evaluation: question 3

Evaluation: Question 3

Upload: jessskinn

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Evaluation: Question 3

Evaluation: Question 3

Page 2: Evaluation: Question 3

When first researching for my music magazine, I initially chose that Bauer Media would be a successful institution to follow through with as an institution for my music magazine, because of their enormous income, and sizeable sales each year. They are a large business who are incredibly talented in the products they produce.They had a variety of different media products which are portrayed over different technologies, such as magazines, radio and TV.

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I then researched into different magazines that Bauer produced, and found that they produce Kerrang, a rock genre magazine, and also Q, which is a mixed genre magazine. After researching Q, I found that it was quite similar to few characteristics within my own media product. I then realised that going with an institution which already had an existing product quite similar to my own.

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Upon reflection, I have decided that it would no longer be a good idea to chose Bauer to be my chosen institution to distribute my music magazine.

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From further research, Blaze Publishing is quite relatable to the characteristics of my music magazine. The genre of my magazine is bands and orchestras, and this institution does not have a magazine on that so far. I feel they would take on my magazine and distribute it to a sufficient new audience.

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Rhinegold Publishing is another institution that would take on my music magazine. They produce magazines for classical music, and for the performing arts. My magazine ties into some of these characteristics, and I feel as if my genre of bands and orchestra is similar. Rhinegold would be a good institution to get along with, as they’re small and simple, and would open doors to new audiences.