evaluation question 4

Evaluation Question 4 How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Post on 15-Jun-2015




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Evaluation Question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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What is new media technology?

• New media technology refers to demand access to content on a digital device, examples of this may be the internet, video games, computer multimedia, websites, DVDs and CD-ROMS. New media has increased communication between people all over the world and the internet

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• What new media related technologies did i used throughout this project?

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• During my pre production if used YouTube to analyse two short films. Analysing two films allowed me to pick out the conventions which were used throughout them

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• YouTube also was used during my post production, whilst designing the poster and film reviews, you tube meant i could watch Photoshop tutorial to improve my skills. YouTube also was helpful as we were able to upload our final video onto the website, this meant that it could be view by anyone at anytime and also allowed us to get our feedback quicker. Uploading the final video on YouTube allowed me to use the annotation feature to answer one of the evaluation questions.

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Twitter & Facebook

• Using twitter and facebook during the production was another way we gained a larger audience for our film. These social networking websites also allowed us to promote our film and get feedback from our target audience.

• We also used these social networking websites to keep in contact with each other, as during the summer holidays we couldn’t meet up as much, which meant that we had to communicate through facebook and twitter.

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• Blogger was used throughout the whole of the production, during the coursework we had two blogger accounts; the group blog and our own individual blog. Our group blog allowed us to present our documents have been complete and what documents haven’t. Having a group blog at anytime to view any of the documents.

• My own individual blog was used to upload my ancillary tasks on and the analysis of the short film.

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• Bubb.us was used during our preproduction, this was used whilst doing our brainstorm for our production. Using bubbl meant that we can present our ideas more clearly and it would look more presentable on the blog.

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Video Camera

• We used a video camera as it enabled us to capture all out footage for our film, we chose to use a video camera as it had high quality which meant our film would look professional and was also to put the footage on the computer.

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Still Camera

• We used a camera to capture images for our recce pictures, we also used a camera to capture images for our film review and poster. Using a camera meant our images will be more high quality which means that our poster and film review will look better. We also chose to use a camera as it’s easy to use and carry around.

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Mac Book Pro

• Mac Book Pro was used throughout our coursework, the mac book was beneficial throughout our coursework as it had everything we needed in one place. The mac also meant we could store our work on it providing us with another way of backing up our work. The laptop were easy to use and battery life was good, this meant we were able to get our work done in one go rather than waiting for the laptop to charge.

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Sound Cloud

• Sound cloud was used to present our music and sound used in our production, using sound cloud meant the music and sound was more presentable and also meant we could embed the sound on to our blog. The website was easy and fast to use which also meant we were able to upload it onto our blog more faster.

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Final Cut Pro

• Final cut pro was used by me during the editing process of the coursework, final cut pro allowed me to review all the scenes and put them together side by side to make the short film. Final cut allowed us to change the colour of the scenes, add credits onto specific scenes and add sound over scenes.

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• The availability of a USB meant that i would be able to save all the work onto one area, this meant that i could access it at home over holidays. Saving on the USB meant that I would have a back up of the work, in case if were to face a scenario where the blog crashed.

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• Photoshop was used while designing the poster and the film review as it was my first time using Photoshop i found it difficult to use the tools which available on the software. For this i had used YouTube tutorials to help me to use the tools, once i had felt comfortable with using Photoshop it became easier to use which meant i was able to bring my poster and film review to a high standard.

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• Slide share was another media technology used, this was used with our powerpoint presentation. Using slide share meant that it made the powerpoint presentations more presentable and more easier to look through. Slide share was also easy and fast to use which meant i was able to put the presentations on the blog.

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• Scribd was used to present the word documents, using scribd made the word documents more presentable and more clearer to read on the blog. Problems that i had come across whilst using scribd was the layout sometimes changed in the documents which wasted some time. But still was easy to use .

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• Photo bucket was used when presenting the recce pictures, using photo bucket meant that the pictures were presented more presentable and more clear. This also meant the picture that we used could be put on the blog and was easily embedded.

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Microsoft PowerPoint

• Microsoft word was used to present slide shows, i used PowerPoint as it made the document look more presentable and also showed that i was able to used a range of media technology. Using power point meant that i could used slide share and slide rocket to upload the PowerPoint presentations on to the blog, PowerPoint also allowed me to add images and adding a wide range of text in different fonts.

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Microsoft Word

• Microsoft word was used throughout the coursework for the documents. Using word meant i could upload the document on to scribd as a way of uploading the document on to the blog making the blog look more presenatable. Word meant that i could do various things on the documents such as changing fonts, adding images, creating tables.

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• Prezi has also been useful when creating presentation as it allowed me to present information in another way which was different to any other website that i had used. Prezi allowed me to customize the presentation in my own way e.g. adding images, texts, videos. When i first started using Prezi i found it difficult but as i used it more and more it became easier to use.