everything begins well · we arb qunning for\ your printing. -the cliirnctor of our work is. h...

\ WE ARB QUNNING for\ your printing. -The cliirnctor of our work is. h rudlcal departure irom tho^pinin-ln-tho-nu atylo .. you Bcoall tbotnno. . Ours is tbo kind, you *'don’t.Beo every day.” Ocean drove Pub. Co. , ARE YOU SATISFIED with ; the returns your , ■ newRp&per advertising ( . brings, you? Have you tried to (,'iiin tlio proml* tM-nceyour ••«<mpeMlors i-n.lfy?' Tluit’s wfiore we ••one* In. <»ivt; .-uvn .tiy. 'Jht* Oceun OroVc Tltncs VOLUME IX—NO. 31. OCEAN GROVE TIMES—SATURDAY, AUGUST 241901. Siijisci'iption $1.00 per year. Gathering of the Militant Hosts— A Day of Preparation— Philadelphians in the Van EVERYTHING BEGINS WELL Prospects and Probabilities of a Pentecostal Season— Sabbath Congregations The Camp-meeting Is on. The pre- Bent week opened" under an atmos* ■\;phere - quite different1from anything 'perceptible at Ocean Grove since the present season was inaugurated. A DAY OF PREPARATION. Saturday, August 18, was tne de- sired goal for many a visitor; for then according to program; everything else was destined to clear the track for the Canip-meeting express. There, had been some planning, and. playing, mingled with a redundancy of plea* surej Now pleasure mast take the form" "or duty, and while scores and ^hundreds, at the dividing line of these ways ‘faltered, others were ready. . At ...; first is seemed only * 3. little flock,”’ . but spiritual magnetism was in it, and reserves flocked aroufid its standard, until it had become tiie.“leglo tonahs’v of Ocean Grove . . : ' After the 9' o’clock meetings of Sat- urday, in which there .were some\kind- - lings of the ‘“camp fire,”- ’ Bishop F5tz- , gerald called around him a elrele of praying.; men and women, jtb- invoke y .divine direction andv help in -the : ap- proaching m eting. :* y \ . r "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus/' was the7 ithenie and Wong. ; Prayers were; offered by Rev. W. W. Wardell,; Mrs. • L. R. Smith, Df. Hodges, Mrs. Rob- . ertson; Brosr Alyers; Burnett and T.! i ^Snowden TThomas, with appropriate vScritpure counsel and encouragement from Malachi tlie Prophet,. read by - Dr. Ballard, and a’stirring address by ? 7 Dr. Alday. ' M ; . *’ * CONFERENCE AND CONSECRA- TION. . Another informal service was held, like the “hour of prayer,” at 3 o'clock under charge of the Bishop, Drs. Wheeler and Alday, assisting, it run. into an experience meeting with many. • of the ' choice workers on; 'Spirit-; ual lines taking' part,: and strangers joining in .the expression‘.used by Sisy , ter Smith, for personal activity• dur- ing the camp-^'Bless me Lord and make me a blessing.”. ^ X^-'Vy This service Indicated ,"a mind for ’ the work,” 'and deep earnestness for tlie salvation-of-souls. ;Pity so few of the ministers were present . SACRAMENTAL SERVICE - The evening was sultry. The crowds bent their way to the beach, or to some of the half dozen popular meetings being held across' th yy ’. so that >the great Auditorium had •but • a comparatively sparce congregation at 7.30 when the Bishop and Professor Morgan opened' the Sacramental ser- r vice always held as a prelude to the annual Camp-meeiting, . • Then all the ministers in the.audiy torlum were asked to :gather art the Chancel,; there were V.fort>>four ‘who .responded.’; Seven were ‘members of the Association, and they attended , to. ithe consecration of the elements, al’-; • ternately reading the ritual parts of the service, :• . and. then. - giving: the bread and 'Wine to the others, who: in. their, turn served -the people as .they, came in successive companies, about one hundred around ‘.the ; alltar ; at’ p, time, until all who desired to comv y muhe were given the opportunity/to. /■' do so. The number including minis- ters was just eleven hundred. .The service was concluded by Dr. Alday. Then there occurred A STIR IN THE CAMP. A; company of Philadelphians to the number of fourteen, led by brothers Tjiumlert, Kerr, and Prof. B. P. StOu't, had come in to;spend a Sabbath at the Grove. They Tyer6 honored witli seats ,i on the platform, and after a touching solo by Prof. Stout which was on tlfe hallelujah" altitude, the Bishop in- vited all to take their places InBide the altar* and start a revival meeting. , This was exactly in keeping with their manner, and they' were ready. : Mrs. Fitch was called forward 'and gave one of her heart thrilling songs. v Orthers followed. Revs. Gar but Read, , 0. Hudson, Bro. Symington and the Hallelujah- band soon ‘had. everything ; booming and^he exercises closed; with hearty and happy. congratulations. First Sabbath of the Camp Meeting. . After the lively services of Satur- y iay night the thermometer of spiritual hope nj^e Boyeral degrees. It was1 as. .to the of Ahal), when Elijah sgid : .^O^tlieg up; 'foryl iiear- ine w?:? sound "oi:aburidaafce tf rMnJ1” _■ :W;'TOE TABBRNkCLB.y ; th» oom^neaotfing bell was heard at sunrise on Sahhath, and they who hurriedly “got up'V \'.o. attend Dr.. Ballard’s. . early . meeting, found, Bure enough,.that there was not only an abundance,- but a,; superabun- danoe of rain. It was as if a cloud had buret somewhiere .near, ' for the streets ran as rivers.' But • rain, or shine, the camp-meeting had v. begua; and the sounds of song fVom the Tab- ernacle assured every awakened sleep- er ;in thkt vicinity there were ‘‘shoy/- . ers Of blessing!’ coming’down, as wgjl as the natural r a in ;,.■■■ ; r ! FAMILY PRAYER, - 'This" beautiful custom,■ inaligurated many years ago by Dr. Stokes and ’still.kept up, was held before 'the'Au- ditorium' altar, and lasted Only from •6.45 until 7 aV: mu fifteen' minutes. Dr.: Ballard led this meeting also, and at 'the start on Sabbath morning had about a dozen- different persons ..to tako a willing part in it. This has . bean continued every morning. • THE PHILADELPHIANS AGAIN. It was but,a,brief iterval until tin* Tabernacle doors were again thrown, open, and. from 8.30 until 10.15, de- spite the rain; song and testimony had free course, and the heartiness and freedom with;whichVfche; “sliouters." as they were called, frtfm; St.;John’s :‘evvf erybody’s meeting." .Philadelphia en- joyed. themselves, was a .wonder, and a joy to all repressionists in.;these pafts. } ? Th ey had an other, and sti 11 greater, ; meeting at 4, and were far from: being- tired or ready to ^uit when tea bells jingled at. 5 o’clock. They had a.till another “go" after preaching servifce in the Auditorium at night.. So wilh them was “no meaneholy void, nor moment lingered unemployed" from “early morn till dewy eve*' on the first Sabbath of camp-meeting. : THE HELPING hand Started at 9 a. m., same hour as. the Holiness and,, Young People’s. Meet- ings, had a. good beginning,. in, ono I precious, soul “helped" over;: the bar of unbelid^ into light, liberty and peace. One of the most surprising things ol that rainy Sunday morning was the'Auditorium congregation, almost completely filling the place at 10,30. There happened to be enough water proof material In the wardrobes, and umbrellas to go around in the .rare emergency. Curiosity, nO doubt came in j as a ’factor, to see a n d liea r an extra fine preacher, and So; when the Temple emptied its usual crowd, and. the Tabernacle people simply arjourn-: ed over their happy time of refresh- ing, the larger building^ became an inspiring sight, especially’ to the stranger, who was to preach, and 'other strangers. as well.i gathered; from all; parts' ol -the nation to have a good, Xull days devotion at Oaecn GrOve. •. aIUSICAL :FEASTf ^ ;■ * Surpassed expectations; for mem- bers.of both choir aiid orchestra, had; somehow let the; ,understand ing ■ * get abroad; that their' organization had been allowed to take a. heeded rest But : the singers . galleries- filled- -up grandly,- and the instrumentalists, even to7the harpist and her golden: tiarp, were in their accustomed, places. Preachers had not yet arrived in such numbers as to crowd them out. : Mr. Morgain faced them with a gratified-, smile, as the audience; were given a soitiable prelude. Then he faced the great audience* during the regular hymns of morning wershlp, to allure every voice present with one accord ito praise God. It was so again in the evening, and more bo; for as the .finale of a grand days service in the sanctuary, the ‘•Hallelujah Chorus" was sung “with the spirit and the undetsitanding also.” Here, in the order of our narrative should come in a sketch of the admir- able; morning sermon; but that will he found in. another place.-• ; Tlie Camp in Motion. - ; From, intimajtions given it will ap- pear, that the. daily poutine of religious activities fare so; arranged that very little time or Opportunity is left foi; anything but tlie worship and •aork of God; and this to be, cohtinudtE. for over twelve successive dass.; We have already taken note of biitr half of one day. There was for; the afternoon of the first S&bl?ath, ^he Bj- N e cJaas from. 2 to 3.30 p. n^. fttte ch’Q- irente iifeeting with dtlHg^nt iaret^c-' Won. Biugf»g apd imitea pcasceb, au t«*iMng t»/ cterfljr. •oover^oa. ( ‘ under the leadership of Mrs. Carrie Thompson:/, ' v Of the Sabbath Bible class* a more full account will' appear. .‘Then some recognition is due;the d e lig h tfu l' . B EACH • ME E TI N G S ER V1C E '; which on.' last Sun day; w as helili n t ii »y Auditorium' on account;of tiie weather.. The-- responsive reading; o.f ; Scripture.; selections. .was very,, impressive < with. singing—splendid. ;;singingjt wds',,;:ty/ the converted ■ actor,- Capt;.' Stanley,: and Prof. Stout. Then ’ .soul-etirring. addresses, designed .to show, men anti; wori^en the simple' -Way. of salvation, and lead them directly to the,.. avlour. by Rey. Harry OliveriHofstec!,.of Enst• Meadow,. L. I.,' and ;Col; H.’ H. Had- ley, a Ne w York Episcopalian..v ; • ' T W I LI G IIT ]ME E TINc£ •.; ’ - before, .the .Beach service - close 1. Rev. C. H. Yatman’s chimes were ring- ing in his congregation for the Tem- ple twilight service, which nearly fill- ed that buHding. The converts of the Ocean Grove meetings are all over the country, and many of them return to the scenes of their ■spiritual birth. year after year. It is a soul-winning expedient, by methods of presenting gospel truth in a more informal manner than regd*- lar.v predchlng. and every ■'meeting is ;made a blessing to the worker as well, as (the. seeker. It illustrates how sav- ed people • become the saviours, of otu- :ers; around t h e m . : : The busy routine thereforo taKes in .at leafat (ten meetings every; week day,, and two or three additfonal each San-‘ bati», includ ing the. “after meeting” 'it the^ .close of every^ eveniiag sermoii. tt ought to be - after ■ every, morning -s'jr-. mon as well, if the preacher could on- ly be induced' to be—short and lively^ : . The after meeting lost "- Sabbath made an encouraging bi*eak,' and sent hundreds of young, • and old awiy thoughtful— it was hoped;, .to'; their • knees in self-surrender and cbnsecra- itlon. to•the Christ v/he |os ■ 'V Is “able to save to the uttermost all. who corner to God by Hiih.” Second Day. . llud - tlie* nrorniuu .»*!;< . do..» tlicrw-wbuid Imve been l>ws’ itppuiodt ro- actiriii following the high Hid .lioly vicen'bf the. Snblmtli. I.uiu ••ont.Iiuuvl . for n .tiim? anil (luie^n* ^ provuilor.i dur- ing the early hours. wlm*'i were ,-ini*' proved nt:the two HerviceHt lielil bei'ore:7 . o'clock.; Wh etjier;' tlie ;j attend a nue.: he; large or «inall. to every soul in the pftili of duty, there was-found n bleuing..' • , THE THKEB- MEETINGS--W A t i) a. m. had,) each of. them, the life and liberty imparted by '"the, llolv Spirit. The evangelists, of .whom there were many ou the grounds, v.cllied with ^Irs. Lizzie ii. Smith at the Tuberimele, and their testimony was instructive and helpful to all in synipathy with; the ex- perience of heart holiness. •Miss Lizzie SBiarp, wlui usually assists Rev. William Franklin at the.“Helping Hund" meeting'in Thornley Chapel, is on the ground, but like severul other . valuable workers:.' whe arrived weary ;from other meetings, is compelled- to >r.est'n-.littiej ])ut her friends will s. qou ilnd .her present everyanorning. Others, h^weveiy drop in' andV‘niuke the ban* tpKif sweeter still.” . Rev. (ieorge 1*\ Dickinson, who is among the guests at the Howland House, assisted in the ser- vices on Monday morning.. . /‘.Haiti or Shine” Mr. Yatnian “ holds the fort,” ami every morning brings a^ new program. They, built him ii "Pro*, pi Kit’s* Chamber” back ot' the. Temple platform where he spends much of liis tfme lu; Bible study and/cogitation over the 'most eil'ective ways and means to draw tlie hearts of. tlie people' heaven- wnrd. .; In .. that -\ittle :.•sanctum,*, bangs ,the . *‘c)iinies” which peo])le;;a : .block or ,tw o .a w ay imagine.’ belong...to > sonic..ca thedral eloek tower a 'miledistant. IIis' performer on these few ’bars of pol- ished . steel,; is yahsent: this fseason, but ; : one of his: active > young lady helpers, ,»Miss FieUls,; took wp the'.profession, aiid now. touches of! some of the sweetest airs heaipl this side of “Old Trinty, in New York city. ' The . preaching o f .Monday was by hoine- talent. The morning discourse by Rev. E/ C. Hancock, pastor of St. Paul’s:, church, Ocean Gfove.rwas from' the Epistle of Janies, .Is27^ - . “PUKE RELIGION.” Religion Is defined as man’s belief , in a being, or beings, "mightier than'• himself. inacceesiblc to' hls/Benses, but not indifferent ^to his sentiments and actions. All systems of, religion that survives and‘dominates men had their* origins Inp^ofessed miracle, christi- anlty not excepted. Christianity makes wonderful;claime to extension and perpetuity. Can Christianity fill her professed mission without contin* . uous and marked ■manifestations of the' divine presence and power? In nature the God that created is. marked- ly present ,in the perpetuation, for all things depend on Him for exiB%n«e. The same law in the race, that de- mands the supernatural In the origin of any religion, demands it in all ages* Does our religion make provisions for this manifestation? By tfte,wprd of God, Jtlite is/ one; goeat : provl^n , ot Christianity; foo we. are transformed by the l^newlng of our minds, and so positive is the fiMt and the friit, that only the divine presence ean bring fcsuctt refislte. , . :; •*. • .-... • T^ere are opponents to this posit tion fouod in tie Roj^sh Church,1 and ^ n woc|t<Jr,-Biindefl p r o fe s s o r s .. I t ■*. Is,; however,.a -mattter to be teafted by .ey« ralivldttal ©hdatiau. ,Oa>y, maks^ tbe «*e**ete« the f a ^ ami ‘I’he preaciv^v’s nppiicalion w as .stirring'. ■alal. clo.(|iient.,’ aiufTliijre Was no (liilicul- ;ty ■ ih^hearing: ids well modulated ..voice ;iii: th e ; large, biii hi ing. V ;y . v > ’• •,'v 'I'jie- lli’st; of •• j* stirit's of nieetinas at 1.3'v» followed the dinner liour. .Mrs. IJ/.- zie Smith in eliarge, a.ssisted generally by ii platform full of the best.- singers it.nd speakers at the camp. . We have! hcanl. no distineivif name tor this, 1.30 meeting. It was* in the line ol the !1 o’clock holiness service, and is likely to- be, the most popular of’“all the social gatheringhOf. the camp. We will call it, the afernoon praise service. . THE.CHILD1U::N’S MICEriNG held iii the Temple seemed to be fully ,'as attractive-to- older persons as it is for those for, whonv: it ‘ is; specially (lesigiiat-;; eU, . it nd j. it 11 p p e a r s t l i e y ; are.-.a 11 , a nd always, welcome. This- 'meeting-will grow i*t interest, numbers, and convert- ing power. •-;■'• So with Mr: Yiftmiin’s Twilight ser- vice in the Temple al. 0.30, -where the congregation w always called together > ,l>y tju? eventng chimes. , )-y. .:•■•. i-.,;-.: ... , ' V-' ' T H W' EVI%NiN(l SISJJMOy ; V was by Rev. ir^.Hehry. Wheeler;;.of Cbatesvil le, I ’a-;,'-; t‘i <>hi' *1 oh ii 14:8,.0.. The siil jeet. d l.the serinoti:was *>)e«us Christ the Only Visible Maiiifestation^■'of C i’od.” 'riie group :: of disciples, the. faitht’uI. ele ven were.., speiid itig the/ last -.'; niglit ,with ': the M'iSter.' .yl-hey-vasked \niany; nest ions. Thomas jtb'out; ihe. “ way?’ lintl. Philip wanted ‘ to. see tne Fa.t.her. Tlie answer of Clirist itidicuted that a 11 the .htimah uiittd can know or see'.of God is found in Jesus Christ. God . is invisible to angels and inen. This suggests aii inquiry, as to nature of God. “<iod is a spirit,” infinite in all His attributes. Space is infinite and filled with manifestations of God’s .w.is- tibiii:,r.utid Vcrowilw*::;wit|iv monuments o f ; r.is, . pou'er.. TItq •iiiTiiijte • spirit is iti to uch witli al Uni aiter a nd mind,: yet a 1 - ways invisible. "No man hath seen God at anytime.” "■ (Continued on fifth page.) Preaching by Symbols. Looking . over the crowded.’'.audience ■ gathered from near and far to’ hear the “Chart. Sermon”/ of Rev.’ C.-H. Yatman, in the Ocean Grov,o Auditorium, on Fri- day; eveningj Aug. ; I7, \vc were ledinto n, tra in of reilcctTbus not exactly, germain to the startling topic of the hour, which was, “What Conics After Death?” i ’ We .were led to. believe, after all our pessimistic cotnplaiuiiigs, about the ap- parent failure to nmkc gospel truth at- tractive to a volatile and plca^irc loving multitude at the sea-side, tl)«Jb there is some-occult talisnmhie power in present- ing the.. cause and claims of Jesus’ Christ, tiie Saviour, of sinners, as attrac- tive as would be an ojfation, or opera, to. <lraw young anil!old alike, away from, their ordinary associations^ lo listen with almost breatbless interets to. the awe? inspiring.altcrnataycs of “ heaven or hell” after death. ' ^ : , This man of. many resources and evan- gelist-expedients, must have discovered the secret charms, for it. is a fact that he had tuore people before him and his fateful “Chart” on the evening in (pies* tion than hud been drawn,together a few eyenings before, by all the arts and blandishments of advertising, to hear the “Elijah,” Mendelssohn's masterpiece of musical majesty, in the same build- ing. •- . : Rut where is the secret? Here wus a fair and square test of drawing power. His ‘‘Chart ^Sermotl” hatl been delivered here more-than once before; so that it was.: not .sheer curiosity that:. filled .ftiie great. Auditoriuni that evening. .-: A . It may. he worth .tlie while to .investi- gate the . hiatter u;;little- farther. We havebee'u.;a\yare;'that.Alr.\Yatnmn's ;Youiig People’s Teinple;ha(l heCotne over- crowded of late by such symbolisms ns the-“ Doll Sermon” aiid t he “Candle Ser- mon.” . “-Eureka!” liere is the key. to the kind of preaching that get s ititothe* heart by the way.of the “eye gate,” as Runyon would say, althqiighCit partly, or entire- ly failed at “car gate.” The Master’s way, >v0 remember, was always by “similitudes.” Great. moral aiid spiritual. realities are iiitprcs.sed by being “4ikened” :to some familiar or com- .njonplace .-custoin or occurrence. .; : Hence all the “Parables,and lienee the popularity .then and !now o f; syinVol*. in* the • sermon;;-’ . y ;;-y'' v ':: ' y- :''r '-V'- ; As tire .evangelist! with pointer in: hand,.went over his;“chart” of. life, .aiid iraeed; tlie upward ; path to heaven, or showed the' ■ downward grade to hell,•the wh’bie story -of sin and salvation—^the here and herafter—- camo out in bold relief and- iti spell on the Tetiiaa of the mind, once; produced;; cannot be forgot- ten. Almost before men know it, des- tinies are shaped, anew, and soiilsare won for Christ and heaven. ‘ ' ’ May it no.t be worth while for preach- ers ;to ponder these tilings ? ' Rev. Joseph, E. Smith, D. D. TMs widely known evangelist, whose home residence Is in ; Califounia, by pressing,invitation of the Devotional ^Jommit'tee, has arrived on the ground to open a scries of ten daily discours- es, each one beginning at 3.30 -p. m., :In the Tabernacle, the first on Friday, August 23d. People who desire to hear clear arid .unctuous. expositions ofi the great leading <toc*rft*es and . tiiemes relating t« G^d> war ’ ; man,:and' His diviiw .wju ju»l«cence to the Rftturean^ ej^atrof hufcnan »al- yatlos, fwill -misa a QPe •pportonlty if iho|r, mise any or all tMe- : The Bible Class.* ; . yy ;:. '•.Vlt- was significant to'^ note such ' a large attendance at .‘Dr. O’Hatilon’jS Bible; class; last .Sunday ’ afternoon .at 2- o’rdock;> v. :1 - V ■';-■•;'•..., " -.'•; During the preliminary1exercises so los • ^rene. r sungV^by Miss ''Beatrice .French andy.Prof. .Stout.. Rev. A;; \i., S tray hornbf tlie Ph 11 adelp h Ia c o n f fii*-. ence. opened;with*'prayer.;v:,y ’ V '- y The lessou WaB ;on J A b ra ham's i n ter* cession for' the, doomed Ciiies of the Plain/’'..-and;suggested several import* Un't ,tbpics/''-which;'were-'-rioted, all tod briefly- ;as the ’ time was lim ited.., Over a.; score of questions. were'sent ujp anci ’.answered In the following or- der: ' ; ‘May w e. hope to see our mothers In - heaven', in' the condition we remem- ber; them; when1 ‘they :were on;earth?’’ Answerr-Yes, *b«t in bettor,; far: bet- ter condition; for tliey:iiave:the spirit- ual body, there; ■V Shall..‘the poo r -cripple, with* whorn w e sy.m path!ze; rh aye the, sa me ; defo r?;' mtti.es in|^^heaven; / . , No, not a single; d eforml ty or In fi r- ini/ty; will venter. that hply. and; happy state.; ; ' . '••; ;',yy -:'..y “ Why omit tlie ph rase ‘descended in-; o hell,’ from the creed?”, - . y '.'-••,;•• . The teacher said .he did , not enti re- ly approve, of - the omission, but as it required explanation of the word "ha;: des,’’; ‘the change; had :been agreed •;to. ' In regard to promises in. the Blbl^ sotne without condition, the. Doctor rev plied; "All promises are conditioned.’’ To an inquiry, about knowing pur; friends iii; heaven, it the , 'Scriptures are silent on the subject^ it was answer^ ed that “common sense" is enbtigh to teach us some things. “Why do you think spirits have form?" ... It must be. Can’t conceive of any- thing occupying space without soma form. ’■ y., * . y ■ ,.-•; “Were there not young . children In- Sodom? Were they destroyed?” Such Is the inference, y .. . ■The word "hell” so generally now omitted from pulpit addresses .ought to be prominent. God’s, justice de- mands it.. There is really a hell, as. there' is a hpaveii. , .* The teacher held In regard to liquor traillc that “license” is restrictive. Some argued differently; . The difference between Calvinism and Armenianism was explained at length In an answer to a question. The last judgment will be individ- ual. Every one must.face the judge: alone. : , “How can one acquire faith?” . . Answer— Start believing and kee,v on. . ■ -•; -y yy' • ; “In what manner did God talk wilh Abraham?” ^ : ' :-:y :;y : . ’ •;'• Evidenty Tn. human form. , *; As vto: the sin against the Holy Ghost the Doctor, said- It could not jc committed now. It. referred .to those wjio accused’ Christ of working riiir- acles by the .power of the devil. .Other questions and answers we ar? compelled to,omit for'want of space. Delegates Elected. : At. a meeting of the Firemen’s :Kelief Association of Ocean Grove held -'.Mon-, day evening-in '-the;'-Engle Hook and Lr|d*. der Company House Chief. Thopias Martin, John J. Smith, llurry. J. Shrove and E. N. Woolston were elected dele- gates to the State 'Firemen’s Relief As- sociation Convention which will be held on the. Steel Pier, Atlantic. City. N. J., on September, 1It It. Three Sabbaths, v Since it Is intended to run the camp- meeting to the third day of September, It will ue.seen that three Sabbaths are, ihclud ed thi s year, a nd t lie annua Hove feast, the greatest evenet in , every OceaU' Grove camp-meeting, will not be held untU Sabbath• movning, Sep- tember 1st; ‘ This will correct, the gen- eral impressionthat-the love least .will occur'next Sabbath. Sabbath Sermons. Wlien the name . of Rev:. Portland. Myers, of. Brooklyn^ N. Y., was an- . nounced as the preacher selected to . open ;the' Ocean Grove ‘Cam p-meeting • Of ■• iOOl-^a;posit ion heretofore y and* often filled by the most dlstihguished bishops and preachers of .Methodism, , many- Inquired, “Wlio Is he?” * Others who had; heard liipi, or heard of him, ' .'looked :\vise, ■ ;saying'“You-, have . m ade: - no' mistake this time.- H e will fill the -bill.v-;yv:;:y y :;'/'-. y ••'v/v . And;' he did,. With Ambne than; ordi- nary s at is fact io n p ro fit and pleasure; to the tlibiisands Who ■ hungMlelighted- Iy on his. ministry mbrning and even- ing, that well' remembered''; Sabbath, August 18.';. ' . ■■■■ . : y : The auspices Under .which*' h e' ap- peared .in the/mornlng \ve re'any tiling but;, favorable; for 'the ; rain fell at times v in torrents.. Yet,, the. g r e a t :v Auditorium built 'to seat ten thousand hearers - was .fairly filled; and it was - crowded inthe even Ing; ‘ ; ; Hi spreading or the Seri pture vlesgong ' /revealed .a voice . and njantter, which at onee allayed apprehension. As, io his being distinctly heard in all parts .• of the building; S^me o f the finest preachers here fail at this point The, text was unique. • He. reau from Mark 4:1, “And He began again to teach by the. Sea-side.” ' ' THE TEACHING OF CHRIST was; naturally, his chosen theme. _ That Jesus of Nazareth may be wail- ed the “great” or greatest teacher, he illustrated forcibly by comparison .[with the worlds „' greatest, arid best ., minds. From them all lie turned to the Christ who founded no religion, prepared no ritual, but came Into the world that we might have * life, and have it more abundantly. He. teaches the true science of phy- sical life, “Christian science so called Is a misnpmer.” • He exalted woman, and shed over chilldliood the benignity of love. ; Intellectual life, he -stimiikited and . adorned—taught 'the world how to think. In a higher degree, he be- comes an authority on Scriptual life and finally, eternal life. Oil all these pplnts the- preacher was. original in thought, eloquent in exposition and exhaustive in argu- ment The Christ life, he '-said, will heal all distracting ele'rnents. conserve Christian' unity, and lift the world up to. God and heaven. . . THE EVENING SERMON, was somewhat a supplement to t-at of the morning; The text was taken from the last verse of same Chapter, Mark 4:41. “What manner of man Is Hiis?"' ; was so portrayed, and his great love so illustrated that great as was the audience, every’ listener sat as tf spcll- boiihd from beginning to end. The faultless articulation, with fine touches of pathos, and a series of- charming comparisons and examples, lie brought out In lidld relief the pre- * eminence of a Savior he was not ashanietl to own; nnd for whom mod- eslly and strongly ..he avowed allegi- ance and love. Christs essential divinity and real, personal, vital, union with him were* shown to be the sum totaK of salva- tion. .....: . , . • • Both the sermons were rhetorical gems, orthodox to the core, touched with the unction of tlie Holy One, logic on fire! Extended, reports have- been pre- pared but our space will not allow their, insertion at present. " ’ Serenaded Ocean Grove Officials. *• A stage load,of exuberant ' Metho- dists made their advent to Ocean' Grove last Saturday. On their way down Mpin avenue they stopped in front of the houses of Secretary. Geo. -AV. Evans and V1 ce-President A. .13. Ballard and J serenaded ^ them . with camp-meetiqg songs, v "•- --. Death of Mrs. Mary Fletcher. Mrs. Mary Fletcher died last Jliom day morning on Main- avenue, Ocean Grove. She was forty-nine years of age. The body was taken to New- burgh, \N. .Y;, on Tuesday, where the funeral and interment were held. Mr. Robinson Still 111. Rev. H, R. Robinson, of Trenton, who was injured in the train wreck at Perth Ambov. last week, is serious- ly:, iii at his Home, and it is feared brain fever will develop. Special J^eal Estate Barjains. For Sale—-On Broadway, 6-room cot- tage in excellent ordejv with Jot and a half; fine location.. Price, : 1,700. - A mortgage for ^i ;200 can retoaiii at 6 :per;cent.-~*tt • ;:.y •;;; Money to Loan. Money to loan;in amounts from ^400 to $3,000 oa bonds.and mortgages, E, N. Woolston Real Estate and Insur- ance ^Agency, 50 Main avenue, Qoea» Grove. . $2600 W#» l Buy. ( > 76 Heck areai^. !• Tpons ; modom i)nj**OTO«nent»; open'' IcA ea*H aldo. Hasy taiHMi:;JCpply toT A. W . XSQe, 30 ; aveoud, *r a »y as^nJt. Sunday Schools' Concert. Tonight (Saturday) tlicre^viil ho given in the auditorium, Asbury Park, it con- cert for the benefit of the Methodist Sun- day*scliools of Oce«nv Grove and x\sbury Park and the People college of Philadel- phia ot‘ ’which OliverjCVJ. Sclmdt, A. JI. Ph; I), is president.. .The program is ifti attractive one, and should result in a full auilitoriutu. • A Card of Thanks, '. The Washington. Fire Company No. 1 of Ocean Grove gratefully and sincerely return thanks to Rev. O. II. Yatman and his Young People’s meeting—especially . ladies of the committee— for the sum of $50.42. presented to them ns part of tho proceeds of-the fete held in Thompson’s Park on Saturday, August 10th. •• M. C, G1UFFIN., Secretary. Remains Taken to Massachusetts. The remains of WIHIh Knowlton, the Aabury Parle photographer,; who died last Saturday night while under- going au operation for sarcoma of the brain, at the Monmouth Memorial hos- pital, were taken to AshfleUl. Mass., the former home ot the deceased, for Interment. A Cheap Lot. For sale—A flno lot on Webb avs- nue, size 30X60 feot, on the blocit next to the ocean. Excellent location for a cottage. Price $850. Inquire at once to . E. N. Woolston. Raal Estate, GO Main avonuo. Four Lots for Sale. , To close an estato I havo four desir- able lots, slzb 30x0* feet, for eale for $1,600. Good, high grounds a big bar- gain for somo ono. Inquire E. N. Woolston, 59 Main tvenue. Ocean Grove, N. J. tf. aeooo wm B**. BO.'Kmburj: arom^.Vi" rooms;, Impcovewiiji. , Apply to Jl W. Lwea* .r ’anr:asetit /.-■■■■*

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    W E A RB QUNNINGfor\ your printing. -The cliirnctor o f our work is .h rudlcal departure irom tho^pinin-ln-tho-nu atylo .. you Bcoall tbotnno. .

    Ours is tbo kind, you * 'don’ t.Beo every day.”

    Ocean d rove Pub. Co. ,

    ARE YOU SATISFIEDwith ; the returns your

    , ■ newRp&per advertising ( . brings, you? H ave you

    tried to (,'iiin tlio proml* tM-nceyour ••«the grea t Auditorium had • but • a com parative ly sparce congregation a t 7.30 when th e B ishop and Pro fessor M organ opened' the Sacram ental ser-

    r v ic e a lw ays held as a prelude t o the annual Camp-meeiting,. • Then a ll the m inisters in th e . audiy torlum w ere asked t o : ga ther art the Chancel,; there w ere V. fort>>four ‘who

    .responded.’ ; Seven w ere ‘ members o f the Association , and they attended , to. ithe consecration o f the elements, al’-;

    • tern ate ly read ing th e ritual parts o f ■ the service, :• . a n d . th en . - g iv ing : the

    bread and 'Wine to the others, w h o : in. their, tu rn served - the people as .th ey, cam e in successive companies, about one hundred around ‘.the ; alltar ; a t ’ p, tim e, until a ll w ho desired to comv

    y muhe w ere given the opportunity /to. /■' do so. T h e number including m in is

    te rs w as ju st eleven hundred. .The serv ice w as concluded by Dr. A lday. Then there occurred

    A S T IR IN T H E C A M P .

    A ; com pany o f Ph iladelphians to the number o f fourteen, led by brothers Tjium lert, K err, and P ro f. B . P . StOu't, had com e in to;spend a Sabbath at the

    ■ Grove. T h ey Tyer6 honored w it li seats ,i on the platform , and a fter a touching

    solo by P ro f. Stout which was on tlfe “ h alle lu jah " altitude, the B ishop in

    v ited a ll to ta k e th e ir places InBide the altar* and start a re v iva l m eeting.

    , Th is was exactly in keeping w ith the ir manner, and they ' w ere ready.

    : Mrs. F itch w as called fo rw ard 'and gave one o f h er heart th r illin g songs.

    v Orthers fo llow ed . R evs. Gar but Read,, 0 . Hudson, Bro. Sym ington and the

    H a lle lu jah- band soon ‘had. everyth ing ; boom ing and^he exercises closed; w ith

    hearty and happy. congratulations.

    First Sabbath of the Camp Meeting.. A ft e r the l iv e ly services o f Satur-

    y i a y n igh t the therm om eter o f spiritual ’ hope n j^e Boyeral degrees. I t w a s1 as.

    .to the o f Ahal), w hen E lijah sg id : .^O^tlieg up; 'foryl iiear- in e

    w ?:? sound "o i: aburidaafce t f rMnJ1”

    ■ _■: W ; 'T O E T A B B R N k C L B .y ;

    th » oom^neaotfing

    bell was heard at sunrise on Sahhath, and they w ho hurried ly “ g o t up'V \'.o. attend D r.. Ba lla rd ’s. . early . meeting, found, B u re enough,.that there was n ot on ly an abundance,- but a,; superabun- danoe o f rain. I t was as i f a cloud had buret somewhiere .near, ' fo r the streets ran as r iv e rs . ' But • rain, or shine, the camp-meeting had v. begua; and the sounds o f song fVom the T ab ernacle assured eve ry awakened sleepe r ;in thkt v ic in ity there w ere ‘ ‘shoy/-

    . ers Of b lessing!’ c om in g ’down, as wgjl as the natural r a i n ; , . ■■■; r

    ■ ! F A M IL Y P R A Y E R , -

    'T h is " beautiful custom ,■ inaligurated m any years ago by Dr. Stokes and ’s till.k ep t up, was held before 'th e 'A u ditorium ' altar, and lasted Only from •6.45 until 7 aV: mu fifteen ' minutes. Dr.: Ballard led th is m eetin g also, and at 'the start on Sabbath m orning had about a dozen- d ifferen t persons ..to tako a w illing part in it. Th is has

    . bean continued every morning. •

    T H E P H IL A D E L P H IA N S A G A IN .

    It was b u t,a ,b r ie f ite rva l until t in * Tabernacle doors w ere again thrown, open, and. from 8.30 until 10.15, despite th e ra in ; song and testim ony had free course, and the heartiness and

    • freedom with;whichVfche; “ sliouters." as they w ere called, frtfm ; S t.; John’s : ‘evvf erybody ’s m eeting ." . Ph iladelph ia enjoyed. themselves, was a .wonder, and a jo y to a ll repressionists in.;these pafts.} ? Th ey had an other, and sti 11 greater, ; m eeting a t 4, and w ere fa r from : being- tired or ready to ^uit when tea bells jin gled a t. 5 o ’clock. They had a.till another “ g o " a fter preaching servifce in the Auditorium at night.. So w ilh them was “ no meaneholy void, nor moment lingered unem ployed" from “ early morn t ill dewy eve*' on the first Sabbath o f camp-meeting.

    : T H E H E L P IN G h a n d

    Started at 9 a. m., same hour as. the H oliness and,, You ng Peop le ’s. M eetings, had a. good beginning,. in, ono

    I precious, soul “ helped" over;: the bar o f unbelid^ into light, liberty and peace.

    One o f the m ost surprising things o l that rainy Sunday m orning was the 'Aud itorium congregation, alm ost com pletely filling the place at 10,30.

    Th ere happened to be enough w ater proo f m aterial In the wardrobes, and umbrellas to go around in the .rare em ergency. Curiosity, nO doubt came in j as a ’ factor, to see a n d l i e a r an extra fine preacher, and So; when the Tem ple em ptied its usual crowd, a n d . the Tabernacle people sim ply arjourn-: ed o ver the ir happy tim e o f re fresh ing, the la rger building^ becam e an insp iring sight, especially’ t o the stranger, who was to preach, and 'other stran gers . as w e ll.i gathered ; from a l l ; parts ' o l - th e nation to have a good, Xull days devotion at Oaecn GrOve. •

    •. ’aIU S IC A L : F E A S T f ̂;■

    * Surpassed expectations; fo r memb ers .o f both choir aiid orchestra , had; som ehow le t the; , understand in g ■ * ge t abroad; that t h e ir ' organ ization had been allow ed to take a . heeded r e s t But : the singers . galleries- filled- -up grandly,- and the instrumentalists, even t o 7 the harpist and her golden: tiarp, w ere in th e ir accustomed, places. Preachers had n ot ye t a rrived in such numbers as to crowd them out.: Mr. M orgain faced them w ith a gratified-, sm ile, as th e audience; w ere given a soitiable prelude. Then he faced the g rea t audience* during the regu lar hymns o f m orning wershlp, to a llu re eve ry vo ice present w ith one accord ito praise God.

    I t was so again in th e evening, and m ore bo ; fo r as the .finale o f a grand days serv ice in the sanctuary, the ‘ •Hallelujah Chorus" w as sung “ w ith the sp irit and the undetsitanding also.”

    H ere, in the o rder o f our narrative should com e in a sketch o f the adm irable; m orn ing serm on; bu t that w ill he found in. another p la c e .-•

    • ; Tlie Camp in Motion. -; From, intimajtions given it w ill appear, that the. da ily poutine o f re ligious ac tiv ities fare so; arranged th a t very lit t le time or Opportunity is le ft foi; anyth ing but t lie worsh ip and •aork o f God; and this to be, cohtinudtE. fo r o ve r tw e lve successive dass.;

    W e h ave a lready taken note o f b iitr h a lf o f one day. T h ere was fo r ; the afternoon o f th e firs t S&bl?ath, ^he Bj- N e cJaas from . 2 to 3.30 p. n .̂ fttte ch’Q- iren te iifee tin g w ith dtlHg^nt iaret^c-' Won. B iu g f»g apd im itea pcasceb, au t«* iM ng t »/ cterfljr. •o o ver^ oa . (

    ‘ under the leadersh ip o f Mrs. Carrie Thom pson:/, ' v

    O f the Sabbath Bib le class* a more fu ll account w ill ' appear. .‘Then some recognition is d u e ;th e d e l i g h t f u l '

    • . B E A C H • M E E T I N G S E R V 1C E ';

    which on.' la s t Sun day; w as h e l i l i n t ii »y Auditorium ' on account;of t iie weather.. The-- responsive read ing ; o.f ; Scripture.; selections. .was very,, im pressive ws’ itppuiodt ro- actiriii follow ing the high Hid .lioly v icen 'b f the. Snblmtli. I.uiu ••ont.Iiuuvl

    . for n .tiim? anil (luie^n* ̂ provuilor.i during the early hours. wlm*'i were ,-ini*' proved nt:the two HerviceHt lielil bei'ore:7 . o'clock. ; Wh etjier; ' tlie ; j attend a nue.: he; large or «inall. to every soul in the pftili o f duty, there was-found n bleuing..'


    A t i) a. m. had,) each of. them, the lifeand liberty imparted by '"the, llo lv Spirit. The evangelists, o f .whom there were many ou the grounds, v.cllied with ^Irs. L izzie ii. Smith at the Tuberimele, and their testimony was instructive and helpful to all in synipathy with; the experience o f heart holiness.

    •Miss Lizzie SBiarp, wlui usually assists Rev. W illiam Franklin at th e .“ Helping Hund" m eeting 'in Thornley Chapel, is on the ground, but like severul other

    . valuable workers:.' whe arrived weary ;from other meetings, is compelled- to >r.est'n-.littiej ])ut her friends w ill s.qou ilnd .her present everyanorning. Others, h^weveiy drop in' andV ‘niuke the ban* tpKif sweeter still.” . Rev. (ieorge 1*\ Dickinson, who is among the guests at the Howland House, assisted in the services on Monday m orning.. .

    /‘.Haiti or Shine” Mr. Yatnian “ holds the fort,” ami every morning brings a^ new program. They, built him ii "Pro*, pi Kit’s* Chamber” back ot' the. Temple platform where he spends much o f liis tfm e lu; B ib le study and/cogitation over■ the 'most eil'ective ways and means to draw tlie hearts o f. tlie people' heaven- wnrd. .; In .. that - \ittle :.•sanctum,*, bangs , the . *‘c)iinies” which peo])le;;a : .block or ,t w o .a w a y imagine.’ belong... to > sonic.. ca thedral eloek tower a 'm iledistant. IIis ' perform er on these few ’bars o f polished . s tee l,; is yahsent: this fseason, but ;

    : one o f his: active > young lady helpers, ,»Miss FieUls,; took wp the'.profession, aiid now . touches o f! some o f the sweetest airs heaipl this side o f “ Old Trin ty, in New York city. '

    The . preaching o f .Monday was by hoine- talent. The morning discourse by Rev. E/ C. Hancock, pastor o f St. Paul’s:, church, Ocean G fove.rw as from' the Epistle o f Janies, .Is27̂ - .

    “ PU K E R E LIG IO N .”

    ■ R elig ion Is defined as m an’s b e lie f, in a being, o r beings, "m ightier than '• him self. inacceesib lc to' hls/Benses, but not indifferent t̂o his sentiments and actions. A l l system s of, re lig ion that survives and ‘dom inates m en had their* o rig in s In p ^ o fessed m iracle, christi- an lty not excepted. Christian ity makes w on d er fu l; claime to extension and perpetuity. Can Christian ity fill her professed m ission w ithout contin*

    . uous and marked ■ m anifestations o f the ' d ivine presence and pow er? In nature the God that created is. markedly present ,in th e perpetuation, fo r a ll things depend on H im fo r exiB% n«e.

    Th e same law in the race, th a t demands the supernatural In th e orig in o f any religion, demands i t in a ll ages* Does our re lig ion m ake provis ions fo r this m anifestation? B y t f t e ,wprd o f God, Jtlite is/ one; goeat : p r o v l^ n , ot Christian ity; foo w e. are transform ed by th e l^new lng o f our minds, and s o pos itive is the fiM t and the f r i i t , that on ly the d iv in e presence ean bring

    fcsuctt refislte. , . ‘ :; •*. • . - . . .• T^ere are opponents to this posit

    tion fouod in t i e R o j^ s h Church,1 and^ n woc|ty, maks^ tb e «*e**ete« the f a ^ ami

    ‘ I’he preaciv^v’ s n p p iica lion w a s .stirring '. ■alal. clo.(|iient.,’ a iu fT liijre Was no (liilicul- ;ty ■ ih^hearing: ids w ell m odulated ..voice ;iii: t h e ; large, biii hi ing. V ; y . v > ’••,'v 'I'jie- lli’st; o f •• j* stirit's o f n ieetin as a t 1.3'v» fo llow ed th e d in n er liour. .Mrs. IJ/.- zie S m ith in e liarge, a.ssisted g e n era lly by ii p la tfo rm fu l l o f th e best.- s in g ers it.nd sp e a k e rs at the cam p. . W e h a v e ! h c a n l. no d istin e iv if nam e tor t h is , 1.30 m eeting. It was* in th e line o l the !1 o ’clock holin ess serv ice , and is lik e ly to- be , the m o st p o p u lar o f ’ “a ll th e soc ia l g a th e r in g h O f. the cam p. W e w ill ca ll it, the afern oo n p ra ise serv ice . •


    held iii the Temple seemed to be fu lly ,'as attractive-to- older persons as it is for those fo r , whonv: it ‘ is; specially (lesigiiat-;; eU, . it nd j. it 11 p p e a rs t lie y ; are.-.a 11, a nd always, welcome. This- 'm eeting-w ill grow i*t interest, numbers, and converting power. • - ;■ '•

    So w ith Mr: Yiftmiin’s Tw iligh t service in the Temple al. 0.30, -where the congregation w always called together

    >,l>y tju? eventng chimes. , )-y. .:•■•. i-.,;-.: ...

    , 'V-' ' T H W ' EVI% NiN(l SISJJMOy ; V was by Rev. ir^ .H e h ry . W heeler;;.o f Cbatesvil le, I ’a-;,'-; t‘i hi' *1 oh ii 14:8,.0.. The siil jeet. d l .the serinoti:was *>)e«us Christ the Only Visible Maiiifestation^■'of Ci’od.” 'riie group :: o f disciples, the. faitht’u I. ele ven were.., speiid itig the/ last -.'; niglit

    ,with ': the M'iSter.' .yl-hey-vasked \niany;nest ions. Thomas jtb'out; ihe. “ way?’ lintl.

    Philip wanted ‘ to. see tne Fa.t.her. T lie answer o f Clirist itidicuted that a 11 the .htimah uiittd can know or see'.of God is found in Jesus Christ.

    God . is invisible to angels and inen. Th is suggests aii inquiry, as to nature o f God. “

  • 2 OCEAN G R O V E TIM E S^-SA T U R D A Y , AUGUST 24, 1901.



    U N P A ID T A X E S1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 0

    : Septem ber 17, 190.1P u b lic notice is hereby g iven by

    . ship o f Neptune, in the County ot‘. Mo b y virtue o f a tux warrant, issued by the To\vnshii> Com m ittee o f said dub a ll the lands, tenements, heredita tioned, fo r the. shortest 'term fo r whie take the same, and pay the taxes ass .1899 ancl 1900, w ith the in terest titer cs and expenses, in re lation to die said taxes. Th e said sale w ill take p Main streot, on Tuesday.- the 17th S. A lb e rt D owers,.hot 3S1 . . . . . . . . « . . . . V ;..V: 5S.«ib ;Chus. J. Baum gartner, L o t No. 743 . . . v : r .V . . . . . V i i ’ ‘ ; • r* • • . • 43.oC.Chas. J. Baumgartner, L o t No. 740 . . . J .. ....;.... . . . i -75.2G;Anna M. Baumgartnej*, L o t No. 752 ------. ; -.y;y . y . y . . . v ■ 43.30L y d ia II. Barnes. L o t No. 1087 ..........; . . 20.45•H attie H. Baldwin, L o t .No, 1229 . . V l . V . . VV:,-: .,y V .V ;;; ; . . ..Vy.v. U . 85Em m a H. Blake, Lo t No. 1710 . . . . , Vy. . . . . . . . . v .y . y . £ V V v.yV •V." 'E m ily B. Cooopcr, Lo t No. 7*7 '.v □V, . . . , . e 7* . V = Vb . . . £1.90C ornelia Davidson, Lots Nos. 173-IJ5-177 .V y . v y v . V . ' . V ; v . 75.01M rs. Jessie L. Dsiy Lo t N o . 50.4 . c V . .. - . U oo,o . . = :y -y 40..tames DlUataseh, Lo t No. 1075 ,,v. .V , . . . . : . Vw .vV\v..vv.y.yvv...V .V. • 8.78F . JC. Gall Estate, L o t No. . iC 4 ----- .../ .. i . . l w :V . V ; ; y . y.V.'. v .... y . ■ 40.o t .-Geo. Guyer, L o t No. 10S0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . .. .V 4ft . .C. Ilu lso . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .yV .:.. y.y^. ^ ,y .V V : '. . V . . , . V ;L au ra F. Hess. Lot, No. 9S . . . . . . . . v . V. . ; < . . . . . . . . * v : . 23. #4R ev . H. Hess, Lo t No. 414 V ...V ..,, .V . y.V,:.:; ;V. VVy. V:V .Vy; v/vy .; v -V ,17 ,00.:

    :• Chas,; gloves . :..• l.-i.... . V. . , . ... ...-V iyVV:Vy..^y.y.yv.V iy,,. ;i Chas. H. Hem m enway, Lot^^No. 137G .-...1 ..V ..- . i ^23.25':; ]ila ry *J. K ilm er, L o t No. 231 .H .M t .•w. P. Ladomus, L o t No. 547. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. V.:: *y '0.02iLaw rence Sisters, L o t No.. 1572 . . . . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . . 33.42

    « M ary L. Moody. Lots Nos. 545-54C . i . . / « . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . ^ . . . . 03. . . ; . ; V.. . . I.V. . . . . , . . . y 29 .‘}9L . D. Estelle, 363- M eadow . yU ,v .. . .V . Vv.Vf •V r .y .v . V.’VvVv, V .C .; 2.54 John Franklin , L o t No.' 190. . . . V . . . .V . ; .V. jV V. V. V; . . v . . V .. ;vv '.-.. • 9.05 Frank X. Gail. L o t No.:lG4̂ ^̂ . . . . . v V . . v ; V y . . . V v ^ V V v .V. J / i h . ' :41. 35Am anda Garford, L o t No. 070 V .. . . . * y . .VV; .v;y.T.Vi*v'V^;..V..Vy iy 'J20.34

    • L iz z ie Gibson, L o t No. 1002 . vv .V . , v.". , . Vv .V< .;. y y ' ; v i y . . V. , 11,91 Geo. G uyerf L o t No. G80 . . . . . . . v ; . . . V. .V .VVV:/. V.VV. V. V̂ , VV^V;;VV^. ( ; . 3: l iiA . Goodenough, South Main street- vV.V .V iV v;v .’- V *. - . . . . r v . .V ;y . ,14,97Mrs. H. II . Grant, Corlles avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...V.^ .. . . . . VVvv^V. ; .17.88Thos. Gravatt, Corlles avenue . . . .V i.;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . . . . V, ; . . . . . 20.76

    V\ymv J, %Gr.imn, 518 M eadow . ..• •»• • • .. . . . . . . i . .V . V .. . ;G.04,; Horbep't.Gordon, R idge ayenue V V.V.;V.>. V . . ;;VV'V.y;v.:;y v * . V .. . . . . ••26,75'; J. KV. H ay ward* Lots Nos. 31-34 V V , «•'•••'; V. . ;VV.:.,V, . y . . V . 47. 27 1 Stephen Heinlnway, Lots Nos; 85;-80, 87; 88. . . . . . . . : V. ■. “ V.'VVvVVy;V . 35.54

    M agg ies W liite , L o t No. 90 . . . . . . . ; . . V .. . . . . . . v v r . V . i . . . 20.75Catherine Holflrodgo. Lo t No. 292 . . . ; . . . . . . . . . V .. V. V, . v . -23,03Jr. S. H arvey, L o t No. 1393 . . -........ ..W ;v.VAV . W .V.-v 20.83M ary E : H iller , L o t No. 1908 , . . V. V ;; . . . .V. .V V ;..y ;V .V v . .v . . - v y V ’Ann ie Hurley, So. M a in 's tree t . . . . . . . . . . V.,*Vv.'Vr*-.. % . . .V V .. . . 14.97W m . H arris, Corlies avenue; v v . . ; > . . . . . . . . . . . .y'S\ . V p V ’ . . . . V, V; • .3'. 18’;E. Hagerman, .D ivision street . . . . . . . .V . . . . . . . . ' ! . . v . .Vv. V . . . ;‘ -34.97Bliss y a d le y . . ; . . . . . V. 1 .. V. /.vV v . . . . V V .V ,> : . . . 0.11J. W . H avens V .. . . . V : . . ; . . . . . . . V . . . V;.V.%. . . . . .v ,> . v . . 9.05H a ll & Pem berton ; . v V V ; » . . . . . .i V .v . '. i . v v . . . . . . 3.3S.M ary Ireland, 'W e s t G rove /. V. . . v . . . . ; V. , . . . . . . . . . 9.05JrioVR. Innnis, Lo ts Nos. 401-5CVQ11... , Q . l lH , Louise Johnson, L o t No. 600 N V . . . J. . . . . . . . . . . . ..* . ; . . . . . . r . .... .’23. i9.H a rr ie t Jenkins, L o t No. - 5 3 5 . . , y . i- i. . . .v/v '.'.. . . ;V/v. . V. 17.88

    / •Lyd ia Jones, ‘Lot- No.- 987 . v.V.r. V... :V ... V .•... ..17C8S

    ■.tv. . .

    M ary A. Jones/ L o t No. 1222 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Geo. 'RV Jobes,. Corlles avenue . . . v,> . V. VV.V y. y W . JacksoU ... • • • • •'* * • < v. VV. v .'•M ary J. K ilm er, L o t No; 231... V; y * . vy. V. . •.v ; . vv N . H. K ilm er, Lots Nos. 510-517 y . . . ;V . . V. V.i .:Rev. A , J. K eynett, Estate,: Lot. No. i 017 V v .-,VV-.Sarah E. L eek , Lots Nos. 247-24S ..'W . P. Ladomus, Lo t No. 547 S . . . . . i . . . .. . . . . . .Leon L e CUovaiier Estate, L o t No. 010.. . . y ..Law rence S lstersy Lot No. 1572 . v.Y y.;.. . . . .V . .C. L. jVow, Corlles avenue . VJ. . . .VV V. . vvJacob Lane, Corlles avenue ......... . . . . .%.;y ..John Leonard. Squib Main street . . . .V . .B. .L yon s '”. . . . . . . V v.. . . . . . . . ; . . . V .. .. . . . . . .V. . V ..Thos. L ew is, Corlles -avenue . . . . . . y . . . . .Geo. R . Lord. E x . .D. LaTfer. So. M ain street . . v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. H . C. M atthews. Lot No. 115;-. yiM ary I.. Moody, Lot No. o 15 S . . ...... . . . . . . V .. .M ary L.- Moody, l.o i N o ; 510 S .. v . . . . . . ' . . - . . . .M.-L. M agee. Lo t No. 953 . iv-. V .. y. v.V'.;.V v'.VKiuTha Davldyan, Lo ; No. 1030 ....... ..)->nnk Markland. Lot No. 1119 .. v . . . . . . . : v : . , .l.-A . Mapps, Lo t No. 1317 .V.-V. y '•\V.. C. M atthews. L o t No. 1509 ; . . . . . . - . . . . ' . .V.yAnnie G. M egronlg le.' Lot No. 1074 , . . ; . y y . ....Catherine M atthews; Corlles a ven u e ..v . . . . . ̂V..Tames H. M atthews. So. Main s tre e t . . . . . . . . V ..J.rtmes I I . Matthews,. R. R._ . .y . .-.'Vi-.*.James H.. M atthews, D ivision stre^K v. Vi . . Vyv.James H. M atthews, D ivision street, v. v: V,J. K . Mead, Coriie? a v e n u e .Monmouth Ice Co.; South Main s tre e t .V ;r .-.. . ; .N. Moore. Corlles avenue .v.v/V .Thos. M eans. , . . v. . V .. . V. v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .•;Jas. H . M atthews VV. ...V .%. ............; . . . . . V.Chas. M essier EstateAnnie M cGronigle. L o t No. l>24 : . . . . . . . . . . . . vJos. M cLaughlin . PlVaro ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .W m . M cLiirren . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . ...... ..

    •Isabella Noble,- L o t No. 892 ...............Anna L. Noves, L o t No. 1415 . . . V .. y .... . . . . . . .Rev. H . D. Opdvke. -Lot No. 00 . . V .. ... V .. y.'vMrs. E. C. O iitwater. L o t No. 1750^... V. v y .v . . .Av C. O ble.. Fay s t r e e t v . v . .-. iV .- y . -....; V .;Jennie S. Potts, L o t No.* J'” ” v v . . . . . . • •yy* .“..V.Jennie S; Potts, Lo t No. 432 S .. V .. « . . y v y . . . . .Mrs. A . B. Parsells, L o t No; 1152 . . . . . . . . . . . vBert Plttenger,' Lo t No. 1 3 0 5 . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . ‘..IW m . .Preston, Corlles avenue .... . . . . . . . . . . ...S.. G. Polhemus. Corlles avenue . . .§. G. Polhemus, Corlies avenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V.I .otltia P ltitlnyer.. Coriies avenue . . . j . . . . . . . . . .\y. H . Pine. Soutli Main street y . . . . ..T.. E. Oninn. Lots Nos. .570-572 : . . . . . ♦ V . ̂♦. . . . . y.E. A. Raney, L o t No. 217 . v. v . .'.A aron Reed, L o t No. 909 . . . . . . .Isaac Reybold. Lo t N o .-1019 . . . . . V .. y. V .; . .‘ . v . . ;G. W .E. R ottengelter. Lo t No. 1 4 0 1 .VV. V...;v, ./Clara Sommers .Lots Nos. 270-272 . . . .. .‘ i T .. ...

    •-W. S. 'Schuyler, L o t No. 290 B v. .V .yv.yV : V>V.*.v»;Sarah E. Shinn. Lot No. 243 ......... yy ; ...y .W . H. Sklrm ; Lots Nos. 454-450; . v . .y ; .^ ;y . .y ; . .Vy.W. H. Skirm . Lots Nos. 4C7-45S . . . . . . . . . yV.;; vV


    Charles Tilton, SprinjiWood.........., *■Alis-.CJiiirjf.s Tilton, JYospeet.. . . . .Andrew J'aylor. Afumoc................ Y..Turner, l-'. 'N1. 2S4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .■Siruli and Jrifiii^on Taylnr, Atlantic.M11 rv K. 'I'iii nan ...........Alin. II.. V'iiiuli:rv«*i• f 1))j> ;\Vlij|al v iu il. . . . (sy-;'- • • • !*1 * v.*• V v‘~(ifor^e. i.o iii, Spri/»"«;oodt; Uil r V$V• ;; ♦Lord, Ml to •)!, .....•: 'L«}id d(l. to 7 i . • , , , . %• •••'

    ■ • ■ I.< 11 '! .ilfiijiim iil 11, t i. A tillfri 'S , 'S - ''•i J: \v: Ma vriiit:r. Yi*21 ....*. .• S : .. r. :Xt~:y • f i * * :j* :X X S t: - 11 < ii;»:a' .\ I a hi i*6 , Y. . ' . . . . . . * ■ -.X'y ;.(iyfujii'MaYvliisvvr}, . ;Y . . x S \ • • ^ .■:yX :rXXX’ X . j ' Aulliony M f ytivs, C>. i J. !UijihisY.> - i . Y. S '- :,S X ' 'S . '. ' Alary' Alt;Lanin, A d am .. . . . Y-.Y. jX X /S X X A | . i Joint Ul MfK.msey. ‘AVrtilrrie i '. Y .> Y.Y:,v» > YY a

    Y ' A! ike AlfCjt\{ hy. .Munvof. . X-XS • > : >Y-V. X XV James -AlitN'ama va. ...:: XXX i .. .*. i-X XX:XX y* * :Vv.Yi; ^■ j i l r s . . -MoLUulf . ■./:. .v. ; . ?, ^ :'Q .X \ i’v ;l.uffy S'onniuY; Avnuu* J \ . ,S S X . 'XX:;Y . ;... ■J.. I’f t »• r-ioiu .A vfmit*. A .. . *. . . . Y .S y . S ;.y■I'l'tfr j ’oliiijiJ, X. \Y. A.*i.'YY.. ;... ...Y .;.. '. '. '.; Y.; • •/. YY .1. W. I ’ il l iriifif r, Kon rtli .a venue. . Y . Y‘.Y S y . .v

    Y-W. U. I ’ ittfn !*fr. Miiii^s. .Y ;; . . . . ; . ; . - .V * . X".y li'ifliai d I'/it f, .Spn'n^w.ooth . .Y*. :X S X

    A W I ’iiik f r. (>. 0 .; I I f i^M s . , f y i ' S s f .. l!olu*r( Pierre, . ti; Ilei^hts: . . . Y.

    i W ill ia m I'ii w ley. (.): (>. 11«i«ht .;. Y. X «'Y* Y.>‘Y.;. llfiijaniin iVti-rsoiij-.Vintli1 avenue, JL .L’uvk-« ;-.'^YY

    11. I'm t ti'))., 104 If. . « rk . ' f . Y, , . . . i-.; . . . •.. ... • Y-:; S ' IJenry lie'wi, Atl i ini . . . v . . . :\.y X . ... John - Hiduiitlson, A d a m .. . . . ! ' . . . . ’. i-’Y . _ Y ; |

    • liosa liotiina,. First a ve m;e. . . . . . . . . 1 Y. .Y YY.V.C. I ta ntlolph .Y . . . . : Y; Y. Y: .X . Y. • j . 1 *.■ .-Y, .'A bin ham li ice, Aveniie A . i . X S S X ...; v ; V AI i s. I;'. . 11 y ».• rso n, Second. a ve n l i e. . V.Y-i , Thoiuas U ffiiey , Wasliinirton.. : . . Y.Y . ; . . X .'.. X i'.j (ieor^e /{lehsoli, \Yutth'tuf' toil) . ..... ̂i . Y, X.'\. . . . . . .KI wood I toners, A s h it r y . . . . . . . X X ..-X. YY. V

    . A ra ry I lose, .Ha njrs; \ . . ; . ;. . #•; 1 i . . • .>•...... Y» Y,'..A/rs. \Y. Ufehtnond,; Fsta (e, prospect! . . ; YY ... ,1. II. .jiieharilsoiiY. S X '. . ,X :. Xj>S.S\West on 1* icf, (Jailield. Y. . . V' ;.; .■ X! . . . : . . .

    • Josepli Kolj4-np. Y ., :Y ; Y. . . . , Y Y . .. Y\ . X S X JCd. ■ .1 tandolpii.. 1 laiif's. . . . Y .. . . . . . . ’ . . . . . . i . . ....;,....losej»h .S. JI leliaiVd.-on. ’ Kir? t a yentie. . •. r■,'XX.X . Y; . ■.! .lames l{o[and, H. ayentn^ . . . . . . . . . ; Y. i Y. ..John Koekafeller.i Instate.. . . . , i . Y .. Y.Y v.: .Y* • ̂ .

    ; . Airs. ) I. Ifei'i# mi; l\1 X ; W . A . I* . : . . . ; . S ', '. V ; ; '.Y v;;;; Kreil Koiieli. 4 1 1 ..... X.. y.X.. XX l ' \ f..Y'.'..W illiam «L 1 Jokers, ;i;IS, ;l;jp.• Y. . ; ' ■ •'X

    . . li. )!. Iticiiardsun, Vy.;;■ W i JI ia i u- l\ev nolds,. C’orJ ies Yw *;•'/. * . -;Y:; (ieor^e liey iw lds. - . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . v. i-:..-Xr . ‘X y .. W illiii ii i L. S ii I plieil, lJa n «s .. . . . ;■ X

    K. H. Strepen j Iian^s. X "■:. X. X .X .,. X . X -S . X.X. J. If. .Sexton, A tlan tic . . . . . . . . r , . Y. X, yiXX.^Airs. AL y neino, So. Adji m ‘ . ‘. , y , . . . . .y X X S ?•John M. Shockley; Adam . . Y. Y; . ; Y .; . ;-.'....;•John Al. Shock Ic y . ...... - . '. . . S . < X ; . Y.-*-. ..VyYYYjJohn* AL yiioekley.. ... V. . . . . y !Ch'n rl i w .SJioekJer, Firs t a vcn no. . , . ____. . V Y,.J

    •.losiah Schenek, Ada in ! . . Y. i.. . . ; . . X . X .. YY.VY Al. Smith Kstate, Sprin” wood. . r , S f i - v

    ■ Sarah Sutton, Avenue A . . . . . . . . ^; . Y . , i .Wesley. 1L St out, F irst avem te.. . . . . . ; YY Y.Y.',

    . Kvnjures SehralT, 4S, 45>, .30, 5 1 . . . . . . . . . . />. .\ > Y. .J. Alovris Schenek, W asliiiigton. . . . . ̂ ,Y ; i . . . . . . . . . .

    lily- Spphcer, list, 'M attison*. . . . . Y. i . , . . iAirs. AL Sherman,. Church. . . . .Y;.. . . . ;Y;. . v ; . i

    .. C?covj;p ScmUler. . X y X X. . . . . X IX . . . Y .. .• X\j. Sturjjes, Spriugwood.. i . . . . . . i . . ; . . iiJe.Uy .Simw, Kecontl avenuo.. . . . . Y-... ' X ^ . X ; i

    '• I). A. Spencer, M X. W . . A . .l \ . . ...y..Y .;.' Y .. :i 1). Sanford, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y. ! ;

    ", 'i1. K Smit h . . ; . . . . . Y. V .. Y;: . • . .Y . . . . ' . . . S . . ;, Si. . Steclnmn, "2:2. . . . . . . . . . . . Y ..>;• V.v.Y.'.

    .*♦ Adam Btotter. ; . . . . . . . . . . . Y . Y. Y. /: .• Y. XyXX- X ;A . li. .Smoek. . . ; Y; . . . ; . . Y .. . . 1 .•.YJohn 1 (. S locum ... vl;. . . . . . . . . . . . .-i. ^ 4;. ; ; .G. XX Siuniuickaon.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y .Y i... .,:.'YJoliusou 'raylor, S y l v a n .. . . . .Oluirle.s T iltoh, M a tt ison ... Y. . . Y . , . , . . . . . . . :YCharic'3 T ilton , ChurcU.. . Y i. . . . . y. . . . S >\.. S .Chaiioa T ilton '' IHrBt,. • . , • . . . . . . X. . > , . X .-S

    N e p t u n e T o w n ? h i p — 1 9 9 0

    Mrs. ^L. Appp lcga ie . . . . . . Y . ............................. . . . . . . .Geo,' Ackerm an ♦W m . V . A tu lc rs o n .................. ♦ ♦ 4 *• * • ' * *Julia Anderson ................................. ......................... .....John Aden •............................... •. v ♦ ........... ................. ................... .................... .................... ....................John Adon . . . . . . . . . ......................Y. . . . . . . . . . . . .H. Applegate - ; . ................... .................... i . . . ,'Y.W m . Applegate; Springwood .. '. :■ i ; . ........ *• . . : . . t . . . . . :R obert A lIenY.M attlson .......... .......................................... ........Mrs. F. Anderson Y .-..... . . ...Jas. Angus ISstmtc. Asbury. ------ --- Y . . . . . . . . . . .<La fayette Aeken, 2nd . . . . Y .. . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .'y . y. . . . . . . .A . P. A th letlc Assoelation . . Y ............ .• ? *'■.. ♦.. . .J. xXichoIs ........ Y .. . . . ; . V* . v Y./v; •' r ♦;.M argaret Aberm atha . . . . . . ........... .-v. I . . ♦ S y r , ......G^o. B. Bennett. M onroe . *Y '• :* v : *..*• *M ary Burdge. Snm merneld . . . . ... . . . . , . . . . . . Y ; ;YW . Barnes; Avenue A . . . . . : Y. . Y. . ; . . . : . . . . . : . ;Y .*Jnu. BitrUe.' Sprtugwood . . . . . . . .... i ....r Y.Y. Y.;.«Yi .* .. Y .. Y.,Mrs. AL K. Brown, 1st . . . . Y .... YY*: ^; . . . *X.\ >:*'Y1.;Ed w. Brown ........ . Y.;^. Y.•.. *... Y .... . . .... s . . . ; . .Belle Barber. Sylvan . Y .. . Y- Y. Y . . . . . . . : . . .Mrs. J110. Biirke. S y lva n . . . . Y ..'. Y . .Y-.. . Y .: . ' . . . : . .Y-.. ; .Al rs.. Jno. Burke, S y lvan . . . . . . . . . . . . >y. - YY; Y. > . . . . . . . . y.Mrs. Jno. Burke; S y lva n • • .Y • • • / * »'• .* t ‘ • *,rMrs. Jno. Burke',.. L o t No. ;25G .;.. X . . •... ;.Y\,.:.‘Y .. Y % v . Y Carrie W . B\irns,; Sylvan . . ; . : Y.‘ . • v.Y^ . '•>' Jas. Burns, SpHngwootl . .... Y. X . . . . . . . . . . .Y. .. ;'. i,..*.1.'y. . YMrs. C. BrooniO. L o t No. 10 . Y.‘ . . Y; . . . : • •Mrs. S.! BfU'ton. Alonroe . . Y ;. . . : . . . . . v . V.YY..*; .Y.-.:lilliz Brown, Lot, No;’ U77 . . . . , Y.,-. . . . . . Y.....' ; . X X :,\i C. Berrang. Asbury . . .Y Y. . ; . Y.. . v Y .. . . ; , ' . . . . . . Y.:!H o ra ce ' Button, Union ; . . . . . . . ./ Y .. Y ..... Y..:Y‘. X Y. i :\ . X -Ai. Brown. SprJngwood . ■ . . . . . 'X y . X ,X: v .'. ;-X.M . Balttrnio. Sprlngwood. Y . . , ; . . . . . v Y . . .; . v .. .’ X.y.Geo. Bastodo; .1 1o:s :. ...... •,.. !■ ;... Y :•> X X L .'.‘ i . . .S teward Ben/iett . .Y .•. X ... | Y . .Y.-y i Y. Y .. • .S S -Andrew Bennett. . . . . . . . . . . . .... -;YY.: . X X >X. . Xy yX X , ♦Geo. Baii>tedo, Gnr 11 led Y. Y.'X;. . Y. Y . *•.. .•. >1. Y . Y XX A3 aria ■ B ro w er ... . .•> . . ^ > Y . Y. . ': X. Y i - . Y . Y .E llen Brown; Bangs . . . .\ y .v . X *:i'v * * * v. \*Y : • • •;.. A fary ft, Boyce. N. \V. ■ A. P . . . vY I :. •■i.y.-'X: i 'X . Y.Y •.AVm. X. Bi;o\vn. l o i .Xo. IO. JV. W . .A. P. Y.. S S .X ]X ..X • • S V , Airs, G.. Brown, Lots Nos. X. W . A. ;JP. ...;.Y ; .‘ . X X . yJrto. G. Brahm. L o t No. .25, N,- AV.Y ’A;..;P...Y YY. «•, .v.V.Y-.V* *Y;Y; \V; X . B urr. AVhUesvlIle Y:"Y . ^ X S S .A lfred Brooks ljstate. W hltesvllle* . y S .. Xy : . . V. .*. Y. Y .YY .; John Banker. W liItesy iB e Y ; Y.--V.Y... Y. ;.Y'Y. :YYY.>-Y . •Airs. E. CY Burke, W h itesv llle :Y i •. Y . . . . . . . : . . : V .̂-Y.-.■■*. Y*. YY; ;J. W . . Bell. R id ge . . . . .‘ . ; . . . . . . v . . . . Y i . . . . y S S S iB.< Al. B row n; Ham ilton . . . Y.Y . . . . . Y Y . .Y..;.. . .x X '\ X X X X S S ,Jno. H r Benncit.t . . . . . . . ,Y . . Y ..... . . . . 1.. Y-. 1 .X iS 'X X X; . ...A. BlaCkburUc B ldge . . . . Y. Y S . Y.Y;. Y. .Y ; ;Y .Mrs. 1*3. Brown . . . Y. i . .Y X ..y . . v XX ; • v .Y‘. ,, XX X.X X Ed ca r B ills, BY' Park . . . Y •; • / • • Yv . : ; . ' . , , Y'. .A l. Clayton, Sunriuerlield ; . . . ; . ; . X S X X 'S . y X S * .• Y*R. Currie. Sew ell Y;. . .Y .Y , X .. . . X. ..".;. V . ... X y 1 X . S > S . ■.

    . F lo rence Clayton, Spring w ood. . . . . . . Y . . , . ; : X ' . . . . .:.'Y. Pet or Cardillo, Sprlugwood ' * . . . . . .♦ . X ’y «>•: — .■* •'’■X/-P eter Cardillo. Prospect Y .. . ;,'.", Y Y . . . . . .Y .Y . X ,y .A , C ;: Crumrtieli, Asbury ’ Y ;. . . . . . . . Y ; Y. S \ X : .X :y X S ; ;t i. I>. Ch am her lain. Sew ell YY . . .Y .-V ... . . .Y Y , , Y- . . . . v<L vd i a Cook., l.Qt N o . 307 . Y. . . . Y . . . ..Y.Y .Y v:\yXX') iS idney Combs. Sew ell '. . . . . ,Y. v;\ . Y...Y. *•. XJ..X.P . ‘ Cnpabino, 1st. . Y.-.VYYY.: . . .;...Y .i.’ : 1 . . . . . . . y S S S x , Y. X .\;C. Carlisle. Sj>Wn£tvoo '• .; ‘i'Y.'. .• X . X X .

    : G m . l i . Carr . : Y .. . . . . . . . . . Y . . . ...Y Y.Y ,'Yy. ; ’ Y'. Y .. iy;:JX'XAirs, .1. Carr, W ashington Y . . Y. . 1. . ; XX X X y X X

    • Alary CrammerY L o t No. 22 . X;X; i 'i Y, . , Y. .i.YVY|Y,;; A lfred jCuhlterley. L o t No. At . Y. X \ X X •. X xX S 'S S \ Y:. ... .■ .-Y Aaron* Casler, 5th . . YY. Y. .~ X X \ -X .i.:. 'X \ .X .Y . Y.Y.

    • .Tno. Comer, Central . , . Y. 1. ;Y Y.*;; . . . . . . . . . iY . f..;, .'. .’...YYJos. Cimndier, 3rd . . . . . ;Y . . . V. . . . . Y . . . . . . . . . . . . Y.-. i; . . . . ; . . , Y ; Y... .YD ew itt J. Fay, Union . . ;.Y ..'.*. . ; . , , . ; Y .. . . . . . . , . . L . Grava:tt. I.o t ’No, 20 J , . . . . . . . . . V .;..: Y . *Y i • .E m ily Al. Guerin . . . . . . . . . . . Y . . . X . i*. ;YYY;; .V . . . . . . :U p v Y W v H, Giles. 1st Avenue . . , ...> . ; . . . . . » ■M rs. E. AI. Guerin, Afafctfson ............ . Y.-.. , ;N. S. Grant . 7 . ; . , . y : . ’Y. i '* — -Frances M. Grant, N. W . A, P, ; . . . Y, . - . , . . . . . . . . . . Y . . . ..Fred Gardner, . . ; ; . . . . . . . . . . 7 . Y .. . . . . . . . •.Y. ‘ . . . . YiW m . Grtflln. Jr.. W h itesv llle , , Y. . . Y... ; -.:*. YY;... . . . . :AI, S, Gould 13st.' fa cto ry . . . . - . . . Y.- .... « Y.;...Mrs. f. GrnvaW, land . . . . . • X/XXXX : . . ..., . .7Mrs. E. H o lm es .E s t, Union , , : Y, . . . . ... X X ; .Y . Y.Robert Holm es, 1st Avenue , Y. Y. Y .. . . . . . . . Y ;. , , YY > . .; . .YThos. B. Hancock. Church . i.Y.... " . ,., . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . Y .,

    " David H arvey, Sew all . . ' Y . . V . \ . . . Y. . jJ. S .' Holm es, 1st Avenue ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....'. Y .. . , .'Y.Y Y;.:Airs. Chas. H ellik e r ........ ; , , . . ; . . .•.. . Y ., .Y;Y . - . j . iEd . Howland. Church . .;. Y.Y. .•...Clem Harris. Sylvan S . , . X . S . . . . ' . . , ■.. .*.,,A fur ia Herbert; X . AV* A , P , ,'Y; . .

  • Largest stock of Pianos and Organs on th e . Jersey Coast '

    flit) X- 202 ; S7 P . /£ a\ g fjr\i v i.vlS{f•;. - t f ; * ' -■• v 'V ' dfrJ h ufif -f.m m u *■

    F r e e d e l iv e r y

    bet. B a y H ea d

    and S ea b r igh t

    T e lep h o n e C a li 131 b



    * 0 M A IN A V E N U E , O C E A N G R O V E

    £uterod ut tlie postnfllce nt Ocwvn drove, New Jersey, us swornl-dns* matter.

    TO C O U R E S P O N D K N T S —W o shall be g lad to rece ive item s o f news and com - oiun lcatlons on subjects o f in terest to Lnlu com m unity. W r ite on ly on one stdo M tlie shoot.

    T l ie full nanie nnd Jirtdresfi o f the w rito r enould accom pany n il com m unications, not necessarily fo r imbllcaMon, but tis a gu aran tee -o f «o od fa ith . Anonym ous le tte rs w illl not bo noticed.

    Address all com m unications. e ith er fo r tho ed itor o r nows departm ents to

    ■ Cdltnr o f the 11 M GS• •Ocean G rove. N. J.

    ' SU BSCR IPTIO N » a T K :One yea r ?UK>SIX M niiihs .'...... . ,V.. , ; .............; . ......... ' "GO®Tliree Months.1.......................................... S5

    • S ingle Cop: *'4 S Cents K a eh .••

    • S A T U U t ) ' Y .-A l'd iJ S '* ’ :M. IOC!.


    Thorc. soon is.no good reason that ■we know or why oui* friends, the public , should "hot ut. this tim e bo. mado acquainted. el m in is tun if a lly \vith. the fa c ts re latin g to a transaction which* has placed tin? Ocean C rov e ' T im es, •with the extensive jilant where* this paper is printed, the real csiate, hnild- in gs and mnchiimry., the Ocean G rove R ecord , .tho Ed itor (another.'p ap er.)• and a ll appnttonances belonging th ereto under one ownership, and control.

    T h is includes .all the in terest o f 'the p rin tin g and publishing business, fo r m e r ly conducted * by ' W illiam M B eeg le , and how purchased from Mr. "VV. A . X orlon . to whom he sold it. '

    T h e new; owners are John-ilu lshart, 32. N . W oolston. Thos.1 W yncoop. K . .1. T a y lo r and Samuel A . .Patterson.'*

    T h e purpose* nnd. plan o f tlie. new ly Organized 'com pany is, in the first p lace, to maintain a live, respectable, and infiucn'tial w eek ly paper; such as Uhls copimunity needs, aiid .'which, It is the ir belief, the people w ill cheer-

    . fu l ly sustain: • •O f equal importance w ith this pro

    jec t, it is intended tp carry on the a lread y w ell established business o f job nnd newspaper prin ting/hav ing a ll needed fac ilit ies in a flrst-elass office x& onr town dock , w hose province it Js to strike eve ry hour, has been silen t as th e grave; Th is is said to be a dep riva tion ' around the Grove. Peop le miss its tenor tones : in the silent; hours o f the ir wakefulness and •won

    d e r w h a t’s the matter. W ill some ono SPlease see to it? , , . , ( . :

    Asbury Parle— may put a, flaring fea ther in its hat, a fter W ednesday’s unoqualed Baby , Parade. I t n ever fa iled to com e up to expectations in a momentous a ffa ir o f thls nind, and the last was ih e W st o f all. Its m agnitude was beyond computation.. Kor preltiness, the vanguard o f doll baby carriages.and o ilie r fancy, wheeled v e hicles,’ w ith the angelic look ing tots in charge, was a show' in itse lf. . But the real live babies in the ir canopied grandeur, the number. .Ingenuity and splendor o f designs nnd decorations, would fill Pa ris itse lf /with envious amazement. T h e parade in its en iire- ty w as on ?.uch an' a ll comprohending scale, that no type o f hum anity in miniature was .Ignored or forgot ten. from the. sublim e in the— other ex- trem e. ns'instnncrd in the hay wagon and :wtraw-rIde: Ihe itixtiriour. life of roya lly , and drill fo r th e 'p rize ring!.!

    . Of- the. ’ fifty thousand . spectators not one can' tlilhk o f term s strong enough to express their, pleasure with tlie w liolo performance,- except hose; who expected prizes ' and didn’ t get. them. Just, here Is IJkj delicti.cy and d ifficu lty o f the w bole*nsinesR ; and It is a p ity there should lie any place fo r the "worm o f discontent In a fc :e so adm irably planned and. managed, and so delightfu l /so.tho whole community. That tlio com m ittee o f arrangements, w ith Harold P. Ayres, president, have done tlie ir full diity, every one w ill; read ily concede... They 'are entitled, to the largest share in tlie g lo ry o f sue*, ee.ss:

    . Con tva.Vy to some . \ v i«p * ‘rin:.;s around.’ the Auditorium- last Saturday evening, that tlio summer c lio lr . had finished up and tlie orchestra disbanded, Sabbath m orning found both in place and splendidly In tim e.and tune fo r divine; service. I'o r a v e r y .m lu y day the audience w a s - unparalleled, and music w a s like eclioes from heaven; > in th e even ing ' the violins, cornets and other appurtenances, includin gth© fa ith fu l flats o f John Bradford, w ere out again, and to tiie su rp rije and delifelu o f a packed house, and especia lly, the v is it in g 'm inisters, DS-;

    rector Morgan gave tlie people, w ith o ther fine things,, the “ Hallelu jah Chorus,'’ under the Inspiration of- which the shouting Philadelphians present, n ea rly 'w en t “ off the handle.**

    . Ocean G rove fo r a week past, has been a kind o f world . in miniature. Th ey , say -it takes all. sorts o f people to make a world, and they have, i l l been here. F irst and most prominent, o f course, have been the camp-meatihg devotees, who care little or nothing fo r .“ pomps and va n itie s ." . G ive them plen ty o f “ meeting,” and a good table, and. they w ill • en joy “ heaven and' earth .” Dut the o thers! W h o can c lassify the m ultifareous itypes o f man and wom ankind .one; meets, on board-^ walk, avenue; o r Auditorium , squate. Som e are dressy and not much else. Some g iv e .their w hole m ind-to a rib- hon-rlgged pug or a huge mastiff. A few have white-trousered escorts, and are the en vy of. many who have none. A queer world it is! /

    One o t t lie m ost noted men among the camp:m eeting contingent o f preachers on the p latform da lly is the venerab le R e v .-Dr. John Lanalian, of; the Baltim ore conference; H o is m octogenarian in years, quite robust in build, hair a crown o f g lory , strong comely features, smooth fa ce without, a w rink le, and a vo ice so c lear and distinct that w hether . he bids you “ gdotrm brn ing,’ or offers a prayer* the m ost rem ote hearer in an audience o f nino o r 'ten thousand people n ever loses a word. Dr. T^anahan has had a loug and illustrious ca reer-as pastor, presiding elder, legislator, author and “ defender o f.th e farth.” Me Is One o f the host known men Sn'Melhodlsm.

    o - .— r t

    In the down-pour o f -rain Inst Sab* hath, w ith streets -flooded, ro o fs -leak in g and rubber cloth ing at a premium, some rem arked that'-this was en tire ly appropriate fo r What would be known herea fter ae “ Baptist D ay” in tho an nals o f Ocean Grove. T h e preaching, m orn ing and evening,, was by an elo- queRt m in ister of- thait ‘denomination,: and nobody sho\ild complain o f “ much w ater.” • ..........

    $25 Colorado and Return.Chicago & North-Western^ Ry., $25.00 H o t Springs, So. Dak.; $40.00 Utah, a ll round-trips, from Chicago September 1-10; ?50.00 Chicago to San Francisco — Los Angetcs .and .return,, September. 19«27. Quickest •time. S ervice une- qualcd. A pp ly lo you r nearest ticket agen t fo r ‘tickets and fu ll in form ation, or address W . A. Cox, G01 Chestnut, street, Ph iladelph ia ,.Pa.— Aug. 24, 3t.

    C o ttage to Exchange.

    A n y ono owning a srpall cottago in Oceaji G rovo or Asbury Park , valued about $1,500, and desires to exchange it fo r a handsomo residence on Sum- m erfield avenue, w ith a ll im provements, can secure a bargain by inquirin g o f E . I*. WoolBton, 50 M ain a venue, Ocean Grove, N , J. . t t

    R O B E R T T . G R A V A T T* D EA L E R S IIM

    S T O V E S , H E A T E R S , R A N G ES , T IN W A R E , Etc.150 MAIN s r . , ASBURY PARK, N. J.

    Tin Roofing

    Leaders Gutjers Copper

    Tin and

    Sheet Iron

    Workof all

    description STOVES STORED

    Don’t Go Blind"

    Mechanics’ Tools Fans and Motors

    —when it comes to tiie matter of. choosing what kind of pUuiiHiug is j;oiiig into your new: house. You certainly .ought to' liave some voice in- tlie matter; and it will pay yojii iu after years to get' ]josted now. Your plumber willp,lit,iii any make of materials you ask him to All the information on fliis subject/ which lias taken 'us years to . get is yours for the.asking.

    B u y

    Take a Trip to the

    Pan American


    without the expense and fatigue;of the journey- - . |

    and see it for : I

    10c.Two doors from Old Mill


    The First Appearance in this Country of the Wonderful Creation

    Confusiona Side-Splitting Conglomera

    tion Absurd Frivolities.


    Admission: Three doors from the Old Mill

    New Dimities! Mew Lawns! New Batistes!

    In choicest patterns aiid coloriug. Special values in Made Sheets, Pillow and. Bolster Cases.

    New Line of Table Damasksin bleached and cream goods, 25c. to 62c. a yard.

    S H IR T W A IS T Stwenty styles, all sizes, reduced to 25c. each. Choicest styles

    in shirt waists at reduced prices.

    “TIIE LINEN STORE”007-609 G o o k m an an d 608-610 M attieon P von u o

    A S B U R Y P A R K

    7 2 2


    H a r r y J. B o d i n e & Co.FUNERAL .


    Mattison Avenue, Asbury ParkTelephone 113

    Personal attention to'AIT Work. Lady Assistants.Rubber Tired Vehicles

    TFje i^ q u a ra g aFirst and Ocean î venueg, paî , fl. ,j.

    The Newest and Most Attractive Amusement of the New Century

    Boats Leave the Old Mill r * ; ' * r \ „' Every Minute 1 I U C .

    y Association Building, Main Ave. OCEAN GROVE, N. J.

    Capital . . $25,000 .Surplus . . $5,000 ;;

    VVj H. B e e g l e ’, Pres. ; ’ W. H . 'H a m i l t o n , Vice-Pres.. T. A. M il i .K R , Cashier. .

    Board ol Directors : . . . '<W i i .i .jam H . B n iiou i . NVh j .ia m ; U.' H a m t i.t o n C a l v in \t M u h l r y

    SriiiM tnN.D . ,W ooi.i,kv. N a th a n J. T a v i.6 u. . .lAcon Sriu jH ..T . N kij-o n L i m .aqo h b . W i m .ia m M o u a k . "

    Transacts a genera:! banking business, issues letters of credit •available in the principal cities o f the world.’

    Collections carefully made and promptly remitted.

    lohn I i Burtis. 17 Different

    | IttalKS$

    new Cocation j

    Wvncoop &Hulshart.

    Uppe: Lehigh Coal a Specialty .

    D e a l e r s In

    c o a l , w o o d , c h a r c o a lAN D CO K E

    BEST GRADESat Lowest Prices

    Oak and Pine Woodby Cord or Barrel

    Yard and Office :

    7 9 South Main St.T e l e o h o n e 6 9 A


    $■ I " J. EDW. FLITCROFT


    Plumbing■ t' •

    Tinning, Gutters and Leaders. Hot Air and Steam Heating

    GARDEN HOSEPilgrim Pathway, Opp. Postoffice





    : SUMMER f u r n i t u r e !And Reliable Furniture

    A. la rge and carefu tly Beleoted s to ck o f F IN E W IC K E R F U R N I-T U R E in Chairs, Sotteea and Tab les . A com plete line o f tha beautiful &

    , - ..........................$ P R A IR IE G RASS F U R N IT U R E , m anufactured by the Am erican Furnt

    f ture Co., fo r w hich w e havo the oxcluelvb . aseney a long tho coast. ’.V ILLO W -'vV A R B In odd pieces, c.udo w ith ligh t and tastefu l cusUlons

    ft to match any docoratlon desired. Th o O LD H IC K O R Y Furniture— fo r out-iloor use— absolutely lndoBtructab lo, made In largo com fortable

    * chairs and setteeB. P O R C H F U R N IT U R E o f eve ry description at jc low est prices.

    I WILLIAM H BANNARDI Grand arid Cookman AvenuesOpen Till 9 P, M. ASBURY PARK, N. J.


  • r

  • I K 'R A » ; « < I ' l .V .K I L'KDl^Y, AUG U ST 24, 1901.

    t o u r t o t h e P vCt p i ; j o a sST

    A n o th e r O pportu n ity to V is it ' C a lifo rn ia U nder th e A u sp .ccs o f. th eP en n sy lva n ia R u ilroad ’s Person-n lly -C on d a c ted S ys tem .

    In v iew o f the great popularity of trans-continental trave l under the P e rsonally-Conducted 'System , as evinced in the recen t. Pennsylvan ia Railroad Tour 1o the Pacific Coast and the. Canadian Northwest, that company has decided to run another to u r ; to the Pacific Coast, including in the itinerary a v is it to the world-laments G rind Canon o f A rizona, in the. early fall. Th e tour w ill- le a ve New York . Philadelphia. Baltimore, 'W ash ington .'arid other stations 011 the Pennsylvan ia1 Railroad east o f Pittsburg, on Monday. September 23. and reach New Y ork ou the hom eward trip Tuesday!: O ctober 22. V • •’•/'•’•.;

    A s in the form er tours to Californ ia ’ under the a u sp lces 'o f the Pennsylvania Railroad, a special . tra in ,: conipoV-: ed o f the highest . c la s s ‘ o f Pullman equipment, w ill he utilized during the entire, trip. Excellen t meals w i l l i i e

    served iii the dining cats attached to the train during the entire jourtwv, except during the stops at.'Sari. Frail*; cisco and in Chicago, An observation car w ill appeal to a ll■ .who/delight in scenery. Few trips afford «o great a- d ivers ity in N ature’s beauties as tho one outlined beiow. W estw ard j o ...11 the lou r io t w ill pass through th-i. w iid slopes o f . the .Colorado - KoeUltis, around the grea t Suit Lake, and- over the fastnesses o f th e ' S ierra Nevada. A fte r v is it in g a ll the beautifu l; resor.s o f the sunny .-Californ ia; Ldopcs. ’ the- eastward Journey .will li'*: .throu^h ’ thc: A rizona desert to. the Clrlind. Cation W Arizona. . Its bea.udes cannot l;e piii.uV. ed in mere words.. Ala^niticcrit hi co l:i orlng. aw ful in its dopthsy. it .j-tands: iimoug the natural wonders. o f . trio world. T h e n c e ;across Vho plains to St. Louis, and eastward through I Hi-' nois, Indiana;. Ohio and Pennsylvania: the. .tourists reach th e ir ' .'destination just th irty d a y s a fter leaving homo,.

    The various trans-conilncntaI 11ncs" having made low rates on account of the G enera I ■ T r ien n la 1. Co n vent l oti of the Protestant 'Episcopal Church, the Pennsylvan ia Railroad Company is en'*; aided to o ffer >this superb vacation trip at the low rate o f S1S5 for the* found■ trip, from *. New York', Ph iladelphia. Baltim ore. W ash ington .; or any. otlm.* point on the Pennsylvania Railroad east, o f-P ittsbu rg , one in a berth ; ii rid; $105 fo r the round trip, tw o persons occupying tlie same berth. T lie rate from Pittsburg w ill be $i» less. ;'* . ; .

    D iagram s nr? no .v open, and: as tlv- number who can be Sicconimo;lated- w ill be stric tly lim ited , names should' be registered Immediately/. ■

    • Fo r further in form ation and descript iv e pamphlet, apply *io Cleorge ’ .?V.; Boyd. Assistant General Passenger A gen t. Broud Street Station. Phitndel. phia.-r Au g.', 24-31.- ■' ..J. , ,,• ; • o j

    R E D U C E D R A T E S T O L O U IS V IL L E

    C H E R IF F ’S SALE.—By virtuo o f a writ of 11. ’■V fa. to mo directed, issued out o f tho Court o f Chancery o f tlio State o f Now Jersey, w ill be oxnosud to.anle nt public vendue, otrMONDAY, TH E il'Jd.DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1901, between tlie hours o f' 12 o ’clock, and ‘ 5 o’vlock (at 2 o’clock), in .tlio afternoon of saidday, nt the Court ;l{ou8o a t Freehold, in'the-township of- Freehold, county o f Monmouth,:New Jersey - .

    In ttie first, place, llvu Hhiiretj of. the' twenty- seventh aeries o f aharus of the cfipttat stock’of tho Asbury Park liuildimjund Loan Association ttausferrcd to ani'd Association by Wallace N. Uurr; and in the second placo. all those certain tracts or parcels td land and prmnici*f* hereinafter particularly described, situate, lyhwimd he- IciK io tho township o f >outuuo. Jn the county of Monmouth and State of Now Jersey, bounded and 'described ih follow*: The said linrdonDrummond aud .faao White I ave cHtnhliyhed a line o f division between the properties o f the- respective parties by duoda lif-quit-platm bearing evon daw herewith, aud tlie lot hereby conveyed to the party o f thn second part lays both sides-of.sajd division linn as now established: the bculuuuiif corner of iract No. 1.'which lays mi l he Drummond side of said division line, is distant tlfty foot’ westerly from the nortlieavt- erly corner of a lot tif land tldri day ennvo ed to Wil tain aud Mattbovv U’ iiaKati. in the middle o f the public road Irudintt from Asbury { ‘ark r « W ldtesville; thence ruuuin« agreealuu tn pres* ent m*?Knet!c..hearings, 0 ) at righi anttles t. said public road .-oiith, ooe degree and thirty ii innti-s east, ono bundled und tort>*Hve feet; tlienco (2) parallel with said public road south, oudit. -eight degrees und thirty.minutcs west, at rignt audios tu 11 st coursn toii feoi lind five inches to the hue division aforesaid; ill'nice (tli along said lino of divish a a*, now establish-* ed north, sixteen tfegreo aud forty-tivn minno-p west, one hundrcd>nud ihirtv-bno feet aril th»e«* ioihcs to a iudnt iu sai(l division dm.*diataui nineteen fei*t southurly from tho midd e. of tifnrcatthl road; tlu'ucc (-If at ri,*iil angles to said-public road aiid iiiin li 1 with tlrs f course, eiyhteen foot nnd four inches to the middle o f the road.aforctaid ;. thence (5) along ti.omiddle of thu road uorth, eighty-eight ueurccs and .thirty uiiiiun'seast, forty-live feet, to the place ot beginning

    •tract No. 2 lays on the White shlo of.the said division line, aud the beginning corner i*ioc

    W . J. B U C IIA N O N & SM OCK.

    W h a t Shall W e H ave fo r D essert?

    J. Th is question -arises in the fam ily ! every... day. Let- us answor it today, j T r y Jeil-O,' a delicious desert. P re

    pared in tw o. minutes. N o . baking! Add h o i w a ter and set to .cool. F la vors— J,omon, orange, raspberry -and straw berry. . At.* your grocers, 10 cents, .' ' • ' •

    ‘ Th a t Beau tifu l G loss

    comes from the varnish in Devoc's Varnish -Floor P a in t; - costs 5 cents more a quart though. Sold by Buchan- on & Smock,

    S tops the Cough and W o rk s O ff the Cold.

    L axa tive Bronio-Qulnlnft Tab lets cure a cold tn one day. No, c\ire, no Pay, P rice 25 cents. • ' .

    The Sacramento River and Canyon— the Domes, .Spires and Falls of Yosemite— the Charms of Lake Tahoe, and a 5core Mort— the impressive Stateliness of the Big Trees—the Varied Delights of Los Angeles and Its Environs— the Quaint Spells of the Old Missions

    are o n ly a Jew o f the

    R avishing Experiences in Store for Travelers

    on the.superb trains o f the

    . C H fclU FF 'S SALK—Hy vntuo ol a writ ol ll., v ht. to me directed,'issued out of the t!ourt>d tvhaucory of thel State o f Now1 Jersey.* will be expo.-e mlue, ON MUX.d ay . r ile . 2ad d a y o f ^mi’tk m u k k . iu o i,between the hours o f 12 o’clock and o ci’c lw k , lat 2 «t’clnek> 'iu 'tho alteruooii «.f -aid day. at the Court llodsu at Freuhold. iu the townshij. of .Freehold, county o r Monmouth, Xew Jersey., all that certain lot* pit-ceor panel of.land with the bulldiugs.and improveinents the(uou areol- >tl, siiuafe* Jyiijg- and being at Key ,- list/ in tho township'of Nxjittuno. in the 1. m.f 1.20, 2.35.5JV5, nnd 0.2ft .. ■ p. in.For Long ilm ncli, (I3'i,:0‘35.7.20,7.43,8.20,9.20* ,

    lO.ffl, 108.1, -10,«. 11.85 11. in., i,l» , 2.86, 2.M, .38.5. M5,;, 5.09. . 0.35, 5.12, 0.13,' 0:23,' 7,10, ti.oi' •.{Saturdivys on ly ), m.20 p. rri.: ;

    For Red (lanIt, 7,20,* 7.13, *0.20. a. ni.; 1.20, ,2,35; .3.35,-5.35,0,20 p, in,

    Fr>r-Phllndelphin, Broad street,;and T ren ton : 1.15'aao,• .

    I'ix it 'W i* i Twenty-third ulroel—H65 a ' in * if-fff. ' l lU tSalunluy, on ly ),•|.UJ,^i.ik'j, lj..Vi p. tu. ; V

    Foot Cortland la n d Desbrosse* streets—-ii.O'a. tn., 12/Jrt. •i.l’O (SutunhiyK onlyi, 2 JO «U

  • OCEAN GK< >V,l' TT^ y-r HAV A ' rf'U S T 24. 1901

    YOU’LL GET THE KIND OF TREATMENTThe Kind of Goods—tho Lew

    ’ tlm t w ill bring you back to our store T ry us i f y cu havo not a lready done no.

    Sheets and Pillow Cases materials! ,-r ■ • = r ‘ ° W h ite Toilet Quilts 1,111,1 *’'r,i(lcRuLtimtyou win mco.Tsb1& L inens■lnuver̂ ”,d°fr°m*scoulsto$isouyard.Towels and Napkins p*™*-

    Bureau Scarfs, Stand Covers, Cushion Tops.and a ll k inds or stam ped goods a to i ir low prices.

    Tw enty styles o f M \ I)E AARO NS In G ingham , Lawn. M ull, Cutnbrio at mere cost o f work on them. N o une sewing.

    Our Wrappers and Summer Underwear 1̂1 reduced to close them out. New line Lisle and Silk Gloves.

    BAUMGARTNER’S LINEN STORE€09 and 611 Cookman Avenue 60S aiid 610 Mattison Avenue

    HERBERT E, W OODSUMElectrical Contractor

    6 0 7 B a n g s A v e n u e , A a b u r y P a r k , N e w J e r s e y

    During the past two years I have done some o f the beat work that I ms been •done in this vicin ity, which proves.thnt I g ive satisfaction. A ll materials furnished ;ut the lowest prices. Estimates given bn all kinds o f electrical work.

    .if'you have any trouble with your ligh t or w irm **95al us p ut tl c jr.l a u l I /will be attended to promptly. Repairing a specialty.

    The ArlingtonG . H . M I U U f t E

    Tf%e L e a d in g M o t e l in O c e a n G r o v e

    Ever/ convenience. A ll modern improvements. Appointments and service first-class. Exceptional location. Unsurpassed cuisine. It. will pay you to send for booklet

    V . and. terms. ; ,.;r:' Qpen Juuc 22.

    ATLANTIC HOUSEPitman Avenue, Near the Ocean

    Established 1876 CHAS. J. HUNT

    THE MULFORD |«sonable rates. Table first-class.

    21, US, 27, ’2D Olin SI.v Oceau Grove, N. J. Louie Box 04' A l l modern

    # Improvements. Artesian water. ” — boat-,. Plano and organ. Rea-

    w a l t k r J. M u lfo u d .


    -One block from tbe ocean, L lllagore ’s Bpthlng Ground and Pnvlilon. Tw o minutes from hot •sea water ball»-» and the only llshlng pier In Ocean Grove. Dellchtfut outlook. Hom e

    .•cooking. Low rates. ’ R IC H A R D W ILSON* Jr.. Manager.

    THE ALASKAN . H , K IL M E R , P rou rit jto r

    O R E M H L L T H E Y E H R ,

    Cozy sun parlors. Hot salt water baths. Cool munis, auc comfortable accommodations for stuniner guests,

    ' permanent and transient.Nos. 3 and 5 Pitman Avenue. Ocean Grove, N.J.

    The Ocean View Hotelrnofism ictM l v iew ■ »i'ix*cau nod lake

    H i-rvtvatu i cuisine' vxuMlm.t. ,

    _Aw-»Hiiu»odatiouH for bU*,viMff4. ' •. ' ; .

    Ttmnhi court'and ' eblliJren’fi play* ;

    the bouse. .

    HfRicnti ra tJ>s /or June a id /

    • Ht.-pl4tUitit-r,

    For terihs address

    C E O , C . P R I D H A M

    O c e a n G r o v e , N . J.

    p . o . B o x 1

    T H &l lii-e r fly on H it'Ocean 1’rou l. j

    T lio i'iiitiiii'lv •‘••fiilvd iiicliMlinu -Jeani liritl, t ' le c d ’ ii ' l i s l i l * olf..

    Open Throughout the YearFti«.tcirna upplv »u

    ’ / ' V. T T . C L E M E N T

    C o r . Oo’t 'i i l l V » 1 ‘ . Uil I " i r :,n (fo. 8 Ocouu Avenuo. Ocean Grove, N. .1. Box22l7. D irectly on tbe ocean front. Modern In . -all appointm ent*. Junt> to October.

    1LEWELLYU COTTAGET a b le board. $5 per week. S trictly bomo cooking.

    No. 33 Broad way. Ocean G rove ,,N . J. Eighth season. One and a half blocks from tbe ocean.

    ; A . B . W in a k s .

    EAST VIEW HOUSEr 18 A tlan tic Avenue, corner Beach, Ocean Grove. N. J. . ,

    One block from the ocean. Close to Auditorium and a ll places o f luterest. Beautiful ocean *rlew\ tluo porches, abundant tablo, pleasant and home-llue house. Terms moderate.

    Spsolal rates for Juno nnd September. M bs.- A . Ca s s e o a y .

    Jackson House.Mns. J. C. J ac kso n

    Hook Avonuo and P ilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grovo, New Jorsey. Pleasantly an d . centrally located , near a ll principal points o f interest. Convenient to PodtolHce, Telegraph Ofllce and.Aud itorium .

    THE LAKESIDEMus. s. r. sinohu .

    dOO Lake Avonuo, Ocean Grove, Now Jersey. . Convonlont to a ll points o f interest*

    ~~ THE ARDMORE "Mns. M. M . R u s s e l l , Proprietor.- • ’

    Ooean Pathway, noar ocean. Ocean Grove, N . J. Finest location. AU modern improvements. Special rates during September.

    UNITED STATES HOTELM ain Avonue, Ocean Grove,‘ N . J. Ono block fr6m tho ocean. OpeufJuno 1st lo Soptembcr Ifith.. For Urm s address tho proprietor. * i, . . . W i l l i a m O r i l

    The Aberdeen and AnnexM. B. H e r it a g e , form erly o f tho„Llllnganrd.

    S u rf Avenue. Occan Grove, N. J. W ith in ono m inute’s walk o f occan, W esloy lake, Audi- ‘ -torlum and Yeung people's Tem ple. Accom m odations for 76 guests. . .

    The BO W ER HOUSECorner Main and Central avenue?. On |.be second ‘ block from the occan. Ocean Grove, N. J. Centrally located w ith in easy roach o f the Auditorium , bathing grounds, ocean promenade and a ll points o f interest. Uates from $s to 810 a week. $peolTu rates for season. Box 118. , Cl*AKA SOKKHS.

    ■;i T h e M a je s tic ,.; .Clement olwoen Boach aud Auditorium

    SEASIDE HOTEL7$. H . S T O C K T O N ■ ■ 7-:

    Proprietor: • ‘

    o c e K N g r o v e , N . J .The largest and best equipped hotel on the ocean front.

    1 Thoroughly modern. Enlarged and improved.

    ' r H. H ALCOCKO C B H N C B O U B , N E W J E R S B V

    Reopens Saturday. Juno "22. Situated on Ocean Pathway, near the beach .. Im proved and renoyaied throughout. P. O. Box J. Long distance Uilephone; . :

    H B N R Y ' 1M. B L S P 3 R D ;' ^ ' '7 ..: ■

    • Cor. Pitman and Central Avenues,'C>cean Grove, N / i,

    Sixth season under the proprietorship of l i tn r y Welsford. A /3rst-c)ass.house, convenient to everyth ing o f interest in the Grove. For particulars apply to proprietor. P. O. Box 2121.


    28 to 34 Bath Avenue, Ocean Grove, N, J.F inely Joca'uxl between Audi tori um aud ocean, and near bathing grounds, ttpccial a t

    tontlon to com fort o f guestBi Open Juno to October. P. O. Box 2M7.

    T H E I M H O U S EMain Avenne, Ocean Grove, N ew Jerpcy. Conveniently locnted uear ocean, Auditorium and postolhco. ‘ . M ils M IS. St u l l , Proprietor.

    / \ i * . 1 I .C om er o f Heck anil Boaoli Avenues,

    O live H o u se s r * - onKb,ock fromFir^t'elnss 'm overy iiarticulnr. M iis. JL E. Sen WAnr/i..

    swr* OGEAN HOUSEMain Avenue, Ocean.Grove, N. j.

    A pleasant tam lly hotol at popular rates.

    HOTEL SPRAY VIEWOn the cjpcan front. Ask for booklet.___________ Joskimi W h itb , XVop'r.

    THE CHALFONTECorner Ocean and Bath avenues, Ocean G rofo , N .J . Appointm ents aud furnishings all now and modern. Spcolnl rateH for Juno and September. • ̂ - - • S. W , E u le w s ̂j

    Firft-cliifa nonrding, IVrmnrient or TrniisieQt. A Isn Tuble Board.


    M iss M . C R O S S E T TProprietor.

    Cor. Main and licach Avenues

    Ocean O rove , N . J.

    in.Maln AvenUe.

    The Lilla^aards A b b o t t A v e n u e , O cea n O r r v e , N . J .

    .If Adjoining the beach. Thoroughly renovated, refurnished and under new management. Electric lights and artesian water. Sanitation perfect. Night watchman.

    Near Lillagore’s hot and cold sea water baths. Music by the pavilion orchestra during noon hours.

    ; ; A ddress: •'*"

    Miss M a k w i l l f .R & B r o t h e r , Managers

    Mrs. S. A. M. LANE - - - - - - ' - - ProprietorPilgrim Pathway and Cookman Avenue . '

    OCEAN GROVE, N. J.I/tck Box 2J74 . . . . - .

    The New PhiladelphiaOcean Pathway, Ocean Grove, N. J„ second House from the Ocean

    V. \ v ' ... Mrs. C. A . COX, Owner and l^ ip r le to r . . ' •

    SUPERIO R FURNISH ED ROOM S TO R E N T .In tlu> m jsl beiiutirul part o f tbe Grove. t/nobstructWTvftjwof tiie ocoan. Convenient to

    a ll oflnttjrent. App

  • 8 r' OCEAN GROVE T IM ES^SA T IJR D A Y; AUGUST, 24, "tqoi.


    . .T h e deposits o f the F irst N ational Bank o f Sea B right on. its opening day Tvero $31,500.

    . .T h e people o f Asbury P a rk used 24,*113,010 gallons o f w ater . from the public service during July.

    . .Capt., Asher Colins died a t Key* port recen tly a t the ripe old age o f 89 •years, 5 months and 27 days.

    . .T h e borough council o f Deal has adopted an ordinance, regu lating the

    speed o f Autom obiles ‘to six m iles an hour.' • . :'

    . .A f t e r being licit! for. th irty succes- sivo years, the Jamesburg Sunday School Convention has been • abandon^ ed. •* • . ' ;/•,..//- ^

    . .Postm aster Graham at Po in t Pias- arit reports tha-t he is doing m ore business this season than in any previous season. •* . .

    Commander and Mrs. Baiington Booth, heads o f the Volunteers o f A m erica, w ill hold services in the beach auditorium, Asbury Park ; on Sunday; August 25th.

    v . G eorge F. Cook has sold his inter- . ee t in the Am erican f lic e Food Com*. pany'to H. H; Longstreet for $5,UU0. He was -̂the originator of ihe method o f flaking rice.

    ..S eas id e Park is having the best season in its history. The hotels are crowded, eve ry cottage is occupied, and the fishing, bathing and sailing are^'at their height.

    . .T h e fiftie th anniversary. ‘ o f the . founding o f the Cape Island Presbyte

    rian-church, now known as the F irst Presbyterian church o f Cape May, was celebrated last Sunday.

    . .T h e Presbyterian church o f M ount Freedom has extended a call to Rev, G. D. H ill, o f Harm ony, W arren , county, w ho has accepted and w ill begin labor on October 1;

    . .T h e w a ter company - a t Island H eigh ts has bored, 1140 feet, strik ing a strata o f mud a t ' that depth, but no water. W ork has been abandoned, and the company is apparently dis*

    .couraged in its efforts.

    . .L a s t w eek tho Union N ew s Company’s stand at the. P o in t P leasant depot was broken into, and about one hundred dollars ’ worth o f cigars, c i

    garettes, tobacco, etc., stolen. The th ieves broke o ff the pad lock w ith a car coupling pin. •

    ..T h e re is ta lk o f, changing the name o f the village, o f Turkey, near Freehold , to Morgan, fo r General M organ, o f the Revolu tionary W ar. in

    •/the battle o f Monmouth M organ ’s riflemen w ere stationed near Turkey. A n other proposed name fo r the place is Adelphia.

    . .T h e Pennsylvan ia Railroad Is about to make further Im provem ents In Camden now that th e handsome term inal Is practically completed. It, Is proposed to fill in the fre igh t and train yiards up to tbe grade o f the term inal. N ew buildings w ill be erected consist-

    -• ing o f a new engine house, . fre igh t house, turntable and coaling wharves.

    Association Football ChampionshpiA series o f Association Footbuil

    gam es w ill l)o played nt tbe Paa-Aiii- erlcan E x p o s it io n fo r the c h am p io n ^ ship o f Am erica. I t is the in te n tio n to have tw o series, a Canadian s e r ie s and an Am erican series, to be played on th e A th letic F ield o f the Stadium, Septem ber 2d, 3d; . 4th and 5th. ■ A s

    .m any games as may be found advisable w ill be played between the Canadian teams, and the same rule w ill be applied to the Am erican series. The f in a l g a m e w ill be played b e tw e e n th e w in n in g . Canadian and the. w in n in g Am erican teams.

    - Gold medals w ill be g iv en ’ to the w inners o f the Canadian series, and also a banner. Gold medals and a banner w ill be given to the w inning team in the Am erican series. In .he final game between the w inning teams o t the Am erican anil Canadian series, gold medals w ill he given to tile w in ning team, and a banner representing

    the championship. -

    Letter to Oeo. W. Evans.D ear S ir: Your business is, when a

    house burns down, to g ive tiie owner somo money to build a new one. I t is a tffcul business. Queer 'that the w orm ggt on so long without’ it.

    W e paint the ono that burnt down and the new one 'too. W hat is bc-tt^r. ■we . pain t tile houses 'that don't burn '.down, ' ■ .- • , t

    You insure the houses that burn; w e insure the houses that don’ t. You

    • havo the-ashes and sm oke; all the houses are ours.

    W e paint lead and zinc; Devoe. W e sell the paint to painters; w ^* don’t

    . p a in t ■. « ' ' .. •.Lead aud o il ' Is the old-fasiiion

    .pain t. D evoe Is zinc ground in w ith . the lead and linseed o il— samo propor

    tion s as used by U. S. Governm ent: the best paint In the w orld : and the cheapest, because the work isVall dono by machinery. !-

    Nobody wants poor pa in t;^ th ere 's lo,t$,ojt It, though, in, the world. '............. ' Tou rs d u ly ,

    ;., .'.V. w D E VO E & CO.•• P : S.— Buchanon & S m ock 'se ll our

    •paint In you r section.

    For Sale.Nice cottage, w ith two lots, N o 15

    Occan Pathw ay, north-east corner of Beach avenue, extending through to

    Bath avenue, 9 rooms, w ith bath, sew e r connection any a ll improvements, ffe w ly painted and papered, and in fiood eondiWon. M ost o f purchase tppney m ay remain on bond ana m ortga g e at 6 per cent. One o f the best properties in Ooean Grove. A pp ly to James P . Rusllng, owner, 224 E. State Street, Trenton , N; J., o r Geo.- W . A v ails, Main avenue, • Ocean Grove" or other, local agents.

    Mme. Ogden-Crano Vocal Instruction Summer School. j -wtofil.ee buliaing,' AuAary .Fur*, Mot f \ T * e d a r s , Fri-

    ,. (fays apd 8a(m m

    J Ttfcedafls/.IW - I M to 12 ,*. m.,

    Special Days at the Pan-American.August 215—-M unicipal Day.August 27— Porto R ican Expedition

    Society./ ■*>'.-;■ ■:/ ’ .August 31— M ystic Shrine- Day / ' August 12;17— W heelm en 's W eek. August 19-24— Fireinen?s\V eek . August 25-31— Furniture M anufac

    tu re rs ',-Week. VSeptem ber 2— L a b o r D ay, ’ >. September 3— D is tr ic t o f Columbia

    D ay.:.,;/ ’"'/.• ■ ^Septem ber 4— N e w England Groc

    ers' Day. In ternational P ress Union o f Women* *. Septem ber 5— R oya l. Arcanum.

    Septem ber 6— N ationa l .. Association S tationary, Engineers.

    Septem ber 9— S p a n i s hrAraeri c an W a r Veterans. ..- .■//'\: ' 'A ' / > V ' . ?,v .

    Sep tem ber 10— R hode Island pay. September ; 11 ^ A rch itects ’ " and

    Builders' D a y- F lorida Day.Septem ber 12-^Polish : Day.. -•Septem ber '13-—N ew Jersey Pay.

    Railroad .Day,.; '].:■>•«■:*}.■Septem ber 1:4— Indiana Day. Vas-

    sar College D ay 'Septem her 15—-Honduras D ay.. Septem ber 16— Mexican Day. I l l i

    nois Day.. .'■’■/. ; September'”'. 17— G. A. R . Day. ,

    Septem ber 18— N ew Y o rk S tate D a y . V / - . - . ; v ' . : . ; v v ;j.v.-v!-

    Septem ber 19.-~Welsh Day.__ September/ 20— Pennsylvania. ■ Day; St. Catherine’s Day. -; .. • ; v

    September- .21— Nurses ;; Associated Alumnae.' . ./V ..... V ; ..

    Septem ber : 24— Nebraska Day. : >:Septem ber 25— Oregon Day.

    ■ September 26— Cleveland Day. ‘ ;• September 30— Stewards’ Club Day.

    Septem ber 15-22 — Lumbermen’s W eek.

    O ctober s— Brooklyn Day.O ctober 9— New York Federation of

    W om en's Clubs.October 10— National Grange Day. October ll-^ A t la n t ic C ity Day. O ctober 12— International Sunshine

    Day. .v

    Pan-American Tours.“The outdoor, recreation fo lder /com*

    pilQd by W . Sheldon Bull, which was recen tly Issued by the Press Departm ent o f the ' Pan-American* Exposition , has met w ith a hearty reception from the w heeling public generally,, and the number o f requests fo r copies that are being received daily, com ing from a w ide range o f te rr ito ry .. testifies to the fa c t that the usefulness o f the book is being recognized throughout the en tire width and breadth o f the country.

    The maps of. th e city o f Buffalo and o f E rie and N iagara counties, were made especia lly fo r this book’, and are up-to-date and reliab le In every -particu lar. Besides these, maps, the book' contains many other handsome illustrations o f Exposition biiilcllngs and view s, taken , from the Surrounding country together with a general description o f the outdoor features o f the Exposition, graph ically outlin ing the beauties that are unfolded to ihe v isitor, who approaches the RainUow C ity through the m ost beautiful and a rtistic entrance to the ground*— that o f the W ater Gate. ‘A ‘detailed description ; o f the various trunk-line// cyc le routes lead ing to* ' Buffalo, N iagara Fa lls and ■'the Pan^Vmerican Exposi*. tion from all / ppin ts w i th in a rail iu s of 500 m iles Is also included. - The .books' a re invaluable to : the.;, tou rist,; and no. wheelman- or lo ver o f outdoor • reorea-: tion should m iss the; ot>brtunity. o f securing a copy,; /

    . ; Hotel Property for Sale.F o r Sale^-On the rioted Ocean Path*

    w ay, a 3 0-room hous e , w ith tw o lota, partly fiirniBhed and in good repair. E xce llen t patronage. Fo r particulars inquire o f E. N , W oolston , real estate, 50 M ain avenue, Ocean Grove.— tf.

    For Sale,

    One o f the m ost desirable properties in Ocean Grove, w ith a ll im provements, two fu ll |ots. Houso.v located on a corner^ W i l l : se ll v e ry reasonable. Inqu ire E . N . W oolston , 00 M ain avenue; Oc^an Grove. / t f

    'Jfmericatt UiatcDesDlam inds Otwtlry

    Our stock always contains the latest and newest goods at right prices. When, you want something out of the ordinary in watches of diamonds, why not try us?

    Orders always receive prompt and careful attention.

    ur. comiius624 Cookman JJtwnuet Jlabury Park


    TOOTH WASHOar Cleaning and Preserving the

    Beeth and Gums, aad Impjnting a Re- fretaitng Taste and Pooling to the Month. ■ ■,

    Co&tmunded and for sale b f *

    S. D. W OOLLEYD ru gg is t

    4 7 M ain A v s .,


    Ocean Route

    .The PourrDecU.Ocean.Steamer

    C o lu m b ia• - . wiU leave th eL on gB m n ch lron

    . P ier every day nt.

    1 2.30, 3.45 and 6.3o o’clock P/M.

    Departure a t the tim e stnied Is not guarun* teed nor does tlio com pan^hold Itself re«pon- Rtble for any delay o r 'a n y consequence arls- ing therefrom.

    F a r e , O n e W a y .

    F a r e ; R o u n d T r i p

    50 C e n t s 7 5 C e n t s

    T h e Celebrated

    Sails from foot 'of - . ' First Avenue, Asbury Park

    for the fishing banks _ at 8 a m .

    F A R E $ 1 .0 0Bait and line included in ‘fare. Ocean sailing excursions only at 2 p. m. ' Fare 50c.

    ’ • C a p t . L. N e w m a n . C a p t . F r a n k P e a r c e

    If Your HouseNeeds Painting

    Let me estimate on the job. The work I have done in and around

    . Ocean Groye is my recommendation. 'W hen 1 paint a'house, the paint is put on r ig h t ; no ekimping

    , in corners and odd places where the paint is not liable to be seen.. I understand, harmonizing o f col* ors, and never leave a job until itis finished, and done satisfactorilyThen, too, m y price is r ic h t : it

    .. must be if I (ret your work. A t any rate consult me on your next job o f painting.

    W . E. HURFORDPaint Specialist

    89 Broadway, Ocean Orove, N. J.

    AN ORDINANCERepealing an Ordinance entitled

    “ An Ordinance Prohibiting the . Running at Large of Certain Animals in the' Township of Neptune.” <

    i . ' BE IT ORDAINED by tho Township ot Neptune* iu the County o f Monmouth and titate o r Now JerBoy, tbat-an ordinance entitled “ An Ordinance Prohibiting.the Running at Largo of Certain Animata in tho Township o f Neptune,” in.tlie county o f Monmouth, State of New Jersey, which ordinance went into effect On: tho fourteenth day of Aprilf in the year nineteen hundred, bo and the same Ib bafoby repealed.

    •2. AND BE IT FUHTHEB ORDAINED that tliis ordinanso pball go into effect immediately npon tho so too being .published according to law. . .

    Ad'optod August 14; 1001- JOHN H U L 8HART,

    QEO. F. RA1NEAB, Chairman.(Uerk. »

    Ocean Orove and Asbury Park,

    Summer Resort Bureau

    Information given of hotels, boarding houses, with rates,

    , At Information I Bureau

    No. 40 Pitman AvenueOcean-Orove. N. J.

    226 Main Street. Asbury Park;

    A. R. SHREVE & SON^D ealers in : • / ”•

    Best Quality' Fresh and Smoked

    MEATSJersey Lard and Pou ltry a Bpecialty.

    • delivered free o f charge. On re o f request w lli call a t your

    „. GoodsOn receipt. .

    residence any tim e.

    Market: 55 South Main StreetOpp. Ocean Grove High School. , ASBURY PARK. N, J. .

    W . K. T iT M B , -s. A, Q .C U IU

    TAYLOR & CLARK Bulldere

    ; Qimce: 3 6 Pilgrim P c tliw ty

    P . • , B t t 5 7 OCCAN (SKOVB, N. X


    Bmteut M u md Bra's PsnttsbB?210 Main Street, . -

    OppoeiU ft, CL atattoxs. A.«bttry Pack, f*. A


    Contractor ̂ BuilderOffice and Shop. 007 Malp SU

    f t e B U B T P A R K i N . i l . ■9 S ou th M a in 3 t . for all hlii o f wor& f amtBhod on f

    OPI^alto.Ooeaa Grvro Qe\m> -... . Bholt notlce.


    jUR Semi-Annual Shoe Sale begins on Friday at the Mammoth Store, and will continue until the special lot of Footwear is gone. The assortment rounded up for the ••special trade event includes nearly 5,000 pairs of shoes made by first-class manufac

    turers. The values range from $3 to $5, but we have fixed $2 as the -uniform1price. Sx- . tra salesmen will be on duty .while the shoe'sale is on, so there will be no tedious delays to patrons, At the Ocean Palace; too, extraordinary values in shoes will prevail., The Mid-Summer Sale of everything summery will continue indefinitely-at Ijoth stores^for all the hot weather goods must ,be cleared out before we begin to show our new fallgoods, now on their way. , • ,

    Included in the priee:slaughtered derelicts are ’ , /

    Snmxrier Suits for both Men and Women Shirt Waists, Underwear, Neckwear, Hosiery, Negligee Shirts, Hats and

    Bathing Suits • • • •In fact, every known requirement for the outing period.These goods were originally priced verj' low, but for this special sale worth has heem

    disregarded in the new revision of the price tickets.

    Pioneer Outfitters for the Person and. Home

    You Know Where the Stores

    , Are Located

    Pure Hanufactured and Natural

    Richard. W ilsonOFFICE:

    No.108 Heck AvenueOCEAN GROVE

    Deliveries made daily. Twice on Saturday

    Order by postal card.

    Here is W h at You Have Been Looking for


    Special attention to the smail trade this season, which will be served promptly as heretofore

    a n c w 3 e rs «y♦ Decorating Company


    Paper Ranging Paintihg

    Decorating, etc.Wall Paper in Bodleu Variety. AU th«

    n * * Pall pMtfoa./We d^corat* yonr hous* ln*ide and outln tbo On oat manner aa4 best taate, by contract or otherwise, to your entire miQifaotlaa. . .

    Oa*4W«rk«XMl Low Pricaa

    c H A R t B S a . B a k e r. I w u i t M a r Pu kBtuxh; m V a i in Ate.. K*w»rfc, N.J.

    Vi-f.Vr.Sii h r . W iM t'

    NO MATTERwho Bold you your wheel, permit ine to repair It. I can do it better and do it quicker thaa . any one else. -

    I can do it better, because my facilities are tbs best. Personal Inspection ol my factory will convince you.

    W ere I to say that I done enameling and nickel plating on the premises, ft ■would be true, but I don’t. AU this work Is dono for mo In the ‘S tie s by (Irma who are masters In these branches.

    ■':::/ C; R. ZACh Ak IAS / ,7 2 5 MafcMeon A v e ., Asbuty Pafk- r' '• w 'v-v •/*

    j - _ l * 1S'_ - f M jl- ̂ 'i/'̂ Vi' i' vj’' /'

    ■» «*, ; V ;'VAt PATTERSON’S

    The Tailor, Clothier and Furnisher6252 Cookman Avenue

    Cleaning and Repairing

    C. H. FA R R E LL , P rop . Telephone 69-f J. L. B L A C K , M gr.

    Orosbie Fuf-niture CompanyPLENTY OF / C DOLLARS IN SIGHT >

    v For the man \yho looks in tfcie .xigh place for them, and that.is.right here- Dollars saved in prices, dollŝ s BaveA '

    , m values,.and dollars saved in satis- , faction. Now is a good' time to get

    ',. :•..;. your share. ■ ■ _:: /.-.-.Oo-C«rts, $7. » « $

    I .35 . . UlmtUMHB, liOf-U jac. -< And Stores of all kinds at prices ttiat can't

    be beat. Come and see ttcm. /?mCROSBIE'S OLD STAND,



    W e are able to show you


    for everybody at.

    WOEHRER’S ., ' V . . ' / . • ■

    13-I5 South Main Street, Asbury Park• Opp: Oeaao Orove Oates

    W e are tbe largest, and eldest, and Most reliable and exoiuslve shoe house on the coast.. W e ate* repair rfioos.

    m m