evaluation question 6

Evaluation Question 6

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Evaluation Question 6

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• This was used to post different aspects of out coursework.

• This helped me in the process of doing my coursework, as it was a way to keep all of the sections in one place, without having to carry around many pieces of paper.

• It also allowed me to use other technologies as I was able to embed them into the blog, rather than post after post of writing.

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• This was a good piece of technology to use, I only learnt how to use it properly when I started to construct my magazine.

• It helped my production, as I was able to alter photographs if they were not what I wanted for my cover image, and also made it looked professional rather than cropping them on something like power point.

• Using Photoshop also makes your products look professional, and more like a magazine that would be sold on the market.

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In Design

• In Design was a good way to get the layout for my magazine just right. It allowed you to choose how many columns etc. you wanted, a way of relating your magazine back to your research.

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Fujifilm Cameras

• We used these cameras for the photography in or products.

• I think they helped me produce my product as they made it look professional rather than taking pictures on a normal digital camera.

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Go Animate, Scrapblog, Pixton, Prezi, Final Cut Express

• This was a good technology to use as it allowed me to have fun and get my audience feedback on my final products across, without it being a just a boring post.

• Scrap blog was a good way to get my target audience across as I was able to choose a background that suited them, and you were able to add stickers that made the images stand out, also it allowed to to layer the pictures in a professional way.

• I used pixton for my question on institutions and who would be the distributor of my magazine. This was a good way to get the information across in snippets rather than it being in blocks of boring text.

• Prezi is something we got accustomed to at the beginning of the year and was a way to make something a little like a power point/ mind map, and was an affective way to answer Question 1.

• Final cut express – is a technology used to make and edit videos. This helped me during both evaluation and research and planning as it allowed me to film a focus group and edit it together to do my audience research., and overall helped my whole planning stage and evaluation stage.

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Apple Macs

• The macs were a great piece of technology to use as they are less prone to technical difficulties, so were reliable to hold our products.

• They also have better graphics so allow the products to be made to the best ability.

• They also have better software application, foe example, photo-booth, final cut express, iMovie, iPhoto etc. which are exclusive to apple macs.