evidence and knowledge on drug-drug interactions to support drug compendia...

Evidence and knowledge on drug-drug interactions to support drug compendia editors Jodi Schneider 1 OBI-DEV call 2016-05-09

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Evidence and knowledge on drug-drug interactions to support drug compendia

editorsJodi Schneider


OBI-DEV call2016-05-09

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“Addressing gaps in clinically useful evidence on drug-drug interactions”

4-year project, U.S. National Library of Medicine R01 grant (PI, Richard Boyce; R01LM011838)o Evidence panel of domain experts: Carol

Collins, Amy Grizzle, Lisa Hines, John R Horn, Phil Empey, Dan Malone

o Informaticists: Jodi Schneider, Harry Hochheiser, Katrina Romagnoli, Samuel Rosko

o Ontologists: Mathias Brochhausen, Bill Hogano Programmers: Yifan Ning, Wen Zhang, Louisa



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o Thousands of preventable medication errors occur each year.

o Clinicians rely on information in drug compendia (Physician’s Desk Reference, Medscape, Micromedex, Epocrates, …).


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o Drug compendia have information quality problems:• differ significantly in their coverage, accuracy, and

agreement• often fail to provide essential management

recommendations about prescription drugso Drug compendia synthesize drug interaction

evidence into knowledge claims but:• Disagree on whether specific evidence items can

support or refute particular knowledge claims• May fail to include important evidence


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o Long-term, provide drug compendia editors with better information and better tools, to create the information clinicians use.

o Work on semantic representation and annotation:• Representing knowledge claims about medication

safety• Representing their supporting evidence• Acquiring knowledge claims & evidence


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Drug Interaction Probability Score

1. Are there previous credible reports in humans?• If there are case reports or prospective studies that clearly provide

evidence supporting the interaction, answer YES. For case reports, at least one case should have a “possible” DIPS rating (score of 2 or higher).  

• If a study appropriately designed to test for the interaction shows no evidence of an interaction, answer NO.

…5. Did the interaction remit upon de-challenge of the precipitant drug with no change in the object drug?  (if no de-challenge, use Unknown or NA and skip Question 6)• Stopping the precipitant drug should bring about resolution of the

interaction, even if the object drug is continued without change. …• If dechallenge of the precipitant drug without a change in object

drug did not result in remission of the interaction, answer NO.• If no dechallenge occurred, the doses of both drugs were altered,

or no information on dechallenge is provided, answer NA.[Horn et al. 2007] 7

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[Boyce, DIKB, 2006-present] 8

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[Boyce, DIKB, 2006-present] 9

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Multiple layers of evidence

Medication Safety Studies


Clinical Studies and Experiments

Scientific Evidence Layer


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[Brochhausen, Schneider, Malone, Empey, Hogan and Boyce “Towards a foundational representation of potential drug-drug interaction knowledge.” First International Workshop on Drug Interaction Knowledge Representation (DIKR-2014) at ICBO.] 12

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Scientific Evidence Layer: Micropublications

[Clark, Ciccarese, Goble (2014) Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications.] 14

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Scientific Evidence Layer: Micropublications

[Clark, Ciccarese, Goble (2014) Micropublications: a semantic model for claims, evidence, arguments and annotations in biomedical communications] 15

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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Building up an MP graph


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Work to date

o 410 assertions and 519 evidence items transformed from prior work.

o 609 evidence items (pharmacokinetic potential drug-drug interactions) annotated by hand from 27 FDA-approved drug labels.

o 230 assertions of drug-drug interactions annotated by hand from 158 non-regulatory documents, including full text research articles.


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We are developing a search/retrieval portal It will:o Integrate across multiple types of source

materials (FDA drug labels, scientific literature, …)

o Systematize search: Enable ALL drug compendium editors to access the same info

o Provide direct access to source materials• E.g. quotes in context


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Quotes in context!


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Evaluation plan for the search/retrieval portalo 20-person user studyo Measures of

• Completeness of information• Level of agreement• Time required• Perceived ease of use


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Generate multiple KBs from the same EB


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Evidence Base

"erythromycin inhibits CYP3A4."

"CYP3A4 catalyzes a Phase I or Phase II enzymatic reaction involving simvastatin."


"erythromycin ‘inhibits-catalyzes metabolism of’ simvastatin."

Knowledge Base

}Statement A

"Statement A is about {erythromycin}."

"Statement A is about {simvastatin}."

"Statement A is about {CYP3A4}."

"Statement A is a PDDI statement."


Each OWL-inferred assertion in the evidence base generates a new individual in the knowledge base.

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Thanks to collaborators & funderso Training grant T15LM007059 from the

National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

o The entire “Addressing gaps in clinically useful evidence on drug-drug interactions” team from U.S. National Library of Medicine R01 grant (PI, Richard Boyce; R01LM011838) and other collaborators


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Jodi Schneider, Mathias Brochhausen, Samuel Rosko, Paolo Ciccarese, William R. Hogan, Daniel Malone, Yifan Ning, Tim Clark and Richard D. Boyce. “Formalizing knowledge and evidence about potential drug-drug interactions.” International Workshop on Biomedical Data Mining, Modeling, and Semantic Integration: A Promising Approach to Solving Unmet Medical Needs (BDM2I 2015) at ISWC 2015 Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA.

Jodi Schneider, Paolo Ciccarese, Tim Clark and Richard D. Boyce. “Using the Micropublications ontology and the Open Annotation Data Model to represent evidence within a drug-drug interaction knowledge base .” 4th Workshop on Linked Science 2014—Making Sense Out of Data (LISC2014) at ISWC 2014 Riva de Garda, Italy.

Mathias Brochhausen, Jodi Schneider, Daniel Malone, Philip E. Empey, William R. Hogan and Richard D. Boyce “Towards a foundational representation of potential drug-drug interaction knowledge .” First International Workshop on Drug Interaction Knowledge Representation (DIKR-2014) at the International Conference on Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO 2014) Houston, Texas, USA.

Richard D. Boyce, John Horn, Oktie Hassanzadeh, Anita de Waard, Jodi Schneider, Joanne S. Luciano, Majid Rastegar-Mojarad, Maria Liakata, “Dynamic Enhancement of Drug Product Labels to Support Drug Safety, Efficacy, and Effectiveness.” Journal of Biomedical Semantics. 4(5), 2013. doi:10.1186/2041-1480-4-5