evaluation question one

Evaluation: Question One By Jonathan Turton

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Evaluation: Question One

By Jonathan Turton

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Front Cover

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Camerawork: The camera work clearly uses the conventions that are provided as My character is on a light background, is looking straight into the camera and is in a pose. Usually, magazines when showing the head/face only, they look straight into the camera but when it shows their upper body/whole body, they are usually slanted or on an angle. My picture does follow these conventions as shown below:

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Language: the language used Follows trends that other magazines do with keeping the names of artists short and simple and a title that matches the rest of the article as shown: There isn’t much that can be said other than that almost all Music Magazines almost always follow the same conventions, no magazine differs because they would not be noticed and recognised by their audience and would not be sold.

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Fonts: the fonts used seem to almost Challenge The forms and conventions as the Magazine name usually is simple and not to complicated with the title being covered by the main image whereas my Magazine name can be classed as being quite small, Complicated and is in Front of the Main Picture. Another Thing that challenged the conventions is my masthead. My masthead looks like it is enlarged 32-BIT graphics to match the style of my magazine but it does not look other magazine styles as other magazines are usually rounded of and match the rest of the fonts on the title page whereas mine dos not. Simple as that.

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Colour Schemes

Colour Schemes: The colour schemes used matches the genre of my magazine (Euro-dance) which is made up of light colours for the fonts and slightly darker colours for the title so that it stands out. Because it follow the colours of the music genre, it matches the forms and conventions of music magazines as the magazine always relates back to the music for their colours.

This is the original colour scheme and To improve the magazine, The colours were slightly lightened/darkened

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Layout: the Layout used Works with Other magazines and the conventions as referencing from slide 3, the image matches conventions and so does the Placing of the price, artist names, Masthead and Magazine name (date and issue number included). The Artist’s names near the bottom right corner, the title is in the middle so it is clearly visible, the Magazine name is in the top left corner and a barcode in the bottom left. Other magazines that I found however, did not contain a price on the front cover so to stand out more, I have included the price of the magazine in the top right corner.

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Contents Page

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Camera Work

Camerawork: The camera work seems to differentiate from other magazines slightly as it only contains two pictures whereas most magazines contain at least four. Another way in which the camerawork differentiates is that it uses images made on software rather than using photography, All made by myself from tutorials .

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Mise-En Scene

Mise-en-scene: The Mise-en scene for the Picture/ Pictures do seem to follow conventions. One of the pictures doesn’t have any Mise-en-scene,it is just a plain background while the other picture is of a man leaning against a bright wall with a shadow being cast. The point of the image was to show that he had recuperated after an injury and was able to travel outside feeling safe.

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Language: the language used doesn’t match the forms of other magazines as the Contents actually have Descriptions of what they are or what they are talking about. This makes it clearer for the audience while other magazines have only a little statement or no description whatsoever which, if it is someone who doesn’t know the genre of music well, would get lost at the contents page itself!

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Fonts: The fonts used do not necessarily match the fonts that I chose when planning out my magazine but I do believe that they follow the forms that other magazines follow. The Fonts stand out when it comes to colours like other magazine,

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Colour Schemes

Colour Schemes: The colours used Are all colours that I personally like and ones that match the genre of music. The Style also fits well with my magazine as my magazine uses the same colour scheme all through the magazine with the fonts on the front cover, the backgrounds of the pages and the titles all uses colours top stand out.

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layout Layout: The layout just differs

from the conventions of most magazines although it is hard to tell as Most magazines Have their contents page articles simple with a picture and no divide between any of them and this is what is different about my magazine. My magazine has some information about the topics, only some of my articles have images and not all of them and my articles are divided into sections (One for each of them) so this works with conventions but slightly differs.

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Double Page Spread

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Camera work

Camerawork: the camera work for the main image Greatly challenges many forms and conventions as pop usually is associated with bright colours and loose clothing and the singers/ artists usually wear either weird clothing or cheap clothing but my image contains a group with no light colours and wearing tuxedo’s which usually represent a high status. As the picture used clashes with the usually audience, it could be classed as controversial and thus challenges the conventions of normal magazines/pictures. What should have been mentioned in the contents section is the middle picture which has only been mentioned here because it matches the group and has the same person in the left picture.

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Mise-en-scene: The Mise-en-scene just like the camerawork, works with conventions as most band members usually stand together and pose, sometimes with effects. In this picture, There is 3 people, the size of a normal group (Usually ranging between 3-5 and 8-20) and Motion effects having been used which means that the image has been a video and all frames have been merged together to create the image.

Mise-en-scene: The Mise-en-scene unlike like the camerawork, works with conventions as most band members usually stand together and pose, sometimes with effects. In this picture, There are 5 people in one and only 1 in the other .Both have no background, they matches the conventions of other magazines but the differences as mentioned on slide 19 as wearing suites do not relate well to Pop music.

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Language: the language used doesn’t really seem to match conventions because it does not use any specialist language. Sure, it may mention the names of bands and concerts but their is no specialist lexis (words) used but It may also follow the forms because I do not necessarily know any words that convey to euro-dance and I don’t think that there are any.

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Fonts: The fonts used work with most magazine styles as although my magazine doesn’t use a drop down capital like other magazines. The Fonts on the right page also are made up of a multitude of fonts and colours Because it is a different article to the main article and being an advertisement, it needs to stand out so a different font and colour was what I deemed to be necessary.

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Colour Schemes

Colour Schemes: the colour schemes match the rest of my magazine and thus, follow the conventions and forms of magazines because, usually a magazine will follow through on its colours and looks throughout its entire magazine, only slightly changing to relate to an article it is addressing(I.E A scheme might change if it shows a different music artist or talks about fashion.)

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Layout: the layout is different from most magazines as magazines usually have their page filled with information on both pages (Full on text) but the information on my D.P.S covers only half of my double page spread and the other half is more information about gig locations and advertisement.

Lots of detailed information on both pages

Information on one topic on one page while not much on the other