evaluation question 6

Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Question 6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process

of constructing this product?

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Throughout the my media course I have been able to effectively learn and adapt to many new technology skills to design and create unique pieces of work. Before starting my media course I hadn’t ever used programs such as Photoshop , Indesgin and Wordpress .However I am now able to show a clear understanding of each software to creat a high quality of work using all the different softwares. On each of my designs and my blog I tried to use a good variety of technonlogies.

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I was firstly introduced to Photoshop at the beginning of the media course. Through the months of my course I have gained a lot of confidence in using this particular software. With what I have posted on my blog I learnt how to edit pictures and texts, this helped me to decide what images and tects I prefered because I kept changing it.

I feel as though i gained knowledge in editing particular aspects of the textsthrough drop shadowing, inner shadowing, stroking and adding texture. When using photoshop I began to learn how to layer up my documents and how to change the layering. Whilst using photoshop I stumbled on the problem of saving documents, because I couldn’t post a PDF file on my blog. However I soon discovered that you had to save the document as a Jpeg so that I coud post it on my blog. Photoshop was a great way for me to produce a unique and exciting front cover that as of a high quality.

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I have also been able to develop my I.T skills further by using the blog on ‘wordpress’. WordPress was a completely new blogging website to me which we were introduced to at the beginning of our course. On wordpress I learnt how to create tags in posts, how to insert links to various other websites into posts, how to insert pictures and create polls for information. Wordpress was alos I great way to communicate with others to get their responses and thoughts on my magazine. Using ‘wordpress’ to blog all the processes in creating my magazine really helped as I was able to keep up to date with all my work. Every time I finished something or made another version of my work I could post it and get people’s ideas and thoughts on how effective it was. I’m able to demonstrate the different processes I took to create my magazine through the various posts.

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I also used ‘InDesign’ I used this to create my contents page and double page spread. With indesign I also learnt how to put my photos into the document, I learnt how to layer the document and change my layers. By using InDesign it allowed me to continue to create my magazine pages for my target audience with exciting colour and persicion.

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Overall, I feel as though I have learnt how to use many new technologies, I also feel as though I have learnt and the skills it takes to use them properly and how to make them complement each other. Although at first I found the programmes quite complex after a lot of practisicing and trial and error it allowed me to gain confidence and feel more confident when desgining my magazine for my audience.