evidence for an early nubian dialect in meroitic inscriptions :...

Evidence for an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions : Phonological and Epigraphic Considerations Penelope Aubin * This paper will reconsider the possible relationship between Meroitic and an early, even proto, form of Nubian. The idea of such a link has been languishing in Meroitic circles for close to a century - proposed, rejected, revived and shelved again for lack of concrete evidence. To propose such a relationship yet again calls for a new approach. This will be to ques- tion some of the accepted sound values ofMeroitic signs and to point to possible counterparts in Old Nubian. Some striking epigraphic similarities between Meroitic signs and those of the Kharosthi alphasyllabary suggest an Old Nubian connection. Inscriptions in the language of Me roe, or Kush, ancient Egypt's southern neighbor, sur- vive on several large stelae, numerous funerary monuments and ostraca. These texts have yielded to only fragmentary decipherment. 1 Background The first step toward reading these texts is identification of the nearest descendant of the language in which they are written, or at least the nearest subgroup into which that language fits. Although the present consensus among scholars is that Meroitic probably belongs to * Universite McGill, Montreal; email: [email protected] 1. Assessments of the state of research on Meroitic over the past 30 years inel ude : Bruce G. Trigger, "The Classification ofMeroitic : Geographical Considerations" in ;igypten und Kusch, ed. Erika Endesfelder ... [et al.l, Schriften zur Geschichten und Kultur des A1ten Orients 13 (Berlin: Akademie, 1977), 421-435 ; Fritz Hintze, " Meroitisch und Nubisch, Eine vergleichende Studie" in Beitrage zur Sudanfimchung 4 (Vienna, 1989), 95-106 ; Lisz16 Torok, The Kingdom of Kush: Handbook of the Napatan-Meroitic Civilization (Leiden: Brill, 1997), 49-51, 62-67, and Tormod Eide ... [et al.], ed., Fontes Historiae Nubiorum, v. 2 (Bergen: KIassisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, 1996), 359-360.

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Page 1: Evidence for an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions : …meroiticnewsletter.org/MeroNews30c.pdf · 2020. 9. 24. · in Meroitic Inscriptions : Phonological and Epigraphic

Evidence for an Early Nubian Dialect

in Meroitic Inscriptions :Phonological and Epigraphic Considerations

Penelope Aubin *

This paper will reconsider the possible relationship between Meroitic and an early, evenproto, form of Nubian. The idea of such a link has been languishing in Meroitic circles forclose to a century - proposed, rejected, revived and shelved again for lack ofconcrete evidence.

To propose such a relationship yet again calls for a new approach. This will be to ques­tion some of the accepted sound values ofMeroitic signs and to point to possible counterpartsin Old Nubian. Some striking epigraphic similarities between Meroitic signs and those of theKharosthi alphasyllabary suggest an Old Nubian connection.

Inscriptions in the language of Meroe, or Kush, ancient Egypt's southern neighbor, sur­vive on several large stelae, numerous funerary monuments and ostraca. These texts haveyielded to only fragmentary decipherment. 1


The first step toward reading these texts is identification of the nearest descendant ofthe language in which they are written, or at least the nearest subgroup into which that languagefits. Although the present consensus among scholars is that Meroitic probably belongs to

* Universite McGill, Montreal; email: [email protected]. Assessments of the state of research on Meroitic over the past 30 years inelude : Bruce G. Trigger, "The

Classification ofMeroitic : Geographical Considerations" in ;igypten undKusch, ed. Erika Endesfelder... [etal.l, Schriften zur Geschichten und Kultur des A1ten Orients 13 (Berlin: Akademie, 1977), 421-435 ;Fritz Hintze, " Meroitisch und Nubisch, Eine vergleichende Studie" in Beitrage zur Sudanfimchung 4

(Vienna, 1989), 95-106 ; Lisz16 Torok, The Kingdom ofKush: Handbook of the Napatan-MeroiticCivilization (Leiden: Brill, 1997), 49-51, 62-67, and Tormod Eide ... [et al.], ed., Fontes Historiae Nubiorum,v. 2 (Bergen: KIassisk Institutt, Universitetet i Bergen, 1996), 359-360.

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Nilo-Saharan,2 one of the four main language families in Africa, disagreement exists on whereto situate it within that sizeable family.

The two most recent classifications for Nilo-Saharan are those of C. Ehret (proposed in1989,3 with a revised version in 20014 ) and M.L. Bender (1997).5 Their schemes differsharply. Although neither sketches in the Meroitic branch on his classification tree, bothscholars' research is useful to me, particularly Ehret's. I formulated the main lines of thispaper in the fall of 2000, but the subsequent publication of his latest work with itsdetailed tables of sound shifts from original Proto-Nilo-Saharan phonemes has served tobuttress some of my hypotheses. Where appropriate, I have tried to insert his findings aswell as Bender's. Another recent source of useful data has been the three-part first sec­tion of the Repertoire d'epigraphie meroi"tique (REM).6

In 1911, ELL Griffith suggested that the Meroitic language, whose script he had justsucceeded in transliterating, might somehow relate to Old Nubian,? now classified as a memberof the Nilo-Saharan family. Five years later, however, he abandoned this line of inquiry in thebelief that the" borrowing of individual words may... have gone on freely between Nubians(Nobatae ?) and Meroites, but so far the language of the Meroitic inscriptions does not appearto have been the ancestor of the Nubian dialect. ,,8 Griffith's rejection of such a link helps

2. There is no unanimity on this assignment of Meroitic to the Nilo-Saharan family. Among the otherlanguage families that have also been proposed is Altaic, as supported by Siegbert Hummel, Die meroitischeSprache und das protoaltarsche Sprachsubstrat als Medium zu ihrer Deutung (Ulm/Donau: Fabri, 1992).An earlier suggestion was the Mroasiatic family: see E. Zylharz, " Das mero"itische Sprachproblem ",Anthropos 25 (1930), 4°9-463. Some researchers have also speculated that it may be related to suchindividual languages as Tokharian and even Sumerian: see Clyde Ahmad Winters, "A Note on Tokharianand Mero'itic ", Meroitic Newsletter 23 Oune 1984), 18-21, and j.c. Sharman, " Meroitic : its Ancestorsand Descendants - Some Relationships," Azania 9 (1974),2°7-216. G. Bohm drew on all the above­mentioned families and languages in making a case for caste distinctions in speech and grammar tosupport the hypothesis of an ancient" Indo-nilotischen " proto language: Gerhard Bohm, Die Spracheder Aithiopen im Lande Kusch, Veroffentlichungen der Institute filr Mrikanistik und Agyptologie derUniversitat Wien 47, Beitrage zur Mrikanistik 34 (Wien : 1988).

3. Christopher Ehret, "Subclassification ofNilo-Saharan : a Proposal" in M. Lionel Bender, ed., Topics inNilo-Saharan Linguistics, Nilo-Saharan Linguistic Analyses and Documentation 3 (Hamburg: 1989),

35-49·4. Christopher Ehret, A Historical-Comparative Reconstruction of Nilo-Saharan, SUGIA Beiheft 12

(Koln : R. Koppe, 2001), 65-110.

5. M. Lionel Bender, The Nilo-Saharan Languages: A Comparative Essay, LINCOM Handbooks inLinguistics 06 (Milnchen : Lincom Europa, 1997).

6. Repertoire d'Epigraphie Meroitique , ed. Jean Leclant... [et all (Paris: Academie des Inscriptions etBelles-Lettres, 2000) . The computer-based corpus of all inscriptions in the language contains thosepublished over the course of the last decades in the Meroitic Newsletter, which began in 1968. MNL 28(November 2001) included the long-awaited publication, by Claude Carrier, of the" Abratoye stela"discovered by Jean Leclam in 1961 during the UNESCO campaign. This was followed closely by MNL29 in 2002 with Claude Rilly's publication of Queen Amanishakheto's obelisk.

7· Francis Ll. Griffith, Karanog: The Meroitic Inscriptions ofShablul and Karanog, The Eckley B. CoxeJunior Expedition to Nubia IV (Philadelphia: 1911), 22.

8. Francis Ll. Griffith, "Meroitic Studies II ", JEA, v. 3 (1916), 123.

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Evidence ftr an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inseriptiom 17

explain why for almost half a century virtually no one further investigated a connection betweenMeroitic and Old Nubian. 9

In 1964, however, B. Trigger proposed a correlation between Meroitic and Nilo-Saharan'sEastern Sudanic branch. Besides the Nubian languages, Eastern Sudanic also includes Barea(also presently known as Nara) and six other subgroups of languages,10 according to J.Greenberg's classification scheme for African languages, widely accepted at that time. 11

Subsequently, other researchers have explored a possible relationship without drawing definiteconclusions. 12

In 1977, Trigger fine-tuned his earlier suggestion: he concluded that the most promisingarea for research lay with the most northerly languages of the Eastern Sudanic branch of the

Nito-Saharan family, notably Barea and the various dialects ofNubian, 13 including Old Nubian,

the focus of the present paper.

In a 1984 paper, M. Bechhaus-Gerst noted six words ofpossible Nubian origin in Meroitic,

but she said the evidence was not sufficient to claim a family link between Nubian andMeroitic. 14

In 1989, F. Hintze, who had earlier discounted connections between Meroitic and anyother known Mrican language, demonstrated some structural parallels between Meroitic andOld Nubian. He concluded, however, that without more research to reconstruct proto­

languages, particularly in the Eastern Sudanic branch of Nilo-Saharan, the seeming lexicalresemblances between the two languages could be mere coincidence and were not enough toprove a genetic relationship. 15

In 1999, C. Peust briefly discussed the likelihood ofan Old Nubian-Meroitic connection.In a work otherwise devoted to evidence of a specific dialect of Egyptian spoken in ancient

9. An exception is G. Murray, who suggested a few tentative cognates in 1923: G.W. Murray, An English­

Nubian Comparative Dictionary (London: Humphrey Milford, 1923), 28, 33.

10. Bruce G. Trigger, "Meroitic and Eastern Sudanic : a Linguistic relationship? ", Kush 12 (1964), 188-194.

11. Joseph Greenberg, Studies in Aftican Linguistic Classification (New Haven; Compass Publishing, 1955),

75·12. M.F.L. Macadam, "Queen Nawidemak ", Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin 23.2 (1966), 48 ; Ecole

pratique des hautes etudes, ye Section (Sciences religieuses), Annuaire (197°-71), 180-181 (concerningN. Millet and A. Heyler) ; B.G. Haycock, rev. of Bruce G. Trigger (with Andre Heyler), The MeroiticFunerary Inscriptions ftomArminna U7est(New Haven: The Peabody Museum ofYale University, 1970)

in Journal of the American Oriental Society 92.2 (1971), 307-309 ; Fritz Hintze, " Beobachtungen zurAltnubischen Grammatik I und II ", Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universitiit zu Berlin,

Ges.-Schprachw. R. 20 (1971), 287 ; Werner Vycichl, "Trois etudes sur la structure du mero'itique ",Meroitic News/etten3 (1973 : July), 58-60, and Gerald M. Browne, Introduction to OldNubian Grammar,Meroitica 11 (Berlin; Akademie, 1989), Vorwort des Herausgebers [by Fritz Hintze].

13· Trigger (1977), 434·14. Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst, " Sprachliche und historische Rekonstruktionen im Bereich des Nubischen

unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Nilnubischen ", SUGIA 6 (1984), 94.15. Hintze (1989), 103·

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Napata,16 Peust claimed that the Meroitic script was used to write two distinct languages,that of the Tanyideamani and Akinidad stelae and that of the Kharamadoye inscription. Peustsuggested that further study of the sound equivalents in apparent cognates between the twolanguages might reveal that Meroitic really deserves the name of Old Nubian, while what hasbeen called Old Nubian should rightly be called Middle Nubian.

Thus, while some scholars have speculated about Meroitic's links to languages rangingfrom Altaic to Sumerian (see note 2), others have suggested that a link between Meroitic andOld Nubian may be found in the future. So far, however, little concrete evidence has been


If scholarship since the 1960s has been moving hesitantly in the direction of identifyingMeroitic with early Nubian, its progress now seems stalled. The problem is that despite somegood matches of individual words and morphemes, the two languages do not appear to berelatives in the same way as are, for example, various Germanic or Romance languages. I hopeto show that this lack of resemblance may be more apparent than real.

This paper deals with the nature of Meroitic's syllabic script. Certain assumptions aboutthis fundamental aspect of the language have provided a framework for scholarly research thathas been unquestioned over many decades. I will attempt to show that some assumptionsunderlying the present transliteration of Meroitic may be wrong; these false premises mayhave had the effect ofobscuring signs offamily resemblances between Meroitic and the Nubianlanguages.

Future papers will deal with morphological, syntactical and lexical aspects of the problemofMeroitic's identity. By reinterpreting the evidence and pointing out alternative explanationsfor contradictions and ambiguities, my aim is to show that Griffith's initial hunch was close tothe mark.

Ancient orthography

Scribes working in languages with syllabaries, such as Mesopotamian cuneiform orLinear B, developed certain spelling conventions to cope with the problems ofadapting theirscripts to record configurations other than straightforward Consonant-Vowel (CV) syllables.17

To handle words with contiguous consonants or CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) pat­terns, Elamite scribes, for example, made use ofboth CV and VC type signs. This meant theycould make CVC (that is, CV-VC) type syllables and words by simply ignoring the extravowel in the middle. IS

16. Carsten Peust, Das Napatanische : Ein agyptischer Dialekt aus dem Nubien des spiiten vorchristlichen]ahrtausends: Texte, Glossar, Grammatik, Monographien zur agyptischen Sprache 3 (Gottingen : Peust& Gutschmidt, 1999), 74-81.

17. D. Gary Miller, Ancient Scripts and Phonological Knowledge (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1994), 1-2.18. David W McAlpin, Proto-Elarno-Dravidian : The Evidence and Its Implications, Transactions of the

American Philosophical Society v. 71, pt. 3 (Philadelphia: The Society, 1981), 64.

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 19

Since their syllabary had no VC signs, Linear B scribes devised another method. Theyused a syllable with a " dummy" vowel identical to that of the preceding syllable sign toindicate a closed syllable or consonant blends like pI or tr. 19 It is possible that the alternatespellings of Akinidd versus Akidd (probably with an unwritten n) or such spellings as pestiliand pqrili may be examples of the work ofMeroitic scribes trained within a system with rulessimilar to those of the Linear B scribes. A variation of such a rule is evident in the apparentMeroitic convention of sometimes using e following a consonant to indicate a closed syllable,or lack of the default vowel. 20 In this respect it resembles the Indic devanegari script whichalso has a default vowel and uses a special sign to indicate a consonant alone.

Meroitic scribes may have adopted another Linear B spelling convention, that ofomittingthe n signs when they are final or precede another consonant. (Linear B actually omitted I, m,r, and s as well in such situations).2 Linear B was a true syllabic script; Meroitic, however,seems to be more ofan alphasyllabary (with signs for syllables consisting of consonants plus aand for initial vowels and syllables which have vowels other than the default a). Meroiticshares this type ofwriting system with only three other scripts: Old Persian cuneiform, Brahmi(India) and Ethiopian Ge'ez. 22

]. Justeson proposes that in the case of the Old Persian and Indic scripts this distinctiveform resulted from transmission by value recitation ofalphabetic scripts, a process that accountsfor" unusual gaps in the inventory ofsyllabic values". 23 Justeson says that whereas the defectivesyllabaries of Old Persian resulted from misunderstanding the principles of the parent script(Aramaic), the same cannot be the case with Meroitic. He attributes Meroitic's defectivesyllabary to the adoption ofDemotic Egyptian" group writing" signs, mainly used for writingforeign words and names, as originally proposed by K.-H. Priese. 24

It is not surprising that modern research has had difficulty grasping the principles ofsyllabification and vowel harmonization in the Meroitic language and its notation in thescript: the scribes themselves had a variety of methods for showing these. One example is thealternative spelling ofpsi and pisi in the" Benediktionsatzen " of the funerary inscriptions, orthe variants mdewi and medewi in the Akinidad stela. Such spellings may indicate an onlypartially observed convention that the vocalization of syllables preceding a vowel sign shouldmatch that vowel sign. Another example ofalternative spellings is the variation in use of initial

19. Michael Ventris and John Chadwick, "Evidence for Greek Dialect in the Mycenean Archives", Journal

ofHellenic Studies (1953),91, and John Chadwick, The Decipherment ofLinear B (New York: RandomHouse, 1958), 76.

20. Fritz Hintze, "Some Problems ofMeroitic Philology", Sudan imAltertum, Meroitica1 (Berlin: Akademie,1973), 323.

21. Chadwick, 75.22. Bruce G. Trigger, "Writing Systems: A Case Study in Cultural Evolution ", Norwegian Archaeological

Review (1998), v. 31, nO 1, 53-54.

23. John S. Justeson, "The Evolution of Syllabaries from Alphabets: Transmission, Language Contrast,and Script Typology", Die SpracheJ5 (1991-1993) : 1 [2-46], 38-4°.

24. Karl-Heinz Priese, "Zur Entstehung der meroitischen Schrift", Sudan in Altertum, Meroitica 1 (Berlin:Akademie, 1973), 273-306.

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a with names, both divine and noble: mnilamni, SoreyilAsoreyi, BrtoyelA~pa1"O£1<;25 (Greek).Meroitic inscriptions prior to the first century CE actually used the spellings Amni and Asoreyifor the gods' names Amun and Osiris. This could simply indicate that the initial a disappearedover time but could also mean it was a vocative or honorific particle, an explanation thatwould also account for the similar variation for BrtoyelA~paTo£l<;. Another explanation,

however, is possible.

Research on Meroitic may have proceeded on a false premise that the signs consistexclusively of CV type syllables (with a default a vocalization) and vowels. The sign for m, tobegin with, requires a closer look. Besides the example ofmnilamni, this sign occurs frequentlyin the funerary inscriptions where the word mio is ever-present. Yet the presumed modernNubian cognate for mio is amei. Could this indicate that the sign was actually a VC syllable?Since an initial m is taboo in some Nilo-Saharan languages, such as that of the Jebel Dairregion,26 these initial vowels could simply reflect a similar convention. Furthermore, linguistsare fond of projecting" prothetic alephs" onto proto-roots that do not conform to theirexpectations. Ehret reconstructs a Proto-Nilo-Saharan nasalized labial consonant mb: it persistsin non-initial position in Dongolawi (the language which he uses to represent the Nubianbranch of Nilo-Saharan) although it has merged with b in initial positions.27

Another intriguing clue, however, points to a VC syllable: the Kharosthi script's sign for

am, J (or a with anusvara, i.e., nasalization), is remarkably like the Meroitic m: ').28 Actually,

the Demotic, Kharosthi and Meroitic signs for m all resemble each other, and each has alternateforms, with and without the extra hook.

Possible Kharosthi connections

According to I. Hofmann (and several other scholars starting with F. Cailliaud in 1822),

similarities in art may attest to significant cultural contacts between the Indian subcontinentand ancient Kush. 29 In addition, there are very clear resemblances between the Egyptian numeralsystem, particularly the Hieratic, and the oldest Indian forms. 30 Resemblances in scriptstrengthen the hypothesis of contacts with the Nile Valley.

25. The notable of REM 1088 and 0321 and the stele recently published by C. Carrier (MNL 28,Nov. 2001).

26. Murray, xxv.27. Ehret (2001), 30.28. S.J. Mangalam, Kharosthi Script (Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers, 1990), 13.29. Inge Hofmann, U7ege undMoglichkeit eines Einflusses aufdie meroitische Kultur, Studia Instituti Anthropos,

v. 23 (St. Augustin bei Bonn: Anthropos-Institut, 1975), 13°-148. For discussion, see Louis Zabkar,Apedemak: Lion God ofMeroe (London: Aris & Philips, 1975). Zabkar cites Cailliaud, A.J. Arkell, J.Vercoutter, W. Vycichl, P. Shinnie, and Hofmann as proponents of" Indian influences" on Meroitic art(p. 1-5). Zabkar himself takes issue with this premise (p. 36-51), as does S. Wenig, "Meroitische Kunst ",Journies internationales d'itudes miroftiques, Paris, 10-13 juillet 1973 (cited by Zabkar, p. 145, n.89).

30. Biihler, Georg, On the Origin of the Indian Briima Alphabet, 2nd rev. ed., Indian Studies III (Strass­burg: K.J. Triibner, 1898), [115]-119.

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 21

In an effort to approach the question of the Meroitic script with a fresh eye I have so faravoided discussion of its relationship with Demotic and Hieratic. The many resemblancesoriginally were noted by Griffith 31 and have been analyzed at length by Priese. 32

o. EI-Aguizy's extensive work on Demotic inscriptions and the development of the scriptfrom Hieratic to the Demotic of the late Ptolemaic period provides a wealth of examples ofcharacters that resemble their Meroitic counterparts. 33 Common sense dictates that the Meroiticscript is more likely to have developed from the culturally and geographically closer Egyptianwriting than from the distant Kharosthi. This does not, however, preclude the possibility thatthe Egyptian Demotic/Hieratic also influenced Kharosthi, perhaps via its influence on Aramaic,or perhaps via direct Indic contacts, such as Hofmann suggests, with the Meroitic-speaking(and writing) region. Any such influences, however far-flung, are worth examining in thesearch for clues about the nature of Meroitic (and particularly about those characters thatshow little or no resemblance to Hieratic or Demotic). In language history, it is not uncommonfor the outermost reaches of a language's range to preserve archaic features long after theoriginal language (spoken and written) has undergone considerable change. Icelandic's rela­tion to Old Norse and Old Irish's relation to early Celtic are examples.

Kharosthi, closely related to Brahmi, another ofthe rare alphasyllabaries mentioned earlier,was a script used in western India beginning around 500 B.C.E. under the Maurya emperorAsoka; it continued under the Kushana dynasty until the 4th century C.E. It appears on bothPersian sigloi and on Indo-Greek, Indo-Scythian and Indo-Parthian coinage. 34 This scriptmay have been a hybrid ofAramaic, which was introduced by the Persian Achaemenid rulerswho conquered Northwest India, and the indigenous Brahmi script,35 itself possibly inspiredby Aramaic. It is sometimes referred to as Indo-Aramaic. 36 Justeson advances the well-acceptedview that the Meroitic cursive signs developed from Demotic Egyptian as Pre-Meroitic" group writing ". Charts like those of Griffith 37 or K.-H. Priese38 and more recentlyH. Longpre39 readily demonstrate this development. These signs, however, also display manyresemblances to Kharosthi. 4 0 In addition to similarities among the individual signs, Kharosthi,Hieratic, Demotic and Meroitic are all written from right to left, make use of connectionsbetween certain signs (Kharosthi, Hieratic and Demotic more so than Meroitic which onlyconnects i) and employ diacritics on some signs.

31. Griffith (1911), 11.

32. Priese (1973).

33. Ola EI-Aguizy, A Palaeographical Study ofDemotic Papyri in the Cairo Museum from the Reign ofKingTtzharka to the End of the Ptolemaic Period (684-30 B. C), MIFAO 113 (Le Caire: Institut Fran~ais

d'Archeologie Orientale, 1998).

34. Mangalam, 8.

35. Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya, The Achaeminids andIndia (New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1974),55.

36• Mangalam, 4-5.37. Griffith (1911), 18-19.

38• Priese (1973), 3°0-3°3.39. Helene Longpre, "Investigation of the Ancient Meroitic Writing System", diss., Rhode Island College,

1999, leaves 47-54-40. Since this was written I have come across an article by C. Winters that mentions similarities between

the Meroitic and Kharosthi scripts although none specifically. While I do not support his unrelated

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Whereas Hieratic mainly adds diacritic dots or strokes to certain signs to distinguishthem from others similar in appearance, Kharosthi diacritic strokes affect the quality of thesyllable sign's sound, as with Ge'ez. The Kharosthi strokes change the vocalization of thesyllable signs, producing syllables with long a, i, u, e, 0, or anusvara instead of the defaultvowel (short a). The short horizontal or oblique stroke used to denote an r sound, however,seems strangely like a similar stroke for r used as a preposition in Demotic.41 Some of theMeroitic signs with which this paper deals resemble Kharosthi signs with these specific diacriticstrokes, although there does not appear to be any evidence for a similar system ofvocalization

using diacritics.

Meroitic seems to have retained the Hieratic/Demotic idea of diacritics. One example isthe dot on the t to distinguish it from the l. Another is the dot on the to to distinguish it fromsome of the versions ofh (although it is also tempting to see it as a sign ofIndic-style anusvarain this case, given the unwritten n in pesta). Too bad the Meroitic scribes did not do the samefor the m, s, and b ,even though the left-hand stroke on the q would seem to be an attempt todistinguish it from those same signs. Curiously, the diacritic left stroke of the Demotic t thatoriginally was probably intended to distinguish it from the Demotic q was retained eventhough the other part of the sign does not resemble other Meroitic signs.

Not all dots and vertical strokes in Demotic were used to distinguish between similarcharacters. EI-Aguizy discusses the use of verticals crossing horizontals as possible indicatorsof t or d in group writing, and dots may be used to show the presence of t, n, as mentionedabove, or k. 4 1.

The second century B.C.E. (during the reigns of the Ptolemies in Egypt) is the time ofthe earliest known inscriptions in Meroitic cursive :43 this period coincides with the samegeneral dating for Greek ascendancy in western India, where Indo-Greek coins with Kharosthiinscriptions have been found. 44 It is tempting to speculate that contacts between people indifferent regions under Greek influence may have led to the use of new types ofscript. Anotherpossibility: some version ofthe script reached India and Kush in comparable circumstances asearly as the time of the Achaemenid Persian domination of both Hindu Kush and the NileValley. No examples have yet been found from this period, however.

Most of the Kharosthi syllable signs are for CV type syllables, but besides the VC type ofsyllable just discussed (am), there are signs for almost every CV type syllable in combinationwith m producing CVC syllables: kham, gam, g 'am, gham, etc., most formed by attachinga diacritic type of stroke to indicate this m nasalization or anusvara. In addition, Kharosthiuses a great many syllable signs for CCV combinations, such as khva, khsa, rtha, dra, sni, etc.

conclusions about Meroitic, I do agree that the two scripts have many points of resemblance. Clyde A.Winters, " Inscriptions ofTanyidamani ", Nubica et .lEthiopica 4/5 (2000 ?), [355]-387.

41• EI-Aguizy (1998), 27.42 • EI-Aguizy (1998), 237-43. Torok, 62.44. A.K. Narain, The Indo-Greeks (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1957), 29-

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 23

This is reminiscent of the Demotic group writing signs. As later discussion will suggest, Meroiticm is not the only sign that may possibly have a Kharosthi connection.

The Meroitic CV equivalent of the mar mV or perhaps even a mba syllable could be the

b sign: JI. Considerable ambiguity surrounds these two phonemes. E. Zyhlarz has proposed

that the Egyptian toponym Mrkr, for example, might be related to both an ancient provinceMarkale and the Pure Mountain,45 now known in Arabic as Gebel Barkal. It is common inother Nubian languages not to distinguish between band m or even!and p.46

The m or am sign is only one ofseveral Meroitic signs that originally may have represented

VC syllables. The peculiar n sign, fL, could be interpreted as a combination of the Kharosthi

e sign, 1.., and the n sign, I' 47 (reading right to left: I' ll'Ij,-), in other words en/an. This

would explain why the other fi (or ne) sign, 5?, is never followed by a vowel since it already

includes one in CV form, although it rarely occurs initially, just like the corresponding n signin Old Nubian, 'P ,which it resembles. 48 If the n sign represents en/an, it would still conformto the Old Nubian rule that n is not allowed initially. It is curious that both Meroitic n signsmost closely resemble Hieratic and Demotic group writing signs49 that terminate rather thanbegin with n. This may be another indication that neither can represent an initial sound.Enigmatically, the Demotic sign representing group writing for three lines of waves 50 most

likely has some sort ofn sound, but it is identical to the right-hand side of fl, in other words,

to t (Meroitic k). The n sound that does occur initially in Old Nubian, r, may result from a

complex situation to be discussed later.

The same idea may apply to the s signs. Old Nubian also has two s signs: C, and U} ; thelatter, using the Coptic sign for the sh sound, is much less common than the former. It is

possible that the Meroitic s or ~, which actually resembles the Kharosthi sign for dha (zh),

:3 ,51 may be a VC sign. Griffith himself remarked that the pronunciation of the god's name

invoked in the funerary inscriptions, Soreyi, may really have been" Asoreyi ", consideringthat there is a prefixed A in the earlier occurrences. 52 B.G. Haycock suggests that the Meroiticsi/so in the funerary texts and on some sherds from Begrawwiya (Bej. N. 11 [R.CK IV;21-3-371a-d]) where irp n kmt (" wine of Egypt ") is translated as Qomo-s(0) in Meroitic,means" make" or " made ".53 Since the Old Nubian root for" work or effect ", accordingtoBrowne, is C or BtC [eis]' this too could be seen as support for a VC pronunciation for the

45. E. Zyhlarz, « Countries ofthe Ethiopian Empire ofKash (Kush) and Egyptian Old Ethiopia in the NewKingdom ", Kush 6 (1958), 15.

46. Murray, XXIV.

47. Mangalam, 13, 25·48. Browne (1989), 2.2.1.

49. EI-Aguizy (1998),216 (fL)and 168 (5?).50. Ibid., 346 [CXLIII]. No phonetic equivalent is given.51. Mangalam, 29·52. Griffith (1911) 33· As with mni and amni, however, Asoreyi is the older form and may include a vocative

prefix.53. Haycock (1971), 309·

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Meroitic ssign. On REM 1270, 1271 and 1272, as well as the recently published E3652 fromTomb 307 now in the Musee de Bruxelles,54 the form is iso, which corresponds even better.(The 0 would correspond to the Old Nubian third singular preterite I suffix with the nunwrinen.)

The other s sign, VII, is never followed by a vowel (presumably because like the )?, italready includes one). It has no Kharosthi counterpart, but a similar sign is used in EgyptianDemotic script (7th-5th century B.C.E.). 55

A convention of transliterating the Meroitic )? as ne and the VII as se (and the /4, whichwill be treated later, as te) has prevailed in most of the literature since Hintze's proposal in1979.56 Paradoxically, this presumed convenience may have contributed to the problems ofdecipherment.

Grounds also exist for suspecting that the y, III, and i, i, signs may in fact be a Vi/Vyand a yVI iV sign respectively. Again, note the resemblance between the Kharosthi yi sign, )<\'

if rotated, and the Meroitic i (i).57 Also, ro€!, meaning" oil ",58 offers an intriguing exampleof an Old Nubian word with a two-syllable vowel combination or diphthong that could bethe equivalent ofMeroitic ni, perhaps pronounced as Ina-yi/.59 Such apparent cognates sup­port the possibility that sometimes vowel signs may have been pronounced as separate syllables.On the other hand, CV syllables with vowels other than the default vowel a may have beenhandled by juxtaposing CV syllables and vowel syllables, with the added complication thatsometimes this may have signalled vowel harmonization in preceding syllables, as noted earlier.

Old Nubian connections

In discussing Meroitic syllable signs, it is hard to ignore resemblances to several Old

Nubian alphabetic signs, such as the ~ sign and for one of the signs for w, 5.60

54. Claude Carrier, "Un fragment d'amphore inscrite provenant de Meroe et conserve aBruxelles (E 3652) ",MNL 28 (Novembre 2001), 10-11.

55. Longpre, table II.56. Fritz Hintze, Beitriige zur meroitischen Grammatik, Meroitica 3 (Berlin: Akademie, 1979), 15.

57· Mangalam, 35·58. Gerald M. Browne, Old Nubian Dictionary, Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium v. 556,

Subsidia t. 90 (Lovanii : Peeters, 1996), 202.

59. The combination" ni " occurs repeatedly with numbers in temple graffiti, which could make sense if

these record donations ofvessels ofoil for anointing. Another plausible explanation, however, could bethat this is related to the Old Nubian multiplicative suffix" N/~N ". See Browne (1989) 3.8.3.

60. These two signs, which have striking Kharosthi counterparts (Mangalam, 16: ga,and 13: u respectively),

have no close Demotic matches. The nearest Demotic characters are so-called group-writing signs for

sn and nw (EI-Aguizy, 168, 177), a peculiar situation in that the final rather than initial phonemes seemto characterize the signs. It does not take much imagination, however, to see that same Demotic nw in

the Kharosthi nu sign reversed (Mangalam, 25).

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect ill Meroitic InscriptiOI15 25

Also worth noting is the obvious similarity between the two writing systems in the

phonological rules against initial use of I, rand fi in both languages. 61 Ehret proposes that

Proto-Nilo-Saharan initial 1 became d while initial r disappeared in Dongolawi. 62 If thissound shift holds true for Old Nubian, then the frequent adjective Ibe that scholars believe

means" great" may be a cognate of the Old Nubian Ao.Y6 or Ao.y61, a form of the verbmeaning" to be great ",63 Without drawing any conclusions, it should be pointed out that the

Kharosthi signs for d and r are identical to the Meroitic 1sign. On the other hand, the appearanceof initial 1or r may signal that the word involved is borrowed (in which case the borrowed

word could be Coptic A62AlU2 meaning" high" or " tall "). It could also hint that these two

signs represent VC syllables.

The role of assimilation

v The tendency for rand 1to assimilate in the spoken Nubian languages may come into

playas well in the written Meroitic language. C. Rilly makes a convincing case for such an

~ assimilation in the case of the word qor Iqurral (meaning" king") from qore Iqurl plus fla/,with assimilation of the -I nominalizing particle. 64 Such a type of assimilation involving fi

may also explain the puzzling occurrence ofthe -yi suffix in qoreyi in line 8 of the Kharamadoyestela. 65 The fi of the -fiyi suffix of the parallel constructions of the presumed " invocation"

may have been assimilated in the first case under the influence of the r of qoreyi.

Other cases of such a type ofassimilation may not yet be recognized. Browne and Hintze

list dozens ofOld Nubian examples ofassimilation of the sonorants A, p and N, both regressive

and progressive, as well as less frequent assimilation ofr, K and n. 66 Murray presents a tabulated

alphabetical list three pages long ofall the various assimilations possible in the modern Nubian

languages. 67 Hintze points out, however, that in Old Nubian the spoken and written versions

ofwords may have differed but both the assimilated and the" etymologische " orthographiesseem to have been acceptable. 68

Another reason that Meroitic may look so different from Old Nubian is that it may bespelled as it was pronounced before much of the assimilation occurred. Note, for example,

that Browne postulates that many of the Old Nubian verb forms are based on the verbid (thatis, a verbal noun, whether infinitive or participle). To this verbid Old Nubian added affixes:

-IA/6A for the present, -OA for preterite 1, -CIA for preterite II and -AIA/(o.)pIA for the future

61. Browne (1989), 2.2.1. and Fritz Hintze, "Beobachtungen zur altnubischen Grammatik VI ", in NubischeStudien, heraus. Martin Krause (Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern, 1986), 288.

62. Ehret (2001), 22.

63. Browne (1996), 36.64. Claude Rilly, "Assimilation et determination en merottique : Ie determinant masque du mot qore

'roi ',MNL 26,79-85.

65. Nicholas Millet, "The Kharamadoye Inscription ", MNL 13 Guly 1973), pI. 2.

66. Browne (1989), 2·3 and Hintze (1986), 290-291.67. Murray, XXVIII-XXXI.

68. Hintze (1986), 291-292.

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plus personal endings for the subjunctive or plus personal endings and a predicative ~ for theindicative.69 In the written forms ofOld Nubian that survive, all these suffixes have undergone

assimilation, in every case dropping the A of the verbid or transmuting it to p. Ifone examinesthe original unassimilated forms, which include the original A of the verbid, these verb suffixes

appear as IAI, lAO, IAN, IA~N (present), OAI, OAO, OAN, OA~N (preterite 1), CIAI, CIAO, ClAN,

CIA~N (preterite II) and AlAI, AIAO, AlAN, AIA~N (future).

If such is the case, some of the many Meroitic forms with -Ii, -Iw, -sl, -sli, and -slw,which commonly have been taken to be nominal forms or nouns with postpositions, should

be re-examined as possible verbal forms. Many such examples exist in the Meroitic stelae.

Such forms might answer the question ofwhy the stelae do not seem to be written in the first

person as are so many of their Egyptian counterparts. Perhaps we simply have mistaken some

first person suffixes for nominal suffixes or postpositions. In the Akinidad stele, for example,

there are abundant potential first person endings such as Ii and sli.

To the failure to differentiate band m in some Nubian languages already mentioned, addthe lack of distinction between band p orf in Old Nubian. (Both are written as n ; with the

exception of a few loan words, there are almost no occurrences of b except in personal andplace names in the Old Nubian gospels),7o On the other hand, the Demotic sign closest to the

Meroitic p is a group writing sign representing bn (EI-Aguizy CCLXXXlV). In the modern Nubianlanguages p is totally absent (as in Berber) except in Midob (also known as Tidn-Aal),71

Hofmann has already noted some seeming labial alternations, possibly dialectal, in Meroitic :for example, bisi and pisi, in the funerary inscriptions, or ameioloke and beloloke,72

In searching for possible counterparts ofMeroitic words containing b, then, Old Nubianwords with n as well as H should also come under consideration.


Most perplexing of the Meroitic cursive signs are those for t syllables: a generous total of

three appears to exist, all ofwhich bear resemblance to Demotic signs (EI-Aguizy XXXVII, LXVI,

CLXXXV). The Kharosthi script may again provide clues. Notice the clearer similarity between

the Meroitic ~ and Kharosthi L;, which also signifies ta,73 than between the Meroitic and the

Demotic: the former is more angular and less curved in virtually all cases. The Meroitic te

sign, /4, on the other hand, looks more like Kharosthi di, I..H., or di, 44,74 although there are

also equally good matches with some Demotic t characters,75 Probable Old Nubian cognates

69. Gerald M. Browne, OldNubian Grammar, Languages ofthe World/Materials 330 (Muenchen : LincomEuropa, 2002), 49-51.

70. Murray, XXIV.

71. Murray, xxv.72 • loge Hofmann, Meroitische Grammatik (Wien : Mro-Pub, 1981), 33-34.73. Mangalam, 26.74. Mangalam,26.75· For example, EI-Aguizy (1998), 303 : i4-

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in !vleraitlc Inscriptions 27

the would seem to indicate that the Meroitic te or /4 may more likely represent a d syllable, forme example .1.6 (Old Nubian, "and": Meroitic te ?) or Aep, so frequent in Old Nubian compoundsi1es (to apply, reckon: Meroitic ter ?).76










Many scholars have commented on the Meroitic d phoneme. The Egyptians and Greeksseem to have heard it as r, for example, in Mrw.t and Meroe for the Meroitic Medewi, MdeH'i,Mdewe, Bedewi or Bedewe (note again the ambiguous nature of the labial m/b) ; or as inGreek Primis for Meroitic Pedeme. In some African languages, a trilled sound that almostseems a combination dr or tr is common. Ehret's reconstructions ofProto-Nilo-Saharan non­initial consonants demonstrates a marked tendency for non-initial Proto-Nilo-Saharan *d to

become r in daughter languages. 77

Kharosthi once again yields clues to the enigma of what sort of sounds the Meroitic r

and d may actually represent. First, the signs for da and ra seem barely distinguishable in

Kharosthi, ~ and " respectively, while dra, lJ_, as well as tra, resemble Meroitic r, w.78

Secondly, a great many signs exist for combinations of t, th, d, dh, with r both before and afterin the Kharosthi syllabary. Thirdly, the Kharosthi ra sign looks very much like the danglingpart of the Meroitic te sign (/4, proposed here as representing a d sound), which seems tohave been left off some of the Kalabsha examples of this sign. 79 Lastly, most of the t and dsigns in Kharosthi have distinct horizontal cross bars like the Meroitic signs for both te and to.

One of the Egyptian hieroglyphic signs used for te in the Meroitic hieroglyphic script isthe outstretched arm determinative (which is the sign given on Priese's Tabelle80 rather thanthe spiral type of sign II] given in standard usage). It meant" to offer or present" and seems tohave had an original /di/ or /rdi/ pronunciation. 81 C. Kuentz, however, points out that dentalocclusives in Semitic languages seem to have undergone mutations in Egyptian similar to theGermanic and Armenian consonant shifts. 82 The end result was that d and t came to bepronounced the same, probably as t if Coptic is any indication. One cannot be certain whichpronunciation was in use at the time that Meroitic scribes were adapting the Egyptianhieroglyphs for their own purposes. By the time that scribes were using the Old Nubianalphabet, however, the pronunciation may have become /d/ in line with the shift of Proto­Nilo-Saharan initial *t to Nubian d that Ehret describes.83 Incidentally, almost all variationsof the Kharosthi th syllable signs have a dangling stroke reminiscent of the Meroitic te sign.

76. Browne (1989), 3-10 and (1996), 43, 46.77. Ehret (2001), 30.78. Mangalam, 28, 36. The Meroitie sign is closer to the Kharosthi than to the single Demotic etymon that

resembles it (EI-Aguizy 1998, [LXXIII: g3]).

79. Priese, 302.80. Ibid., 303.

81. Alan Gardiner, Egyptien Grammar, 3rd ed. (London: Oxford University Press, 1957),32, 579,602.

82. Charles Kuentz, "Les deux mutations consonantiques de l'egyptien ", in Atti del III Congresso interna­tionale dei linguisti (Roma 19-26 Septembre 1933), eds. B. Migliorini, V. Pisani (Firenze : 1935), 193-199.

83. Ehret (2001), 21.

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The third of the supposed t signs in Meroitic cursive, ~,has been transcribed as to. Italso had another form ~. EI-Aguizy remarks that the Demotic form appears both with and

without the dot and notes that W Spiegelberg suggests that since the same sign was used forboth d and t, the dot may have indicated when a d was intended. 84 There is a single Demoticexample of this sign representing q,w. 85 The Meroitic sign does not have a strong resemblanceto its Kharosthi counterpart.

Lexical evidence hints that it may have been closer to a Its/ sound. Adding weight to thissuggestion is the fact that the Old Nubian word for" water" (presumably ato in Meroitic)appears both as 6TTW and b..CC6. On old maps such as. those accompanying Burckhardt'sTravels in Nubia,86 the Atbara river appears as the Astaboras, with the asta componentpresumably meaning water since other rivers in the area also have this same prefix. This wouldappear to be a typical case ofmetathesis if the to were actually pronounced ts. A similar conso­nant alternation seems to have characterized the shift from Proto Afro-Asiatic to Pre-Egyptian,according to Ehret. In his numbered sound shift rules, numbers 4 and 5 reflect similar chan­ges:" #4. PM *t'> pre-Ego *ts'. #5. PAA *c> pre-Ego *ts... "87 In Ehret's Nilo-Saharan recons­tructions the picture becomes exceedingly complicated: he has proposed no less than nineproto-consonants for different types of t which have become all sorts of phonemes in thedaughter languages, including those under discussion. 88

Hintze and Hofmann suggest that the to sign may have been used with an optative orimperative sense ;89 this would square with the Old Nubian imperative particle _CW.9 0

The problem of se + 1

Although ample evidence exists of forward and backward assimilation in the Nubianlanguages, there seems to be no Nubian precedent for a mutation along the lines of a sound­change law whereby Meroitic se plus l becomes te or se plus lo becomes to. 91 This apparentsound shift or assimilation in Meroitic has been widely accepted by scholars; Hintze, for one,in some of his transliterations reconstructs se-l and se-lo wherever te and to occur in theMeroitic texts. 92

84· EI-Aguizy (1998), 40.

85· EI-Aguizy (1998), 343 [CXXX1V: gl].86. John lewis Burckhardt, Travels in Nubia, 2

nd ed., (London: Murray, 1822), [1].87· C. Ehret, Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), 529.88. Ehret (2001), 21, 31-

89· Hintze (1979), 76, and Hofmann (1981), 205-208.

90. Browne (1989), 3.9.17 ; and Gerald M. Browne, Old Nubian Dictionary Appendices, Corpus ScriptorumChristianorum Orientalium, v. 562, Subsidia t. 92 (Lovanii : Peeters, 1997), 38-43.

91• This phenomenon was first recognized by Griffith, "Meroitic Studies II", Journal ofEgyptian Archeology3 (1916), 124- It came to be referred to as " Hestermannsches Lautgesetz" because of an article on thesubject by F. Hestermann, " Ein Lautgesetz in den meroitischen Inschriften ", Folia Ethnoglossica 1

(1925), 11-13. It has also been noted by N. Millet, " A Possible Phonetic Alternation in Meroitic ",Meroitica 1 (1973),314, and by 1. Hofmann, Meroitische Grammatik (Wien : Afro-Pub, 1981), 36-37.

92 • For example, F. Hintze, " Die Struktur der ' Deskriptionssatze ' in den meroitischen Totentexten ",

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Evidence for an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 29

While Browne mentions no Old Nubian assimilation of this sort, Murray does mentionan assimilation of st becoming tt. 93 Given that t and d interchange frequently in the Nilo­Saharan languages, one could perhaps think of that tt also as dd. Considering that Ehretproposes a sound shift of initial *1 to d in Nubian (as represented by Dongolawi),94 thefollowing shift becomes conceivable: sl > sd then sd > dd, which in Meroitie would look likethe te sign (geminates were only written once). To add another interesting dimension to Ehret'sproposed Proto-Nilo-Saharan *1 = Nubian d equation, the Kharosthi d sign (as noted above)appears to be identical to the Meroitic I sign. 95

Another explanation for the interchange of sl with dlte may lie in two Old Nubian nearsynonyms: CU8 meaning" every(one) "96 and A18, meaning" many ".97 Neither of thesenecessarily requires a plural noun and may also be used more like a partitive genitive in somecases. Commonly in Meroitic, adjectives can attach to the nouns they follow, as we see in thenumerous instances of lb. In many cases, then, the apparent -sl and -te suffixes could well betwo different adjectives or partitive genitives (with the standard Old Nubian rectumlregensorder).

Yet another explanation for the supposed sl>te assimilation could result from Browne'sproposed original verb forms. If te indeed represents an Old Nubian A, such suffixes as AlAI,

A8AN (>A8N), and AIAy might be comparable to -teli, -te (with unwritten n) or -telw. Thesupposed assimilation might thus simply represent different tenses of the same verbs with the-sl suffixes representing the Old Nubian preterite II forms and the -te suffixes representing thefuture forms.

What does the proposed revision of te (/4) as dar th mean for the Meroitic sign whichhas been labelled d C5U) ?Again, the Kharosthi script may point to the answer: Kharosthi g 'a,

-e, or j 'a, 't, looks much like the Meroitic 5U sign, which can also have the form ,..?-.98 As

well, some Old Nubian words proposed here as possible cognates for Meroitic ones have aj or9 sound. Examples: Meroitic dh as in adhite in Akinidad 8 (and Old Nubian 6D-.y, " to

proclaim" ?), Meroitic d as in the Old Nubian direct object marker represented by the sign b(or 6 in Browne's grammar and dictionary).99 The dominant sound in the Egyptian word forthe eye of Horus or the watch I wej-t hieroglyph ~, the same hieroglyph which Meroiticscribes used before the development of the cursive, was tch or ej or g, as Y. Zawadowski100 andGriffith101 point out.

Mitteilungen des InstitutsfUr Orientforschungen der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Bd.IX, Heft 1 (1963), 3.

93. Murray, xxx.94. Ehret (2001), 22.

95. Mangalam, 28.96. Browne (1996), 158.

97. Ibid., 45·98. Mangalam, 17, 20.

99. Browne (1989), 3·9·5b.100. Yuri Zawadowski, "Some Considerations on Meroitic Phonology", MNL 10 Guly, 1972), 27.101. Griffith (1916), 117·

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Ehret's reconstructed Proto-Nilo-Saharan initial *d became} in Dongolawi. Other typesof *d, however, remained as d while both initial and non-initial *g also became} in Dongo­lawi ; to further complicate the picture, initial *t and non-initial *t and *th shifted to d. l02

Such shifts have produced a situation in which possible cognates between Meroitic and OldNubian as well as the other Nubian languages seem to keep multiplying.

Possible evidence for a} sound for the Meroitic d is the word Med}ay, the Egyptian termfor an ethnic group from the desert region of Nubia whose members often served as police orservants in Egypt. In Demotic sources they are called Brhm while in classical sources they arethe Blemmyes, ancestors of the modern Beja.103 Scholars have speculated that these are theMdd people who are cited in the Irike-Amanote and Harsiotef stelae. l04 One might alsowonder whether they could be ancestors of the Amag or Hama}, who are cited in later docu­ments from Funj history and by early Arab and European travellers. lOS Their name could alsoreflect an association with the area referred to as Amod (probably the region now known asQustul between Gebel Adda and Faras) in Meroitic in the blll:Jror inscriptions. 106 The Meroiticword mdes in the opening lines of the Kharamadoye stela may well refer to the king's domi­nion over this land or people. Browne in his Old Nubian dictionary cites the Meroitic wordmde as possibly meaning" servant" under the Old Nubian entry for H6A6oy. l07

The Meroitic q sign or I<> may have been pronounced more like a hard k, while the ksign or 'Z.. may have sounded more like a softer k or kh. Although the closest Demotic matchin appearance for the k sign is the one that represents the triple-wave group writing sign, El­Aguizy gives no phonetic equivalent for this etymon. l08 Strangely, the other Demotic signthat resembles the Meroitic k is the group writing sign for bk. Neither the q nor the k has aKharosthi equivalent.

The Coptic evidence also supports the pronunciation as k of the Egyptian goose biliteralhieroglyph used by Meroitic scribes (~), while the Greek transcription seems to have been

kh. This sign originally represented gb in Egyptian, as in the earth god Geb, but probably waspronounced k as in Coptic KH6T, or kh as in the Greek version of the same god's name,xnl3,by the time the Meroitic scribes adopted Egyptian signs to write their own language, accordingto A. Dembska. 109

A look at a likely Old Nubian cognate reinforces the idea of a /k/ pronunciation for theMeroitic q. It is generally agreed that Meroitic qo was probably an honorific with the conno-

102. Ehret (2001) 20-21, 30-31.

103· Torok (1997), 39·104. For example, Eide, ed., v. 2, 4°7,448-449.105. Jay Spaulding, "The Fate of Alodia ", MNL 15 (October 1974),12,16.106. Eide, ed., v. 2, 675-676. The Old Nubian word H6A60Y meaning" servant" may reflect the fact that

members of this ethnic group often wound up as prisoners.107. Ibid., 114.

108. EI-Aguizy (1998), 346 [emIl].109. Albertyna Dembska, "A Note on the Sound Shift in the Egyptian Language and the Phonetic Value of

the Meroitic [k] Sign ", Rocznik-Orientalistyczyny (1987), 45 :2, 73-75, and Kuentz (1935), 193-199.

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 31

types tation of" noble person", comparable to Old Nubian KO meaning" master ".llO The Meroitic

ngo- word for king or sovereign, qore, might be a contraction of ko and the Dongola and Kenuzi. 10

2 word for" chief" or " king", ur or uru in Nobiin, oypoy in Old Nubian, oypo in Coptic.Old


°e or, are



1 as













Bechhaus-Gerst, on the other hand, suggests that the Old Nubian cognate for qore is

rap or rOA, which would equate Meroitic q with Old Nubian r (pronounced as a prenasalized

g or Ingl rather than the unvoiced k). Browne and Murray both say this means" Lord" with anupper-case L.llI The modern Nubian (Nobiin) cognate nor can mean" master" or "owner"

as well as " god" ; its resemblance to Coptic I~OYT6 meaning" god "ll2 seems stronger than to

qore. Perhaps a better cognate for rOA would be Meroitic note as in the god's name Mnote,or Lord Amon (for example in the Kharamadoye stela, lines 9 and 12) ; this could also be theequivalent of Egyptian lmn-njwtj or" Amon-of-Thebes", literally, "Amon-of-the-city ".ll3

If Old Nubian r is indeed the equivalent ofMeroitic /<)' both signs may hark back to an

earlier NiIo-Saharan phoneme not present in the Egyptian language. Proto-Nilo-Saharan,according to Ehret, had four nasals: Iml, Inl, Inyl and IfJ/.ll4 The last, while lost in present­

day Dongolawi through the strong influence of Mro-Asiatic languages in the area, may stillhave been in use as an initial during Old Nubian times. As Bechhaus-Gerst suggests, it could

be a vestige of Meroitic q. U5

Scoring Meroitic and Kharosthi

In an honors thesis written for Rhode Island College in 1999, Longpre presents a usefulmethod of tabulating ancient scripts from various regions of the Middle East and NorthMrica. u6 She assigns a score to each sign according to how closely it resembles its Meroitic

counterpart and then gives each writing system a total score. The highest scoring systems (that

is, those which most resembled Meroitic) were what she calls" Enchorial Egyptian",117 Demotic

Egyptian (7th-5th c. B.C.E.) and Nabatean Aramaic with 28 out of a possible 38, 25 out of 34and 19 out of 36 points respectively if each sign receives a 2 for strong resemblance, 1 for some

resemblance or 0 for no resemblance. The second figure for each pair varies because some of

110. Browne (1996), 95.

L. Reinisch gives another definition of the word ko in the modern Nubian language Nobiin. In hisglossary of the Barea language, he says that the Barea word ku, meaning" man ", is a cognate of Nubianko which he says means" person" or" self". [Leo Reinisch, Die Barea-Sprache: Grammatik, Text undWorterbuch nach den handschriftlichen Materialen von werner Munzinger Pascha, Sprachen von Nord­Ost-Mrika 1. Bd. (Wien : W. Braumiiller, 1874), 138]. Murray, on the other hand, gives the modernNubian meaning as" alone". [Murray, 101].

111. Browne (1996), 201 ; Murray, 134.

112. Lambdin, 251.

113. C. Rilly, personal communication.114. Ehret (2001), 6.115. Bechhaus-Gerst (1984), 94·116. Longpre, 47-54.

117. "Enchorial" represents the Demotic of the Rosetta stone in the Ptolemaic period (332-3° B.C.E.).

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the scripts lack signs for certain sounds. Converting these scores to percentages gives results of th~

74%,73% and 53%. th

It should be pointed out, however, that Longpre seems to make no allowances for thefact that some of the Demotic signs, while not matching the specific Meroitic sign cited ineach column, do bear a likeness to other related signs. For example, the Demotic signs for t donot resemble the Meroitic t but rather the Meroitic teo As well, the Meroitic se resembles notan Enchorial se but rather s. If she had had access to EI-Aguizy's thorough examination of

Demotic papyri, some of her scores might be different.

Because such omissions might have affected the outcome, I scored the same three scripts

myself. The results were: Enchorial, 31 out of 40, or 77%, Demotic, 21 out of 38, or 55%, and

Nabatean Aramaic, 17 out of 40, or 43%·

Repeating Longpre's exercise by matching Meroitic signs with the Kharosthi scriptproduces a slightly higher score, 34 out ofa possible 42, or 81%. For some signs like r, d, t andw, closer matches occur in Kharosthi than in the other languages mentioned.

In the following table, I have chosen representative examples in each script. Many varia­tions of each sign exist according to individual scribes and time period.

a e i 0 y b d t! n k 1 m n n p q r s S t te to wu m j kb r -m -n py dr d ts 11

Mer. ~.( ~ + / 11/ II >V ~ v f ~ 5 ~ >? z... /<) w VII ~ ") /4 ~ U'-

Khar. 1 " " ] '-.J -e '2 J. ,J -~+ "" s 7~ bI.- /\ C. r.. u_ ~ ~V " 44/II

score 2 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 2 1 ,..,2

,..,1 2L L

Strictly from the point of view of resemblance, then, Kharosthi would seem to have aroughly equal claim to Enchorial/Demotic as far as some kind of relationship with Meroiticgoes. As mentioned earlier, from a strictly geographical viewpoint, influence on the Meroiticscript by the Enchorial/Demotic script appears far more likely than by Kharosthi. What theresults of the above comparison may signal is that Meroitic and Kharosthi owe their mutualresemblance to the fact that they are both greatly indebted to the Egyptian. A different direc­tion of influence, however, even that of Meroitic to both Demotic and Kharosthi, cannot beruled out entirely.

Another tabulation helpful in approaching the Meroitic cursive script is Rilly's recent" Comparaison paleographique ".118 That article's grid has revealed a curious phenomenon.

The syllable signs that may prove to be of the VC type (It., 5, ~,and u) all have a component

u8. Claude Rilly, " Approche comparative de la paleographie et de la chronologie royale de Meroe ", MNL28 (Paris: Groupe d'etudes mero"itiques de Paris, 2001), 85·








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s of


I indolot








Evidence for an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptiom 33

that resembles the right-hand part ofthe a syllable sign ('2). This sign itselfuncannily resembles

the Old Nubian, Coptic and Kharosthi signs for h as well as a reversed"hamza" ofArabic script. Possibly this element of the ~2. produced the quality of Vokalanlaut,

as Priese refers to ir. 1l9

In sum, this experiment ofscoring scripts, for all its limitations, does emphasize that theMeroitic cursive script resembles Kharosthi about as much as it does DemoticlEnchorial. Inaddition, a few of the Kharosthi signs like r seem closer matches than the Demotic ones whileothers, such as w, ii and n, have matches whose phonetic counterparts in Demotic seem to begroup wflnng.

The possible consequences of the change of scripts

This article would be incomplete ifit did not suggest a possible historical explanation forwhy the relationship between Meroitic and Nubian became obscured.

Our knowledge of Old Nubian comes from inscriptions and manuscripts from the timeof the Christian Nubian kingdoms; these realms occupied more or less the same area as theearlier kingdom of Kush. In the late 8th and i h centuries B.C.E., Kushite pharaohs ruledEgypt as the 25th Dynasty; when forced back to Kush by an Assyrian invasion, the Meroitic­speaking Kushite society continued to flourish with its center at Meroe until it disintegratedin the early 5th century C.E. The Christian kingdoms rose soon after.

Bechhaus-Gerst, in 1984, used glottochronological methods to hypothesize a history ofthe Nubian languages. 12o In a 1989 paper, she speaks of the" Pre-Nobiin ", the ancestors ofOld Nubian speakers and modern Nobiin speakers. Citing cultural vocabulary, she proposesthat it is " highly probable the migration of pre-Nobiin speakers into the Nile Valley tookplace no later than 1400 B.C. "121 She does not give an earliest possible date.

Vague though it is, this time frame is useful. It provides a general era for the emergenceofearly Nubian in the region and, although Bechhaus-Gerst does not suggest it, would appearto put these early Nubian speakers in the right place at roughly the right time to have beenKushites, and as such, Meroitic speakers.

119. Priese (1973), 284-285.

120. Bechhaus-Gerst (1984), 18. Her work was based in part on the research of Peter Behrens, " Ggroup­Sprache-Nubisch-Tu Bedawiye: ein sprachliches SequenzmodeII und seine geschichtlichen Implikatio­nen ", Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 3 (1981), 17-49, and on lexico-statistics assembled by RobinThelwalI, "Lexico-statistical relations between Nubian, Daju and Dinka ", in Etudes Nubiennes, Collo­que de Chantilly, 2-6]uillet 1915 (Cairo: 1978), 265-286.

121. Marianne Bechhaus-Gerst, " Nile-Nubian Reconsidered ", Topics in Nilo-Saharan Linguistics, ed.M. Lionel Bender, Nilo-Saharan 3 (Hamburg: Buske, 1989), 92.

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Archaeologists and anthropologists suggest that the peoples of the area have been ofvirtually the same stock for the last 5,000 years. 122 This increases the likelihood that theNubian speakers of the Christian kingdoms were the descendants of Kushites. If so, how hasmisunderstanding arisen about their language? Perhaps the source of confusion can be foundin the writing change that accompanied the advent of Christianity in Nubia.

The following scenario might have occurred. Ancient scribes and possibly even the Churchfathers (who first attempted to render the Bible into the language of the inhabitants of theformer Meroitic empire) may have had considerable difficulty in converting the Meroiticcursive syllabic script to the Greek-based alphabets used in Coptic and Old Nubian. Incontinuing the written tradition of Kush and Meroe in an alphabetic form, these scribes mayhave made some decisions that seem peculiar now.





COFNulof tlsyll:OWl

Some of their changes in orthography might reflect changes in pronunciation due to Ehlsound shifts. Almost a thousand years separate the most recent examples of Meroitic cursive haFscript from the earliest surviving examples of Old Nubian. We need only look at the to)development of Old Anglo-Saxon into Shakespearean English (over a shorter period) toappreciate how much a language can change in such an amount of time.


In adapting the new Greek/Coptic script to the needs of the language of the formerMeroitic empire, the scribes faced the challenge of how to cope with all the nasals that appearto characterize not just Meroitic (in which so many seem to have been unwritten) but alsonumerous Nilo-Saharan languages, as a glance at Ehret's proto phonemes indicates. 123 Inconverting from syllabary to alphabet, the scribes would have had to choose between consideringunwritten syllable-final nasals as letters in their own right or as pre-nasalization of the initialconsonant of the following syllable. For example, where Meroitic speakers had written pestabut pronounced !pesante!, the new written form could have been written p-e-s-a-n-t-(e) orp-e-s-a-nt-(e).

Ehret identifies these prenasalized medial consonants as distinct phonemes in proto Nilo­Saharan, but for nt, nd, nk, and ng the scribes may have opted to write these blends as twoseparate letters, using the simple N, the equivalent of the Meroitic Vn syllable. It is evenpossible that the dot on the Meroitic .~ sign may indicate nasalization as such a dot indicatesanusvara in the Brahmi, Sanskrit and Hindi alphabets. Priese's table has examples of the signboth with and without the dot. 124







aAs speculated earlier, the Meroitic ~ may have been closer to ts in pronunciation. ]

When the scribes began to use the Coptic/Greek alphabet to transcribe the Old Nubian

122. William Y. Adams, Nubia: Corridor to Africa (London: Allen Lane, 1977), 667 ; Peter Shinnie,Meroe: A Civilization ofthe Sudan (London: Thames and Hudson, 1967), 155; BruceTrigger, "Nubian,Negro, Black, Nilotic ? " in Africa in Antiquity, v. 1 : The Arts ofNubia and the Sudan (New York:Brooklyn Museum, 1978), 27-35, and Torok (1997), 43-44.

123. Ehret (2001), 20, 32.124. Priese, 303.

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Evidencefor an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 35

1 of language, they may have arbitrarily opted for the C for both sand ts since the ts had nothe equivalent sign in those alphabets.haslnd The Greek alphabet also had no way ofindicating the nV sign with its constraints against

word-initial use. The scribes therefore may have continued to employ the existing Meroitic

symbol, ~,slightly tipped, where necessary.rchthe However, for words that contained the laryngeals band b, neither ofwhich occurs in theitic Coptic/Greek/Old Nubian alphabet, problems would have arisen. There is only a single OldIn Nubian word, other than loan words, with an initial h (2) : the word for heaven, 2~pH. Many

lay of these Meroitic laryngeals occur in conjunction with unwritten final nasals in the precedingsyllable. For example, a bilingual rendering (in Egyptian and Meroitic) of the name of theowner of Pyramid no. 5 at Meroe shows that Irknhrl = AriktJror. 125 The b (probably close to

to Ehret's proto Nilo-Saharan *h) appears to have dropped out of the spoken language (aslve happened across the board in most of the Nilo-Saharan languages, according to Ehret126

) orhe to have been assimilated in most words containing it.to

For words in which the bfollowed an unwritten nasal, however, the loss of the bthroughsound change would have meant that the nasal, doubtless altered in some way, would have

er become the initial phoneme of the following syllable. This could explain why the scribes mayar have re-interpreted the Meroitic bsign, v' which had come to represent a nonexistent sound,50 as the symbol for the syllable-initial nsound that had resulted. Since the Greek/Coptic alpha-[n bet had no letter for such a sound, they could have continued to make use of the Meroitic signIg although it now stood for a different sound than it had originally. This v or r sign ratheral than l' may have come into use for all initial N sounds in Old Nubian.o)r

! ~-




With words that had unwritten syllable-final nasals before b, the proto *kh type ofsound had probably shifted to k by the time of the Old Nubian writers so they could havespelled out NK using the Greek/Coptic alphabet. Millet suggests that the Meroitic word blo isthe number word" seven ", cognate with Nobiin kolod and Old Nubian KOAOT ; this wouldproduce an equivalence of Old Nubian K for Meroitic b,127 as corroborated by Ehret'sresearch. 128 Peust supports this contention and has added Meroitic bara, possibly meaningnorth, as a cognate for Old Nubian K~AO or K~AA8.129 Still, these cognates are by no meanscertain. Neither Ehret nor Bender shows any interchange ofmedial I and r (as would have hadto have taken place between bara and K~AO) from proto Nilo-Saharan to the present,130

although such an alternation was common for Egyptian (which had no sign for I) and Meroitic.In addition, Millet bases his hypothesis on the Meroitic combination yereblo (with the yere

125. Macadam, 53.126. Ehret (2001), 15-16, [22].127. N.B. Millet, " Some Possible Meroitic Number Words" in Steffen Wenig, ed., Studien zum antiken

Sudan: Aktum der 7· Internationalen lagungfUr meroitische Forschungen vom 14. Bis 19. September inGosen/bei Berlin, Meroitica 15 (Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1999), 616-621.

128. Ehret (2001), 21.

129. Peust, 79-80.130. Bender (1997), 68 and Ehret (2001), 33.

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supposedly meaning" ten "), which he suggests means" seventeen" since it appears both with

and without the written numeral 17. This, he proposes, may be a case ofdittography. However,

the same group of signs, yereblo, appears many times in graffiti at Kawa with all sorts of

numbers other than seventeen. l31 It may simply be the first or second person plural form of a

verb and does not seem to be proof that blo means" seven ". The weakness of the cases for

these cognates, however, does not necessarily invalidate the idea that Meroitic b could be the

equivalent of Old Nubian K.

i mayl




There is also some evidence that the Meroitic sign for b, or v' originally may have been

a labialized laryngeal hw sound, perhaps similar to *'w, the glottalic glide that Ehret hypothesizes

for proto Nilo-Saharan. 132 When the laryngeal component disappeared, it may have left behind

a residual w sound that came to be written as y or " oy " in Old Nubian. Several Old Nubian

words appear to be cognate with some of Ehret's reconstructions for initial *'W : Oy8, to say

(Browne b996}, 204) and *'we, to say or tell (Ehret {2001}, #1424) ; oyoy, to shout (Browne

b996}, 130) and *'wi, to cry out (Ehret {20m}, #1438) ; oyp, burning (Browne b996}, 139)and *'wir, to shine (Ehret {2001}, #1441); o.\.p/O.\..h..8, night (Browne {1996}, 122) and

*a'wa : d, night (Ehret {20m}, #1465).

Another explanation may be that diphthongs created by the loss of a consonant tend to

become pronounced with a medial w when the second component is a back vowel, or with a

medial y when the second component is a front vowel. The very fact that w came to be written

as a diphthong ou or oy in the Old Nubian alphabet may indicate that its original sign was for

a VC syllable, similar to the alternate s, m and n signs examined earlier. Its CV counterpart in

this case would have to be the Meroitic " 0 " sign (t), which some scholars would prefer to

transliterate as U 133 and which resembles nothing so much as the Semitic waw or vav.







Nul" po















131• M.F.L. Macadam, The Temples ofKawa (London: 1949), V. 1,96-99. a132 • Ehret (2001), 14-15. I,133· Yuri Zawadowski, " Some Considerations on Meroitic Phonology", Meroitic Newsletter 10 (July 1972),


The apparent confusion by Old Nubian writers about how to handle the W sound may

in itself testify to the possible existence of both VC and CV syllables in Meroitic. The Greek

alphabet of the time had no true sign for w (since the old digamma was no longer in use). As

a result, Coptic scribes had resorted to using an oy combination to represent this sound.

While Old Nubian scribes used this technique also, they seem to have found it insufficient,

perhaps because ofthe existence two types ofsyllable (CV and VC) in Meroitic; they therefore

may have adopted an additional sign, the Meroitic w: 5. This sign is similar to the Demotic

group writing sign for nw,134 another example of a Meroitic sign that represents the final

rather than the initial phoneme of an Egyptian sign. Coincidentally, it also resembles the

Kharosthi nu, reversed, although it is closer to the u. It shows no resemblance to the Demotic

signs for the hieroglyphic that Meroitic scribes used for w. Browne's dictionary lists only eightentries under this sign, all of them followed by the vowels ~ or 8 (there are no I, 81, 0 or oy).

134- EI-Aguizy (1998) [CXCVI].

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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in Meroitic Inscriptions 37

Some of the y semi-vowel signs also might have become written as diphthongs. Ye and yimay have become 81 and ~I, as in Old Nubian ,):t" , meaning" I " or 8!p meaning" you ". Thesespellings in themselves may indicate the presence of VC signs. Such spellings would be inkeeping with sound shift rule 4 for Dongolawi (as representative ofNubian) that Ehret postu­lates :135 PSN *Y>zero. Such a rule would also be consistent with the change from ye- to e-,evidenced by a comparison of the Akinidad stela with that ofTanyideamani.

The sound shifts that apparently occurred as the Egyptian language evolved into Copticwere not confined to the consonants studied by Dembska and Kuentz. The language alsounderwent the effects of vowel precession : front vowels became back vowels so that manyCoptic words have 0 or 0'1" or 00 or even 0'1"0 and 0'1"081 where the hieroglyphs showed novowels. There is reason to think that Meroitic also experienced such vowel precession. Forexample, the Meroitic wte- (in the formulaic opening lines of the so-called " epistolary "inscriptions such as REM1096) may have become 0'1"8111.. (meaning" to be distant ", in OldNubian). As well, tke, as in line 3 of the Kharamadoye stele, may have become T08K (meaning" ")power .

In addition, frequent gemination that had been unwritten became written. Syllable-finalnasals hitherto unwritten also became written. Thus Meroitic ye sometimes may have becomeOld Nubian 81l'l, which is both a demonstrative and an equivalent of the verb" to be" used inperiphrastics that serve as substitutes for relative clauses.

The scribes also may have seen fit to break up clauses and phrases that were formerlyundivided by the two- or three-dot separators in Meroitic and to write them as discrete words.Thus prefixed subject-, direct object- and possessive-pronouns like tr, eqe- or tk- or t[an]­and a[n] may have come to be written separately though still maintaining the SOY wordorder shared by Meroitic and Old Nubian syntax conventions.

When switching from Egyptian to Meroitic for monumental inscriptions several centu­ries before, scribes had already experienced the adjustment problems that some scholars havecited as responsible for the peculiar Egyptian grammar of the inscriptions of the Harsiyotefand Nastasen stelae. 136 These anomalies may have been the result of a change from Egyptianto Meroitic word order but could also have resulted from a tendency to treat the entire verbphrase, including pronouns, as a whole. Such a tendency in some other languages has led to

the development of conjugations with the subject pronouns becoming inseparable affixes.Meroitic seems to have included object pronouns in these agglutinated verb phrases, a con­vention that the scribes may have discontinued in switching to the Old Nubian alphabeticscnpt.

The net effect was to produce a written language with frequent long strings of vowelsand doubled consonants that looked quite different from present-day transliterations ofMeroitictexts. And, to be sure, the disappearance and transformation oflaryngeals, the diphthongizationand the conversion of semi-vowels to vowels all contributed to the written language's newlook.

135. Ehret (2001), 27·136. Eide, ed., v. 2, 494.

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We may obtain new insights into Meroitic by approaching the syllabary with a fresh eye.

First, we should be open to the possibility of ev; ve, and even eev or vee types of


Second, we should question the accepted equivalencies for certain other syllable signsand be ready to revise some. These revised transliterations could include te>d, to>ts and d>j.

Third, we must concede that many of the Meroitic cursive signs resemble not onlyDemotic signs but also forms with similar phonetic values found in the Kharosthi script. Wemust ask what this means in terms of ancient relations between Kush/Meroe and the MiddleEast/Indian subcontinent and be alert to any linguistic clues from that area that might proveto be vestiges of ancient Meroitic contact.

Finally and most important, we must recognize that the phonological and epigraphicevidence points more and more to some early version of Old Nubian as a daughter languageof Meroitic.

Some of these suggestions fly in the face ofGriffith's transliterations and might call intoquestion some of the revised ones used in compiling the Repertoire dEpigraphie Meroitique(REM). On the other hand, the father of Meroitic and Old Nubian studies might be amusedif the hunch he had almost a century ago should prove to be true.


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Evidence fOr an Early Nubian Dialect in /..leroitic Inscriptions 39

Phonetic Correspondences between Meroitic and Old Nubian

Standard Suggested Meroitic sign Old Nubiantranslit. revisioninitial a V- ~2. ,\.

e ~ e

i yV + I

0 or u Vw or 0 or u I o or oy

y Vy 11/ el

w wV 5 oy

b bV or rnV II nV or HV

p pV or vp 2... n

rn Vrn ~ VH

n Vn Ii. VN

n or ne nV >( "Pr rV/Vr/trV/drV w p (r'LJ

I IV or VI ~ A or A

D h or hw v y or zero

b k ~ K / r

s or se sV VII c (s)

S (sh) or s Vs ~ OJ

k g/k or Vg/Vk i. r / K

q g/k + w /¢ K / r

t tV 'l or or A

te d 14 A or p

to ts l;> T or c

d j or d :sv 6 or A