evaluation task 6

Evaluation task 5 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? This is a glidecam xr 1000. They are used to stabilize video. We used one for our film for the tracking shots to keep them as steady as possible. However as the cameras we were given were so light they didn’t work as well as they would have with a dslr. However it did help a lot with the tracking shots and took away the jaggedy footsteps that are usually created when walking and following the character. This Sony hdr cx115 is the camera we filmed with. They film at 1920x1080 so gave us a good quality of

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Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Evaluation task 5

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

This is a glidecam xr 1000. They are used to stabilize video. We used one for our film for the tracking shots to keep them as steady as possible. However as the cameras we were given were so light they didn’t work as well as they would have with a dslr. However it did help a lot with the tracking shots and took away the jaggedy footsteps that are usually created when walking and following the character.

This Sony hdr cx115 is the camera we filmed with. They film at 1920x1080 so gave us a good quality of video. We learnt that when filming that the built in mic was very effective however was usable

for our film.

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This software is called final cut. We used it for basic editing such as cutting and adding the main title. It also allows you to bring in music to sync together with your video, this being much easier than guessing timings and then hoping it fits together. However final cut does have its limits when coming to more advance editing like key framing etc.

This software is called adobe after effects and is a much more advance version of final cut and is used by Hollywood films. We used it for the first title, we key framed it so when the character walked

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past the title instead of just cutting the title out before he got there it made the text appear to go behind him as if it was actually there. The downside of software like after effects is it’s not very easy to understand and can take hours to perform simple tasks If you use it wrongly.

This software is called garage band and allowed us to create music from pre-stored samples. It gave us a range of loops and samples and the ability to add effects on top of them to give different feels to them. We stuck to one looped sample to give the idea of repetitiveness within the film, which ties in with the repetitiveness of the letters he receives. Garage band helped us create tension and atmosphere and has a very well designed UI that anyone can pick up easily and quickly. The only downside was that you couldn’t get any more loops/samples than the ones it came with.

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