evening star the weekly star. - library of congress · publicvocalmusicatthat she will resume her...

V.. XXII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1868. N2. 3,330. THE EVENING STAR X> FTTKLISHED every afternoon {8VXDA7 EE CEP TED,) AT THE STAR BUILDINGS, tun Pnra'A AV»«TTB AMD 1 iTH STBWTi W. P. WALLAOH3 ltper* served without wrappers by carrier* 1 Met per oopy, or 28 cent® per month. In |UkHM by carrier* at *4 a year, or 37 cent* Mr month. To mall subscribers tbe price 1* §«.«*> a year, if* advance; 82.50 lor six month*; IL28 for three months; and for lee* than three month* at the rat* of 12 cents a week. Single W>1**> with or without wrappers, two cnarra. T* Apymirwufwra *uotUd be sent to th* oao* before 11 o'olock v.; otherwise they may sot appear nntil the next day. FOR 8ALE AND RENT. fOR SALE -Two new small BRICK B008B8.in r mh street. ntirE. si* rooms each, two square* from Jackson Park and Penn. avenue ; alio, a new riAMI HOUSE, fire rooms, on K street. Ho. 236. Inquire '23f> K street. Bear 17th street, or M. DS8- F08SE. baker, second door of 19th aal Penn. ave- ane. ¦ oeag-lw* DESIRABLE HOUSE FOB 8 ALB..A three-story Brick House, nearly sew, * mtaining eight rooniF, if offered for sale, with or withoat the Fur¬ niture, and immediate possession given. The title is indisputable. Inquire at Room No. 3, "Todd's Building." adjoining Metropolitan Hotel. oci.7 lw« PIR RENT.With or without Board, several tirat-ciass FURNIhHBD ROOMS, at No. 8 4Hi street, opposite Dr Sunderland'r Ohnrch. oc 26-tt* A HAKE CUANC1 TO MARE MONEY .A first- class DHL'G STORE for sale, with a large stock of Fresh Medicines and doing a rood business, with Furnished House attached. Price for the whole Fatisfaetnry reasons siren for felling Ad¬ dress, with real name.APOTHBOARK, Washington P. ft ' ogtt-8t» IMPROVED SQUARE OF GROUND FOR SALS. We offer for sale that well-located Square of Ground known as Square No. 774, hounded by 3d ic' 4th streets east and K and L streets north, rcntainiur about Kfl.W square feet of ground : enclosed, and has a small dwelling in the eenteri with fins pell of wat-r. stabling, Ac. Tbe grounds have been ured as a Market Garden, aud possesses some choice fruit trees. For tbe purpose of a Lager Beer Garden or small farm, it it> Tery desirable, and will be sold cheap. Apply to J AS. C. Me- GCIBB & 00, An tion asd Commission Mer¬ chants. oc 24 -2w FOB SALS OB K\CBANfiE.. Valuable Lards, Cultivated Farms. Mill Property, in Ohio, Illi¬ nois. Iowa, and Miasonri; will be soid cheap, or ex¬ changed for Real Estate in Marylaud, District Oo lumbia, or the loral part of Virginia, or would ex¬ change for personal property. Inquire No. 7 Law Building, Fifth street, or address Box 1033, Post Office, Washington, D. C. oc 33 1m 1AABUILDIN6L0I8 F0RLSA8B0R RBNT, 1 vU suitable ft r sutlers, restaurants and private residences within five minutes walk of tbe Presi¬ dent's House. Inquire of A.JARDIN, corner of 18th and M ate.. Washington. D. C. oc Him* fj*CRNisiiED ROOMS TO LBT-at 450 Twelfth JT street, between G and H.tw.j lower story PARLORS, or one PARLOR and a large BED ROOM adjoining, both well furnished; also, several BSD- ROOMS Tbe local ion is one of tbe most desirable in Washington, and within five minutes'walk of WillarMs' and Birkwooda'. No childr n in the house. se 28 tf EDUCATIONAL. M VOCAL INSTITUTE R8. CECILIA YOUNG K RETCH MAR Ha* tbe honor of announcing to her friends and the public that she will resume her instructions in Vocal Musicat No. 420 nth street, between H and I. For terms, A.c., apply between the hours of 4 and 5 p.m. oo g'-oolm* IBS BROOK.B'8 BNGLIStl AND FRENCH Bearding and Day School, No. 130 Penn.av., Seven Buildings. The ninth year and seventeenth semi-annual session of this Institution will com¬ mence on Monday, September 24th, 1863 Circulars can be obtained at the bookstores and of the Prin¬ cipal. se 14-3m* WILLIAM PITCH, I. G. HI5E, JOHN FOX, FITOH, H1NE & FOX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Rkal Estate. Claim asd Patent Aokxts, Corner Seventh and F Streets, (opposite Post Office,) Washikgto* Cut, D. O. N.B Commissioners for all the states, oc a-lm* JUS R. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, CORNER OF BIGHTH AND B BTRSSrS, OPPOSITE Till SOl'TH F*0*T Q«**BAL P08T OFriCK DEPART MIST, WILL OPEN ON MONDAY. 26TH, a very superior lot of CLOTHS. CASSIMERS, AND VESTlPfas. He invites his friends and tbe public to give him a call. oc 22-6t* HOLES ALB AND RETAIL. NOTIONS, TOYS, AHD FANOY GOODS. GOTTHBLF & BEHREND, 3*9 Seventh St., bet, H and I, Respectfully invite tbe attention of the public at large, a* well of eity and country buyers, to their very lrrge and well selected 8tock, comprising almost every article usually found in first-class Notion and Fancy Goods Houses. TO DEALERS ESPECIALLY, Particular attention is invited to a large and well- .elected Stock of TOYS for the Holydays. Also to LADIB8 BUYING FOR FAIRS, A general inducement will be given. oc 15-lm* J A D I E 8 ' DBB88 FURS. The undersignel hav* just opened the largest ¦tock of Foreign and American FUB8 ever offered in this city, such a a. Hudson Bay 8ABLB, BBMINB, MINK, FITCH, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, IMITATION OF BBMINB. WATBRM1NK, FRENCH OOONY, And other FUBS in set a for ladies and children, Also, FUR TRIMMINGS and 8 WAN8D0WN. Gentlemen'* MUFFLBR8, ROBES, Ae , Ae. We are also receiving daily addition* te oar .took of DRY GOODS, such as- CL0AK8, SHAWLS. DRB88 GOODS, BMBBOID- BBIBS, Ac., at a small advanoe for trst cost. S. A W. MBYENBBBG, 48 Market Space, between 7th and 8th streets, and*r th* oc ap-lm Avenne Hon**. IMPORTANT TO F AMI LIBS -The undersigned having perfected his arrangements la Philadel¬ phia, New York and Boston, take* tki* method of Informing his old customer* and the public gen¬ erally that he U receiving daily by exprees. Prime Chaster County Beef, South Down Mutton, 8alem county(N. J.) Veal Prim* Philadelphia Butter, Cayons, Bucks county and Hew Jersey Chicken*, Sweet Bread, Pheasant*. Partridge*, Grouse^ Sni^e^Woodeock, and every luxury of the Bocton Clear Pock. Soused Pig* feet and Tripe, Smoked and Pickled 8almon and Halibut, Alao, a large supply of Foreign and Domestic Fruit* and Vegetable*. To familie* and other* giving .atertainment* this is th* cheapeat and boat also* In Washington to purchase, THOS. B. WILSON, 119 Pennsylvania avenne, oc 2&<m between l»th and yth street*. IMPORTANT TO SUTLERS. 8UTLBRS~WII»I» FIND H. A. DOWNING A CO.'S CONCENTRATED CLAM TO BB A MOST YALUABLB ABTICLB FOB THBIB TRADB. It **1I* very rapidly, and is the moat economical article of diet f the offleer'a meaa. It ia prepared la one minate, and mafcea a most delicious Soap or Ohowder. It ia highly recommended by Army Snrgeona. The profit* are large. H. A. DOWNING A CO . Manufacturer of Concentrated Food, No. Ill Bast 18th st.. New York. For tale by BARBOUR A 8BMMB8, Sole Agenta. 6f Loaiaiana Avenne, _.**-ly Washington, P. O. |l..Da NOTIOB. OABBRS, Grocers, Flour and Feed Dealers, Sut¬ ler* fchippera, Hotel Keepers and other* are re- ¦peetfuHy informed.they can be supplied with all de^ptioM of F LOU R. ft BAIN, FEED, HAY and 8TBA W. Ac .Ac., of the choicest quality, at New " ,i,L,,a0ir5SS0!lSlVi2i,.iV oaMSm* near B. 4, O. Railroad'Depot. JGA8 FIXTURB8 . W. THOMPSON A CO.. 26» p»M avenue having refitted and tarnished their chandelUr room, are prepared to exhibit the alatent and hanfaomeet assortment of GAS 0HANDBLIER8 and BUBNEBS to be found south of Philadelphia Their atock ia from the celebrated factory of Cor¬ nelius A Baker, and ia fold at the manufacturer'a prices. Call aad aee before purchasing. oc a Sw lOhrou . Intel A Sep.] DB. W. B. HURLBY, LATB OF NA8HVILLB Tenn , takes this method of informing the eitl ens of this city that he proposes to practice hi irofession. For the preeent he ean be found a ITS Eighth street, bet M and N. Sin' 5? TBA CHEAPEST CLOTHING HO USB 1* a UOJ AO.', dS4 Sev*att at. tlU LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE WASHINGTON CITY POST OFFICE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1863. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE PA PUB HAVING »HK LARGEST CIRCULATION. Adains Cath Anhtan Helen Ashton Jane Anson* Annjr Arrold Jennie Brrk Ellen Birch Maggie J Burgo Mary J LADIES' LIST. nurd Minnie Petit Cornelia Heath MrsLwisS Perkins Mrs Leonard Pitcher Mrs O P Reid Mis* Willie RobeyBd ward in* Rossetor Minnip Ryer Henry Riley Jn'ia Rosell Jenny Bosbury Mtiry C Homes Miss £ Hint** Julia A Hicks Pink Hamlin Jennie Henry Mary HanilinMr«GeoPReadMr*Revii \V Brool:s Mrs Albt HarrimanSarhA Richards Mrs PD Brown MaryS Hooper Lucy Rhodes Elizbth A Boil Mrs J Hibbes Mrs E F Reed Mrs Bnshrd Brown Priscilla Harkness Margt Reves Virginia B»t Julia M M HigginsHannah Ru«e M&ggie Br idwell Laura Harrison MrsRS Riley Katy K Buchanan Mrs Hutchison iiar't Robinson Nellie W A Hocktort Anna P Reiley Mrs 8 W Barnhart MolieFHinton Duleeny Ritnal Susau Brooken Mrs HeydonETi/.abth Riley Annie Bcrkeiibaugh Holan Anna Rider Susy Sally Hopkinson Lara Richardson Bl inker Mrs Rnilaunan Kate Clara C Brornnts Miss Haftkln* Mrs MB RicliardsonKatie BoltrieJ-2 Jones Hellen Russell Jennie Boker Mrs Shepelngraham Mrs Reiley Mr« E ButlerMrsDrWH Timnthv BobertsonElizth Berry Mrs Elm'a Johnson Eliza Reddic Amanda Bruce Cath Johnson The- Benton Sarah M rese K Mi. vie Cornelia Johtsou Eli/.a Better Miss Jackson Miss f.iMler Mary F. JefTersonMarth ARivers Kate liajloy Mary A-2 J nin Elizabeth Rodgers Elizbth Barton Mrs TIE Johcson Ella Sherbaner Marth Benton Emily Jones Mary Smith Barmelia BnnttanCsrolineJaeobsMrs MAE SpottswoodMryJ Brannin Eiira Johnson Mrs Smith Elizahth P Broken M%ry E Knight Mrs K R Smith Clara K Bender Jlrs B Knott Mary C Shreve Gertie E Ri"oin'ev Eliza J Kane M rs Lewis Scott Meliuda Bucklow Anna Kane Mary Shnw Mr.ry BureloHenriettaKilby Mary Sotreri Addie Bfakoy Georg'naKelseyMissFrnk Shearer Jnlist Clarke Emma Kellog Mrs Steel Sophia A Horace L Siott Jennie R Kellog Mrs Geo Sraoot Mary B Kalbo ron Soph A Steel Sopliia Kriowles KateC Sears Margaret Keveny Mrs Smith Carrie L Curti«s MrsWW Luce Ella E Shell Mrs N J Cantilori Mrs Lee Mr«ChapmnSparks Sarah A DhamberlaiiiMrsL«-achi- Maggie Strains Laura Casey Katy II G CassevMiss ""Le.itt Francis Dole Martha Lewis Anna Clark Clarah A Li-ssig Rhuben "lark Katie Listen Ellen Coleman MrsGeoLivert Harriet Joleinan Kate Ln^an Mrs T II Crowell Mrs J H Lioinin Mrs M _ Coleman Kate LaSa 1- Nancy P Sand ford Josph'e Claiupilt ElizaM Lainonte Ada Summers Miss Casey Maggie Lilly Lucinda R Eugene Cnrtland Ada LoomisLevi StephensonEm'a Crowell MrsJHy Lnbbnck Mrs M Simpson Marst Dapitolla Miss LeoiiardFrneesESineiair Mrs F L JarterMr'JoshBLineburg- Lizzie Shippurt MissMS barter Susan Mince Margaret Schneider Mar- Dull Mrs B T Moore Louisa icaretha Duiii' Maggie Magruder FannyScbiffer Mrs Adm DeKrafft MrsDP Myers Eli/a V Stanley Mr- Ji..s Dennis Mrs J E Munneretts Sterry Sarah V Mrrgaret Stansbiiry Margt Mellow Frances23e,hwarfz funny Mundmhall Mrs SuarinauEli/.thE MarrMrsJasF Swheney Mary DennisE izbhRBMoore Celeste E Shaughrissy Mry Davis Mrs Liew Milliken * arah Sehenker Eli/.a Madden HanorahTilghmnnMaryE Monchennan Thayer E l.-n Lizzie Tho in psor: Jane Mitchell Kli/hth Taylor Elizabeth Minfort Frauees Taylor P«n<'loDel T. l. .. \r i" . Coke Emily Clarke Emma Comes Li/.zie Cruana Ellen Cryer Rebecca Stephens Sarah A StClair Amuda M Southerland Ida Solemon Laura Summer Mrs C Stephenson Em V SimmondsJsph'v Sommers Adeline Daily Cntli Dornn Blary A Bowling Mary Daley Ellen Davis Mary Daniels Jane Deyandre Julia Dinen Sophia 2 Douehoe Cath Donaldson Mrs Morris LSaxie HE Martin Mrs M Donnboe Annie Myers Lizzie DeuehertyAna PMason Mr= Devlin Cath M y«*r* Menia Davis Ellen Muhlitc Klicia HeXlarboisBlnch Morrir- Liz/.ie Eichhom Muika Miller Mary S iillsworth Miss Masters Ellen Marrian McFarland Mrs Pnnis MargaretJ Gfo T Ta>lor Mary E Towers Katv Tannatt T K Tolson Marv Till hot Di'li'U Thomas Maria Turner Susan VmiRerdMis-MP Van /andt Etia Weir Mary- Wiley Eartmra McCurdv MrsJR Waite Mrs il McCathrin Mrs Wilson Sallie McC'loy Mra Phebe 8 McFuul Mar\ L McKay Mrs C E Sncelhrest Mrs Svers Cath Earley Fajiuy I'reiirU Mary ?o ' rah J flenry Mrs Wei thy footer Ssrah K risher Julia B FausnochtMargtNutten Anna Williams Fanny Wright Mrs G W Woods Surah W onder A unit) MJ Wfhster E'.leu McCartey Ellon White I ionise Hf'OecM'fi w ii »f_-1 :;,q McCristal Wanl Mrs A J h'alkner Ann ireen Mary J 3ool Mary 3ooff Ann F 3ier Mrs M Nelson Susannah Wilson Mattie Naylor Ann E Walker MrJ Needham Mary Gardner Norris ErnraaR3 Welkersou Neat:n:in Ann learner Sophia O'Connor Ellen Baariut Kate Orris Mrs Syl- r>ilbert Mrs E E vester J liorman Margrt Oliver Miss Ra*kcll Emma Owens Frances [Soodwin LousaFOgden Alrrs W Greim Betzy Palmer Ellen Bnthrie Mrs P N Piatt Mrs Koht Bravgom AmndaPeck Anna [iallagher Brdgt Perry Adeli/a Amidia 3 Williams Mary E Washington Bicker WilliamsOphelia Willard Agness M'oodhull EllenF Waggaman MrsL Whittam Miss A M Williams Mary A Bri-ean Miss Pinkney Mrs A AWilliams Ilattie QurleyMrsRevrePascnt Jos*!phneWilson Ellen [Jalindo Laura Pynn Mrs Webster Ad lie Uilli"anM Pillsbury Mary Watusowska BaswaT Lncinda Plarker Elizabtb Mrs J de Hodge Margt A Pagnain Mary Webster Carolne Howard Lizzie Parker Emma Young Margaret Holmes Mrs E 8 MisCKLLaSbdos..Miss T. P.; Melville. GENTLEMEN'S LIST Abrsms Andw Alstead Lt A-2 Alexander A G All»n Amos jr Adler A L Adner Chas Anchultz Carl Abbertson C W Avory Chas Adams D J Armstead Dr D Andrus 1) W Benedict A Boss A J Buelle A D-3 Barrett A-2 Billings A Broadnax A Bergen Andrew Barker Andrew Bender Aaron Burr A J Bruyn Andrew Burke Androw Bain Chas E Brown Chase & Baker Calvin Britton Chas Ball Chas H Bundav Chas S Brotherton C-t Brower D R-2 Brown D 0 Bible D P Bliss Dr D W Brown Dr Bowne E K Bradley E Befkwith E P Blount Edwd Baker E Bates Surg E F Barrett Elijah Breck E F Blsbou Elijah Bell Enoch G Brosman E J Burnham E Barker E D BakerCapt EJ Jr Buck F N Blondeau G Burnside G W Brastow Geo D Beamont Geo BlyeGeo Barry Geo W Boswell Geo Bely G W P BowlsbyGeo W BakerG F Boyers Geo W Adams C&pt P C Arnold K II jr Ames Capt D G Arnold Lewis Anderson H J Ames H 8 Atchison Jas Abbott J B Allen Juo Abrams Jas At well J no H Allen Jacob B Ackerman M Allen 8 W Aked Tbos Alston Thoa Anderson W l> Allen Wis* fc Avery Win 0 Allen Wn ArmitageCptJW Ayers Jonathan Burns Henry Bressau Nelsou BrowniugCaptH Barlow N L Berry Henry BeachNathnl Brosnan Hugh Barns Surg N S Boltwood H L Breni»eT 0 C Brown Harrison Bruce O G Bell Henry Bramble H 8 Bahcock H G Baldwin H B Bailaw Jas Bachman J H Ballard 0 W Bachtell P C Bannes Peter Bly Lt Perry -2 Bergeoin Lt P P Brooke Kobt Baker Jonathan Berry Rudolph Barclay J M Brent RC Bo wen Jno W Bennett R J Briney Jno E Barry Richd Burne'ston J U Beale MaJ R Burtschy J A Brown R J Bailey Jacoc E Burns Kobt Brownell J A BostwickCol R 3 Bradford Ira B Bargy Bance Barton Jos Baxter 8 8 Buehanau J L-2 BroofcsSM BurnellJosG Brown Saml Bartram J J Bilyen SanforJ Bennett Jas Bishop S E ButterBeld J R Bros Sanger A Co Brownley Jos Butler Dr S W-2 Billcs Ja« Bachliu 8 E Bonner Jas M Burdge 8 A Brooks Rev J D Bruce Theo BoggsJno Brayton Thos R BoalJJ Bird Thos R Brown Isaac Boudinot T Boice Jas R Bradley Cpt T H BaryJos Blowers Lriah Black Jacob Bomb Wm Brown J H Buck Wm Booreley L Blossom W A-S Br«wnsonLtLJ-2Bennett CaptWT Beardsley Leri Brinton Wm R Beall L li Bailey W T Burdock Lewis Byers W H Brown Lewi). Bennett Wm W Bell l.tnvis W Barry Wm Brown M B Brisban Wm M Burcke Mr Blanchard Wm Bayley Morris Browning Win V Beau Moses H Beeker Wm M Bridwell M T Butlor Dr W H U Clark A D Capron Jos CunninghaniCptCoxson J G Croggins Mr Chesbro M V Calnoun Andw Collins A G Gaboon Betii A Crowford Chas Campbell C S Caswell C B CbildsChas Coleman Chas Crane Burg C II Camp J J_ CuuninghamCpt Ch# Connors Chns Caswell 0 8 Conrey D B Coonrad D Connolly Danl Ourrier Edwin Clieve Edwd CaudonJ or Hal-Carroll Morris pin Collins M J Chapman J B Culpepper M CunninghamCpt Chaney Ma.i J L-^3 _ ^ Conever M C Clinton Mark Clark Lt N C Clover 0 M CoburnJ H Crump O Corry Oscar Collins Pat Corriclew Pat Cnrey Beter F Coyle Peter Croning Pat T Cooper R B Ci .iwford Jno Calkins Jas A Conover Jacob Clark JnuC CuuninghamRD.' in Ro" _.amj J W Cook Jno 81arke Jno W lynch Jno Camp Jne J Cook Jas A Case Capt Jno vneve j&uwu Critcherspn J -...¦¦¦¦.i*-"-' Clarke Ephraim Cnr^ef.J*" . Coffin Robt CummiiiKt ¦ J CampbellCpt JB Clarke p Cullamer E 8 Colbnm Jas Clarke Richd Coles K ChainberlaiaJG Crosby Sam Clark Edwd Oorw»liusCptJE Connou Sam Collins Bli Clements J W-2 CortelyonSO Connor F A-2 Coburn Dr J A Carusi S P-2 CaufTman Lt EL Collins Jj»o Carr Sam 8 Cole Frank F Chaniuan Jno Carl Lt SB Cooke Geo L CorneliusCpt J) Caldwell Sam Courtney Geo Carter J B Caulson 8 ~ ~ CunklinCnptJos Champion T Castello Isaac Carroll Thos Creager Jno F Cummings T J Conely Jas Collins Lt T B Cockrell Juo H Clark T Crandell J Carter Tbos Coddingtcn J B Crosby Dr T R Crocker COD Casilear G W CowrnGeo H Clark Geo L Cook MaJ G B Collard Geo W Carter Geo F Child Dr G P Campbell Jno Uastle CaptG T Campbell Jas Cady Henry A Cromlin JaK Converse Lt H B Collier JnoH Connors Hana C»wy J an DoggshaL H d rk 11 Clark H DeF Cole 11 V Jan. ble Uenry Child. H n ?adell Henry- Cole Capt W K Crane Lt W P Clement Win Conard W Coslix Cant W Corn.an Wm Carney Wni Cattell Rev W B Clark W H Carpenter Jas Caslon J no P Chase L Carter Luther _ Chandler LtLTl Cassidy Jas E Counellv >1 P JeGruminood A Dudley Henry II Donnelletty Mr AT l)avid*on II L Downy Michl >avlsAble Domndly Hugh Daridow M )auielsClement Dani'ls Jas DifGallads M )inkti-jr Chas A l)io liler Jno Davis ML Dearborn J U Desmond M P hi nwell C O )avis C E )»>r.nelly C A lonahew D C D rain<DrJ Pll DeckerN P Defabes Jas Duncan Jno II kirranee David Davenport J l._ T\ : .1 il it. : 1.. I >ay David (i .arrell L>r loun E W avies K 'arling Capt K lotherly 1 'avis Lt F C 'oublebowerFT ickson G A uud Geo aris Geo L owning G A onjslaiTf Geo issinger G-2 ecker Geo earing G T avim n Geo i lord Henry wins Alex dwards Chas isenhat Clias id rid ^e C II llnily J no Daffy I'atk Doian I'atk Divon V M l)>iiine Patk II DaljgriffeCapt J DewarRobt Dowell Jno Darai Richmond I'ennisori Jas Dt'lonp Jncoh Devin Lt Jno D Davis Silas T Dcnn 8am I Davy 8 II DiekinsonLtCol Davis Thos J W Devin Capt J D Dean Juo Dolkes Jos G Dull Jas-4 Dowd Wm 0 Dean W B Deekerton Wm Dumaw Wm Duvenberry W Duck Jacob M-2 Davidson Win DeNoterlod L Deavot Lewis B»rg Jas Dixon LB £ Bnler Geo Edsall H F-2 Eddy H J Dorcey Wm Degra.nl Win L <>ewitt W R Dittus Wm Edel Lorenz Evans I. D Easton Maj L C EdwardsJKcol'd Enright Morris shelman David Kpping J P M-4 verttt Edw aril Dr IS 1! llis Frank W lilenbrcok F ai l Geo A ikert. Geo Ibert Caj.tG t.-w!e A ndw rtszrr A B tmhaui A C Eisenhauer Jos Emer»«»n Jas T Emerson Cpt PH English S Evans Thus 8 Biison Capt J II Evans Titos Edwards Jno Ezrkjrl J w Kid ridge J ok it Fuller H W Foster Hav Foster 11 8 Ki'kert Capt T C Edwards Wm A Ea.it on Win Fairchild Gen L Pairlield Col L Fowler Mr Foro M Aie Frmeony Michl gtiMin Col A Fidle.nJas W landers ft P Fitzgerald Jno irrell* Barrett Frederick Jacob Fiinlon Michl ird Chas atlien Chas iord Chas rler David G .hr Edwin tulkner F 8 .ese Frank A ivor Geo W >aX&I «lrt («1>G fe Dr Geo 8 llbarv Henry imiss II F irrar W II Fitrgerald J U Fenser Ja«F Fuller J U Fri*hes Jno M Fulton Juo M Farnsworth Lt Col J G Fitzgerald Jno Frauz J no M Fox Kev Jabez Flynn Jas Fitzmaurice L Foster X F Frizzell N II-2 Ford Patk French RobtJ Fell 8aml C Fisher 8 Feetor Thos Fulney Timothy F it nam Thos Farr W A Filer Wm T Fendner Wm O Gatshnll II Green Michl GibbonbRev.'L-JGilmor- M (¦illettJno L GilluianOP Gribbin Jno Gilibs Oliver GroverCoi I G Gaillani Peter C Grenell j»s Giihoody Piiiiip Goldstein Jacob Gildings ShmiI Galla.uher Jiio (iuthrie S GornsonJnoR Gibl<d 8 J roll Abm S x.dell A C reen A It .11 A Jarkson iley Adam rn u Albert ibl<- Alfred II irbeii B iUBiner Chas rammer Chris CusmaiiJos jdown Chas G-otzioiter Jno 'bensteben C Goldsehuiidt J irtonACassadyGoodwin Jno N ist Chas Getzenirer Jno ¦urgia D C (i«»oUby Jjio C trdon Douglas Gray Jas I. .eenisr D >1 Cove Jonathan azier Cpt E A Green Jas F ru.ee J no G ibbti Capt J C G roves Jonah irdner E P nl>el E F bbett Geo entworth G P (ireen Jacob oul II (! enii \ llodte ¦cen Ilenry B lbeitll O innar A C .we >*a # ilier Albert-2 xlges Alli ed Kgins A M lck August >ed Abner T istings A C ill A J nrv A 8 irding A L in4 A C xlgmau A N lUil .. ^ .*- irt B-« Groves Jno Gr-en Jas Gray Isaar I. Gft4tnn U N II HastingsMajGS Henderaon I Givler S 8 Gerard H 5 Gorden i' W <iritlin Tbo.s Garrijran T C G-am&ir; 'Cneo A G ros\'eiiorM.\j T W Greene Win A Gnpen W F-2 Gilibens Wm Garret Wm Gelet W A Gibson Win F Gearvein Wm Graham W D 11 iebee Geo Harris G L Harrids Geo T Henderson li Hayden H-2 iieiliard H J -3 Hunter H P Ilavun lienrv He wit SurgllS- llardi astle II Hilton II W Howar Henry iwes BelliCo llulbert II .meuway Beu- Helnser II II letti lloyi Ilenry ivncc 0 £ Hawkins J C lilbaner Chas Hnnter Jos J ewlettCbas K, ward Chas miter Chas owe Chas P-2 i inet ke Chas olnies Calvin eaton Cha« utzler Call ill Chn- e«th DM «llis Danl cod Lt D II nvard D M iggins KdW'l Ilarbiesiin J jr Hudson Jno K Haunmre J W Hiland Jno Hamilton Jo>iahHa/ard W H Harrison Jas P Hutchinson W Henderson J A Hatrgerty W Hollen Robt Holiey R V Holland Robt il.tyes Robt W Hastings Richd Hollman Saial Ilibbert 8 D Hampton Silas Huff tilas IJurtinan Sanil Iinndrickson 8 Hiuton T II C llarrv Ryan Hiner Tboa Healey Thos Hord W II Hart Capt W T Honser Win S Hill Win J Holt W O Heatb W P-3 lieriing Jno lluucker Jacob Homer Jas llanlar Jno HarrigJos Hendurson J fc 11 antv Martin Huffiiid Wm Hunter W II T Hildreth W H Hammond Mai J HeuBtis W m II Hedires Wm Iligby Wm Hoaaat* Wm Hildredtii Wm Howell Win T Hinwoo<l Win Hiiffhvg Wm II Heller Wiu U Hulsk iser Peter Ileimer Jos x.a Jones Geo Irish Nathaniel IugerWl G II-2 Jones Saml E Jenkins Saml Jones Thos Johnson ThosD Johnston Win W Jacobs Wm H Johnson Wm H. Jenner Win H jr Johnson Wm K Johnson Rev WT Johnson Wm C Ijans Prof Wm E iiHter Col E M Hiller A Co arri» Klias Hartshorn M itching* E-S lless < l H over Erastu# HarrisOrin anbaek G H Hand Orrille urs-Gru W Halated 0 8 ess Geo * " aiiaghan M T eiikins Andw udd Albert 8 Mines B N Irwin H J ohiisoti Lt C W Johnson Jacob ackson DA C«-2 Jwhnaon J P ones Danl E Jennings J W ayne Danl J Johnson Jno ohnstonBAHWJohnrou Jno B Dgalls. KUwd IugersollJ ackson RevEW Jones J T ordan F W Jones J J ones FJ Jones LyndL obiison GJL-3 Jones Mr Jett !< or veil W K Krietinger F-2 Kent Col G 0-4 King Homer M ones Gus W temp Alfred usg Anthony Coch Adsm Liog.Andrewsft. Kurtz Harry LneezelAbui Kepple I' Cnapp A B Keller H Cnox Alex K Kelly Jas vingHonB KleeinanJno Udder Bjron A Kniftin Jas n uetchuiar LtColKeuney J W tienyC KentznerJno Crouse Papt C Kennedy Jno vubler Chrisn KrouzJno Cimball Danl Ketch Jos M (irkpatrickDW Knox Jas . -1-1. n..i vj_ i 4 t . Kennedy Martin King Oscar Kline Peter Keaoulty Patk ieleper Danl teyes Darid vilgore E 11 telly E E iilltief Kdwd Kepple Heury H Kueslaud Royal Kendenline Dr Robt 8 King Robt Kem. Smith A KnigbtSimeouM Katz T Kitchen T W Kneisley Yal'ne King Vernon BingWB Kip Lt Law'ce Knight Wm Kolb Lewis KnowltonWmH Knight Messrs .Kelley Wm A Co Kilsour Wm-2 Lord Col N B Look LtOrrin LamoreuxO H Locke Capt R W Lombard ER Lacey lion E B LaureuceCaptSB Leslie Thos 8 Lumpkin Thos Love Wm B Lloyd W N Lemmou « m b Linineg W P Lawrence, Wil¬ son Sc Li ^adne Qr'mr A Lanston J V .¦ittle A D Latcliaw J H jew is A Laeock Isaac >ddy Barney LeitllnJno jOckwood C C Lowrey Jno H .lowell Danl W Liudguest Jne ,yons E C LarrabeeJno -.ally Maj FS Loughim Jos W Lee Steplien'P >itcher Frank LattaJM LinehamTho- Liessing Ferd Leech Jos Lianckton G M Lee Jas 0 Looinis Col G Lake Juu Lawin H L LoyJno U^der Jesse Lowe Dr Jas A Lawrence Jno Lowe Jeremiah Lockwotd Jno S Labree Loren Leahy Jas Lesott Lewis H Lahey Jas Li vlngstonLaKLLwydig Wm M Leehee Jno Lahue Lt M LaKueWinU M McCormickA lex MeBaly Geo C Morrison L H McGonnigle AJ Marvin Lt G C Mclntee Mark McConaughyAB MerrellGenGW McNeil M Vledhan Abrau Malhet Geo Morrison M L McCalian Abm Murray Weo Maxwell M V Macomber A L McGeeG W . Maliin A P McKnightH Moore Albert McCloakey H Middagh Ayery Maml>erg«'r H Mordecai Maj A Marsh 11 W Martin Capt A Marvin H C Morris Capt A B Mellinger H Morrell Alvin Moore A Hart Miller A Sliner Henry Mi-llen A L MeAfeeSiirtrHM Mayer'^anl Manning Alfred McMillan Juo McDermott Pat Murphy Andw Magill J B MarrafPat Muller A MeWilliams Jae Medurd Paschal Matlock J G McIlvaineJH Mack Peter Merriman AL-12 McGilviu Juo Blauly Pat McCurdy A McCab* Jno Moir M J Memuan A L McKean Jas Mootry B-2 McCord Benj Moore Capt J M McCarty R Matthews Basil McGuire Lt J F McCormick Hon Marsh B C McKean Jas II BO as __ Mason 8aiu Maxwell Martin Mr Mitchell A.Barry Munson Miles MeLean Niel Mayers Otto L Mason 0 T McKee Awian McCall Philip McCarty Pat McCartl y Corn Mnrry C M Morri« Chas M ar. li Charley Mcl'ann Chas Miller Chas McConnell Jns McKanneyJas Mason Jas McLanghlin J McKev Dr Jno 8 A Mowery Simon Mills S D-2 Moser 8am A McOerey Thos McMillan Juo_M McKaiu Thos McAndergon Mcl viever Chas Mundell Jas <F Muller Chas Merniiield J C Morrison Maj C Michel John McCarthey_Cor MyeraJnoS McKenzie C F Mundell Jae Mnrrell Chas Milton Isaac J MnrtinDrOM Morrison Jno Mu phy CJ McCarthy Jno McKiobinColDBMarshall Jno P 1 Morris DeW C Martin flapt J O Meher Thos MrConib David Martin Jos K MayeWm May D W Mathiot Col J D Mull Wm Murphy Dennis McGheeJnoF Moore W B Capt T McKanna Thos McCune T G , Mclnernay Thos Murphy T McCormick Thoi Mnssman A Co Meagher Thos Moody J no M ah Lett J Morgan Jiio Moss Jaw Moor J no II Morrison D C Merrick D C-2 McFariden Edw McManus E P VcGuire £ p McShprry HonE Marks Jas J Moore Maj E L Mt-e J no T Motr« R a Moffett Edwd KcCaheF McAium Gee XcKtnney Q S Mabbett W 0-2 M&nard Yankey Morris Walter Mussey Dr Wm Mouley W B Mitchell CttpWH Miller W F Mabnr Wm M- ore Capt J M Morris W R MeAvvLaw'ee MontgomeryCap W B Morrill W C Moron J no E-3 Jiordheim B >< wman Chas Rott Cyrus L Neli»oii Edwd Nicholson G Norton 0 W Munibeim Jno Moxlerg L JET Nil hoi Jos N»il JaaO N'Sinith J C Nangln Isaac Nieholej John Xailor Jog M Nightingle U 3 O-Q O'Brien Anth O X*il John Uueen Ambrose OBrien John E O'Brien Dent-ix O'Connell Jere O.'ten Imoni 8 O'Bieley F Otis Capt G II Grtlf Ron G S O'Neil James Ossingijr Jno Osborn J as O'hrion John Quilleii SergtG 0 Bayle Jno F Overdrer Henry Neirard Mr Neyitt Robt Norton R 8 Newcomb 8 Newell T J Nnurse A W Nesbit Wm A O'llalloran Jas Quiiuhy Joan Osmond J alien Oakes Oliver 8 O'Neil Patk F Ostrander Peter O'Bnrne Thos Olmstead Win pl*v t>il» nt Cftbert sjfer iU tt MGt C Potter A D Pierdriinski A Parsons Alex People* CliS Front PaJaifei Pratt L Pined Lt Col Pleann C B Pyle Chs H Parker Col K G Pierpont Bdwd Parkhurst G A Powers (Jen II Piatt Geo O Pcarsall Of A I'rather Henry Palmer Harry P Parker Henry P«nii John W Pippitt H Phelps L^sler Patten H G-2 Parks M F Parkhnrnt J II Pendleton Mr Jiurdon Jos Parke M L Pettit Capt J M Patterson N A Parker Jas A S Paaren Dr N H Porter Jas F Pool 8 M Pearson Jas Ferguson Thos Parker John Powers Tbos-2 Potters Jacob H Peck Wm Pitman Jim H Peade Win PinckciTfln J J Powers W B Pickett Jas C Price Jos C Paid Julius Piatt J E Pafitengor W Parsons Wm B Pribble Wiu B Perry Wm RosseulkersrAB Bus* Geo F Robinson A N Kanney A Hiley Ben F Base Benton Roberson B Kisley Caleb M Robinson C W Hidlev Chs A Kichnrdson C O Kcitihardt C Rotrer* Martin Rosseter HonNT Richards Mat'w Bnndait Geo D Rom Geo Richards >n H W Reighard 0 H J Bobbins HO Richardson P H Rogers II P Raffenspeyer P Read Rev H W-2 Rogers R A Bowel Hiram P Heed Robert Roberson Jno M Riley Jno-2 Riley John R liayuiOLii Lt C1I Rogers Joseph Robinson C L ReidelJohn Kobei ts D A Reaidou David Hum. 1> J-2 Rjan l>aniel Rceder Danl liichards V. J Rofsiter Ednor [<. binson E F Roberts Frank Rest Frant/- H:. i se Fietrick Rep Frederick Ru.-sell F G Siensarietle G Rouse Gaylor E Robb Robt Kandall Robt J Rubens R Bobbins S D Rica Sarnl-2 Reinke.rten Jno Richardson Saml RobertsJMSc C"2 Ryan T J Koberts Sumner Rigwey Thos Kaodall J no ii RyauTnsH Ruby Jos A Rose Win W Raymond J no Rice Win P Read Jos Richmond Wm Rice BrigGenJC Richmond,Whit- Rich J D lock A Heed Hobart Rider Wm P Reynolds L Richardson W G Riddle Lewis C Rogea* Wm W Robin- -n Wm D Rolon Win Reaan Michl Renter Martin Rouse M B-2 ?ands A-hev S f?heder Geo W Strong LeRnv Jlmll Alfred C-2 Stroiip Geo F Hehrubier L ? ^trau^ Aden G Sesecovich G Smith Levi S Sterne A Scherde G Smith M S ;mitli ArthurW Scbrine.r G«o W Smith Corp M II ;aap August Smith Hunter Scheaner Milton ?toliker A lit am Smith UenrjH Htranahail Mr I B Sheldon Henry Snow Maj Shuyter II C Stewart Mr Miulenburg II B Shan in « re Mikel Stars Henry Smith M C Starks Het>ry C Smith S Blade Henry M ;atlord Alfn :ahadaA M ¦olomon B .impson B W :uiiivati B A :mith B ichonfeter Carl Steele Horace B ?ibley II B Sherman H J 8tass<-u II Stuart Henry R Spileger Ileury SttUl/Al' _tfwart J 11 Schloper J H Swan Jno C Semincs Juo E !cott Chas .uiith Cha1- F jchreener C W tack pole Chs Smith Carteu hnitbCl tintxnl u 'lms Ubas 'initb Lt C F-2 ;abin Cyrus L jomers D-2 'iillivan D»nl J fhea Danl ¦laiiacker D .pooner Dr 1 initIt DA !iuith Denis :tarr D !mith Danl ;i in peon D*vid 'tarr Danl .tandart I) - v-i.H ?nei>anJ Ailwa ;auierd K J spc Edwd H ¦wuiiii Edwd ^eeley C»pt EH Satikey J H vibinKH StellerJos .cott Ebeneser Sample J .>snd Edwin Savage Marvine Swart-7. Nathan Stetcher Nath ill Smitzer Col N B Sayrt- Owen R Stryker P A-2 Salisbury P B-3 Scott Capt RN Seiver Kolit-2 Stirls R W Sully Robt E Pjnittswood Jus Hiniih U<>l>t Speed .1 Levin Sliehan John Slonaker Jerry Sturgis Juo S Shirley J A Siower Joseph Sargent Jas Surgon Jacob' Silken J as Sabln S Doet Simons Saml 8evoys S M B Strisoli Santo Slifer S Savers Surj? S Scoot Sandy Scoyer Lt 8 F Seward Lt S H R Simkins Isaac P Schaumlmrg T SoirVorougb JP Scherwell Thos Stone -g Spragu< Snields Lt T P Stai ling J II Snyder Josiah Bcanlan John I'Us ue Thos M 'aulin Elijah .^eatirintr Ferd ;mi tb Frank itunrt Frank .ehniidt F G -rhen Geo ?tnith Geo P 'huye Geo ipple Garret Smith John Smith James Smith Isaac D Smith Jno F Swain Col J B ShaulJohn J Speed J F Stoekbridge V Sutter Victor jr Staether Wm Sliattuck W Sturdy Wm A Shilling W N Sherman WmF-2 Stevens Wm Stonffer Win Spaffonl W m J Snufl Sergt J W Shoemaker Wm8 Scot? John C Swan J W ^impson Oc^ B Ston© J W »mith G F Sehwing L jmart Geo _ Smith Lewis J ?tuyvisant G W Sanderson Levi Schneider L W Spauldlag L Sinclair L 'kiJrGeo F ¦itolpCottlnb ?tone Geo W Stepicher Wolf Suow W R <fc Co Shaw Willis Stout Wm B Scutt Wm H Smith WViucent Snifth Win Shrw W B rhettel A N Irairieii And raylor BC faylor Benj Thard Barton Tinfcer ChM.A riernan Chris rrebly Chas; Thomson C H (col'd) Taylor David Tinkbam Capt D W-2 Taylor B E Turner J Taylor i n T H 'no Thomas J B ?erry Jno & aylorJnoJ-2 Trumpon JoSiah Thompson Lt S Trulssoe P B Teller Robt Teaadale R T Trowbrid«e R E Tanszky Dr R Tilley Sidney N Taunton £ A Cot Temple 3- B ?aintor S A Co nton Thos Trc>«? Wm Turner Wm Truant Wm Tyson Joshua Tbarten Jerry Tilcoinb Job M Taylor Gen Jos TuttU Jao Taylor Jno B Turner J T Trembly J R Thompsou LtB-2Taylor Ool J W Thompson Win Thornton Fredk Tyson Jao 8 Tracey W D Turner FredS ThwingJasH TisdaleLtColWL Toy Isuiah Taylor Capt W R Taylor A-Lord Trenin Wm TinrtliLtColLW Thomas W H Tenney Melrin ATenlule Lt Col TiniouyMich WS TT-V Van Bnren*F B Varnura Jno M Uphant Alvin A oik Fred VanlnirenJV rmphreyFranVnVitalini H-2 Van Valken- TpperlieimerJ L Vanzandt Henry btirehP VanFtsssr A Yanrban Henry VoorhisCapt PH Varney Cbas T Verre Jas Van Camp Nathl A'ahKandon Frd Vassar John W WrightAbramE White G W-2 Wiley Lemuel Warner A W Warring GW Windhols Louis Wheeler Alonzo Wheeler G-2 Wergman L C Walker A R Wilson G J-2 Wilbur L D Wolfa Aaron Waagner Col G Welch Michl Wood A _ WellesJJaptdW Warren M Taylor Geo W Tucker Geo Tully Henry Turner J L Tyler Juo H Wollard J L WaraeaAW Wood Geo jr Witmer Abra H Wise Henry Wade Ben} 3¥'n* H B Winger Capt BF Wilsen H Watson BT WbitincHC Ward Benj Weils Henry W iuchMt eiCapt Wood Henry C B F Wheeler H H Wilson C X Wagon*r Jno WoodyardRevC Watson Jno WiiineAssSurCRWallace Rer J Williams C W Westfall J W WhoimaiiChas Waters Juo WeBtinghorse J Wilson Jno C Welsh Jas C Wickham J H WodupC F Wolborth C Whipple Chas Weiuf Chas Walker Chas Weeks Chas H WachterConrad West J A WiltheChas West J E Wansor David West J W Weed Dan Wood Capt J D Wollatt D F Welch Jfts W biting Cap DJ Wood J G Wilton Edwd WoodJesae Willson Edwin Watts Jaa H Wines Elias Ward Jas M Wilson FT-2 Work J B , ViarnerFredkD Wright Jacob Woodward F Wells J H Waters F M Wright Jas B W ener Gotleb Wyman L 3 Welch Geo R Wight L WeiserGottliel> Waldauer M Woodruff LtMR Webb N B Wixern O R Whitehead O C Wadsworth P Wilson Pitney Wermeren Peter Weirman Phillip Whyte Patrick Ware Robert Worrell R D Wilkinson Robt White Sam If Wilson £ylvau*s Wilder 8 W Waltman Jacob Wagner Saml Wartben Jno H Wheeler Thos-2 Young Henry i oung Harvy Y-Z Yonng Jas H Young Jos B Webb Thos D Welles Thos G Woodell Walter WoodburyWm H Wooster Win J Wombold Win Williams W H Woodard Wm Wilson Lt W L Webster W W Wells Wm West "Maj W Ward W Clay White Wm Wise W J Wheeler CapWH YoungTiniotbyA Young W in NATAL LETTERS. n/uSfvric».. SchrHaxan _ SchrEli/aPharoS ? k anA'lenSohr Gustav T 8ckr Louiw oCPr Ambition Hubbard Pharo-2 Allen 8chr Henrietta Sloop Petrel oC» y R Beebee Schr S P Uswes 8tr Alice Price ScJjrRnenavista2Sch Willow HarpStr Portland Three Schr A Heston 8tr Pacific c Yro*he" Schr Nancy R StrReinilane ^PfSeaBird Heager StrCAN Rogers Schr 8 W Brown Sch Gen HoffmanStr Lucy Rob- ¦¦ ¦ «>.ri 1.1. « i.wn 1 iirowil WIU UCU 4AW»»«U«»»" v diss Eisssftsai^b Schr Ma, tchr Jas t aoyn ccm Schr Oeean Bird BrigChas Heath "¦ " " StrB Blond 8tr T Rogers cm niunacoiui f:brOH Booths ^ rigGenBarnartlSchWin Kennedy aam;S Brig A BradsbawSchr Geo W 9tr Salvor ShipBrandywlne Rreb«-2 SJ ? ¦>. Str Long Branch 8tr Kate 21r ii**! StrMaior Belger Str Frank Leslie BtrUnited 8tatea Brig Jas Crosby Str Bdwiu Lewi. Schr ffix Sone Brig Crocus 8tr J M Lewis 8ch White <quall Schr Cher apeak eSchr Lydia Ann SchrSunnySouth Sch BelloConwaySchr Lamartint Sch Jonas Spa' ks ScfcConstitution Schr Alexr Law Si:hr Sarah Schr Convoy Schr Me en Mar Schr Streamlet Schr S B Corlutt Schr D S Miller Schr K T Smith SchrChinjjaioraSchr Ida V Schr Iram Smith Schr J B Oun- McCabe Schr S P Smith nincham Schr J B Myers Schr I. Smith SchrJuo Collin* Schr Memento Schr Louisa F PohrCorenc-2 Srhr Jennie Sraitlh Srh Yankee Morton §r!?r^?Sl^I 1 Doodle Sch Mignionette Schr Col Satt^rly SchLoM-ioADa*i'Schr Morris SchrGeoTwibsll Schr Da/.ilt» Schr Magellan 8ch MaryTanson Schr C Dennis Sch Mary MankinSchr Mary Tice Schr Dolphin Scur G C M«rris2?-chr MaryC lour Str Dragon Schr Jos Mar<h2 .""ebr Time Schr Saml Edely SohrSarahMills3 Br-jt Titian* Schr War Eaele Brig G<>n Mar- Briar Torn«do-2 SebGeoHd wards shall 4 Str John Tuckor Schr l-illie E Bge Metropolis2 Str Tigress Schr Elli<»tt-3 Bee Geo B Schr Union-8 ScbrJno Forsyth McClelian SrhrBA V»wn Schr Ann FennorBge Peter Ma- J?cb Mathew Str'Wanhattan ScftcSoline Schr Amos Pal-* Str Meigs Y»rginia-2 kenhurg Schr Napoleon Barge J B WiJsie Brie Black Fish SchGPNewcombBarfc Kingfisher Schr Fleetwood Schr Warren C Ship Oneon of StrWmHFraiier Nelson the Wf»t Str Forest City SchrOnrust-2 Schr L D Went- Str Fairy 8chrOpfiir-3 tforth Str J CGibKs S*<-hrM APredrewHchr RGWhildin Schr Globe-2 SohrPauville SchrKateWntker SchWra Gregory Schr S J Pickup Schr R U Wilson Schr Isaac Sch MariaPickupSchr Wm P Wil- Hinckley Schr J Parker liams Schr llelner Schr Palestine Schr Grace Wat- Schr Hebe Schr Presto ion ScbrDaniHolmesSehr Tbos Page Sch JohnWarren Srhr Heoae Schr R B Pitts Sch JH^eouians ^jt^^"k.^8AYLE^J^BOWEN^o«tmMter^ AMUSEMENTS FORD'S NEW THEATER, TENTH STRUT. ABOVI 1. Job* T. Fobd Manager and Proprietor (Also of Holiday Street Theater, Baltimore.) FRIDAY EVENING, Oot. 30. FARE VBLL BENEFIT LAST NIGHTBUT ONI OF MIS8 MAGGIE MIT0H1LL. THIS EVENING, The popular and excellent domestic drama, ^FANCHON,THE CBICBBT. Fanchcn ... . Maggie Mitchell T0-M0BK0W (Saturday,) Oot 81, Ltst night positively of _ MISS MITCHELL'S ENGAGEMENT. The distinguished Tragedian. J. WILKES BOOTH, Is engaged, and will shortly appear. > - nnHE MERRY CRICKEr, E'ER 80 WICKED.'* THE CRICKET CLUB WILT* ATTBSD MAGGIE MilCHELL'S FAREWELL RENEFIT On FRIDA Y EVENING, On. 30. AT F'RD'8 THEATER, TENTH STREET. Arrangements have been mads to have "The Cr:cket" presented on that occasion. All the young gentlemen or the city are invited to aid in so deserved a testimonial to gt nius, truth and grace. oc Zl-Jf OANTERBURY HALL. MU81C I CANTERBURY. \ AND HALL \ CANTERBURY. ( THEATER. Louisiana Avkhcs, Rear of National and Metropolitan Hotels. j 8. Erf wards ( DICK TURPIN; )H. W. Baganas as Dick Turpin< DICK TURPIN:'Squire Wltfmsy OB.LIfB ONTHE ROAD. Miss Julia J THE ABAB LAY. I Miss Millie Mortimer, \ THE ARAB LAY. J Fowler. Clara Fowler,/ LA SARAtfANDE }Ern DeFaiber, fti... *An0hA( ki i I ITA.L®* » un!«« iowU* A^TdTHE ALBUM OF BEAUTY! E. Murry, ( CORKOORAPHIO COBPd. ) William*, JJB.CUrkj COR&OGBAPHie OORPri. > Wood. Songs, I ENTIRE NEW OLIO. J Extrava- Dancts, S ENTIRE NEW OLIO. I ganxai. Open at 7; Peiformance at 8 o'clock. Admission, 25 and 5u cents. Saturday I Popular Family Matixkc J Saturday Afternoon. \ Popular Family Ma* inks (Afternoon. EX TEA GRAND MA TINBE, TUESDAY Nov.2, Benefit of Benefittf WAeSiioToS VmmuRQmm *st£s*; OC36 6t pASHIONABLE DANCING ACADEMY. MB. GOOD ALL, Professor and Tracker of and Deportment, baa the honor to announce that his Class for Masters, Misses, and voting Ladies will oommeaet at the Unirnn Ball,/ on llth street, » few doors from the ears. Pennsylvania avenue. on SATURDAY, Oct 1 S. m. Classes for Gentlemen on Tuesday and Satnr- ay evenings, from 7 to 10. Private lessons amy hour of the day. The Sceptre Exercise for Ladies, so mueh recom¬ mended for deformity and onesidedness; also, the Indian Clubs, for Gentlemen. Offioers and clerks make a note of it. Mr. G. continues to aire lesson on the Violin and Violoncello. Due notice will be given of his Classes at George¬ town Mrs. Goodall" will receive a limited number of pepils for Pianoforte and Singing. For cards of terms, Ac. please apply at hia rooms. oo I-lm* ^OLUMBIA CORNET AND STRING BAND,- to the. for PrL Exhibitions. wuh ur uu«,wri v, hhoiviw* required, at the shortest notice, by leaving orders at John I sens an *s, oorner of Pennsylvania avenue and 4th street east, HENRY IBB MAN. se9 3m" BOABDINQ. OR RENT.With or without Boat a. Four large a Well-furnished Communieating ROOMS^on 1st and 2d floors, at 339 18th street, corner of K; jm- mediate application. tteSS St* AT 393 FIRST STREET EA8T, BETWEEN A and B, Capitol Hill, gentlemen and their wives and single gentlemen can be accommodated with pleasant Rooms, with Board. References ex¬ changed^ oc ii lm* TT0U8B TO RENT AND BOARD WANTED IN II GEORGETOWN.- Board wanted for a gentle¬ man, wife, three mall children, and servant; two rooms required, (in a private family preferred.) A plain but oomfortable- furnished House to rant. Address Bex No. 96, Georgetown Post Oflce. ocB-3t* DOARDING..Several gentlemen ean beaccoa- modated with Board and Furnished Booms at a very pleasant loeation on the High ta of George¬ town J>. 0. For particulars apply at THOS WOUD- WARD'8, Est , West St.. Georgetown, oc 38 St* ftFUflONS Of THE FOUNDERS OF THE BE- nubUn on Negroes^ as Slaves, as OitUens and Soldiers. By George Li Termor*; file. Merivale's History of the Bomans, vol. 1: 91. .fashionand Famine. By Mrs. Ann8. Stephens; The Rejected Wifo. Ry Mn. D««»i|.na. The Heiress. By Mrs. Stenhsns; fl. The Old Homestead. By Mrs. Stephens; 91. Mary Derwent. By Mrs. Stephens; 91- _ Confederate (oficial) Reports of Battles; 92-50. 6 owmans Household Book of Science; tljo. May's Constitutional History of Buglana. J vols.; 98; [oc 281 FRANCK TAYLOR. f CONFECTIONERY. , Q The undertigned, late of Gantler's eele-W brated Confectionery, has opened, in the T Northern Liberties on I street, between 4th and 5th, a CONFBCTiONMY and OYSTER SA¬ LOON, where Ralls and Parties wUl be furnished with ibB CREAM at the shortest notice, and at the lowest prices. Give me a call, and I pledge myself that I will please the pubUc. se 39 lm* F. 8HA FRR. WOOD! WOOD I! 8AWED IN FOUR PIECES AND SPLIT FOR ONE DOLLAR PER CORD 1. C. McKNBW, Union Fire Wood Mill, Oorner Seventh street and Canal. HICKORK, OAK. AND PINE WOOD for sale oordlengtk.eheap.br N. C. MoKNEW, Oorner seventh street and Oanal. CO A LI OOAL1! COAL I!! °' lOti£i Si*"- N. 0. MoKNEW, Union Fire Wood Mill, set Corner Seventh street and Oanal £<0MBTHIN.t MEW FOR THE LADIES. is what the name implies, and combining in e neat merits^ with marhed favor, and hi«Wy reoom- .or -I. ^ M. Amu tor M"| ¦8T No. 30 M Central Sterns." opposite Orator Market. . »-!¦ WE Havo £t?£rt£*toffuefeestMOEuEalo Tongues, which we recommend to our customers. llth it. and YeroMnt *v. THE WEEKLY STAR. This excellent Family and News Journa containing a greater variety of interesting reading than can be found in any other, la pub J.shed on Friday morning. Tebu s. Ca*», invarUbiy in adeeww. Single copy, per annum. fti M Five copies 4 7f Ten copies. . M Twenty-five copies .....MM It invariably contain* the «Washinftoa News" that has made DU Dotty gvtn*$ Btmr circalate so generally throughout the country ¦sy Single copies (in wrappers) can ha pro¬ cured at the counter, immediately after Ma issue of the papeT. Prion.Tanm Qmm. TELEGRATH1C NEWS* [ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES ] FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Stramihip Grrmanii. Cape Hack, Oct 49..'The steamship (terma- ni:>. with dates to tbe*20thinsl, from Liverpool, fc:»f arrived off this point. The latest foreign advices ray the British Admiralty have decidrd to construct a new squnoron of iron gnnboats, armor-plated, dou- ble-screw propellers, to be armed with two heavy Arm si renr gans. The Alabama, Georgia and Tuscarora con¬ tinued (.raising around the constoi the Cape of (Jcod Hope. T he Vanderbilt had arrived at the Cape in pursuit ot the Alabama, and was repairing in Simon's Kay. Captain Srmtnes has sold thebarkSea Bride. No further captures have been made by the rebel vessels. Captain Semmes will not, from motives of policy, seek sn engagement with the Vinder- bilt, but, if bis vest-el should be blockaded by Iier in Simon's bay, he will endeavor to elude her as he did the San Jacinto at Martinique. Captain Semmes is of opinion that the Vau- derbilt is much faster than the Alabama, and if be should cone to close quarters with her he wouJd not get away. The Confederate loan is quoted at 9W7. mAllCF. The Moniteur 6aj6 movements in ttta Can- casus are serious. The Pajs denies that France has participated in the negotiations upon the Polish question, and states that Austria and England are en- deavoring to come to an understanding on the subject of au identical note. 1 he Vienna journals declare there can be no question of irolated action on the part of the three Powers on the Polish question. DESlliKK. A large number ot troops have been ordered to be massed in Schlesvig, on the southern frontier. RUSSIA Two division* of iniantry have been ordered to Poland, and several batteries, as reinforce¬ ments to the Russian troops already tbere. The Black Sea flotilla is being fnlly equipped. POLAND. Czarenspy's band has been completely de¬ stroyed near Lublin. The Hotel de Ville, at Warsaw, was set on fire by incendiaries and consumed. All the officials of Polish descent have bem replaced by tbe Russians. PAVED**. Stipulations in a treaty of alliance with Den¬ mark have been agreed upon but the ratifica¬ tion of the same will not take place until the German troops are dispatched to Holstem. THE IONIAN ISLANDS. The Parliament of the Ionian Islands havfl resolved that England's protectorate shall cease immediately upon the Senate being dissolved, and that the Ionian Islands should be imme- iiaiely annexed to Greece. JAPAN. Admiral Kuner's fleet had arrived at Ragos- .ma. Nego'iations having failed to obtain th«» satisfaction demanded, Kuper besieged the city indlevelhd.it to the ground, lie set on Are Prince Tatsuma's three steamers, and returned o Yokohama. Ragosema is one mass of ruins. The palace, factories, and arsenals are all de¬ stroyed. Arrival of the City «f Wnthiagten. Cape Rack. (>t;t. 2!>..The steimship City of Washington, with date* «. Rev. Henrv Ward Beeeher addressed a large indience, in'London, on the'20th instant, upon th<- lntrresis oi tbe North. Expressions of dis¬ sent were drowned in the general plaudits of [he vast assemblage. The Daily News says one of the most enthu¬ siastic meetings ever held in Loudon, mast iave convinced Mr. Beecher of the truth ot Karl Russell's assertion, that the ereat body )f the English people is with the North, and Muse him to return home as a messenger ot peace and good will between the two coun¬ tries. The Times combats Mr. Beecher's arguments, md declares he is not the man to convert the L9a * vi j- .v »: a V Continental news is unimportant. M. Baroche has been nominated Senator of France, and M. Delange as first Vice Presi¬ dent of the Senate. It Is reported that the new French loan of iixteen millions sterling would shortly be an¬ nounced. The Bourse is flat, at 67 francs 20 uentimes The Empress of the French is being honored n regal style by the Queen of Spaia. it is rumored France is strongly urging the expulsion of the ex-King of Naples from Rome. Cotton is unchanged. Breadstuff* steady. Consols 03. FROM CHATTANOOGA. Losses in the Last Engagement.Comma* nicatieas. Philadelphia, Oct- 29..A special dispatck to the Bulletin is as follows : "Cincinnati, Oct. 29..Oar loss in tbe bril¬ liant achievement at Chattanooga was only five killed and fifteen wounded of Gen Hazeu * brigade. General Pakner is assigned to tha command of the Fourteenth Army Co-pa. Communication will be opened between Bridga* port and Chattanooga along the Chattaneogi river." [8BCOND DISPATCH.] CHATTANOOGA, Oct. 27, ( via N A8HvfLLE Oct. 28.).Untrustworthy intelligence haa been re¬ ceived of the movement of a portion of Bragg'<* irmy under Longstreet, up the valley of the Tennessee river with the intention of operating against General Burnside. It is also believed here that a corps of Lee's army, under EwaH. is moving into East Tennessee, * by way ot Lynchburg for the same purpose. . Sale ef d. ft. Five.Twenties. Philadelphia, Oct. -29.The Subscription. Agent reports the sale of .5,712,009 of five- twenties to-day. This is the largest sale yet made in one day. One Boston house took over two millions. At this rate tbe amoant remain¬ ing unsold will be consumed in six weeks, or less. Tne ten days' notice which was published some time since only referred to the withdrawal of the loan by the Secretary while the amount authorized was unsold. So little remains that it will probably be left to be exhausted on tha principle of "first come, first served." Arrest af Parties Engaged is Centrabnnd Trade. New Yobk, Oct. 29..Several men were ar¬ rested yesterday In this city for being engaged in contraband trade with the rebels. Their o U/tmov, * fnsa palcutcc auQ Ol&UU* fscturer, McKee, Crocert and Oliver. Two of them are commission merchants, and the other a captain of a vessel. The fuses have been supplied to the rebels, and a regularly pre- pun <1 ich*m* of trad* with tti« South was in progress of being carried out. Tne arresieu. parties are now in Fort Lafayette. Launch ef the Ganbeat. New Yoke, Oct. 29..The gunboat Peronia was launched to-day. Baockade-Runweks Fined..Judge Advo¬ cate Stackpole, at Norfolk, Ya, has fined a number of blockade-runners, as follows : Geo. C. Buidette, fined one hundred dollars in gold: Benjamin Thomas, (alias Taylor.) twenty-flva dollars, United States money; John C. Fentress, twenty-five dollars, or one month's confine¬ ment; G. Barnes, released on taking the oath: Mrs. Blamire, fined one-hundred dollars, and Mrs. A. K. Staples, one hundred dollars. A New Rebel Idea..The Mobile Register of a recent date declared that "the negro Is no longer an object of small talk in the sonth. Tha people ot the south have a place for them and bat is in the army. There should be ao «»¦- tinction in color when a man is willing to tight for bis home aad master." The daughter of a respectable citisen or Charlestown, Mass., was seduced by a marine officer recently, under promise of marriam. and in order to avert the consequences of her indiscretion, attempted to commit suicide by taking poison. ' W Carlo Armellini, one of the Roman Tri¬ umvirate of 1M8, (Saffi aad Maxzlnl being the other two,) died in Brussels a few days ago, at the age ol 87. * VT A heavy snow storm prevailed In larra portions af Illinois and Missouri on Thursday and Thursday night, October 22. * tBT Confectioners in Philadelphia have not up their prices. Reason: Sugar is tad par bbL *7" The Richmond city council has aenro- priated f50,000 for the relief of the poor.

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Page 1: EVENING STAR THE WEEKLY STAR. - Library of Congress · publicVocalMusicatthat she will resume her instructions in No.420nthstreet,betweenHand I. Forterms, A.c., apply between the

V.. XXII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1868. N2. 3,330.



tun Pnra'A AV»«TTB AMD 1 iTH STBWTi

W. P. WALLAOH3ltper* served without wrappers by carrier*

1 Met per oopy, or 28 cent® per month. In|UkHM by carrier* at *4 a year, or 37 cent*Mr month. To mall subscribers tbe price 1*§«.«*> a year, if* advance; 82.50 lor six month*;IL28 for three months; and for lee* than threemonth* at the rat* of 12 cents a week. SingleW>1**> with or without wrappers, two cnarra.T*Apymirwufwra *uotUd be sent to th*

oao* before 11 o'olock v.; otherwise they maysot appear nntil the next day.

FOR 8ALE AND RENT.fOR SALE -Two new small BRICK B008B8.inr mh street. ntirE. si* rooms each, two square*from Jackson Park and Penn. avenue ; alio, a newriAMI HOUSE, fire rooms, on K street. Ho. 236.Inquire '23f> K street. Bear 17th street, or M. DS8-F08SE. baker, second door of 19th aal Penn. ave-

ane.¦ oeag-lw*

DESIRABLE HOUSE FOB 8ALB..A three-storyBrick House, nearly sew, * mtaining eightrooniF, if offered for sale, with or withoat the Fur¬niture, and immediate possession given. The titleis indisputable. Inquire at Room No. 3, "Todd'sBuilding." adjoining Metropolitan Hotel.oci.7 lw«

PIR RENT.With or without Board, severaltirat-ciass FURNIhHBD ROOMS, at No. 84Hi street, opposite Dr Sunderland'r Ohnrch.oc 26-tt*

A HAKE CUANC1 TO MARE MONEY .A first-class DHL'G STORE for sale, with a large stockof Fresh Medicines and doing a rood business, withFurnished House attached. Price for the wholeFatisfaetnry reasons siren for felling Ad¬

dress,with realname.APOTHBOARK, WashingtonP. ft '


IMPROVED SQUARE OF GROUND FOR SALS.We offer for sale that well-located Square ofGround known as Square No. 774, hounded by 3dic' 4th streets east and K and L streets north,rcntainiur about Kfl.W square feet of ground :enclosed, and has a small dwelling in the eenteriwith fins pell of wat-r. stabling, Ac. Tbe groundshave been ured as a Market Garden, aud possessessome choice fruit trees. For tbe purpose of a LagerBeer Garden or small farm, it it> Tery desirable,and will be sold cheap. Apply to J AS. C. Me-GCIBB & 00, An tion asd Commission Mer¬chants. oc 24 -2w

FOB SALS OB K\CBANfiE.. Valuable Lards,Cultivated Farms. Mill Property, in Ohio, Illi¬nois. Iowa, and Miasonri; will be soid cheap, or ex¬changed for Real Estate in Marylaud, District Oolumbia, or the loral part of Virginia, or would ex¬change for personal property. Inquire No. 7Law Building, Fifth street, or address Box 1033,Post Office, Washington, D. C. oc 33 1m1AABUILDIN6L0I8 F0RLSA8B0R RBNT,1 vU suitable ft r sutlers, restaurants and privateresidences within five minutes walk of tbe Presi¬dent's House. Inquire of A.JARDIN, corner of18th and M ate.. Washington. D. C. oc Him*fj*CRNisiiED ROOMS TO LBT-at 450 TwelfthJT street, between G and H.tw.j lower storyPARLORS, or one PARLOR and a large BED ROOMadjoining, both well furnished; also, several BSD-ROOMS Tbe local ion is one of tbe most desirablein Washington, and within five minutes'walk ofWillarMs' and Birkwooda'. No childr n in thehouse. se 28 tf

EDUCATIONAL.M VOCAL INSTITUTER8. CECILIA YOUNG K RETCHMAR Ha*tbe honor of announcing to her friends and thepublic that she will resume her instructions inVocal Musicat No. 420 nth street, between H andI. For terms, A.c., apply between the hours of 4and 5p.m. oo g'-oolm*

IBS BROOK.B'8 BNGLIStl AND FRENCHBearding and Day School, No. 130 Penn.av.,Seven Buildings. The ninth year and seventeenthsemi-annual session of this Institution will com¬mence on Monday, September 24th, 1863 Circularscan be obtained at the bookstores and of the Prin¬cipal. se 14-3m*


Rkal Estate. Claim asd Patent Aokxts,Corner Seventh and F Streets,(opposite Post Office,)Washikgto* Cut, D. O.N.B Commissioners for all the states, oc a-lm*JUS R. THOMPSON,



WILL OPEN ON MONDAY. 26TH,a very superior lot of


He invites his friends and tbe public to give hima call. oc 22-6t*



GOTTHBLF & BEHREND,3*9 Seventh St., bet, H and I,

Respectfully invite tbe attention of the public atlarge, a* well of eity and country buyers, to theirvery lrrge and well selected 8tock, comprisingalmost every article usually found in first-classNotion and Fancy Goods Houses.

TO DEALERS ESPECIALLY,Particular attention is invited to a large and well-.elected Stock of TOYS for the Holydays.Also to

LADIB8 BUYING FOR FAIRS,A general inducement will be given. oc 15-lm*

J A D I E 8 ' DBB88 FURS.The undersignel hav* just opened the largest

¦tock of Foreign and American FUB8 ever offeredin this city, such aa.Hudson Bay 8ABLB, BBMINB, MINK,FITCH, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL,IMITATION OF BBMINB.WATBRM1NK, FRENCH OOONY,And other FUBS in set a for ladies and children,Also, FUR TRIMMINGS and 8WAN8D0WN.Gentlemen'* MUFFLBR8, ROBES, Ae , Ae.We are also receiving daily addition* te oar

.took of DRY GOODS, such as-

CL0AK8, SHAWLS. DRB88 GOODS, BMBBOID-BBIBS, Ac., at a small advanoe for trst cost.

S. A W. MBYENBBBG,48 Market Space,

between 7th and 8th streets, and*r th*ocap-lm Avenne Hon**.

IMPORTANT TO FAMILIBS -The undersignedhaving perfected his arrangements la Philadel¬

phia, New York and Boston, take* tki* method ofInforming his old customer* and the public gen¬erally that he U receiving daily by exprees.Prime Chaster County Beef,South Down Mutton,8alem county(N. J.) VealPrim* Philadelphia Butter, Cayons,Bucks county and Hew Jersey Chicken*,Sweet Bread, Pheasant*. Partridge*,Grouse^ Sni^e^Woodeock, and every luxury of theBocton Clear Pock. Soused Pig* feet and Tripe,Smoked and Pickled 8almon and Halibut,Alao, a large supply of Foreign and Domestic

Fruit* and Vegetable*.To familie* and other* giving .atertainment*

this is th* cheapeat and boat also* In Washingtonto purchase, THOS. B. WILSON,

119 Pennsylvania avenne,oc 2&<m between l»th and yth street*.




THBIB TRADB.It **1I* very rapidly, and is the moat economical

article of diet f the offleer'a meaa. It ia preparedla one minate, and mafcea a most delicious Soap or

Ohowder. It ia highly recommended by ArmySnrgeona. The profit* are large.


Manufacturer of Concentrated Food,No. Ill Bast 18th st.. New York.

For tale by BARBOUR A 8BMMB8, Sole Agenta.6f Loaiaiana Avenne,

_.**-ly Washington, P. O.

|l..Da NOTIOB.OABBRS, Grocers, Flour and Feed Dealers, Sut¬ler* fchippera, Hotel Keepers and other* are re-¦peetfuHy informed.they can be supplied with allde^ptioM of FLOUR. ftBAIN, FEED, HAY and8TBA W. Ac .Ac., of the choicest quality, at New

" ,i,L,,a0ir5SS0!lSlVi2i,.iVoaMSm* near B. 4, O. Railroad'Depot.

JGA8 FIXTURB8. W. THOMPSON A CO.. 26» p»M avenue

having refitted and tarnished their chandelUrroom, are prepared to exhibit the alatent andhanfaomeet assortment of GAS 0HANDBLIER8and BUBNEBS to be found south of PhiladelphiaTheir atock ia from the celebrated factory of Cor¬nelius A Baker, and ia fold at the manufacturer'aprices. Call aad aee before purchasing.oc a Sw lOhrou . Intel A Sep.]

DB. W. B. HURLBY, LATB OF NA8HVILLBTenn , takes this method ofinforming the eitl

ens of this city that he proposes to practice hiirofession. For the preeent he ean be found aITS Eighth street, bet M and N. Sin'5?TBA CHEAPEST CLOTHING HOUSB 1* a

UOJ AO.', dS4 Sev*att at. tlU




Adains CathAnhtan HelenAshton JaneAnson* AnnjrArrold JennieBrrk EllenBirch Maggie JBurgo Mary J

LADIES' LIST.nurd Minnie Petit CorneliaHeath MrsLwisS Perkins Mrs

LeonardPitcher Mrs O PReid Mis* WillieRobeyBdward in*Rossetor Minnip

Ryer HenryRiley Jn'iaRosell JennyBosbury Mtiry C

Homes Miss £Hint** Julia AHicks PinkHamlin JennieHenry MaryHanilinMr«GeoPReadMr*Revii \V

Brool:s Mrs Albt HarrimanSarhA Richards Mrs PDBrown MaryS Hooper Lucy Rhodes Elizbth ABoil Mrs J Hibbes Mrs E F Reed Mrs BnshrdBrown Priscilla Harkness Margt Reves VirginiaB»t Julia M M HigginsHannah Ru«e M&ggieBr idwell Laura Harrison MrsRS Riley Katy KBuchanan Mrs Hutchison iiar't Robinson Nellie

WA Hocktort Anna P Reiley Mrs 8 WBarnhart MolieFHinton Duleeny Ritnal SusauBrooken Mrs HeydonETi/.abth Riley AnnieBcrkeiibaugh Holan Anna Rider SusySally Hopkinson Lara Richardson

Bl inker Mrs Rnilaunan Kate Clara CBrornnts Miss Haftkln* MrsMB RicliardsonKatieBoltrieJ-2 Jones Hellen Russell Jennie

Boker Mrs Shepelngraham Mrs Reiley Mr« EButlerMrsDrWH Timnthv BobertsonElizthBerry Mrs Elm'a Johnson Eliza Reddic AmandaBruce Cath Johnson The-Benton Sarah M rese KMi. vie Cornelia Johtsou Eli/.aBetter Miss Jackson Missf.iMler Mary F. JefTersonMarth ARivers Kateliajloy Mary A-2 J nin Elizabeth Rodgers ElizbthBarton Mrs TIE Johcson Ella Sherbaner MarthBenton Emily Jones Mary Smith BarmeliaBnnttanCsrolineJaeobsMrs MAE SpottswoodMryJBrannin Eiira Johnson Mrs Smith Elizahth PBroken M%ry E Knight Mrs K R Smith Clara KBender Jlrs B Knott Mary C Shreve Gertie ERi"oin'ev Eliza J Kane M rs Lewis Scott MeliudaBucklow Anna Kane Mary Shnw Mr.ryBureloHenriettaKilby Mary Sotreri AddieBfakoy Georg'naKelseyMissFrnk Shearer JnlistClarke Emma Kellog Mrs Steel Sophia A

Horace L Siott Jennie RKellog Mrs Geo Sraoot Mary BKalbo ron SophA Steel SopliiaKriowles KateC Sears MargaretKeveny Mrs Smith Carrie L

Curti«s MrsWW Luce Ella E Shell Mrs N JCantilori Mrs Lee Mr«ChapmnSparks Sarah ADhamberlaiiiMrsL«-achi- Maggie Strains LauraCasey Katy II GCassevMiss ""Le.itt FrancisDole Martha Lewis AnnaClark Clarah A Li-ssig Rhuben"lark Katie Listen EllenColeman MrsGeoLivert HarrietJoleinan Kate Ln^an Mrs T IICrowell Mrs J H Lioinin Mrs M


Coleman Kate LaSa 1- Nancy P Sandford Josph'eClaiupilt ElizaM Lainonte Ada Summers MissCasey Maggie Lilly Lucinda R EugeneCnrtland Ada LoomisLevi StephensonEm'aCrowell MrsJHy Lnbbnck Mrs M Simpson MarstDapitolla Miss LeoiiardFrneesESineiair Mrs F LJarterMr'JoshBLineburg- Lizzie Shippurt MissMSbarter Susan Mince Margaret Schneider Mar-Dull Mrs B T Moore Louisa icarethaDuiii' Maggie Magruder FannyScbiffer Mrs AdmDeKrafft MrsDP Myers Eli/a V Stanley Mr- Ji..sDennis Mrs J E Munneretts Sterry Sarah V

Mrrgaret Stansbiiry MargtMellow Frances23e,hwarfz funnyMundmhall Mrs SuarinauEli/.thEMarrMrsJasF Swheney Mary

DennisE izbhRBMoore Celeste E Shaughrissy MryDavis Mrs Liew Milliken * arah Sehenker Eli/.aMadden HanorahTilghmnnMaryEMonchennan Thayer E l.-nLizzie Tho in psor: JaneMitchell Kli/hth Taylor Elizabeth

Minfort Frauees Taylor P«n<'loDelT. l. .. \r i" .

Coke EmilyClarke EmmaComes Li/.zieCruana EllenCryer Rebecca

Stephens Sarah AStClair Amuda MSoutherland IdaSolemon LauraSummer Mrs CStephensonEm VSimmondsJsph'vSommersAdeline

Daily CntliDornn Blary ABowling MaryDaley Ellen

Davis MaryDaniels JaneDeyandre JuliaDinen Sophia 2Douehoe CathDonaldson Mrs Morris LSaxie

HE Martin Mrs MDonnboe Annie Myers LizzieDeuehertyAna PMason Mr=Devlin Cath M y«*r* MeniaDavis Ellen Muhlitc KliciaHeXlarboisBlnch Morrir- Liz/.ieEichhom Muika Miller Mary Siillsworth Miss Masters EllenMarrian McFarland Mrs

Pnnis MargaretJ Gfo T

Ta>lor Mary ETowers KatvTannatt T KTolson MarvTill hot Di'li'UThomas MariaTurner SusanVmiRerdMis-MPVan /andt EtiaWeir Mary-Wiley Eartmra

McCurdv MrsJR Waite Mrs ilMcCathrin Mrs Wilson SallieMcC'loy MraPhebe 8

McFuul Mar\ LMcKay Mrs C E

Sncelhrest MrsSvers CathEarley FajiuyI'reiirU Mary?o ' rah Jflenry Mrs Weithy

footer Ssrah Krisher Julia BFausnochtMargtNutten Anna Williams Fanny

Wright Mrs G WWoods SurahW onderA unit)MJWfhster E'.leu

McCartey Ellon White IioniseHf'OecM'fi w ii »f_-1 :;,qMcCristal Wanl Mrs A J

h'alkner Annireen Mary J3ool Mary3ooff Ann F3ier Mrs M

Nelson Susannah Wilson MattieNaylor Ann E Walker MrJNeedham Mary GardnerNorris ErnraaR3 WelkersouNeat:n:in Ann

learner Sophia O'Connor EllenBaariut Kate Orris Mrs Syl-r>ilbert Mrs E E vester Jliorman Margrt Oliver MissRa*kcll Emma Owens Frances[Soodwin LousaFOgden Alrrs WGreim Betzy Palmer EllenBnthrie Mrs P N Piatt Mrs KohtBravgom AmndaPeck Anna[iallagher Brdgt Perry Adeli/a

Amidia 3Williams Mary EWashingtonBicker

WilliamsOpheliaWillard AgnessM'oodhull EllenFWaggaman MrsLWhittam MissA M

Williams Mary ABri-ean Miss Pinkney Mrs A AWilliams IlattieQurleyMrsRevrePascnt Jos*!phneWilson Ellen[Jalindo Laura Pynn Mrs Webster Ad lieUilli"anM Pillsbury Mary WatusowskaBaswaT Lncinda Plarker Elizabtb Mrs J deHodge Margt A Pagnain Mary Webster CarolneHoward Lizzie Parker Emma Young MargaretHolmes Mrs E 8MisCKLLaSbdos..Miss T. P.; Melville.


Abrsms AndwAlstead Lt A-2Alexander A GAll»n Amos jrAdler A LAdner ChasAnchultz CarlAbbertson C WAvory ChasAdams D JArmstead Dr DAndrus 1) W

Benedict ABoss A JBuelle A D-3Barrett A-2Billings ABroadnax ABergen AndrewBarker AndrewBender AaronBurr A JBruyn AndrewBurke AndrowBain Chas EBrown Chase &Baker CalvinBritton ChasBall Chas HBundav Chas SBrotherton C-tBrower D R-2Brown D 0Bible D PBliss Dr D WBrown DrBowne E KBradley EBefkwith E PBlount EdwdBaker EBates Surg E FBarrett ElijahBreck E FBlsbou ElijahBell Enoch GBrosman E JBurnham EBarker E DBakerCapt EJ JrBuck F NBlondeau GBurnside G WBrastow Geo DBeamont GeoBlyeGeoBarry Geo WBoswell GeoBely G W PBowlsbyGeo WBakerG FBoyers Geo W

Adams C&pt P C Arnold K II jrAmes Capt D G Arnold LewisAnderson H JAmes H 8Atchison JasAbbott J BAllen JuoAbrams JasAtwell J no HAllen Jacob B

Ackerman MAllen 8 WAked TbosAlston ThoaAnderson W l>Allen Wis* fcAvery Win 0Allen Wn

ArmitageCptJWAyers Jonathan

Burns Henry Bressau NelsouBrowniugCaptH Barlow N LBerry Henry BeachNathnlBrosnan Hugh Barns Surg N SBoltwood H L Breni»eT 0 CBrown Harrison Bruce O GBell HenryBramble H 8Bahcock H GBaldwin H BBailaw JasBachman J H

Ballard 0 WBachtell P CBannes PeterBly Lt Perry -2Bergeoin Lt P PBrooke Kobt

Baker Jonathan Berry RudolphBarclay J M Brent RCBowen Jno W Bennett R JBriney Jno E Barry RichdBurne'ston J U Beale MaJ RBurtschy J A Brown R JBailey Jacoc E Burns KobtBrownell J A BostwickCol R 3Bradford Ira B Bargy BanceBarton Jos Baxter 8 8Buehanau J L-2 BroofcsSMBurnellJosG Brown SamlBartram J J Bilyen SanforJBennett Jas Bishop S EButterBeld J R Bros Sanger A CoBrownley Jos Butler Dr S W-2Billcs Ja« Bachliu 8 EBonner Jas M Burdge 8 ABrooks Rev J D Bruce TheoBoggsJno Brayton Thos RBoalJJ Bird Thos RBrown Isaac Boudinot TBoice Jas R Bradley Cpt T HBaryJos Blowers LriahBlack Jacob Bomb WmBrown J H Buck WmBooreley L Blossom W A-SBr«wnsonLtLJ-2Bennett CaptWTBeardsley Leri Brinton Wm RBeall L li Bailey W TBurdock Lewis Byers W HBrown Lewi). Bennett Wm WBell l.tnvis W Barry WmBrown M B Brisban Wm MBurcke Mr Blanchard WmBayley Morris Browning Win VBeau Moses H Beeker Wm MBridwell M T Butlor Dr W H

UClark A D Capron JosCunninghaniCptCoxson J G

Croggins MrChesbro M V

Calnoun AndwCollins A GGaboon Betii ACrowford ChasCampbell C SCaswell C BCbildsChasColeman ChasCrane Burg C II Camp J J_CuuninghamCpt Ch#Connors ChnsCaswell 0 8Conrey D BCoonrad DConnolly DanlOurrier EdwinClieve Edwd

CaudonJ or Hal-Carroll Morrispin Collins M J

Chapman J B Culpepper MCunninghamCpt Chaney Ma.iJ L-^3 _ ^

Conever M CClinton MarkClark Lt N CClover 0 MCoburnJ HCrump OCorry OscarCollins PatCorriclew PatCnrey Beter FCoyle PeterCroning Pat TCooper R B

Ci .iwford JnoCalkins Jas AConover JacobClark JnuC

CuuninghamRD.'in Ro"

_.amj J WCook Jno

81arke Jno Wlynch Jno

Camp Jne JCook Jas ACase Capt Jno

vneve j&uwu Critcherspn J -...¦¦¦¦.i*-"-'Clarke Ephraim Cnr^ef.J*" .

Coffin RobtCummiiiKt ¦ J CampbellCpt JB Clarke pCullamer E 8 Colbnm Jas Clarke RichdColes K ChainberlaiaJG Crosby SamClark Edwd Oorw»liusCptJE Connou SamCollins Bli Clements J W-2 CortelyonSOConnor F A-2 Coburn Dr J A Carusi S P-2CaufTman Lt EL Collins Jj»o Carr Sam 8Cole Frank F Chaniuan Jno Carl Lt SBCooke Geo L CorneliusCpt J) Caldwell SamCourtney Geo Carter J B Caulson 8

~ ~

CunklinCnptJos Champion TCastello Isaac Carroll ThosCreager Jno F Cummings T JConely Jas Collins Lt T BCockrell Juo H Clark TCrandell J Carter TbosCoddingtcn J B Crosby Dr T R

Crocker CODCasilear G WCowrnGeo HClark Geo LCook MaJ G BCollard Geo WCarter Geo F

Child Dr G P Campbell JnoUastle CaptG T Campbell JasCady Henry A Cromlin JaKConverse Lt HB Collier JnoHConnors Hana C»wy J anDoggshaL H drk 11Clark H DeF

Cole 11 VJan. ble UenryChild. H n?adell Henry-

Cole Capt W KCrane Lt W PClement WinConard WCoslix Cant WCorn.an WmCarney WniCattell Rev W BClark W H

Carpenter JasCaslon J no PChase LCarter Luther

_ChandlerLtLTl Cassidy Jas ECounellv >1

PJeGruminood A Dudley Henry II Donnelletty MrAT l)avid*on II L Downy Michl>avlsAble Domndly Hugh Daridow M)auielsClement Dani'ls Jas DifGallads M)inkti-jr Chas A l)io liler Jno Davis ML

Dearborn J U Desmond M Phi nwell C O)avis C E)»>r.nelly C Alonahew D C

D rain<DrJ Pll DeckerN PDefabes JasDuncan Jno II

kirranee David Davenport Jl._ T\ : .1 il it. : 1.. I>ay David (i.arrell L>rloun E Wavies K'arling Capt Klotherly 1'avis Lt F C'oublebowerFTickson G Auud Geoaris Geo Lowning G AonjslaiTf Geoissinger G-2ecker Geoearing G Tavim n Geoi lord Henrywins Alexdwards Chasisenhat Cliasid rid ^e C II

llnily J no

Daffy I'atkDoian I'atkDivon V Ml)>iiine Patk II

DaljgriffeCapt J DewarRobtDowell Jno Darai RichmondI'ennisori JasDt'lonp JncohDevin Lt Jno D

Davis Silas TDcnn 8am IDavy 8 II

DiekinsonLtCol Davis ThosJ W

Devin Capt J DDean JuoDolkes Jos GDull Jas-4

Dowd Wm 0Dean W BDeekerton WmDumaw WmDuvenberry WDuck Jacob M-2 Davidson Win

DeNoterlod LDeavot LewisB»rg JasDixon LB

£Bnler GeoEdsall H F-2Eddy H J

Dorcey WmDegra.nl Win L<>ewitt W RDittus Wm

Edel LorenzEvans I. DEaston Maj L CEdwardsJKcol'd Enright Morris

shelman David Kpping J P M-4verttt Edwaril Dr IS 1!llis Frank Wlilenbrcok Fai l Geo Aikert. GeoIbert Caj.tGt.-w!e A ndwrtszrr A Btmhaui A C

Eisenhauer JosEmer»«»n Jas T

Emerson Cpt PHEnglish SEvans Thus 8

Biison Capt J II Evans TitosEdwards JnoEzrkjrl J wKid ridge J ok

itFuller H WFoster HavFoster 11 8

Ki'kert Capt T CEdwards Wm AEa.it on Win

Fairchild Gen LPairlield Col LFowler MrForo M AieFrmeony Michl

gtiMin Col A Fidle.nJas Wlanders ft P Fitzgerald Jnoirrell* Barrett Frederick Jacob Fiinlon Michlird Chasatlien Chasiord Chasrler David G.hr Edwintulkner F 8.ese Frank Aivor Geo W>aX&I «lrt («1>Gfe Dr Geo 8llbarv Henryimiss II Firrar W II

Fitrgerald J UFenser Ja«FFuller J UFri*hes Jno MFulton Juo MFarnsworth LtCol J G

Fitzgerald JnoFrauz J no MFox Kev JabezFlynn JasFitzmaurice L

Foster X FFrizzell N II-2Ford PatkFrench RobtJFell 8aml CFisher 8Feetor ThosFulney TimothyF it nam ThosFarr W AFiler Wm TFendner Wm

OGatshnll II Green MichlGibbonbRev.'L-JGilmor- M(¦illettJno L GilluianOPGribbin Jno Gilibs OliverGroverCoi I G Gaillani Peter CGrenell j»s Giihoody PiiiiipGoldstein Jacob Gildings ShmiIGalla.uher Jiio (iuthrie SGornsonJnoR Gibl<d 8 J

roll Abm Sx.dell A Creen A It.11 A Jarksoniley Adamrn u Albertibl<- Alfred IIirbeii BiUBiner Chasrammer Chris CusmaiiJosjdown Chas G-otzioiter Jno'bensteben C Goldsehuiidt JirtonACassadyGoodwin Jno Nist Chas Getzenirer Jno¦urgia D C (i«»oUby Jjio Ctrdon Douglas Gray Jas I..eenisr D >1 Cove Jonathanazier Cpt E A Green Jas F

(¦ ru.ee J noG ibbti Capt J CG roves Jonah

irdner E Pnl>el E Fbbett Geoentworth G P (ireen Jacoboul II (!enii \ llodte¦cen Ilenry Blbeitll O

innar A C.we >*a #ilier Albert-2xlges Alli edKgins A Mlck August>ed Abner Tistings A Cill A Jnrv A 8irding A Lin4 A Cxlgmau A NlUil .. ^ .*-

irt B-«

Groves JnoGr-en JasGray Isaar I.Gft4tnn U N

IIHastingsMajGS Henderaon I

Givler S 8Gerard H 5Gorden i' W<iritlin Tbo.sGarrijran T CG-am&ir; 'Cneo AG ros\'eiiorM.\j TW

Greene Win AGnpen W F-2Gilibens WmGarret WmGelet W AGibson Win FGearvein WmGraham W D

11 iebee GeoHarris G LHarrids Geo THenderson liHayden H-2iieiliard H J -3Hunter H PIlavun lienrvHewit SurgllS-llardi astle IIHilton II WHowar Henry

iwes BelliCo llulbert II.meuway Beu- Helnser II IIletti lloyi Ilenryivncc 0 £ Hawkins J Clilbaner Chas Hnnter Jos JewlettCbasK, ward Chasmiter Chasowe Chas P-2i inet ke Chasolnies Calvineaton Cha«utzler Callill Chn-e«th DM«llis Danlcod Lt D IInvard D Miggins KdW'l

Ilarbiesiin J jrHudson Jno KHaunmre J WHiland JnoHamilton Jo>iahHa/ard W HHarrison Jas P Hutchinson WHenderson J A Hatrgerty W

Hollen RobtHoliey R VHolland Robtil.tyes Robt WHastings RichdHollman SaialIlibbert 8 DHampton SilasHuff tilasIJurtinan SanilIinndrickson 8Hiuton T II C

llarrv RyanHiner TboaHealey ThosHord W IIHart Capt W THonser Win SHill Win JHolt W OHeatb W P-3

lieriing Jnolluucker JacobHomer Jasllanlar JnoHarrigJosHendurson J fc11 antv Martin

Huffiiid WmHunter W II THildreth W HHammond Mai JHeuBtis Wm IIHediresWmIligby WmHoaaat* WmHildredtii WmHowell Win THinwoo<l WinHiiffhvg Wm IIHeller Wiu U

Hulsk iser Peter Ileimer Jos

x.aJones Geo Irish NathanielIugerWl G II-2 Jones Saml E

Jenkins SamlJones ThosJohnson ThosDJohnston Win WJacobs Wm HJohnson Wm H.Jenner Win HjrJohnson Wm KJohnson Rev WTJohnson Wm CIjans Prof Wm E

iiHter Col E M Hiller A Coarri» Klias Hartshorn Mitching* E-S lless < l Hover Erastu# HarrisOrinanbaek G H Hand Orrilleurs-Gru W Halated 0 8ess Geo * "

aiiaghan M T

eiikins Andwudd Albert 8Mines B N Irwin H Johiisoti Lt C W Johnson Jacobackson DA C«-2 Jwhnaon J Pones Danl E Jennings J Wayne Danl J Johnson JnoohnstonBAHWJohnrou Jno BDgalls. KUwd IugersollJackson RevEW Jones J Tordan F W Jones J Jones FJ Jones LyndLobiison GJL-3 Jones Mr

Jett !< or veil WK

Krietinger F-2Kent Col G 0-4King Homer M

ones Gus W

temp Alfredusg AnthonyCoch AdsmLiog.Andrewsft. Kurtz HarryLneezelAbui Kepple I'Cnapp A B Keller HCnox Alex K Kelly JasvingHonB KleeinanJnoUdder Bjron A Kniftin Jas nuetchuiar LtColKeuney J WtienyC KentznerJnoCrouse Papt C Kennedy Jnovubler Chrisn KrouzJnoCimball Danl Ketch Jos M(irkpatrickDW Knox Jas. -1-1. n..i vj_ i 4 t .

Kennedy MartinKing OscarKline PeterKeaoulty Patk

ieleper Danlteyes Daridvilgore E 11telly E Eiilltief Kdwd

Kepple Heury H Kueslaud RoyalKendenline DrRobt 8

King RobtKem. Smith AKnigbtSimeouMKatz TKitchen T WKneisley Yal'neKing VernonBingWB

Kip Lt Law'ce Knight WmKolb Lewis KnowltonWmHKnight Messrs .Kelley WmA Co Kilsour Wm-2

Lord Col N BLook LtOrrinLamoreuxO HLocke Capt R WLombard ERLacey lion E BLaureuceCaptSB

Leslie Thos 8Lumpkin ThosLove Wm BLloyd W NLemmou « m bLinineg W PLawrence, Wil¬son Sc

Li^adne Qr'mr A Lanston J V.¦ittle A D Latcliaw J Hjew is A Laeock Isaac>ddy Barney LeitllnJnojOckwood C C Lowrey Jno H.lowell Danl W Liudguest Jne,yons E C LarrabeeJno-.ally Maj F S Loughim Jos W Lee Steplien'P>itcher Frank LattaJM LinehamTho-Liessing Ferd Leech JosLianckton G M Lee Jas 0Looinis Col G Lake JuuLawin H L LoyJnoU^der Jesse Lowe Dr Jas ALawrence Jno Lowe JeremiahLockwotd Jno S Labree LorenLeahy Jas Lesott Lewis HLahey Jas Li vlngstonLaKLLwydig Wm MLeehee Jno Lahue Lt M LaKueWinU

MMcCormickA lex MeBaly Geo C Morrison L HMcGonnigle AJ Marvin Lt G C Mclntee MarkMcConaughyAB MerrellGenGW McNeil MVledhan Abrau Malhet Geo Morrison M LMcCalian Abm Murray Weo Maxwell M VMacomber A L McGeeG W


Maliin A P McKnightHMoore Albert McCloakey HMiddagh Ayery Maml>erg«'r HMordecai Maj A Marsh 11 WMartin Capt A Marvin H CMorris Capt A B Mellinger HMorrell Alvin Moore A HartMiller A Sliner HenryMi-llen A L MeAfeeSiirtrHM Mayer'^anlManning Alfred McMillan Juo McDermott PatMurphy Andw Magill J B MarrafPatMuller A MeWilliams Jae Medurd PaschalMatlock J G McIlvaineJH Mack PeterMerriman AL-12 McGilviu Juo Blauly PatMcCurdy A McCab* Jno Moir M JMemuan A L McKean Jas Mootry B-2McCord Benj Moore Capt J M McCarty RMatthews Basil McGuire Lt J F McCormick HonMarsh B C McKean Jas II BO


Mason 8aiu

MaxwellMartin MrMitchell A.BarryMunson MilesMeLean NielMayers Otto LMason 0 TMcKee AwianMcCall PhilipMcCarty Pat

McCartl y CornMnrry C MMorri« ChasM ar. li CharleyMcl'ann ChasMiller Chas

McConnell JnsMcKanneyJasMason JasMcLanghlin JMcKev Dr Jno

8 A

Mowery SimonMills S D-2Moser 8am AMcOerey Thos

McMillan Juo_M McKaiu ThosMcAndergonMcl viever Chas Mundell Jas <FMuller Chas Merniiield J CMorrison Maj C Michel John

McCarthey_Cor MyeraJnoSMcKenzie C F Mundell JaeMnrrell Chas Milton Isaac JMnrtinDrOM Morrison JnoMu phy CJ McCarthy JnoMcKiobinColDBMarshall Jno P 1Morris DeW C Martin flaptJ O Meher ThosMrConib David Martin Jos K MayeWmMay D W Mathiot Col J D Mull WmMurphy Dennis McGheeJnoF Moore W B

Capt TMcKanna ThosMcCune T G

,Mclnernay ThosMurphy TMcCormick ThoiMnssman A CoMeagher Thos

Moody J noM ah Lett JMorgan JiioMoss JawMoor J no II

Morrison D CMerrick D C-2McFariden EdwMcManus E PVcGuire £ pMcShprry HonE Marks Jas JMoore Maj E L Mt-e J no TMotr« R aMoffett EdwdKcCaheFMcAium GeeXcKtnney Q S

Mabbett W 0-2M&nard YankeyMorris WalterMussey Dr WmMouley W BMitchell CttpWHMiller W FMabnr Wm

M- ore Capt J M Morris W RMeAvvLaw'ee MontgomeryCap

W BMorrill W C

Moron J no E-3

Jiordheim B>< wman ChasRott Cyrus LNeli»oii EdwdNicholson GNorton 0 W

Munibeim JnoMoxlerg L

JETNil hoi JosN»il JaaON'Sinith J CNangln IsaacNieholej JohnXailor Jog M

Nightingle U 3O-Q

O'Brien Anth O X*il JohnUueen Ambrose OBrien John EO'Brien Dent-ix O'Connell JereO.'ten Imoni 8O'Bieley FOtis Capt G IIGrtlf Ron G S

O'Neil JamesOssingijr JnoOsborn J asO'hrion John

Quilleii SergtG 0 Bayle Jno FOverdrer Henry

Neirard MrNeyitt RobtNorton R 8Newcomb 8Newell T JNnurse A WNesbit Wm A

O'llalloran JasQuiiuhy JoanOsmond J alienOakes Oliver 8O'Neil Patk FOstrander PeterO'Bnrne ThosOlmstead Win

pl*v t>il»nt CftbertsjferiUtt MGt C

Potter A DPierdriinski AParsons AlexPeople* CliSFrontPaJaifeiPratt LPined Lt ColPleann C BPyle Chs HParker Col K GPierpont BdwdParkhurst G APowers (Jen IIPiatt Geo OPcarsall Of AI'rather HenryPalmer Harry

PParker Henry i» P«nii John WPippitt H Phelps L^slerPatten H G-2 Parks M FParkhnrnt J II Pendleton MrJiurdon Jos Parke M LPettit Capt J M Patterson N AParker Jas A S Paaren Dr N HPorter Jas F Pool 8 MPearson Jas Ferguson ThosParker John Powers Tbos-2Potters Jacob H Peck WmPitman Jim H Peade WinPinckciTfln J J Powers W BPickett Jas CPrice Jos CPaid JuliusPiatt J E

Pafitengor WParsons Wm BPribble Wiu BPerry Wm

RosseulkersrAB Bus* Geo FRobinson A NKanney AHiley Ben FBase BentonRoberson BKisley Caleb MRobinson C WHidlev Chs AKichnrdson C OKcitihardt C

Rotrer* MartinRosseter HonNTRichards Mat'w

Bnndait Geo DRom GeoRichards >n H W Reighard 0 H JBobbins HO Richardson P HRogers II P Raffenspeyer PRead Rev H W-2 Rogers R ABowel Hiram P Heed RobertRoberson Jno MRiley Jno-2Riley John R

liayuiOLii Lt C1I Rogers JosephRobinson C L ReidelJohnKobei ts D AReaidou DavidHum. 1> J-2Rjan l>anielRceder Danlliichards V. JRofsiter Ednor[<. binson E FRoberts FrankRest Frant/-H:. i se FietrickRep FrederickRu.-sell F GSiensarietle GRouse Gaylor E

Robb RobtKandall Robt JRubens RBobbins S DRica Sarnl-2

Reinke.rten Jno Richardson SamlRobertsJMSc C"2 Ryan T JKoberts Sumner Rigwey ThosKaodall J no ii RyauTnsHRuby Jos A Rose Win WRaymond J no Rice Win PRead Jos Richmond WmRice BrigGenJC Richmond,Whit-Rich J D lock AHeed Hobart Rider Wm PReynolds L Richardson W GRiddle Lewis C Rogea* Wm W

Robin- -n Wm DRolon Win

Reaan MichlRenter MartinRouse M B-2

?ands A-hev S f?heder Geo W Strong LeRnvJlmll Alfred C-2 Stroiip Geo F Hehrubier L ?^trau^ Aden G Sesecovich G Smith Levi SSterne A Scherde G Smith M S;mitli ArthurW Scbrine.r G«o W Smith Corp M II;aap August Smith Hunter Scheaner Milton?toliker A litam Smith UenrjH Htranahail Mr

I B Sheldon Henry Snow MajShuyter II C Stewart MrMiulenburg II B Shan in « re MikelStars Henry Smith M CStarks Het>ry C Smith SBlade Henry M

;atlord Alfn:ahadaA M¦olomon B.impson B W:uiiivati B A:mith Bichonfeter Carl Steele Horace B

?ibley II BSherman H J8tass<-u IIStuart Henry RSpileger IleurySttUl/Al'_tfwart J 11Schloper J HSwan Jno CSemincs Juo E

!cott Chas.uiith Cha1- Fjchreener C Wtack pole ChsSmith CarteuhnitbCl tintxnl u

'lms Ubas'initb Lt C F-2;abin Cyrus Ljomers D-2'iillivan D»nl Jfhea Danl¦laiiacker D.pooner Dr1 initIt DA!iuith Denis:tarr D!mith Danl;i in peon D*vid'tarr Danl.tandart I)

- v-i.H?nei>anJ Ailwa;auierd K Jspc Edwd H¦wuiiii Edwd^eeley C»pt EH Satikey J HvibinKH StellerJos.cott Ebeneser Sample J.>snd Edwin

Savage MarvineSwart-7. NathanStetcher Nath illSmitzer Col N BSayrt- Owen RStryker P A-2Salisbury P B-3Scott Capt R NSeiver Kolit-2Stirls R WSully Robt E

Pjnittswood Jus Hiniih U<>l>tSpeed .1 LevinSliehan JohnSlonaker JerrySturgis Juo SShirley J ASiower JosephSargent JasSurgon Jacob'Silken J as

Sabln S DoetSimons Saml8evoys S M BStrisoli SantoSlifer SSavers Surj? SScoot SandyScoyer Lt 8 FSeward Lt S H


Simkins Isaac P Schaumlmrg TSoirVorougb JP Scherwell Thos

Stone -gSpragu<Snields Lt T P

Stai ling J IISnyder JosiahBcanlan John

I'Usue Thos M

'aulin Elijah.^eatirintr Ferd;mi tb Frankitunrt Frank.ehniidt F G-rhen Geo?tnith Geo P'huye Geoipple Garret

Smith JohnSmith JamesSmith Isaac DSmith Jno FSwain Col J BShaulJohn JSpeed J F

Stoekbridge VSutter Victor jrStaether WmSliattuck WSturdy Wm AShilling W NSherman WmF-2Stevens WmStonffer WinSpaffonl Wm J

Snufl Sergt J W Shoemaker Wm8Scot? John CSwan J W

^impson Oc^ B Ston© J W»mith G F Sehwing Ljmart Geo _

Smith Lewis J?tuyvisant G W Sanderson Levi

Schneider L WSpauldlag LSinclair L

'kiJrGeo F¦itolpCottlnb?tone Geo W

Stepicher WolfSuow W R <fc CoShaw WillisStout Wm BScutt Wm HSmith WViucentSnifth WinShrw W B

rhettel A NIrairieii Andraylor BCfaylor BenjThard BartonTinfcer ChM.Ariernan Chrisrrebly Chas;Thomson C H(col'd)

Taylor DavidTinkbam CaptD W-2

Taylor B E

Turner JTaylor in


'noThomas J B?erry Jno &aylorJnoJ-2

Trumpon JoSiah Thompson Lt S

Trulssoe P BTeller RobtTeaadale R TTrowbrid«e R ETanszky Dr R

Tilley Sidney NTaunton £ A CotTemple 3- B

?aintor S A Conton Thos

Trc>«? WmTurner WmTruant Wm

Tyson JoshuaTbarten JerryTilcoinb Job MTaylor Gen JosTuttU JaoTaylor Jno BTurner J TTrembly J R

Thompsou LtB-2Taylor Ool J W Thompson WinThornton Fredk Tyson Jao 8 Tracey W DTurner FredS ThwingJasH TisdaleLtColWL

Toy Isuiah Taylor Capt W RTaylor A-Lord Trenin WmTinrtliLtColLW Thomas W HTenney Melrin ATenlule Lt ColTiniouyMich WS

TT-VVan Bnren*F B Varnura Jno M

Uphant Alvin A oik Fred VanlnirenJVrmphreyFranVnVitalini H-2 Van Valken-TpperlieimerJ L Vanzandt Henry btirehPVanFtsssr A Yanrban Henry VoorhisCapt PHVarney Cbas T Verre Jas Van Camp NathlA'ahKandon Frd Vassar John

WWrightAbramE White G W-2 Wiley LemuelWarner A W WarringGW Windhols LouisWheeler Alonzo Wheeler G-2 Wergman L CWalker A R Wilson G J-2 Wilbur L DWolfa Aaron Waagner Col G Welch MichlWood A _ WellesJJaptdW Warren M

Taylor Geo WTucker GeoTully HenryTurner J LTyler Juo H

Wollard J L

WaraeaAW Wood Geo jrWitmer Abra H Wise HenryWade Ben} 3¥'n* H BWinger Capt BF Wilsen HWatson BT WbitincHCWard Benj Weils HenryW iuchMteiCapt Wood Henry CB F Wheeler H H

Wilson C X Wagon*r JnoWoodyardRevC Watson JnoWiiineAssSurCRWallace Rer JWilliams C W Westfall J WWhoimaiiChas Waters Juo

WeBtinghorse JWilson Jno CWelsh Jas C

Wickham J H

WodupC FWolborth CWhipple ChasWeiufChasWalker ChasWeeks Chas HWachterConrad West J AWiltheChas West J EWansor David West J WWeed Dan Wood Capt J DWollatt D F Welch JftsW biting Cap DJ Wood J GWilton Edwd WoodJesaeWillson Edwin Watts Jaa HWines Elias Ward Jas MWilson FT-2 Work J B

,ViarnerFredkD Wright JacobWoodward F Wells J HWaters F M Wright Jas BW ener Gotleb Wyman L 3Welch Geo R Wight LWeiserGottliel>

Waldauer MWoodruff LtMRWebb N BWixern O RWhitehead O CWadsworth PWilson PitneyWermeren PeterWeirman PhillipWhyte PatrickWare RobertWorrell R DWilkinson RobtWhite Sam IfWilson £ylvau*sWilder 8 W

Waltman Jacob Wagner SamlWartben Jno H Wheeler Thos-2

Young Henryi oung Harvy

Y-ZYonng Jas HYoung Jos B

Webb Thos DWelles Thos GWoodell WalterWoodburyWm HWooster Win JWombold WinWilliams W HWoodard WmWilson Lt W LWebster W WWells WmWest "Maj WWard W ClayWhite WmWise W JWheeler CapWH

YoungTiniotbyAYoung W in

NATAL LETTERS.n/uSfvric».. SchrHaxan _

SchrEli/aPharoS? k

anA'lenSohr Gustav T 8ckr LouiwoCPr Ambition Hubbard Pharo-2

Allen 8chr Henrietta Sloop PetreloC» yRBeebee Schr S P Uswes 8tr Alice PriceScJjrRnenavista2Sch Willow HarpStr Portland

Three Schr A Heston 8tr Pacificc Yro*he" Schr Nancy R StrReinilane^PfSeaBird Heager StrCAN RogersSchr 8 W Brown Sch Gen HoffmanStr Lucy Rob-

¦¦ ¦ «>.ri 1.1. « i.wn1 iirowil WIU UCU 4AW»»«U«»»" vdissEisssftsai^bSchr Ma,

tchr Jas t aoyn ccmSchr Oeean Bird BrigChas Heath"¦ " " StrB

Blond8tr T Rogers

cm niunacoiui

f:brOH Booths ^rigGenBarnartlSchWin Kennedy aam;SBrig A BradsbawSchr Geo W 9tr SalvorShipBrandywlne Rreb«-2 SJ ? ¦>.Str Long Branch 8tr Kate 21r ii**!StrMaior Belger Str Frank Leslie BtrUnited 8tateaBrig Jas Crosby Str Bdwiu Lewi. Schr ffix SoneBrig Crocus 8tr J M Lewis 8ch White <quallSchr CherapeakeSchr Lydia Ann SchrSunnySouthSch BelloConwaySchr Lamartint Sch Jonas Spa' ks

ScfcConstitution Schr Alexr Law Si:hr SarahSchr Convoy Schr Me en Mar Schr StreamletSchr S B Corlutt Schr D S Miller Schr K T SmithSchrChinjjaioraSchr Ida V Schr Iram SmithSchr J B Oun- McCabe Schr S P Smithnincham Schr J B Myers Schr I. Smith

SchrJuo Collin* Schr Memento Schr Louisa FPohrCorenc-2 Srhr Jennie SraitlhSrh Yankee Morton §r!?r^?Sl^I 1Doodle Sch Mignionette Schr Col Satt^rlySchLoM-ioADa*i'Schr Morris SchrGeoTwibsllSchr Da/.ilt» Schr Magellan 8ch MaryTansonSchr C Dennis Sch Mary MankinSchr Mary TiceSchr Dolphin Scur G C M«rris2?-chr MaryC lourStr Dragon Schr Jos Mar<h2 .""ebr TimeSchr Saml Edely SohrSarahMills3 Br-jt Titian*Schr War Eaele Brig G<>n Mar- Briar Torn«do-2SebGeoHdwards shall 4 Str John TuckorSchr l-illie E Bge Metropolis2 Str TigressSchr Elli<»tt-3 Bee Geo B Schr Union-8ScbrJno Forsyth McClelian SrhrBA V»wnSchr Ann FennorBge Peter Ma- J?cb Mathew

Str'Wanhattan ScftcSolineSchr Amos Pal-* Str Meigs Y»rginia-2kenhurg Schr Napoleon Barge J B WiJsieBrie Black Fish SchGPNewcombBarfc KingfisherSchr Fleetwood Schr Warren C Ship Oneon ofStrWmHFraiier Nelson the Wf»tStr Forest City SchrOnrust-2 Schr L D Went-Str Fairy 8chrOpfiir-3 tforthStr J CGibKs S*<-hrM APredrewHchr RGWhildinSchr Globe-2 SohrPauville SchrKateWntkerSchWra Gregory Schr S J Pickup Schr R U WilsonSchr Isaac Sch MariaPickupSchr Wm P Wil-Hinckley Schr J Parker liams

Schr llelner Schr Palestine Schr Grace Wat-Schr Hebe Schr Presto ionScbrDaniHolmesSehr Tbos Page Sch JohnWarrenSrhr Heoae Schr R B Pitts Sch JH^eouians


FORD'S NEW THEATER,TENTH STRUT. ABOVI 1.Job* T. Fobd Manager and Proprietor

(Also of Holiday Street Theater, Baltimore.)FRIDAY EVENING, Oot. 30.



The popular and excellent domestic drama,^FANCHON,THE CBICBBT.Fanchcn ... . Maggie Mitchell

T0-M0BK0W (Saturday,) Oot 81,Ltst night positively of_MISS MITCHELL'S ENGAGEMENT.

The distinguished Tragedian.J. WILKES BOOTH,

Is engaged, and will shortly appear.> - nnHE MERRY CRICKEr, E'ER 80 WICKED.'*



AT F'RD'8 THEATER, TENTH STREET.Arrangements have been mads to have "The

Cr:cket" presented on that occasion.All the young gentlemen or the city are invitedto aid in so deserved a testimonial to gt nius, truthand grace. oc Zl-Jf


Louisiana Avkhcs,Rear of National and Metropolitan Hotels.

j 8. Erf wards ( DICK TURPIN; )H. W. Baganasas Dick Turpin< DICK TURPIN:'Squire WltfmsyOB.LIfB ONTHE ROAD.Miss Julia J THE ABAB LAY. I Miss MillieMortimer, \ THE ARAB LAY. J Fowler.

Clara Fowler,/ LA SARAtfANDE }Ern DeFaiber,fti... *An0hA( ki i I ITA.L®* » un!«« iowU*A^TdTHE ALBUM OF BEAUTY!E. Murry, ( CORKOORAPHIO COBPd. ) William*,JJB.CUrkj COR&OGBAPHie OORPri. > Wood.

Songs, I ENTIRE NEW OLIO. J Extrava-Dancts, S ENTIRE NEW OLIO. I ganxai.

Open at 7; Peiformance at 8 o'clock. Admission,25 and 5u cents.

Saturday I Popular Family Matixkc J SaturdayAfternoon. \ Popular Family Ma* inks (Afternoon.EX TEA GRANDMA TINBE, TUESDAY Nov.2,

Benefit ofBenefittf

WAeSiioToSVmmuRQmm *st£s*;OC36 6t


and Deportment, baa the honor to announcethat his Class for Masters, Misses, and votingLadies will oommeaet at the Unirnn Ball,/on llth street, » few doors from the ears.Pennsylvania avenue. on SATURDAY, Oct 1S. m. Classes for Gentlemen on Tuesday and Satnr-ay evenings, from 7 to 10. Private lessons amy

hour of the day.The Sceptre Exercise for Ladies, so mueh recom¬

mended for deformity and onesidedness; also, theIndian Clubs, for Gentlemen. Offioers and clerksmake a note of it.Mr. G. continues to aire lesson on the Violin

and Violoncello.Due notice will be given of his Classes at George¬

townMrs. Goodall" will receive a limited number of

pepils for Pianoforte and Singing.For cards of terms, Ac. please apply at hia rooms.oo I-lm*

^OLUMBIA CORNET AND STRING BAND,-to the.for PrLExhibitions. wuh ur uu«,wri v, hhoiviw*

required, at the shortest notice, by leaving ordersat John Isensan *s, oorner of Pennsylvania avenueand 4th street east, HENRY IBBMAN.se9 3m"

BOABDINQ.OR RENT.With or without Boata.Four large

a Well-furnished Communieating ROOMS^on 1stand 2d floors, at 339 18th street, corner of K; jm-mediate application. tteSS St*

AT 393 FIRST STREET EA8T, BETWEEN Aand B, Capitol Hill, gentlemen and their wives

and single gentlemen can be accommodated withpleasant Rooms, with Board. References ex¬

changed^ oc ii lm*TT0U8B TO RENT AND BOARD WANTED INII GEORGETOWN.- Board wanted for a gentle¬man, wife, three mall children, and servant; tworooms required, (in a private family preferred.)A plain but oomfortable- furnished House to rant.Address Bex No. 96, Georgetown Post Oflce.ocB-3t*DOARDING..Several gentlemen ean beaccoa-

modated with Board and Furnished Booms ata very pleasant loeation on the High ta of George¬townJ>. 0. For particulars apply atTHOS WOUD-WARD'8, Est , West St.. Georgetown, oc 38 St*

ftFUflONS Of THE FOUNDERS OF THE BE-nubUn on Negroes^ as Slaves, as OitUens and

Soldiers. By George LiTermor*; file.Merivale's History of the Bomans, vol. 1: 91..fashionand Famine. By Mrs. Ann8. Stephens;The Rejected Wifo. Ry Mn. D««»i|.na.The Heiress. By Mrs. Stenhsns; fl.The Old Homestead. By Mrs. Stephens; 91.Mary Derwent. By Mrs. Stephens; 91- _

Confederate (oficial) Reports of Battles; 92-50.6owmans Household Book of Science; tljo.May's Constitutional History of Buglana. J vols.;


The undertigned, late of Gantler's eele-Wbrated Confectionery, has opened, in the TNorthern Liberties on I street, between 4th

and 5th, a CONFBCTiONMY and OYSTER SA¬LOON, where Ralls and Parties wUl be furnishedwith ibB CREAMat the shortest notice,and at thelowest prices. Give me a call, and I pledge myselfthat I will please the pubUc.se 39 lm* F. 8HA FRR.



Union Fire Wood Mill,Oorner Seventh street and Canal.

HICKORK, OAK. AND PINE WOOD for saleoordlengtk.eheap.br N. C. MoKNEW,

Oorner seventh street and Oanal.

CO A LI OOAL1! COAL I!!°'lOti£i Si*"-

N. 0. MoKNEW,Union Fire Wood Mill,

set Corner Seventh street and Oanal


is what the name implies, and combining in e neat

merits^ with marhed favor, and hi«Wy reoom-

.or -I. ^M.Amu tor M"|

¦8T No. 30 M Central Sterns." opposite OratorMarket. . »-!¦

WE Havo £t?£rt£*toffuefeestMOEuEaloTongues, which we recommend to our customers.

llth it. and YeroMnt *v.

THE WEEKLY STAR.This excellent Family and News Journa

containing a greater variety of interestingreading than can be found in any other, lapub J.shed on Friday morning.

Tebus.Ca*», invarUbiy in adeeww.Single copy, per annum. fti MFive copies 4 7fTen copies. . MTwenty-five copies .....MM

It invariably contain* the «WashinftoaNews" that has made DU Dotty gvtn*$ Btmrcircalate so generally throughout the country¦sy Single copies (in wrappers) can ha pro¬

cured at the counter, immediately after Maissue of the papeT. Prion.Tanm Qmm.


FROM EUROPE.Arrival of the Stramihip Grrmanii.Cape Hack, Oct 49..'The steamship (terma-ni:>. with dates to tbe*20thinsl, from Liverpool,fc:»f arrived off this point.The latest foreign advices ray the British

Admiralty have decidrd to construct a newsqunoron of iron gnnboats, armor-plated, dou-ble-screw propellers, to be armed with twoheavy Arm si renr gans.The Alabama, Georgia and Tuscarora con¬

tinued (.raising around the constoi the Cape of(Jcod Hope.T he Vanderbilt had arrived at the Cape in

pursuit ot the Alabama, and was repairing inSimon's Kay.Captain Srmtnes has sold thebarkSea Bride.No further captures have been made by therebel vessels.Captain Semmes will not, from motives ofpolicy, seek sn engagement with the Vinder-

bilt, but, if bis vest-el should be blockaded byIier in Simon's bay, he will endeavor to eludeher as he did the San Jacinto at Martinique.Captain Semmes is of opinion that the Vau-derbilt is much faster than the Alabama, andif be should cone to close quarters with her hewouJd not get away.The Confederate loan is quoted at 9W7.

mAllCF.The Moniteur 6aj6 movements in ttta Can-

casus are serious.The Pajs denies that France has participatedin the negotiations upon the Polish question,and states that Austria and England are en-deavoring to come to an understanding on thesubject of au identical note.1 he Vienna journals declare there can be no

question of irolated action on the part of thethree Powers on the Polish question.

DESlliKK.A large number ot troops have been ordered

to be massed in Schlesvig, on the southernfrontier.

RUSSIATwo division* of iniantry have been ordered

to Poland, and several batteries, as reinforce¬ments to the Russian troops already tbere.The Black Sea flotilla is being fnlly equipped.

POLAND.Czarenspy's band has been completely de¬

stroyed near Lublin.The Hotel de Ville, at Warsaw, was set on

fire by incendiaries and consumed.All the officials of Polish descent have bem

replaced by tbe Russians.PAVED**.

Stipulations in a treaty of alliance with Den¬mark have been agreed upon but the ratifica¬tion of the same will not take place until theGerman troops are dispatched to Holstem.

THE IONIAN ISLANDS.The Parliament of the Ionian Islands havfl

resolved that England's protectorate shall ceaseimmediately upon the Senate being dissolved,and that the Ionian Islands should be imme-iiaiely annexed to Greece.

JAPAN.Admiral Kuner's fleet had arrived at Ragos-

.ma. Nego'iations having failed to obtain th«»satisfaction demanded, Kuper besieged the cityindlevelhd.it to the ground, lie set on ArePrince Tatsuma's three steamers, and returnedo Yokohama. Ragosema is one mass of ruins.The palace, factories, and arsenals are all de¬stroyed.

Arrival of the City «f Wnthiagten.Cape Rack. (>t;t. 2!>..The steimship City ofWashington, with date* «.Rev. Henrv Ward Beeeher addressed a large

indience, in'London, on the'20th instant, uponth<- lntrresis oi tbe North. Expressions of dis¬sent were drowned in the general plaudits of[he vast assemblage.The Daily News says one of the most enthu¬

siastic meetings ever held in Loudon, mastiave convinced Mr. Beecher of the truth otKarl Russell's assertion, that the ereat body)f the English people is with the North, andMuse him to return home as a messenger otpeace and good will between the two coun¬tries.TheTimes combats Mr. Beecher's arguments,md declares he is not the man to convert the

L9a * vi j- .v »: aVContinental news is unimportant.M. Baroche has been nominated Senator of

France, and M. Delange as first Vice Presi¬dent of the Senate.It Is reported that the new French loan of

iixteen millions sterling would shortly be an¬nounced. The Bourse is flat, at 67 francs 20uentimesThe Empress of the French is being honored

n regal style by the Queen of Spaia.it is rumored France is strongly urging the

expulsion of theex-King of Naples from Rome.Cotton is unchanged. Breadstuff* steady.Consols 03.

FROM CHATTANOOGA.Losses in the Last Engagement.Comma*

nicatieas.Philadelphia, Oct- 29..A special dispatck

to the Bulletin is as follows :"Cincinnati, Oct. 29..Oar loss in tbe bril¬

liant achievement at Chattanooga was onlyfive killed and fifteen woundedofGen Hazeu *brigade. General Pakner is assigned to thacommand of the Fourteenth Army Co-pa.Communication will beopened between Bridga*port and Chattanooga along the Chattaneogiriver."


28.).Untrustworthy intelligence haa been re¬ceived of the movement of a portion of Bragg'<*irmy under Longstreet, up the valley of theTennessee river with the intention of operatingagainst General Burnside. It is also believedhere that a corps of Lee's army, under EwaH.is moving into East Tennessee, * by way otLynchburg for the same purpose.

. Sale ef d. ft. Five.Twenties.Philadelphia, Oct. -29.The Subscription.

Agent reports the sale of .5,712,009 of five-twenties to-day. This is the largest sale yetmade in one day. One Boston house took overtwo millions. At this rate tbe amoant remain¬ing unsold will be consumed in six weeks, orless. Tne ten days' notice which was publishedsome time since only referred to the withdrawalof the loan by the Secretary while the amountauthorized was unsold. So little remains thatit will probably be left to be exhausted on thaprinciple of "first come, first served."

Arrest af Parties Engaged is CentrabnndTrade.

New Yobk, Oct. 29..Several men were ar¬rested yesterday In this city for being engagedin contraband trade with the rebels. Their

o U/tmov, * fnsa palcutcc auQ Ol&UU*fscturer, McKee, Crocert and Oliver. Two ofthem are commission merchants, and the othera captain of a vessel. The fuses have beensupplied to the rebels, and a regularly pre-pun <1 ich*m* of trad* with tti« South was inprogress of being carried out. Tne arresieu.parties are now in Fort Lafayette.

Launch ef the Ganbeat.New Yoke, Oct. 29..The gunboat Peronia

was launched to-day.

Baockade-Runweks Fined..Judge Advo¬cate Stackpole, at Norfolk, Ya, has fined anumber of blockade-runners, as follows : Geo.C. Buidette, fined one hundred dollars in gold:Benjamin Thomas, (alias Taylor.) twenty-flvadollars, United States money;John C. Fentress,twenty-five dollars, or one month's confine¬ment; G. Barnes, released on taking the oath:Mrs. Blamire, fined one-hundred dollars, andMrs. A. K. Staples, one hundred dollars.

A New Rebel Idea..The Mobile Registerof a recent date declared that "the negro Is nolonger an object of small talk in the sonth. Thapeople ot the south have a place for them andbat is in the army. There should be ao «»¦-

tinction in color when a man is willing to tightfor bis home aad master."

The daughter of a respectable citisen orCharlestown, Mass., was seduced by a marineofficer recently, under promise of marriam.and in order to avert the consequences of herindiscretion, attempted to commit suicide bytaking poison.


W Carlo Armellini, one of the Roman Tri¬umvirate of 1M8, (Saffi aad Maxzlnl being theother two,) died in Brussels a few days ago, atthe age ol 87.


VT A heavy snow storm prevailed In larraportions af Illinois and Missouri on Thursdayand Thursday night, October 22. *

tBT Confectioners in Philadelphia have notup their prices. Reason: Sugar is tad par bbL*7" The Richmond city council has aenro-

priated f50,000 for the relief of the poor.