evaluation question 4 (1)


Upload: ben-mcstay

Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Research and Planning During the research and planning stages we used a lot of computer software and

programmes such as, Prezi, power point, blogger and google. Google was our main search engine for finding out a lot of information about our Target Audience initially, and to gather information about conventions within our music genre. Google provided us with the means to develop and reinforce our existing thoughts and knowledge about our genre and our Target Audience. It gave us an advantage on learning a little bit about our TA before we went out and interviewed them. Which meant we could start building a questionnaire. Prezi and power point allowed us to type up our research and then publish it on blogger. Creating a database where we kept all of our findings. For the research we used the camera quite a bit, for filming our target audience interviews, finding who our cast was going to be. The camera meant that we would be able to review the answers and candidates responses and talent as many times as possible. We also filmed our initial pitch in front of the whole class, which meant that we could later on go back to the pitch and see what points sounded good and which ones didn't.

Blogger was very useful as it made it easier for us to review data we had previously collected and compare it to new data. It was also a good means to keeping everything we had done and found in one place, making it easier to find information we needed or to look back on previous work. It meant we could publish all our work for all to see, and be able to publish our final evaluation questions. Because it was available for anyone to see meant that we could get feedback on work we had done.

Google was our search engine for finding out any information about our artist, our target audience or the pop genre information. Because it is easy to use and effective.

Research and Planning Prezi is a website that allows to publish stylish presentations of our work onto blogger. It is a website that presents no limitations, meaning that we can insert videos and images into alongside with texts. It provides different features that other websites and software's do not provide, so that we could publish our work and the 1st evaluation question.

PowerPoint is also a media presentation software that I used to publish my work on blogger by using slide share to upload the PowerPoint. It is an easy software to use that presents various opportunities apart from embedding videos into the presentation.

Slide share is a website that allows to upload documents and files onto the web. I used it to upload Documents and PowerPoints onto my Blogger account. It’s a user friendly site however did prove to be temperamental at times, yet easy to use.

Using a camera such as the one to the right meant that we could capture any ideas we had, meaning that we could review it at any time. The video footage meant that we could upload our pitch onto our blogs in a video format as well as the cast interviews. This camera is very easy to use and is very easy to upload footage onto a computer.

YouTube also took a big place in the Research and Planning stages such as looking at other student music videos and real artists videos, to find out generic conventions, what works well and what doesn’t. We also used it to upload videos form Movie Studio Platinum onto blogger.

Construction During the construction stages of the main product but also the

ancillary texts we used many different media technologies, ranging from Movie Studio Platinum as an editing software, voice recorders, mobile phones… To start our construction off we used digital HD Video Recorder cameras to film the main product. We also used a voice recorder to record the two actors voices at the beginning of the video. Mobile phones were a big part of the logistics in creating the main video but also one features in the video itself. For the two ancillary texts we used a Digital HD Camera to take the pictures in the digipack and the advert. Photoshop was used to edit the pictures and bring them all together to create the digipack and the advert.

The camera was obviously an item in media technology that paid a crucial role in the making of the video, as it was the best way to capture the footage needed for the video. Due to it being a HD camera means that footage quality will be higher.

Movie Studio Platinum was our software of choice for editing our music video. We used it to link all of the different scenes together by cutting out footage, merging footage together. Editing certain scenes with special effects such as the Black and White, the dream like effect towards the end of the video. Mixed with the slow mo to create the effect of a dream being experienced in real life. This software meant that what we had visualized could come to life through editing what we had shot and creating the music video piece by piece. This software is also very complicated to use, It takes up a lot of time playing around with it to find the correct effects and create the perfect timing.

YouTube helped us find tutorials on how to use certain features of Movie Studio Platinum and Photoshop. This meant that we could exploit the software's to the maximum of their ability to reach an outstanding result. We also uploaded our final video onto YouTube, so that it can be available for anybody to watch.

ConstructionWe used a canon 700D to take all of the pictures, for the digipack and the magazine advert. This 18-megapixel camera can take very high quality pictures, which meant the standard of picture quality was very high compared to if taken with a lower quality camera. This camera is very easy to use even though it has many different complicated features about it.

We used Photoshop for the creation of the digipack and the magazine advert. This software allows for the editing of images. Such as the application of merging images together and changing the colour contrasts so that pictures fit together. But also a more obvious change is the Black and White effect. This software means that we can change aspects of a picture to make it look better and fit the pop music genre. It also meant that we could create a link between the digipack and the advert because of using the same colour schemes. Photoshop is probably the most complicated piece of software we used during the construction, personally I had never used it before and therefore it was a steep learning curve to get up to a good standard.

We used the voice recorder at the beginning of the music video for recording both actors voices. The voice recorder is the best technological item available for this job, as it will be able to pick up a higher quality of recording over a camera or any other piece of technology.

Evaluation For the evaluation questions I used many different software's and

websites to create the answers to the questions 1-4. For Question 1 I used Prezi as the website to create the question and answer. Because it meant I had a lot of space to answer such a big and diverse question. For question 2 I used the voice recorder to record my voice, then I imported it into Movie Studio Platinum to edit it and put images into the video of screen shots of my work. The I uploaded the video to blogger via YouTube. Powtoon also a media presentation website, that also allows us to publish our work onto blogger. This program was a little limited compared to prezi, it wouldn’t allow to publish embed videos in the video format. I used this website for my evaluation question 3. For the final question that I am answering now I am using PowerPoint as I believed that this would be the best software to present this particular question.