evaluation question 7


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Post on 20-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation Question 7
Page 2: Evaluation Question 7

I have unquestionably learned a great deal since my preliminary task.

My preliminary task was a clear insight into my working knowledge of magazine and page design at the start of the academic year. Albeit I felt by producing an initial front cover, it helped me understand the conventions and mechanisms of a magazine.

By partaking in a preliminary task, I think it has benefited me, in my preparation for my music magazine

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I feel there is palpable difference between the

two magazine covers. The school magazine cover

can now be looked upon as an amateurish

production. This is down to a number of different

factors. One of the biggest being, the

inexperience of creating a magazine front cover.

Despite the layout of the school magazine cover

being similar, The nature of the design has a much

more unprofessional finish. The colour on the cover

of the magazine’s are also different. With the

school magazine, the colours consist of mainly

red, black and yellow. Another major

enhancement of the covers; is the picture quality.

The school magazine main image is a great deal

poorer in quality compared to the more

professional image displayed on the music

magazine cover. This can be show by the way

the photos’ we edited. The school magazine looks

a lot more rough edged, compared to the

irresistibly smooth music magazine image.

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These are my two contents pages from my

school magazine and music magazine

respectively. Again, I feel that there is a blatant

difference it quality and design between the

two magazines. Many of the same imperfections

that occurred on the front cover of my school

magazine reoccurred on the contents page of

my school magazine. The colour pallet of the

school contents pages is still dominated with

yellow; unlike my music magazine is mostly

dominated with a more conservative black.

Again with my music magazine contents, I have

incorporated the same red and black stroke

style header. I felt by continuing themes

throughout the magazine would resemble a

more conventional magazine. The picture

quality (again) on the music magazine is poor

compared to the more professional pictures

taken on the music magazine.

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Since my preliminary task, I feel that my

knowledge for the music magazine industry has dramatically improved. My use of software

such as Adobe Indesign and Adobe

PhotoShop, has significantly improved also.

As I expected, the more further I used certain software, the better at using it I would become.