evening star.(washington d.c.) 1858-08-13 [p ].€¦ · .evening star. washington oity: friday...

.EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON OITY: FRIDAY Aagast 13, 1W9. |JT Advertisement* ihtaU be teat la by 11 .'deck a. ai. ; stherwiss they aay act appear aatll the aext day. SPIRIT OF THE MORNING PRESS. The Union discredits the testimony of the oomplete witness. Mr. F. P. Blair, Sr.. on the ground that he hu been, in tnrn, the accuser of nearly every prominent man in the country. It farther comments upon the publication by the Philadelphia Pre.«.« of an extract from a private note addressed to the late Kansas Sec¬ retary (Stanton) by Senator Biglor, and says: " Of coarse, nobody can feel any confidence in the correctness of the publication, coming before the reader, as it does, in violation of the sacked rights of private correspondence." The Union, also, comments upon the posi¬ tion assumed in the British Paliament by Lord Aberdeen. The Int*llC%encer thinks that it has discov¬ ered one of "the lawsof the Democratic party." as held by the Union, to be ' The Tax on Of¬ ficials,*' and, in another article, traces tbe results of the Erie Canal. THE WKMLV STAR, With intelligence from all portions of the globe, is upon our counter and in the mails, ready foi the public. Full accounts of the great success of the age. the successful laying of the Atlantic Cable, may be found in its columns To a Waahingtonian. absent fruiu home, it would be a most invalnable visitor. Table, of Content* : \V*«hisgtos Niw« a*d Gossip..The At- lautic Telegraph Cable; Injured Innocence; New York AppoinimenU; The Late William I.ingan Gaitber: Tbe Agent to N<w Calrdonia; Railroad tiruin; Clviliiing Indian*; Polygamy in I'ub; Naval; Nicaragua; Dull Times; Newspaper Re. nponsibilities; The Achievement of tbe A?*-; Tbe D.1 to Pav in New York; Movement* of the Cab¬ inet; Securing tbe Majority; CauiiM Clay on Douglas; New Caledonia; Tb« U. S Loan; Tbe Defeat of Blair, jr ; Tbe New Loan; A Washing- tonian at Alum Springs; Tbe Harbor of New York; Tariff Decisions; Renominated; Circular to Fishermen; Tbe Ocean Mail; The China Squadron; The Paraguay Expedition; Minnesota Land Grants; The War in Chtiia; I'ncalled For; The Atlantic Cable; Taste of New England; Chesapeake and Oblo Canal Loan; I'tah Com¬ missioner*; Tbe Riot of Tuesday Night Last; Tbe .-Speech of tbe Day: Tbe l^martlne Fund; Hon. Isaac Toucey; The Laying tbe Cable; The Niagara; The Patent List. flee. Local Nkw« .Trial of Heissler and Johnson for Robbery; Tbe City Finances; A llaytien Noole; President's Mounted Guard; The Mem¬ ory of Gen. ({uitiiiiin; A Man Killed; Criminal Court; Almost a Bad Accident; Tbe County Jail; Serious Accident; Sudden De-tth; Geo. Johnson; A Handsome Present; The Washington Post Oi- flce Extension; Attempt at Soicid-; A F i^htful Accident on tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; The Northern Liberties' Ball; The Presentation and Banqnet; Outrageous Attack; l'he Excur- aion; The Weather; Suicide. Ac , Ac. Domestic News .Tbe Atlantic Cable.all the Intelligence in regard to that giant eiueipri-e that Las vet been received; F:»m California and Oregon; The Yellow Fever; Tbe Militia of tbe I nitr-d States; The New Canadian Government; The Railroad Meeting at l'pj>er Marlboro', Md ; From Utah; From New Mexico; An Important Discovery; I be Telegraph to Nantucket; Lafa¬ yette College; An Interesting Anniversary. Jtc FoSKiSM News .From Europe and the E.i«t by the Steame-s Niagara, A rag o and Pnnce Al¬ bert; From Mexico Psksoxal N.A rclumn-and-a-balf of fresb and piquant .-Personal." Commercial. News .The latest ruling rate* at the principal markets of Europe and America. Mi«ciLUXr. . Billiards . a history of tbe gam*. English r5 French; The Umbrella Girl. an Interesting story; All Animals can Talk; French Dueling Extraordinarv.a thrilling sketch; Broadway. A Kentucky Ksfg Eater, racy; The Virtues of Borax; A Fiea under a Microscope; i^arriage on Short Acquaintance, he. T*oetkt .Our Country is a Gallant Bark; What is Life; Antoinette; The Cold Water Man; The Battle Cry Tbe Weekly Star may bo had at the officeof the Evening Star: price 3 cents per copy. It may be found, also, at tbe establishments of the Periodical dealers. Annual subscription, $1.25. Tbe cheapest paper iu America. The latest accounts from the Lake, with reference to the explosion of tbe steamer Virginia on Saturday last, report eight persons killed by the disaster A salute of lOu guns was at Albany. N. Y-, on Wednesday afternoon. In honor of the defeat of the Lecompton Constitution by the peo¬ ple Of Kansas lO" At an adjourned meeting of the creditors of Lawrence, Stone A Co , held in Boston, on Wednesday, claims to the amount of were allowed, making tbe total amount against the concern thus far allowed f:!.lUU.(M». \ET" At Singapore, on the loth of June, th- French steamer St. I<ouis got on lire in tbe morn¬ ing, and after burning the wh'»le day, every ef¬ fort to quench the flames falling, she was carried In shore, scuttled and sunk. She had a cargo of rice and other produce from Calcutta to China, which was totally destroyed. tEF A mast atrocious murder, it is reported, was committed at Gordonsviile, Virginia, on tbe lat instant. Mr. Wocdfoid Taylor, recently of the neighborhood of F rede ricks burg, was brutally murdered in Lis owu bouse. Three persons have boen committed to jail charged with the murder. A alave named Frank, belonging to Mr. A. A. Boston, a free man named .iusbrod Jackson, and the wife of the uufortunate victim. L~/~ On Wednesday morning, a young Irish woman, about twenty years of a*e, named Mary Ann Mulligan, madrar affidavit before the Mayor of New ^ otk, containing charges of a very pain¬ fully serious character against a certain model up-towti Police Captain, and involving a well- known Police Justice. Tue glil charges tbe Captain with raj»e ai.d persistent violations of her person The Passe u CcsvoMs .Tte French offlr ial custom-house returns for tbe U *t half of the p esent year .re regarded as salt, factory. as they exhibit an Improvement in tiad- The increase on tbe total amount of import duties is upwards otaver Ibe csMiespoitdiiig m<»nth last year, and a»*>ut 3,m*J,««aif over the receipts of June, lr^6 This is accounted forLy an Kiigm n- tation in the quantity of French colonial sj^ar which entered tbe country, with a correspond- lag increase in tbe amount of duties over In57 and IrSC The re-imposition of the protective duty upon foreign spirits last December results 1u a loss to the revenue eijusl to nearly 3,5uu Ooof. tor the half year, and of nearly three-quarters of a m>uion for the month, as compared with the corresponding perjr ds of 1*57. ICTTbe joi.t committee appoint.d by the Common Council of New York for making ar- i rj,"r' .I'-te,mined to celebrate tb. ev.nt w.., a ^and vf on. ^redgnn. and the nag,^ of feel S. a'eIy u,-on ..e vVJZ . «-fCM^a At aigbt bong es and a grner.t ill.n.i..s.i - will be adiUd to tl»«* di'toii tfition Thei#. also be a military and civic procession aosnToT.'ve thereafter, followed by a tnuaU ipul dinner wbieb festivities are expect* d lo take placesim¬ ultaneously with tb<*se lu London, throughout Great U'liain auil on tbe Continent It |s re. quested tba' the citizens of tbe Fulled States and tbe Biltisb provinces unite, iu order that the fes¬ tivities may take place at the same (lute- and on tbe same older, of which due nolico will be ijiven In add.lion to the* arrangements it Is suggest¬ ed that as so-.:i the President's reply l,a, over tbe Eastern wires, all tbe telegraph Ikra«-» of tb# country shall be untied, and the words of greeting between these- two distinguished per¬ sons be thus iuafantly transaiitted to every city town aod village having telegraphic Intercourse, and that Immediately thereafter all the bHis ot the country be rung for one hour, a> d sueh other demonstrations made as ||,« citizens of the varl- vu» localities shall deem proper and expedient WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP. Senator Dorr,las at the South..We are not a little amused at the pertinacity with which the " sore-beadod " newspapers io Illi¬ nois and elsewhere, (.trade the pro-Douglas articles of the New Orleans Bet and the two or three other Southern opposition papers in his favor, as evidence of the strength of Doug¬ las and his abolition efforts in the South. It is a notorious fact that the few Southern jour¬ nals favoring him, invariably reflect any and everything but the sentiment of the South. They are Ismaelitish papers, with their hands raised, always, against every one confided in by the South, and for every one whom the South regards as its unrelenting fee. The Richmond hnqutrrr, since it baa become the m-ire mouth-piece of Uov. Wise, has stepped into line with the few papers to which we refer above, aod now can find naught but censures, direct or indirect, for thoae the South delights to honor, and praises only, for those repudiated by all of the South but her few Ishmaelites in politics. Under such ciroumstances, it is not wonderful.Governor Wise, in last "going off half-cocked," having buckled bis fortunes to those ot Douglas.that the Richmond Hvqi/irer now shares with the New Orleans Bee, the no¬ torious organ of New Englandism in New Or¬ leans.the honor of furnishing the capital of bogus Southern admiration of his course, on which Douglas essays to trade in Illinois wheu that dodge seems likely to serve his turn for the hour. Though the prestige of its former polit¬ ical labors and position may serve to deceive a few Northern Democrats concerning the esti¬ mate in which Douglas is now held by the South, there, it can etiect nothing in that way, save the generation of uiore wide-spread dis¬ trust of itself. What Southern sentiment with reference to Douglas really is, is concisely stated in the following brief extract from the Georgia Fed- er.il Union, thu recognized central organ of the Democratic party in that State, as follows, viz r " \\ e intended a short comment on the late speech of Senator Douglas, at Chicago, hut Ufid- ing in tbe Richmond South of the 17th instant an aiticle on the same subject, which exactly units our view*, we tiansfer it to our column*, as expressing tuily our feelings acd senliuwnts towards thi Senator from Illinois. We will simply add, that a* Jud^e lJougla* La« made an issue witti the Administration, distinctly ai d defiantly, on the settlement of the Kansas ques¬ tion, we nope no Democratic paper in Georgia . an 1>* found to render him "aid and comfort" In his crusade against tbe South and the South'* friend* in the free States. Judge Douglas ha« no apology to oiler for his late course.Southern Deini-Ciats will give bim iu future, a* thty have ever given their Northern eueui es, war to the knife, and that to the bitter end " i he Evil of the Ti.wk.s..Among the most prolific sources ol evil connected with American affair?, is the growing propensity of our national legislators to seek to propitiate momentary public opinion in all they do in the discharge of their duties. The habit has grown into a disease, working, as its result, incalculable mischief upon both public and private interest.-'. Buncombe asks unconstitutional and extrava¬ gant appropriations; and a wish to propitiate the good will of the meml>er s Constituents, in¬ ducts him to devote most of his time to working out the gratification of its desire. Buncombe runs mad over a moral or industrial problem; and the member forthwith pretends to run mad over it also, that Buncombe may be sure to re¬ gard him as the very deity of its momentary faith. Buncombe.or rather the spouting and scribbling portion of Buncombe.holds that office In this country is simply the means of re¬ warding cross-roads and grog-shop politicians for their eminent services in political affairs. for spouting and scribbling. Buncombe is pro¬ verbially out at the elbows, and will sooner starve than work at aught else than influencing public opinion ; so the member, if he would continue to enjoy popular lavor, ma«t forthwith adopt their view of right and wrong in that connection, and must also labor faithfully to impress it on tbe policy of the Government. A quarter of a century ago it was supposed that the patrouage of the Executive office wa* devolved by the Constitution on the President, to be dispensed by that functionary. Now. to hint to the member that be is not of right tbe 3j'e arbiter ot the dispensation of office in his district.his party being in power.is to off. r tbe gravest conceivable insult to the dignity of his official position. In recently reading a speech delivered by that distinguished and able public man, Senator Clay, of Alabama, r e find that he Las taken occasiou to lay down sound doctrine, indeed, with reference to this root of so much evil.the obsequiousness with which members of Congress seek to propitiate the bastard.ill-gotten.public sentiment of the hour.saying: " I do not think It Is the bus I lie** 0f thi* Senate or of tbe House of Representatives merely to r-fl'-ct puoiic opinion, whether riKbt or wrJna 1 do not think it become* u*, a* representatives of "overeigi. States to run *fter public opinion ; but 1 think we should rather lead It; we should correct It when it Is wrong, and should only fol- "" .»" It Would be a happy consummation for the public interest, ifSenator Clay could inoculate all his fellow members of both houses with this patriotic and conservative sentiment of bis. Washi.vj ton i an a oh the Lakes.. [Corretpomrlemee of th* Star J Clevklon, Ohio, Aug. <i, \\ e regret so much that you were not able to lie of our | arty in tbe txcursiou to the hakes We left Wash ugtou on Thursday afternoon,and traveling only by day we find ourselves at presei.t writing on ard the North Star bound lor Supe- i ior City We bad a most ag re< able time on our trip thus far.passing the llrst night In Haiti- more, tbe xvond in Aliona, (on t..p of tbe Al'e- ghany Mountains,) and the thlid and fouith uights in Cleveland. louuu The country over which we have passed i* er- reedin^ly lieautiful and interesting, and I will l«l '"V description of It, as it requires V-1 >»» "'ay imagine bow drllgbifut It was to pass over the toH ol thus- n-j-niUrent mountain* and enjoy ihejr re- freshing breeze*, ,,, (o p:,s* around llieir base In ii. roll View or the,uinmit.ever and anon having a precipice on one side frightful to behold and so deep that the men at Work below appeared like children m piay in the lield* We vUlted the ancient citle* of llarrlsburg and Pittsburg, Ac and on tbe Ohio we could easily discover rnT. r ,ai'd" 0,1 side ot the (.lcveland Is destined to berome the vrfal citv roads *he inust soon control the principal trade of the Lakes, which are hereafter to be the high¬ way to tne new gold diggings on Fra/er river " Ti,0?.Vl" ' C,-Vr" I am sure you Wil.-I would advise you to put up at the Agier Mouse, whl.ti we all pronounce the best hotel"we have ever seen. 1w The Ten Million Loan.We nre informed that more than one-half tbe atnouat of this loan, with the premiums, has already been deposited in the U. S. Treasury, and the re¬ mainder will not probably be held back to the exttntof time legally allowed Ihecauseof "his promptitude on the part of the bidders is 'hat the interest does not commence until the doposite is made ; und wo take it for granted .' "lt 11 a,So proves there is in the country a thIT»aD,"Unt °f uneil,P,0JtJ capital, which - low rate"of'intereat" * "**' * #Ven Tral °r tho ,uecess* the premiums paid One^^JJ^^cenT of all they obtained at SI o*> p«.r ^ and it is said that a Canadian hanking in,"' tution bought quite largely at that figure Cot ht Martial- XUGeneral Naval Court- Martial convened at tbe Washington Navy 1 aril yesterday. It is composed of the follow¬ ing officers: Com'r Marchandt, President; and Lieutenant! Pcndergast, Murray, Selden and Welch. Purser Watson acU a* Judge Advocate. The trial of the case of Ucorge Bailey waa commenced. in which John S. Itudd, Ksq., appeared for the defendant. Ihe evi¬ dence for the prosecution was concluded, and it waa understood that Mr. Rudd would com¬ mence hia argument for the defence to-day. ' Im.ness of <Wn. Cass..We understand that the venerable Secretary of State suffered another attack last night from a chronic affec¬ tion with which he ha? been afflicted for several years. He was not, however, dangerously ill, and this morning was able to sit «p and was rapidly improving. General Jebez..We have satisfied ourself that instead of being sent hither by the Nica. raguan Government to supersede General Iri- sarri. General Jerez,the new Commissioner from that Government, comes to aid his venerable and distinguished coadjutor, so far as future negotiations with this Government may be con¬ cerned. Or, in other words, that his official position is that of a virtual assistant ti his ven¬ erable senior, whose line of policy be (General Jores) is doubtless instructed to do his best to carry out. Japan and East India PoRTa.Official in¬ telligence has been received at the State De¬ partment, to the effect that the ports of Anjer. Bantam, Indramai, Jo, Cherison, Fayal, Peka- longan, Rembaug, Passoerean, Probolingo, Be- gockie. Panaroekan, Banioewansie, Pangool, l^jitatijap, and Wynkoopsbani, in the Island of Java ; the ports of Natal and Priamaui. in the Island of Sumatra, and the port of Snrnpt, in Borneo, will be opened to foreign trade on and after the 31st of May next. Washington Aqoeditct. . On the 1st of August, the monthly measurement showed I-4-100 miles ot the masonry conduit built in .July.making a total length completed, to 1st August, of 6.S9-100 miles, and leaving 4.61 loo miles yet to complete. 01 this, the excavation is generally completed, and the masonry only remains to build. The total length of masonry conduit i* 11J miles. The U. S. Treastrt..The weekly state¬ ment of the condition of the United States Treasury, for the week ending August Otb shows the following rosult: Receipts for the week SI,Tfi9,!»0 M Drafts paid 1,210,130 9* Draft* Untied l.UT.KiKi Amount subject to draft 3 mo p> Nett balance.. 1,468,755 46 Increase hi nee last Wtfk 299 334 '>2 Armv Movements..We hear it stated that General Johnston and bis troops, (with the ex* ception ot the Sixth Infantry, which is ordered to W alla-M alia.) will not he witbdriiwn from Salt Lake for the preseut. They will remain in sufficiently close proximity to the city to answer any call that may be made upon them by the civil authorities of the Territory. Naval..Tho U. S. steatn frigate Saranao. Commander Kelly, sailed froiu Panama for San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, on the 20th ult. Tho Ij. S. steam frigate Merrimac, Commo¬ dore Long, and sloop-of-war Decatur, Comman¬ der II K. Thatcher, sailed from Paita on the 10th ult. for Callao. Returned..Postmaster General Aaron V. Brown returned from his visit to Mississippi yesterday afternoon, and resumed his official duties this morning, considerably refreshed and reinvigorated by his brief rustication. Not Arrived .The Utah Pea.-e Commis¬ sioners, Messrs. Powell and McCulloch, have not yet reported themselves at the State De- partmeat, and it is, therefore, presumed that they have not yet arrived in this city. The Wrather..The fallowing report of the weather for this morning is made from tho Morse Telegraph line to the Smithsonian Institution. The time of observation is about 7 o'clock. AruvsT 13, !«<58. \ ork, N. \ ..........clear. ptn^3nt PUItttdftplilu, Ha cloudy, warm. Imorf. Md ........... clear, pleasant Washington D. O cloudy, wind E Klcariioiid, V >!......*..«,.( loudy, tti ^Vtwrubniy,Va ....... . ...rloudv* tb?r 81. Norfolk, Va ............... (her N),wind E .Vllmington, N . C clear, ther. Columbia, S. C raining. Charleston, S. C loudy, th. 81, wind S Augusta, Ga ............. cle.ir.warm. favannah.Ca rloudv, TtJ , wind NIV v>acon,Oa ..clear, warm Columbus,(Ja .....clear, pleasant. tl outgo nr.. or, Ala clear. Harometer at the Smithsonian, at 7 a m. (cor¬ rected for temperature,) »i 141: at niK.n. :»o ICS Thermometer, at 7 a.m.,75«; at noon 7»J. Max¬ imum yesterday, b7; minimum last night, 71. POLITICA L. C. D. Martin has received the Republican i for Congress in the Faille Id district of Ohio. Mr Wood, Democrat, for judge of Ihe Louis¬ ville appellate district, In Kentucky, has defeated Judge V\ heat, his American competitor, by about a thousand votes. ' The election In Iowa takes place on the Hrst ruesday in October, instead of the first Monday in August, a* heretofore. Five State officers and two members of Congress are to be elected. ... 'roin 4>l'or,h Carolina state that the Hon. /. B. \ aix-e, the Distribution candidate, his been elect, d to Congress in the moiiutain district it'.'V represented by Senator Cllngman The majority is said to be small. The returns of the recent Congressional elec- tion III Missouri, re. elved from the various dis¬ tricts, indicate the following majorities : Second J?..1,' A «t«l»-r*,on Dein , has l 3mi majority: third district, CUrk, 4; firth district, Wood- sou, .i<Ml; sixth district, I'neips, 5.mm: seventh district, Not 11. j fourth district, Crai^ 4 000 majority. h' ' In Arkansas there was scarcely any opposition to the Democratic nominees for Congress Thos C- Hindmaii is elected in the tirat district w.th- out opposition, and Albert Hint is re-elected in the second district by a large majority over T S Urew, former Governor of the State, and Inde¬ pendent candidate The Democratic party ba« of course, a large majority in the State Legislal Returns, partly official, from fourteen counties itl Kansas, give the following result of the eiec tlo«i on the constltuton: A»aii,st Lecompton, ' , for I»eoompton, 1,5UU Toe majority .Mialiist l.ecompton is therefore G StlU The num¬ ber or counties remaining to be h»ard from Is -.M It is not believed, however, that the returns from these will aflect in the slightest the overwhelm¬ ing majority already recofdedagainst the measl 117" The paper mill at B<th Island was burnt yesterday with a loss of <100,000. Insurance sKw.tMJO The life was caused by the bursting of the steam boiler. ID" The proprietor of the Charleston Mer cury has purchased the Charleston Standard with Its subscription lists and good-will, and proposes to merge the two papers into one. ' CaWAlMT .A most dastardly attack waa m»de upon the office of the Baltimore Exchange yesterday, by a gang of rowdies The parties concerned were arrested, release d on bail, and were last evening enjoying a hack rtd>*. ITT" Eater advices from the city of Mexico state that thecapital has been abandoned by Gen. Morene, and that Gen. Zuloago has abandoned T.tmpico, upon which the lil^rals were advanc Ing, and wonld soon l>e in possession 117"The banquet to Mr Field, at St. JobnV, N P., on Tuesday, was a splendid demoiistra tion. At 9 o'clock the ball commenced, which was attended by the liovernor, Lieutenant Gov¬ ernor, Cyrus W. Field, the Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Conrl, Captain Hud¬ son and the officers oft he Niagara, Captain Day¬ man and the officers of the Gorgon, Mr. White- house, and the leading members of society at St. Johns At midnight the company adjourned to supper, which abounded with toasts suitable to the occa-ioa, end speeches by the principal guests. CALIFORNIA NEWS, Ac. By Ik* Steamship St L(i ¦ at New York. By this arrival we have dates from California to the 30th of July. The report* fiom Framr river are not no favor¬ able as tboac heretofore received. Almost all t»KS correspondents from the new Kldorado hold vat discouraging hopes to the ndventurer* who aft harrying thither In »> arch of imaginary fortune*. Ih*" conm^ue«o» is that the ardor «f many baa been damped, and the emigration from California la already beginning to fall otr That there la gold, and plentv of It, at Frazer river appear* to be a Axed fact, but the obstacles In the way of obtaining it are so great that In many case* they cannot be aurinonnted. OatiroKKtA. The total amount of gold coined at the branch mint, California, for the week ending July 10th, wa« 3^,803 ounces, or #<#>0,000, and the deposits 50,B06 ounces. The amount of treasure shipped from San Francisco this yeai to July 7th, amount¬ ed to 835,536,407, being 8375,907 less than for the same time last year. The market* are overstocked with fruit. Apri¬ cots, peaches, cherries and melons have made their appearance In great abundance A disastrous fire took place at Orovilln, in Butte county, on the 5th July, which destroyed nearly the whole business portion of that town. The loss is estimated at from 93UI,000 to 8300,000 It Is stated that a rich vein of mineral coal has been discovered in Sonoma county, about forty miles from the town of Petaluma. The coal Is described as Wing very similar to the Kngiish cannel coal. Fort Miller, a station for United States troops, In Fresno county, has been abaudem d, and the Government property there wa* sold at auction ou the 7tb J illy On the 17th July the connty tieasurer of Mari¬ posa county was robbed at Sacramento of 87,600 of the public funds he was convey ing.to the Slate treasury. The troubles In San Ix>uis Obispo have been well nigh brought to a close There have been no execution* by the vigilance committee *inc.e Nieves Koltles was hung on the 2Sth of June J a< k Powers, the leader of the gang of bandits, bu s esc a | ted The Buckeye boys at Orleans Flat, (Nevada county.) took out a bonlder weighing 77 ll>* , on the 10th J iilv. Oneend of the boulder was almost covered with gold. Its value Is estimated at from $ 1,000 to f«,000 Marks & Co oflWed for the lump, but the boys refused to sell. New and rich divings have been discovered in Yuba county. Three men in oue day look out The San Andreas Independent (Calaverasconn¬ ty) remarks that the late exodus of laboring men fiom its part of the State bas caused a very con¬ siderable rise In the wages of certain classes of laboring men. It adds that good blasters in quartz mills are now in demand at 85 per day ; strikers at 95 These same men were paid, a month ago, respectively, fso and 170 per month. Or kg (> it. No farther Indian outrage* are recorded In the Oregon papers, with the exception of an atta< k upon a prospecting party oi miners.none of whom, however, were killed. The confidence of the Oregonians in the richness of the Frazer river mines appears to l>e unabated. New and . leh gold discoveries in Oregon are also reported as constantly taking place. Washixjtox Territory. Rich diggings have been found on the Wen- atsbe river by a party of miners going overland to Frazer, but before they could fully prospect the ground they were attacked by Indians, and t (impelled to letrcat They lost three of their men and killed fifteen Indians (iold has lattly been found on the head waters of the Nesqualley, the I'nyallup, the White ai.d Cedar, the Skagit, and the Snoqualiuie. Good prospects were found on the Nei-qualley. Pros¬ pecting parties have gone out from various towns on Puget Sound to examine the streams eni|>ty- ing into the Sotindon the east side, and in nearly every stre. in which has l>een prospected the color has beentound Sandwich I<i.ani>s Our dates from Honolulu are to the 19th of June. The National Legislature met on the llth of that month, a-,d the King delivered bis usual speech. The public debt on the Ut of April V as 800.000. A lean of "BjUMJiki was spoken of The Minister of the luterior lecommendcd that the Kngiish language shall be giadually introduced throughout the islands. It I* alieady the lan¬ guage of the Court and of trade, and is known to ma ay of the nation Humor says that a Government proclamation will l>e issued In a day or two forbidding the Moimons landing upon any of the Sandwich Islands. The ship John Marshall sailed again on the llth of June for a second cargo of ^uano. and was expectrd back with 5ui ton* on" the 1st of September It is said that the facilities of load- it, g are such that she can take on boa.d forty to tifiy tons per d iy. Nicaragua It is reported that Allen and Webster have not been successful in their contemplated arrange¬ ments with the Nicaraguan Government, Mons. Kelly's scheme being stilt the lavo: ite one. and Vand~rbtlt's SIMl.lMi not being considered siilU- cient to induce the President tj give him the privilege. South America. The date* from Valparaiso a<e to June 30, and Callao July 1*2 Peru has been solicited to banish the Bolivian refugees from Tacna, and to prevent the landing «.f General Belzu, in case he should come liom flu'ope. The Chilian government bs* der ided on In- ves'ing a sum equal to Mr Tboiuas Brown's legacy (I2W) UXi) for the establishment of a na¬ tional toundliug hospital at Valparaiso The foreign debt of Chill at the end of 1357 was T^i,0l I,mm The national debt up to June 'A», I, Was *2 tilu.'SU The value of foreign imports during ^57 is stated to lie 831 ."Ou.'-joy, and tbe expoitsof foreign and native produce during the same period 8H>,77*.I50 The reve¬ nue of the year, owing to the money c risis, fell oti s«<» 313 The case at Callao of Lomer Fitzgerald and several other American* who were seiznl some time ago a- tiUlbusters by tbe Peruvian govern¬ ment. has been disposed of by sentencing all the parties to fifteen years' imprisonment at ha;d labor. PERSONA L Mrs. Charles llowaid is playing in Balti¬ more. Alfred Tennyson Is spending the summer months In Norway. .... I.ord and I.ady Napier are at Newport on a visit to tbe historian Bancroft. ....Hon F Wood and lady, and Hon. John Cochrane, N. V., are at the National. .... Wm. Kawle, reporter to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, died in Philadelphia on the 10th inst. .... Hon John Minor Botts leaves New York to-day for Virginia, where he expects to visit the White Sulphur Springs. .... Jules Janin, the well-known critic of the Delist*. is shout to publish a book entitled 44 Ma¬ demoiselle Racbael." .... Kx-President Don Valentine Goinez Farias died at bis residence in Mexico, ou the 3d of July, at the advanced age of 77 year*. .... General K. Y. Fair and lady, of Alabama, are stopping at Brown'* Hotel General F. Is the recently appointed Minister to Belgium .... Kavanah, who took tbe letter from I.uck- now, during the *iege, to Sir Colin Camplieil, ha* been rewarded with the sum of £3,000, and an appointment in Oude worth £700 a year. .... A colored Bipti*t clergyman in New Ha¬ ven, the Rev S W. Davidson, has l>een arrest*d on a charge of stealing leather and bides from the establishment of the Messrs Giitiert, on George street, in that city. .... It is announced that after leaving Cher¬ bourg, the Kinpress of the French will go on a pilgrimage to Auray. a small village in Brittany, celebrated for its butter, and a shrine of the Vir¬ gin , which et joys a wide reputation. .... Tbe Hon. John McLellan, of Woodstock. Ct., died at his residence on Sunday, In the <Qd year of his age. He was the oldest living graduate of Yale College Among his surviving children is the wife of Prof. Benj. Silllman, Sr. .... Senator Sumner Is still at Paris, under the tire treatment, and is prostrated and endures much pain from the etlect* of the doctor's burnings, as we supposed he would. It is a savage treatment, but is to be renewed as soon a* he can bear it. the object being to counter-irritation, to restore his spine to a healthy condition. ....The late Sir H. Sutton, Hart., who wa* In hunting and sporting matters a second Niuirod, killed in 17 year*.from I"** to 1*45.the follow¬ ing euoiuious quantity ot tame : .3.467 grouse, I'2 774 pheasants, V2.7H5 partridges, 7,S39 hare*, 4.I"<J rabbit*, 1*3 wood, ocks, l«5 snipes, :o wild ducks. 14 quails, 4 landrails,4 plovers,4 dottrels; total, 51,765 .... l^neen Victoria isexnectedin Berlin on the I*Jtb instant ; hence she will not receive the Pre* ident'sdispatch on British soli. Thetjueen will be accompanied on her visit by the Prince Con¬ sort, and by Prince Alfred and others of her chil¬ dren. She will remaiu one week at the residence of the Prince nnd Piince** Frederick William, the castle Hal»el*!ierg, which ha* been |i'e|>ai»d for her reception under the superintendence of her daughter. .... The death of the Most Rev. Wm. Walsh, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Halifax, N. S , is aii noiineed as having occurred at his ratidence, in HaPfax, on Tuesday night. The Archbishop, who was of lri*h parentage, wa* In the lift y-fourth year of his age at the time of bts death. He had been actively identlfled, for a long period, with tbe progress of his church in the British Pro¬ vinces. His frank, genial disposition and liberal aentiiuents had won for him an unusual share of popularity in bis Arch-Diocese He was an In¬ dustrious student, and was widely known to Lis co-religionists ta author and translator of atveral religious works. GEORGETOWN. Correspondent* if Tk* Star. GlOBMtOWV, August 13. 1-^ Business upon our rual tbl» morning in de« i<1 edly mora livelf than we rco»Ue< t ever to have *''fn it before Froui tbe wbanrcs in our city, a* far op as the fre can m< b, . distance of more than La If a mile, there is a perfect throng of boats : la aome plates literally parked to a jamb, a<rendlar ami amending. laden with coal, flour, merchandize, Ice.; awd the multitudes of men and boa*s moving to and fro, and the imessant and loud clamor kept up bv the Ixiatmen. remind* one of a vast army maneuvering for battle. The Vigilant bovs (tl emen' covered tbemsetven all over with glory at their festival giveu at For¬ rest Hall last nisfht, in hem or of their visiting brethren from Philadelphia and your city. Every¬ thing necessary to comfort the Inner man flowed ia abundance Fun and good humor were the rul¬ ing characteristics of all in attendance, and every¬ thing passed ott tn the mo»t agreeable manner The particulars will be given by a more expe¬ rienced pen than ours.by one who participated pretty largely in all the fun and festivities of the occasion. This Is the last from us, from this point, for ¦ few days ; and by tbe time this meets tbe public eye in tbe column* of the star, we sball be skim- ing it over the blue waters of tba Potomac out¬ ward bound. 8. ALEXANDRIA. ¦O Corrtspoixdenct of The Star. Aliiandbu, Va., Aug 13. 1**» Tbe Improvement* at tbe custom-bouse have so far progreaaed as to render necessary the re¬ moval of tbe btick dwelling on the west, which was included iu tbe Government purchase. We learn that tbe material of tLe bouse will dis¬ posed of to the highest bidder this afternoon We bear that tbe Young Catholic's Friend Society contemplate a pie ate to Arlington at an eatlv day. It i* also said »b*t Potomac Lod^e will renew, before the senson closes, their re-eat trip to Glymont Pavilion. Under the auspices of these associations, a pleasant time would be certain The preparatory department of tbe Theological Seminary of Virginia has been ie«tgsnized upon a more favorable basis than it has had hereto¬ fore Markets, to-day.Flour: no supply reported Wheat, ottering tlt.e, uiatkrt full; sales white at 41 2-ial .T4 ; d SI *.Jia13tl Corn, offering* flue, market dull; sales white d7c ; yellow **4e aw7c Rye, »msll sales at N* Arrived yesteulay. Bark F.phralm Williams, Cornwall, Lmx Island, granite for Waslnagton, D. C. ; brig America, Kobins. New York, to D. A. Lowe; schooner Alva, G;eenwood, Windsor, plastor to Cazenove A Co ; schooner Commander- in-Chief, Martin, Philadelphia, coal to J. C. Nevett; schooner Inni Smith. McGlvern, Fall Klver, to Borden Mining Company; schooaer Tritine, Weaver, Noniini. wheat to Robinson A Payne; sloop l>ove, Flanagan, Wicomica, coru and wlieat to Robinson A Payne; sloop St Cloud. Trader, Fook's Landiug, corn to Robluaon & Payne Sailed.S hooner William Baton,Tvler, New York, coal by T J Mehaff) ; «rhooner C. A. O'ook, Ever bam. New York, coal by Fowler A Co.; schooner Eliza Hamilton, Cm, Troy, coal by Fowlei A Co ; schooner A. H. Dixon, Simmons, Philadelphia, by D A. l.owe. Arrived to-day.Schooner Na>d (.{ueen, Holse, New York, wheat to Fowler A Co. Sailed. 13th.Schooner Statesman, Weeks, N»-w York, by S *biiin ; brig America, Robbins, ccal i»y I) H. Lord rv"y=»NEW BUILDIN'* ASSOCI ATIO.*'..AII '? persors desirous ofjorninf a new association are requested to meet at the sehool n<>ase on the corner ofG ami loth streets. «m M«'\l)AY EYK NIN'G next, the iGih nulant, at <i o*clock. au 13 3t* rv^5=» REGIMENTAL HKA !;<{ ARTKKS. 'ks \ Ol.l'iMTKI'.RS, \\ asiiiSuTox August 12. I-M .By Ihe uuaniitioaa agreement ui the office'* present attlielart meeting. it sua dtte* riiii.ctt to <\\l a ceneiai ii'eetuiic «_¦ I i ti - <ou.mi*SH>»ed ''fl ¬ eers of tne regiment at 7'. uVt'k a- the Ct l..mt> an Aiino'jr.on MONDAY EVENING nrtt. th»* 16th itsl::n?,preparatory to w xi'rng on the Prtaident snd Secretary . I War; *nd the abstuce ol ait orficer Iroin the in<etin< wi!l he considered a c«i »utaule ueciei t ot duty. Br or ler >.f t'ol. Hickiy : au 'a Ui 11r.t.A I in..ti. i H N. t> t *-*W . Adj. lY'y»N(i'l'li>'..-'l lie t'anip Meetnif lor Mock v.lie Circuit. ( >1. K. C hurcn.) wr ich w to commence on ih« -?th mat. wi.l be held on the 5rou (Is oi B Worthing ton Watara. Es«j , imm« rt'ely on the Br<toivnle turnpike-one mile south of Brook vrlle arul nneteen tmlex lr. ru v\ a.hint to". The grove is deliglitlull) ikaM, aid h >s an at und an! supply of pure water. The meeting will take plsce ui.der such ampices as to insure the very Lett order. I'lie members arrl friends of the Church in the lh.-trict and ii<ji*Lbjrinc piaoes.aieoordisil) invited to atteuu A KB..eral imeti«( wi I hi held <>n MONDAY, 23d inst , to | ut the cn-und in oider. srlect teut- Mtds, Ao, All lulerrsttd are requested t.> t»# ures- e t. SAM I Kl. REtilSTKR. au tS-St* fv^s.CtU.LKOTOR'SOIFH^K.CI t\ H AM., 'IJn.v '<?, t*%j. T<) TAX-PAYKR^.-4i«hstfSt /»f Pruinpt Payment . Notioe is herel<« Kiven that the taxes for the year It53 are uow due. aud p-ijaMe at th'S oltu-e ai d 'hat the Saw nl'.isrs an alsttemen1 of Mfhl rer cent, tor ths enrre t >enr il paid ou or boforethe stdx» of Septeiiibei nex t. T«» prevent the uio -uveinence of l>eini( delayed in tlie crowd uaually m attendance during the last few da* s oft lie al<a'ernerit, tax pnrers are invited to ca I tir send for their lull* et au en Iter Us« JAMi:S !.*. HA I I DAY. i1* einltd t'o lec'or. jY^="C \ s h p a I d F o K Ft rn iti kk . !J^7 Housekeepers t>reakiue tip ara respectfully informed that we are at nil times prepared to bu» their entire stock of household eliectaitn i.'irr.e or . mail uuautities) lor cash. BON TZ A COOM BS. au tl ?m No. mai 7th st., t>et. I and K. C^HII DKF.N'S COTTON HOSI F.K Y. rood and ' cl.esp; I eai her Bells, Belt Clasps, Pearl Studs, Fancy Hair Pius, at au '3 St t. A MMON D'S, 7'h street. PDHF. AND FRF.SU ti KUl N D Ml STAKD. put up ext'iessl) tor tur fnuiiiy trade, and of superior quality; together with choice tirooeriea, T as. Win s an J Liquors. JOS. W. DAVIO, It* corne'Mhand Kate* Am a it; h race wili. come off over t-e Bladei.shurK course, i# . yards, for i V a side, on Saturd\>, the I4tu A u- kus>. The folli.w.ru are rtie en nea : Mr. Newby t.nines Stephen A. Doun- las, t>y Arlington iam lolm/. Mr. Crawford enters Johu Urahnm, by Wilton Browu. datn I'rme. H* Emerson institute, . H s/r^'f. bttWfM 12th n*-l\"ttk flreetr. s*klkct Classical am> Matiiimatical School Ml Bots. The duties of this Institute will be recurred the 1st day of Septernb r. Number of pupils united. For p rtuti!ars ad Iresa an j-eot t i.'ll AS. B. YOUNG. Prireipal I^K.MaLK ENGLISH AND FRENCH COL- T LEGIATK INSTITUTE, A'o. 182 I ftfet, G<t//ity'* Koir, Wanlti nttcM, /). C. Tl e duties ol this Institute win !>e resumed on Monday, the 6th of September. Circulars, statute terms, coursa of study, Ao., ottu l>o obttuned at the Book nrnl Mu*io Stores. HIKAM '"ORSON. Piincipal. M'mc C. ROLLIN CORSON, Vtoe-1 rineipil. an 3 tin* _____ ^ U M B E RL AND COAL. Ly Jint arrived per Canal, another oarro of thit su- iett >r C umtieriaiid COAL, t.sa rted in >(UMlties u table lor fatmlv, steaininc. and blficksi.utliiui; lurposes; all of w>>ich will i>e disposed ol at the 'ery lowest cash prices. GEO. L. SHERIFF, Yard. street. Canal Bridge. an it eoM (Intel ) WAN DEK1 \«iS AMONG THE WILD i- LoWl.RS; h' w»to tee hi d h«»w to gather them, uy Saencer I'hompsoii. M D. A n»w edrtn^i. en irely revised, with >71 wo*.i cuts. Hud ei^ht Isr<e o.l..red I'lustrato-i^ b) Noel liuiuphre>s. "r lowers.those cluriiin.* children of nature, in which our a<e can ta«e t he san.e tranquil pleasure as our yoush.".Mr kiltr>ir,l bnlv>r Lyiton. Prioe M nls. For sale at TAYI.ORA MAURY'S, an '3 (hNi> Om. > 334 I'a. avet.ue. THE BRITISH ARMY IN IN Dl«. byJ.Sef Irya, formerly SUff Surgeon ol Caw.ipore, I Vol , Lolitloii, .18. .s 4 Deaue s Manual ot History and Scienoe of Fire- Atiiis, I vol., London, IKM, $f.~5. Life of the Duke ol Wel inrton. by ('¦.'. Br.ai- niout. Belgian Army,2 vols., with Maps ai.d Plates. London. U>H; Busoh's Haud BtMik for Tra»elleri in Egypt, t vol., M * ps and Plates, London. t>Vt. Cap:. Liardet's Krietd y Hints tothe Vi ui>« Naval l.ieutenuit, I v I. London, lass; .fi 37. .ieoloay of North Aiuerioa. I>» ^ul.'s Mar«ou, 1 vo|.«»« with three Maps and ? Plate*. Zurioli, |jjy- Creasy's History ol lire llttoii.au Turks, 1 vol, With Maps and Pia'e*. London IvSe. Karl tim'i Keloimcf Pai itinfut, I < nl. London, IH.M; .t-\Tv l.udewir's I iteraiureol AtK»rifinsl I anfuares, 1 vol. I.o«iJoii, 18 i. 4AA Tri.'ndid, .ta i«oo<rrai»li». Natural Kei< nrcen.Con- diti >n and Prospects, bv I.. A. A. Debertuil. J ^ ¦ Lowdon. I^.i; .y^ANnK TAYLOR. i\] EW STOCK or MUSICAL INSTRLMENTS m at ELtJy' Miisic Stote. _au 10_ ¦/INE WINES. I.|t J UO*S. BRANDIES, AND 1^ WHISKIES. The subscriber Iish lust received s xery ch- ioe lot ol superior old bottled Liquors, wtiuh he oilers at pn«rate sale at h<s AmcHoii Rooms, cheap, guaranteed. J AS. Moli LIR F A CO., au 7 -iv A iTtioneers rf^HE ATLANTIC TELEORAPHIC CABLE. 1 A specimen mat be useu at the Piano and Mu¬ sic Establishment of au JOHN F. ELLIS. ONE hKCtlN D-ll A>\ u « II iCst.K i NO PI A NO for 9IM; one for .»'>. A lt<i. 1 sec >mi ha*.I <*erap|i'iie for fjn. W|i| I. ¦¦¦¦ aold on wonthly payments,or with aisoount'l* all for oanh.at the Music Mo ^of au It) W. Q. METZEROTT. PIANOS FOR S A LE at low rates, u(.«n monthly pavmenrs. at the Muun Store No. *., baiwaaa Hth and loth streets. ail II 1 I LIS. EXCURSIONS, PIC mCB, *c. w HITL ROSE A«8KMBLV. PTC NIC AT~ARl.r:uTOX. ^ Ti e J'eeoi 4 Gran-I Aar uai Put »c #T4hn_Wh t) Rom Ax'inb) wil. «. inf . <1 «m MtiVDAV. »*...¦! »«*?., ai A ?' e.*' I,IX. ION SPJI I,N(iS, tit* ;a\ ni«**" bummer r*vf(<il »ii' on.*i*i s .f v\ aatii «ti*. Kveri iriKDii inrnt hu Urn imJtlvi^K<l t'l W'»l«rl twi p eeaure ol & 1 »liu vuli to (krtie ^tt# in the iuei dti.ee hiriia'i Mraas im STru* Hand has Keen ei gared lot t kr d«*. m Tna HiiimuiM pttit* itniuirwri iui ih> P«m Wiil ba uoroJ iw make thia Ue w.<«. «ir« bble pic uic of the ***,..u The B««ta .wi | e n*ay pasa*p»ers >«?.? street WiJ|*la4 taa >p ih« ** .<» horn Janng Om. Arf»m»«iid»n l > mod « ibe aaaoat Krkcl oMer have 1-een >»-*de!.* ti.e i».en.hl> Pe'B-.ns of a disrepata' cla arter will **.»! M admitted on t'«a ground m Tickets, admitl.ng a geuileman and Indira, Filt* Cants; oan be < blamed of aut of the members oT the Aaaanaldy, <r ilia f»..'lowing committeer S Ikoniu Kelly. uu.l)»nr. Wm. Ffe.-a.nmig. Wm. Kiernan. T. L. Baruh. >»* F. C O N D E X C I' R b I O N President's Moulted Guard, Oa MONDAY. Aagast K.IIW. At the wlicilkiion of the name.ous ftie«<i« of Hi# Guirrt, tnat patronised oar feist f x - cnrsioa, 'her here be«n ndiced lot fire another to that p.enaant retr-al* til j aaout, r>n which occsaion ve thai I be pleased to hare a renewal ol tie pit onage of lh.se i hat nt- roozedtisoo the brat a-xeura'or.. and ail o;he<a deaioas to join with a* in i^uJim a p.-aaam time at 'he Pari'ion. Tue subeeriliera wn get their tick eta of the Com mntee, aa thejr are now ready. . The Committee woaid iai toothera mat ieaire to eralxaoe this the last F.*c. rmuu o| the seaa. n <.! the president's Mi un ed ,fiitr4. that they wi'l now have an opp irtiiniry, an but few tickets rem mm. hM. 1 he s'earner Coll»er leaves at 4>* o oi. tk p. in foot of 7th ktreet, and arrive* at a suitibie hour next mo nine. Tickets admitting * gentleman aad ladiea. 91 M. t n Un ocaaeiou ererj prt-cayiioa till lakoti to make thee hi pan) aeie.t. t'vmmiiut <it Arrmtfmmtt. Cipf. Joe. Peek, Ut I im. K.I. Terf. ?d i tent S. t'.Owen bd I leut \V . H. t> no*. O. Sw. J. H. McCu chea, M. fit J A. Kmi, Core, rt S«iiil(r>un, l.nawai J. T. I raM. W.S. Teel, ((r. Miuter K Towers J. P. Von * »»en an 12 :'4 lldllNT VKKMIH A\l» THK TOM K OK t»I W ASHfS4iTON.-Tlieat.am .rTIIOMA!* I'(M l.\ Kit ruua lt| nlarly eveij Tu«-»il.» and h ridn» i Moant V«-rtKHi aitd the t"«nli«( Watlnncton. leav rf the wharf, at the foot of 7th atreet, at a. n . tu n.DK al^iut i>% p. hi. Kare $1. _ n !.> tf F<»R PINK.V PtiINT Ol.ll IMIINT, NOR¬ FOLK ANl> PON'rSMOf TH. For the aoc\.nun,MlaiM>u of familiM and other* Wiihini to enjoy the luxurina of Ireah hi ah.« rat*. «ivttera. ai.d Hen Hath iac. aMordad t>» thoae pl'ioea. the hue.' aafe, aud ooui'MtHiokua ateamer POU HATAN will leave Waahmttou KVKRV RATL'RUAV.at »a. m, for the abore pointa. and continue durmc th« bathinc aeaaon. from her Iwrth. at the »on,pai..'a wharl. f«*ot oftwh a I reel, arriving at Pinev Point at j p m. tame dar. Old Point at 4 a. m . and Norto a at 5 a.m. Hu> day momma H»'urmnr will lea\* Norfolk <n> Monday at 4 p in . Old Point at S a » Piney Point at 3 a m. Tuesday, and arrive at \\ aah itutoa at 10 a. in. on aami> da*. Fare (inolutfine wmiUi to p.ney Point. $2- n d Point and Nortoik. 15: ai.d I r the round trip. iiicliidmc niea.a. t'ln.drea ? bu aer% aula halt prire. Uortua free State r.-.n.a «x n-a. Paaaeucera will l<e taken up ai.d landed at all the landinra on the Poiomae. For ticketa and further information apply at tha office of the tireat Southern and Houlhweatem tioket olfioe. No. j72 Pa a-.-er>ne. three d«n.re e«,t of K owi.'a ^otel. or t<> the Captain on board the Boat, fiH»t «.f »Uh atreot. CUARL.ES K. MITCHFI.I . Cap rats. OROKGK MaTTINhLT. jy 21 d 9up<*rin endent P. t*. K.Coiiaaay. WAHT8. WANTRU. ' wo <ilHl.S-a wpite one t<» J.» cMtiiioi work, and a Oolore-I one I »r <:i r om App*y. with reowmwMtMtatiora.at 4*4 Peri . avenne. <«nd b«t ween a «l li u't U ck a. aa. au !$-lf \]Lf A N'PKI .On a farm resr Waahia'*"n I tar ¦.» " II A \ t)S who are lain.iiir with ;ard .mr at I farnnnr. v\',.u «i preier a lan.il) oanaiati <<>lanis». hifi wif^ ai d tvo or ri.ree »..u-e men. wa<- s, tire": r«-c.>n»men<1»tiona reyaireil. 4ddreaa FAK M Kk, \Va»h«nKloii, U.C..aiattng whem an inier- view oan be had. au I* 4t* %RfANTKl>.A MAN t«» w«irk on a am til Ikim »r and garden near the city. A German would t*» preieried. Applj at the Mar Offiot.ai 6o*cl,»rk tins evening. au 12 »t' WANTKI).-?m will I"- gik*en for rolume XIV.. ptrta orie and two of "uaiea and 1*r«t«a'aOiia rreational t>el>atea." Apply at ttaia offao*. an 1I-3T WA N T F U.A good SKCOND IIA.NU on llrtad. Good wares gu en. JAM FS II. au 10 t' * le»^n *na. Va. \R7ANTFI) TO IM RCIIASF. A g.^nl " hand W heeler A' Wilaou'a SKWINO .M A CIII \ K, in perfect runmag order li.tinite \t ttie Shirt Factory. !**i Mil street,? doors north ol IVmi. aveuue. . . > tf H. .». NVVKS. |H/AN I I I) -CI I Pt l'l K Mil ITAICi IN »r S riTl'TK..TI.e Trc*tee» the a'a.!pep-r Military lnati<«te will appoint. I>e|..re tie I at of S-4-tcir:l»cr. tn li.strn«-ior to till the chair ol inn.ieru nuisua^.es ir. that lii»tn«'M«. A Wi ll edu<*ate,! I ii ropean, who can speak tli* lacguaaen Rn»*nt!y. i* sire<l. A pp.inatloiiK. aiatni|( aalary re«|uired toaei (i- er with gi>od recoiutiwii.lal lona, maaat t<* ad.'ifN^rj to the KKV. JNtl. t'aM.F. Preaadeut of the K.-x a ofT'rii«ter-» a n'nei.^r C. H \'an t: W'ANTKl*.A auiati IIOl'SF. or a part ol % bonce, vn'h k.tctier. it; ici.tral pstt < I ttie «*i»y. »'r.i-e n-;t to csoaaed Adtlr^aa boa P»t< i»ib.-e. i Hatl SF. W ANTl.U Ml KFM-lii ihei.eiati U>i n< ,h1 ol the I'apittd. iiid pwI ol it not ¦>¦. tt e Hili.Aoataining mu« or ten rooaaaa. tor a Itnu ». Poxae^auin to t<e tiveu !.) the l*t of «lctol».»r ('> »« add reus **Tefayil. at this office, without de'a».; la- tiiw te.ma and location. jy J1 11 LOST AUD tOVMP. NOTIOK.-I.OST OK STOI.F.N..All y -ra. . a are forewarned from nego.iving or trani g f-r an aeeiated l)n AFT. diawu i.y W in R. I'olk in favor of same lor ««i <!a*a, an.I ac«'epte<! be u* (our name in red ink >dat*d ah u Ji lyJi 185a a> neitiar Win. K .'oik or Jaaaiea II. Reed A Co.¦ are o*i ved ra ue for it, it b ing loat or ato'en. Aanoimt of note J»aw. aa 13 «. J A M S H. KFFU A Ct». AC RKWAKU . Strayed ataay on the 3J laatant. vo a large VVHlTfc Cu\V. spotted with red. Haa long horna. and a large lAg, rntlier »a^ sore. The above reward wri he p* id forj^^kaa her return to ANTMON IIK.NK^ HI Pff.R I', Mth etreet. near Dr. H»t'a au lg Si* M KWAK1>..I^'at on the morning of the 4th instant, in going along G atree', fioan atli to 7th, or « n 7th atreet. Pa avenue or h afreet. a:, ox a shaped GOLD URKASTPIN, oonta.urg a t>rwul of gray hair. also, eevcril o her lira i la of h*ir o' de¬ ceased fmuda. It u aurrounded by adoub e tw is ed wroucht cl.ain The hi»«;*r will receive the a ore rewa.d and the thanks ol the owner l>y leavinic tat tlua office. aiUS' BOAEDIVQ. BOARDI NU.Wit^l hsudsoiiiely furnislod Ko< <. a, and table Hoardior of a »e ect character, en ae obtained »t r»i9 H atreet, between f,th a:id 7tli . ta . if application l»e made soon, acd upon :lt ino-t eesy tenna _ an 13 4t* Bt»A R III \G.. A few gcn'le« en c-li b acc«ifi.iii< dated with ».ood lit > N K l)ai d p.i aaast Wo M S f»> a p tine at .No SnJ Pa aveuue,Lclwef *i! and «i ¦tree:a near s>t Cbariea II -tel. aj 1" 1m* pROI'tMAl.S WILL HK M F.rF.tVF.D V4alt I the (Carpenter's Work ou thel.«Nie^ol .he ii'W Cat1 o io Cr iit li*. y, on the II a-!-i M.mr I urairit*. antii Satiird<).i4 h iu«t Foi it I >rn.a:ion »il'f THuM AS Hi KKF, Overan-er,<-n the g < u'»a«. au 12 2t CCOUNTRY HiiAKDINti - l':.ii..lo« <r»iM»*e J lioardera ea.i lie acvomm dateil w ith i . . A good coin lit \ hoaku *, niiesfr..! ? r"m y Wnahington, near lluntei's < :M«pei,on I'vlumiM I uri pike I he liouae nc w. ,., K. u J airy: feted up«xpressly lor the s<c.ii.ai<H*atK ii of hmilio aiul Mingle ptoona w ho iim) dnaur lo n.l a f<*w weeks in thecountr). AdarlMsHfe. t!ie !<.- cntiou of thia oouutry t>oat cannot Le tmpiaatd in Virginia For further particulara inquire of MAK^II A VOSS, oorner lOtn at. and Pa a v. an 3f I- 7.0 K Kit'P THK UtM'K OF THE SKAS;i.\..Juat put. iislod."liecrse Me.\ UIm," n American nova I. I vol., 12-no ; > I ; post ia>d %1. &. **\S e thi-a fieorae Melvnle a »fx.k of great ia*e rest and spirit, ami oce that f-rmca out in a strong liaht aoii e peculiar trai'a of American characte r.' . rasatifsfiaa. VaMrfia f. " An in.iiaual!) weil written and infereatuir tuxig.".l.tlrtia>4 »"t«r»r. (..orre M«-'* an* ia :i Uiok Which a ill am! eveiy liod). For aa e t.y TAYLOR k M AI'K Y. K.. k*e lets, a* I? V 3 4 Pen a\ enne. . | |i.. It. J A .vi a ft, I III. K K l'l K Mi' I in SI /I" man tii oowro-t . ml*-in Ihe t-aal iidoa, /1. i. 11<.i in t iMt'eaaMWiwi a lisia, i pap / ct.i'is. t'a.ugi a, a 'o.ili, si d li, in rai I* l.ilnv Ihe I remedy was disco etc t i»« lum alien l< i e ,nlv I cai d.a daughter, wa- pivea aa to d.e I'll c iid I was i u.e-J ami 'a a.ow aha'* vi.J Writ !>... iioi,a (.I leuelilim loa lii.w looilals he n'l »e> d t.. . ho e who wiali it. ilia arcipa r< ii.Kin.in' fal' di . aufiiaa lot ¦iniixi' umr tin* remedy, u i n r^oeipi of their naoie^ ' d <r, *m O. P. BROWN, aa 6-1m No. I*» t.rand at.. Jeiaoa City. J. I\]E\V MliSIC received weakly and cant |.y mail H to nr.> pail ol the world,at the Miauu Stoie o| an 'I JOHN F. ELLIS. lilrMiiias OF KACilEL, t.y Madame Da P. I"I prioa SL ia. t«i . ol aVn'rai Atneiica.their Grografhy. I') po« raphy, CliRAte. I'. pu aiion. Heaoarvaa. Pro- dia< tioiia, Ouiiiiiierc«, An., A c ; !.* E. ti. Sviuier, with 1-uii.Arona oruinal n.apa and ifluatratious $ j. Jast puhliaheil at.d hv sale at PHI I.PS', . " " rg Pa «ve.. t^l «*th and l«nh SIS. A J. BORLAND, a l urritn, i.HKCHKK * FLFFVtk Kasidaaaoe.No. 4M Maaschu*«tla avanae. between Siath and Sevauth Straeta. RtrtK< to M. V. B. Boaan, M. L'., J. Ford Tl.oaapaon. M D, Rev. A. G. CatoliHMa, J. M, Bu na, ixaaiiat VVan. M. Butts, M D., ii.* m'

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Page 1: Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1858-08-13 [p ].€¦ · .EVENING STAR. WASHINGTON OITY: FRIDAY Aagast 13, 1W9. |JTAdvertisement* ihtaU be teat la by 11 .'deck a. ai.; stherwiss they


FRIDAY Aagast 13, 1W9.

|JT Advertisement* ihtaU be teat la by11 .'deck a. ai. ; stherwiss they aay actappear aatll the aext day.

SPIRIT OF THE MORNING PRESS.The Union discredits the testimony of the

oomplete witness. Mr. F. P. Blair, Sr.. on theground that he hu been, in tnrn, the accuser

of nearly every prominent man in the country.It farther comments upon the publication bythe Philadelphia Pre.«.« of an extract from a

private note addressed to the late Kansas Sec¬retary (Stanton) by Senator Biglor, and says:" Of coarse, nobody can feel any confidence inthe correctness of the publication, coming beforethe reader, as it does, in violation of the sackedrights of private correspondence."The Union, also, comments upon the posi¬

tion assumed in the British Paliament by LordAberdeen.The Int*llC%encer thinks that it has discov¬

ered one of "the lawsof the Democratic party."as held by the Union, to be ' The Tax on Of¬ficials,*' and, in another article, traces tberesults of the Erie Canal.

THE WKMLV STAR,With intelligence from all portions of the globe,is upon our counter and in the mails, ready foithe public. Full accounts of the great success

of the age. the successful laying of the AtlanticCable, may be found in its columns To a

Waahingtonian. absent fruiu home, it would bea most invalnable visitor.

Table, of Content* :

\V*«hisgtos Niw« a*d Gossip..The At-lautic Telegraph Cable; Injured Innocence; NewYork AppoinimenU; The Late William I.inganGaitber: Tbe Agent to N<w Calrdonia; Railroadtiruin; Clviliiing Indian*; Polygamy in I'ub;Naval; Nicaragua; Dull Times; Newspaper Re.nponsibilities; The Achievement of tbe A?*-; TbeD.1 to Pav in New York; Movement* of the Cab¬inet; Securing tbe Majority; CauiiM Clay on

Douglas; New Caledonia; Tb« U. S Loan; TbeDefeat of Blair, jr ; Tbe New Loan; A Washing-tonian at Alum Springs; Tbe Harbor of NewYork; Tariff Decisions; Renominated; Circularto Fishermen; Tbe Ocean Mail; The ChinaSquadron; The Paraguay Expedition; MinnesotaLand Grants; The War in Chtiia; I'ncalled For;The Atlantic Cable; Taste of New England;Chesapeake and Oblo Canal Loan; I'tah Com¬missioner*; Tbe Riot of Tuesday Night Last;Tbe .-Speech of tbe Day: Tbe l^martlne Fund;Hon. Isaac Toucey; The Laying tbe Cable; TheNiagara; The Patent List. flee.Local Nkw« .Trial of Heissler and Johnson

for Robbery; Tbe City Finances; A llaytienNoole; President's Mounted Guard; The Mem¬ory of Gen. ({uitiiiiin; A Man Killed; CriminalCourt; Almost a Bad Accident; Tbe County Jail;Serious Accident; Sudden De-tth; Geo. Johnson;A Handsome Present; The Washington Post Oi-flce Extension; Attempt at Soicid-; A F i^htfulAccident on tbe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad;The Northern Liberties' Ball; The Presentationand Banqnet; Outrageous Attack; l'he Excur-aion; The Weather; Suicide. Ac , Ac.Domestic News .Tbe Atlantic Cable.all the

Intelligence in regard to that giant eiueipri-ethat Las vet been received; F:»m California andOregon; The Yellow Fever; Tbe Militia of tbeI nitr-d States; The New Canadian Government;The Railroad Meeting at l'pj>er Marlboro', Md ;From Utah; From New Mexico; An ImportantDiscovery; I be Telegraph to Nantucket; Lafa¬yette College; An Interesting Anniversary. JtcFoSKiSM News .From Europe and the E.i«t

by the Steame-s Niagara, Arago and Pnnce Al¬bert; From MexicoPsksoxal N.A rclumn-and-a-balf of

fresb and piquant .-Personal."Commercial. News .The latest ruling rate*

at the principal markets of Europe and America.Mi«ciLUXr. . Billiards . a history of tbe

gam*. English r5 French; The Umbrella Girl.an Interesting story; All Animals can Talk;French Dueling Extraordinarv.a thrilling sketch;Broadway. A Kentucky Ksfg Eater, racy; TheVirtues of Borax; A Fiea under a Microscope;i^arriage on Short Acquaintance, he.T*oetkt .Our Country is a Gallant Bark;What is Life; Antoinette; The Cold Water Man;The Battle CryTbe Weekly Star may bo had at the officeof

the Evening Star: price 3 cents per copy. Itmay be found, also, at tbe establishments ofthe Periodical dealers. Annual subscription,$1.25. Tbe cheapest paper iu America.

The latest accounts from the Lake, withreference to the explosion of tbe steamer Virginiaon Saturday last, report eight persons killed bythe disaster

A salute of lOu guns was at Albany.N. Y-, on Wednesday afternoon. In honor of thedefeat of the Lecompton Constitution by the peo¬ple Of Kansas

lO" At an adjourned meeting of the creditorsof Lawrence, Stone A Co , held in Boston, on

Wednesday, claims to the amount of wereallowed, making tbe total amount against theconcern thus far allowed f:!.lUU.(M».

\ET" At Singapore, on the loth of June, th-French steamer St. I<ouis got on lire in tbe morn¬ing, and after burning the wh'»le day, every ef¬fort to quench the flames falling, she was carriedIn shore, scuttled and sunk. She had a cargo ofrice and other produce from Calcutta to China,which was totally destroyed.tEF A mast atrocious murder, it is reported,

was committed at Gordonsviile, Virginia, on tbelat instant. Mr. Wocdfoid Taylor, recently ofthe neighborhood of F redericksburg,was brutallymurdered in Lis owu bouse. Three persons haveboen committed to jail charged with the murder.A alave named Frank, belonging to Mr. A. A.Boston, a free man named .iusbrod Jackson, andthe wife of the uufortunate victim.

L~/~ On Wednesday morning, a young Irishwoman, about twenty years of a*e, named MaryAnn Mulligan, madrar affidavit before the Mayorof New ^ otk, containing charges of a very pain¬fully serious character against a certain modelup-towti Police Captain, and involving a well-known Police Justice. Tue glil charges tbeCaptain with raj»e ai.d persistent violations ofher person

The Passe u CcsvoMs .Tte French offlr ialcustom-house returns for tbe U *t half of thep esent year .re regarded as salt, factory. as theyexhibit an Improvement in tiad- The increaseon tbe total amount of import duties is upwardsotaver Ibe csMiespoitdiiig m<»nth lastyear, and a»*>ut 3,m*J,««aif over the receipts ofJune, lr^6 This is accounted forLy an Kiigm n-tation in the quantity of French colonial sj^arwhich entered tbe country, with a correspond-lag increase in tbe amount of duties over In57and IrSC The re-imposition of the protectiveduty upon foreign spirits last December results1u a loss to the revenue eijusl to nearly 3,5uu Ooof.tor the half year, and of nearly three-quarters ofa m>uion for the month, as compared with thecorresponding perjr ds of 1*57.ICTTbe joi.t committee appoint.d by theCommon Council of New York for making ar-

irj,"r' .I'-te,mined tocelebrate tb. ev.nt w.., a ^and vf on.^redgnn. and the nag,^ offeel S. a'eIy u,-on ..e

vVJZ .«-fCM^aAt aigbt bong es and a grner.t ill.n.i..s.i -

will be adiUd to tl»«* di'toii tfition Thei#.also be a military and civic procession aosnToT.'vethereafter, followed by a tnuaU ipul dinnerwbieb festivities are expect* d lo take placesim¬ultaneously with tb<*se lu London, throughoutGreat U'liain auil on tbe Continent It |s re.quested tba' the citizens of tbe Fulled States andtbe Biltisb provinces unite, iu order that the fes¬tivities may take place at the same (lute- and ontbe same older, of which due nolico will beijiven

In add.lion to the* arrangements it Is suggest¬ed that as so-.:i a« the President's reply l,a,over tbe Eastern wires, all tbe telegraph Ikra«-» oftb# country shall be untied, and the words ofgreeting between these- two distinguished per¬sons be thus iuafantly transaiitted to every citytown aod village having telegraphic Intercourse,and that Immediately thereafter all the bHis otthe country be rung for one hour, a> d sueh otherdemonstrations made as ||,« citizens of the varl-vu» localities shall deem proper and expedient


Senator Dorr,las at the South..We are

not a little amused at the pertinacity withwhich the " sore-beadod " newspapers io Illi¬nois and elsewhere, (.trade the pro-Douglasarticles of the New Orleans Bet and the twoor three other Southern opposition papers inhis favor, as evidence of the strength of Doug¬las and his abolition efforts in the South. Itis a notorious fact that the few Southern jour¬nals favoring him, invariably reflect any andeverything but the sentiment of the South.They are Ismaelitish papers, with their handsraised, always, against every one confidedin by the South, and for every one whom theSouth regards as its unrelenting fee. TheRichmond hnqutrrr, since it baa become them-ire mouth-piece of Uov. Wise, has steppedinto line with the few papers to which we referabove, aod now can find naught but censures,direct or indirect, for thoae the South delightsto honor, and praises only, for those repudiatedby all of the South but her few Ishmaelites inpolitics. Under such ciroumstances, it is notwonderful.Governor Wise, in last "going offhalf-cocked," having buckled bis fortunes tothose ot Douglas.that the Richmond Hvqi/irernow shares with the New Orleans Bee, the no¬torious organ of New Englandism in New Or¬leans.the honor of furnishing the capital ofbogusSouthern admiration of his course, on whichDouglas essays to trade in Illinois wheu thatdodge seems likely to serve his turn for thehour. Though the prestige of its former polit¬ical labors and position may serve to deceive a

few Northern Democrats concerning the esti¬mate in which Douglas is now held by theSouth, there, it can etiect nothing in that way,save the generation of uiore wide-spread dis¬trust of itself.What Southern sentiment with reference to

Douglas really is, is concisely stated in thefollowing brief extract from the Georgia Fed-er.il Union, thu recognized central organ ofthe Democratic party in that State, as follows,viz r" \\ e intended a short comment on the late

speech of Senator Douglas, at Chicago, hut Ufid-ing in tbe Richmond South of the 17th instantan aiticle on the same subject, which exactlyunits our view*, we tiansfer it to our column*,as expressing tuily our feelings acd senliuwntstowards thi Senator from Illinois. We willsimply add, that a* Jud^e lJougla* La« made anissue witti the Administration, distinctly ai ddefiantly, on the settlement of the Kansas ques¬tion, we nope no Democratic paper in Georgia. an 1>* found to render him "aid and comfort"In his crusade against tbe South and the South'*friend* in the free States. Judge Douglas ha«no apology to oiler for his late course.SouthernDeini-Ciats will give bim iu future, a* thty haveever given their Northern eueui es, war to theknife, and that to the bitter end "

i he Evil of the Ti.wk.s..Among the mostprolific sources ol evil connected with Americanaffair?, is the growing propensity of our nationallegislators to seek to propitiate momentarypublic opinion in all they do in the dischargeof their duties. The habit has grown into a

disease, working, as its result, incalculablemischief upon both public and private interest.-'.Buncombe asks unconstitutional and extrava¬gant appropriations; and a wish to propitiatethe good will of the meml>er s Constituents, in¬ducts him to devote most of his time to workingout the gratification of its desire. Buncomberuns mad over a moral or industrial problem;and the member forthwith pretends to run madover it also, that Buncombe may be sure to re¬

gard him as the very deity of its momentaryfaith. Buncombe.or rather the spouting andscribbling portion of Buncombe.holds thatoffice In this country is simply the means of re¬

warding cross-roads and grog-shop politiciansfor their eminent services in political affairs.for spouting and scribbling. Buncombe is pro¬verbially out at the elbows, and will soonerstarve than work at aught else than influencingpublic opinion ; so the member, if he wouldcontinue to enjoy popular lavor, ma«t forthwithadopt their view of right and wrong in thatconnection, and must also labor faithfully toimpress it on tbe policy of the Government.A quarter of a century ago it was supposed

that the patrouage of the Executive office wa*devolved by the Constitution on the President,to be dispensed by that functionary. Now. tohint to the member that be is not of right tbe3j'e arbiter ot the dispensation of office in hisdistrict.his party being in power.is to off. rtbe gravest conceivable insult to the dignity ofhis official position. In recently reading a

speech delivered by that distinguished andable public man, Senator Clay, of Alabama,r e find that he Las taken occasiou to lay downsound doctrine, indeed, with reference to thisroot of so much evil.the obsequiousness withwhich members of Congress seek to propitiatethe bastard.ill-gotten.public sentiment of thehour.saying:" I do not think It Is the bus I lie** 0f thi* Senate

or of tbe House of Representatives merely tor-fl'-ct puoiic opinion, whether riKbt or wrJna1 do not think it become* u*, a* representativesof "overeigi. States to run *fter public opinion ;but 1 think we should rather lead It; we shouldcorrect It when it Is wrong, and should only fol-

"" .»"

It Would be a happy consummation for thepublic interest, ifSenator Clay could inoculateall his fellow members of both houses with thispatriotic and conservative sentiment of bis.

Washi.vj ton i an a oh the Lakes..[Corretpomrlemee of th* Star J

Clevklon, Ohio, Aug. <i,\\ e regret so much that you were not able to

lie of our | arty in tbe txcursiou to the hakesWe left Wash ugtou on Thursday afternoon,andtraveling only by day we find ourselves at presei.twriting on ard the North Star bound lor Supe-i ior City We bad a most ag re< able time on ourtrip thus far.passing the llrst night In Haiti-more, tbe xvond in Aliona, (on t..p of tbe Al'e-ghany Mountains,) and the thlid and fouithuights in Cleveland.


The country over which we have passed i* er-reedin^ly lieautiful and interesting, and I will

l«l '"V description of It, as it requiresV-1 >»» "'ay imaginebow drllgbifut It was to pass over the toH olthus- n-j-niUrent mountain* and enjoy ihejr re-freshing breeze*, ,,, (o p:,s* around llieir base Inii. roll View or the,uinmit.ever and anon havinga precipice on one side frightful to behold andso deep that the men at Work below appearedlike children m piay in the lield* We vUltedthe ancient citle* of llarrlsburg and Pittsburg,Ac and on tbe Ohio we could easily discover

rnT. r,ai'd" 0,1 side ot the

(.lcveland Is destined to berome the vrfal citv

roads *he inust soon control the principal tradeof the Lakes, which are hereafter to be the high¬way to tne new gold diggings on Fra/er river" Ti,0?.Vl" ' C,-Vr" I am sure youWil.-I would advise you to put up at the AgierMouse, whl.ti we all pronounce the best hotel"wehave ever seen.


The Ten Million Loan.We nre informedthat more than one-half tbe atnouat of thisloan, with the premiums, has already beendeposited in the U. S. Treasury, and the re¬mainder will not probably be held back to theexttntof time legally allowed Ihecauseof"his promptitude on the part of the bidders is'hat the interest does not commence until thedoposite is made ; und wo take it for granted.' "lt 11 a,So proves there is in the country a

thIT»aD,"Unt °f uneil,P,0JtJ capital, which

- low rate"of'intereat" * "**' * #Ven

Tral °r tho ,uecess*

the premiums paid One^^JJ^^cenTof all they obtained at SI o*> p«.r ^and it is said that a Canadian hanking in,"'tution bought quite largely at that figureCot ht Martial- XUGeneral Naval Court-

Martial convened at tbe Washington Navy

1 aril yesterday. It is composed of the follow¬ing officers: Com'r Marchandt, President;and Lieutenant! Pcndergast, Murray, Seldenand Welch. Purser Watson acU a* JudgeAdvocate. The trial of the case of UcorgeBailey waa commenced. in which John S. Itudd,Ksq., appeared for the defendant. Ihe evi¬dence for the prosecution was concluded, andit waa understood that Mr. Rudd would com¬

mence hia argument for the defence to-day. '

Im.ness of <Wn. Cass..We understandthat the venerable Secretary of State sufferedanother attack last night from a chronic affec¬tion with which he ha? been afflicted for severalyears. He was not, however, dangerously ill,and this morning was able to sit «p and was

rapidly improving.General Jebez..We have satisfied ourself

that instead of being sent hither by the Nica.raguan Government to supersede General Iri-sarri. General Jerez,the new Commissioner fromthat Government, comes to aid his venerableand distinguished coadjutor, so far as futurenegotiations with this Government may be con¬cerned. Or, in other words, that his officialposition is that of a virtual assistant ti his ven¬

erable senior, whose line of policy be (GeneralJores) is doubtless instructed to do his bestto carry out.Japan and East India PoRTa.Official in¬

telligence has been received at the State De¬partment, to the effect that the ports of Anjer.Bantam, Indramai, Jo, Cherison, Fayal, Peka-longan, Rembaug, Passoerean, Probolingo, Be-gockie. Panaroekan, Banioewansie, Pangool,l^jitatijap, and Wynkoopsbani, in the Islandof Java ; the ports of Natal and Priamaui. inthe Island of Sumatra, and the port of Snrnpt,in Borneo, will be opened to foreign trade on

and after the 31st of May next.

Washington Aqoeditct. . On the 1st ofAugust, the monthly measurement showedI-4-100 miles ot the masonry conduit built in.July.making a total length completed, to 1stAugust, of 6.S9-100 miles, and leaving 4.61 loomiles yet to complete. 01 this, the excavationis generally completed, and the masonry onlyremains to build. The total length of masonryconduit i* 11J miles.

The U. S. Treastrt..The weekly state¬ment of the condition of the United StatesTreasury, for the week ending August Otbshows the following rosult:Receipts for the week SI,Tfi9,!»0 MDrafts paid 1,210,130 9*Draft* Untied l.UT.KiKiAmount subject to draft 3 mo p>Nett balance.. 1,468,755 46Increase hi nee last Wtfk 299 334 '>2

Armv Movements..We hear it stated thatGeneral Johnston and bis troops, (with the ex*

ception ot the Sixth Infantry, which is orderedto W alla-M alia.) will not he witbdriiwn fromSalt Lake for the preseut. They will remainin sufficiently close proximity to the city toanswer any call that may be made upon themby the civil authorities of the Territory.Naval..Tho U. S. steatn frigate Saranao.

Commander Kelly, sailed froiu Panama for SanJuan del Sur, Nicaragua, on the 20th ult.Tho Ij. S. steam frigate Merrimac, Commo¬

dore Long, and sloop-of-war Decatur, Comman¬der II K. Thatcher, sailed from Paita on the10th ult. for Callao.

Returned..Postmaster General Aaron V.Brown returned from his visit to Mississippiyesterday afternoon, and resumed his officialduties this morning, considerably refreshedand reinvigorated by his brief rustication.

Not Arrived .The Utah Pea.-e Commis¬sioners, Messrs. Powell and McCulloch, havenot yet reported themselves at the State De-partmeat, and it is, therefore, presumed thatthey have not yet arrived in this city.The Wrather..The fallowing report of the

weather for this morning is made from tho MorseTelegraph line to the Smithsonian Institution.The time of observation is about 7 o'clock.

AruvsT 13, !«<58.\ ork, N. \ ..........clear. ptn^3nt

PUItttdftplilu, Ha cloudy, warm.Imorf. Md ........... clear, pleasant

Washington D. O cloudy, wind EKlcariioiid, V >!......*..«,.( loudy, tti^Vtwrubniy,Va ....... . ...rloudv* tb?r 81.Norfolk, Va ............... (her N),wind E.Vllmington, N . C clear, ther.Columbia, S. C raining.Charleston, S. C loudy, th. 81, wind SAugusta, Ga ............. cle.ir.warm.favannah.Ca rloudv, TtJ , wind NIVv>acon,Oa ..clear, warmColumbus,(Ja .....clear, pleasant.tloutgo nr.. or, Ala clear.Harometer at the Smithsonian, at 7 a m. (cor¬

rected for temperature,) »i 141: at niK.n. :»o ICSThermometer, at 7 a.m.,75«; at noon 7»J. Max¬

imum yesterday, b7; minimum last night, 71.

POLITICA L.C. D. Martin has received the Republican

ifor Congress in the FailleId district

of Ohio.Mr Wood, Democrat, for judge of Ihe Louis¬

ville appellate district, In Kentucky, has defeatedJudge V\ heat, his American competitor, by abouta thousand votes.


The election In Iowa takes place on the Hrstruesday in October, instead of the first Mondayin August, a* heretofore. Five State officers andtwo members of Congress are to be elected....

'roin 4>l'or,h Carolina state that the Hon./. B. \ aix-e, the Distribution candidate, hisbeen elect, d to Congress in the moiiutain districtit'.'V represented by Senator Cllngman Themajority is said to be small.The returns of the recent Congressional elec-

tion III Missouri, re. elved from the various dis¬tricts, indicate the following majorities : SecondJ?..1,' A «t«l»-r*,on Dein , has l 3mi majority:third district, CUrk, 4; firth district, Wood-sou, .i<Ml; sixth district, I'neips, 5.mm: seventhdistrict, Not 11. j fourth district, Crai^ 4 000majority. h' '

In Arkansas there was scarcely any oppositionto the Democratic nominees for Congress ThosC- Hindmaii is elected in the tirat district w.th-out opposition, and Albert Hint is re-elected inthe second district by a large majority over T SUrew, former Governor of the State, and Inde¬pendent candidate The Democratic party ba«of course, a large majority in the State LegislalReturns, partly official, from fourteen counties

itl Kansas, give the following result of the eiectlo«i on the constltuton: A»aii,st Lecompton,

', for I»eoompton, 1,5UU Toe majority.Mialiist l.ecompton is therefore G StlU The num¬

ber or counties remaining to be h»ard from Is -.MIt is not believed, however, that the returns fromthese will aflect in the slightest the overwhelm¬ing majority already recofdedagainst the measl

117" The paper mill at B<th Island was burntyesterday with a loss of <100,000. InsurancesKw.tMJO The life was caused by the bursting ofthe steam boiler.

ID" The proprietor of the Charleston Mercury has purchased the Charleston Standardwith Its subscription lists and good-will, andproposes to merge the two papers into one.


CaWAlMT .A most dastardly attack waam»de upon the office of the Baltimore Exchangeyesterday, by a gang of rowdies The partiesconcerned were arrested, release d on bail, andwere last evening enjoying a hack rtd>*.

ITT" Eater advices from the city of Mexicostate that thecapital has been abandoned by Gen.Morene, and that Gen. Zuloago has abandonedT.tmpico, upon which the lil^rals were advancIng, and wonld soon l>e in possession

117"The banquet to Mr Field, at St. JobnV,N P., on Tuesday, was a splendid demoiistration. At 9 o'clock the ball commenced, whichwas attended by the liovernor, Lieutenant Gov¬ernor, Cyrus W. Field, the Chief Justice andother judges of the Supreme Conrl, Captain Hud¬son and the officers oft he Niagara, Captain Day¬man and the officers of the Gorgon, Mr. White-house, and the leading members of society atSt. Johns At midnight the company adjournedto supper, which abounded with toasts suitableto the occa-ioa, end speeches by the principalguests.

CALIFORNIA NEWS, Ac.By Ik* Steamship St L(i ¦ at New York.By this arrival we have dates from California

to the 30th of July.The report* fiom Framr river are not no favor¬

able as tboac heretofore received. Almost all t»KScorrespondents from the new Kldorado hold vatdiscouraging hopes to the ndventurer* who aft

harrying thither In »> arch of imaginary fortune*.Ih*" conm^ue«o» is that the ardor «f many baabeen damped, and the emigration from Californiala already beginning to fall otr That there lagold, and plentv of It, at Frazer river appear* tobe a Axed fact, but the obstacles In the way ofobtaining it are so great that In many case* theycannot be aurinonnted.

OatiroKKtA.The total amount of gold coined at the branch

mint, California, for the week ending July 10th,wa« 3^,803 ounces, or #<#>0,000, and the deposits50,B06 ounces. The amount of treasure shippedfrom San Francisco this yeai to July 7th, amount¬ed to 835,536,407, being 8375,907 less than for thesame time last year.The market* are overstocked with fruit. Apri¬

cots, peaches, cherries and melons have madetheir appearance In great abundanceA disastrous fire took place at Orovilln, in

Butte county, on the 5th July, which destroyednearly the whole business portion of that town.The loss is estimated at from 93UI,000 to 8300,000

It Is stated that a rich vein of mineral coal hasbeen discovered in Sonoma county, about fortymiles from the town of Petaluma. The coal Isdescribed as Wing very similar to the Kngiishcannel coal.Fort Miller, a station for United States troops,In Fresno county, has been abaudem d, and the

Government property there wa* sold at auctionou the 7tb J illyOn the 17th July the connty tieasurer of Mari¬

posa county was robbed at Sacramento of 87,600of the public funds he was convey ing.to the Slatetreasury.The troubles In San Ix>uis Obispo have been

well nigh brought to a close There have beenno execution* by the vigilance committee *inc.eNieves Koltles was hung on the 2Sth of JuneJ a< k Powers, the leader of the gang of bandits,bu s esc a | tedThe Buckeye boys at Orleans Flat, (Nevada

county.) took out a bonlder weighing 77 ll>* , onthe 10th J iilv. Oneend of the boulder was almostcovered with gold. Its value Is estimated at from$ 1,000 to f«,000 Marks & Co oflWed forthe lump, but the boys refused to sell.New and rich divings have been discovered

in Yuba county. Three men in oue day look out

The San Andreas Independent (Calaverasconn¬ty) remarks that the late exodus of laboring menfiom its part of the State bas caused a very con¬siderable rise In the wages of certain classes oflaboring men. It adds that good blasters inquartz mills are now in demand at 85 per day ;strikers at 95 These same men were paid, amonth ago, respectively, fso and 170 per month.

Or kg (> it.No farther Indian outrage* are recorded In the

Oregon papers, with the exception of an atta< kupon a prospecting party oi miners.none ofwhom, however, were killed. The confidenceof the Oregonians in the richness of the Frazerriver mines appears to l>e unabated. New and. leh gold discoveries in Oregon are also reportedas constantly taking place.

Washixjtox Territory.Rich diggings have been found on the Wen-

atsbe river by a party of miners going overlandto Frazer, but before they could fully prospectthe ground they were attacked by Indians, andt (impelled to letrcat They lost three of theirmen and killed fifteen Indians

(iold has lattly been found on the head watersof the Nesqualley, the I'nyallup, the White ai.dCedar, the Skagit, and the Snoqualiuie. Goodprospects were found on the Nei-qualley. Pros¬pecting parties have gone out from various townson Puget Sound to examine the streams eni|>ty-ing into the Sotindon the east side, and in nearlyevery stre. in which has l>een prospected the colorhas beentound

Sandwich I<i.ani>sOur dates from Honolulu are to the 19th of

June. The National Legislature met on the llthof that month, a-,d the King delivered bis usualspeech. The public debt on the Ut of April V as800.000. A lean of "BjUMJiki was spoken of TheMinister of the luterior lecommendcd that theKngiish language shall be giadually introducedthroughout the islands. It I* alieady the lan¬guage of the Court and of trade, and is known toma ay of the nationHumor says that a Government proclamationwill l>e issued In a day or two forbidding the

Moimons landing upon any of the SandwichIslands.The ship John Marshall sailed again on the

llth of June for a second cargo of ^uano. andwas expectrd back with 5ui ton* on" the 1st ofSeptember It is said that the facilities of load-it,g are such that she can take on boa.d forty totifiy tons per d iy.

NicaraguaIt is reported that Allen and Webster have not

been successful in their contemplated arrange¬ments with the Nicaraguan Government, Mons.Kelly's scheme being stilt the lavo: ite one. andVand~rbtlt's SIMl.lMi not being considered siilU-cient to induce the President tj give him theprivilege.

South America.The date* from Valparaiso a<e to June 30, and

Callao July 1*2Peru has been solicited to banish the Bolivian

refugees from Tacna, and to prevent the landing«.f General Belzu, in case he should come liomflu'ope.The Chilian government bs* der ided on In-

ves'ing a sum equal to Mr Tboiuas Brown'slegacy (I2W) UXi) for the establishment of a na¬tional toundliug hospital at ValparaisoThe foreign debt of Chill at the end of 1357was T^i,0l I,mm The national debt up to June'A», I, Was *2 tilu.'SU The value of foreignimports during ^57 is stated to lie 831 ."Ou.'-joy,and tbe expoitsof foreign and native produceduring the same period 8H>,77*.I50 The reve¬nue of the year, owing to the money c risis, felloti s«<» 313The case at Callao of Lomer Fitzgerald and

several other American* who were seiznl sometime ago a- tiUlbusters by tbe Peruvian govern¬ment. has been disposed of by sentencing all theparties to fifteen years' imprisonment at ha;dlabor.

PERSONA LMrs. Charles llowaid is playing in Balti¬

more.Alfred Tennyson Is spending the summer

months In Norway..... I.ord and I.ady Napier are at Newport on

a visit to tbe historian Bancroft.....Hon F Wood and lady, and Hon. John

Cochrane, N. V., are at the National..... Wm. Kawle, reporter to the Pennsylvania

Supreme Court, died in Philadelphia on the 10thinst.

.... Hon John Minor Botts leaves New Yorkto-day for Virginia, where he expects to visit theWhite Sulphur Springs.

.... Jules Janin, the well-known critic of theDelist*. is shout to publish a book entitled 44 Ma¬demoiselle Racbael."

.... Kx-President Don Valentine Goinez Fariasdied at bis residence in Mexico, ou the 3d ofJuly, at the advanced age of 77 year*.

.... General K. Y. Fair and lady, of Alabama,are stopping at Brown'* Hotel General F. Is therecently appointed Minister to Belgium

.... Kavanah, who took tbe letter from I.uck-now, during the *iege, to Sir Colin Camplieil, ha*been rewarded with the sum of £3,000, and anappointment in Oude worth £700 a year.

.... A colored Bipti*t clergyman in New Ha¬ven, the Rev S W. Davidson, has l>een arrest*don a charge of stealing leather and bides from theestablishment of the Messrs Giitiert, on Georgestreet, in that city.

.... It is announced that after leaving Cher¬bourg, the Kinpress of the French will go on apilgrimage to Auray. a small village in Brittany,celebrated for its butter, and a shrine of the Vir¬gin , which et joys a wide reputation.

.... Tbe Hon. John McLellan, of Woodstock.Ct., died at his residence on Sunday, In the <Qdyear of his age. He was the oldest living graduateof Yale College Among his surviving childrenis the wife of Prof. Benj. Silllman, Sr.

.... Senator Sumner Is still at Paris, under thetire treatment, and is prostrated and endures muchpain from the etlect* of the doctor's burnings, aswe supposed he would. It is a savage treatment,but is to be renewed as soon a* he can bear it.the object being to counter-irritation, to restorehis spine to a healthy condition.....The late Sir H. Sutton, Hart., who wa* In

hunting and sporting matters a second Niuirod,killed in 17 year*.from I"** to 1*45.the follow¬ing euoiuious quantity ot tame : .3.467 grouse,I'2 774 pheasants, V2.7H5 partridges, 7,S39 hare*,4.I"<J rabbit*, 1*3 wood, ocks, l«5 snipes, :o wildducks. 14 quails, 4 landrails,4 plovers,4 dottrels;total, 51,765

.... l^neen Victoria isexnectedin Berlin on theI*Jtb instant ; hence she will not receive the Pre*ident'sdispatch on British soli. Thetjueen willbe accompanied on her visit by the Prince Con¬sort, and by Prince Alfred and others of her chil¬dren. She will remaiu one week at the residenceof the Prince nnd Piince** Frederick William,the castle Hal»el*!ierg, which ha* been |i'e|>ai»dfor her reception under the superintendence ofher daughter.

.... The death of the Most Rev. Wm. Walsh,Roman Catholic Archbishop of Halifax, N. S ,is aii noiineed as having occurred at his ratidence,in HaPfax, on Tuesday night. The Archbishop,who was of lri*h parentage, wa* In the lift y-fourthyear of his age at the time of bts death. He hadbeen actively identlfled, for a long period, withtbe progress of his church in the British Pro¬vinces. His frank, genial disposition and liberalaentiiuents had won for him an unusual share ofpopularity in bis Arch-Diocese He was an In¬dustrious student, and was widely known to Lisco-religionists ta author and translator of atveralreligious works.

GEORGETOWN.Correspondent* if Tk* Star.

GlOBMtOWV, August 13. 1-^Business upon our rual tbl» morning in de« i<1

edly mora livelf than we rco»Ue< t ever to have*''fn it before Froui tbe wbanrcs in our city, a*far op as the fre can m< b, . distance of morethan La If a mile, there is a perfect throng ofboats : la aome plates literally parked to a jamb,a<rendlar ami d»amending. laden with coal, flour,merchandize, Ice.; awd the multitudes of menand boa*s moving to and fro, and the imessantand loud clamor kept up bv the Ixiatmen. remind*one of a vast army maneuvering for battle.The Vigilant bovs (tl emen' covered tbemsetven

all over with glory at their festival giveu at For¬rest Hall last nisfht, in hemor of their visitingbrethren from Philadelphia and your city. Every¬thing necessary to comfort the Inner man flowedia abundance Fun and good humor were the rul¬ing characteristics of all in attendance, and every¬thing passed ott tn the mo»t agreeable mannerThe particulars will be given by a more expe¬rienced pen than ours.by one who participatedpretty largely in all the fun and festivities of theoccasion.This Is the last from us, from this point, for ¦

few days ; and by tbe time this meets tbe publiceye in tbe column* of the star, we sball be skim-ing it over the blue waters of tba Potomac out¬ward bound. 8.


Corrtspoixdenct of The Star.Aliiandbu, Va., Aug 13. 1**»

Tbe Improvement* at tbe custom-bouse haveso far progreaaed as to render necessary the re¬moval of tbe btick dwelling on the west, whichwas included iu tbe Government purchase. Welearn that tbe material of tLe bouse will b« dis¬posed of to the highest bidder this afternoonWe bear that tbe Young Catholic's Friend

Society contemplate a pie ate to Arlington at aneatlv day. It i* also said »b*t Potomac Lod^ewill renew, before the senson closes, their re-eattrip to Glymont Pavilion. Under the auspicesof these associations, a pleasant time would becertainThe preparatory department of tbe Theological

Seminary of Virginia has been ie«tgsnized upona more favorable basis than it has had hereto¬fore

Markets, to-day.Flour: no supply reportedWheat, ottering tlt.e, uiatkrt full; sales whiteat 41 2-ial .T4 ; r» d SI *.Jia13tl Corn, offering* flue,market dull; sales white d7c ; yellow **4e aw7cRye, »msll sales at N*Arrived yesteulay. Bark F.phralm Williams,Cornwall, Lmx Island, granite for Waslnagton,

D. C. ; brig America, Kobins. New York, to D.A. Lowe; schooner Alva, G;eenwood, Windsor,plastor to Cazenove A Co ; schooner Commander-in-Chief, Martin, Philadelphia, coal to J. C.Nevett; schooner Inni Smith. McGlvern, FallKlver, to Borden Mining Company; schooaerTritine, Weaver, Noniini. wheat to Robinson APayne; sloop l>ove, Flanagan, Wicomica, coruand wlieat to Robinson A Payne; sloop St Cloud.Trader, Fook's Landiug, corn to Robluaon &Payne Sailed.S hooner William Baton,Tvler,New York, coal by T J Mehaff) ; «rhooner C.A. O'ook, Everbam. New York, coal by FowlerA Co.; schooner Eliza Hamilton, Cm, Troy,coal by Fowlei A Co ; schooner A. H. Dixon,Simmons, Philadelphia, by D A. l.owe.Arrived to-day.Schooner Na>d (.{ueen, Holse,New York, wheat to Fowler A Co.Sailed. 13th.Schooner Statesman, Weeks, N»-w

York, by S *biiin ; brig America, Robbins, ccali»y I) H. Lord

rv"y=»NEW BUILDIN'* ASSOCI ATIO.*'..AII'? persors desirous ofjorninf a new associationare requested to meet at the sehool n<>ase on thecorner ofG ami loth streets. «m M«'\l)AY EYKNIN'G next, the iGih nulant, at <i o*clock.au 13 3t*

rv^5=» REGIMENTAL HKA !;<{ ARTKKS.'ks \ Ol.l'iMTKI'.RS, \\ asiiiSuTox August 12.I-M .By Ihe uuaniitioaa agreement ui the office'*present attlielart meeting. it sua dtte* riiii.ctt to<\\l a ceneiai ii'eetuiic «_¦ I i ti - <ou.mi*SH>»ed ''fl ¬

eers of tne regiment at 7'. uVt'k a- the Ct l..mt> anAiino'jr.on MONDAY EVENING nrtt. th»* 16thitsl::n?,preparatory to w xi'rng on the Prtaident sndSecretary . I War; *nd the abstuce ol ait orficerIroin the in<etin< wi!l he considered a c«i »utauleueciei t ot duty.Br or ler >.f t'ol. Hickiy :au 'a Ui 11r.t.A I in..ti. i H N. t> t *-*W . Adj.

lY'y»N(i'l'li>'..-'l lie t'anip Meetnif lor Mockv.lie Circuit. ( >1. K. C hurcn.) wr ich w to

commence on ih« -?th mat. wi.l be held on the

5rou (Is oi B Worthington Watara. Es«j , imm«rt'ely on the Br<toivnle turnpike-one mile south

of Brook vrlle arul nneteen tmlex lr. ru v\ a.hint to".The grove is deliglitlull) ikaM, aid h >s an at undan! supply of pure water. The meeting will takeplsce ui.der such ampices as to insure the very Lettorder.

I'lie members arrl friends of the Church in thelh.-trict and ii<ji*Lbjrinc piaoes.aieoordisil) invitedto atteuuA KB..eral imeti«( wi I hi held <>n MONDAY,23d inst , to | ut the cn-und in oider. srlect teut-

Mtds, Ao, All lulerrsttd are requested t.> t»# ures-e t. SAM I Kl. REtilSTKR.au tS-St*

fv^s.CtU.LKOTOR'SOIFH^K.CI t\ H AM.,'IJn.v '<?, t*%j.T<) TAX-PAYKR^.-4i«hstfSt /»f PruinptPayment .Notioe is herel<« Kiven that the taxesfor the year It53 are uow due. aud p-ijaMe at th'Soltu-e ai d 'hat the Saw nl'.isrs an alsttemen1 of Mfhlrer cent, tor ths enrre t >enr il paid ou or boforethestdx» of Septeiiibei nex t.T«» prevent the uio -uveinence of l>eini( delayed in

tlie crowd uaually m attendance during the last fewda* s oft lie al<a'ernerit, tax pnrers are invited to ca Itir send for their lull* et au en Iter Us«

JAMi:S !.*. HA I I DAY.j» i1*einltd t'o lec'or.

jY^="C \ s h p a I d F o K Ftrn iti kk .!J^7 Housekeepers t>reakiue tip ara respectfullyinformed that we are at nil times prepared to bu»their entire stock of household eliectaitn i.'irr.e or. mail uuautities) lor cash.

BON TZ A COOM BS.au tl ?m No. mai 7th st., t>et. I and K.

C^HII DKF.N'S COTTON HOSI F.K Y. rood and' cl.esp; I eai her Bells, Belt Clasps, Pearl Studs,

Fancy Hair Pius, atau '3St t. AMMON D'S, 7'h street.

PDHF. AND FRF.SU ti KUl N D Ml STAKD.put up ext'iessl) tor tur fnuiiiy trade, and of

superior quality; together with choice tirooeriea,T as. Win s an J Liquors. JOS. W. DAVIO,

It* corne'Mhand Kate*

Am a it;h race wili. come off overt-e Bladei.shurK course, i# . yards,

for i V a side, on Saturd\>, the I4tu A u-kus>. The folli.w.ru are rtie en nea :Mr. Newby t.nines Stephen A. Doun-

las, t>y Arlington iam lolm/.Mr. Crawford enters Johu Urahnm, by Wilton

Browu. datn I'rme. H*

Emerson institute,. H s/r^'f. bttWfM 12th n*-l\"ttk flreetr.

s*klkct Classical am> Matiiimatical SchoolMl Bots.

The duties of this Institute will be recurred the1st day of Septernb r. Number of pupils united.For p rtuti!ars ad Iresaan j-eot t i.'ll AS. B. YOUNG. PrireipalI^K.MaLK ENGLISH AND FRENCH COL-T LEGIATK INSTITUTE,A'o. 182 I ftfet, G<t//ity'* Koir, Wanlti nttcM, /). C.Tl e duties ol this Institute win !>e resumed on

Monday, the 6th of September.Circulars, statute terms, coursa of study, Ao.,

ottu l>o obttuned at the Book nrnl Mu*io Stores.HIKAM '"ORSON. Piincipal.M'mc C. ROLLIN CORSON, Vtoe-1 rineipil.

an 3 tin*_____^ U M B E RL AND COAL.

LyJint arrived per Canal, another oarro of thit su-

iett >r C umtieriaiid COAL, t.sa rted in >(UMltiesu table lor fatmlv, steaininc. and blficksi.utliiui;lurposes; all of w>>ich will i>e disposed ol at the'ery lowest cash prices.

GEO. L. SHERIFF,Yard. street. Canal Bridge.an it eoM (Intel )

WAN DEK1 \«iS AMONG THE WILDi- LoWl.RS; h' w»to tee hi d h«»w to gather

them, uy Saencer I'hompsoii. M D. A n»w edrtn^i.en irely revised, with >71 wo*.i cuts. Hud ei^htIsr<e o.l..red I'lustrato-i^ b) Noel liuiuphre>s."r lowers.those cluriiin.* children of nature, in

which our a<e can ta«e t he san.e tranquil pleasureas our yoush.".Mr kiltr>ir,l bnlv>r Lyiton.

Prioe M o» nls. For sale atTAYI.ORA MAURY'S,

an '3 (hNi> Om. > 334 I'a. avet.ue.

THE BRITISH ARMY IN IN Dl«. byJ.SefIrya, formerly SUff Surgeon ol Caw.ipore, IVol , Lolitloii, .18. .s 4

Deaue s Manual ot History and Scienoe of Fire-Atiiis, I vol., London, IKM, $f.~5.Life of the Duke ol Wel inrton. by ('¦.'. Br.ai-niout. Belgian Army,2 vols., with Maps ai.dPlates. London. U>H;

Busoh's Haud BtMik for Tra»elleri in Egypt, t vol.,M * ps and Plates, London. t>Vt.Cap:. Liardet's Krietd y Hints tothe Vi ui>« Naval

l.ieutenuit, I v I. London, lass; .fi 37..ieoloay of North Aiuerioa. I>» ^ul.'s Mar«ou, 1

vo|.«»« with three Maps and ? Plate*. Zurioli,|jjy-

Creasy's History ol lire llttoii.au Turks, 1 vol,With Maps and Pia'e*. London IvSe.

Karl tim'i Keloimcf Pai itinfut, I < nl. London,IH.M; .t-\Tv

l.udewir's I iteraiureol AtK»rifinsl I anfuares, 1vol. I.o«iJoii, 18 i. 4AA

Tri.'ndid, .ta i«oo<rrai»li». Natural Kei< nrcen.Con-diti >n and Prospects, bv I.. A. A. Debertuil.J^ ¦ Lowdon. I^.i; .y^ANnK TAYLOR.

i\] EW STOCK or MUSICAL INSTRLMENTSm at ELtJy' Miisic Stote. _au 10_¦/INE WINES. I.|t J UO*S. BRANDIES, AND1^ WHISKIES.The subscriber Iish lust received s xery ch- ioe

lot ol superior old bottled Liquors, wtiuh he oilersat pn«rate sale at h<s AmcHoii Rooms, cheap,guaranteed. J AS. Moli LIR F A CO.,

au 7 -iv A iTtioneers

rf^HE ATLANTIC TELEORAPHIC CABLE.1 A specimen mat be useu at the Piano and Mu¬sic Establishment ofau 1» JOHN F. ELLIS.

ONE hKCtlN D-ll A>\ u « II iCst.K i NO PIA NO for 9IM; one for .»'>. A lt<i. 1

sec >mi ha*.I <*erap|i'iie for fjn. W|i| I. ¦¦¦¦aold on wonthly payments,or with aisoount'l* allfor oanh.at the Music Mo ^ofau It) W. Q. METZEROTT.

PIANOS FOR S A LE at low rates, u(.«n monthlypavmenrs. at the Muun Store No. *., baiwaaa

Hth and loth streets.ail II 1 I LIS.



Ti e J'eeoi 4 Gran-I Aar uai Put »c #T4hn_Wh t)Rom Ax'inb) wil. «. inf . <1 «mMtiVDAV. »*...¦! »«*?., ai A ?' e.*'I,IX. ION SPJI I,N(iS, tit* ;a\ ni«**"bummer r*vf(<il »ii' on.*i*i s .f v\ aatii «ti*.Kveri iriKDii inrnt hu Urn imJtlvi^K<l t'l

W'»l«rl twi p eeaure ol & 1 »liu vuli to (krtie ^tt#in the iuei dti.ee hiriia'i Mraas im STru*Hand has Keen ei gared lot t kr d«*. mTna HiiimuiM pttit* itniuirwri iui ih>

P«m Wiil ba uoroJ iw make thia Ue w.<«. «ir«bble pic uic of the ***,..uThe B««ta .wi | e n*ay pasa*p»ers >«?.?

street WiJ|*la4 taa >p ih« ** .<» horn JanngOm. Arf»m»«iid»n l > mod « ibe aaaoat KrkcloMer have 1-een >»-*de!.* ti.e i».en.hl>

Pe'B-.ns of a disrepata' l« cla arter will **.»! Madmitted on t'«a ground m

Tickets, admitl.ng a geuileman and Indira, Filt*Cants; oan be < blamed of aut of the members oTthe Aaaanaldy, <r ilia f»..'lowing committeer


Ikoniu Kelly. uu.l)»nr.Wm. Ffe.-a.nmig. Wm. Kiernan.T. L. Baruh. >»*

F. C O N D E X C I' R b I O N

President's Moulted Guard,Oa MONDAY. Aagast K.IIW.

At the wlicilkiion of the name.ous ftie«<i« of Hi#Guirrt, tnat patronised oar feist f x -

cnrsioa, 'her here be«n ndiced lotfire another to that p.enaant retr-al*til j aaout, r>n which occsaion ve thai I be pleased tohare a renewal ol tie pit onage of lh.se i hat nt-roozedtisoo the brat a-xeura'or.. and ail o;he<adeaioas to join with a* in i^uJim a p.-aaam timeat 'he Pari'ion.Tue subeeriliera wn get their tick eta of the Com

mntee, aa thejr are now ready. .

The Committee woaid iai toothera mat ieaire toeralxaoe this the last F.*c. rmuu o| the seaa. n <.!the president's Mi un ed ,fiitr4. that they wi'l nowhave an opp irtiiniry, an but few tickets rem mm.hM.1 he s'earner Coll»er leaves at 4>* o oi. tk p. in

foot of 7th ktreet, and arrive* at a suitibie hournext mo nine.Tickets admitting * gentleman aad ladiea. 91 M.t n Un ocaaeiou ererj prt-cayiioa till lakoti

to make thee hi pan) aeie.t.t'vmmiiut <it Arrmtfmmtt.

Cipf. Joe. Peek, Ut I im. K.I. Terf.?d i tent S. t'.Owen bd I leut \V . H. t> no*.O. Sw. J. H. McCu chea, M. fit J A. Kmi,Core, rt S«iiil(r>un, l.nawai J. T. I raM.W.S. Teel, ((r. Miuter K TowersJ. P. Von * »»en an 12 :'4lldllNT VKKMIH A\l» THK TOM K OKt»I W ASHfS4iTON.-Tlieat.am.rTIIOMA!* I'(M l.\ Kit ruua lt|nlarly eveij Tu«-»il.» and h ridn» iMoant V«-rtKHi aitd the t"«nli«( Watlnncton. leav rfthe wharf, at the foot of 7th atreet, at a. n . r«tu n.DK al^iut i>% p. hi. Kare $1.

_n !.> tf


For the aoc\.nun,MlaiM>u of familiM and other*Wiihini to enjoy the luxurina of Ireahhi ah.« rat*. «ivttera. ai.d Hen Hathiac. aMordad t>» thoae pl'ioea. the hue.'aafe, aud ooui'MtHiokua ateamer POU HATAN willleave Waahmttou KVKRV RATL'RUAV.at »a.m, for the abore pointa. and continue durmc th«bathinc aeaaon. from her Iwrth. at the »on,pai..'awharl. f«*ot oftwh a I reel, arriving at Pinev Point atj p m. tame dar. Old Point at 4 a. m . and Norto aat 5 a.m. Hu> day momma H»'urmnr will lea\*Norfolk <n> Monday at 4 p in . Old Point at S a »Piney Point at 3 a m. Tuesday, and arrive at \\ aahitutoa at 10 a. in. on aami> da*.Fare (inolutfine wmiUi to p.ney Point. $2- n dPoint and Nortoik. 15: ai.d I r the round trip.iiicliidmc niea.a. t'ln.drea ? bu aer% aula halt prire.Uortua free State r.-.n.a «x n-a.Paaaeucera will l<e taken up ai.d landed at all thelandinra on the Poiomae.For ticketa and further information apply at thaoffice of the tireat Southern and Houlhweatemtioket olfioe. No. j72 Pa a-.-er>ne. three d«n.re e«,tof K owi.'a ^otel. or t<> the Captain on board theBoat, fiH»t «.f »Uh atreot.

CUARL.ES K. MITCHFI.I . Cap rats.OROKGK MaTTINhLT.jy 21 d 9up<*rin endent P. t*. K.Coiiaaay.

WAHT8.WANTRU. ' wo <ilHl.S-a wpite one t<» J.»

cMtiiioi work, and a Oolore-I one I »r <:ir om App*y. with reowmwMtMtatiora.at 4*4 Peri .

avenne. <«nd b«t ween t» a «l li u't U ck a. aa.au !$-lf

\]Lf A N'PKI .On a farm resr Waahia'*"n I tar ¦.»" II A \ t)S who are lain.iiir with ;ard .mr at Ifarnnnr. v\',.u «i preier a lan.il) oanaiati <<>lanis».hifi wif^ ai d tvo or ri.ree »..u-e men. wa<- s,tire": r«-c.>n»men<1»tiona reyaireil. 4ddreaa FAKM Kk, \Va»h«nKloii, U.C..aiattng whem an inier-view oan be had. au I* 4t*%RfANTKl>.A MAN t«» w«irk on a am til Ikim»r and garden near the city. A German would t*»preieried. Applj at the Mar Offiot.ai 6o*cl,»rk tins

evening. au 12 »t'

WANTKI).-?m will I"- gik*en for rolume XIV..ptrta orie and two of "uaiea and 1*r«t«a'aOiia

rreational t>el>atea." Apply at ttaia offao*.an 1I-3T

WA N T F U.A good SKCOND IIA.NU onllrtad. Good wares gu en.

JAM FS II.au10 t' * le»^n *na. Va.\R7ANTFI) TO IM RCIIASF. A g.^nl" hand W heeler A' Wilaou'a SKWINO .M ACIII \ K, in perfect runmag order li.tinite \t ttieShirt Factory. !**i Mil street,? doors north ol IVmi.aveuue. .

. > tf H. .». NVVKS.|H/AN I I I) -CI I Pt l'l K Mil ITAICi IN»r S riTl'TK..TI.e Trc*tee» the a'a.!pep-rMilitary lnati<«te will appoint. I>e|..re tie I at ofS-4-tcir:l»cr. tn li.strn«-ior to till the chair ol inn.ierunuisua^.es ir. that lii»tn«'M«. A Wi ll edu<*ate,! I iiropean, who can speak tli* lacguaaen Rn»*nt!y. i*sire<l. A pp.inatloiiK. aiatni|( aalary re«|uired toaei (i-er with gi>od recoiutiwii.lal lona, maaat t<* ad.'ifN^rjto the KKV. JNtl. t'aM.F. Preaadeut of the K.-x aofT'rii«ter-» a n'nei.^r C. H \'an t:

W'ANTKl*.A auiati IIOl'SF. or a part ol %bonce, vn'h k.tctier. it; ici.tral pstt < I ttie

«*i»y. »'r.i-e n-;t to csoaaed Adtlr^aa boaP»t< i»ib.-e. i

Hatl SF. W ANTl.U Ml KFM-lii ihei.eiatiU>i n< ,h1 ol the I'apittd. iiid pwI ol it not ¦>¦. tt e

Hili.Aoataining mu« or ten rooaaaa. tor a Itnu ».Poxae^auin to t<e tiveu !.) the l*t of «lctol».»r ('> »«add reus **Tefayil. at this office, without de'a».; la-tiiw te.ma and location. jy J1 11


are forewarned from nego.iving or trani g f-ran aeeiated l)n AFT. diawu i.y W in R. I'olk infavor of same lor ««i <!a*a, an.I ac«'epte<! be u* (ourname in red ink >dat*d ah u Ji lyJi 185a a> neitiarWin. K .'oik or Jaaaiea II. Reed A Co.¦ are r«o*i ved ra ue for it, it b ing loat or ato'en. Aanoimtof note J»aw.aa 13 «. J A M *¦ S H. KFFU A Ct».AC RKWAKU .Strayed ataay on the 3J laatant.vo a large VVHlTfc Cu\V. spotted withred. Haa long horna. and a large lAg, rntlier »a^sore. The above reward wri he p* id forj^^kaaher return to ANTMON IIK.NK^ HI Pff.R I',Mth etreet. near Dr. H»t'a au lg Si*

M KWAK1>..I^'at on the morning of the 4thinstant, in going along G atree', fioan atli to

7th, or « n 7th atreet. Pa avenue or h afreet. a:, ox ashaped GOLD URKASTPIN, oonta.urg a t>rwulof gray hair. also, eevcril o her lira i la of h*ir o' de¬ceased fmuda. It u aurrounded by adoub e tw is edwroucht cl.ain The hi»«;*r will receive the a orerewa.d and the thanks ol the owner l>y leavinic tattlua office. aiUS'

BOAEDIVQ.BOARDI NU.Wit^l hsudsoiiiely furnislod Ko< <. a,and table Hoardior of a »e ect character, en aeobtained »t r»i9 H atreet, between f,th a:id 7tli . ta .if application l»e made soon, acd upon :lt ino-teesy tenna

_an 13 4t*

Bt»A R III \G.. A few gcn'le« en c-li b acc«ifi.iii<dated with ».ood lit > N K l)ai d p.i aaastWo M S

f»> a p tine at .No SnJ Pa aveuue,Lclwef *i! and «i¦tree:a near s>t Cbariea II -tel. aj 1" 1m*

pROI'tMAl.S WILL HK M F.rF.tVF.D V4altI the (Carpenter's Work ou thel.«Nie^ol .he ii'WCat1 o io Cr iit li*. y, on the II a-!-i M.mr I urairit*.antii Satiird<).i4 h iu«t Foi it I >rn.a:ion »il'fTHuM AS Hi KKF, Overan-er,<-n the g < u'»a«.au 12 2t

CCOUNTRY HiiAKDINti - l':.ii..lo« <r»iM»*eJ lioardera ea.i lie acvomm dateil w ith i . . Agood coin lit \ hoaku *, niiesfr..! ? r"m yWnahington, near lluntei's < :M«pei,onI'vlumiM I uri pike I he liouae l» nc w. ,., K. u J

airy: feted up«xpressly lor the s<c.ii.ai<H*atK ii ofhmilio aiul Mingle ptoona w ho iim) dnaur lo n.la f<*w weeks in thecountr). AdarlMsHfe. t!ie !<.-cntiou of thia oouutry t>oat cannot Le tmpiaatd inVirginiaFor further particulara inquire of MAK^II AVOSS, oorner lOtn at. and Pa av.anl» 3f I- 7.0 K Kit'P

THK UtM'K OF THE SKAS;i.\..Juat put.iislod."liecrse Me.\ UIm," :¦ n American nova I.I vol., 12-no ; > I ; post ia>d %1. &.**\S e thi-a fieorae Melvnle a »fx.k of great ia*e

rest and spirit, ami oce that f-rmca out in a strongliaht aoii e peculiar trai'a of American characte r.' .rasatifsfiaa. VaMrfia f." An in.iiaual!) weil written and infereatuirtuxig.".l.tlrtia>4 »"t«r»r.(..orre M«-'* an* ia :i Uiok Which a ill am! eveiyliod). For aa e t.y

TAYLOR k M AI'K Y. K.. k*e lets,a*I? V 3 4 Pen a\ enne.

. | |i.. It. J A .vi a ft, I III. K K l'l K Mi' I in SI/I" man tii oowro-t . ml*-in Ihe t-aal iidoa,/1. i. 11<.i in t iMt'eaaMWiwi a lisia, i pap/ ct.i'is. t'a.ugi a, a 'o.ili, si d li, in rai I* l.ilnv IheI remedy was disco etc t i»« lum alien l< i e ,nlvI cai d.a daughter, wa- pivea aa to d.e I'll c iidI was i u.e-J ami 'a a.ow aha'* vi.J Writ !>... iioi,a(.I leuelilim loa l« lii.w looilals he n'l »e> d t... ho e who wiali it. ilia arcipa r< ii.Kin.in' fal' di. aufiiaa lot ¦iniixi' umr tin* remedy, ui n r^oeipi of their naoie^ ' d <r, *m

O. P. BROWN,aa 6-1m No. I*» t.rand at.. Jeiaoa City. J.

I\]E\V MliSIC received weakly and cant |.y mailH to nr.> pail ol the world,at the Miauu Stoie o|an 'I JOHN F. ELLIS.

lilrMiiias OF KACilEL, t.y Madame Da P.I"I prioa SLia. t«i . ol aVn'rai Atneiica.their Grografhy.I') po« raphy, CliRAte. I'. pu aiion. Heaoarvaa. Pro-dia< tioiia, Ouiiiiiierc«, An., A c ; !.* E. ti. Sviuier,with 1-uii.Arona oruinal n.apa and ifluatratious $ j.Jast puhliaheil at.d hv sale at PHI I.PS',. " " rg Pa «ve.. t^l «*th and l«nh SIS.

A J. BORLAND,a l urritn, i.HKCHKK * FLFFVtkKasidaaaoe.No. 4M Maaschu*«tla avanae.between Siath and Sevauth Straeta.RtrtK< toM. V. B. Boaan, M. L'., J. Ford Tl.oaapaon. M D,Rev. A. G. CatoliHMa, J. M, Bu na, ixaaiiatVVan. M. Butts, M D., ii.* m'