evaluation- media technologies

How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction, Research, Planning and Evaluation Stages?

Upload: chloe-ambrose

Post on 27-Jun-2015




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How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction, Research,

Planning and Evaluation Stages?

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How did you use Media Technologies in Research and Planning?

FOR THE MUSIC VIDEO WE USED…• THE INTERNET- YouTube- I researched into pop music videos where I looked at similar styles for my music video and researched into what made a pop music video. Google- This was used to look into Goodwin’s theory which helped planning what a conventional music video should always have. Vimeo- For research I downloaded Music videos which had al five aspects of Goodwin's analysis so I could refer back to them visually during planning. Casting Call Pro- This helped my research and planning into my artist Carmel Solo. I also kept in contact with the cast on here whilst planning dates and times. Survey Monkey- A questionnaire was made and linked to my target audience through Facebook. • DIGITAL CAMERA- This helped with the production schedule as I took pictures of location and researched into difficult shots.• WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER- Before the final edit I planned what I wanted the music video to look like with practise shots and edited together a video exampling Goodwin’s analysis Theory.

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How did you use Media Technologies in the Construction of the music video?

The images at the end of the music video were screen shot from the video and edited on word and photo shop then pasted into Final Cut Pro

The song was copied of YouTube ready to edit alongside the video.

Windows movie maker helped me construct an early edit of the music video. I also used it to edit together practise shots

Despite being new to Final Cut Pro the music video was edited together on here. Effects used and transitions added.

Two Digital cameras filmed all the shots.

Pictures were taken for the ending

The song was kept and used off of ITunes once downloaded off YouTube

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How did you use Media Technologies in the Construction of the Music Video?

After Filming with a DIGITAL CAMERA the footage was uploaded onto FINAL CUT PRO by importing from File onto the time line.

Once on FINAL CUT PRO the videos were put onto the timeline where with tools were cut in time with the music. To help keep to the beat we used markers which make the cuts go in time to the beat.

We also used FINAL CUT PRO to help put the videos together with transitions such as the cross dissolve between the girl alone in her room and her in the room with her boyfriend

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To show the difference between memory and reality I increased the brightness and contrast on all the memory scenes. In comparison reality is shown in a cold effect . This symbolises how happy she is in the memories and what her life is like without him, cold and dull like the effect.

This shot is firstly shown in a cold effect and later used in a warm effect to show how reality and memory are coming together, she is happier. To show this I increased the shot’s temperature.

Final cut pro was used for all of the construction of the music video where with the crop tools I was able to make different shots out of the same shot by zooming in and cropping different sections.

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After filming I put together the footage to see what worked and what didn’t on WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER. Being familiar with this technology I easily used the SPLIT,

ROTATE and TRIM tools to construct an early edit of my MUSIC VIDEO.

This technology was easy to use where I had to import the footage and music onto the time like ready to construct the opening to my music video. This gave me an early idea on how I

wanted to construct the final music video.Here I faded in and out the music

I applied bright effects in visual effects

To import music I pressed ‘add music’To add videos

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How did you use Media Technologies inthe construction of the Digipak and Advert?

PAGES- The digipak and advert were put together on pages where they were proportioned to a digipak and add size.

IPHOTO- here images were given some warmth by increasing the temperature of the picture whilst also increasing the brightness and contrast.

PHOTOSHOP- Here effects done by using the brush tools and fade

WORD- the early drafts and final designs were pasted into word then saved as images ready to post onto the media blog.

In both ancillary tasks a lot of the same technology was used.

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To construct the DIGIPAK I started off with a photo taken from filmed footage for my music video.

In Windows Live Photo Gallery I took this image and increased the brightness and contrast

Once effect was applied I put the image into PHOTOSHOP and used the brush took to add a pink background which I faded.

After using WORD to add the artists name and album title I decided to heighten the eyes and lips on PHOTOSHOP.

This is the final image which is on my digipak and advert. It has been overall edited on PAGES

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In terms of font I experimented on WORD and PAGES. I wanted a font that looked like natural writing (swirly, girly and light) Here are my ideas.



My digipak had to meet the same criteria of a conventional digipak. I used media technology (Internet) to get the information on the size of a digipak and what is needed.

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On a digipak are the copy

rights. To create my digipak I

used GOOGLE to help me

construct my own copy rights

section on the back of my



Using a DIGITAL CAMERA I filmed

the footage where I took a

SCREEN SHOT to use as my

digipak cover.

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With the DIGITAL CAMERA we filmed extra footage, whilst we were waiting our actress reached into her hood looking to the right which I've transformed into a pretty close-up

On Windows live photo gallery I increased the brightness and contrast. In windows I saved it as an image and then opened it in PHOTOSHOP where her lips and eyes were heightened with a brush tool.

In PHOTOSHOP I then used a brush tool to paint the background blue before fading the brush tool bringing the wall through. With another brush tool I signed her name to make it personal. It was all then put together in PAGES.

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Advert How did you use Media Technologies ?

In PAGES I started off with a shape which I filled in blue. After posting into WORD and saved as a picture I then opened it in PHOTOSHOP. Then using a brush tool I applied pink over the top and got this effect which I pasted and enlarged.

Using GOOGLE I got this clipart of lips and removed the background on WORD before applying a blue effect and pasting into PAGES. I then used the INSPECTOR tool to tilt it how I wanted it.

I also used GOOGLE to get the Facebook and twitter icons. In terms of my logo I used a circle shape in WORD where I used the free tool to make a C and A to put inside the circle. This is on both digipak and advert

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How did you use Media Technologies in the Evaluating Stages?

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To keep my progress in construction recorded I posted onto TWITTER and the MEDIA BLOG. In the final stages I also got my feedback off of FACEBOOK.

To create the answers to my evaluation I used both Microsoft and Windows PowerPoint.

During my audience feedback I recorded two people on my IPHONE and used GARAGE band to edit it. This was then put onto SOUNDCLOUD.

With my webcam I filmed myself talking about my audience feedback and what I learnt. This was then edited on windows movie maker and posted onto YouTube then linked to my media blog.

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How Did You Use Media Technologies in the Construction, Research,

Planning and Evaluation Stages?