evaluation question 2 – social groups

EVALUATION QUESTION 2 SOCIAL GROUPS Rhesmika Liddington How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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Rhesmika Liddington

How does your media product

represent particular social


Page 2: Evaluation Question 2 – Social Groups

The representation of a social group is shown through the

gender, age, ethnicity and social class.

Our opening sequence represented the characters social

groups by focusing on the mis-en-scene and the costumes

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Our research showed us that the mis-en-scene, location

and the costumes were the most important thing to give a

real feel for the social group. We tried to use our research

for our own prouduct

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After looking at the research I completed I noticed how

important the location was. In our opening sequence we

have tried to se a more urban atmosphere, after looking at

the different possibilities we decided to film in a town which

would has this atmosphere..

One of the main scenes in the opening sequence is the

abandoned pub, this shows how it wasn’t well looked after,

which would have the same representation on the

community as a whole

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We tried to keep the other locations fairly simplistic as we

didn’t feel that there needed to be lots going on in the

background as this would drag the audiences attention

away from the story line and the footage would be busy

enough with the short snappy shots.

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The costumes for all of the characters also show the social

class. We asked all of the actors who were in the gang to

wear baggy jumpers preferably with hoods. This made

them appear as a unit as they were all in similar clothing

which really shows the audience what kind of

people/characters they are. We also asked our main

character to a similar sort of thing however without a hood

and then something that would make him stand out. This

differentiated the two sorts of people that were being
