evaluation two


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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Evaluation two



Daniella Worth

Page 2: Evaluation two

What is branding?

A brand is a particular make of a product.It is the idea or image of a specific product or service that the audience connects with. Branding is when that idea or image is marketed so that it is recognizable by more and more people, and identified with a certain service or product when there are many other companies offering the same service or product.

Page 3: Evaluation two

I think that the combination of our main product and ancillary texts work very well and link to the genre of the artist; grime. Firstly the album cover has the main colours used in our music video which are pink, black and white. The facial expression of the artist shows the seriousness and the colour pink contrasts to the black and white showing the funky brand image.

I think the combination of dark colours with the Hot pink is important as the main image in our music video is the Pink animated heart. Without the use of the colour pink, the combination wouldn’t be as effective and the brand image wouldn’t be put across to the target audience. We chose this image because it combined with one of the shots we used in our music video.

The original image was precisely cut out and made transparent against the striped foreground.

The colour pink is distinctive but not too obvious so the brand doesn’t change.

Te facial expressions are the same.

We kept the costumes to a minimum.

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In our second panel shot, we showed the “urban” side to the branding by taking a shot of the artist dancing. This linked to the main product as we have scenes where the artist and actors are dancing. I made the heart transparent so it didn’t take over the whole image of him dancing. It combined extremely well as the main image of the product has been brought in with the ancillary.

Again we kept the same colours that are used in the video which combines the product and texts appropriately.

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We also had a second option for a front cover. This one challenged the brand image. Although the colours were bright, attractive and the black and white eye went well with our brand image, it didn’t show that the brand image was urban. It could have been mistaken for pop because of the patterns and not much of it related to our music video.

Only the black and white effect related to the video.

It didn’t show enough imagery to show that the brand image was urban.

The colours could have gone well with the brand image.

The font type matched the style of the heart.

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Our magazine advert combines with our main music video, again because the background is the same as the foreground of the album cover. He pink stripes make the main image of the artist stand out. Instead of making the artists name the centre of attention, the heart is placed on his chest, which is used in the video. He main image is in black and white which relates to the green screening of the music video. The album cover was more serious than the advert. His “smug” facial expression makes the advert more appealing.

The white stands out against the subtle colours.

The background is the same as the transparent foreground on the album cover.

The heart that is used in the music video.

The album cover that reassures the audience.

The black and white image links to the video as the backgrounds alternate from these colours.

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Examples of BandingCadburys brand image is continued through the purple packaging and the “milk swirl” with white writing.Although Cadburys adverts do not fully establish that the product is chocolate, it still conveys the brand image because it is a well known company. Even though there is no direct link to the product in the adverts, it incises people to buy the product. The brand image is fun and joy.

Coca Cola also continue their brand image through the logo and the well known colour scheme of the product. The brand image is closeness, friendship and fun. Like Cadburys, coca Cola don’t advertise their company in anyway that relates to the product. Instead of being random, like Cadburys, they are more personal and can relate to the audience which makes them buy the product. It mostly appeals to young people.

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