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  • 8/13/2019 EVO InspiringBook Komplett ENG Final


    the inspiring bookof PLEXIGLAS

  • 8/13/2019 EVO InspiringBook Komplett ENG Final


  • 8/13/2019 EVO InspiringBook Komplett ENG Final


    Inspiration exists,but it has to find youworking.

    Pablo Picasso

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    Trademarks are everywhere. They accompany us throughout the day, give us a feelingof security and create trust. With a well-known brand, you can relax and feel everythingis taken care of. No room for doubt or questions. The brand is there in your mind, and itsname creates an instant buzz. It revives memories, gives shape to plans for the future andbrings a smile to peoples lips. People are proud to be seen with this brand, show thatthey use it and take advantage of its familiarity. The brand has become an essential partof personal life. It stands for constancy yet moves with the times. It is reliable yet alwaysgood for a surprise. Its very name represents a cluster of positive attributes on which wecan rely. In this way, a brand is also a promise.

    Inspiration is the most important promise that PLEXIGLAS makes, and constitutes itsvery essence. With its unique properties, it provides impetus for ideas and creativity.PLEXIGLAS is creative, refreshing, passionate and exciting. On the following pages,inspired people tell us what these terms mean in their world for the present, and foran imaginative and creative future.

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    Inspiration is a question of attitude

    People looking for inspiration need

    to clear their minds and be openfor all that is new. In the final anal-ysis, inspiration is a question of attitude,says Michael Trxler, and looks at a lineof chairs hanging on a wall in BerlinsBauhaus-Archiv. These are designs byBauhaus artist Marcel Breuer. These itemsof furniture are simple and functional,but at the same time extremely innovativeand pathbreaking, both in terms of theirdesign and the materials the artist com-bines. A case of inspiration? Exactly.

    What is inspiration? That lies in the eye

    of the beholder. Some look at the sea andlet their thoughts drift. Others look at thepeople around them and observe theirbehavior, facial expressions and gestures.Whatever the source, it always takes anexternal influence to get ideas flowing,says Trxler. But they can be sparked bysomething quite simple. It doesnt alwayshave to be something monumental.

    Quite the contrary, often we are inspiredby trivial everyday items. Art frequentlyarises from mundane observations. Weusually develop new products based on aspecific need that we see among our cus-

    Michael Trxler is SeniorVice President AcrylicPolymers at Evonik.

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    in a while so what? Inspiration cannotthrive if such people fear all their mistakeswill have consequences, Trxler states,and adds that: Anyone who is inspiredshould be able to contribute their ideas,wherever they work. Anything else wouldbe a dreadful waste.

    Inspiration alone is not enough to makea sculpture or develop a new product:Inspiration needs to be paired with soundtechnical and material know-how, Trxlerexplains as he strolls past some Bauhaus

    ceramics. When you look at these cera-mics, you realize that to shape an object,you have to know how to operate a pot-ters wheel. If I cant, all I have is a lump ofclay in my hand, whether Im inspired ornot. Trxler sums up by saying: To turninspiration into a success story, a great idea

    has to be combined with craft feasibility.

    The discussion betweenMichael Trxler andKatharina Mandlinger took

    place in the stimulatingambience of the Bauhaus-Archiv in Berlin, Germany. Jrgen Rhrscheid photo-graphed the encounter.

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    CREATIVEInventive, full of ideas, witty, ingenious, imaginative, artistic, innovative, productive, constructive, original, brilliant, scintillating, exciting, stimulating, gifted, skillful, refreshing, profound, fertile, stylish, active, passionate.

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    Creativity demands freedom

    Emil Schult recently moved his studioto a plain brick building, wherechildren living in the surrounding

    apartment blocks throw snowballs againstthe windows in winter. Schult finds thatamusing: Sometimes they really bombardme! The 64-year-old artist, who is widelytraveled, says the location of his studio is ofno importance for his creativity: I always

    take my intellectual baggage with me.

    His baggage contains a sizeable portion ofcuriosity and the talent to express himselfvia many different art forms. Creativityis a gift that is not given to everyone, he

    Artist Emil Schultwelcomed author NinaVoigt and photographerStefan Wildhirt to hisnew studio.

    says quite unpretentiously, but secure inthe knowledge that he himself possessesthis gift. Creativity can only be learnedto a certain extent, believes the formerstar pupil of Joseph Beuys, who nowadayscreates works using the reverse glasspainting.

    Works on the history of microelectronics

    can be found hanging in his studio. Oneshows two enlarged microchips implantedinto a human cell. Human control viatechnology, questions of power and abuseare aspects of creativity that should giveus pause, believes Schult. So the gift of

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    designed album covers in the 1970s, stilloccupies him today: modern technologyand its relationship with human beings.Schult, who calls himself a visual person,accesses the world via pictures. Drawingsand photos inspire him to produce his own

    works. He can take these with him wher-ever he goes. In his laptop, he has stored awhole folder of pictures that might provideideas for paintings. He found a photo ofPetronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,so fascinating that he ended up flying

    there to see the gigantic structure forhimself. Afterwards, he painted severalpictures of the two towers.

    Creative people dont have tasks set forthem, they do that themselves, says

    Schult. As a child born in the post-WorldWar II era, he learned to respect naturalresources. Necessity is the mother ofinvention for Schult, this proverb is thekey to creativity. We made somethingout of the little we had.

    creativity also implies responsibility. Inmy view, a creative individual does notcreate something that will destroy us all.Creativity in his eyes is an emancipatorytool that enables humankind to advanceculture. For this, one element is essential:

    freedom. Only if we are free can we begenuinely creative. Otherwise, creativity istapped for a specific purpose.

    The key theme of Kraftwerk, the rockband for which Schult wrote lyrics and

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    Schult wanted to confront sea dwellerswith increasingly rare species that sharetheir habitat, like stingrays and turtles.He painted the animals on sheets ofPLEXIGLAS and displayed them underwater. To carry out this crazy idea, Schult

    acquired a new painting technique.So it just goes to show that creativity canproduce beauty and reflect truth.

    In the 1980s, Schult exposed himself tothis situation anew, this time on purpose.For 10 years, he lived on an island with500 inhabitants in the Bahamas. I built ahouse, dug a well and fed myself, all with-out help, he reports. Original creativity

    for him means: An ape takes a stone anduses it to crack a nut, to get ahead. Hisdevotion to reverse glass painting alsodates back to a creative moment of thiskind. To produce a film on the progressivedestruction of the ecological balance,

    Dipping into other worlds,creating something new,realizing creative ideas as shown at Expo 2010in Shanghai, China. Thediversity of PLEXIGLASgives color and shape toinspiration.

    Creative people dont have tasks set for them,they do that themselves.

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    REFRESHING Invigorating, stimulating, pleasurable, delightful, beneficial, encouraging, fresh,bright, witty, exciting, varied, creative, infectious, cheerful, inventive, sparkling, passionate, inventive, astute, lighthearted, entertaining, insightful, quick to learn,intelligent, flexible, surprising, new, different.

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    To think that you could do something usefuland be part of the great arts, that was trulyrevealing for me.

    Csar Pelli, one of the worlds most renowned architects, issurveying over a foot of new snow at his home in New HavenConnecticut. Pelli says, Its a hackneyed phrase but it is a winterwonderland. It is always magic, so clean, fresh and new. It covers all ofthe imperfections, but still I feel most at home at my office with my staff,working. That work, like the Petronas Towers, doesnt consist of a sig-

    nature style. Instead, his commissions are shaped more by the environ-mental constraints and surroundings. This responsiveness to refreshingnew materials and sustainability standards has made him one of theworlds greenest architects with recent projects like the LEED platinumrated Iberdrola Tower in Spain. Originally from Argentina, Pellis firstgreat moment of inspiration occurred in 1944 when two young archi-

    Photographer Peter Hurleyvisited Csar Pelli at hisoffice in New Haven,Connecticut, USA. The textwas written by Jeff Jahn.

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    tects visited his school to discuss modern-ism. Instead of temples and palaces theyspoke of efficient building offices, homesand factories that were, Very simple andbeautiful. Pelli also notes, It was alsoconnected to what was going on in modernart, which was very exciting with Picasso,Matisse and Mondrian. Whats more, To

    think that you could do something sociallyresponsive and useful and at the same timebe part of the great arts, that was extraor-dinary and truly revealing for me.

    When asked about what has changed sincethen, he laughs, Everything. There havebeen great gains and losses. One of thethings we lost was that great faith thatarchitecture transforms the world. On theother hand new concerns like sustainabilityand conservation were unknown at thattime. Pelli also says that until recently,

    We treated energy l ike it was inexhaust-ible. Now three quarters of our clientswant a sustainable building. There is asense that having a sustainable buildingis valuable in that potential tenants orbuyers of condominiums want them.

    It is as if sustainability has refreshed theearlier goals of Modernism. And often hisclients ask for a LEED silver or goldsustainability certification. Sometimesthey even ask for platinum, which is veryrare. In order to do a LEED platinum buil-ding you need very strong collaborationwith your client, suppliers and contractors.

    Pelli is inspired as clients and manufactur-ers are driving these new sustainable buil-dings. For example what we think of asglazing materials today has nothing to dowith the glass of the 1950s . In the 50sglass was monolithic with nothing to help

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    it except being a bit tinted, now transpar-ent materials are insulated and have coat-ings. In the future, Pelli hopes for evenmore refreshing possibilities. We may seegreat advances in the next four years inmechanical systems.

    Two of Pellis current projects are visually

    impressive, yet refreshing in how theyadapt to radically different climates,We are almost finished with a buildingin Bilbao, Spain, for an energy company(Iberdrola). The building is all windowsbut we have a double outer wall and a

    We may see great advances in the nextfour years in mechanical systems.

    system of shades with sensors that tell themwhen to come down. We have anotherbuilding in Seville, Spain, starting construc-tion (the Casajol Tower). Bilbao has a mildclimate, whereas Seville is a bit like North-ern Africa, so the building has to have verydeep sun shade. There is so much shadefrom the louvers that the sun will almost

    never touch the windows, all of which isquite different than the one in Bilbao.

    Pelli is inspired by this new climate ofinnovation and responsibility, I hope itkeeps on being so fantastic.

    Using the sun as a powerplant makes for sustain -able living. PLEXIGLASSolar helps to tap this

    energy using photovoltaicpanels.

    P h

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    PASSIONATEFervent, ardent, eager, zealous, inflamed, intensive, stormy, unfettered, furious,impulsive, temperamental, agile, fixed, capricious, intense, vivacious, insistent,vehement, euphoric, dashing, infectious, industrious, resolute, pathbreaking,energetic, creative, fascinated, alert, refreshing, impudent, wholehearted, firedwith enthusiasm, full of zest.

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    Success is realizing a vision

    Automotive engineers who dontfeel a passion for their work mightas well be dead. That is Dr. Wolf-gang Huhns opinion. For Huhn, whohas dedicated himself single-mindedly tothe subject of lighting since his studies,

    the passion he devotes to his projects isthe key to success. He defines success asrealizing a vision. The best example isthe introduction of LED headlamps in cars,which he has been promoting energeticallyfor a number of years.

    Franz-Peter Strohbcker

    spoke with Dr. WolfgangHuhn, Head of Audis Lightand Visibility Department,at Audis museum mobilein Ingolstadt, Germany.They were filmed by IanGeorg Strohbcker.

    Where does he get his motivation from? Isit his calling to do everything with passion,using all of his mental powers, energy andlove? While Huhn can subscribe to thepart about mental powers and energy, hedislikes the reference to love. He loves his

    wife and family, he says, but that is acompletely different kind of love than theone you feel for your job. But his eyesshine like two full-beam headlamps whenhe talks about light. Looking at him, youunderstand why passionate people are so

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    experimental models, he edged his waytowards this goal, with the result that Audipresented a prototype in 2006 and was thefirst manufacturer to launch LED technolo-gy in mass-produced vehicles in 2008.

    Passionate people also have a special kind

    of energy that leads to undreamt-of dyna-mics. Suddenly, the impossible becomespossible, Huhn says, thinking of a veryspecific project. It was the beginning of2010, and the legendary 24-hour-race inLe Mans was due to start in June. But the

    Audi race car didnt have characteristicLED headlamps yet. That was completelyout of tune with the companys progres-sive image. Without further ado, Huhnand his team modified serial headlampsto meet race car specifications.The resultwas an Audi race car with a dynamic set

    of LED eyes.

    But what makes the subject of automotivelighting so exciting for a man like Huhn,who originally wanted to develop industrialrobots? It was the realization that in this

    infectious. They are gripped by an idea,enthuse about it, discuss it and convinceother people, who end up sharing thesame passion. Full of enthusiasm forlight-emitting diodes (LEDs), Huhn wasable to kindle interest in full LED head-lamps at Audi in Ingolstadt, Germany. He

    was convinced that Audi could acquire acompletely unique profile by using LEDlights that stay switched on during the day.That was fantastic, Huhn enthuses, andtells us how, working together withexternal lighting specialists and a series of

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    EXCITINGStirring, moving, thrilling, rousing, stirring, fascinating, overwhelming, gripping, passionate, full of suspense, charged with tension, stimulating,interesting, in spiring, infectious, refreshing, unusual, creative, fantastic,bubbly, racy, tremendous, splendid, phenomenal, brilliant.

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    The most exciting medium in the world

    At the heart of every fascination is the wondering child. This childis the essence of all discoveries, dreams and inventions. That is whyalmost all stories that tell of enthusiasm for movies begin with a journey back to childhood.

    The childhood of a moviemaker, for example, who once entered the solemndark of the picture palace with bated breath. The subject matter is irrelevant a flying elephant or a boy who went to a school of wizardry and had to con-

    quer the forces of evil before he could grow up.

    Or the childhood of a movie director: Franois Truffaut, who fled from drearyreality to the cinema and stole posters to set up an altar to his favorite starsand dreams. Martin Scorsese, the boy who suffered from asthma, who learnedthe dialogs of his favorite films by heart and made his first imaginary movies

    Movie critic Georg Seelentells of the exciting worldof the cinema. The photoswere taken by JohannesSimon at Bavaria Filmstadtin Munich, Germany.

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    with cardboard cutouts. Steven Spielberg,who filmed the original versions of hisworld successes in suburban gardens andbowling alley parking lots as a teenager,using his dads Super-8 camera.

    When Orson Welles was new in Holly-

    wood, he said, full of enthusiasm on hisfirst visit to a studio, that it was like offer-ing a child all the toys in the world, andletting it do whatever it liked with them.Welles would go on to show that you can

    make very adult movies based on thischildlike enthusiasm. And he would learnthat the second part of his sentence wasnot quite true.

    The infectious nature of the movie can alsobe felt in the enthusiasm of its pioneers,

    who developed the first true technical art120 years ago: the Lumire brothers, whofrightened their audience with the pictureof an approaching train; Georges Mlis,who sent his heroes to the moon and tohell; the slapstick artists Chaplin, Keaton,

    Laurel & Hardy, who translated the hecticpace of the new age into movement andcomedy. There is not one moviemaker ofthe present who would not bow downbefore the masters of cinemas early days.

    But perhaps it is wrong to speak of the

    fascination of movies, since this fascinationtakes a variety of forms. Cinema also en-compasses all other art forms. It tells sto-ries like a novel, plays like in the theater,paints with cameras and light like in thepictorial arts, composes like music, erects

    Cinema holds within itselfthe urge for innovation.

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    architecture, explores landscapes, illumi-nates every corner of the human soul. Ad-ded to all this is technology, organization,enormous tension, familiarity and enthusi-asm. It is the art of turning the wonderingchild into an efficient craftsperson, oftransforming adventurous ideas into tech-

    nically feasible images.

    Cinema differs from the media it containsand continues in one essential aspect: itholds within itself the urge for innovation.Movies constantly acquaint us with new

    Gigantic flat-screen tele-visions with PLEXIGLASmake movies a thrillingexperience at home. Over90% of LED televisionsare equipped with light-guide plates made ofPMMA, which excludeany diffusion losses.

    forms of perception and new technologieslike the railway, the telephone and theairplane. They also excel at presenting themost fascinating recent developments:the ability to penetrate the secrets of theorganic world, the ideas of virtual realityand the pictorial conquest of three-dimen-

    sionality. So a visit to the cinema is botha return to the wondering child inside usand a glimpse into the future.

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    The stuff of visions

    1933. A laboratory in Darmstadt, Germa-ny. Dr. Otto Rhm has spent many yearsresearching into special polymers with theaim of creating a kind of transparent rubber.Like so many times before, he pours an ex-perimental compound between two sheetsof glass and puts this compound on thewindowsill before closing shop for the day.

    Next morning, imagine his amazement: thenew polymer on the windowsill is hard,

    crystal-clear and can be easily detachedfrom the sheets of glass. Otto Rhm is per-plexed. So it wasnt hard for him to choosea name: PLEXIGLAS dates back to thismoment, both as a product and a trade-mark. Rhm was a visionary, a man who

    was ahead of his time. He realized earlyon that a good material needed a goodname, and applied for trademark protec-tion. After all, he said to himself, userswould rather call a product PLEXIGLASthan X1O4b. How right he was.

    2011. PLEXIGLAS is one of the worldsmost famous brands of plastic. It has be-come the embodiment of acrylic (chemicaldesignation: polymethyl methacrylate, or

    PMMA for short). Development engineersare still working on new visionary ideasfor using this material today. They keeptrying out new products, rejecting someand improving others. They look outsidethe box for inspiration and innovative ways

    He researched, tested,failed and started again.Untiringly. With never-ending inspiration: thepioneer of PLEXIGLAS,Dr. Otto Rhm.

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    to realize projects that would not be pos-sible without PLEXIGLAS. That is whatcontinues to drive them. In their heads,they create whole new worlds. We pro-duce material for inspired minds that shapethe future, says Dr. Viviana Steiner, BrandAmbassador at Acrylic Polymers . We setourselves no limits, and we hope ourcustomers dont either. Isnt that ratherout of touch with the real world? No, shedoesnt think so. We look to the future

    without forgetting our origins. That iswhat makes us unique. Our actions arebased on reliability and quality.Otto Rhm would certainly have agreedwith that and maybe hed be perplexedall over again.

    PLEXIGLAS is an extremely well-knownbrand. In France and Italy, for example,100% of B2B customers are familiar withthe brand, compared with 99% in Germanyand 97% in Spain. PLEXIGLAS is alsowell known in China, by almost two thirdsof the people.

    Two brands, one product: Evonik markets PMMAmolding compounds and sheet materials in theAmericas under the ACRYLITE trademark.Everywhere else in the world, the trademark isPLEXIGLAS. This is because of the separation ofthe German and American branches of the businessafter World War II.

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    The PLEXIGLAS family

    PLEXIGLAS is not just another plastic.It combines a plethora of properties andoffers a unique range of solutions forhighly specific applications. From impact-resistant and heat-reflecting to specialsurface textures, wooden look-and-feelto solar applications: over the years, thePLEXIGLAS family has produced special-ists for the most diverse requirements.These have now been grouped togetherunder names that reveal the materials key

    property at first glance. The family brandsmake for uniform presentation worldwide,explains Brand Ambassador Dr. VivianaSteiner. They apply equally to moldingcompounds and sheet material and toour two trademarks: PLEXIGLAS through-

    out the world except in the Americas,where we market our products under theACRYLITE trademark. This makes it easierfor customers to find the product theyseek, as they can see right away what thename stands for. PLEXIGLAS Satinice, forinstance, denotes light-diffusing materialswith a matte satin surface; PLEXIGLASTextures refers to the surface structure.Dr. Viviana Steiner: The new uniformbrand families make PLEXIGLAS fit for

    the future. They also enable us to meetcustomer wishes for a clear and easy-to-understand nomenclature.

    The PLEXIGLAS familycontains 14 brands. Theirnames are self-explanatory

    and refer to the keyproperty of the relevantmaterial.


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    Making its mark on the future. A good signature brand mark always captures the essenceof a brand. It expresses and visualizes what a brand embodies, what it represents, andwhat makes it special. And it does so in quintessential form, for a brand mark constitutesthe maximum degree of visual condensation of a brand. Brands are energy, says BenRnger, the owner of XEO, a brand agency. And brands thrive on the intensity of the

    emotions they elicit. The same is true for the brand mark which has to be more than justlegible and compelling in terms of its color or graphic visuals. It needs to make the essenceof the brand perceptible to the beholder. PLEXIGLAS is an inspirational material, a plastic that can be used to shape the future,says Rnger. Meaning it is full of dynamic to inspire infinite possibilities. To underscorethis fact, PLEXIGLAS is launching a new brand mark. As they steadily increase in size, its

    three curved elements open themselves up to join beholders on their journey to inspiration.The new brand mark for PLEXIGLAS, the Swing, symbolizes openness, dynamism andboundless creative versatility.

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    Evonik Rhm GmbHAcrylic Polymers Business LineKirschenallee

    Darmstadt, GermanyPHONE + -FAX + -www.plexiglas.net

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    P L E X I G L A S