evaluation question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Adobe InDesign CS6 Adobe Photoshop CS6 In Adobe InDesign CS6 I learnt multiple techniques such as adding images, text and also other tools such as warping text around images. All of these different techniques helped me to create me contents page and double page spread for my music magazine. In Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was already familiar with all the functions and tools that I used, however I also learnt about some new tools along the way such as the Magnetic Lasso Tool. All the functions and tools in Photoshop that I already knew about and had discovered along the way had helped me to make the front cover for my music magazine.

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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Adobe InDesign CS6 Adobe Photoshop CS6

In Adobe InDesign CS6 I learnt multiple techniques such as adding images, text and also other tools such as warping text around images. All of these different techniques helped me to create me contents page and double page spread for my music magazine.

In Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was already familiar with all the functions and tools that I used, however I also learnt about some new tools along the way such as the Magnetic Lasso Tool. All the functions and tools in Photoshop that I already knew about and had discovered along the way had helped me to make the front cover for my music magazine.

Page 2: Evaluation question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Magnetic Lasso Tool

The magnetic lasso tool was a new tool that I learnt about in Adobe Photoshop CS6. It allowed me to Remove the background on an image very quickly with precision. I used the magnetic lasso tool here to remove the background from this image.

First I selected the magnetic lasso tool option from the toolbar on the right. After selecting the magnetic lasso tool option I slowly and carefully started to go around the entire image so that I could remove the background.

Once I had gone all the way around the image, I removed the background and was just left with the image of the person in the middle. You can see that the tool I used allowed me to remove the background quickly without messing up any of the quality of the image.

Page 3: Evaluation question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Red Eye Tool

The red eye tool is a tool that I used to remove the red eye colour that a camera captures. The red eye tool helped me to get rid of the red eye colour so that the original eye colour was shown.

To get to the red eye tool I first had to go to the healing tool option on the toolbar, after this I held down on the tool which made a drop down menu open, inside it I selected the red eye tool. Once I clicked onto it I clicked on the area where the red eyes were visible to remove them.

After removing the red eye colour from both eyes I was left with the original eye colour of the person in the picture.

Page 4: Evaluation question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Setting Up InDesign CS6

Before Using InDesign to make my magazine, I had to first make sure that it was set up properly. They layout I needed was two single page and one double page spread and to do this I had to change the number from 1 to 4 in the option box which said ‘Number of Pages’.

After doing this change I clicked okay and had the pages that I required but were in the wrong layout. I needed the double page spread to be at the bottom of the page layout because it was the final thing I would be working on.

Page 5: Evaluation question 6

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Setting Up InDesign CS6

To place the double page spread at the bottom I first had to allow the pages to allow the pages to shuffle. To do this I had to right click in the area around the pages and un-tick the ‘Allow Document Pages to Shuffle’ option. After doing this I was able to move the double page spread to the bottom allowing me to have the page layout that I wanted.