOS,IMO Conventions, in particular the IMOInstruments Implementation CODE (IIICODE)) oblige Member States as FlagStates to take all necessary steps to givethe applicable international instrumentsfull and complete effect. The EU regime onthe investigation of accidents in themaritime transport sector, implementingthe International rules, is based onDirective 2009/18/EC. Article 23 of theDirective provides that the Commissionshall in 2016, submit a report to theEuropean Parliament and the Council onthe implementation of, and compliancewith, this Directive, and, if necessary,propose further measures in the light ofthe recommendations set out therein.Ideally such a report should not only lookinto compliance but also into theeffectiveness and efficiency ofimplementation and has thereforeelements of an evaluation.

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned completiondate.



Directive 2008/106/EC onminimum level of training ofseafarers & Directive 2005/45/ECon mutual recognition of seafarers'certificates

Evaluation; ex-post;internal

REFIT. As provided for in Article 26 ofDirective 2008/16/EC, the Commissionshall regularly monitor the compliance ofMember States with the Directive'sprovisions, submit an evaluation report tothe European Parliament and the Counciland, where necessary, make proposals foradditional measures. In this respect, and inline with the Commission's betterregulation guidelines and in particular the'evaluate first principle' the Commissionwill carry out this evaluation.

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicatesDecember 2016 as planned completiondate. The DG’s Management Plan 2017indicates Q2 2017 as target completiondate.



Mid-term review of the ConnectingEurope Facility - evaluation of theimplementation of the CEFhorizontal and transport sectorial

Mid-term evaluation;mixed. Evaluationsupported by study

Legal act. Article 27(1) 'Evaluation' of theCEF Regulation. Article 27 of the CEFRegulation provides that the Commission,in cooperation with the Member States

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicates Q42017 as planned completion date. N/A

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objectives including 3 sectors(transport, energy and ICT)

from externalcontractor.

and beneficiaries concerned, shall preparean evaluation report to be presented bythe Commission to the EuropeanParliament and the Council no later than31 December 2017.

2017 Ex-post evaluation of TEN-Tprogramme N/A

Legal act. Ex-post evaluation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)programme 2007-2013. The Commissionwill carry out an analysis in order toproduce an assessment of theimplementation of projects funded underthe TEN-T Programme for the period 2007-2013.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesend 2017 as target completion date. N/A

20173rd Interim evaluation of theSESAR Joint Undertaking Activities(2013-2016)

N/A Legal act. SESAR Joint Undertaking (2013-2016). N/A N/A


Evaluation of Regulation No80/2009 on a code of conduct forComputerised Reservation Systems(CRS)

Evaluation Legal act.The Roadmap of September 2017 indicatesFebruary 2019 as planned completiondate.



Ex-post evaluation of Directive2010/40/EC on the framework forthe deployment of IntelligentTransport Systems in the field ofroad transport and for interfaceswith other modes of transport


Legal act. Evaluation of the Directive'sworking programme and guidelines forreporting, delegated acts adopted underthe Directive, and functioning of ITSCommittee and ITS Advisory Group.



Evaluation of the impacts ongrowth and jobs of the investmentsinto trans-European transportinfrastructure


Other. Desk research to identify and assessexisting materials on the question ofeffects on growth and jobs frominvestments into transport infrastructureand transport.


2018 Evaluation of Ground handlingservices Directive 96/67/EC N/A

Other. To evaluate Directive 96/67/EC onground handling services as announced inthe 2015 Aviation Strategy indicative plan.


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2016Evaluation of EU support to socialprotection in Neighbourhood andEnlargement countries (2007-2013)

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

Other. The objective of the evaluation is toassess the EU support provided in externalaction for social protection during theperiod 2007-2013. The evaluation shouldprovide an assessment on the attainedresults, their impact and sustainability, thegood practices and pitfalls in IPA I, ENPI,DCI and EDF programming andimplementation. This evaluation is in linewith the 'evaluation first principle',requiring a comprehensive evaluation onthe performance of policy, instruments,and programmes in the context of planningnew interventions.

The Roadmap of January 2016 indicates Q42016 as planned completion date. TheDG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesNovember 2017 as target date forcompletion.


2016Evaluation on the support to SMEcompetitiveness in enlargementand neighbourhood countries

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

FR. The evaluation will assess theperformance, good examples and lessonslearned from the past assistance in thearea of Small and Medium SizedEnterprises competitiveness in theenlargement and neighbourhoodcountries. This evaluation, mostly with abackward looking perspective, is foreseenin the DG NEAR multi-annual evaluationplan and will feed into the mid-term reviewof the Union's instruments for financingexternal actions planned for 2017.

The Roadmap of January 2016 indicates Q42016 as planned completion date. TheDG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesApril 2017 as target date for completion.



Sector evaluation of PublicAdministration Reform inenlargement and neighbourhoodcountries

Evaluation; interim;final; ex-post; mixed

Other. The Enlargement Strategy 2014-2015 states that PAR is one of the three'fundamentals' of the strategy togetherwith rule of law and economic governance.In the Neighbourhood, PAR is identified asa key area for cooperation and support insome of the country programmes fundedfrom the ENI. This evaluation is foreseen inthe DG NEAR multi-annual evaluation planand will feed into the Midterm review ofthe Union's instruments for financingexternal actions planned for 2017.

The Roadmap of August 2015 indicatesJanuary 2017 as planned completion date.The DG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesDecember 2017 as target date forcompletion.

150 000 €

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2016 Country evaluation in Azerbaijan Evaluation; mid-term

Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country.Given the evolution of the relationshipwith Azerbaijan since 2006, including therecent developments around a possiblenew agreement, it is considered opportuneto carry out this evaluation. The latestevaluation of EC Tacis Country Strategydated March 2000.

The Roadmap of September 2016 indicatesQ3 2017 as planned completion date. N/A

2017 Sector approach in implementationof IPA II assistance External

Other. Assessment of the programmingprocess under IPA II in view ofimplementation of sector approaches.

The Roadmap of November 2016 indicatesQ2 2018 as planned completion date. N/A


Evaluation of EU support toSecurity Sector Reform inenlargement and neighbourhoodcountries (2010-2016)

N/AOther. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG regions.

The Roadmap of November 2016 indicatesQ1 2018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Evaluation of Twinning inenlargement and neighbourhoodregions


Other. Assessment of the performance ofTwinning in bringing together public sectorexpertise from EU Member States andbeneficiary/partner countries with the aimof achieving concrete mandatoryoperational results through peer to peeractivities.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesDecember 2017 as expected completiondate.


2017 Country evaluation in Armenia External Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country.

The Roadmap indicates Q2 2019 asplanned completion date. N/A

2017 Ex-post evaluation of assistance toCroatia External

FR. Financial Regulation (EU) 966/2012 Art.30 - Provide information on theaccountability with respect to the value formoney and the use of funds and lessonslearned on financial assistance whererelevant.

The Roadmap of October 2016 indicatesQ1 2018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Evaluation of the performance ofthe EU Info Centres in enlargementand neighbourhood regions

N/A Other. Assessing the performance andoverall usefulness of EU Info Centres. N/A N/A

2018 Thematic evaluation in the field ofrule of law External

Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG region.

The Roadmap indicates Q2 2018 asplanned completion date. N/A

2018 Evaluation of the sector budgetsupport in Tunisia N/A Other. Assessment of the SBS in Tunisia. N/A N/A

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2018 Country evaluation in Morocco External Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. TheDG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2018 as expected completiondate.


2018Evaluation on education, vocationaltraining (with a special focus onyouth)

ExternalOther. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector ofeducation in both ENI an ELARG regions.


2018 Country evaluation in Moldova External Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2018 as expected completiondate.


2018 Thematic evaluation in the field ofborder management and migration

Evaluation,prospective/retrospective, external

Other. Programming of annual and multi-annual sectoral programmes in the IPA IIsector of good governance and democracy,performance assessment of the IPA Iresults, impact delivered.

N/A 240 000 €

2018 Evaluation of the sector budgetsupport for an ENI country External Other. Assessment of the SBS in both ENI

and ELARG regions.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. TheDG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2019 as expected completiondate.


2018 Evaluation on TAIEX and twinninginstruments External Other. Performance assessment of the

instrument in both ELARG and ENI regions.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. TheDG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2019 as expected completiondate.


2018 Sector evaluation of Transport ExternalOther. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG region.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. TheDG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2019 as expected completiondate.


2018 Evaluation on Refugees supportschemes N/A

Other. Assessment effectiveness,efficiency of Trust Funds and TurkishFacility for refugees.


2018Thematic evaluation on the civilsociety including People to PeopleInstrument

N/AOther. - Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG regions.


2019 Country evaluation in Serbia N/A Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country. N/A N/A

2019 Sector evaluation of Public financialmanagement External

Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG regions.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2020 as expected completiondate.


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2019Interim evaluation on IPA-IPA CBCprogrammes, implemented underdirect and indirect management


FR. Following the conclusions of the IPAcoordination meeting on 16 July 2015, ithas been decided that for IPA-IPA CBCprogrammes implemented throughindirect management, it was proposedthat an evaluation covering allprogrammes of the 7 year period becarried out either at mid-term or at the endof the 7 years and financed from the A.3evaluation budget. The funding for CBCprogrammes, implemented through directmanagement, the evaluation will becovered by a Technical Assistance of theCBC programmes.


2019 Interim evaluation of IPA assistance ExternalFR. Financial Regulation (EU) 966/2012 Art.30 - Input for the new programmingbeyond 2020.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesDecember 2019 as expected completiondate.


2019 Evaluation on human rights ExternalOther. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the humanrights area in both ENI an ELARG region.


2019Evaluation on visibility of the policydialogue and assistance of providedto ENP and ELARG region


Other. Regulation (EU) No 236/2014;Assessment of both visibility of policydialogue and assistance provided to ENPand ELARG regions.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesSeptember 2020 as expected completiondate.


2019 Evaluation on gender equality External

Other. Regulation (EU) No236/2014.Horizontal assessment of thegender equality issues and mainstreamingin ENI and IPA programmes.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesSeptember 2020 as expected completiondate.



Evaluation of the Pilot Schemesand Preparatory Actions financedfrom budgets 2008 to 2012 oncultural heritage


Other. Assessment of theresults/outcomes/impacts of the PilotSchemes and Preparatory Actions financedfrom budgets 2008 to 2012 on culturalheritage.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2020 as expected completiondate.


2019 Country evaluation in Lebanon External Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2019 as expected completiondate.


2019 Country evaluation in Egypt External Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand the assistance provided to the country. N/A N/A

2019 Evaluation of the cooperation withUN External

Other. Cooperation with internationalstakeholders under different managementmodes, lessons learned.


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2020 Ex-post evaluation of IPA I External

Other. Provide information on theaccountability with respect to the value formoney and the use of funds and lessonslearned on financial assistance.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesDecember 2021 as expected completiondate.


2020 Ex-post evaluation of ENPI N/A

FR. Provide information on theaccountability with respect to the value formoney and the use of funds and lessonslearned on financial assistance.


2020 Thematic evaluation on theblending instruments External Other. Performance assessment of the

instrument in the ELARG region.

The DG's 2015 Management Plan indicatesFebruary 2021 as expected completiondate.


2020 Sector evaluation on Connectivity N/AOther. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENP and ELARG regions.


2020 Evaluation on energy ExternalOther. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG regions.


2020 Evaluation of the cooperation withWorld Bank External

Other. Improving the cooperation withinternational organisations under differentmanagement modes, lessons learned.


2020 Evaluation of the sector budgetsupport in the ELARG region N/A Other. Assessment of the SBS in the ELARG

region. N/A N/A

2020Evaluation of the cooperation withCouncil of Europe (upon discussionwith the Council of Europe)

ExternalOther. Cooperation with internationalstakeholders under different managementmodes, lessons learned.


2020Evaluation on decentralisationprocess and the municipaldevelopment


Other. Assessment on the role of themunicipalities in the ENI and ELARGcountries (empowerment of localgovernment and fiscal decentralisation,delivery of service, funding of the localmunicipal utilities, etc.).


2020 Sector evaluation of environmentand climate action External

Other. Assessment of the policy dialogueand assistance provided in the sector inboth ENI and ELARG regions.


2020 Evaluation SIGMA External Other. Performance assessment of theinstrument in both ELARG and ENI region. N/A N/A

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2016 Ex-post evaluation 2007-2013.WP15: Communication N/A LMFF


2017Ex-post evaluation of majorprojects support by the ERDF andthe CF


2017 Ex-post evaluation of the SolidarityFund N/A LMFF


2018Ex-post evaluation of majorprojects support by the ERDF andthe CF (renewal)


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Evaluation, monitoring andcomparison of the impacts of EUfunded SSH (Socio- economicsciences and Humanities) researchin Europe (IMPACT-EV project)


CWP - The main objective of IMPACT-EV is todevelop a permanent system of selection,monitoring, evaluation and comparison of theimpact and outcomes from European SSHresearch, taking into account the latestquantitative and qualitative evaluation tools,identifying new ways of implementing themand exploring new standards and indicatorsthat complement existing impact assessmentprocesses. IMPACT-EV will be able to provideinsights for the ex-ante, interim and ex-postevaluation concerning assessment of thescientific, policy and social impact of SSHresearch project outcomes.

The DG's 2015 Management Planindicates 2017 as expected time ofcompletion. Further details areavailable here.


2016 Interim evaluation of Euratom(2014-2018) N/A

LMFF. Article 22 of the Regulation(EURATOM) No 1314/2013. By 31 May 2017,and taking into account the ex-postevaluation of the Seventh EuratomFramework Programme established byDecision 2006/970/Euratom and of theEuratom Framework Programme (2012-2013)established by Decision 2012/93/Euratom tobe completed by the end of 2015, theCommission shall carry out, with theassistance of independent experts selectedon the basis of a transparent process, aninterim evaluation of the EuratomProgramme on the achievements, at the levelof results and progress towards impacts, ofthe objectives and continued relevance of allthe measures, the efficiency and use ofresources, the scope for furthersimplification, and European added value.

The Roadmap of October 2016 indicatesQ3 2017 as planned completion date. N/A

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2017 Ex post impact assessment of theFP7 NMP Theme N/A

LMFF, FR. The study shall focus on the outputand impacts of projects financed by the FP7NMP Theme. The ex post evaluation of theNMP Theme has been carried out in 2014,directly after FP7 finished. At that time, onlyabout half of the projects have finished orbeen mature enough in order to analyseresults and output. Output of projects thatstarted only in the second half of FP7 or midto long term impact could not be assessed.This dedicated ex post impact assessmentstudy shall overcome the constraints of the expost evaluation study by carrying out theanalyses three years later, when most of theFP7 NMP projects have finished. The taskincludes the development of a methodologyto track information on project related outputand impact after the end of a project, whichmeans that other sources of information thanthe project reporting need to be explored.


TBD Final evaluation Eurostars N/A

Legal act - Art.13 of the basic act Eurostars -At the end of the Eurostars Joint Programme,the Commission shall conduct a finalevaluation of the Programme. The results ofthe final evaluation shall be presented to theEuropean Parliament and the Council.


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TBD Ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020 N/A

Legal act - Art. 32 of the Regulation (EU) No1291/2013 -By 31 December 2023, theCommission shall carry out, with theassistance of independent experts, selectedon the basis of a transparent process, an ex-post evaluation of Horizon 2020, its specificprogramme and the activities of the EIT. Thatevaluation shall cover the rationale,implementation and achievements, as well asthe longer-term impacts and sustainability ofthe measures, to feed into a decision on apossible renewal, modification or suspensionof any subsequent measure. The evaluationshall take into consideration aspects relatingto the dissemination and exploitation ofresearch results.


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2014 General Food Law Fitness Check(RASFF and GFL Evaluations) N/A

REFIT. The overall aim of the Fitness Check isto analyse the effectiveness, efficiency,coherence, relevance and EU added value ofthe legislative framework introduced byRegulation (EC) No 178/2002 on general foodlaw. In doing so, the Fitness Check should takeinto account previous evaluations alreadyperformed in this policy area as well as theresults of the two external evaluations thathave been commissioned to support theFitness check: one on the RASSF andmanagement of emergencies/crisis and theother on the General Food Law.

The dedicated webpage on the DG’swebsite end of 2017 as plannedcompletion date and for the publicationof a Commission Staff WorkingDocument on the fitness check.


2014Evaluation of the Rapid AlertSystem for Food and Feed and ofcrisis management procedures


REFIT. The aim of this evaluation is to supportthe Fitness Check on General Food Law byassessing the functioning and impact of RASFFand crisis management procedures.

The dedicated webpage on the DG’swebsite end of 2017 as plannedcompletion date and for the publicationof a Commission Staff WorkingDocument on the fitness check.



REFIT evaluation of a) Regulation(EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition andhealth claims made on food withregard to nutrient profiles andhealth claims made on plants andtheir preparations and of b) thegeneral regulatory framework fortheir use in foods

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

Legal act/REFIT. Regulation (EC) No1924/2006 on nutrition and health claimsmade on foods harmonises the provisions laiddown by law, regulation or administrativeaction in Member States which relate tonutrition and health claims in order to ensurethe effective functioning of the internalmarket whilst providing a high level ofconsumer protection. The Regulation aims inparticular at enabling consumers to makehealthier choices by protecting them frommisleading information and at ensuring a levelplaying field for food business operatorswithin the internal market.

The Roadmap of October 2015 indicatesJune 2017 as planned completion date.Further information on the fitness checkis available here.


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REFIT Evaluation on MaximumResidue Levels (MRL) legislationpesticides (Regulation 396/2005)and Regulation 1107/2009concerning the placing on themarket of plant protectionproducts


Legal act/REFIT. Ex-post evaluation of theMRL legislation pesticides (regulation396/2005) in preparation of article 47 (reportto Council and Parliament on theimplementation), as regards the provisionsrequired to establish MRL for biocides,alignment Lisbon, and clarification of variousother aspects. Ex-post evaluation ofRegulation 1107/2009 in preparation ofarticle 82 (report to Council and Parliamenton the implementation).

The Roadmap of November 2016indicates November 2018 as plannedcompletion date. Additionalinformation is available here.


2016Evaluation of the Union policyframework for blood and tissues &cells

Mixed ex-postevaluation

Other. The purpose of the evaluation is toprovide a comprehensive assessment of theUnion legislation on blood and tissues andcells - Directives 2002/98/EC and 2004/23/ECrespectively ('the Main Directives') and theirimplementing (technical) Directives (‘theImplementing Directives’), examining theirfunctioning across the EU (the Main Directivesand the Implementing Directives are jointlyreferred to as ‘the Directives’).

The Roadmap of January 2017 indicatesQ4 2018 as planned completion date.Additional information is available hereon the DG’s website.


2016 Evaluation of the fee system of theEuropean Medicines Agency

Evaluation; ex-post,mixed

Legal act. Data on workload / cost of MS andEMA to be used for a possible future revisionof EMA fees. Foreseen by recital of Regulationon Pharmacovigilance fees Regulation (EU)No 658/2014. To verify the costing model forremuneration of MS Evaluation of costs of theEuropean Medicines Agency and costs of thetasks carried out by the national competentauthorities. Economic Study of the timeestimations provided by the data gatheringproject of EMA's Management Board.

The Roadmap of December 2015indicates Q4 2017 as plannedcompletion date.


2016Final evaluation of Action Plan onorgan donation & transplantation(2009-2015)


Legal act. It aims to understand how best tohelp MS build resilient transplant systemsthat are efficient and allow for more life-saving and cost-effective transplanttherapies. The Communication from theCommission 'Action plan on Organ Donation& transplantation (2009-2015): StrengthenedCooperation between Member States'foresees in its conclusion that it 'will provide

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. N/A

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the basis for an overall evaluation of thesuccess Member States have in achieving theaforementioned common objectives'. A mid-term review of the actions was carried out toevaluate the efficacy of this action plan(external study implemented in 2012, resultspublished mid 2013 + Commission StaffWorking Document published in April 2014).Study (part outsourced) on the set-up oforgan donation and transplantation in the EUmember states.

2016 Evaluation of EFSA N/A

Legal act. Article 61(1) of Regulation (EC) No178/2002 of the EP and the Council: Every 6years, EFSA, in collaboration with the EC, shallcommission an independent externalevaluation of its achievements.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. N/A

2017 Evaluation of the food contactmaterials (FCM) legislation N/A

Other. Food contact materials (FCM)legislation regulates certain FCMs extensively,others such materials are regulated atnational level. The legal framework should beevaluated.


2017 Evaluation of the legislation onFood Irradiation N/A

Other. Examining the legislation to check ifachieving its objective and if still adapted toan evolving environment with newtechnologies emerging. (Directive 1999/2/ECof the European Parliament and of the Councilof 22 February 1999 on the approximation ofthe laws of the Member States concerningfoods and food ingredients treated withionising radiation and Directive 1999/3/EC:Implementing – EU list of irradiated food andfood ingredients).

The Roadmap of March 2017 indicatesQ4 2018 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Evaluation of the ConsumersHealth Agriculture and FoodExecutive Agency (CHAFEA)


Other. Evaluation of the Consumers HealthAgriculture and Food Executive Agency(CHAFEA). Council Regulation No 58/2003 of19 December 2002 lays down in general thestatute for executive Agencies to be entrustedwith certain tasks in management of Union´sprogrammes. Article 25 of this Regulationstates that the Commission shall draw up anexternal evaluation report every three years.

The Roadmap of September 2017indicates December 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


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Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No1831/2003 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 22September 2003 on additives foruse in animal nutrition

Ex-post; mixed.

Legal act/CWP The aim of the evaluationwould be to assess whether the objectives ofthe Regulation have been achieved properlyand, more importantly, whether it is still fit forpurpose (as regards both safety andinnovation) and in tune with the priorities ofthe Commission. In particular the evaluationshould address the issue of the developmentof new feed additives as is one element in thefight against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

The Roadmap indicates September2018 as planned completion date. N/A

2018Evaluation of the initiatives onnutrition, physical activity,Overweight and Obesity


Other. Activities of the High Level Group onNutrition and Physical Activity, of the EUplatform for action on diet, physical activityand health, of the EU Framework for NationalInitiatives on Selected Nutrients, of the ActionPlan on Childhood Obesity and other relevantEU initiatives on the topic.


2018 Evaluation of EU initiatives onalcohol related harm N/A

Other. Activities of the Committee onNational Alcohol Policy and Action, of the EUAlcohol and Health Forum, of the Action Planon Youth Drinking and on Heavy EpisodicDrinking and other relevant EU initiatives onthe topic.


2018Evaluation of the EU policy onserious cross-border threats tohealth


Other. The aim of the evaluation would be toassess whether the objectives of Decision No1082/2013 of the European Parliament and ofthe Council of 22 October 2013 on seriouscross-border threads to health have beenachieved and that the EU health securityframework under that Decision has beenproven effective towards combating seriouscross-border threats to health. This willinclude an assessment of the effectivenessand efficiency of the mechanisms establishedunder the Decision in particular regarding theearly warning and coordination of responsesto serious cross-border threats to health.


2019 Evaluation of Better Training forSafer food Programme N/A FR. The aim of this evaluation will be to assess

the impact of this BTSF Programme. N/A N/A

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Evaluation of the JointprocurementAgreement/Mechanism for jointprocurement for medicalcountermeasures (linked to healththreats)

N/AOther. The benefits and impact of their pastdecisions and of options for future ECDC’s roleand functioning.



Evaluation of the Communicationfrom the Commission to theEuropean Parliament, the Council,the European Economic and SocialCommittee and the Committee ofthe Regions on solidarity in health:reducing health inequalities in theEU


Other. Evaluation of the Communication fromthe Commission to the European Parliament,the Council, the European Economic andSocial Committee and the Committee of theRegions on solidarity in health: reducinghealth inequalities in the EU.



Evaluation of Directive 2014/40/EUof the European Parliament and theCouncil of 3 April 2014 on theapproximation of the laws,regulations and administrativeprovisions of the Member Statesconcerning the manufacture,presentation and sale of tobaccoand related products and repealingDirective 2001/37/EC


Legal act. The aim of the evaluation is toassess whether the regulation resulted in theexpected changes, its effectiveness,efficiency, relevance, coherence, EU addedvalue.


2019 Evaluation cross-border healthcaredirective N/A

Legal act. Directive 2011/24/EU on theapplication of patients' rights in cross-borderhealthcare.



Ex-post evaluation on theachievement of the objectives setout in the frame of the CommonFinancial Framework (CFF)


LMFF - Measure the effectiveness andefficiency of the measures implementedunder the food safety expenditure in theperiod 2014-2020. Proposal for a regulationestablishing a CFF for food and feed.


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2020 Evaluation of Fight against FoodFraud N/A

Other. The aim of this evaluation will be toassess EU initiatives aimed at fighting foodfraud.



Evaluation of the Action to reducethe burden of chronic diseases(neurodegenerative diseases andmental health; Communication onthe Cancer Partnership)


Other. Evaluation on the chronic diseaseapproach to address issues common to allchronic diseases, including mental health andcancer); evaluation whether implementationand scaling up of best practice by MemberStates is effective.



Evaluation of rare diseases(development of rare cancer work;EU strategy on rare diseases;liaison with European ReferenceNetwork)

N/AOther. Evaluation of the different actionsundertaken by the Commission related to rarediseases and their cooperation.


2020 Evaluation of the Regulation (EU)No. 528/2012 on Biocides N/A

Legal act. Chap 15, Art. 65 4. On the basis ofthe reports received in accordance withparagraph 3, and within 12 months from thedate referred to in the second subparagraphof that paragraph, the Commission shall drawup a composite report on the implementationof this Regulation, in particular Article 58. TheCommission shall submit the report to theEuropean Parliament and to the Council.



Evaluation of European ReferenceNetworks in accordance with theArticle 12 of the Directive onpatients' rights


Legal act. The aim of the evaluation will be toassess the performance, achievement ofobjectives and outcomes of the Network andthe contribution of its members.


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2022 Evaluation of the Directive onfalsification of medicines N/A

Legal act - Directive 2011/62/EU -The report should be submitted to theParliament and Council 5 years after theapplication of the delegated acts on safetyfeatures. Evaluation of the contribution of themeasures provided for in this Directiveregarding the prevention of the entry offalsified medicinal products in the legal supplychain / a description, where possible includingquantitative data, of the trends in thefalsification of medicinal products.



Evaluation of Regulation (EU) No1169/2011 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 25October 2011 on the provision offood information to consumers

N/A Legal act - The aim will be to assess the impactof the Regulation. N/A N/A


Evaluation of Regulation (EU)2016/429 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 9March 2016 on transmissibleanimal diseases (‘Animal HealthLaw’)

N/A Legal act - The evaluation will assess theimpact of the Regulation. N/A N/A


Evaluation of the impact of theRegulation on Clinical Trials onscientific and technologicalprogress in Europe

N/A Legal act - Every 5 years in accordance withArt. 97 of Regulation (EU)536/2014. N/A N/A

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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

2017 Evaluation of European Citizens'Initiative N/A

Legal act - Regulation (EU) No. 211/2011 ofthe European Parliament and of the Council16 February 2011 on the citizens' initiative

The DG's 2015 Management Planindicates Q1 2018 as expected time ofcompletion.

175 000 €

2017Evaluation and futurevision/strategy for SG Registers onthe Next Europa website

N/A Other. N/A N/A

2017Evaluation and proposals forimprovement of the user interfacesof SG systems

N/A Other. N/A N/A

2018 Evaluation of smart regulation tools N/A

Other - Evaluation of implementation of thesmart regulations tools: IA, evaluation,stakeholder consultation, implementationplans.


2019 Evaluation of the TransparencyRegister N/A Other - Evaluation of the new Register to be

put in place in 2015.

Only in the Single Evaluation Plan 2016.The DG's 2015 Management Planindicates Q4 2019 as expected time ofcompletion.

200 000 €

2021 Evaluation of DECIDE N/A Other - Evaluation of implementation of theintegrated IT tool.

The DG's 2015 Management Planindicates Q1 2022 as expected time ofcompletion.

200 000 €

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Structural Reform Support Service57

Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

2017 Ex -post evaluation of the activitiesof the Task Force for Greece (TFGR) N/A Other. Recommendation 6 of the Special Report n19/20115 of

the European Court of Auditors.

The Management Plan2017 indicates Q4 2017as target completiondate.


2018 Evaluation of Aid Programme forthe Turkish Cypriot community N/A

Other. Council Regulation (EC) No 389/2006 of 27 February 2006establishing an instrument of financial support for encouragingthe economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community andamending Council Regulation (EC) No 2667/2000 on the EuropeanAgency for Reconstruction – Better Regulation.


2018 Interim Evaluation SRSP

N/A Legal act. Article 15 of the Proposal for a Regulation on theestablishment of the Structural Reform Support Programme forthe period 2017 to 2020 and amending Regulations (EU) No1303/2013 and (EU) No 1305/2013.


2020 Ex-post evaluation of the StructuralReform Support Programme (SRSP)

N/A Legal act. Article 15 of the Proposal for a Regulation on theestablishment of the Structural Reform Support Programme forthe period 2017 to 2020 and amending Regulations (EU) No1303/2013 and (EU) No 1305/2013.


57 Note that the Structural Reform Support Service was not covered in the 2016 Single Evaluation Plan.

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Evaluation of the mutual assistancefor the recovery of claims relatingto taxes, duties and othermeasures (Council Directive2010/24/EU)


Legal act. A report to the EP and the Councilon the operation of the arrangementsestablished by directive 2010/24 (Art. 27(3)).This report could lead to a legislative proposalfor amendments in this field.

The Roadmap of November 2016indicates Q2 2017 as plannedcompletion date.



Evaluation of the special schemefor small enterprises under the VATDirective 2006/112/EC (back-to-back evaluation and impactassessment)


Other. Evaluation of the measures applied bythe Member States, identifying the mainadvantages and flaws of the current systemsapplied from the point of view of the internalmarket and assessing advantages andpossible distortive effects of the current rulesfor intra-EU supplies.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016.The Roadmap of Inception ImpactAssessment indicates Q4 2017 asplanned completion date.



Revision of the functioning of thecommon fiscal marking for gas oilsand kerosene (Council Directive95/60/EC)

N/A Other. Assess the application of the Directive,address possible shortcomings, update.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017indicates Q4 2017 as target date forcompletion.


2016Review of Directive 2011/16/EU onadministrative cooperation in thefield of taxation


Legal act. Article 23 of the Directive requiresthe Commission to evaluate the functioningof the administrative cooperation, inparticular its effectiveness in combatting taxevasion and tax avoidance. It will include theassessment of the effectiveness of theautomatic exchange of information referredto in Article 8 as well as the practical resultsachieved.

Only in Single Evaluation Plan 2016. TheDG’s Management Plan 2017 indicatesQ4 2017 as target date for completion.



Evaluation of Council Directive2003/96/EC of 27 October 2003restructuring the Communityframework for the taxation ofenergy products and electricity


Other. The study will analyse theimplementation of the different provisions ofthe Directive, identify its shortcomings andwill assess the correct application of theDirective by the Member States and theeconomic operators.

The Roadmap of August 2018 indicatesQ3 2018 as planned completion date. N/A

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2016Evaluation study of the EuropeanCustoms Inventory of ChemicalSubstances (ECICS)

External retrospectiveevaluation

Other. Since its first publication in 1974, theECICS has been constantly extended. Despiteits long life-span and its important effect onthe EC resources, no evaluation of ECICS hasbeen carried out during this period.Therefore, it is useful to assess how well thisdatabase has performed since its creation andwhether its existence continues to be justifiedin terms of effectiveness, efficiency,relevance, coherence and (achieved) EUadded-value.

The Roadmap of January 2017 indicatesQ4 2017 as planned completion date. N/A

2017Study on the evaluation of VATinvoicing rules, including electronicinvoicing

N/A Legal act. Council Directive 2010/45/EUinvoicing rules.

The Roadmap of September 2017indicates Q4 2018 as plannedcompletion date.


2017 Mid-term evaluation of Fiscalis2020 (Regulation 1286/2013) N/A

LMFF. The mid-term evaluation will provideevidence with regards to the progress madetowards achieving the programme objectivesand provide input in relation to at least 5evaluation criteria: effectiveness, efficiency,relevance, coherence, EU added-value.


2017 Mid-term evaluation of Customs2020 (Regulation 1294/2013) N/A

LMFF. The mid-term evaluation will provideevidence with regards to the progress madetowards achieving the programme objectivesand provide input in relation to at least 5evaluation criteria: effectiveness, efficiency,relevance, coherence, EU added-value.


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Evaluation of Council Regulation No904/2010 on administrativecooperation and fight against fraudin the field of VAT


Legal act. The purpose of this evaluation is toassess Regulation (EU) No. 904/2010 in termsof its effectiveness, efficiency, continuedrelevance, coherence with the other policyinitiatives and priorities, as well as its EUadded value.

The DG’s Management Plan 2017indicates Q3 2017 as target date forcompletion.


2020 Final evaluation of Fiscalis 2020(Regulation 1286/2013) N/A

LMFF. As per mid-term evaluation and thelong–term impact and the sustainability of theeffects of the programme.


2020 Final evaluation of Customs 2020(Regulation 1294/2013) N/A

LMFF. As per mid-term evaluation + the long–term impact and the sustainability of theeffects of the programme.


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Timing Title Type Purpose/Reason and scope Status Planned cost

2016Evaluation of Reg. (EU) 978/2012applying a scheme of generalizedtariff preferences

Evaluation; interim;mixed

Legal act - The EU's present GSP scheme,which entered into force on 01 January 2014.Article 40 of the GSP Regulation requires theCommission to submit a report on theapplication of the regulation to the EuropeanParliament and the Council by 21 November2017. Moreover, recital 34 of the regulationprovides that the Commission, in its report toParliament and Council, should assess theneed to review the present GSP scheme,which will expire on 31 December 2023. Thepresent evaluation is intended to provide anevidence base for that report; and is necessaryin order to allow for an assessment of whetherthe present (substantially reformed) GSP hasbeen delivering on its objectives and ofwhether any adjustments to its legal basis areneeded.

The Roadmap of May 2016 indicates Q42017 as planned completion date. Theprogress of the evaluation can befollowed here on the DG’s website (e.g.Final Inception Report).



Evaluation of the trade pillar of fourEU Association Agreements withEuroMed countries: Tunisia,Morocco, Algeria, Jordan


Other. The trade pillar of the EU's AssociationAgreements: with Tunisia (March 1998);Morocco (March 2000); Jordan (May 2002);and Algeria (September 2005).


2017 Ex post evaluation of theimplementation of EU - Korea FTA N/A

Legal act/Other - The EU's FTA with theRepublic of Korea, which entered into force inJuly 2011.

Information on the progress of theevaluation is available here on the DG’swebsite.


2018Interim evaluation of the interimESA Economic PartnershipAgreement


Legal act. The EU's interim EPA with Easternand Southern Africa (comprising Mauritius,Seychelles, Zimbabwe, and Madagascar),signed in 2009 and provisionally applied sinceMay 2012.


2018Interim evaluation of the EU's tradepillar agreements with Peru andColombia

N/AOther. The EU’s trade agreements with Peruand Colombia, which entered into force on 01March and 01 August 2013, respectively.


2018 Evaluation of the EU's tradedefence instruments N/A Other. N/A N/A

2018 Evaluation of the CariforumEconomic Partnership Agreement N/A

Other. The CARIFORUM - EU EPA, which wassigned in October 2008 and entered intoprovisional application in December 2008.


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2019Interim evaluation of the EU's tradepillar agreements with CentralAmerican countries


Other. The trade pillar of the EU’s AssociationAgreement with Central America, which hasbeen provisionally applied: since Aug 2013 inrespect of Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama;since Oct 2013 in respect of Costa Rica and ElSalvador; and since Dec 2013 in respect ofGuatemala.


2019 Evaluation of the Jordan Rules ofOrigin initiative N/A

Other. The relaxation of RoO agreed at 10thEU-Jordan Association Committee in July 2016with commitment to review in year 4.



Evaluation of the trade pillar of fourEU Association Agreements withEuroMed countries: Palestine,Israel, Egypt, Lebanon


Other. The trade pillar of the EU's AssociationAgreements: with Palestine (July 1997); Israel(June 2000); Egypt (June 2004); and Lebanon(April 2006).


2020 Evaluation of the EU's tradedefence instruments N/A Other. The EU's trade defence instruments

(TDIs). N/A N/A


Interim evaluation of the EU's tradepillar agreements with Georgia andMoldova, and of the EU's DCFTAwith Ukraine

N/AOther. The trade pillar of the EU's AssociationAgreements with Georgia, Moldova andUkraine.


2022 Interim evaluation of the EU's CETAwith Canada. N/A Other. The EU's Comprehensive Economic and

Trade Agreement with Canada. N/A N/A

2022Interim evaluation of the EU'sAssociation Agreement withEcuador

N/A Other. The EU's trade agreement with Ecuador(January 2017). N/A N/A

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A Rolling Check-List on the State of Play

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Annex I: DGs' Annual Management Plans - 201758

DG Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) MP 2017DG Budget DG (BU) MP 2017DG Climate Action (CLIMA) MP 2017DG Communication (COMM) MP 2017DG for Communications Networks, Content and Technology(CNECT) MP 2017

DG Competition (COMP) MP 2017DG Economic and Financial Affairs (ECFIN) MP 2017DG Education and Culture (EAC) MP 2017DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities(EMPL) MP 2017

DG Energy (ENER) MP 2017DG Environment (ENV) MP 2017DG International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) MP 2017Eurostat (ESTAT) MP 2017DG Health and Food Safety (SANTE) MP 2017DG Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) MP 2017DG Humanitarian aid and Civil Protection (ECHO) MP 2017DG Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs(GROW) MP 2017

DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital MarketsUnion (FISMA) MP 2017

Joint Research Centre (JRC) MP 2017DG Justice and Consumers (JUST) MP 2017DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE) MP 2017DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE) MP 2017DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (NEAR) MP 2017DG Regional Policy (REGIO) MP 2017DG Research and Innovation (RTD) MP 2017Secretariat-General (SG) MP 2017Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) MP2017Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) MP 2017DG Taxation and Customs Union (TAXUD) MP 2017DG Trade (TRADE) MP 2017

Note that this Annex includes only the DGs covered in the present rolling check-list. MP 2017 forother European Commission DGs are accessible here.

58 Since 2016, Commission DGs publish both a 5-year Strategic Plan and an Annual ManagementPlan.

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Annex II: Evaluations published in the database of completed evaluation files (2016)


1 AGRI Synthesis of ex ante evaluations of rural development programmes 2014- 2020

Evaluation ReportQuality Check-List

2 AGRI Evaluation of Article 68 measures Evaluation ReportQuality Check-List

3 AGRI Study on 'Cost of and good practices for FADN data collection' Evaluation ReportQuality Check-List Evaluation related study

4 MOVE REFIT Ex-Post Evaluation of Combined Transport Directive 92/106/EEC Evaluation Report SWD

5 RTD Ex-post Evaluation of Transport Research and Innovation in FP7Cooperation Programme

Evaluation Report

6 RTD The contribution of the Framework Programmes to Major Innovations Evaluation Report Evaluation related study

7 RTD An analysis of the role and impact of Research Performing Organisations’participation in the Framework Programmes Evaluation Report Evaluation related study

8 RTD An analysis of the role and engagement of universities with regard toparticipation in the Framework Programmes Evaluation Report Evaluation related study

Source: European Commission database of completed evaluations files, last accessed on 20 October 2017. The database has been discontinued. For evaluationspublished in the database in 2014 and 2015, see the 2015 edition of the rolling check-list.

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Annex III: Evaluations and reports published in other sources


1 Evaluation of POSEI59 DG AGRI External evaluation published here on the DG’s website

2 Ex-post evaluation of key procedural aspects of Regulation 1/2003 –access to file and complaints DG COMP External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

3 Ex-post evaluation of the impact of Reversibility and Retrievability(R&R) decisions on the viability of aided industrial undertakings

DG COMP External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

4 Ex-post evaluation of two mobile telecom mergers DG COMPEvaluation (by DG COMP & two National Regulators)published on the DG’s website here and in the EUBookshop.

5 Evaluation of budget support in Burundi DG DEVCO External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

6 Evaluation of EU cooperation with Chad DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

7 Mid-Term Evaluation of SOCIEUX - Social Protection EU ExpertiseFacility in Development Cooperation DG DEVCO

Some reference to the evaluation results available inAnnex VII of the Commission Implementing Decision onthe Annual Action Programme 2015 Part III for themeHuman Development of the Global Public Goods andChallenges programme.

8 Final Evaluation of the ACP-EU Water Facility DG DEVCO Conference presenting the results of the evaluation.

9 Evaluation of EU support to research and innovation for developmentin partner countries DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.


Evaluation of the Implementation of the 2008 Council Conclusions onthe Promotion and protection of the Rights of the Child in EU'sexternal action (development) in line with the 2007 EU guidelines -2008/2013

DG DEVCONo report available. Mentioned as finalised in theOverview of Commission’s completed Evaluation andStudies in 2016.

11 Joint strategic evaluation of budget support to Ghana DG DEVCO External evaluation available here on the DG’s website

12 Strategic Evaluation of the EU Approach to Resilience to WithstandFood Crises in African Drylands (Sahel and Horn of Africa) (2007-2015) DG DEVCO External evaluation available here on the DG’s website

59 Note that the DG’s Annual Report 2016 indicates that a Staff Working Document on the evaluation is still under preparation.

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13 External financial instruments evaluations DG DEVCO External evaluation available here on the DG’s website

14 Strategic Evaluation of EU Joint Programming Process ofDevelopment Cooperation (2011-2015) DG DEVCO External evaluation available here on the DG’s website

15 Strategic evaluation of the EU aid delivery mechanism of delegatedcooperation (2007-2014) DG DEVCO External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

16 Strategic evaluation of blending 2007-2014 DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

17 Strategic evaluation of Budget Support in Paraguay (2006-2014) DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

18 Strategic evaluation of EU cooperation with Pakistan (2007-2014) DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

19 Evaluation of EU support to the Transport Sector in Africa DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

20 Joint evaluation of budget support to Sierra Leone DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

21 Evaluation of Budget Support to Burkina Faso DG DEVCO Evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

22 Evaluation of EU cooperation with Central America 2007-2013 DG DEVCO Evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

23 Joint Evaluation EU Cooperation with Bangladesh 2007-2013 DG DEVCO Evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

24 Evaluation of Cotonou Partnership Agreement (2000-2015) DG DEVCO Evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

25 Evaluation of the EU cooperation with Central Asia DG DEVCO Evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

26 Mid-term Evaluation of the Partnership Instrument (PI) DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

27 Mid term evaluation of the Instrument contributing to Stability andPeace (IcSP) DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.


Mid-Term Review of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR) -Regulation EU (No) 236/2014 laying down common rules andprocedures for the implementation of the Union’s instruments forfinancing external action

DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

29 Mid Term Review of the Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation(INSC)

DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

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30 Mid Term Evaluation of the Greenland Decision DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

31 Mid Term Evaluation of 11th European Development Fund (EDF) DG DEVCO External evaluation (draft final) published here on theDG’s website.

32 Mid Term Evaluation of Development Co-operation Instrument (DCI) DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

33 Review of strategic evaluations in view of the preparation of the newEuropean Consensus for Development DG DEVCO Evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

34 Report on EU Engagement with Civil Society DG DEVCO Report published here in the EU Bookshop.

35 Evaluation of the European Instrument for Democracy and HumanRights (EIDHR) 2014-2020 DG DEVCO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

36 Evaluation of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture ExecutiveAgency (EACEA) - 3rd evaluation DG EAC External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

37 Evaluation of the EU Youth Strategy and the Council recommendationon the mobility of young volunteers DG EAC External evaluation published here on the DG’s website

38 Evaluation of Treasury & asset management DG ECFIN Executive summary available here on the DG’s website.

39 Evaluation of MFA operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina DG ECFIN Published here on the DG’s website.

40 Evaluation of the economic adjustment programme for Ireland DG ECFIN Published here on the DG’s website.

41 Evaluation of the financial sector programme for Spain DG ECFIN Published here on the DG’s website and in the EUBookshop.

42 Ex Post Evaluation of the Economic Adjustment Programme. Portugal,2011-2014 DG ECFIN In-house evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

43 Final evaluation of the Pilot Phase of the Project Bond Initiative (PBI) DG ECFIN Published here on the DG’s website.

44 Mid-term evaluation of the European Investment Bank's (EIB)external lending mandate (ELM) over the period 2014-2020 DG ECFIN External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

45 Interim evaluation of the application of the European Fund forStrategic Investments (EFSI) Regulation 2015/2017 DG ECFIN External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

46 Evaluation of the use of different Transfer Modalities in ECHOHumanitarian Aid Actions 2011 – 2014 DG ECHO Published here on the DG’s website and in the EU


47 Evaluation of the ECHO Actions in Coastal West Africa DG ECHO Published here on the DG’s website.

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48 Evaluation of the ECHO response to the Syrian Crises DG ECHO Published here on the DG’s website.

49 Evaluation of ECHO’s interventions in Pakistan 2010-2014 DG ECHO Published here on the DG’s website and in the EUBookshop.

50 Evaluation of ECHO actions in Sahel DG ECHO Published here on the DG’s website and in the EUBookshop.

51 Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Actions in the Field of Protection andEducation of Children in Emergency and Crisis Situations (2008-2015) DG ECHO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

52 Evaluation of DG ECHO’s Response to the Humanitarian Crises inSudan and South Sudan (2011-2015) DG ECHO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

53 Evaluation of DG ECHO's Actions on Building Resilience in the LACRegion DG ECHO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

54 Interim evaluation of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, 2014-2016 DG ECHO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

55European Social Fund (ESF) 2007-2013 Ex Post Evaluation: Supportingthe integration of disadvantaged groups into the labour market andsociety

DG EMPL Supporting studies published here in the EU Bookshop.

56 ESF 2007-2013 Ex Post Evaluation: Investing in human capital DG EMPL Various volumes on ‘investing in human capital’published here in the EU Bookshop.

57 ESF 2007-2013 Ex-post evaluation: Access to employment DG EMPL Supporting studies published here in the EU Bookshop.

58 Regulatory issues and associated risks in developing the NorthernSeas off-shore grid DG ENER External study published here in the EU Bookshop.

59 Evaluation study on the transposition of the Nuclear Waste Directive DG ENER Some national reports available on various websites.

60Evaluation of the Project Development Assistance implementedunder the Intelligent Energy Europe (includes evaluation of the ELENAFacility)

DG ENER External study published here on the DG’s website.

61 Evaluation Study on the review of the tyre labelling regulation(1222/2009/EC) DG ENER External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

62Environmental baseline study for the development of renewableenergy sources, energy storages and a meshed electricity grid in theIrish and North Seas

DG ENER External study published here in the EU Bookshop.

63 Report on the first results of H2020 projects on Energy efficiency andsystem integration DG ENER External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

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64Evaluation of Directive 2001/42/EC of the European Parliament andof the Council on the assessment of the effects of certain plans andprogrammes on the environment

DG ENV External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

65Supporting the evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 concerningthe establishment of a European Pollutant Release and TransferRegister and its triennial review

DG ENV External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

66 Support for an external and independent LIFE mid-term evaluationreport DG ENV External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

67 Crowdfunding: Mapping EU markets and events study DG FISMA External study published here on the DG’s website.

68 Evaluation externe et finale du programme d’appui à la réintégrationdes militaires démobilisés des forces armées nationales du Tchad FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EU


69 Final Report Evaluation of EU Election Observation Activities FPI External evaluation available here on the Commission’swebsite.

70Évaluation à mi-parcours du projet d’appui à la réduction des risquesd’insécurité et d’instabilité dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Est du Niger

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

71 Evaluation externe et finale du programme d’appui au désarmement,Démobilisation et Réinsertion (DDR) en Côte d'Ivoire

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

72 Final evaluation IfS Crisis response component (2007-2013)FPI

External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

73 Final evaluation of the EU's support to UNRWA's Job CreationProgramme in Gaza (2012 – 2015)

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

74 Final evaluation EU's 'Support to election observation and relatedconfidence- building measures in Ukraine'

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

75Democratisation processes in Sudan through capacity-building ofNational Elections Commission and contribution to an inclusivepolitical participation - Phase II'

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

76 Final evaluation of STLV Sea Water Desalination Plant for SouthernGovernorates of the Gaza Strip (UNICEF)

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

77 Final Evaluation of Support to the Office of the National SecurityAdviser - Nigeria

FPI Supporting study will be published in 2017 on EUBookshop.

78 Mid-term evaluation of the Instrument contributing to Stability andPeace FPI External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

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79 Fitness-check on petroleum refining sector DG GROW Staff Working Document published on the DG’s website.See also the accompanying JRC report.

80 Evaluation of the Toy safety directive, 2009/48/EC DG GROW External evaluation published here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

81 Independent review of the European standardisation system DG GROW External report published here in the EU Bookshop.

82 Evaluation of the Aerosols Dispensers Directive 75/324/EC DG GROW External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

83 Cumulative cost assessment (CCA) of the EU ceramics and glassindustry DG GROW External report published here on the DG’s website.

84 Cumulative cost assessment for the EU chemical industry DG GROW External report published here in the EU Bookshop.

85 Evaluation of the Enterprise Europe Network DG GROW External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

86 Monitoring the Impacts of REACH on Innovation, Competitivenessand SMEs DG GROW External study published here on the DG’s website.

87 Evaluation of iPorta DG GROW External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

88 Evaluation of the Executive Agency for competitiveness andInnovation (EAC) DG GROW External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

89 Evaluation of the Toys safety directive DG GROW External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

90Fitness check supporting study on the assessment of the cumulativeimpacts of EU internal market and energy efficiency legislation on theconstruction sector

DG GROW External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

91Fitness check supporting study on the assessment of the cumulativeimpacts of EU environmental, health and safety legislation on theconstruction sector

DG GROW External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

92 Evaluation of Directive 2006/42/EC on Machinery DG GROW External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

93 Ex-post evaluation 'Europe for Citizens' programme 2007-2013 DG HOME External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

94Report on examining the possibilities for the transfer of relevantprovisions on ammonium nitrate from REACH into Regulation (EU) No98/2013

DG HOME Report published here on Eur-Lex.

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95 Final evaluation of Security Research under the Seventh Programmefor Research, Technical Development and Demonstration DG HOME External study published here on the DG’s website and in

the EU Bookshop.

96Report on the availability and readiness of the required technologyfor implementing the functionality of using fingerprints as a biometricidentifier in the Schengen Information System

DG HOME Report published here on Eur-Lex.

97 Evaluation of CEPOL DG HOME Published here on the Agency’s website.

98 Report on the implementation of Council Framework Decision2008/841/JHA on the fight against organised crime DG HOME Published here on the DG’s website.

99 Evaluation of Dublin Regulation DG HOME Two reports, one from December 2015 and one fromMarch 2016 published on the DG’s website.

100 Evaluation of EU-LISA DG HOME External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

101 Ex-post evaluation of FP7 JRC activities DG JRC Published here on the DG’s website and in the EUBookshop.

102 Interim Evaluation of the Direct Actions under the Euratom Researchand Training Programme (2014 - 2018) DG JRC Published here in the EU Bookshop.


Ex-post evaluation of the 2007-2013 Programmes (Civil JusticeProgramme; Criminal Justice Programme; Fundamental Rights andCitizenship Programme; Daphne III Programme; Drug Prevention andInformation Programme)

DG JUST External reports published here on the DG’s website.

104 Evaluation of Regulation 45/2001- General Data Protection DG JUST External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

105 Evaluation of the Brussels IIa Regulation DG JUST External report published here on the DG’s website.

106 Evaluation of the activities of the European Judicial Network (EJN) DG JUST External report published here in the EU Bookshop.

107 Evaluation of the Directive 2008/122/EC (Timeshare) DG JUST Report on the evaluation published here by the DG.External study published here on the DG’s website.

108Evaluation of Council Directive 2004/113 on the principle of equaltreatment between men and women in the access to and supply ofgoods and services

DG JUST Implementation report published here on Eur-Lex.

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109 Studies for the Fitness check of consumer and marketing law andevaluation of the Consumer Rights Directive DG JUST Various studies published here on the DG’s website.

110 Ex post evaluation of the transitional financial programme of theIntegrated Maritime Policy (IMP) DG MARE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

111 Ex-post evaluation of the FPA with Gabon and the ex-ante evaluationand analysis of the impact of a new FPA DG MARE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

112 Ex-post evaluation of the SFPAs with Mauritius and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of the impact of a new FPAs DG MARE External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

113 Ex-post evaluation of the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) 2007-2013 DG MARE Several ex-post evaluations available here in the EUBookshop.

114 Ex-post evaluation of the control regulation DG MARE External evaluation available here in the EU Bookshop.

115Ex-post evaluation of regulation concerning management measuresfor the sustainable exploitation of fishery resources in theMediterranean Sea

DG MARENo study available. Included in the Overview ofCommission’s completed Evaluations and Studies in2016.

116Ex post evaluation on Union financial measures for theimplementation of the Common Fisheries Policy and in the area of theLaw of the Sea 2007-2013

DG MARE External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

117 Ex ante evaluation of a sustainable fisheries partnership agreementand protocol between the European Union and the Republic of Ghana DG MARE External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.


Interim assessment of the implementation of Production andMarketing Plans (PMPs) pursuant to the CMO Regulation (Art. 28 ofRegulation (EU) No 1379/2013) and the EMFF Regulation (Art.66 ofRegulation (EU) No 508/2014)

DG MARE External evaluation available here in the EU Bookshop.

119Evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 on access to theoccupation of road transport operator and Regulation (EC) No1072/2009 on access to the international road haulage market

DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

120 Evaluation of Directive 2011/82/EU facilitating the cross-borderexchange of information on road safety related traffic offences DG MOVE Published here on the DG’s website and in the EU


121 Ex-post evaluation of the road transport social legislation and itsenforcement DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website

and in the EU Bookshop.

122 Ex-post evaluation of Directive 2006/1/EC on the use of vehicles hiredwithout drivers for the carriage of goods by road DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

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123 Interim Evaluation of Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (2014-2016) DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

124Ex-post evaluation of reporting formalities directive (RFD) anddirective on vessel traffic monitoring and information systems(VTMIS)

DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

125 EU financial support to sustainable urban mobility and to the use ofalternative fuels in EU urban areas

DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

126 Motorways of the Sea: An ex-post evaluation on the development ofthe concept from 2001 and possible ways forward

DG MOVE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

127 External evaluation of the agency under art. 33 of the FRONTEXRegulation


External evaluation published here on the website ofFrontex.

128 Thematic evaluation on support to Economic Governance inenlargement countries DG NEAR External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

129 External Evaluation of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance(IPA II) DG NEAR Several volumes published here on the DG’s website.

130 External Evaluation of the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI)(2014 – mid 2017) DG NEAR Several volumes published here on the DG’s website.

131Mid-term Evaluation of the first phase of the implementation of theEU-CoE Programmatic Cooperation Framework in the EasternPartnership Countries

DG NEAR External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

132 Evaluation of IPA Cross Border Cooperation Programmes 2007-2013 DG NEAR External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

133 Evaluation of IPA - Information & Communication Programmes DG NEAR Two volumes published here on the DG’s website.


Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) - work package 0: data collection and qualityassessment

DG REGIO External evaluation published here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

135Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) - Work Package 1: Synthesis report

DG REGIO External evaluation published here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

136 Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and DG REGIO External evaluation published here on the DG’s website

and in the EU Bookshop.

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Cohesion Fund (CF) - Work Package Two: Support to SMEs - IncreasingResearch and Innovation in SMEs and SME Development


Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) - Work Package 3: Financial instrument forenterprise support

DG REGIO External evaluation published here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

138Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) - Work Package 4: Support to large enterprises

DG REGIO External evaluation published here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

139Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 5: Transport


External evaluation published here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop. Note that a Roadmap ofSeptember 2016 announces an additional evaluation on‘major transport projects’ to be completed in 2018 (seemain body of the present Check-List).

140Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 6: Environment

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

141Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) — Work Package 8: Energy Efficiency

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

142Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) - Work Package 9: Culture and Tourism

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.


Ex post evaluation of cohesion policy programmes 2007–2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) — Work Package 10: Urban development andSocial Infrastructures

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.


Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 11: European TerritorialCooperation

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.


Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), theEuropean Social Fund (ESF) and the Cohesion Fund (CF) Work Package12: Delivery system

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

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146Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 13: Geography of expenditure

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.


Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 14a: The impact of cohesionpolicy 2007-2013: model simulations with Quest III

DG REGIO Published here on the DG’s website and in the EUBookshop.


Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 14b: The impact of cohesionpolicy 2007-2013: model simulations with RHOMOLO

DG REGIO Published here on the DG’s website.


Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 14c: Regression discontinuitydesign

DG REGIO External evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

150Ex post evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007-2013,focusing on the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) andCohesion Fund (CF) – Work Package 14d: Propensity score matching

DG REGIOExternal evaluation available here on the DG’s websiteand in the EU Bookshop.

151 Ex-post evaluation of Science in Society in FP7 DG RTD External evaluation available here in the EU Bookshop.

152 Ex-post evaluation of the Health theme in FP7 DG RTD External evaluation available here in the EU Bookshop.

153 Ex-post evaluation of the Euratom Framework Programme (2007-13) DG RTD Report published here on the DG’s website and in the EUBookshop.

154 Evaluation of Health research under FP6 and FP7, In-depth Casestudies DG RTD External study available here in the EU Bookshop.

155 Ex-post Evaluation of FP7 DG RTD All relevant evaluation documents published here on theDG’s website.

156 Monitoring report on SSH integration in 2015 DG RTD Part of the FP7 SSH ex-post evaluation.

157 Network analysis of Civil Society Organisations' participation inresearch Framework Programmes DG RTD External study published here on the DG’s website.

158 Analysis of ERA-NET Cofund actions under Horizon 2020 DG RTD External study available here.

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159 Monitoring the synergies between ESIF and Horizon 2020 DG RTD Report not yet available.60

160 Evaluation of the operation of REA (2012-2015) DG RTD External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

161 Ex-post evaluation of the European Research Council ExecutiveAgency's (ERCEA) (2012-2015) DG RTD External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

162 Interim evaluation of Clean Sky Joint Undertaking DG RTD Expert Group Report published here on the DG’s website.163 Interim evaluation of Bio-Based Industries (BBI) Joint Undertaking DG RTD Expert Group Report published here on the DG’s website.

164 The Interim Evaluation of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 JointUndertaking (2014-2016) operating under Horizon 2020 DG RTD Expert Group Report published here on the DG’s website.

165 Interim evaluation of fuel cells and hydrogen (FCH) Joint Undertaking DG RTD Expert Group Report published here in the EU Bookshop.

166 Interim evaluations of Horizon 2020 Financial Instruments andFacilities DG RTD External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.


Assessing the budgetary impact of the changes in the cost calculationregime in the Seventh Framework Programmes (EC and EURATOM) ascompared to the Sixth Framework Programmes (EC and EURATOM)and its effects on the administrative burden for participants

DG RTD External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

168Final evaluation of the European Metrology Research Programme(EMRP) and interim evaluation of the European MetrologyProgramme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR)

DG RTD Expert Group Report published here in the EU Bookshop.

169 Interim evaluation of Eurostars2 DG RTD External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.170 Meta evaluation Art.185 DG RTD Expert Group Report published here on the DG’s website.

171 Final evaluation Science for a better future of the Baltic Sea region(BONUS) DG RTD Expert Group Report published here on the DG’s website.

172 Evaluation of Joint Programming to address Grand SocietalChallenges DG RTD External evaluation published here on the ERA website

and in the EU Bookshop.

173 Evaluation of the Second European and Developing Countries ClinicalTrials Partnership Programme (2014-2016) DG RTD Expert Group Report published here on the DG’s website.

60 Last accessed 3/10/2017.

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174 Evaluation of ex-smokers communication campaign DG SANTE External evaluation published here on EU Law andPublications website and in the EU Bookshop.

175 Second intermediate evaluation of the functioning of the SANTE non-food Scientific Committees (SCs) DG SANTE External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

176 Evaluation of the EU Action Plan against the rising threats fromantimicrobial resistance DG SANTE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

177Mid-term Evaluation of the Health Programme, the third multi-annualprogramme of EU action in the field of health for the period 2014-2020

DG SANTE External evaluation published here on the DG’s website.

178 Evaluation of current arrangements for the holding and movement ofexcise goods under excise duty suspension (Directive 2008/118/EC) DG TAXUD External evaluation published here on the DG’s website

and in the EU Bookshop.

179 Evaluation of the current arrangements for the structures of exciseduties on alcohol (Council Directive 92/83/EEC ) DG TAXUD External evaluation published here in the EU Bookshop.

180 Ex post evaluation of the EU's FTA with Mexico DG TRADE External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

181 Evaluation of the Free Trade Agreement between the EU and itsMember States and the Republic of Korea DG TRADE External evaluation available here on the DG’s website.

Author’s elaboration on various sources, last accessed on 20 October 2017.

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Annex IV: Commission Evaluation Staff Working Documents (SWD)



COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evolution ofcompulsory contracts, Producer Organisations and the marketsituation for milk and milk products. Accompanying the documentREPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTAND THE COUNCIL Development of the dairy market situation andthe operation of the 'Milk Package' provisions

DG AGRI 24/11/2016 SWD(2016)367

2COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATIONAccompanying the document Strategy for Agricultural Statistics 2020and beyond and subsequent potential legislative scenarios

DG AGRI 20/2/2017 SWD(2017)96


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of Directive1999/94/ relating to the availability of consumer information on fueleconomy and CO2 emissions in respect of the marketing of newpassenger cars ('car labelling Directive')

DG CLIMA 20/07/2016SWD(2016)270/F1SWD(2016)271/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Executive summary ofthe evaluation of Directive 98/70/EC Evaluation of Directive 98/70/ECof the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the qualityof petrol and diesel fuels ('Fuel Quality Directive')

DG CLIMA 31/05/2017 SWD(2017)178SWD(2017)179


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying thedocument Report from the Commission to the European Parliamentand the Council on evaluating the implementation of Decision No.406/2009/EC pursuant to its Article 14

DG CLIMA 20/07/2016 SWD(2016)251

6Commission Staff Working Document Evaluation accompanying theproposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Councilestablishing the European Electronic Communications Code (Recast)

DG CNECT 14/09/2016SWD(2016)305/F1SWD(2016)313/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EXECUTIVE SUMMARYOF THE EVALUATION of the Council Directive 93/83/EEC on thecoordination of certain rules concerning copyright and rights relatedto copyright applicable to satellite broadcasting and cableretransmission

DG CNECT 14/09/2016SWD(2016)308/F1SWD(2016)309/F1

8 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Ex post REFIT evaluationof the Audiovisual Media Services Directive 2010/13/EU DG CNECT 25/05/2016 SWD(2016)170/F1


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Summary of the Implementation and Evaluation reportaccompanying the document: Communication from the Commissionto the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic andSocial Committee and the Committee of the Regions - EUeGovernment Action Plan 2016 - 2020 Accelerating the digitaltransformation of government

DG CNECT 19/04/2016SWD(2016)108/F1SWD(2016)109/F1


Commission Staff Working Document Ex-post REFIT evaluation of theePrivacy Directive 2002/58/EC accompanying the documentconcerning the respect for private life and the protection of personaldata in electronic communications and repealing Directive2002/58/EC (Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications)

DG CNCT 11/01/2017 SWD(2017)5SWD(2017)6


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT on the evaluationof the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security(ENISA) Accompanying the document Proposal for a regulation onENISA, the 'EU Cybersecurity Agency', and repealing Regulation (EU)526/2013, and on Information and Communication Technologycybersecurity certification (''Cybersecurity Act'')

DG CNCT 13/09/2017 SWD(2017)502

12COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of the EUAction Plan for Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade(FLEGT) Executive Summary

DG DEVCO 03/08/2016 SWD(2016)275/F1SWD(2016)276/F1

13 JOINT STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of the CotonouPartnership Agreement DG DEVCO 15/07/2016 SWD(2016)250/F1



COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT On the implementation,results and overall assessment of the European Year for Development2015 Accompanying the document REPORT On the implementation,results and overall assessment of the European Year for Development2015

DG DEVCO 1/12/2016 SWD(2016)286


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATIONAccompanying the document Report from the Commission to theEuropean Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and SocialCommittee and the Committee of the Regions Ex Post evaluation ofthe 2015 European Capitals of Culture (Mons and Pilsen)

DG EAC 27/04/2017 SWD(2017)135SWD(2017)137



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17COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT on the Interimevaluation of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology(EIT)

DG EAC 18/10/2017 SWD(2017)351SWD(2017)352


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATIONAccompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU)No 1316/2013 and (EU) 2015/1017 as regards the extension of theduration of the European Fund for Strategic Investments as well asthe introduction of technical enhancements for that Fund and theEuropean Investment Advisory Hub

DG ECFIN 14/09/2016 SWD(2016)297/F1SWD(2016)298/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Mid-term evaluation ofthe European Union Guarantee for the EIB External Lending Mandateaccompanying the document Report from the Commission to theEuropean Parliament and to the Council on the mid-term review ofthe application of the Decision N° 466/2014/EU as regards the EUguarantee to the European Investment Bank against losses underfinancing operations supporting investment projects outside theUnion

DG ECFIN 14/09/2016 SWD(2016)294/F1SWD(2016)295/F1

20COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of the Use ofDifferent Transfer Modalities in the European Commission'sHumanitarian Aid Actions 2011-2014

DG ECHO 10/11/2016 SWD(2016)353


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Interim Evaluationof the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (2014-2016) Accompanyingthe document Report from the Commission to the EuropeanParliament and the Council on the Interim Evaluation of the UnionCivil Protection Mechanism for the period 2014-2016

DG ECHO 30/08/2017 SWD(2017)287

22 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Ex-post evaluation of the2007-2013 ESF Programmes DG EMPL 12/12/2016 SWD(2016)452


23Commission Staff Working Document- Ex-post evaluation of theEuropean Union occupational safety and health Directives - REFITEvaluation

DG EMPL 10/1/2017 SWD(2017)10

24 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT Evaluation of the‘Written Statement Directive’ (Directive 91/533/EEC) DG EMPL 27/04/2017 SWD(2017)205

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Commission Staff Working Document Evaluation of the EnergyLabelling and Ecodesign Directives Accompanying the documentReport from the Commission to the European Parliament and theCouncil on the review of Directive 2010/30/EU of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the indication oflabelling and standard product information of the consumption ofenergy and other resources by energy-related products

DG ENER 16/07/2015 SWD(2015)143/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation Reportcovering the Evaluation of the EU's regulatory framework forelectricity market design and consumer protection in the fields ofelectricity and gas; Evaluation of the EU rules on measures tosafeguard security of electricity supply and infrastructure investment(Directive 2005/89) Accompanying the document Proposal for aDirective of the European Parliament and of the Council on commonrules for the internal market in electricity (recast) Proposal for aRegulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on theelectricity market (recast) Proposal for a Regulation of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council establishing a European Union Agencyfor the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (recast) Proposal for aRegulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on riskpreparedness in the electricity sector

DG ENER 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)412SWD(2016)413


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATION of Directive2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings Accompanyingthe document Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliamentand of the Council amending Directive 2010/31/EU on the energyperformance of buildings

DG ENER 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)408SWD(2016)409


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT evaluation of theDirective 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the CouncilAccompanying the document Proposal for a Directive of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council on the promotion of the use of energyfrom renewable sources (recast)

DG ENER 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)416SWD(2016)417

29COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATION of the EUFramework for Metering and Billing of Energy ConsumptionAccompanying the document Proposal for a Directive of the European

DG ENER 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)399SWD(2016)401

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Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2012/27/EU onEnergy Efficiency


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT FITNESS CHECKReporting, Planning and Monitoring Obligations in the EU Energyacquis Accompanying the document Proposal for a REGULATION OFTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on theGovernance of the Energy Union, amending Directive 94/22/EC,Directive 98/70/EC, Directive 2009/31/EC, Regulation (EC) No663/2009, Regulation (EC) No 715/2009, Directive 2009/73/EC,Council Directive 2009/119/EC, Directive 2010/31/EU, Directive2012/27/EU, Directive 2013/30/EU and Council Directive (EU)2015/652 and repealing Regulation (EU) No 525/2013

DG ENER 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)397SWD(2016)396


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATION of Articles6 and 7 of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU)Accompanying the document Proposal for a Directive of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council amending Directive 2012/27/EU onEnergy Efficiency

DG ENER 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)402SWD(2016)403


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Executive Summary onthe evaluation of Directive 2007/2/EC of March 2007 establishing anInfrastructure for Spatial Information in European Community(INSPIRE) pursuant to article 23

DG ENV 20/07/2016 SWD(2016)243/F1SWD(2016)273/F1

33 REFIT Evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive DG ENV 14/04/2016 SWD(2016)121/F1SWD(2016)122/F1


Commission Staff Working document on Evaluation of Regulation(EU) No 995/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of20 October 2010 laying down the obligations of operators who placetimber and timber products on the market (the EU Timber Regulation)

DG ENV 18/02/2016 SWD(2016)33/F1SWD(2016)34/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Fitness Check ofReporting and Monitoring of EU Environment Policy Accompanyingthe document Report from the Commission to the EuropeanParliament, the Council, the European Economic and SocialCommittee and the Committee of the Regions Actions to StreamlineEnvironmental Reporting

DG ENV 9/06/2017 SWD(2017)230

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COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT FITNESS CHECKAccompanying the document REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TOTHE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND TO THE COUNCIL on the review ofimplementation of Regulation (EC)No 122/2009 of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the voluntaryparticipation by organisations in a Community eco-management andaudit scheme (EMAS) and the Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of theparliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 on the EUEcolabel

DG ENV 30/06/2017 SWD(2017)253SWD(2017)252

37 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT EVALUATION ofthe Drinking Water Directive 98/83/EC DG ENV 1/12/2016 SWD(2016)428 I

SWD(2016)428 II

38COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT EVALUATION ofthe Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment andmanagement of environmental noise

DG ENV 13/12/2016 SWD(2016)454SWD(2016)455

39 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT FITNESS CHECK of the EUNature Legislation (Birds and Habitats Directives) DG ENV 16/12/2016 SWD(2016)472


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT EVALUATION ofDIRECTIVE 94/63/EC on the control of volatile organic compound(VOC) emissions resulting from the storage of petrol and itsdistribution from terminals to service stations and Directive2009/126/EC on Stage II petrol vapour recovery during refuelling ofmotor vehicles at service stations

DG ENV 28/02/2017 SWD(2017)65SWD(2017)66


Commission Staff Working Document Evaluation of Regulation (EC) N°1606/2002 of 19 July 2002 on the application of InternationalAccounting Standards Accompanying the document Report from theCommission to the European Parliament and the Council Evaluationof Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of 19 July 2002 on the application ofInternational Accounting Standards

DG FISMA 18/06/2015 SWD(2015)120/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of a pilotproject and preparatory action on enhancing the involvement of end-users and non-industry stakeholders in EU policy making in thefinancial services

DG FISMA 22/12/2015 SWD(2015)

43 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Analysis of theimplementation of the Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 from 2013 to DG GROW 1/06/2015 SWD(2016)126

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2015 and factsheets Accompanying the document Report from theCommission on the implementation of the Regulation 1025/2012from 2013 to 2015

44 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of the LatePayment Directive/ REFIT Evaluation DG GROW 26/08/2016 SWD(2016)278/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying thedocument Report from the Commission to the European parliament,the Council, the European Economic and social committee and theCommittee of the regions Ex-post Evaluation on the European earthmonitoring programme (GMES) and its Initial Operations (2011 to2013)

DG GROW 02/08/2016 SWD(2016)262/F1

46 CSWD - REFIT- Evaluation of the pre-packaging legal frameworkDirectives 75/107/EEC, 76/211/EEC and 2007/45/EC DG GROW 04/07/2016 SWD(2016)219/F1



DG GROW 16/07/2015 SWD(2015)146/F1

48Evaluation of the implementation and functioning of the non-discrimination principle laid down in Article 20(2) of the ServicesDirective

DG GROW 25/05/2016 SWD(2016)173 Annex 8


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of Directive2009/81/EC on public procurement in the fields of defence andsecurity Accompanying the document Report from the Commissionto the European Parliament and the Council on the implementationof Directive 2009/81/EC on public procurement in the fields ofdefence and security, to comply with Article 73(2) of that Directive

DG GROW 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)407


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of theTransfers Directive Accompanying the document Report from theCommission to the European Parliament and the Council on theevaluation of Directive 2009/43/EC of the European Parliament andof the Council of 6 May 2009 simplifying terms and conditions oftransfers of defence-related products within the Community

DG GROW 30/11/2016 SWD(2016)398

51 Evaluation of the Enterprise Europe Network DG GROW 12/12/2016 SWD(2016)448

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52 Evaluation of the notification procedure for services DG GROW 10/1/2017 SWD(2016)434

53 Evaluation of the Services Directive implementation to removeadministrative and regulatory obstacles in services DG GROW 10/1/2017 SWD(2016)439



COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of themodifications introduced by Directive 2007/66/EC to Directives89/665/EEC and 92/13/EEC concerning the European framework forremedies in the area of public procurement/REFIT evaluation

DG GROW 24/01/2017 SWD(2017)13

55 Evaluation of the existing relevant framework for the Single DigitalGateway DG GROW 2/05/2017 SWD(2017)213 Annex 3


Evaluation of the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 767/2008 ofthe European Parliament and Council concerning the Visa InformationSystem (VIS) and the exchange of data between Member States onshort-stay visas (VIS Regulation) and executive summary of theevaluation accompanying the document Report from the Commissionto the European Parliament and the Council on the Visa InformationSystem, the use of fingerprints at external borders and the use ofbiometrics in the visa application procedure

DG HOME 14/10/2016 SWD(2016)327SWD (2016)328


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying thedocument REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEANPARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL on the evaluation of the secondgeneration Schengen Information System (SIS II) in accordance witharticles 24 (5), 43 (3) and 50 (5) of Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 andarticles 59 (3) and 66 (5) of Decision 2007/533/JHA

DG HOME 21/12/2016 SWD(2016)450


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Joint review of theimplementation of the Agreement between the European Union andthe United States of America on the processing and transfer ofpassenger name records (PNR) to the United States Department ofHomeland Security

DG HOME 19/01/2017SWD(2017)14SWD(2017)20COM(2017)29


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of theimplementation of the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020 and the EUAction Plan on Drugs 2013-2016 Accompanying the documentCOMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEANPARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Evaluation of the implementation of

DG HOME 15/03/2017 SWD(2017)95

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the EU Drugs Strategy 2013-2020 and of the EU Action Plan on Drugs2013-2016: a continuous need for an EU Action Plan on Drugs 2017-2020


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT EVALUATION ofthe EU legal framework against facilitation of unauthorised entry,transit and residence: the Facilitators Package (Directive 2002/90/ECand Framework Decision 2002/946/JHA)

DG HOME 22/03/2017SWD(2017)117SWD(2017)120


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Implementation of theAction Plan on Unaccompanied Minors (2010-2014) Accompanyingthe COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE COUNCILAND THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT The protection of children inmigration

DG HOME 12/04/2017 SWD(2017)129


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EU-LISA EVALUATIONAccompanying the document Report from the Commission to theEuropean Parliament and the Council on the functioning of theEuropean Agency for the large-scale IT systems in the area offreedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)

DG HOME 29/06/2017 SWD(2017)249SWD(2017)250


Commission staff working document accompanying the Report fromthe Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on theEvaluation of the deferral and pay-out in instruments rules underDirective 2013/36/EU

DG JUST 28/07/2016 SWD(2016)266/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying theCommunication from the Commission Assessing the implementationof the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies andthe Council Recommendation on effective Roma integrationmeasures in the Member States - 2016

DG JUST 27/06/2016 SWD(2016)209


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of theConsumer Rights Directive Accompanying the document Report fromthe Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on theapplication of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament andof the Council of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights, amendingCouncil Directive 93/13/EEC and Directive 1991/44/EC of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council and repealing CouncilDirective 85/577/EEC and Directive 97/7/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council

DG JUST 23/05/2017 SWD(2017)169SWD(2017)170

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COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Report of the FitnessCheck on Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of theCouncil of 11 May 2005 concerning unfair business-to-consumercommercial practices in the internal market and amending CouncilDirective 84/450/EEC, Directives 97/7/EC, 98/27/EC and 2002/65/ECof the European Parliament and of the Council and Regulation (EC) No2006/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council (‘UnfairCommercial Practices Directive’); Council Directive 93/13/EEC of 5April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer contracts; Directive 98/6/ECof the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 1998on consumer protection in the indication of the prices of productsoffered to consumers; Directive 1999/44/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 25 May 1999 on certain aspects ofthe sale of consumer goods and associated guarantees; Directive2009/22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April2009 on injunctions for the protection of consumers' interests;Directive 2006/114/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 12 December 2006 concerning misleading and comparativeadvertising.

DG JUST 23/05/2017 SWD(2017)209


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT Evaluation of theimpact of the fisheries regulation Accompanying the documentREPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTAND THE COUNCIL Implementation and evaluation of Regulation (EC)1224/2009 establishing a Union control system for ensuringcompliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy as requiredunder Article 118

DG MARE 24/04/2017 SWD(2017)134

68 Ex-post evaluation of the SFPA with Guinea Bissau and the ex-anteevaluation and analysis of the impact of a new SFPA DG MARE 18/01/2017 SWD(2017)18


69 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT ex post evaluation of theEuropean Fisheries Fund 2007-2013 DG MARE 14/07/2017 SWD(2017)276



DG MOVE 20/04/2016 SWD(2016)140/F1SWD(2016)141/F1

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71 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT On the interimevaluation of the EU road safety policy framework 2011-2020 DG MOVE 08/06/2015 SWD(2015)116/F1

72 EU Passenger Ship Safety Legislation Fitness Check DG MOVE 16/10/2015 SWD (2015)197

73REFIT Ex-post evaluation of Regulations (EC) No 1071/2009 and1072/2009 on access to the occupation of road transport operatorand to the international road haulage market

DG MOVE 28/10/2016 SWD(2016)350SWD(2016)351

74 Road safety: Cross Border Enforcement – Assessment of theapplication of Directive 2011/82/EU by Member States DG MOVE 16/11/2016 SWD(2016)355


75COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Ex-post evaluation ofDirective 2006/1/EC on the use of vehicles hired without drivers forthe carriage of goods by road

DG MOVE 31/05/2017SWD(2017)113SWD(2017)198SWD(2017)199


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Ex-post evaluation of thesocial legislation in road transport: Regulation (EC) No 561/2006 ondriving times, breaks and rest periods of drivers, Directive2002/15/EC on the working time of road transport mobile workersand Directive 2006/22/EC on enforcement requirements. FINALREPORT Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation ofthe European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulation(EC) 561/2006 as regards on minimum requirements on maximumdaily and weekly driving times, minimum breaks and daily and weeklyrest periods and Regulation (EU) 165/2014 as regards positioning bymeans of tachographs and Proposal for a Directive of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council amending Directive 2006/22/EC asregards enforcement requirements and laying down specific ruleswith respect to Directive 96/71/EC and Directive 2014/67/EU forposting drivers in the road transport sector

DG MOVE 31/05/2017SWD(2017)122SWD(2017)184SWD(2017)185


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EX-POST EVALUATION ofDirective 2004/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Councilof 29 April 2004 on the interoperability of electronic road toll systemsin the Community and of Commission Decision 2009/750/EC of 6October 2009 on the definition of the European Electric Toll Serviceand its technical elements FINAL REPORT Accompanying thedocument Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of

DG MOVE 31/05/2017


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the Council on the interoperability of electronic road toll systems andfacilitating cross-border exchange of information on the failure to payroad fees in the Union (recast)

78COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT ex-post evaluation ofRegulation no 392/2009 on the liability of carriers of passengers bysea in the event of accidents

DG MOVE 29/09/2017SWD(2017)329/F1SWD(2017)328/F1

79 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Ex post evaluation of theERDF and Cohesion Fund 2007-13 DG REGIO 19/09/2016 SWD(2016)318/F1

80 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT - Synthesis of evaluationResults and Plans under the ESIF Programmes 2014-2020 DG REGIO 20/12/2016 SWD(2016)447


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying thedocument Communication from the Commission to the Council, theEuropean Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committeeand the Committee of the Regions On the Response to the High LevelExpert Group on the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Seventh FrameworkProgramme

DG RTD 20/01/2016 SWD(2016)1/F1SWD(2016)2/F1

82 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT interim evaluation ofHorizon 2020 DG RTD 29/05/2017 SWD(2017)221


83 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT In-depth interimevaluation of Horizon 202061 DG RTD 29/05/2017 SWD(2017)220

84 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT INTERIM EVALUATION ofthe Joint Undertakings operating under Horizon 2020 DG RTD 6/10/2017 SWD(2017)338



COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATION of theParticipation of the EU in research and development programmesundertaken by several Member States based on Article 185 of theTFEU

DG EAC 6/10/2017SWD(2017)340SWD(2017)341

86COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Ex-post evaluation of the2nd Health Programme 2008-2013 under Decision No 1350/2007/ECestablishing a second programme of Community action in the field of

DG SANTE 10/05/2016 SWD(2016)149/F1

61 Note that all the ‘input studies’ that fed into the overall evaluation of Horizon 2020 are being uploaded here on the DG’s website. Those that were mentioned inprevious editions of this Rolling Checklist are also listed above in Annex IV.

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health (2008-2013) Ex-post evaluation of the 2nd Health Programme2008-2013 under Decision No 1350/2007/EC establishing a secondprogramme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013)

87 COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Evaluation of the ActionPlan against the rising threats from antimicrobial resistance DG SANTE 24/10/2016 SWD(2016)347



COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT - Mid-term evaluation ofRegulation (EU) No 652/2014 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil laying down provisions for the management of expenditurerelating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, andrelating to plant health and plant reproductive material , amendingCouncil Directives 98/56/EC, 2000/29/EC and 2008/90/EC,Regulations (EC) No 178/2002, (EC) No 882/2004 and (EC) No396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council, Directive2009/128/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council andRegulation (EC) No 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil and repealing Council Decisions 66/399/EEC, 76/894/EEC and2009/470/EC

DG SANTE 26/09/2017 SWD(2017)316/F1SWD(2017)315/F1SWD(2017)314/F1


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Accompanying thedocument REPORT FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEANPARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIALCOMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS Mid-termevaluation of the third Health Programme Regulation No 282/2014on the establishment of a third Programme for the Union's action inthe field of health (2014-2020)

DG SANTE 11/10/2017SWD(2017)331

90Report from the Commission to the Council on the evaluation ofCouncil Directive 92/83/EEC on the structures of excise duties onalcohol and alcoholic beverages

DG TAXUD 28/10/2016 SWD(2016)336SWD(2016)337


COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT On the REFIT evaluationof Directive 2008/118/EC and on the implementation of the DirectiveAccompanying the document Report from the Commission to theCouncil and the European Parliament on the implementation andevaluation of Council Directive 2008/118/EC of 16 December 2008concerning the general arrangements for excise duty

DG TAXUD 21/04/2017 SWD(2017)131

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92COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT REFIT EVALUATION ofthe Council Regulation (EC) 953/2003 to avoid trade diversion into theEuropean Union of certain key medicines

DG TRADE 07/04/2016 SWD(2016)124/F1SWD(2016)125/F1

Author’s elaboration on the Register of Commission Documents (search criteria: evaluation) and on EUR-Lex (search criteria: SWD, evaluation, dates from 1 July2015 to 20 October 2017), sources last accessed 20 October 2017.

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This is a publication of the Ex-Post Evaluation UnitEPRS | European Parliamentary Research ServiceEuropean ParliamentThis document is prepared for, and addressed to, the Members and staff of the European Parliament asbackground material to assist them in their parliamentary work. The content of the document is the soleresponsibility of its author(s) and any opinions expressed herein should not be taken to represent an officialposition of the Parliament.

PE 611.020ISBN : 978-92-846-2251-1doi: 10.2861/011615QA-07-17-029-EN-N

www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank (Internet) www.epthinktank.eu (blog) www.eprs.sso.ep.parl.union.eu (Intranet)

This paper aims to provide an overview of planned andongoing evaluations of EU legislation and spendingprogrammes carried out by each European Commissiondirectorate-general (DG). The general overview and stateof play on the public availability of evaluations iscompleted by a rolling check-list comprising on-goingand planned evaluations on the basis of informationdisclosed by the Commission in various sources (DGs'management plans and annual activity reports, the SingleEvaluation Plans for 2016 and 2017, roadmaps publishedsince July 2015) and the information available inindividual DGs. The annexes to this paper contain anoverview of, and links to, the DGs' management plans for2017 (Annex I); and a list of, and direct links to, theevaluations published between 2015 and 20 October2017 in various sources (Annexes II and III). Finally, AnnexIV covers the Commission staff working documentsrelated to evaluation published on EUR-Lex and in theRegister of Commission Documents up to October 2017.