evaluation, question 5

Evaluation, Question 5

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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Question 5


Evaluation, Question 5

There are many ways in which I attracted my target audience into reading my magazine. This was the main way in which I would be able to distribute and sell magazines. I used direct address which Is when I address the reader within the magazine. This can be done by using words such as ‘you’. It allows the reader to feel involved and comfortable within the magazine. It makes them feel as if the magazine is speaking directly to them and they feel important. This would therefore mean they would buy the magazine thus attracting the target audience. I used a colour scheme also that would gain attraction from the specific target audience. The colours are the stereotypical colours linked to the specific target audience that my magazine is attracted to. The fact that the colour is stereotypically linked to this target audience means that they are more likely to take notice of the magazine and gain interest in it just from the colour scheme of the front page thus buying my magazine and making it more successful. Furthermore I gained interest from the target audience via prizes being shown on the front of the magazine that they could potentially win. This gives them a potential motive to buy the magazine. The prizes within would be linked to the target audience and things they would be interested in in order to give me a greater chance of customers buying the magazine as they may think they will win the prize. Also I used a method that will interest my target audience. This consisted of advertising on the front page specific elements involved within the magazine and the things in which they would gain when buying the magazine. This could be particular stories about certain people within the sub genre, that the target audience would be interested in. As well as certain stories and cover lines also advertised on the front things like posters or other objects that will be within the magazine that the target audience will definitely get as part of the magazine. A poster of the favourite pop artist or an article about a pop artist will entice them to get the magazine as they will be interested in the product and the story. I made sure that the fact that it is the first issue on the magazine was shown on the front of the magazine. The reason for this is because it would enable them to see the new magazine that is on the market; this is because they may not of heard of the magazine before, the fact that it says it is the first issue tells them why, not because it is a bad magazine. The name in which I used for my magazine is ‘Snap’ this is a relatively short name, this therefore means that it is memorable, the fact they will remember the name means they are more likely to continuing buying it and therefore be much more attractive to them.

This shows some contrasts between the things that I included within my magazine to attract my target audience. The number 1 comparison shows pop magazine top of the pop advertising things the customers will gain when buying the magazine. It shows posters just as mine does.. Its represented at the bottom of the front page. It allows the target audience to get intrigued and interested in the magazine as they can receive a poster of there favourite pop stars. The second print screen shows two incredibly famous pop stars that the target audience would be particularly interested in. They are very popular within the sub genre therefore meaning that this will attract them to the front page and therefore the magazine. It’s a mass amount of people therefore interested as they are huge stars. I have also used this within my magazine. Number three shows a competition in which people can get involved in for free in order to try and win prizes and things like that. I have also used this within my magazine. Finally number four shows the colour scheme of particular magazine. This is very similar to the colour scheme of my music magazine. I used these colours as they are stereotypically liked by these people and therefore will allow them to take an interest and an attraction into the magazine.