events from st december 2019 to 6th january christmasmostra d’arte presepiale annual appointment...

W O R L D HE RIT A G E PATRIM O IN E M O N D I A L P A T RIM O N IO M O N D IA L E Assisi, Basilica di San Francesco e altri luoghi francescani iscritti nella Lista del patrimonio mondiale nel 2000 Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Educazione, la Scienza e la Cultura Events from 1 st December 2019 to 6 th January 2020 Christmas Lights, Sounds and Colours

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Page 1: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

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Assisi, Basilica di San Francescoe altri luoghi francescaniiscritti nella Lista del patrimonio mondiale nel 2000

Organizzazionedelle Nazioni Unite

per l’Educazione,la Scienza e la Cultura

Events from1st December2019 to 6th January 2020

Christmas Lights, Sounds and Colours

Page 2: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

For a Christmas of Peace and HopeFrom December 1st to January 6th, Assisi rejoices with lights, sounds and colours, in moments and places that we will make this Christmas, the birth of Jesus, the “Feast of all Feasts”, really special.

A rich program of events that will touch the historic centre and the nearby villages, the most known places as well as the most unusual places of Assisi, with some highlights: the exhibition of many nativity scenes throughout the territory, live nativity scenes in the hamlets and villages, Christmas lights and the lightening of Christmas trees, liturgical celebrations, concerts of best wishes for the new year.The City of Assisi strongly wants “Christmas in Assisi” to become a central event during the year, as Saint Francis wanted: the party of life, the feast of fraternity, a festival of lights, a feast of solidarity, joy, wonder, an event for children and families, the festival of peace.It is in this year 2019 that we celebrate the two 30th anniversary of the Sister Cities Assisi and Bethlehem: we will celebrate this anniversary during the Christmas time, in sobriety but not in silence. We will turn the Christmas lights on together with Bethlehem, to highlight the meaning of brotherhood and peace, in the eight hundredth anniversary of the peace pilgrimage of St. Francis to the Holy Land. Because Assisi is responsible for being a model of dialogue and peace, as St. Francis was 800 years ago. This year in particular, on the way to the extraordinary meeting held by Pope Francis in Assisi with young people to rethink and re-found economy (The Economy of Francesco, March 28, 2020), “Christmas in Assisi” will be dedicated to sobriety and sustainability, to promote the universal Franciscan values that focus on people and the environment.

Trees, many trees, illuminated with warm and low energy consumption lights, many non-plastic water bottles in the hands of young people in order to promote a ‘brave cultural

revolution’ against any exploitation of the environment and the poorer...together we really want to send a

message from Assisi, in the 40th Anniversary of the proclamation of St. Francis patron Saint of ecology: we can, we must change the world starting from

every single action!Merry Christmas to you all, dear ones Fellow

Citizens!Merry Christmas to all of you, dear visitors,pilgrims, tourists, men and women of good

will, friends and lovers of Assisi!May this Christmas be of hope, light

and Peace!

Mayor Stefania ProiettiCity of Assisi

Page 3: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

In the heart of the citynumerous native plants

will give life to an Enchanted Woodland inspired by the

Third Paradiseby artist Michelangelo


AssisiPiazza del Comune 13

From 8th December 2019To 6th January 2020


Page 4: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


Poetry Contest “La poesia ho infilato al ramo...” La poesia ho infilato al ramo.Sbatte, non cede al vento.Mi preghi: “Toglila non scherzare”.Viene qualcuno. Guardano, incuriositi.Non possiamo stare a discutere.Andiamo, via. “Ma la dimenticherai...”Ma sì, una nuova te ne scriverò domani.Che importa una poesia perduta!Al ramo non fa peso.Quante poesie vorrai ti scriverò, tanti alberi, tante poesie.

Evgenij Evtušenko

Poems, poems and free thoughts contest.The compositions in the Terzo Paradiso Vegetale

as of January 6th, will be evaluatedby a Jury.

All are invited to attend.Info: Tourist office Assisi

Page 5: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts




Santa Claus and the Elves are waiting for youat Monte Frumentario

to open the doorsto the magical world of Santa’s house!

Palazzo Monte Frumentario - Via Fontebella 12

From 6th December 2019To 6th January 2020

6-8 / 14-15 / 21-22-23-24-25-26 28-29-30-31 December 2019 - 1 / 5-6 January 2020

Page 6: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


Palazzo Monte Frumentario - Via San Francesco 12

New The House of Games and Fairies

Educational Farm WorkshopsOrganized by Campagna Amicaand Coldiretti

7-8 / 14-15 / 21-22-23-24-25-26 28-29-30-31 December 2019 - 1 / 4-5-6 January 2020


Page 7: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

7 / 14-15 / 21-22-23-24-25-26 28-29-30-31 December 2019 - 1 / 5-6 January 2020



Along the streets of Assisi there will be the Christmas Train for the joy of children, families and all visitors of our city.

Hours 10.00 - 20.00 Train Stops: Porta Nuova, Santa Chiara, Piazza del Comune, Porta San Giacomo, Via San Francesco, Palazzo Monte Frumentario via San Francesco (House of Games and Fairies) San Pietro, PalazzoMonte Frumentario via Fontebella (Santa’s House).

From 7th December 2019to 6th January 2020


Page 8: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


Assisi – Historic centreSanta Maria degli Angeli

Christmas Music will be broadcastin the streets of the

Historic centre of Assisiand Santa Maria

degli Angeli.

8th December 20196th January 2020

Page 9: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

Palazzetto del Capitano del PerdonoDuring the Christmas periodInstallations, Digital Animationand Creative Workshops... and much morefor children, young and not so young.Come and discover your digital space and all its services that you can use for free.

The DigiPASS office is open from Monday to Friday (from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.), Monday, Wednesday and Friday (from 3.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.) and Saturday (from 9.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.)

info: 075 8138448 - [email protected]

8th December 20196th January 2020


Page 10: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

Assisi Plastic FreeChristmas 2019

The City of Assisi will donate a non-plastic water bottle to all the students of Assis.

Christmas 2019


Page 11: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

From 7th December to 12th JanuarySanctuary rooms and large cloisterof the Convent of Santa Maria degli Angeli 3

“...A WORLD OF CRIBS...”INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF CRIBSEvery year at the Porziuncola in an evocativesetting, a large exhibition of Nativity scenes from various parts of the world.Free Entrancehours 9.00 - 12.40 / 14.30 - 19.00

From 8th December to 6th JanuaryAssisi - Piazza del Comune - Tempio di Minerva 13 THE MINERVA NATIVITY SCENEMan-sized crib that will make this ancient monument of Assisi even more precious.

From 8th December to 6th JanuaryAssisi - Sala Palazzo Capitano del Popolo 23 NEAPOLITAN ARTISTIC CRIB OF THE‘700The work reflects the style and tradition of the Neapolitan crib and offers together with the Nativity a cutaway of extremely lively and crowded folk life of shepherds where reality is grasped with a smiling and good-natured eye.The shepherds’ clothes were made and sewn entirely by hand by Antonietta Mancinelli Angeletti who also worked wisely in the choice of fabrics and models that reproduce popular follks clothes.Free entranceHours 10.00 - 21.00


Page 12: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


From 8th December to 6th JanuaryLawn in fron of the Basilica Superiore di San Francesco 5 IL PRESEPE DEL COLLE DEL PARADISOThe Nativity of the Paradise Hill, ideated by Carlo Angeletti with passion and great sense of tradition, has been realized since 1995 thanks to the availability of the Sacro Convento and the Collaboration of volunteers.By Antonietta Mancinelli AngelettiAny time during the Christmas period

From 8th December to 20th JanuarySanta Maria degli Angeli- Palazzo del Capitano del Perdono 11 MOSTRA DEI PRESEPI DELLE REGIONIBy Associazione Priori del Piatto di Sant’Antonio Abateand Priori Serventi 2020. Free entranceHours 9.00 - 20.00

From 8th December to 6th JanuaryAssisi - Piazza del ComuneGalleria Le Logge - Sala Ex Pinacoteca 9 25

MOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALEAnnual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts of Italy. By “Club UNESCO Assisi”. Free entrance7-8 / 14-15 December and from 21 December to 6 January - Hours 9.00 - 20.00

From 21st December to 6 JanuaryAssisi - Piazza del Comune - Sala ex Pinacoteca 25 MOSTRA PRESEPI ARTISTICI ASSISANIand exhibition of the Presepe Artisticodi Torre del Greco.By Association “L’isola che non c’è”in collaboration with the City of Assisi byFranco Paccamiccio and Pro Loco AssisiFree entranceHours 10.00 - 12.00 / 16.30 - 19.00

Page 13: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


From 24th December to 7th JanuaryAntico Fondaco - Orto degli Aghi, via P. Perlici, 6 10

NATIVITÀ ASSISIATE IN PRESEPIONativity in the medieval candle-lit Assisi withlife-size characters in period costumes.By Giampiero Italiani, preparation: Assisium,Parte de Sopra, Parte de Sotto, Accademia PuntoAssisi, Cattedrale di San Rufino. Free entrance.Closed 31st December 2019 and 1st January 2020.Hours 10.00-12.00 / 15.00-18-00 (info: 320 7254714)

From 24th December to 2nd February Santuario Rivotorto 27 PRESEPE NEL SACRO TUGURIOAt 11 p.m. Holy Mass of the BirthOpening Big Nativity.An Umbrian and Franciscan crib set up in Rivotortoin the Sanctuary of the Sacred Tugurio. The crib is the perfect reconstruction of an Umbrian landscape, with fields and trees; in the background the Rocca Maggiore of Assisi. A small miniature world reconstructed with natural materials. Free entrance.

From 24th December to 6 JanuaryNATIVITY CONTESTNativity scenes created by citizens, schools andlocal associations set up in the City of Assisi, Santa Maria degli Angeli and Rivotorto. Info and participation forms at the Tourist office of Assisi. The contest will end at 12.00 on 18-12-2019*.By Ufficio Turismo Città di Assisi


The Association Pro Loco of Rivotorto presents a crib contest CHRISTMAS 2019. Families, schools and activities can participate: cash prizes will be awarded tofirst 5 classified, identified by a special jury.

* Nativities scenes will stay exposed until 6th January 2020.

Page 14: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts



24 - 26 and 29 December 20191 - 5 and 6 January 2020 Hours 17.30 - 19.30 On 24 December at 10 p.m.Holy Mass of the Nativityand OpeningBy local Pro Loco

PETRIGNANO 34 25/26/29 December 2019

1 and 5 January 2020Hours 17.15 - 19.30

On 6th January from 4.30 p.m. With arrival of the Magy

By Comitato Presepe Vivente di Petrignano


26 December 20191 and 5 January 2020 Hours 16.30 - 19.30 By local Pro Loco

Page 15: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


Until 13th January 2020 Santa Maria degli Angeli 3

Museo della Porziuncola “BELLA TU SEI QUAL SOLE” The Statue of the Madonna degli Angeli between Arts, History, Curiosity and ResearchBy fr. Claudio Peraro e Donatella Vaccari.Free entranceHours: 9.30/12.30 – 15.00/17.00 (closed on Wednesdays)

From 8th December 2019 to 6th January 2020 Assisi - Palazzo Comunale - Sala degli Emblemi 24

IL LEONE D’INVERNO, ATMOSFERE, STORIE E ALTRE IMPRESSIONI DI ANGELO LUNGHI.Ambience, stories and other impressions.Photo exhibition by Associazione CulturaleL’Anemone in collaboration with Città di Assisi.Free entrance.Hours: Mondays-Fridays 10.00-12.00 and15.00-18.00; Holidays 10.00-19.00

From 8th December 2019 to 20th January 2020Santa Maria degli Angeli 11

Palazzetto del Capitano del Perdono - Digi PASS EXHIBITION OF 19TH CENTURY COSTUMESBy Rioni di Santa Maria degli Angeli.Free entranceHours: Mondays-Fridays 9.00-14.00 * Mondays- Wednesdays- Fridays 15.00-18.00 – Saturdays 9.00 -15.00

From 2 to 8 DecemberSanta Maria degli Angeli 11

Palazzetto del Capitano del Perdono EXHIBITION FINANCIAL POLICEExhibition of paintings by financiers and historical uniforms of the Guardia di Finanza Museum in Rome.Free entranceHours: 9.30/12.30 – 15.00/18.00

Page 16: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


From 20th December 2019 to 30 April 2020Assisi - Galleria d’Arte ContemporaneaPro Civitate Christiana - Via Ancajani, 3 21 EXHIBITION: “THE WORKS BY RAFFAELLOIN THE ANCIENT ART PRINTS OF EUROPE”Opening on 20 December 2019 at 5 p.m.Hours: weekdays 10.30/12.30 and 16.30/18.30;Holidays or different hours upon reservation 075 813231

7-8/14-15/28-29 Dec. 2019 - 4-5 Jan. 2020 Palazzo Monte Frumentario -Via Francesco 12

MARKETS CAMPAGNA AMICAby Coldiretti. Free entranceHours: from 10.00 to 20.00

8 December 2019Santa Maria degli Angeli – Piazza Garibaldi 14

L’ANTICO FA ARTEChristmas Markets.By ConfCommercio. Free entrance.Hours: from 9.00 to 19.00

13-14-15 December 2019 Rivotorto di Assisi - Pro Loco 35

CHRISTMAS MARKETS AND SANTA’S HOUSE13th December at 5 p.m.: opening. Free entranceHours: 10.00 - 22.00

22 December 2019Santa Maria degli Angeli – Piazza Garibaldi 14

MERCATINO DELL’ARTIGIANATOBy Pro Loco and Ass. Commercianti. Free entrance.Hours: from 9.00 to 19.00

Page 17: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


7 December 2019 and 1th January 2020 Assisi – Piazza Matteotti (in front of Hotel NUN) 15 ASSISI DELLE PICCOLE CHIESE San Vitale - San Paolo - San Francescuccio San Giacomo de Muro Rupto. By AGTU Start at 3 p.m. - Free of charge Info and bookings 075 815227 7-14-28 December 2019 and 4th January 2020 Assisi - Piazza del Comune - Tourist Office 13 ASSISI UNDERGROUND Guided tour of the Roman Forum and Roman Houses.By COOPCULTUREStart at 3 p.m. - Free of charge Info and bookings 075 8138680

8-15-22-29 December 2019 and 5th January 2020 Assisi - Rocca Maggiore 22

GUIDED TOURS OF THE ROCCA MAGGIORE Free guided tours, included in the entrance ticket.By COOPCULTURE At 11.30 a.m. And 2.30 p.m.Info and bookings 075 8138680.

15 December 2019 Assisi – Abazia di San Pietro 1 URBAN TREKKING WITH A VIEWStart 10.30 a.m. - 10,00 euro per person By AGTU. Info and Bookings 075 815227

21 December 2019 Assisi - Piazza del Comune - Tourist Office 13 ASSISI UNDERGROUND Special tour of the Roman Forum and Roman Houses with reading of some poems by Propertius.By COOPCULTURE Start at 3 p.m. - Free of chargeInfo and bookings 075 8138681

Page 18: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


26th December 2019Assisi - Piazza del Comune - Tourist Office 13 ROMAN ASSISI Roman Forum and Domus Romane, via Tecta,Piazza and Cattedrale di San Rufino, Anfiteatro Romano.By COOPCULTURE in collaboration with AGTU Start 2.30 p.m.; 15,00 euro per person Info and bookings 075 8138680

From 26th December 2019 to 6th January 2020from 10.00 to18.00- Pinacoteca Comunale 18 OPENING OF THE PINACOTECA COMUNALEBY COOPCULTURE With the Support of Regione Umbria

27 December 2019 and 3 January 2020Assisi - Pinacoteca Comunale - Palazzo Vallemani 18 FRESCO CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP and brief game tour of the Pinacoteca.Activity for kids from 5 to 10. Free of charge By COOPCULTURE Start at 3 p.m.Info and Bookings 075 8138680 27 December 2019Assisi - Piazza San Rufino 7 THE CATHEDRAL OF SAN RUFINOAND ITS MUSEUMBy AGTU Start at 4 p.m. - Free of charge Info and bookings 075 815227

28 December 2019 and 4 January 2020Assisi – Basilica inferiore di San Francesco 4 NATIVITY IN THE GIOTTO PAINTINGSBy AGTU Start at 3 p.m. Euro 10,00 per person, entrance not included - Info and bookings 075 815227 30 December 2019 e 3 January 2020Santa Maria degli Angeli 3

LA BASILICA DI SANTA MARIA DEGLI ANGELI E IL MUSEO DELLA PORZIUNCOLAA cura di AGTU Start at 3 p.m. Euro 8,00 per person, entrance not included - Info and Bookings 075 815227.

Reservation is mandatory for all guided tours and laboratories.

Page 19: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


The Calendar of Events

Page 20: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


December Assisi - Piccolo Teatro degli Instabili 17

SERENVIVITYA show between music, singing and comedy of the duo Ebbanesis,Serena Pisa and Viviana Cangiano, two young Neapolitan sisters on the rise in the Italian music scene. Info and bookings: 333 7853003 - 075 816623 - [email protected]

Assisi – Bosco S. Francesco 8 UN ALBERO TUTTO DA MANGIARE! We are back with our traditional appointment with chef friendLuca Fabbri. Equipped with apron and chef’s hat we will makecookies to decorate our Christmas tree. nfo and bookings: 075 813157 - [email protected]

S. Maria degli Angeli - Piazza Garibaldi (DigiPASS) 11

LETS’ READING….WAITING FOR CHRISTMASReadings with Christmas wishes.By Associazione Sei degli Angeli se.

h. 17.30

h. 17.30

h. 21.00


December MONDAY

Page 21: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


h. 21.15 Assisi - Teatro Lyrick 28 LA VIE EN ROSE... BOLEROArt Director: Carlo PestaA leading title that records incredible sold outs, La vie en roseBolero is among the most symbolic choreographies of the Milan Ballet, represented with extraordinary successes in Italy, Switzerland, Russia, France, Morocco and Estonia since 2010.Info: 075 8044359 - [email protected]

S. Maria degli Angeli - Piazza Garibaldi 14 PIEDIBUS… WAITING FOR CHRISTMASNight walk with start from Piazza Garibaldi.By Associazione Sei degli Angeli se.

h. 21.00





Page 22: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


h. 17.00

h. 17.00

h. 18.00


From 5 to 8 DecemberAssisi - Piazza del Comune - Sala ex Pinacoteca 25 LEGATI DA UN FILO D’AMORE National contest with prizes “Author Christmas Trees 2019”Decoration of Christmas trees with various embroidery techniques,lace and applied arts. Exhibition of the works. Info: 349 1283610Hours10.30-13.00 / 15.00-19.00

From 7 December 2019 to 6 January 2020Santa Maria degli Angeli - Piazza Garibaldi 14 ICE-SKATING RINK The ice-rink will allow adults and children to skateenjoying a beautiful view, admiring the Palazzetto delCapitano del Perdono, illuminated by evocative lights.

Rivotorto di Assisi - Roundabout 35 LIGHTENING OF THE CHRISTMAS TREEBy local Pro Loco in the middle of the Roundabout

Assisi - Rocca Maggiore 22

FIRE OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTIONLighting of the majestic Fire and party around the fire with roasted chestnuts and mulled wine. All in a fairy-tale evocative atmosphere. The event will take place under any weather condition. By Associazione Amici della Montagna



Page 23: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


h. 11.30

h. 11.40

h. 17.00

Assisi – Bosco San Francesco 8 CHRISTMAS SWING – APERITIF IN MUSICWith the young J.G. Band. A delicious Christmas aperitif to toast together with the upcoming holidays will followInfo and bookings 075 813157 - [email protected]

Assisi – Santa Maria degli Angeli - Train Station 36 ARRIVAL OF THE HISTORIC TRAIN BENEVENTO - PIETRELCINA - ASSISILater the pilgrims will attend Mass at the Basilica of San Francesco and the Christmas initiatives in town.

Assisi - Piazza del Comune 13

LIGHTING OF THE ECO-TREEA big tree consisting of 80 plants that after 6th January 2020will be replanted. Decorations are made by the guests of Istituto Serafico di Assisi. Choral performance by the students of the Primary School of the Convitto Nazionale di Assisi.By Società Culturale Arnaldo Fortini di Assisi.The Mayor of Bethlehem will be in the City of Assisi on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the twinning Assisi-Bethlehem

CHRISTMAS LIGHTS WILL BE SWITCHED ONin the City of Assisi and nearby villages

Capodacqua d’Assisi - Piazza Santa Maria della Speranza 16 LET’S WARM UP CHRISTMAS “Biscottiamoci”, let’s make cookies: laboratory for kids. Launch of bright balloons with children’s messages By local Pro Loco - Info: 340 9037400 / 339 61007312

Assisi – Basilica Superiore di San Francesco 5

CHRISTMAS CONCERT Choir and Young Orchestra “Amadeus” di Pescara

h. 19.00

h. 20.30

h. 20.30


Page 24: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts

Assisi - Piazza del Comune - Sala ex Pinacoteca 25 Awarding of the winning tree for the Contest “LINKED BY A THREAD OF LOVE” and extraction of the winning ticket “L’ALBERO D’AUTORE”The proceeds from ticket sales will be donatedto the Punto Rosa Onlus Association

S. Maria Angeli – Museo della Porziuncola - Sala S. Pio X 3 ANDRÒ A VEDERLA UN DÌ Songs to the Madonna of the Angels Elisa Bovi: voice, Maria Chiara Fiorucci: harp, Micaela Baldwin: flute

Assisi – Piazza inferiore di San Francesco 4

LIGHTING OF THE CHRISTMAS TREE Lightening of the Christmas Tree on the Lower Square.Choral performance of classes I of the Frate Francesco School, classes V Scuola S. Antonio and Rivotorto under the direction of Gloria Negroni and to the keyboard Maestro Michele Fumanti. With the participation of Giovanni Allevi. The event will be broadcast live on RAI. Organized by Sacro Convento di San Francesco di Assisi.The Mayor of Bethlehem will be present on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the twinning Assisi-Bethlehem

Santuario di Rivotorto di Assisi 27


Santa Maria degli Angeli - Piazza Garibaldi 14 LIGHTING OF THE ECO-TREEA big tree consisting of 80 plants that after 6th January 2020will be replanted. Decorations have been made bystudents of the Istituto Comprensivo Assisi 2.By Pro Loco di Santa. Maria degli AngeliThe Mayor of Bethlehem will be present on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the twinning Assisi-Bethlehem


h. 17.30

h. 17.45

h. 18.00

h. 18.30

h. 20.00

Page 25: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


Assisi - Basilica Superiore di San Francesco 5

MEETING BETWEEN WORDS AND MUSICWords and music by Giovanni Allevi. By Sacro Convento di AssisiInfo: Assisi - Piazzale Rocca Maggiore 22

FIREWORKS SHOW by City of Assisi

Assisi - Teatro Lyrick 28

UP & DOWN WITH PAOLO RUFFINI COMPAGNIA MAYOR VON FRINZIUSTheatre, cinema, arts don’t know what to do with normality.Life itself does not ask us to be normal, life is a hymn todiversity: we are all differently normal and equally different.Info: 075 8044359 - [email protected]

Santa Maria degli Angeli - Piazza Garibaldi 14 PIEDIBUS… WAITING FOR CHRISTMASNight walk with start from Piazza Garibaldi.By Associazione Sei degli Angeli se.

h. 20.00

h. 21.00

h. 21.15

h. 21.15


Page 26: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts



Assisi - Palazzo Comunale Sala della Conciliazione 13

WATER BOTTLES UNDER THE TREEAt Christmas 2019 the City of Assisi will give all the students a plastic-free Water bottle“ASSISI: IL VENTO DEI 20” Nati per leggere 1999/2019Presentation of the Program of the Municipal Library of AssisiOrganized by Sistema Museo in collaboration with the Umbria Region

Assisi - Piccolo Teatro degli Instabili 17

PER LA RAGIONE DEGLI ALTRIThe Compagnia Alchemico Tre faces Pirandello and his theaterPlaying one of his first texts.With Giorgia Coco, Michele Di Giacomo and Federica FabianiInfo and bookings: 333 7853003 - 075 [email protected] -

h. 10.00

h. 21.15


Santa Maria degli Angeli 36 WALK...OF CHRISTMAS GIFTSWalk and tasting of typical Christmas cakes Organized by Pro Loco, Sei de Jangeli se and Associazione Commercianti.

h. 21.00

Page 27: Events from st December 2019 to 6th January ChristmasMOSTRA D’ARTE PRESEPIALE Annual Appointment for the city of Assisi,with numerous handmade prized Nativity scenes from many parts


S. Maria degli Angeli – Palazzetto del Capitano del Perdono 11

On December 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22 e 24 2019 THE HOUSE OF SANTA CLAUS AND THE ELVESDelivery of the letters to SANTA (in collaboration with primary school and kindergarten); Saturday 21st December opening of the letters and distribution of gits and sweets By Pro Loco di Santa Maria degli Angeli and Associazione Compagnia Teatrale In.

Santa Maria degli Angeli (DigiPASS) 11 FREE LABORATORIES FOR KIDS FROM 4 TO 11 HOCUS&LOTUS Animated readings in English, LAB let’s coloursome characters of the history, Christmas Choir – by DigiPASS,Assisi feat, Piccola Scuola di Musica & Bilingual Kiddy.

Castelnuovo di Assisi 31 WAITING FOR CHRISTMASConcert of the kids of the kindergarten in Church.

Santa Maria degli Angeli 36 WALK OF…CHRISTMAS GIFTSWalk and tasting of typical Christmas cakes. Organized by Pro Loco, Sei de Jangeli se and Associazione Commercianti.

from h. 16.00

to h. 18.00

h. 15.00

h. 18.00

h. 21.00


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Santa Maria degli Angeli (DigiPASS) 11 LET’S READING... WAITING FOR CHRISTMASBy Associazione Sei degli Angeli se.

From 9.00 to 18.00Biblioteca Comunale di Assisi - Palazzo Vallemani 6 THE LIBRARY GIVES BOOKS FOR CHRISTMASCitizens, Associations, Students are invited to the library to receive free publications from the Municipal Library.By City of Assisi and Sistema Museo

Santa Maria degli Angeli 36 WALK OF…CHRISTMAS GIFTSWalk and tasting of typical Christmas cakes. Organized by Pro Loco, Sei de Jangeli se and Associazione Commercianti.

h. 21.00

h. 21.00



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Assisi – Piazza del Comune 13 SANTA CLAUS IN PIAZZA DEL COMUNEHere comes Santa with gifts for everybodyby Pro Loco Assisi

Assisi – Biblioteca Comunale - Palazzo Vallemani 6 Nati per Leggere “ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS CHRISTMAS” By Sistema Museo

Santa Maria degli Angeli - Via d’Annunzio 36 NATALE SOLIDALEOpening of the Enlargement of the Emporio SolidaleBy Caritas Diocesana and City of Assisi

Assisi - Theatre Lyrick 28 A CHE SERVONO GLI UOMINI? With Nancy BrilliMusical comedy written by Iaia Fiastri, music by Giorgio GaberWith Daniele Antonini, Nicola d’Ortona, Giulia Gallone and withThe participation of Fioretta MariScenes Sissy Granata, directed by Lina WertmüllerInfo: 075 8044359 - [email protected]

fromh. 15.30

h. 16.30

h. 17.30

h. 21.15



Assisi - Piazza del Comune 13 PRESENTATION OF THE THIRD PARADISE(ENCHANTED WOODLAND)With Master Michelangelo PistolettoStefania Proietti Mayor of AssisiEnrico Sciamanna and Giulio Proietti Bocchini.By City of Assisi

h. 16.00

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Assisi – Cittadella Christiana - Sala San Giovanni 21 “IL FANCIULLINO CH’E’ IN NOI” Songs from the film by Walt Disney Acting and choreography of the students of the V class of the Primary School of the Convitto Nazionale di Assisi, Voices and instrumental Commedia Harmonica.Master Umberto Rinaldi. Free entry.

S. Maria degli Angeli – Palazzetto del Capitano del Perdono 11 BAGPIPERS MEET SCHOOLS By Pro Loco di Santa Maria degli Angeli

Santa Maria degli Angeli (DigiPASS) 11

FREE LABORATORIES FOR KIDS from 4 to 11PartyAMO, music propaedeutics for kids and familes / LABLet’s learn the musical figures, the alphabet and the signs / Christmas ChoirBy DigiPASS Assisi feat Piccola Scuola di Musica & Bilingual Kiddy

Assisi – Chiesa di Castelnuovo 31 CASTELNUOVO IN CANTO Christmas concert by the Parish Choir with the participation of instrumentalists, children of the catechism and of the Kindergarten of Castelnuovo. Arrival of Santa in a carriage with gifts and food offered by the Pro Loco.

Assisi – Chiesa di Armenzano 29 CONCERT OF CHRISTMAS MUSICS By Choir ProTeMus di Foligno

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Assisi – Cattedrale di San Rufino 7

HOLY MASS ON CHRISTMAS DAYPresided by don Cesare Provenzi, Parroco della Cattedrale e Priore del Capitolo.Ordinarium: Franz Joseph Haydn (Rohrau, 31 marzo 1732 – Vienna, 31 maggio 1809) - Missa brevis in Fa, Hob XXII-1 for soloists, choir, organ, orchestra. Musical Chapel of the Cathedral of San Rufino of Assisi.Director: Lucio Sambuco - Organist: Carlo Abbati.

Assisi – Dalla Basilica superiore di San Francesco 5

CHRISTMAS CONCERTAfter the Urbi et Orbi Blessing by Pope Francis,will be broadcast Eurovision on RAI 1 (recorded in Assisi on December 14th 2019)

Costa di Trex - Chiesa Parrocchiale 32

MASS OF THE PATRON SAINT SANTO STEFANOPrize “Santo Stefano”Established by the Pro Loco of Costa di Trex

h. 10.00

h. 12.30

h. 11.30

h. 12.30



Santuario di Rivotorto di Assisi 27 CONCERT OF THE PARISH CHOIR OF RIVOTORTO Directed by Francesco Pieretti

Costa di Trex 32 CHRISTMAS IN COSTA DI TREX Santa’s coming with gifts for all kids; Bingo and toast with sparkling wine and panettone.By Pro Loco di Costa di Trex

h. 21.00

h. 22.00h. 22.30

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Assisi – Orto degli Aghi, via Porta Perlici, 6 10

ASSISI NATIVITIY ON THE WAYThe poetics of the nativity between literature and mysticism; traditional walk among gardens, alleys and churchyards in the places of Francesco and ChiaraBy Giampiero Italiani. Info 320 7254714 - [email protected]

Assisi – Piazza del Comune – Start Tourist Office Assisi 13

GUIDED TOURS OF THE NATIVITIES OF ASSISIBy Pro Loco Assisi - info: 075 816772

Assisi - Piccolo Teatro degli Instabili - Teatro Ragazzi 17

ROSA by and with Teresa BrunoA woman on stage. Clown. Alone. Or maybe not. Rose.In collaboration with ATEATRO RAGAZZI and BIRBA CHI LEGGE.Info and bookings: 333 7853003 - 075 816623 - [email protected]

Assisi – Basilica Inferiore di San Francesco 4

CONCERT “ALLA LUCE DI UNA STELLA” XVI EditionCappella musicale della Basilica Papale di San Francesco.

h. 14.30

h. 16.00

h. 17.30

h. 21.00


Assisi - Palazzo Monte Frumentario 12

Casa dei Giochi e delle Fate“IL MIO NATALE AD ASSISI”Presentazione del racconto di Annamaria Porrino

h. 16.30

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Basilica Papale di S. Maria degli Angeli in Porziuncola 3 CHRISTMAS CONCERTBy Quartetto vocale “AntiquaNova”

the nearby villages of Assisi BAGPIPERS ALONG THE VILLAGE STREETS Itinerant music. By Associazione Ritmi

Assisi - Basilica di Santa Chiara 2 CHRISTMAS CONCERTChoir Cantori di Assisi

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Assisi – Basilica Inferiore di San Francesco 4 CONCERT “CHRISTMAS IN CHOIR”Organized by A.R.C.U.MAssociazione Regionale Cori dell’Umbria

Assisi - Teatro Lyrick 28 A CHRISTMAS CAROL - THE MUSICALWITH ROBERTO CIUFOLIAfter the success achieved last year, the Compagnia Dell’Alba, directed by Fabrizio Angelini and Gabriele de Guglielmo, takes the musical A Christmas Carol again on tour in co-production with TSA - Teatro Stabile d’Abruzzo And in collaboration with the art school Step of Americo di Francesco e di Paola Lancioni.Music by Alan Menken /Liriche Di Lynn Ahrens Inspired by the story by Charles Dickens Original choreographies by Susan Stroman, directed by Mike Ockrent.Info: 075 8044359 - [email protected]

h. 21.00

h. 21.15


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Traditional New Year’s Concert

Experience and creativity of musicians who create a powerful sound,rich and engaging, for a trulyunforgettable night waitingof the New Year.



Piazza del Comune

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Assisi – Teatro Lyrick 28 GREAT CONCERT OF THE NEW YEAR Francesca Bruni: soprano Elisabetta Pallucchi: altoEmanuele Fagotti: tenorChoir and Orchestra Città di AssisiDirector: M° Padre Giuseppe Magrino ofm conv.

Assisi – Orto degli Aghi, via Porta Perlici, 6 10

NATIVITÀ ASSISIATE IN COLLOQUIO The value of the gift in an economy of Franciscan inspiration.Reflection in view of the “Economy of Francesco” eventSpeech by: Stefania Proietti, Mayor of Assisi,Domenico Sorrentino, Bishop of Assisi and eminent experts.By Giampiero Italiani. Info 320 7254714

h. 21.00

h. 15.00




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Assisi – Orto degli Aghi, via Porta Perlici, 6 10

ASSISI NATIVITY OF THE KIDS Pictures with Baby Jesus and some surprises.By Giampiero Italiani - Info 320 7254714

Santa Maria degli Angeli – Piazza Garibaldi 14 THE WITCH ON ICE

fromh. 10.00

h. 18.00

VENERDÌAssisi Centro Storico - Santa Maria degli Angeli 13 36

BAGPIPERS ALONG THE STREETS OF THE CENTRE Itinerant music. By Associazione Ritmi

Santa Maria degli Angeli – Presso il Museo della Porziuncola, Sala San Pio X 3 VIRGIN MARY AND THE CHURCHTheological reflection on Mary by fr. Ezio Casella OFM

Assisi – Abazia di San Pietro 1 CONCERT FOR THE EPIPHANY Choir Cantori di Assisi

Assisi – Basilica Inferiore di San Francesco 4

CONCERT“South Dakota State University Choir”, director Laura Diddle

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Assisi - Teatro Lyrick 28 THE POZZOLIS FAMILYIN A-LIVE PERCHÉ SOPRAVVIVERE AI FIGLI È UNA COSA DA RIDEREThe most loved father and mother in Italy, after having won millions of people with their videos on Facebook, finally arriving at the theaterwith an irreverent, ruthless, exhilarating and totally true show. Who said that with the arrival of a child one does not sleep anymore?Who said that one thinks only about the baby, that one no longer has sex, that you are tired, stressed, exhausted and that there are times when you would like to scream: “but who made me do it ?!”But which, in the end, is the most extraordinary thing in the world?Info: 075 8044359 - [email protected]

h. 17.00

Pro Loco di Capodacqua di Assisi 30 VISIT OF THE OLD WITCHStockings for all good kids!!!

Castelnuovo di Assisi 31 BINGO IN THE PARISH HALLBy Pro Loco and Circolo ACLI Pieve San NicolòHAPPY BINGOBy parish San Giovanni Battista

Rivotorto di Assisi - Salone Pro Loco 26

RIVOTORTO IN MUSICExhibition of Rivotorto musical expressions:Choir LE ALLEGRE NOTES, PARISH CHOIR,MUSICAL BAND and other singing groups.NATIVITY CONTEST AWARD by the Pro Loco

h. 20.00

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h. 20.30

h. 20.45

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From 8.00 to 22.00 - Rivotorto di Assisi 35 THE FAIR OF THE WITCHAlong the streets of Rivotorto the traditional fair will take place.By Pro Loco di Rivotorto

Assisi – Orto degli Aghi, via Porta Perlici, 6 10

ASSISI NATIVITY OF THE KIDS Pictures with Baby Jesus and some surprises.By Giampiero Italiani - Info 320 7254714

Rivotorto di Assisi - Pista Polivalente 35

“THE OLD WITCH COMES FROM THE SKY”Descent of the Old Witch with paragliding in collaboration with theALISUBASIO flight school. Distribution of stockings to all kids,Entertainment for adults and kids.

Assisi - Piazza del Comune 13

“THE OLD WITCH IN ASSISI”At dusk the Befana will descend from the Bell Tower to distributesweets, candies and gifts to all children.By Pro Loco Assisi

fromh. 10.00

h. 14.30

fromh. 16.30


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Castelnuovo di Assisi 31 HERE COMES THE OLD WITCHDescent of the Befana from the Bell Tower

Santa Maria degli Angeli – Piazza Garibaldi 14 “FLYING OLD WITCH” down the big dome Waiting for the Befana entertainment and distribution of stockings to all children. By Association Sei dei Jangeli se e Priori Serventi 2020

Santuario di Rivotorto di Assisi 27

HOLY MASS WITH KISS OF BABY JESUSAnd extraction of Protector Saints.

Assisi - Teatro Lyrick 28

SLEEPING BEAUTYWITH RUSSIAN CLASSICAL BALLETSleeping Beauty is an incredible masterpiece of classic ballet. The dream dimension awakens the magic of fairy tales, an enchanted world of castles, forests, curses and spells. Only a kiss of pure love will break the spell. Music Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Choreography Marius Petipa Scenographies Russian Classical Lballet, Costumes Evgeniya Bespalova Art Director Evgeniya Bespalova.Info: 075 8044359 - [email protected]

h. 18.00

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h. 21.15

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Assisi Liturgical Celebrations

From 29 November to 7 December18.00* Novena dell’Immacolata

Sunday 8 December Immaculate Conception 7.30-9.00-10.30 Mass12.00-18.30 Mass17.00* Solemn mass in Cappella Papale with S.E. Card. C. Hummes, Archbishop of Sao Paolo (Brasile)

Saturday 14 December - Christmas Concert 11.00 Chiesa Superiore, RAI records the concert

From Tuesday 17 to Monday 23 December Settenario di Natale18.30 Vespers and Meditation

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve18.30 Solemn Vespers22.00-23.00 Confessions23.00* Song of the Office of Readings and Mass Presided by S. Em. Card. Agostino Vallini, Vicar Emeritus of the Pope for the Diocese of Rome Papal legate for the basilicas of Assisi. At the end, blessing of the Crib.

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 7.30-9.00 Mass10.30* Solemn Mass12.00-17.00 Mass18.00 Solemn Vespers18.30 Mass

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano 7.30-9.00 Mass10.30* Solemn Mass12.00-17.00 Mass18.00 Solemn Vespers18.30 Mass

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro 7.30-9.00-10.30 Mass10.30-12.00 Mass17.00* Solemn Mass and Chant of the “Te Duem” of thanking23.00 Prayer vigil awaiting the new year 2020 (without Mass)

Papal Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi

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Wednesday 1 January- Mary Holy Mother of God 7.30-9.00 Mass10.30-12.00 Mass17.00* Solemn Mass18.30 Mass

Monday 6 January - Epiphany7.30-9.00 Mass10.30* Solemn Mass 12.00-17.00 Mass18.00 Solemn Vespers18.30 Mass

*the Cappella Musicale della Basilica di San Francesco animates Mass

Basilica of Santa Mariadegli Angeli

29 November - 7 December19.00 Vespers and Novena dell’Immacolata with P. Renato Russo ofm 7 December 21.15 Celebration in honor of Mary with Canto dell’Akathistos, presided by Fr. Giuseppe Renda, Custodian of the Proconventio of the Porziuncola

Sunday 8 December - Immaculate Conception 7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass11.30 Solemn Holy Mass10.00-17.00-18.00 Holy Mass19.00 Solemn Vespers in Cappella Papale

Sunday 15 December16.30 Blessing of the Bambinelli at the Cappella del Presepe Monumentale

From Tuesday 17 to Monday 23 December19.00 Settenario in preparation for Christmas

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas eve 23.30 Vigil and Mass on Christmas Eve presided by Fr. Giuseppe Renda, Custodian of the Proconventio of the Porziuncola

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass11.30 Solemn Holy Mass. Presided by S. E. Card. Agostino Vallini Pontifical Legate for the Basilicas of Assisi

10.00-17-00-18.00 Holy Mass19.00 Second Solemn Vespers of Christmas

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Saturday 28 December 7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass11.00-18.00 Holy Mass 19.00 Vespers 20.00 S. Rosary and Procession Aux-Flambeaux

Sunday 29 December7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass10.00-11.30-17.00 Holy Mass18.00 Holy Mass19.00 Vespers

Monday 31 December - San Silvestro 7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass10.00-11.30-17.00 Holy Mass18.00 Holy Mass19:00 First Vespers of the Solemnity of the SS. Mother of God with the song of the “Te Duem” of thanking.23.30 End of the Year Holy Mass

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass10.00-11.30-17.00 Holy Mass18.00 Holy Mass19:00 2° Vespers of the Solemnity of the SS. Mother of God with the song of the “Veni creator Spiritus” for the new year

Sunday 5 January7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass10.00-11.30 Holy Mass17.00-18.00 Holy Mass before the Epiphany19.00 First vespers of the Solemnity of Epiphany

Lunedì 6 Gennaio - Epifania 7.00-8.00-9.00 Holy Mass10.00-11.30 Holy Mass15.30-18.30 Kiss of Baby Jesus c/o la Cappella del Presepe17.00-18.00 Holy Mass19.00 Second Vespers (in the Cappella Papale) Of the Solemnity of Epiphany

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 9.00 Holy Mass

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano11.00 Holy Mass

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 9.00 Holy Mass

Monday 6 January - Epiphany 11.00 Holy Mass

Church of Santo Stefano

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Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve23.30 Pontifical of the Bishop

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 8.00-18.00 Holy Mass 10.00 Solemn Mass animated by Music Chapel of the Cathedral of San Rufino and Orchestra Missa in brevis in Fa, Hob XXII-1 di Franz Joseph Haydn

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano 10.00 Solemn Mass18.00 Holy Mass

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro 17.00 Solemn Mass and Te Deum of thanking presided by the Bishop

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 10.00-18.00 Solemn Mass

Monday 6 January - Epiphany8.00 Holy Mass10.00-18.00 Holy Mass and Kiss of Baby Jesus

Cathedral of San Rufino

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve 23.30 Holy Night Mass

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 10.00 Holy Mass18.00 Vespers

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano 10.00 Holy Mass18.00 Vespers

Wednesday 1 January - Mary Holy Mother of God 10.00 Holy Mass18.00 Vespers

Monday 6 January - Epiphany 10.00 Holy Mass18.00 Vespers

Chiesa Nuova

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Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve23.00 Holy Mass

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 11.00 Holy Mass

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro17.00 Holy Mass

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 11.00 Holy Mass

Monday 6 January - Epiphany 11.00 Holy Mass

Church of Santa Maria Maggiore

Sunday 8 December – Immaculate Conception 8.00 Holy Mass 10.00 Holy Mass and Procession e Procession Grotto of Lourdes (Collettine Nuns) Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve 23.00 Vigil and Holy Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 8.00 Holy Mass10.00 Solemn Mass and Arrival of Santa Claus

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano 10.00 Holy Mass

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro 18.00 Holy Mass and Te Deum of Thanking

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 8.00 Holy Mass10.00 Solemn Mass

Monday 6 January - Epiphany8.00 Holy Mass and Kiss of Baby Jesus10.00 Holy Mass and Kiss of Baby Jesus Arrival of the “Befana”

Abbey of Saint Peter

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From 17 to 23 December - Novena di Natale17.00 Holy Mass* 18.00 Vespers*

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve18.00 First Christmas Vespers*23.00 Solemn celebration of the Office of the Christmas Readings*24.00 Holy Night Christmas Mass*

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas6.45 Praises*7.15-11.30 Holy Mass*9.00-16.30 Holy Mass17.30 Solemn Vespers*

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano6.45 Praises*7.15-11.30 Holy Mass*16.30 Holy Mass17.30 Solemn Vespers*

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro6.45 Praises*7.15 Holy Mass*16.30 Holy Mass17.45 Solemn Vespers with the Te Deum chant*

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 6.45 Praises**7.15-11.30 Holy Mass*9.00-16.30 Holy Mass17.30 Solemn Vespers*

Monday 6 January - Epiphany 6.45 Praises*7.15-11.30 Holy Mass*9.00-16.30 Holy Mass17.30 Solemn Vespers*

*Celebrations animated by the Sisters “Clarisse”

Basilica of Saint Clare

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CHRISTMAS IN SAN DAMIANO7.00 Praises17.00 Vespers7.30 Holy Mass (workdays)7.30 - 9.30 Holy Mass (Sundays and Holidays)

From 17 to 23 December - Novena di Natale

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve23.00 Office of readings and Mass of the night

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas9.00 Praises9.30 Holy Mass

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano7.00 Praises7.30 Holy Mass

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God9.00 Praises9.30 Holy Mass

Monday 6 January - Epiphany7.00 Praises7.30-9.30 Holy Mass

Sanctuaryof San Damiano

Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve18.30 Holy Rosary19.00 Solemn Vespers

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Wednesday 25 December - Christmas11.00 Solemn Mass18.30 Holy Rosary19.00 Solemn Vespers21.00 Solemn Mass

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano11.00 Mass18.30 Holy Rosary19.00 Vespers 21.00 Mass

Sunday 29 December 19.00 Eucharistic Adoration and Solemn Vespers

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro18.30 Holy Rosary19.00 Vespers and Te Deum of thanking

Wednesday 1 January – Mary Holy Mother of God 11.00 Solemn Mass 18.30 Holy Rosary19.00 Solemn Vespers21.00 Solemn Mass

Sunday 5 January 19.00 Eucharistic Adoration and Solemn Vespers

Monday 6 January - Epiphany11.00 Solemn Mass18.30 Holy Rosary19.00 Solemn Vespers21.00 Solemn Mass

Eremo (Hermitage)Delle Carceri

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas Eve 17.00 First Solemn Vespers 22.30 Office of Readings 23.00 Holy Mass in the Holy Night 24.00 Procession aux flambeaux in the woods And kiss of Baby Jesus

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas 8.00-11.00 Holy Mass17.00 Second Solemn Vespers

Thursday 26 December- Santo Stefano 8.00-11.00 Holy Mass17.00 Solemn Vespers

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Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro 17.00 First Solemn Vespers and Te Deum chant 23.00 Holy Mass of the End of the Year

Wednesday 1 January - Maria Ss. Madre di Dio 8.00-11.00 Holy Mass17.00 Second Solemn Vespers

Sunday 5 January17.00 First Solemn Vespers

Monday 6 January - Epiphany 8.00-11.00 Holy Mass17.00 Second Solemn Vespers

Sunday 8 December – Immaculate Conception 8.00 Holy Mass11.00 Holy Mass18.30 Holy Mass and opening of the Nativity scene

Sunday 22 December 21.00 Christmas Concert

Tuesday 24 December – Christmas eve 23.15 Vigil and Holy Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25 December - Christmas8.00 Holy Mass11.00 Solemn Mass18.30 Solemn Mass

Thursday 26 December - Santo Stefano 8.00 Holy Mass11.00 Holy Mass18.30 Holy Mass

Tuesday 31 December - San Silvestro18.30 Holy Mass and Te Deum of thanking

Wednesday 1 January - Maria Ss. Madre di Dio8.00 Holy Mass11.00 Holy Mass18.30 Holy Mass

Monday 6 January - Epifania8.00 Holy Mass11.00 Holy Mass17.30 Holy Mass and Kiss of Baby Jesus

Sanctuary of Rivotorto

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Traduzione in inglese a cura di CoopCulture