evaluation of film in depth homework

Write an evaluation of your film. Explain the generic (genre) signifiers, setting, plot, main characters, scientific ideas and how they will appeal to a particular target audience. Plot via Todorovs approach: State of equilibrium: Echo in 2016, with her friends at school; living in normality. Disruption of order: Accidently enters a time machine in the crazy school technicians lab- mistakes it for a lift. Recognition: When she realises she's in the year 4000 and turning invisible. (Side effect) Attempt to repair: Finding Human165 - shutting down the empire so she can escape. The new state of equilibrium: There isn’t one, my film is left on a cliff hanger. (Will Echo and Human165 stay together without them both being invisible?) My film conveys the generic features as: Invisible time involves the use of a time machine which has an unfortunate side effect of invisibility, when echo travels in it she ends up invisible in the year 4000 which is dominated by a robot empire. Therefore my film involves time travel, dystopia futures, time travel, robots and supernatural (invisibility) which are all science fiction related conventions. My film invisible time is set in: In the year 2016 is the time period echo is in to start with. Everywhere has greenery, nothing is too compact and everyone has their own space; it’s a very normal looking town. However as Echo time travels into the year 4000 the films dystopian convention is most definitely portrayed. The buildings are huge- skyscrapers- it is a megacity to say the least, the tone is very grey to connote pollution and everywhere seems enclosed/densely populated.. Main characters: Echo Newton: The Greek name echo means sound and according to Greek mythology there was a nymph who faded until only her voice was left. Similarly my character slowly turns invisible as a side effect of her time travel and the only way she can contact people is through her voice. This is effective as her name has a meaning which people would understand once they watch the film, people may not know about the Greek mythology however everyone knows that what ‘echo’ means therefore this could cause discussion and interest among the

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Page 1: Evaluation of film in depth homework

Write an evaluation of your film. Explain the generic (genre) signifiers, setting, plot, main characters, scientific ideas and how they will appeal to a particular target audience.

Plot via Todorovs approach:

State of equilibrium: Echo in 2016, with her friends at school; living in normality.

Disruption of order: Accidently enters a time machine in the crazy school technicians lab- mistakes it for a lift.

Recognition: When she realises she's in the year 4000 and turning invisible. (Side effect)

Attempt to repair: Finding Human165 - shutting down the empire so she can escape.

The new state of equilibrium: There isn’t one, my film is left on a cliff hanger. (Will Echo and Human165 stay together without them both being invisible?)

My film conveys the generic features as:

Invisible time involves the use of a time machine which has an unfortunate side effect of invisibility, when echo travels in it she ends up invisible in the year 4000 which is dominated by a robot empire. Therefore my film involves time travel, dystopia futures, time travel, robots and supernatural (invisibility) which are all science fiction related conventions.

My film invisible time is set in:

In the year 2016 is the time period echo is in to start with. Everywhere has greenery, nothing is too compact and everyone has their own space; it’s a very normal looking town. However as Echo time travels into the year 4000 the films dystopian convention is most definitely portrayed. The buildings are huge- skyscrapers- it is a megacity to say the least, the tone is very grey to connote pollution and everywhere seems enclosed/densely populated..

Main characters:

Echo Newton: The Greek name echo means sound and according to Greek mythology there was a nymph who faded until only her voice was left. Similarly my character slowly turns invisible as a side effect of her time travel and the only way she can contact people is through her voice. This is effective as her name has a meaning which people would understand once they watch the film, people may not know about the Greek mythology however everyone knows that what ‘echo’ means therefore this could cause discussion and interest among the audience. It is important for your main protagonist to have memorable name as it will stick with the audience.

Captain zero and Human165: Captain Zero is the main villain who controls the empire. He is a robot who has captured as humans as slaves and has numbered them anything from 1-infinity. This is because he wants to show he is the only one to be zero, he is the only one to have control and he is the very first person- aka God, the creator of all.

Human 165: Human 165 is one of the humans labelled by captain zero. This is the character who falls in love with Echo.

How my film will appeal to my audience?

With my target audience being teenagers I wanted the film to be quick pace easy to understand, hence why I chose time travel to be a key aspect. Teenagers get bored very easily so the fact that my film has a complete change of location the audience is kept to grips. I also didn’t want my film to be female or male dominant which is why I was careful whilst choosing my main characters. I decided to have a female as the main protagonist as this would intrigue females to come and watch the film;

Page 2: Evaluation of film in depth homework

Write an evaluation of your film. Explain the generic (genre) signifiers, setting, plot, main characters, scientific ideas and how they will appeal to a particular target audience.

‘girl power’. However as my film has a robotic empire with a villain males would also enjoy this concept of the film and the idea that humans are now slaves. My film has a love twist which allows the female audience to enjoy the typical romance aspect and to feel empathy.

My film is ironic as currently technology is a ‘slave’ to humans therefore my film portrays a possible moral threat. If we carry on fuelling this technology, will we make it more powerful than ourselves? As teenagers are main consumers of technology this question would be very relatable for them and would actually cause them to wonder about their futures.

The fact that my film ends on a cliff hanger means that the ending is open to interpretation and that most likely there will be a ‘part two’. This allows the target audience to discuss their views and to come up with their own expectations of the next film. As people will be discussing part two and the different ideas anyone who hasn’t seen the first film will feel pressure and a need to go and see the film in order to be a part of the conversations.