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Two-Minute Guide to the Plan of SalvationWhy are we here, living in this world?

Mankind fell out of God's direct presence when Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden. This is spiritual death--separation from God--also called the 'First Death.' Without redemption, we're doomed to spend eternity away from God, which is the 'Second Death.'

How is it possible for us to get back to life in God's presence?

Nothing with sin can dwell in God's presence.  God knew that because mankind had sinned, we would all be doomed to spend eternity away from Him.  God also knew, however, that celestial law provides that only an eternal sacrifice of God in the flesh (Jesus) could atone, (a Hebrew word meaning 'to cover') for the sins of man.  This is the foundation of the plan of redemption.

Does scripture teach there anything we humans have to do?  I've heard people say that all we have to do is say we believe in Jesus and we're saved...

Believing is only the first step.  It was not a lack of faith in God that drove man from God's presence (i.e. Adam did not suddenly disbelieve that God existed); rather, it was man's choice to sin.  Sin is when people choose to put their ways over God's.  Choosing sin was the real cause that separated God from man, therefore turning from sin is required to redeem man to God.  God offered the atonement to mankind--it's our choice to accept or reject it.

What then, does scripture teach as correct response to God's offering of the atonement to mankind?

1.  Faith.  It starts with faith, not only in God, but faith that the shed blood of Jesus paid the price to allow repentance to occur.  Read that again.  The atonement (Jesus death) was not merely to make forgiveness possible; but to make a way for repentance to have any eternal affect. 

2.  Repentance. If we truly have faith, we'll Repent of our Sins.  Repentance means to turn from sin, morally, spiritually, physically.  It was sin that separated mankind from God; it is turning from Sin that brings us back to His presence, via the atonement.  Repentance includes sincere prayer asking for forgiveness.

Historically, When Adam asked God why it was that men needed to repent, God said that he he had already forgiven Adam in the garden of Eden, but to lay claim on redemption, turning from sin must occur.

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3.  Baptism by water. When true repentance occurs, baptism by immersion in water signifies our becoming 'dead to sin' and alive in Christ.  Baptism establishes our covenant with God--a covenant which He, God, will never break.

4.  Baptism by The Holy Ghost.  After baptism, God seals a portion of Himself called the Gift of the Holy Ghost.   This is a spiritual magnet to draw us to Him, to know His mind and will, to guide us in all things.  This gift is necessary to turn from sin--we can't do it on our own.  It is also required to be able to dwell in the presence of God.  Baptism by fire comes by the Laying on of Hands by God's priesthood.

5. New in Christ, Enduring to the End.  We are now new Creatures in Christ.  Empowered by a covenant with God and His Gift of the Holy Ghost to guide, we are required to live lives reflecting Jesus.  We must not reject God and turn to a life of sin.  It is by our works that we will be judged.  God will judge whether we've used His gifts to us to magnify Him to the world.

6.  Resurrection from the dead.  At the end of this life, at the beginning of The Millennium, those 'good' people of the earth will be resurrected in the 'Resurrection of the Just'; those who chose evil will be resurrected at the end of The Millennium, at the 'Resurrection of the Unjust.'  

7.  Eternal Judgment and Eternal Life.  Each will be judged whether he chose Jesus and was found transforming his life unto Christ, or found living unto himself. Those found on the right hand of God after the Millennium are those who will have chosen God through the redemption of Christ, made covenant and received the Holy Ghost.  These will dwell with God forever.

A beautiful message of the true gospel is that every person will have an opportunity to make this choice.  Only those who knew God's power and willfully rejected it will be found on the left hand of God. 

Evangelism: Practical Dos and Don'ts

These are suggestions based on the doctrinal truths explained in the previous article (“Evangelism: Back to Itch”). I say “do” and “don’t” for economy of words and direct application; I am not intending to say these are legalistic rules that everyone must keep in order to please God or be effective in evangelism. They are suggestions, but I do think they are wise and consistent with the biblical “doctrines of grace” I discussed previously. (Note: The original version of this article was written about the evangelism of children, and it has undergone only slight modifications, so you will find it very applicable to them as well as to adults.)

DOS1. Tell the gospel to those you want to reach, and teach the Scriptures to them, especially

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the doctrines of salvation—and then tell and teach them some more! You don’t need to have a bunch of “decisions” to know that your work is producing results: God says that His Word will never return void, it will always accomplish its purpose, and its purpose is often to save many of the hearers (Rom. 1:16; Heb. 4:12).2. Tell them that God commands them to repent from their sins and believe in Jesus Christ (and don’t forget to explain what the words repentance and faith mean!). Make it clear to them that unless they repent and believe, they will not be in heaven.3. Make sure they understand that repentance and faith are matters of the heart, and not some outward action they can perform.4. Ask them if they have repented from their sins (e.g. “Do you want to obey the Lord in your life?”) and if they believe in Jesus Christ (e.g. “Do you understand who He is and what He did, and are you trusting in Him to save you, and nothing else?”).5. Always continue explaining and instructing in whatever matters they do not understand and cannot articulate themselves, especially those that pertain to salvation.6. When they say things like “I believe in Jesus” or “I love Jesus,” encourage them by telling them what blessings God has given them, if what they say is true. Tell them, “That’s great you are saying that you believe. Remember, Jesus said that if you continue in His Word, then you are truly His disciple.”7. Pray a “sinner’s prayer” with them—but not just one time, giving them the impression that God saves them because of some words they say. No, pray a “sinner’s prayer” over and over again, because a good “sinner’s prayer” is an expression of the continuing faith of a true believer. For example: “Dear Lord, I am a sinner unworthy to enter your presence or expect any goodness from you. Please cleanse me of my sin through Jesus’ blood. I know you will because you promised to do that when we come to you in faith. Please help me to turn from my sins, to trust in you more and more, and to obey and serve you with all my heart. Thank you for your grace to me, that has brought me into a relationship with you forever. Thank you for Jesus, who died and rose again for me. Amen.” Or just use the Lord’s prayer—the Author of it has much more wisdom than this writer!8. Explain to them that assurance of salvation is not based on something they have “done” at some time in the past, but that it is based on the objective truths about the cross of Christ and the subjective experience of fruit in their lives.9. Teach them the Scriptures some more! And live the Scriptures in front of them.

DON’TS1. Don’t neglect or avoid any doctrine of Scripture because you think it might scare them, bore them, or “turn them off.” If God thought doctrines like original sin or predestination were dangerous to anyone, He would not have put them in the Bible. On the contrary, He obviously wants people to know all that He has said. But be careful that other doctrines, even important ones, are never allowed to eclipse the gospel itself in your focus and emphasis (see 1 Cor. 15:3).2. Don’t have them “pray to receive Christ.” We do not receive Christ through prayer—we receive Christ through faith. If they say that they have repented and are believing in Christ, as you have been teaching them the meaning of those words, then encourage them to express their faith (and gratefulness, repentance from their sins, commitment, etc.) in prayer to God.3. When speaking to a group, don’t ask “How many of you want to receive Christ?” (or believe, or accept, or whatever) as if that is an action they are going to perform. A better

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question, if you want some response in a group, is “How many of you want to talk with someone about what it means to be saved?” or even “How many of you want to be baptized, or come to the Lord’s Supper?” (because in the New Testament those are the outward signs of belonging to Christ).4. Don’t use the following terminology (or at least try to use it as little as possible), because is not found in the Scriptures and can be misleading: “Accept Jesus into your heart”; “Open the door of your heart”; “Make a decision for Christ”; “Invite Jesus into your life.” Any terminology found in Scripture is obviously acceptable—but remember that it is always important to explain the meaning of the terms you are using.5. Don’t state or imply that someone is saved because he prayed a prayer or “made a decision.” Because many people are impressionable and easily influenced to a confession (especially children), it is important when working with them to say things like, “If you really believe in Christ, then all your sins are forgiven...” Again, don’t give them the impression that God saves them because of something they do. Salvation is something that God does. Tell them they must believe, plead with them to repent and trust Christ—but let God do that work in their hearts according to His timing; don’t try to speed up the process by giving them some easy way to “believe” (like a prayer). Instead, teach them enough about the nature of repentance and faith that they will be able to recognize when they have been born again by the Spirit of God. Then they will have the true assurance that comes from the witness of the Spirit, rather than the witness of men.6. Don’t ever stop teaching them the Word! Take every opportunity that presents itself, and then teach them some more (Matt. 28:20)…“For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb. 4:12).