evaluation question

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? In my opinion, I believe that all three of our media products complement each other, having consistency and coherency. What are we selling? We are trying to sell the film, so we need a make sure all of our products have a synergistic approach in order to get the audience intrigued to watching the film.

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Page 1: evaluation question

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

In my opinion, I believe that all three of our media products complement each other, having consistency and coherency.

What are we selling? We are trying to sell the film, so we need a make

sure all of our products have a synergistic approach in order to get the audience intrigued to watching

the film.

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What did we focus on?

We had to produce a marketing campaign which had consistency throughout, and I focused on the following:

• Locations

• Characters

• Titles/typography

• Themes

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LocationsAs the location of horror films are a key convention, we wanted to make sure that the audience knew our film was going to be in the woods. The theme of the woods was shown through all three of our media products.

Our horror poster tagline was “Welcome to Highgate wood”This tagline directly tells the audience that they are welcomed to the woods.

The background of the poster is the woods. This again emphasizes that the film will involve the woods.

To keep consistency, we added the same background of the woods which was on the poster. This was done so that the idea of the woods can be portrayed through both the horror poster and the magazine cover.

Showing the woods to the audience through the trailer was simple; the film is based there. The trailer contains many shots which reveal the location of the film. As you can see all three of our media products have revealed the location of the film, and we showed the synergy.

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CharactersIn terms of the characters styles, we tried to hide the identity the killer of our film, but wanted to add some suspense and mystery.

The magazine cover we produced contained an image of a stock character in the film. The same character was revealed in the trailer. From this the audience can see the same character in the trailer he film he will feature in, or the interview of the magazine.

In the trailer, the killer is shown at glimpses, but his/her face is not revealed so we left the audience with question marks, on who the killer is, what is their backstory and why are they in the woods.

In the horror movie poster, we see a silhouette of the killer This was done as we wanted to keep the mystery in the film consistent. The silhouette engages with the audience as they can see someone, but who is it?

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Titles/typography I made sure that the titles I used where the same through all of my media products.

I made sure to use the same style of font as this font will be iconic to the whole campaign. From doing this, the same title will make the audience aware as to what they are being brought into. Whether this be the magazine cover, trailer or movie poster, Survival Kills will be recognised.

I tried to promote my film by using a written code which was placed above the poster and the magazine cover.

The words “From the producers of” indicates to the audience that the producers of a previous film are making a new one. This is a good way of promoting a film, because viewers will want to see a film made by successful film companies.

Both my magazine cover and my horror poster have this written code, and I done this to promote the film effectively through more than one media format.

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Synergistic approach

I have shown the production company logos and the restriction label on my trailer and poster. The synergistic approach as used through the whole campaign. The film date was also shown on both media products, making the audience know the same film is going to be out.