everyday english conversations with a taxi driver


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Click on any of the icons through out this presentation to listen to it. You may click as many times as you like.

The dialogues are all one conversation and are not broken into sentences for listening.

Listen to each saying and / or sentence and then repeat each of them. You may want to do this several times so you get the right pronunciation.


Page 4: Everyday english conversations with a taxi driver


Listening & Quiz.





Listening & Questions3


English for Taxi Drivers

Page 5: Everyday english conversations with a taxi driver

Vocabulary Quiz

Page 6: Everyday english conversations with a taxi driver

Vocabularypassenger: person travelling in car, bus, train (not the driver)

destination: place where you want to go

map: diagram or picture showing streets and roads

in a hurry: rushed; need to go fast

expressway / motorway: fast road

tollway: fast road with fee

toll: charge; fee

boot / trunk: box at back of car for luggage, cases etc

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seat belt: strap to hold somebody in their seat in a car or airplane

accident: crash; a car hitting another car or a person

fee: price; charge

note/bill: paper money

boundaries: limits

fare: price for taxi; passenger

flat fee: fixed price

in a rush: in a hurry; late; want to go fast

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pull over (verb): to stop a vehicle to the side of the road- We pulled over so we could rest and enjoy the scenic view.

down to an art (verb): to learn something very well- My brother has skiing down to an art.

cruise (verb): to drive at a moderate speed, often leisurely or aimlessly- The football players cruised around the city after the big game.

do you have the time (verb): "Do you know what time it is?"- Excuse me. Do you happen to have the time?

skyscrapers (noun): very tall city buildings- The city has decided to build a new skyscraper in the downtown area.

offer (verb): to provide or furnish- This travel agency is offering discount travel tickets to students until the end of the week.

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reasonable (adjective): fair, not excessive or severe- The prices at that department store are very reasonable.

fantastic (adjective): super, wonderful, unbelievably great- The musical last night was fantastic.

decor (noun): the indoor furnishings of a building or home- The hotel's decor was designed by a local decorator.

authentic (adjective): real, not counterfeited- The teacher create a very authentic classroom atmosphere for her students.

portions(noun): an individual amount of food- The portions were so large that we couldn't finish the meal.

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1. This restaurant's ____________ is very authentic. Everything---the tables, wall hangings, and lightening---looks so real.

2. I _____________ my friend a ride to the airport, but he decided to take a taxi instead.

3. The museums in this part of the city are _____________. You'll love them.

4. The teenagers ____________ around town in their dad's new car last night.

5. The taxi _____________ and let us out near the train station.

A. fantastic B. pulled over C. offered D. cruised E. decor

Type in the correct word to complete each sentence

Check Answers 1. E 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B

Page 11: Everyday english conversations with a taxi driver



Small Talk


No Service

Traffic Conditions

Fares & Fees

Special Requests



Passenger Says

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Hi / Hello

Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

How are you today?

Hi. I can take 4 passengers

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Would you like a taxi, sir?

Do you want a taxi, sir?

Would you like a cab?

Do you need a taxi?

Are you waiting for a taxi?

Yes, I would.

Yes, I do.

Yes, thanks.

Yes, I do.

Yes, I am.

Do you have just the one suitcase?

Do you have any luggage?

Do you have any bags?

Yes, that’s it.

No. Just my computer. I’ll keep it with me.

Yes. I have these two.

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Small Talk

Have you been here before?

Are you from around here?

How do you like Bangkok / Beijing / etc?

Are you here on business?

Are you staying long?

Good weather, huh? Not too hot, not too cold.

I hope the weather gets better for you.

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Where can I take you?

Where are you going?

What's your destination?

I don't know that place. Do you have a map?

Can you show me on this map?

Are you in a hurry?

It is very close.

It is pretty far away.

It will take about 15 minutes.

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It takes about one hour to get there.

It is faster to take the expressway but you have to pay the toll.

Where would you like to go?

Where are you going?

Where to?

About how long will it take to get there?

Is it far?

How long a trip is it?

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No service

Sorry, that is out of my boundaries.

I can't go there. I would have to come back without a fare.

Sorry, I don't go to the airport.

I'm all done for the day / night.

I have to return the car on time.

My car needs servicing.

I'm sorry. Have a nice day.

I can call another driver / company for you.

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Traffic conditions

It's rush hour.

There's a traffic jam.

The traffic is bad over there. You'll get there faster if you walk from here.

I think there's been an accident.

I'll try a different way.

At this time of day, it won’t take long ...about 15 or 20 minutes.

The traffic is light now, so it shouldn’t take long.

The traffic is quite heavy, so it may take awhile.

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Fare and fees

The total price is $10.

Thank you for the tip.

Do you have smaller notes/bills?

I don't have any change.

The customer pays for the expressway, OK?

You in a hurry? Take the expressway?

There is a toll way fee. You pay the fee, ok?

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Is there a flat rate or do you use the meter?

Is there a set rate or do you use the meter?

Is there a fixed rate or do you use the meter?

Is there a fixed fare or do you use the meter?

What do you think the fare will be?

What do you think it will cost?

How much do you think it will be?

Probably around twenty-five dollars.

It’ll probably be about….

It might be about…

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How much is that?

How much is it?

What’s the fare?

That’ll be $22.00.

It’s $22.00.

That’s $22.00.

Here’s twenty-five.

Here you are.

Here you go.

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Special instructions / requests

I'll put your luggage in the boot / trunk.

Put on your seat belt, please.

Is it okay if I open a window?

Is the air-conditioning okay?

Please don't eat in the car.

No smoking, please.

Do you want me to wait?

I have to get some gas.

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Understanding the passenger

Speak slowly, please.

Sorry, I don't understand.

Yes, I understand. I'll take you there.

Please ask someone to write it in Thai / Chinese / etc.

No problem.

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Things a passenger could say

Can I get a ride?

How many people can you fit?

How long will it take?

Please wait for me.

You can keep the meter running.

Do you have a flat fee to the airport?

I'm in a bit of a rush.

Can we get there by 10 o'clock / noon / 4pm / etc?

Could you slow down, please?

Is this the quickest way?

Do you take credit cards?

Do you have change?

Keep the change.

Thanks for the ride / lift.

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Here we are.

Here you are.

This is it.

Okay. We’re here.

I’ll get the suitcase.

I’ll get your bag.

I’ll get the luggage.

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Watch out for motorcycles before getting out!

Don't forget your things.

Thank you for your business.

Hope to see you again.

It's been nice chatting with you.

Enjoy your stay in Thailand / China / etc.

You're welcome.

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To the train station.

I’m from California.

Going to the hotel.

I'm going to the National Museum of Art.

At the Airport Taxi Stand.

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Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Taxi driver


Hi. Where are you going?

To the train station, please.

Shall I put your bag in the trunk?

No thanks. I'll keep it with me. How long will it take to the station?

About 30 minutes. Are you in a hurry?

Yes, I'm a bit late.

We can take the expressway. There's an extra charge, okay?

That's okay, thanks.

Fasten your seatbelt, please.


Here's the expressway. Can I have $3 for the fee?

Here you are.

Are you catching a train at the station?

Yes, I'm going to the beach to meet some friends.

Okay. Here is the station.

Thank you. How much is it?


Here's $60. Keep the change.

Thanks. Don't forget your things.

Okay. Bye. Have a good day!

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TAXI DRIVER: “Uhhhh…. (Looking in the rear view mirror after we had bargained for the fare in Spanish.)“You’re not from here, are you?”LARRY PITMAN :( Settling myself in the back seat where there is more room.) “No, I am a Californiano.” (I always reply in this way, trying to be difficult)TD: “Uhhh…. (Processing an unfamiliar word) Oh, California. You are from the United States.LP: Yes, but I have been living in Peru for the past six years.TD: “Oh, do you like Peru?”LP: Yes, I do. Now actually I feel half-Peruvian. (We both laugh).TD: “How do you like our food?”LP: “I really like the food, and my wife is an excellent cook. She is Peruvian.”TD: “Ah, yes, una Peruana. (He smiles, acknowledging how lucky I am). What is your favorite dish?”LP: I have many favorites but I particularly like lomo saltado, aji de gallina and ceviche.TD: Sighs (Now reflecting on the wonderful meals he has had). Then he asks where I have travelled in Peru.LP: I’ve been to Cusco twice, Arequipa and other points south including Ica and Tacna.TD: What? You haven’t been to the north? (Shocked)That’s where the best food is in Peru. You have to try the cabra con frijoles. (Goat with beans).LP: Yes, I want to get to the north (referring to all the territory to the north of Lima.) Sometime soon I’m going to take time off and explore that part of Peru.

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Taxi driver : Hello Miss, do you need a taxi?

Mary : Yes.

Taxi driver : Do you have any luggage?

Mary : Just these two suitcases.

Taxi driver : OK, I'll put them in the back for you. Where are you going?

Mary : The Comfort Inn.

Taxi driver : I think there are two in Boston. Which one are you going to?

Mary : The one downtown.

Taxi driver : Is this your first time in Boston?

Mary :No. I've been here many times. I come here for work all the time.

Do you know how long it'll take?

Taxi driver : It shouldn't take long. Probably about 15 minutes.

Mary : Wow, it looks like the traffic is really bad.

Taxi driver : Yeah, there might be an accident up ahead.

Mary :OK, then stop at the next intersection. I'm gonna get out there and

take the subway.

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Passenger: Hey Taxi! Ah great. Thanks for pulling over.Driver: Where to?Passenger: Well, I'm going to the National Museum of Art, and . . . .Driver: Sure. Hop in. No problem. Hang on!Passenger: Uh. Excuse me. How long does it take to get there?Driver: Well, that all depends on the traffic, but it shouldn't take more than twenty minutes for the average driver. [Oh]. And I'm not average. I have driving down to an art, so we should be able to cruise through traffic and get there in less than twelve minutes.Passenger: Okay. Uh, sorry for asking [Yeah?], but do you have any idea how much the fare will be?Driver: Oh, it shouldn't be more than 18 dollars . . . not including a . . . uh-hum . . . a tip of course.Passenger: Oh, and by the way, do you know what time the museum closes?Driver: Well, I would guess around 6:00 O'clock.Passenger: Uh, do you have the time?Driver: Yeah. It's half past four. [Thanks] Uh, this IS your first time to the city, right?Passenger: Yeah. How did you know?Driver: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city because they walk down the street looking straight up at the skyscrapers.Passenger: Was it that obvious?Driver: Well . . .Passenger: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?Driver: Umm . . . Well, the Mexican restaurant, La Fajita, is fantastic. [Oh] It's not as inexpensive as other places I know, but the decor is very authentic, [Okay] and the portions are larger than most places I've been to.Passenger: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?Driver: Well, you can catch the subway right outside the museum. There are buses that run that way, but you would have to transfer a couple of times. And there are taxis too, but they don't run by the museum that often.Passenger: Okay. Thanks.

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(At the Airport Taxi Stand)Taxi Driver: Would you like a taxi, sir?Gentleman: Yes, I would.Taxi Driver: Do you have just the one suitcase?Gentleman: Yes, that’s it. I’m going downtown. Is there a flat rate or do you use the meter?(The taxi driver picks up the suitcase and carries it to the trunk).Taxi Driver: I use the meter.(In the Taxi)Taxi Driver: Where would you like to go?Gentleman: I’m going to the Claremont Hotel on 5th and Broadway.Taxi Driver: Okay.Gentleman: About how long will it take to get there?Taxi Driver: Oh, at this time of day, it won’t take long… about fifteen or twenty minutes.Gentleman: What do you think the fare will be?Taxi Driver: Probably around twenty five dollars.(Fifteen minutes later)Taxi Driver: Here we are.Gentleman: How much is that?Taxi Driver: That’ll be $22.00.Gentleman: Here’s twenty five. Keep the change.Taxi Driver: Thank you. I’ll get the suitcase for you.(The taxi driver opens the trunk.)Taxi Driver: Here you go. Have a nice day.Gentleman: Thank you.

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