evaluation question 4

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Upload: boyleyb

Post on 29-Jul-2015




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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Sony HXR-MC2000EFilming

Once we had collected all our footage that we needed for the documentary we had to edit the footage so we could get rid of the footage that was

unneeded, we did this by using the razor tool on Adobe Premier Pro which allowed us to split footage into different parts then we could delete the

sections that we did not need.

Transition Effects/Video Effects

When we had a rough draft of our documentary we needed to add some transitions, to make our documentary more dynamic,

to add these we went to the effects tab (as seen in the screenshot below) We used the fade out transition from going from interview subject to the next. Another way we fading out

the clips is to change the opaque level making it fade out to black.

GraphicsWe also needed to add graphics, we used graphics for when we

first introduce the bands and artists we interviewed so the audience knows who the interview subjects are letting them

know the relevancy of the artists/bands. We added these titles by going to File>New>Title. We then had to select what font

style we wanted to use and also where it should be positioned on the frame.

Changed Brightness

We had to change the brightness for some of our shots because some of our shots were not well lit, we did this by using the brightness and contract effect on premier, here we could change the brightness level and also the

contrast to make our clips seem more bright.

Audio Balancing

With using sound beds we had to adjust the volume levels of our clips and the music track underneath the documentary we did this by using Audio Balancing. To do this we had to select the clip we wanted to adjust the volume for and then go to audio effects, and then

adjust the level using the sliders provided.


I used blogger as a portfolio tool so I can display all of the work that has been done for my media project to be displayed and viewed from. Blogger allowed me to create new posts and embed slideshows I’ve created

from Slideshare.net via using the html page when creating a new blog post.

My blog html is; http://danielboylea2media.blogspot.co.uk/


I used Slideshare so I can upload my PowerPoint presentations onto my Blogger, I used this so I can have my presentations visible on my blog

rather than having them in a standard text format. After uploading my presentation to blogger it would provide me with an embed


Adobe Photoshop

We used Photoshop to create our poster advert, we used various tools to create our finished product. To

add the strapline to our poster we used the Text tool, this was on the toolbar, as we used white text we

needed to create a black background which wrapped around the text, to achieve this we added a new layer

where we used the rectangle tool, and then moved our text layer in front of the shape layer so the text would

be visible.

LayeringWhen creating our poster we used a lot of

layering, we had an initial background in mind, we then wanted to have an image of two

unsigned artists performing in front of that but we wanted it to be shadow like as to say that these artists still have street roots and they

haven’t quite made it in to the main music scene just yet. We achieved this by playing around

with the layers